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Daily Recaps Archives | 2011
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October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011

As the Ex Returns

At Brandon and Nadia's house, Brandon revealed that he had ordered a chain saw to be delivered, so that he could trim some trees. Nadia was nervous about Brandon taking a chain saw to their trees, because she didn't think that Brandon knew what he was doing. Brandon decided to show her his mad tree climbing skills to dispel her fears. Nadia burst out laughing, and then admitted that he was a "hot little monkey."

Later, Nadia was on the set of Divorce Invitations, the movie that she was filming, when her publicist, Tom Spriggs called. Tom revealed that the San Diego Padres wanted Nadia to sing the national anthem before a game. Nadia confessed that the thought of singing the "Star Spangled Banner" was her worst nightmare. She explained that she had flubbed a bit the last time that she had sang the national anthem at Fenway Park, before a Boston Red Sox game. In their private interview, Brandon admitted that he was happy for Nadia.

The following day, Fary stopped by for a visit. Brandon entered the living room, but Fary coldly ignored his greeting. Brandon sat down next to Nadia as she told her mother about the opportunity to sing the national anthem at Petco Park. Fary reminded Nadia that Nadia had messed up the last time that Nadia had sang the "Star Spangled Banner," but Brandon was more supportive. He pointed out that some of the best singers in the world had made mistakes signing the national anthem, and then assured Nadia that he and Fary would be there for Nadia. Brandon suggested that their presence might be a good luck charm.

Fary decided that she would hire a vocal coach to give Nadia pointers. Fary then assured her daughter that Nadia's father would be watching over Nadia. Fary became misty-eyed when she told Brandon that Nadia always thought of Ulf Bjorlin when Nadia sang. Fary then recalled a time that Nadia and Ulf had performed together. According to Fary, Nadia's parents had been proud of their daughter. In her private interview, Nadia revealed that her father had passed away when Nadia had been nine years old.

Meanwhile, Fary suggested that acting was one thing, but singing was for Ulf. The following day, Nadia's singing coach, Bob, arrived. Nadia admitted that she was both excited and nervous, so she hoped that Bob could give her some good tips. Bob reminded Nadia of how to breathe while she sang, and then gave her pointers to improve her performance, and reduce her anxiety.

The big day arrived for Nadia, but she started to panic when she, Brandon, and her family got stuck in traffic. Nadia reminded them that the same thing had happened when she had performed at Fenway Park. Brandon remained calm as he navigated through traffic. Nadia and her brother, Kai, jumped out of the car when they arrived at Petco Park, and then sprinted to where Nadia had to be, just minutes before Nadia was scheduled to perform. Brandon and Fary arrived in time to see Nadia introduced, and then step out onto the field.

Nadia performed the "Star Spangled Banner" flawlessly. Afterwards, she admitted that the performance had been a complete joy. The following day, Nadia was going over her script in bed, when Brandon joined her. Brandon confessed that he had enjoyed spending time with Fary without her criticizing him. Nadia suspected that it was because Brandon and Fary had been worried about Nadia, and that they were there to support her. Brandon agreed.

Brandon then surprised Nadia by giving her a small gift. Nadia opened it, and then welled up with tears when she realized that it was a framed photograph of her and her dad taken at her sister's wedding. Nadia had performed a song, and her father had accompanied her on the piano. Nadia was curious if Brandon had gotten the picture from Fary. Brandon laughed, and then reminded her that Fary wouldn't give him anything. He explained that he had his sources.

Nadia was deeply touched, so she thanked Brandon, and then ordered him to get naked.

Farah Cam captured Farah and JP, while they were driving to Lexington, KY to visit Farah's family. Farah explained that they had also been scheduled to do a photo shoot for Angels Envy bourbon. In their private interview, Farah confessed that her father had gotten her started on bourbon around the age of five. JP added that bourbon was as important to Kentucky as oxygen. According to JP, Kentuckians considered drinking bourbon on a horse, while watching a University of Kentucky basketball game, to be the highest honor.

In Kentucky, Farah and JP got ready for their photo shoot. Lisa, Farah's mom, Greg, Farah's father, and Victoria, Farah's sister, were on hand to watch. After the photo shoot, Victoria revealed that a fan had requested a moment of Farah's time. Farah went to the window to see who it was. Farah immediately recognized the fan as someone she had met on several occasions. According to Farah, the woman was a huge fan of Nadia's.

