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Daily Recaps Archives | 2011
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November 7, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Galen decided to take his eldest son, Dillon, to a Kung Fu class to get his son interested in sports. In his private interview, Galen explained that it would be good for team-building, and health reasons. According to Galen, those had been things that he had been denied as a child. Galen explained that while he was growing up, sports had not been encouraged in his household, and then revealed that a friend had once signed Galen up for Little League. Galen claimed that his father had objected, because Galen had been scheduled to take ballet. Jenna thought that was sad.

At the Kung Fu class, Galen watched proudly as Dillon went through the moves with the other kids in the class. However, the teacher was not pleased with Galen's constant distractions. The teacher explained that they preferred to wait until after each class before showering the kids with praise and encouragement.

The following day, Galen decided to set up the backyard for Kung Fu practice. Jenna was apprehensive when she saw Galen instruct the boys to break a board. A few minutes later, Jensen cried out in pain when he hurt his hand. Galen explained that he didn't want his sons to be "momma boys," but Jenna quickly put an end to the practice, because it was too much. Jenna assured Galen that she was pro sports, but not to the same degree that Galen was.

Later, Jenna was playing with Jensen, while Dillon ran around the house practicing his kicks on the furniture. Jenna was not pleased when Dillon decided to knock down the toy that Jensen had been playing with. She decided to pull Galen aside to explain that things had gone too far. Galen insisted that he simply wanted the boys to have the best chance to succeed, which he had been denied. Jenna pointed out that it wasn't about Galen; it was about their sons. Jenna insisted that they needed to set ground rules, so that Dillon knew when to practice, and when to play.

At General Hospital, Kelly met Meaghan Murphy, from Self magazine. The magazine was interested in doing a photo shoot with Kelly, centered around three of the hottest dance classes in Los Angeles, because of Kelly's history of winning Dancing With The Stars. The magazine wanted to get Kelly's feedback, such as what she enjoyed and what she disliked, about each of the classes. In her private interview, Kelly expressed concern about doing the photo shoot, because of her recent weight issues. Kelly explained that dancing required a lot of energy, which might pose a problem for her, because of her weight loss.

In her dressing room, Kelly conceded that she had been in the best shape that she had ever been in during the competition on Dancing With The Stars. However, Kelly acknowledged that she'd had to double up her calorie intake to avoid dropping too much weight. In her private interview, Kelly insisted that she couldn't afford to lose any more weight.

Later, Steve Burton, her co-star on General Hospital, entered Kelly's dressing room. Steve introduced Kelly to John Gustin, a fitness and nutrition consultant, who had agreed to give Kelly pointers to get in shape for the photo shoot. In her private interview, Kelly explained that she had asked for Steve's advice on how to prepare for the photo shoot. In the dressing room, Steve confessed that Kelly was the thinnest that he had seen her in the twelve years that he had known her. John and Steve agreed that Kelly needed to eat real food to meet her goal.

Kelly decided to take a cooking class with her friends, so that she could learn to eat healthier. Kelly confessed that the class had been an "awesome" way to spend the afternoon.

The day of the photo shoot arrived. Kelly admitted that the Afro-Brazilian and Hip-Hop Dance classes had been fun. They had inspired her to want to do more. However, Kelly was surprised to learn that the Ballerina-Yoga class had been nothing like what she had expected. She was forced to cut up her leotard, so that she went from ballerina to "hooker" in seconds. Afterwards, Kelly revealed that she had been proud of what she had accomplished in the class, and happy that she had been able to maintain a healthy weight.

At Nadia and Brandon's house, Nadia was worried about their upcoming photo shoot with In Touch magazine. Nadia was concerned, because their home was a bit outdated, so she suggested calling Fary, who had once been an interior designer, and her friend Michelle, who also had experience decorating homes. In his private interview, Brandon explained that Fary was hard to please, and had made it very clear that she did not like the décor of their home. Brandon jokingly suggested that Fary might end up putting a Persian rug on their ceiling. Later, Fary arrived to look at the house.

Brandon and Nadia were surprised when Fary admitted that she liked the beige sofa, which Brandon had picked out. However, Fary hated everything else. Nadia realized that she had made a mistake calling her mother for help, because it was clear that Fary wanted to turn their home into a Persian palace. Nadia decided to call her friend Michelle for a second opinion, which didn't sit well with Fary. Brandon suggested that perhaps they could hear what Michelle had to say, and meet in the middle. Fary suggested that Brandon for once "zip it," and let the girls take care of the house.

Brandon pointed out that he had actually been on Fary's side, but Fary was unmoved. The following day, Nadia, Brandon, and Fary decided to go to a furniture store. Fary was not impressed with the place, which she likened to a thrift shop. Fary's mood didn't improve when she met Michelle. Fary immediately accused Michelle of doing an awful job on various parts of Nadia's house, which Fary insisted looked like a hospital. In her private interview, Nadia admitted that her mother could be considered brash.

Meanwhile, Fary warned Michelle that she would never let Michelle decorate her home, because Michelle had thrift store taste.

The day of the photo shoot arrived. Nadia had gone with Michelle's suggestions, so Fary conceded that everyone had different tastes. However, it was clear that Fary was not happy. Fary blamed Brandon for Nadia's changing tastes, but Nadia insisted that she had never liked her mother's style. Fary confessed that she was hurt, because Nadia had asked someone else to decorate. Nadia pointed out that her mother hadn't worked in a while, so Nadia had doubted that Fary could have pulled the furniture needed for the photo shoot together within twenty-four hours.

