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Summaries for the Week of March 11, 2019
The Spencers and Forresters were rocked by news that Caroline had died suddenly. After Diana poisoned Marlena's IV fluids, Marlena went into cardiac arrest. Ryan's body was not recovered, and Sonny tracked down Dante in Turkey. Nikki, Victoria, and Sharon were found guilty.
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Quick Catch-Up: Soap Central recaps for the Week of
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The week of March 11, 2019
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The Bold and the Beautiful

What happened the week of March 11, 2019

The Spencers and Forresters were rocked by news that Caroline had died suddenly

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Flo convinced Zoe that telling Hope the truth was the right thing to do; however, Reese arrived just in time to talk Zoe into perpetuating his lies. Steffy announced that she was leaving with the girls to conduct business in Europe, and Steffy hoped that Hope would have her own child by the time Steffy returned. The Spencers and Forresters were blindsided with the news that Caroline Spencer had died suddenly, and the two families rallied around Thomas and his young son, Douglas.

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» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on B&B.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our B&B Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

Days of our Lives

What happened the week of March 11, 2019

After Diana poisoned Marlena's IV fluids, Marlena went into cardiac arrest


The police arrested Haley. Diana poisoned a box of cookies for Marlena. Marlena almost died from an allergic reaction to the cookies. Brady warned Rex that Eric might go after Sarah. Tripp and Ciara were suspicious that Claire had informed the police about Haley. Rex applied for a job at the hospital. Eric told Sarah about his history with Brady. Nurse Shelly covered for Diana and accused Kristen DiMera of poisoning the cookies. Sarah kissed Eric, and Brady saw them. John confirmed to Leo that he was Leo's father. Leo suspected that his mother had poisoned Marlena. Julie told Ciara that Ben was working for Stefan again. After Diana poisoned Marlena's I.V. fluids, Marlena went into cardiac arrest.

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» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on DAYS.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our DAYS Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

General Hospital

What happened the week of March 11, 2019

Ryan's body was not recovered, and Sonny tracked down Dante in Turkey

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Andre Maddox uncovered that Dr. Cabot had successfully transferred a partial memory from Alex to her twin, Anna. Anna turned to Valentin for help getting a message to Alex. In Turkey, Sonny found an ally in a teenage boy named Dev who helped Sonny track down Dante. Raj gave Dante an extraordinary order. Alexis had a vivid dream about Julian that had her reaching for a bottle, but she called Finn before she took a drink. Molly questioned if Dawn of Day was a cult when Kristina cut off her friendship with Valerie for not accepting Kristina's new DOD friends. Molly informed Michael what Kristina had been up to with DOD. Ryan grabbed Ava as he plunged into the rushing river, but Jason managed to grab Ava's hand and pull her to safety. He also saved Carly, whose baby was safe. Ava was horrified when she realized that the man that she had fallen in love with was her daughter's killer. Ryan's body was not recovered. Elizabeth didn't know if she could move forward with Franco because he had continued to keep secrets from her. Laura confessed that she wasn't ready for Kevin to return home because he hadn't shared with her that Ryan was alive. Chase and Willow agreed to make their relationship official. Sasha warned Valentin that Maxie had questions about Sasha's maternity. Maxie asked Brad to run a DNA test on Sasha's hair sample.

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» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on GH.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our GH Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

The Young and the Restless

What happened the week of March 11, 2019

Nikki, Victoria, and Sharon were found guilty

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Nikki, Victoria, and Sharon were found guilty on all counts and received stiff sentences. Phyllis attempted to offer her support to the women, but Victoria blasted her for her betrayal and vowed that Phyllis would get what she deserved. Nick and Billy agreed to work together to prove that J.T. was alive. Summer and Kyle's friends and family were stunned to learn about their engagement. Rey suspected that Summer was Lola's anonymous donor. Summer insisted that she and Kyle marry before the surgery. Lola woke up and learned that she needed a transplant. Abby hid from Arturo that she and Devon were searching for a new chef to replace Lola as a backup plan. Kyle confided to Mariah that he was only marrying Summer to save Lola. Summer left a threatening voicemail for Kyle when he was late for their wedding. Kyle eventually showed up, and he and Summer wed. On their wedding night, Summer shared her fears about the surgery, and she and Kyle began to make love. Lola wondered why Kyle hadn't returned to the hospital to see her. Phyllis told Kerry about her plan to keep Ashley's new products out of the marketplace. Kerry played an unsuspecting Phyllis and Jack against one another and reported her progress to an unknown person. Tessa was arrested for extortion, and Mariah paid her bail. Devon learned that Ana had lied about her finances when her credit report turned up clean.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on Y&R.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our Y&R Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.



Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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