* Who's Who in Genoa City: Heather Stevens | The Young and the Restless on Soap Central
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Heather Stevens
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Actor History
Dana Schankman and Lauren Schankman
Claire Schoene and Elizabeth Schoene
1979 to 1982
Conci Nelson
1993 to 1994

Born in 1979

Returned in 1993 said to be 13-years-old

Returned in 2007 at about 27-years-old

In 2014 Nikki and Paul remarked that Heather had been born 30 years ago


Genoa City assistant district attorney

Former Genoa City assistant district attorney

Attorney formerly with Baldwin, Blair and Associates

Former interim district attorney

Former assistant district attorney

Former corporate attorney for Jabot Cosmetics

Former assistant district attorney


An artist colony in Europe, with Daniel Romalotti and his daughter Lucy

Marital Status


Past Marriages



April Stevens (mother)

Paul Williams (father)

Dr. Robert Lynch (stepfather, deceased)

Dorothy Stevens (maternal grandmother)

Wayne Stevens (maternal grandfather)

Carl Williams (paternal grandfather)

Mary Williams (paternal grandmother; deceased)

Ricardo "Ricky" Williams (half-brother; deceased)

Dylan McAvoy (half-brother)

Patty Williams (aunt)

Barbara Ann Harding (aunt)

Father Todd Williams (uncle)

Steven Williams (uncle)



Flings & Affairs

Cane Ashby

Daniel Romalotti

Adam Wilson [engagement broken]

Billy Abbott

Phillip "Chance" Chancellor IV

Ronan Malloy

Daniel Romalotti

Crimes Committed

Accepted drugs from Chance while visiting him in jail

Brief Character History

When we first met Paul in his late teens, he and Danny Romalotti were waiters and best friends. Paul was having a fling with Nikki Reed. Both were quite promiscuous, and Paul ended up giving Nikki a venereal disease. Nevertheless, Nikki and Paul have remained close friends through the years. When Nikki decided to clean up her act in order to land Greg Foster, Paul had a fling with April Stevens. April got pregnant, and Paul tried to talk her into having an abortion. She refused to tell her parents who the father was, and they pressured April by telling her she had a twin sister that was given up for adoption at birth because her parents couldn't handle both. April refused the abortion, and Paul turned his back on her. Paul escaped the pressure by joining the New World Commune with Nikki, which turned out to be a scam that Paul helped his reporter brother Steve and Peggy Brooks to expose. After they escaped the cult, Greg Foster fell for April but when Heather fell gravely ill, he encouraged Paul to do the right thing and marry April. They were married and they lived in a shabby apartment. Heather recovered but was a colicky baby and cried all the time. Parental responsibility proved too much for Paul and he and April mutually decided to divorce. April went home to live with her parents in New York City. Paul began the first step in his detective career by finding April's twin sister, Barbara Conway, and reuniting her with her family.

In 1993, April showed up in GC again to visit Paul's mother Mary with 13-year-old Heather. April was badly bruised, supposedly from a car accident. But when Paul asked to be part of Heather's life, April refused, and said they were happy in New York City with her dentist husband Robert Lynch. Robert had adopted Heather, and Heather did not know that Robert was not her real father. After April returned to her family in NYC, Robert beat her, accusing her of sleeping with Paul. Paul and Chris discovered that April was a battered wife, went to New York City, and got her into a support group, but could not convince her to leave Robert.

April returned to GC a year later after again being beaten by Robert over the holidays. Although April was still attracted to Paul, he gently turned her down. Concerned for Heather, whom she left behind, April returned to Robert. When he tried to keep April in line by threatening Heather, April fatally stabbed him with a letter opener, and was charged with murder. To April's relief, Christine Blair and John Silva volunteered to represent her in court. Christine and Silva's dynamic representation won April a suspended sentence due to self-defense. After being reunited with Heather, April told Paul she wanted to begin a new life away from Genoa City. April and Heather returned to New York, much to Paul and Mary's disappointment. April and Heather moved in with April's rich twin sister Barbara who also financed Heather's education at a college in New York. Heather's college roommate, Macy, was murdered. Professor Adrian Korbel taught at Heather's college, and Korbel admitted he turned in a fellow professor for having an affair with Macy. Adrian would later teach at Genoa City University after Heather returned to live there as well.

In 2007, Paul was shocked to meet Heather, who showed up in GC as the new Assistant DA. After months of becoming close friends, he pondered with Maggie over whether or not to tell Heather he was her father. He finally called April and decided to do it. Heather reacted with resentment, but she mellowed toward him since April paid them a visit.

Due to her failure to get a conviction in the Ji Min and Plum murder cases, and the Jabot cream-tainting case, Heather fell out of favor with the new DA. But Nikki hired her at Jabot as their corporate attorney.

Adam faltered in his latest Newman acquisition of Natural Glow, not discovering it happened to be involved in a lawsuit with Jabot for patent infringement. Victor was livid with his new golden child, causing Newman and Jabot to go to battle once again. The night before their meeting with attorneys hoping for a settlement, Adam met Heather Stevens working out at the GC Athletic Club, they clicked and he ended up spending the night. Imagine their surprise when they met again at that meeting where Heather represented Jabot. Heather and Adam became secret lovers due to this conflict of interest.

