It was Thanksgiving week. Thankfully, each soap gets a "best" nod. Not just because I am in a festive mood. All the shows really were good. General Hospital was the best of the best.
This year, different denizens of Port Charles gathered together in very different places.
Carly's visit to Sonny in Pentonville hit all the right spots. Of course, there was tortured Sonny. When not being tortured, the mobster tortures others. The show was true to past plotlines. Having been locked in a closet by his evil stepfather, Sonny often talks about his claustrophobia. Carly brought up fears that being pent up in Pentonville might trigger his confinement issues.
In a shout-out to Sonny's bipolar disorder, he said his medication was helping. I say all the time, a character's history (or not-so-bright spots) cannot be forgotten just to have a storyline. GH always gives the proper tip of the hat to the past.
Speaking of hats, I know this is awful, but the insufferable Spencer in his pilgrim hat almost took away the best title. Spencer was his typical bratty self. When he suggested he planned to scold Alfred for the not-so-great appetizers, Nik tried to stop him. Spencer is not a child to be stopped. How about boarding school or boot camp for this kid?
On the episode, he was more amusing than annoying. Loved, loved, loved that Leisl made spätzle for Thanksgiving. The holiday means nothing to her. She is from another country that does not partake of cranberry sauce or sweet potatoes. The creepfest continued at Wyndemere with Faison skulking outside the estate.
Then came the not so happy holiday for Duke and Anna. Not born in the United States, pumpkin pie does not hold that much interest for them. They are, despite recent events, interested in each other. Duke was sprung from prison when Sonny confessed to A.J.'s murder, so he went to the love of his life, Anna.
As chief of police, it was an ordinary workday for her. Duke and Anna danced to the Turkey Trot. Each believed the other had sinned and that their own deeds were almost saintly. After all, Anna said, she'd buried alive Faison, a man of many deadly crimes. Duke pointed out that her head was in the right place, but the way she'd kept him captive was heinous. Anna lashed back that Duke would always love to be mobbed-up.
When Duke told her he was taking over Sonny's business while Sonny was in jail, she knew he did not mean the coffee business -- another nice bit of background. Although I will give a prize to anyone who can tell me what Sonny traffics in. Gambling? It's legal in New York. Drugs? He says he would never do that. Hookers? With free-styling women like Alexis and Carly, who needs to pay for sex? Maybe he deals in fake designer purses? Just let me know.
Back to the scene: their sadness was palpable. Each blamed the other for letting their professional life destroy their personal lives. In a move that said it all, Anna took Duke's photo and shut it in her desk drawer. See how they moved the story and also offered a moral dilemma -- everybody is right, and everybody is wrong.
Off to the sanatorium. Finding Luke in a straitjacket, Alexis set him free. It was great that she did not find it an easy task. Straitjackets are not held in place with Velcro. Since Luke has magical powers, he could have pulled a Houdini and escaped from the jacket. I won't quibble. It was an interesting scene.
Now, off to the Webber house. She's back. Jason opened the door to Helena. He knew her from somewhere but could not remember where. As he headed off to find Elizabeth for her "guest," Helena slipped out. Elizabeth thought he might be seeing things. Jason assured her a very tall, well-dressed woman had been in the living room.
Now for the holiday gathering at the Webber house. It was small, but every guest served a plotline purpose. Jason bonded with Danny. I loved that Sam wondered why Elizabeth would open her home to a former hospital patient. Then she glanced at Jason, had no idea who he was, but changed her mind about Elizabeth making a mistake offering him shelter.
Sam seemed a bit vexed when she thought Elizabeth had the hots for Jason. Look at the guy. Who wouldn't? Stand in line, ladies. Sam handing Danny over to Jason was beautiful. Yes, it was manipulative. Soaps are all about that. Of course it is great to see that, once again, Sam and Elizabeth might go after the same man. It would be great if Jason read to Danny from The Jungle Book -- the same book that he read to Michael.
What a GH Thanksgiving is all about is the Quartermaines' not-so-turkey Thanksgiving celebration. As usual, there was no turkey. This time, the food was tainted. Who ya gonna call? Not Ghostbusters or the pizza place. You call Alice, who marched in with half a dozen pizza boxes. Ned was trilled when Alexis arrived. She did not come with wine -- good thing; Lord Ashton would have downed it. Nope, she came bearing the love of Tracy's life, Luke. How perfect when Luke called Tracy "spanky pants." To remember Edward, all the guest held hands and sang, "We Gather Together," and I had to smile.
Now for the rest of the best in alphabetical order.
The Bold and the Beautiful used the holiday to remind people who wonder, "Why do these people put up with each other?" of why they do.
It was nice to see all the major characters offer reasons why they were thankful for the others seated at the table. Pam's to Eric was especially touching. She thanked Eric for giving her a family. She had a bittersweet recollection that many a Thanksgiving had been spent in a hotel room with her critical mother.
Cheers to Hope. Even Thanksgiving was not going to make her be kind to Quinn. Quinn brought Wyatt's favorite holiday sweet potato casserole. Soon, Quinn was banished from the party. The look on Quinn's face was great -- she had that "I'll get what I want" smirk on her face.
Days of our Lives ignored Thanksgiving. Several new plots were set up. All left questions -- which is good. During his session with Marlena, was Clyde telling the truth about his abused past or playing mind games? Melanie and Chad meeting up was fun. Despite her protests, it seemed that Melanie might forgive him for all his lies and power plays.
The best scene of all was Paul walking into a closet at the hospital, seeing Sonny, and giving him a very deep kiss. It was great that the show let everyone know Paul is gay and has a past with Sonny. I almost felt sorry for Theresa. She was pinning her hopes on a not-to-be dream. Perhaps Paul is bisexual. They have never done that on a soap. Unlike many stories that have never been done, this could be a good one.
The Young and the Restless: I loved the basting of the turkey at the Newmans'. Victor let it be know that he really did not want Paul and Christine at the dinner; it was Nikki desire. In a funny aside to Paul, Christine said, "That went well." That is what a married couple would do.
Nikki's not-so-happy take on the possibility of Paul and Christine starting a family was sad. It was almost the same look as when she was tempted to drink some wine. Dylan's toast to Nikki and Paul was sweet. He said they were his parents. Often it is the little things. When Dylan was offered wine, he said the beer he had was fine. Dylan does not seem to be a wine kind of guy.
Perhaps the most touching soap moment of the week was when Victoria arrived with her infant daughter. It made it more coo-some when she said the baby was named Katie, to honor her godmother, Katherine.
They still had time to set up stories, including two great cliffhangers. Billy, Stitch, and Victoria got calls that the DNA results were in, proving who fathered Katie. Faith treating Avery as if she had the plague was great. Faith is a sweetheart, but it is obvious she has nothing but contempt for Nick's former fiancée.
How about Nick's "the old bear trap" storyline. Looks like Sage finds him. Since she seems to have major nursing skills, she will most likely drag him to her abode. I cannot wait to see Adam's reaction. So, will Nick and Adam (Gabriel) become good friends? If so, another nice plotline possibility.