Farah revealed that one night, she and Nadia had gone out to dinner. Nadia had tweeted about it, so the fan had called the restaurant to speak to Nadia. Farah had no idea how the fan had learned where Farah was, but she agreed to say hello to the woman. JP decided to join Farah, so they went outside. The woman hugged Farah, and then revealed that she had read about Farah's photo shoot from Facebook.

In her private interview, Farah insisted that she didn't think of any fan as crazy, because she realized that she wouldn't have had such a long career in daytime television without them.

Later, Farah was at her mother's house, in the kitchen, helping Lisa and Victoria make southern green beans. Farah was fascinated with a new can opener that her mother had bought, because it opened a can without any assistance. Victoria snagged Farah's attention by asking if JP had gone golfing with their father, Greg. Farah admitted that they had, so Victoria was curious if JP were any closer to buying Farah an engagement ring. Farah wondered what would shock Lisa more: Julian proposing to Victoria within the year, or JP proposing to Farah. Without hesitation, Lisa replied, "JP."

In her private interview, Farah revealed that she had a traditional southern family, so the subject of marriage would continue to be an issue. Farah added that she had two cousins, in their early twenties, who were married and planning families, so Farah's family was stunned that it wasn't happening for Farah.

On the golf course, Greg suggested that if he made a difficult putt, then JP would put a ring on Farah's finger. JP offered to marry Farah the following day if Greg made the shot. JP was relieved when Greg missed it. Greg used the opportunity to talk to JP about marriage, but JP continued to joke around to avoid having to answer the difficult questions. In his private interview, JP admitted that he didn't know if he was ready to stop dating, so he hoped that people like Greg didn't think negatively of him, because he wasn't ready to get married. On the golf course, Greg mentioned children, so JP revealed that he intended to get a vasectomy at his bachelor party.

Farah was at a local bar, waiting for her father to arrive, when she spotted a wedding party across the street. On Farah Cam, she revealed that she knew the bride, and the bridesmaids, but she didn't want to interrupt the bride's special day. Farah admitted that it seemed like there was a wedding every weekend.

Later, Farah's father arrived. He had a folder filled with pictures, which he asked his daughter to autograph, so that he could give them out when people asked him for them. Farah signed the pictures, and then Greg raised the topic of marriage. He realized that Farah and JP loved each other, but he reminded her that her biological clock was ticking. Greg thought that Farah should to ask herself if she wanted children. He suggested that she might need to find someone new, if the answer was yes.

In her private interview, Farah admitted that she was sick of talking about whether or not she was going to get married. She realized that her father wanted what was best for her, but she felt a lot of pressure to get married.

In the bar, Farah explained to her father that she had always been a career oriented person, and that she still had a lot to accomplish. Farah confessed that she was content not to be a mother. Greg was curious how she felt about marriage. Farah insisted that JP was just the icing on her cake, not the actual cake. Farah claimed that she would be happier if one of her parents, who had been divorced since she was eight, remarried before she did. Greg claimed that all he needed was a bucket of chicken, and some bourbon.

Greg and Farah agreed to see each other at Christmas, exchanged a hug, and then left. On the way out, Farah was curious if he were happy that her character was no longer dead on One Life To Live. "Yes," Greg answered. Farah wondered if he had cried during her death scene. "Yes," Greg admitted.

In her private interview, Farah realized that it had been overwhelming for JP to spend time with her family, because he had to field so many questions about marriage. She decided that she wanted to pull him away for some time alone to talk and reevaluate things. At a park, Farah conceded that JP had been in a difficult position with her parents. She explained that he's thirty-one, not seventeen, so those were the kind of things that adults discussed. JP avoided talk of marriage by telling Farah how beautiful she was. In her private interview, Farah admitted that she was confident that JP would propose marriage to her, but she wanted everyone to leave him alone, so that he could do it on his own time.

Kelly Cam captured Kelly at the airport as she waited to board a flight to Pennsylvania to visit her family. Kelly confessed that it had been a couple of years, since she had seen all of her sisters together at once. She was frustrated when she realized that her flight had been delayed five hours. She eventually got on the plane, and then landed in Pocono Pines, PA. Kelly arrived at her parents' home, where she was warmly greeted by Carmina and Al Monaco. Kelly explained that her mom was the rock of the family, and that Carmina had done a wonderful job raising all of her daughters to be loyal and independent.

