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Daily Recaps Archives | 2011
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November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Days of Our Mama Drama

At Kelly's house, Kelly was on the phone with her mother. Kelly revealed that she was expecting her best friend, Lauren, to arrive. In her private interview, Kelly explained that she hadn't seen her friend in two years, because of Mike. Kelly was apprehensive, because she had no idea what would happen when Lauren arrived. Moments later, Lauren knocked on the front door. Kelly ended the call with her mother, and then answered the door.

The two friends shared a hug, and then Kelly invited Lauren in. In her private interview, Kelly admitted that she and Lauren had shared a special connection until Lauren had battled Hodgkin's lymphoma. Kelly confessed that her breakup with Mike had zapped Kelly of the strength to be there for Lauren during Lauren's bout with cancer. Kelly felt tremendous regret over that. During the visit, Kelly admitted that it seemed as if time hadn't passed, but Lauren reminded Kelly that they had only seen each other once, in 2009. Kelly assured Lauren that it hadn't been personal.

According to Kelly, she and Lauren had each been going through traumatic things in their lives. Kelly had shut people out of her life, to spare them the drama of her troubles with Mike. Lauren admitted that she had been deeply hurt, because she had been left alone to deal the cancer. Lauren confessed that she had waited every day for Kelly to show up at the hospital, but Kelly had never arrived. Kelly apologized, and then confessed that she had missed Lauren. Lauren graciously forgave Kelly, and then suggested that they focus on building a brighter future.

Later, Kelly went out to dinner with some friends. A guy tried to ask Kelly out, but Kelly made it clear that she wasn't interested. After the man walked away, Kelly gave him the thumbs-down, and then told her friends about meeting a young girl named Mikayla during an appearance for Children's Miracle Network. Kelly revealed that Mikayla, who was twelve, had leukemia, and that Mikayla had spent a year in the hospital, undergoing four rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. In her private interview, Kelly admitted that Mikayla reminded her of Lauren, so Kelly wanted to be able to give back.

Kelly told her friends that she intended to invite Mikayla to the General Hospital studio, to give Mikayla the V.I.P treatment. Kelly's friends thought that it was a wonderful idea. A few days later, Kelly was waiting with a bouquet of flowers when Mikayla arrived at the studio. Kelly explained to Mikayla that Mikayla would be a part of the show, and that they would do a photo shoot afterwards. Kelly and Mikayla went over the script. Mikayla was slated to play a young girl at the hospital who would ask one of the characters, Dr. Matt Hunter, where the cafeteria was.

Kelly whisked Mikayla to the dressing room to touch up Mikayla's wig, but disaster struck when Kelly tried to curl the bangs with a curling iron. The bangs were burned off, which ruined the wig. The hair stylist explained that the problem was that the wig had been made of synthetic material, not real hair, so Kelly decided to take Mikayla to a wig store, where Kelly intended to buy Mikayla a wig made of real hair. Mikayla revealed that it had been difficult for her, because the kids at school had relentlessly teased her about her hair loss. At the wig store, Mikayla picked out a wig with long dark hair, so Kelly took Mikayla to a salon to have the wig cut and styled. Afterwards, Mikayla beamed with joy, because her it looked like her natural hair.

In her private interview, Kelly admitted that Mikayla was an inspiration, so Kelly refused to waste another second without her friend Lauren in her life. At the studio, Kelly watched with motherly pride as Mikayla filmed her scene with actor Jason Cook.

In New York, Farah picked up some breakfast for herself and JP before she headed to the One Life to Live studio. Farah explained that she and JP liked to have breakfast with each other on the days that they worked together. JP was disappointed with his breakfast, so he headed to a nearby street vendor to get something else to eat. He bumped into some fans while he was out, so he ended up signing autographs, leaving Farah alone in the dressing room, grumbling.

In their private interview, Farah acknowledged that she bossed JP around a lot, but she did it out of "care and love." "Don't you agree?" she asked JP. JP began to stutter, as he tried to respond. Farah became frustrated, so she griped about his stuttering, and then quickly apologized when she realized that she had sounded harsh.

Later, Farah tried to prepare for a scene on the set of OLTL. She complained that the lines weren't sticking with her, because she was in unknown territory. In her private interview, Farah explained that her character, Gigi, had died of carbon monoxide poisoning, so she had to play a ghost and her evil sister, Stacy. Farah felt overwhelmed by the storyline. In her dressing room, Farah and JP discussed the fate of her character. Farah believed that a person didn't make it in the soap world, until their character had returned from the dead. JP recalled that his character, Rex, had been in a coma once, and that Rex had also had an out-of-body experience, but Farah insisted that it wasn't the same.