After many discarded ideas, Victor and Sabrina decided to get married in an old barn near the ranch, and Victor had it cleaned up and decorated beautifully for the occasion. Since Victoria and Nick were still on the outs with them, Victoria turned down Sabrina's offer to be her matron of honor, and Adam was asked to be best man without Victor even consulting Nick. Adam accepted and brought Heather as their first public date. Running into Paul, he seemed fine with their being a couple. But Victor, still carrying a grudge against Heather for accusing him of the murder of Ji Min, refused to allow her in his house.

Adam and Victor were bonding so well as father and son, that Adam took him up on his offer and moved into the main house at the ranch. He and Sabrina clashed at first but they became close due to their similar outcast circumstances. Assuming Nick was in on the scandalous article about Sabrina printed in Restless Style and for Victoria's turning against Sabrina for marrying her father, Victor cut them both out of his will as he added Adam and Sabrina.

The yearly Charity Gala, organized this year by Sabrina and Victoria under the watchful eye of Kay Chancellor, was in full swing with all the Genoa City regulars attending in cocktail party attire. Devon and Ana entertained singing with a chorus. Chloe chose the occasion to announce her pregnancy by Cane just as Cane was proposing to Lily. Adam left Heather on the patio for a moment when mobster Walter tried to hit on her. Nikki and David were playing the happy couple one last time before Nikki filed for divorce. Victor told Sabrina he would send a limo for her, when he left with Michael to meet with Phillipe at the ranch to confirm or deny the story about him and Sabrina. While David was spiking Nikki's drink with enough morphine to kill her, Phillipe was telling Victor the story as he told it to Jack Abbott not Korbel for the article. Paul and JT figured out that David had mob ties and feared for Nikki's safety, arrived just in time to take the drugged Nikki to the hospital. Meanwhile David searched for Nikki, gave up and waited for his limo at the front door. Sabrina was there waiting for her own but was not feeling well and begged David to share his limo to be dropped off at Newman ranch on his way home. David relented, noticed the driver was not the one who dropped them off, but called them Mr. and Mrs. Newman. Eight miles down the road another car ran them off the road and the limo crashed, killing the driver instantly, and injuring both David and Sabrina seriously. Victor was notified by Michael that David and Nikki's limo had been involved in a serious accident, and Victor went to the crash site. David was still being worked on by paramedics, and "Mrs. Newman" had already been transported to the hospital. Victor had flashbacks of the happy times with Nikki, thinking she could possibly be dying. Then he noticed Sabrina's earring in the limo and it dawned on him which Mrs. Newman was in jeopardy. He climbed out of the wrecked limo and accosted David Chow, demanding to know if Sabrina was with him and why. But David was too far gone, and later died. Victor rushed to the hospital to find Sabrina in a near death state. He refused to believe she would die and demanded Michael order specialists, dialysis machines, and organ donors to save her. The family was there to support Nikki who came out of the morphine overdose just fine. Once they heard about Sabrina, Nick and Victoria tried to see her but Victor kept them at bay. Eventually Victoria, who after discovering the lies that Jack Abbott put into the article needed to let Sabrina know that she was wrong about her and ask her forgiveness. Although she did get to see her and they had a nice chat about old times enjoyed together, she never did get to tell Sabrina she was sorry before Sabrina died alone after asking Victor to get her some ice chips. After her death Victor was left alone to say goodbye. When Nikki showed up at the door Victor attacked her, accusing her of bringing David Chow into their lives and causing Sabrina's death. He spat in her face that he wished it was Nikki in there dead, not Sabrina. Nikki was taken home by Nick and had a scary dream where David came to her and evilly told her what a fool he'd made of her, and showed her Sabrina and the child whose death she had caused!

The DA was so impressed with the work that Heather had done (with the help of Paul) to get the goods on Walter Palin and connect David Chow to the murder of Ji Min Kim, he gave her the Assistant DA job back with a pay cut.

Victor left guests waiting at Sabrina's funeral only to have the minister tell them that the funeral had been held earlier privately and her body was already interred. Victor had disappeared, leaving his cell phone, wallet and epilepsy medication buried on her grave. Adam in his concern, decided to change his name to Victor Newman Jr. Meanwhile the stockholders at Newman voted Victoria back in as Co-CEO in Victor's absence and because the ranch was part of Newman Enterprises, she took it upon herself to kick Adam out. When Victor was declared dead in Mexico, Adam was reinstated at Newman and Heather moved into the ranch with him. But that didn't last long when Victor returned alive, kicked them both off the ranch and fired Adam.

After a couple of collapses and hospitalizations, Heather was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr disease.