Fary disagreed, but Nadia didn't believe her. Nadia insisted that Fary had made the claim, simply to be right. Things remained unsettled as the photo shoot started. Fary lingered in the background, making disapproving remarks as the photographer snapped pictures of Nadia and Brandon in their home. In her private interview, Nadia confessed that she was thrilled that the photo shoot had given them the opportunity to get the family room redone, and the chance to get rid of the bulky beige sofa. Meanwhile, Fary was stunned when the people in charge of the photo shoot complimented Nadia and Brandon on their beautiful home.

Fary insisted that the house looked trashy, but everyone ignored her. Later, Fary explained to Nadia that Nadia's house didn't feel like a home. According to Fary, it felt like a store. Nadia suggested that they agree to disagree, because they each had different tastes. Fary argued that it was clear that Nadia was not happy, but Nadia insisted that it was her home, her life, and her furniture, which she liked. Nadia wanted Fary to respect that.

Fary assured her daughter that she was proud of Nadia's success. In her private interview, Nadia revealed that her mother had the best of intentions, but she needed to learn to butt out.

Farah, and her mother, Lisa, had lunch with Nadia and Fary. In her private interview, Farah revealed that she hadn't seen Fary in ages, but Fary was unlike any other person that she had ever met. However, Farah quickly clarified that she loved Fary. At the restaurant, Fary was surprised by how tiny Farah seemed. Farah smiled, and then complimented Fary on looking wonderful.

Fary compared herself to a high-quality Persian carpet; the more one walked on it, the more it shone. Fary then switched gears to ask if Farah had a boyfriend. Farah admitted that she did. Fary began talking about boyfriends who couldn't put a ring on a woman's finger. In her private interview, Nadia revealed that Fary was hilarious when she wasn't your mother.

Meanwhile, Fary warned Farah not to buy a house with a boyfriend, because it would be the biggest mistake. Farah reminded Fary that Nadia was living with Brandon. Fary immediately began ripping Brandon apart by comparing him to Nadia's previous boyfriend. According to Fary, Brandon refused to stand up when Fary entered a room, and he didn't treat Nadia like a queen. Fary explained that Nadia's previous boyfriend had vowed to adore Nadia until the day that Nadia died.

Lisa quietly suggested that women wanted to feel like they were equal in a relationship. Nadia was curious what Fary's idea of a perfect man was for Nadia. Fary insisted that it wasn't about physical appearance, or a "six-pack." Fary explained that the man had to be kind, and have brains.

Later, Farah was at home with Nathaniel, JP, and Danny. Nathaniel suggested that Farah and JP stop looking for a house for the two of them, so that they could get a bigger place for all four of them. JP liked the idea, because it would save everyone money. Farah insisted that she couldn't wait to get out of Nathaniel and Danny's place, because she was certain that she'd love them more if she were in her own place. Danny joked that he was satisfied with how much she liked him, so he didn't need more.

The conversation then drifted to the topic of children. JP was stunned when Farah and Danny revealed that Danny intended to use his own sperm to fertilize one of Farah's donated eggs. Danny looked at JP, and then said, "God knows you won't give her a child." JP conceded that he wasn't interested in raising any children, but he was curious when Farah and Danny intended to have a child, because it was clear that Farah had a "shelf-life."

Later, Farah told Danny that she had a checkup with her gynecologist, so she had decided to look into what it would take to donate her eggs. Danny was curious why she thought the time was right, so Farah explained that it seemed like they had been discussing the donation more frequently lately. Farah assured Danny that she was a hundred percent committed to donating her eggs to Danny. Farah then admitted that it was the perfect solution, because she and Danny wanted a child, but JP didn't. She invited Danny to go to the doctor with her, but he declined, because he didn't want anything to do with "that."

Later, on Farah Cam, Farah sat in the doctor's waiting area. She confessed that she hoped to help Danny, but she prayed that the doctor didn't put her finger in Farah's "butt hole," because that was her least favorite part.

A few days later, Farah waited for JP to arrive home, because her pap smear had been abnormal. JP arrived home, and then started talking about the mousetraps that he had set out. Farah listened patiently, and then revealed that they needed to go to New York, because she had to have surgery. Farah explained that a biopsy had revealed some pre-cancerous cells on her cervix. Farah admitted that she was nervous, because she didn't know if she would be able to help Danny become a father.

Farah was also upset, because she thought that she was too young to get cancer. She also felt responsible for her situation, because she hadn't taken better care of herself. JP insisted that she had done nothing wrong, and promised to be there for her every step of the way.

The day of the surgery arrived. On JP Cam, Farah confessed that she had no idea how she would get through the day. Later, Farah was annoyed because JP had dropped her off, and then had never returned. JP explained that he had tried to find a parking spot, to no avail, so he had driven to their apartment, and then walked to the hospital from there. Farah wasn't satisfied, because he hadn't been there for her when she had the surgery.

Later, at home, Farah complained that JP had made her sign a couple of autographs for fans. She then conceded that she wasn't in much pain. Farah then showed off the flowers that Danny and Nathaniel had sent to her. The card read, "Fat. I hope you didn't die. That would suck. Love (I guess), Danny, and Nathaniel." Farah joked that she didn't expect anything less.

The following day, Danny visited Farah. Farah was touched that he had flown in from California to see her. Danny explained that he was there for JP more than for her, because if she died, JP wouldn't have anyone to take care of him. Farah turned serious as she explained that she would have to wait until she healed before she could donate any eggs. She was flattered that Danny wanted her to be the mother of his child. Danny assured her that if it were meant to be, it would happen.

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Recaps for the week of November 7, 2011 (Following Week)


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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