A few days later, Danny and Farah talked about Danny's new product line. It was a lip-plumper that used Viagra as an active ingredient. Farah was excited about working with Danny on the new line, because she hoped that it would make them rich. Farah confessed that she didn't intend to share a penny of the money with JP, because he was cheap. According to Farah, JP lived in a child-like world, and that he wouldn't have pursued acting if he hadn't met her.

In her private interview, Farah insisted that if she weren't pushy, then JP would be stuck in a "La-la-JP-land," so he needed her. Farah suggested that perhaps she should be JP's manager.

Later, Farah met Nadia at a spa for a nail product promotional event. Farah was excited because it meant that she and Nadia would get free manicures and pedicures. As the ladies were being pampered, Farah confessed that Fary was entertaining and hilarious, but Farah felt bad for Brandon, because Fary "totally bags on him." Nadia admitted that it was the story of Nadia's life, so Nadia had become desensitized to Fary's comments. Nadia doubted that her mother would accept anyone that Nadia dated, so she hoped that Brandon didn't take Fary's criticisms personally. Farah confided that it was mind-boggling that Fary would treat Nadia like that.

The following day, Farah went shopping with "her boys." She hoped that Nathaniel and Danny would help persuade JP to buy some new clothes. JP was less than enthusiastic about the shopping trip, so Farah reminded him that he would need something to wear when he went for auditions after OLTL ended. Nathaniel and Danny offered to help tweak JP's wardrobe, but JP wasn't interested.

In her private interview, Farah confessed that it was frustrating to discuss clothes with JP, because it was impossible to get JP to even change his pants. JP argued that he didn't need Farah to run his life, and that she sucked the life force out of him. In the store, JP eventually agreed to try on an outfit, but he made it clear that he was not happy about it. Farah gave up, so she decided to leave.

Later, JP and Brandon met for lunch. They were startled when they realized that they were both left-handed, like several other famous people, including President Obama. JP then shifted gears by talking about the disastrous shopping trip with Farah, who had yelled at JP for not wanting to buy a cardigan. Brandon admitted that it seemed like Farah yelled at JP a lot, and bossed him around.

In their private interview, Farah wondered if JP thought that she was controlling. JP tactfully replied that she was bossier than he was. Farah gave him a look, prompting JP to ask, "What?"

At the restaurant, Brandon suggested that JP needed to pick and choose his battles. Brandon then invited JP to meet his family. Brandon revealed that Fary hated Brandon's family, but Brandon put up with Fary for Nadia's sake. However, Brandon wished that Nadia would stick up for him occasionally, by telling her mother, "Mom, don't talk like that about my boyfriend. I am happy, and if you want to bring that crap into our world and over our house then don't come here." Brandon conceded that he doubted that Nadia would ever do that, because she was unable to stand up to Fary.

Brandon insisted that Nadia was the only person who could talk to Fary about it. JP advised Brandon to discuss Brandon's concerns with Nadia.

Later, Farah surprised JP with a day of golfing. JP was delighted, as he tried to teach Farah the basics of golfing. Farah became frustrated, because she had no idea what she was doing, but JP remained patient. As the game progressed, Farah revealed that she had another surprise for JP. Farah revealed that she had arranged for them to have lunch on the eighteenth hole. JP noticed a card on the table, so she invited him to open it. It was a complimentary membership to the golf course for when he moved to Los Angeles.

JP confided that it was the nicest thing that anyone had ever done for him. Farah promised JP that she would ease up on him, but she insisted that she only wanted what was best for him.

At Nadia and Brandon's house, Nadia called Fary to invite her mother over to spend time with Brandon's family. There was a long pause, and then Fary claimed that she had a cold. Nadia didn't think that Fary sounded sick, but Fary stuck to her story. In her private interview, Fary explained that she did not respect Brandon's parents. "He came from garbage, he is garbage," Fary concluded.

Brandon's father, stepmother, and brother arrived for a visit. In their private interview, Brandon confessed that their home was a calmer place when his family was around, in comparison to when Nadia's family was around. "Hey, watch it," Nadia replied. Brandon dared her to disagree, so Nadia reluctantly admitted that he was right. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Brandon's stepmother insisted that Nadia and Brandon had a fantastic home, but it needed children. Brandon joked that they could always babysit the neighbor's children.