Adam approached Cane for a job at Jabot, but was turned down. Even his contacts back in New York City suddenly wanted nothing to do with him. When all else failed, he hooked up with Jack to take on Victor, who Jack feels screwed him over again by helping Nick buy them out. Together they went to Bucerias, Mexico, looking for information on what really happened to Victor there, and returned knowing that the dead man from the boat was named Tony Amato. Adam showed Heather the photo of the dead man in Mexico, and she recognized him as Walter Palin AKA Tony Amato, the man responsible for Sabrina and David's deaths. After Adam filled her in on what they found out in Mexico, Heather contacted the Mexican authorities and agreed to work with them to find Victor. Adam and Jack found a publisher for a tell-all book about Victor from the point of view of his long lost son Adam, but he wanted Victor's diary they had told him about. The diary they found in Mexico actually contained only a few comments written by Victor, so Jack hired a counterfeiter from Chicago to complete it, in Jack's own dictated words, admitting to Palin's murder in graphic detail. Adam realized Jack set him up to do all the dirty work with the counterfeiter so they were going to use the dictation to keep Jack involved, but Jack outsmarted them, found the tape and erased it. The police found out that Sophisticate Magazine published excerpts from the upcoming book and their handwriting analysis on the diary confirmed it was written by Victor. Adam admitted to Heather that he was the one who found the diary and was publishing the book to have money to ask her to marry him. He did, and Heather accepted.

Victor was hiding out in France at the chateau he bought for Sabrina, but in his raging anger and depression, burned it to the ground with tears in his eyes. Meanwhile, Nikki, Nick, Victoria, and JT were trying to lead the authorities on a wild goose chase by appearing to meet Victor in Rio. During Nikki's interrogation by Heather and the authorities, Victor made a call to Michael who was acting as her lawyer. He ended up speaking to Heather, telling her he was innocent in the death of Walter Palin, and to leave his family and him alone. He fired Michael as his lawyer, and told everyone this was the last they would ever hear from him. So Nikki called Ashley as the one person Victor may listen to. Meanwhile Nick received a call from a Priest in Paris concerned about Victor who was hiding out at a monastery there. Ashley left her job in London for Paris, but by then Victor had disappeared again. After finding a prayer card for Saint Raymond in his room, Ashley ended up in front of the Saint's statue, and Victor walked up behind her. They had a tearful reunion that ended up between the sheets. Ashley and Victor returned to Genoa City in time for Katherine Chancellor's funeral (who was not really dead, it was her doppelganger, Marge). They sat in the front row and shunned everyone, then afterward quickly left in a waiting limo. Once Heather found out, Victor was arrested for the murder of Walter Palin and confronted with the diary he supposedly wrote about the murder. Victor finally allowed Nikki to visit him in jail, only to accuse her of setting him up by being involved in the bogus diary of how he killed Walter. Nikki FINALLY had enough and told Victor to go to hell!

Jack was questioned by the FBI about his involvement with the diary, but only admitted that he hooked Adam up with the publisher. The forger, Frank Ellis, was arrested for something else, and cut a deal to turn over Jack and Adam. Once Heather started piecing together his story, and with Paul's corroboration that he had seen Adam at the same dive hotel where Jack had a rented room, she confronted Adam with lying to her about his involvement. Adam tried to talk her into marrying him and fleeing the country together, but with broken heart, she had him arrested instead. Once the truth came out about the forged diary, Victor was released from jail after a stern diatribe telling Adam he would not help him, to take his punishment like a man and learn not to ever turn on his father again. Victor returned to the ranch to find that Ashley had moved in. Victor had a memory of the storm on the ship, which gave the impression that he told Walter who he was, then abandoned him on the ship and made it ashore on his own.

Adam was sentenced to 18 months in prison, and it was an entire month before Victor was guilted by his memories of Hope into visiting him. He started out telling Adam how proud he was of him, then ended up yelling at him once again before he left. Afterward Adam began plotting a way to get out of prison. His first step was to finally allow Heather to see him and asked her get him a dermatologist for his skin problems. After Heather visited, she shared her concern with Victor that Adam was showing signs that he was losing his sight. Knowing that Adam could still inherit his mother's retinitis pigmentosa, Victor arranged for a specialist to run tests on him. The next time he visited Adam, he found him beaten to a pulp by the inmates. Ashley begged Victor to get Adam out of prison, as going blind he would have no chance. Victor was unwilling to help because Adam still showed no remorse for framing him for murder. But once again, memories of Hope made him convince the DA to have Adam released into Victor's custody under monitored home arrest.

Victor threw Adam a birthday party, but Adam angered Victor by inviting Heather. Victor gave Adam a Braille computer & Ash gave him a Braille teacher, spurring Adam to consider writing a book about his life. Victor threatened Heather, telling her to go and never come back, then left to find Ashley, so Heather went up to Adam's room. Heather told him she still loved him, was trying to forgive him, remembering the good person she once knew. Then they made love. Ashley has since convinced Victor to allow Heather to see Adam, since what and who else does the poor young man have? Adam is causing his own blindness by injecting his eyes with Botox, hoping his attorney Rafe can get him a "get out of jail free card". He lost enough weight to remove his ankle bracelet, and escapes out his window seeking revenge on Victor by tormenting Ashley, making her think she is losing her mind again. Looks like poor Heather is being made a fool of again.