Carmina was immediately concerned about Kelly's weight loss. Kelly insisted that she was muscular, but Carmina argued that she's seen plumper turkey legs than her daughter's thighs. Kelly was confident that she weighed 98 lbs, but Carmina didn't believe her. Carmina fetched the scale, and then demanded that Kelly get on it. Kelly was stunned to see that she weighed 92 lbs, fully dressed. Vindicated, Carmina insisted that Kelly eat.

In her private interview, Kelly claimed that she was glad that her mom had called her out on her weight loss. Meanwhile, Carmina moved on to the subject of Kelly's dating life. Carmina decided that it was time for Kelly to start dating, so she suggested that Kelly consider going on a show like "The Bachelorette," but Kelly flatly refused to consider it. Kelly warned her family that she had high criteria for men, and then jokingly suggested that they needed a big [penis]. Later, Kelly flopped down on a bed with her mom and sisters, who continued to give Kelly a hard time about her weight loss.

Kelly changed the subject by asking who would be at The Jubilee, a restaurant, later that evening. Carmina suggested that they were expecting the usual people, so Kelly was curious if that included her ex-boyfriend, Mike. Carmina admitted that Mike might stop by for a moment, but Kelly insisted that she didn't think it would be appropriate. In her private interview, Kelly explained that her family had remained in close contact with Mike, because Kelly's nephews had grown up with Mike in their lives. In the bedroom, Carmina assured Kelly that she would call Mike to ask him to stay away.

In her private interview, Kelly acknowledged that her breakup with Mike hadn't been easy on Kelly's family because Mike had been in their lives for a long time.

Later, Kelly and her family arrived at the restaurant. Kelly revealed that her first job had been in the family-owned restaurant, so she was always warmly welcomed. Carmina whispered to Kelly that Mike was there. Just then, Mike approached Kelly, so everyone gave Kelly and Mike some privacy to talk at the bar. Kelly said nothing, as Mike greeted her, and then asked how she was doing. Kelly wondered why he was there, so Mike reminded her that it was his hang out too.

Mike told Kelly that she looked great, and then sat down next to her. He explained that he'd had time to reflect on his mistakes, and that there would never be a time in his life when he wouldn't want her. According to Mike, Kelly was the love of his life. He assured her that if he could take back the things that he had done to hurt her, he would. Kelly argued that his actions spoke louder than words.

Kelly reminded Mike that he had been her best friend, but he had betrayed her. Mike expressed concern about Kelly, because she was living in California alone. Kelly confessed that she resented how he always made her feel like she couldn't take care of herself. Mike promised that it had not been his intention, and that he simply wanted what was best for her. Kelly explained that she didn't want to hate him, but he had killed her soul. Kelly didn't see that anything had changed, so it was over for her.

Kelly added that Mike couldn't love her, if he didn't love himself. In her private interview, Kelly admitted that a part of her was glad that he had shown up, because it had allowed her to "put a few more nails in the coffin." At the bar, Mike was surprised when Kelly revealed that she had burned her prom dress. Kelly then added that she had thrown the rest of his things in the dumpster, and that it had felt good. Mike apologized to her, wished her well, and then hugged her, before he left. Moments later, Carmina approached her daughter to see how Kelly was doing.

Kelly explained that she wanted unconditional love, so Carmina reminded her daughter that loving unconditionally was different than loving blindly. Carmina didn't want Kelly to change who she was, because Carmina loved Kelly as she was. In her private interview, Kelly admitted that she appreciated her family, because they were the most loving and supporting family that she could have asked for. Kelly added that she was ready to close the chapter on her life with Mike, and move on.

The following day, Kelly and Carmina walked along the beach. In her private interview, Kelly explained that she needed her mother to understand her position with Mike. Kelly insisted that she was done with Mike, so she needed her family to help her move on by pulling away from Mike too. At the beach, Kelly revealed that she loved being home with her family, but it was difficult knowing that Mike lived in the same town. Kelly didn't want to have a repeat of the night before, so she needed her family to distance themselves from Mike, and his family. Carmina insisted that Kelly was her daughter, and that she had been the link that had joined their families.

Carmina assured Kelly that she would respect Kelly's wishes. Kelly hugged her mother in gratitude.

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Recaps for the week of October 31, 2011 (Following Week)


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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