In their private interview, Brandon acknowledged that he and Nadia had discussed having children. They agreed that they wanted to have kids, but Fary presented a problem.

At the house, Brandon admitted that he was disappointed that Fary hadn't stopped by to see his parents. Brandon's father was curious how Fary was doing, so Nadia explained that her mother had the flu. In his private interview, Brandon revealed that he doubted that Fary was sick. He was hurt, because he knew that Fary disapproved of him and didn't like his family.

After Brandon's lunch with JP, Brandon decided to broach the subject of Fary with Nadia. Brandon reminded Nadia how much his parents loved Nadia, but he admitted that it was difficult dealing with Fary's hostility. Nadia started to defend her mother, but Brandon explained that he would never put up with his father talking about Nadia the way that Fary talked about Brandon. Nadia's eyes welled up with tears as Brandon assured Nadia that he knew that the situation was difficult on her. Nadia admitted that she didn't know what to do. Brandon suggested that Nadia was the only person who could get through to Fary.

Brandon reminded Nadia that Fary didn't have the right to say cruel things, such as threatening to kill Nadia if Nadia had children with Brandon, simply because Fary was Nadia's mother. Brandon insisted that Fary should try to make Nadia happy, instead of allowing Fary's negativity to affect Nadia's relationship with Brandon, and their lives.

Later, Nadia invited Fary over for a talk. In her private interview, Nadia confessed that she was nervous, because it wasn't in Nadia's nature to be confrontational. At the house, Fary sipped on champagne as Brandon told Fary that his parents had been sad that they hadn't had an opportunity to see Fary. Fary was unapologetic as she suggested that it had been good for Brandon's parents to be sad not to see her, and that she wished that Brandon was sad, too, when he didn't get to see Fary. Brandon assured Fary that he was, but Fary called him a liar.

Fary claimed that he saw her, at most, twice a year. Nadia pointed out that it was difficult for Brandon to be eager to see Fary when Fary always criticized him. Fary replied, "You criticize people who, they are dating your daughter, because you try to make them what education or manners they not got, because they can't say, 'Thank you, Fary.' That is reason you can't win my heart." Brandon appeared frustrated as Fary then complained that he behaved as if he were the "King of Hollywood." Nadia insisted that Brandon was polite, so Fary suggested that Brandon speak for himself.

Brandon explained that it was pointless to defend himself to Fary, because Fary needed to hear what Nadia thought of him from Nadia. The argument continued to escalate when Nadia accused Fary of never approving of any of Nadia's boyfriends. Fary insisted that she had approved of a few, but Brandon disagreed. He recalled Fary had once accused one of Nadia's boyfriends of being a drug dealer. Fary quickly clarified that she had said that Brandon was a drug dealer. Nadia and Brandon were outraged by the bold-faced lie. Nadia insisted that Fary's hateful comment was a perfect example of the nasty things that Fary had made up about Brandon.

Fary quickly tried to amend her remark by suggesting that Brandon had confessed to a friend about being a drug dealer, but Brandon demanded to know the name of the person whom Fary was referring to. Fary tried to turn the tables by accusing Brandon of inferring that Fary was garbage and a liar, but Nadia had heard enough. Nadia defended Brandon, so Fary claimed that she would have a change of heart about Brandon, and welcome Brandon with open arms, if Nadia would tell her, "Mama, I'm happy with Brandon." Nadia didn't hesitate to tell her mother that she was happy with Brandon.

"Not true," Fary argued. Fary accused Nadia of having too much champagne, and then announced that she'd had enough of the argument with Nadia and Brandon. Fary sarcastically suggested that if Brandon made Nadia happy, then Fary would be happy. However, Fary didn't want to hear Nadia complain in ten years, after Brandon had left Nadia alone and crying. Nadia warned her mother not to project Fary's abandonment issues onto Nadia. Fary insisted that she wanted a man to treat Nadia like a "princess of the world," but Nadia wondered if Fary wanted that for Nadia, or for herself.

Fary continued to rant about what an awful person Brandon was, and then stormed out. Nadia cried, so Brandon explained that Fary was mad because Nadia had finally stood up for herself. Brandon thanked Nadia for her support, and then admitted that it had meant the world to him.

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Recaps for the week of November 14, 2011 (Following Week)


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