Suspicious of Adam again, Victor arranged for another specialist to see Adam. In preparation to inject himself prior, Adam broke the vial of Botox, so was expecting the doctor to find him out. But to Adam's shock the doctor declared that due to the puncture wounds in his eyes, he was actually going blind with retinitis pigmentosa. Adam told them he had been subjected to eye puncture torture in prison, and skated through another close call, but he is seriously distressed by the diagnosis, and of course blaming Victor. But Rafe was hot on his trail, trying to clear his Aunt Estella, and confronted Adam. Knowing that Rafe was gay, Adam pretended to be interested in Rafe, and they had a sexual encounter. Afterward, Adam called Heather to come to him immediately. Adam showered, and when she arrived they made love. After finding out from Nikki, Nick told Victor that Adam was gay, and he took it amazingly well. Later Rafe arrived as Heather was leaving and noticed that they had obviously had sex, so Adam told Rafe it was over between them. Rafe later accused Adam of using him, and is suspicious that Adam is behind the gas-lighting of Ashley and framing of his Aunt Estella. Heather found out about Rafe and Adam's encounter, and broke it off with Adam.

Meanwhile a mystery woman took confession with Paul's brother Father Todd, who told Paul he recognized her as their sister Patty. Paul spotted a woman at the athletic club in a blonde wig, recognized her as Mary Jane and followed her. When he confronted her, she pled with him not to turn her in, and confessed that she was Patty. Paul was shocked, but took her to the convent for sanctuary, and called his Assistant DA daughter Heather hoping to get her some help and not jail. Meanwhile Gloria and Jeff found out where she was, and hoping to steal her away to blackmail Victor, Gloria got inside dressed as a nun. Jack saw the standoff at the convent on TV, showed up there, and Paul let him inside. He too was shocked to discover that Mary Jane was Patty, and talked to her. Patty, with a kitten in her arms, had reverted to the young girl they both knew and called "Pattycake", saying she knew that her big brother Paul and Jack would rescue her. Before she would surrender, she insisted Jack marry her, telling him she was pregnant by him. Another ADA was assigned to the standoff once Heather reported, and Detective Chancellor was put in charge.

Several months later, Jack joined forces with Victor to take Adam down if Jabot could be returned to Chancellor. They plotted to get Sharon to lure Adam to the Abbott cabin, and with all he had wronged in attendance even including Rafe and Heather, they confronted Adam with what they knew. Adam played innocent even after Phyllis arrived with a deathbed letter Dr. Taylor had dictated to the ambulance EMT meant for Ashley. The letter told Ashley that she had had a miscarriage months before and a hysterical pregnancy afterward, so never gave birth that night. Ashley remembered meeting "Sabrina" on the stairs and falling, and realized it had to have been Adam. Everyone realized that her baby Faith was really Sharon's. A DNA test later proved it, and Ashley reluctantly gave Faith to Sharon. Everyone went home leaving Adam with Victor, Nick and Jack, but fearing they would kill him, Adam escaped into the woods and fell down a ravine. He was hospitalized and arrested claiming insanity and that he had been kidnapped by the Newmans and Abbotts. Adam escaped and showed up at the annual charity ball in costume. Adam demanded Sharon meet him in the basement or "people would get hurt". Victor, Nick, Jack, Rafe, Heather, Paul, Ashley and Patty went to the basement in search of Adam. Then an explosion rocked the building sending everyone running for the street. Victor and Jack rescued Jill and Kay who were trapped in the restroom, and Nick rescued Phyllis, then Sharon and Faith who had gone back upstairs. It was revealed that a gas line had been cut and a body burned beyond recognition found nearby. The body was later identified as Adam by DNA, and lack of smoke in the lungs proved that he had been murdered before the fire. Suspects were Nick, Jack, Victor, Phyllis, Sharon, Victoria, "Emily", Ashley, Rafe, Heather, Billy, and Nikki. Heather was suspended from the DA's office and Rafe from the Public Defender's office, for their involvement in the incident at the cabin. Some time later after the arrest of Ryder Callahan and the death of Sarah Smythe, Heather was reinstated with the help of Detective Chance.

Victor and Nikki were about to fly Adam's remains to be buried next to Hope in Kansas. But after District Attorney Pomerantz revealed the contents of Adams's computer hard drive to contain video from the spy camera he planted at the ranch and voice clips of Sabrina, Victor instead shoved the casket out the cargo door of the plane.

