The long-running British soap opera, Coronation Street, is finally heading to America. The program, which aired its first episode on December 9, 1960, is now airing on the Hulu and Hulu Plus streaming services. This marks the first distribution deal between the U.K.'s ITV network and Hulu.
Hulu and Hulu Plus subscribers will have immediate access to eleven episodes from the current season. New episodes will post daily, two weeks after they were broadcast in the U.K.
In addition to the current episodes, fans will also have access to two Christmas bonus episodes, promised to be jam-packed with weddings, birthdays, affairs, and betrayals.
Noteworthy fans of Coronation Street include Snoop Dogg, Piers Morgan, and Sir Anthony Hopkins, who was once quoted as saying, "Life isn't worth living if I miss an episode of Coronation Street."
The series has given viewers 53 years of daily drama, stunning bombshells, breakups, 39 births, 120 deaths, and 88 weddings. There's no word on how many of those weddings actually made it to the "I do," or resulted in completely legal marriages.
We've got a special video clip to get fans ready for the trip across the pond -- and when you're ready to start checking out the action, head over to hulu.com/coronation-street