At the mental institution, "Patty" was visited by her brother Paul and niece Heather. She managed to slip Heather a DNA sample and begged her to help her to prove that she was really Dr. Emily Peterson, that Patty had drugged her and switched places with her. Jack, with Ashley's help, realized that "Emily" was Patty, but she was pretty convincing when he confronted her. After Jack left, Patty flipped out and hacked up Emily's portrait over the mantel. Knowing Emily was allergic to and avoided cats, Jack adopted a cat and let it loose at the door so Patty who loved cats would take it in and prove who she was. Patty took the cat in and told Jack she named it "Cat". Jack did not tip off Patty, but she knew he was going to see Emily in the hospital. One step ahead of him, Patty bleached her hair and took Emily's place after she drugged her and put Emily in a morgue drawer with a Jane Doe toe tag. On the way, Jack broke the news to Paul who had just learned from Heather that the DNA test proved she and "Patty" were not related. While Jack thought he was reuniting with the real Emily, Paul and Heather found a note left by Patty below the slashed painting of Emily at the Abbott mansion saying she was running off. Meanwhile, Emily in the morgue drawer, knew what was going on but was unable to move or speak. Paul then discovered that Patty had signed in to the hospital as Emily an hour before they got there, and started searching for her. Jack dogged Patty to "Emily" until she flipped out. Jack realized she was Patty, and demanded to know where Emily was, saying, "If you love me, tell me where Emily is so he can help her." Patty's answer, "She's gone", sent Jack rushing to the morgue where he found Emily. Sobbing over her body, Jack noticed a tear in her eye, and realized Emily was still alive. He got a doctor to give her an adrenaline injection to her heart, and Emily began coming back. Ever the dedicated doctor, Emily accompanied Jack via wheelchair to help Paul talk Patty out of killing herself with a syringe. Patty was arrested and committed to a facility for criminally insane. Prior to her transfer Patty admitted to Police Detective Chance that she helped Adam escape the hospital. Michael realized Adam may have coerced her to help and she killed him. Paul later got out of Patty that she had gotten Adam his costume for the ball and the drug for the guard because he knew she was Patty and would tell Jack.

Rafe invited his friends to a party at Jimmie's Bar to celebrate the opening of his private law practice. On his arm was his new boyfriend, Tyler. Heather came alone and hit on Chance, causing Chloe to get jealous. On his way to prison, Frank Ellis offered to give Chance and Heather information about the Brett Riggs case and dirty cops in exchange for favors. Then later as she left, Heather found herself locked in her car with a bomb about to explode. Meanwhile, realizing she might lose him, and seeing the perfect couple Kevin and Jana splitting up, Chloe decided to accept Chance's marriage proposal. Before he could respond, Chance had to rescue Heather. The bomb squad deactivated the device and reported the incident to D.A. Pomerantz, telling him it all traced back to the Riggs case. Chance got a new partner, Detective Ronan Malloy, a former eight year Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff. But after running into his boss Sid Meeks as they and Heather went to Elkins to seal the deal, Elkins refused, saying he already had a deal for a country club prison. Ronan got tough with Elkins trying to strong arm him, but Chance stopped him.

a small party was held at the Chancellor estate for Chance and Chloe to announce their engagement. Police detective Chance's new partner, Detective Ronan Malloy, arrived at the party and became friendly with Chloe who was very suspicious of him. Nina told everyone what she thought of Chloe, so Paul had to take her outside and calm her down. After witnessing how Heather looked at Chance, and how much Nina obviously preferred her for her son, Chloe arranged to live in Kevin's spare room to be in the same building in which Heather was living, with Chance staying there nights as her bodyguard. Chance was not pleased, accused her of just being jealous, and tried to convince her to trust him.

After a disappointing turn in their case, Heather and Chance commiserated and ended up making love. Afterward Heather called Pomerantz about her suspicion that Ronan was a dirty cop, and later they found the bug that Ronan had planted in their apartment. Chance admitted his infidelity with Heather to Chloe, and she eventually returned Chance's ring and the engagement was officially broken. Chance tried to arrest Ronan for illegal surveillance, but their boss Sid Meeks intervened and took Chance off the case and replaced him with Ronan as Heather's bodyguard. Meeks was seen talking with D.A. Owen Pomerantz, and they appeared to be the leaders of the drug ring. Later Chance was again arrested for drug possession when he tried to get fellow-officers to turn on Ronan. Ronan admitted to Heather that he had planted the drugs to get Chance out of the picture for Chance's own protection, then Ronan got her fired.

Christine Blair told Ronan, who was actually working undercover with her for the Justice Department, that Nina and Paul were searching for Nina's first son, who was stolen at birth. Christine was afraid that they might discover that Ronan was that son. Chris was unable to disclose Ronan's identity to anyone or she would jeopardize the case. Chloe figured out that he was Nina's son by his birth date, and confronted Ronan with his real name, Aiden Lansing. Ronan admitted he was working undercover and shared with Chloe that two parents, the Lansings, had raised him and sacrificed everything for him. Chloe hoped to get Ronan to warm up to Nina and Chance after the case was closed. But Ronan was reluctant, saying that working undercover, he enjoyed getting into another persona, which appealed to the part of him that felt like something was missing. He said that he could never have a personal life – there was just too much risk. Chloe and Ronan eventually had sex together, but afterward Ronan said it could never happen again.

Ronan convinced Sid Meeks he was on Sid's side, which got him a meeting with the ring leader, who turned out to be D.A. Owen Pomerantz. Pomerantz told Ronan they would not trust him unless he killed Chance, and Ronan agreed to do it. Meanwhile, Chance confronted Chloe about trusting Ronan enough to sleep with him, and Chloe had to tell him that he and Ronan were brothers. At the same moment, Paul and Nina got their first look at an aged sketch of what her son would look like grown-up, which was made from a newspaper photo of Aiden and his grade school football team.

Ronan told Pomerantz that he had set up a meeting with Chance in order to kill him. Later Chance confronted Ronan about their being brothers, and off-screen made plans to trap Pomerantz and Meeks. Just in case things did not go as planned, Chance made sure to spend quality time with his loved ones. Chloe realized what he was doing and begged Chance not to go through with the meeting. Chance left to make amends with Heather. She admitted that she loved him, and he refused her offer to call her father, Paul, to back him up.

Ronan, armed with the untraceable gun Meeks and Pomerantz had given him, met them with their suitcases of drugs at a warehouse. They checked Ronan for a wire and warned him that if he didn't kill Chance, they would kill both Chance and Ronan. Chance arrived at the warehouse and drew his gun on Meeks, Pomerantz and another dirty cop, telling him they were headed to Internal Affairs.

Back at the Chancellor mansion, Nina, Chloe and Heather were gathered with Paul to trace Chance's location by his cell phone's GPS. Nina expressed her distrust of Ronan, so Paul decided it was time to tell her the truth - that Ronan was an FBI agent working undercover in Genoa City, and that Ronan would be there to protect Chance. Heather added that they had not told Nina before because they'd been sworn to secrecy. Chloe then exposed to everyone that Ronan was Chance's brother, and Nina's stolen son. Nina was stunned as Paul received word of Chance's location, and they all left to find him.

At the warehouse, Ronan appeared behind Chance, his gun pointed at his brother, and Paul and Nina burst in just as Ronan shot Chance in the chest. Medics arrived and pronounced Chance dead. Heather and Chloe sobbed while a grief-stricken Nina attacked Ronan for killing his own brother. Meeks and Pomerantz directed the police to arrest Ronan for Chance's murder. As Chance was being wheeled out, Nina realized that he had been saying goodbye to everyone all that day. Back at the mansion, Nina ran upstairs in tears and Paul was left to break the news to Chance's father, Phillip; his grandmother, Jill; Kay; and Murphy. Phillip comforted Nina as she realized that Chris must have known that Ronan was her son all along. When a stunned Chris arrived at Nina's door, Nina slammed the door in her face. Chris tried to justify her actions to Paul, but he rebuffed her as well. Later a uniformed Army officer arrived at the door to help the family make arrangements. He showed Nina his prosthetic leg, and credited Chance with saving his life in Afghanistan.

At the police station, Heather confronted Ronan who claimed he had shot Chance in self-defense. Then Heather demanded that Pomerantz rehire her so she could prosecute Ronan since it was due to Ronan's claims that she had been fired.

A wake was held at the Chancellor mansion the night prior to Chance's military funeral, with his ashes later interred at Arlington National Cemetery. Jill told Nina that Nina was a better mother to Chance than Jill had been to either of her sons, and there was no way that Chance could have been a drug ring leader as the D.A. claimed. Katherine, Jill, and Nina received newlyweds Billy and Victoria, plus Victor and Nikki, Tucker, Jack, and Abby at the Chancellor Estate.

Kevin did his best to get Chloe out of her depression, and he accompanied her to the wake. Nina admitted to Chloe that she was glad that Chloe had allowed Chance to experience love and a relationship as a father figure to her daughter. After Chloe blew up at her mother, Esther, Kevin took her home and attempted to get her to grieve. Everyone told stories about Chance including Nina about how he had always wanted a puppy from Santa, and that once she finally sold a script and they moved to a bigger place, she had gotten him one. After Jill gave a final thank you to the guests and a toast to the wonderful young man Chance was, Kay was overcome and nearly fainted.

Brock returned to Genoa City to officiate at Chance's funeral and Traci Abbott sent flowers and a note. Chloe made a scene when Heather arrived, but Kay put a stop to it. Chance's parents, Nina and Phillip followed the flag-draped closed casket carried down the aisle by an honor guard, and were followed by grandmother Jill with Billy and Cane on each arm, then Katherine and Murphy. Phillip gave a very touching eulogy about how even though he had abandoned Chance when he was a baby, Chance forgave him as an adult. Jill said that Chance had gotten the best of all of those who were around him growing up, from Phillip's warmth and good looks, Nina's devotion and strength, Brock's generosity and forthrightness, Katherine's zest for life, and Esther's loyalty, to her own determination and stubbornness, creating a whole that was better than the sum of his parts. Katherine said a few words about how Chance had enriched all their lives. The folded flag was presented to Nina while a rifle salute and Taps played. Then all who loved him placed a red rose on the casket.

Suddenly Nina cried out, "How dare you!" as Christine arrived with Ronan. Ronan showed his FBI credentials and arrested Pomerantz, Meeks, and their cohorts, explaining that Chance was the one wearing the wire, and the FBI arrived and took them away. The funeral turned into a screaming match with Nina calling Chris and Ronan disrespectful and tried to send them away.

Meanwhile back at the Chancellor Estate, the stress got to Kay, she fainted, and was taken to the hospital, but after a few tests she was declared okay, and they let her return home. After the Attorney General heard Pomerantz on tape giving Ronan orders to "End this, kill him now," he began an investigation of cases in which Pomerantz was involved and made Heather Interim District Attorney until the next election. Paul congratulated her, she asked him to be her Investigator, and he accepted. Later Victor Newman found out and offered to bankroll her campaign if she would go after Adam and see that he paid for his crimes.

Christine arranged for Phillip and Nina to be taken by an FBI man to an out of the way location where they met her and Ronan. Then Chance emerged from the shadows, very much alive. Nina and Phillip hugged him while Chris and Chance disclosed that it was all a setup, and that Chance would be going into the witness protection program, very possibly to never be seen or heard of again. But this was the only way to protect him and keep him alive, and Nina and Phillip had to keep the secret, and no one else could ever know the truth. Nina and Ronan exchanged some heartfelt words as he told her that he had found out she was his mother back when the FBI background check disclosed his illegal adoption as a black market baby, and read her book and knew of the ordeal Nina went through ever since. Sadly, Ronan told Nina that he had to leave with Chance and would be going back undercover, and unable to see her, but he did promise to keep in touch by phone. Phillip told Chance he was very proud of his son, and hugged him goodbye. Chance and Nina parted, agreeing to keep in touch the way they had when he was deployed, to look at the moon at 9:00 PM each night, and know that the other was safe and missing them. Ronan and Chance drove away, and Nina, Phillip, and Christine returned to the Chancellor mansion, and did not say a word about what had happened. But later, thinking that Katherine's health was endangered because of it, Christine told Katherine the truth. Ronan later returned to Genoa City, assigned to help the police department uncover its corruption.

Abby and Victoria's lawsuit against Victor went into mediation, and Victor made them another offer for half of what they had asked. But Victoria decided she wanted Beauty of Nature instead, Abby went along with it, and Victor turned them down flat. At a stalemate, the judge ordered an audit of the Newman books to decide how much money had been mismanaged and if Beauty of Nature was a reasonable settlement. Victor refused and was about to be hauled off to jail, when they were stopped by Heather Stevens, whose campaign Victor was financing. Heather said the case was being reheard by a higher court, and later confided in Victor that she hoped this favor would not reflect badly on her career and campaign for District Attorney. Unfortunately for Heather, Billy Abbott found out and accused her on the Restless Style webzine of using her office to grant Victor favors, and she dropped out of the race in disgrace. After taking office, the new D.A. delivered the news to Adam, then to Heather that he would not be pursuing any of former D.A. Pomerantz's cases, then fired Heather from her Assistant D.A. position. Victor felt guilty over Heather being fired and asked Michael to consider hiring her to help with the workload that Victor was continually piling on him. Michael offered Heather a contract with an opportunity to be made a partner after two years, and she accepted.

Heather noticed how much trouble Ronan had grasping objects, that he took medication, and nearly fainted a few times, but Ronan refused to admit that anything was wrong with him, claiming it was just carpal tunnel syndrome. Nina invited Ronan to spend Thanksgiving with her and Paul at the Chancellor mansion, but he claimed he had to work. So Heather coerced Ronan into going by threatening to expose his health problem to Nina. Days later, Ronan blacked out and Heather took him to the hospital where the diagnosis he'd gotten in Boston of hereditary amyloidosis was confirmed; the same disease his father had died of at about the same age. Heather began to care more and more for Ronan, showing up at his dingy apartment with food, and encouraging him to eat, also to get close to Nina and fight his disease. They ended up becoming lovers, as Ronan found out that his only hope to live would be a liver transplant. Heather convinced Ronan to accompany her to the Chancellor estate to spend Christmas with his mother Nina, and Nina, who was missing Chance, was overjoyed to see her other son.

Ronan refused to tell his mother of his condition, so Heather told her. Nina went to Ronan and assured him that they would fight this together. Because Heather was subpoenaed to be a witness at the former D.A.'s trial, she and Paul listened to a copy of the tape made the night that Chance was killed. Paul recognized the gunshots as blanks, and further investigation revealed that the paramedics who took Chance's body away were fakes. So Heather went to Ronan with their theory that Chance was still alive, causing Ronan to have to admit that he was in witness protection. When Christine found out what Heather knew, she fired Ronan for mishandling the case. Nina was tested, but was not a match to donate part of her liver to help Ronan, so she convinced Chris to tell Chance. Paul was there when Christine and Heather arrived so Nina told Paul that Chance was still alive. Christine told them that Chance was being tested, and if he was a match the donation would happen after Chance testified at the former D.A.'s trial. Ronan tried to leave town, but Nina caught him at the bus station and talked him into staying and fighting this together with her, Heather, and Paul.

One last time, Ronan passed out, and was taken to Genoa City Memorial, where he was told that he needed the liver transplant soon or he would die. Christine showed up to announce that Chance was a match, and that he was in town to testify. Meanwhile, Jill, who was mourning the death of her "son" Cane, was taken to her room to rest by Nina, and there stood a bearded and very much alive Chance. Meanwhile, Jill, who was mourning the death of her "son" Cane, was taken to her room to rest by Nina, and there stood her bearded and very much alive grandson, Chance. Chance said he was there to help Jill get over Cane, and to help Ronan. Jill was miffed that everyone seemed to know that Chance had never died but her, but was just relived to have him back. Heather was thrilled to see Chance again, but made it clear that her love was with Ronan.

Nate Hastings, a Rheumatology specialist practicing in Boston, returned to Genoa City to perform the partial liver transplant on Ronan, using part of Chance's liver. In the waiting room were Jill, Paul, Heather, Nina, Phillip who had arrived from his home in Australia, Kay with Murphy who had just been told about Chance, and Chloe, who was told when she arrived wondering why everyone was there. Chance came through the surgery fine, but as soon as Ronan's surgery was finished, Ronan was taken away by an unmarked helicopter under orders from the FBI. Nate was shocked and very concerned for his patient, saying it was very dangerous for Ronan in his condition. Chris knew nothing about the transfer, and her superiors were not answering their phones. Chance was released from the hospital and was taken back to the Chancellor Estate to recuperate. After Chris got confirmation that Ronan had ordered his own transfer, only Nina still had faith in Ronan.

Waiting for the trial, Chance recovered from surgery, sequestered in his room at the Chancellor Estate. Heather visited Chance and told him that she hated him for lying to her and faking his death, then fell into his arms and they made love. Nina and Phillip threw Chance a birthday party, where he disappointed everyone when he admitted that he was probably going back into witness protection after his testimony.

The trial began and Chance was announced as the first witness. As Chance approached the stand in his dress blues, he got a text message telling him that his girlfriend would be killed if he testified. Chance faked a severe pain to get a recess to discuss the situation with prosecutor Christine, Paul, and his parents. Paul noticed the call had come from his daughter Heather's phone, and Christine got the FBI to try to track it.

Meanwhile Heather was tied up and blindfolded at the boarded-up Treetop Taxidermy Shop, taken and held there by Angelo, the same thug who was threatening Jeffrey over money owed a bookie. Back outside the courtroom, Paul told that he knew what he had to do, and Chance bravely continued his testimony against Pomerantz and Meeks while they glared at him. Chance testified how he had investigated the drug ring, how it had led to the defendants, how he was setup for drug possession, and how people had started getting killed once they knew he was onto them. Chance then told how he and Ronan had set up the sting in which he had faked his death. The recording from that night was played including Pomerantz's orders, the gunshot, and Chance's supposed death. After his testimony, Chance confronted Pomerantz telling him that he would not get away with it, and Owen said that Chance had just killed his girlfriend. The bailiff called Angelo, and Angelo told Heather that she would be killed, but that he was leaving, and someone else would do the job.

Back at the courthouse, the FBI man announced that the van in the surveillance video of Heather's abduction was last seen traveling west on route 12. Chance admitted that he was in love with Heather as he and Paul left vowing to find Heather alive, leaving Phillip and Nina to console each other.

Heather found a knife and was able to cut herself loose, but was unable to get out of the building. In her desperation to get out before her killer arrived, she started the place on fire. Chance and Paul saw the fire from the highway and got her outside where she came-to. As they waited for the ambulance to arrive, Chance told Heather that he loved her, and that she was the one. Later Pomerantz and Meeks cut a deal, and were sentenced to Walworth Prison. Chance laid low living at the Chancellor estate, and discussed going back into the witness protection program with Heather. Heather decided that she did not love Chance enough to give up her life to follow him, so they broke up. Chance then informed his family that he had re-enlisted in the Army. Although broken-hearted and fearful that he was leaving them again by putting his life on the line while deployed to the Middle East, Nina, Phillip, Jill, and Katherine threw a going away Memorial Day pool party, raised a flag, and proudly sent him on his way. Not long afterward, Heather went to New York City to work on a case, then did some traveling. While she was gone, Eden returned to Genoa City and sublet Heather's apartment.

Months later, Heather finally returned and took a room at the Athletic Club until Eden could find another place to live. Paul helped her get another chance to work her way up with the D.A.'s office, but when an Assistant D.A. left, Heather was asked to take his place. Heather was to be second chair on the retrial of Sharon Newman for the murder of Skye Lockhart Newman, but when the DA learned that Sharon's new defense attorney was Avery Bailey Clark, he made Heather the lead. Paul was thrilled that his son Ricky, a graduate student in journalism, had secured an internship working for well-known attorney, Avery Bailey Clark, in Genoa City. But Heather was shocked to discover that her half-brother Ricky would be helping Avery defend Sharon Newman for murder.

After excellent opening arguments from both sides, Sharon's retrial began with Adam as the first prosecution witness. Adam testified to Sharon's infidelity with Sam, and how she had abandoned her children. After Adam said he didn't know if Sharon may have killed Skye, Avery read him the transcript from the first trial where he had defended Sharon saying that she went there to prove Skye was alive to save him, not to kill Skye. Avery made Heather look so bad, that Walsh the D.A. offered Sharon a deal. Although Sharon could have been assured of serving only 18 months more, she refused to admit to killing Skye and turned down the plea bargain.

Chance reappeared in Genoa City several months after he rejoined the military, saying that he had been reassigned by the state department to work with Ronan on the Colin Atkinson case due to Colin's drug trade in the Middle East. After being reunited with Nina, Chance admitted that although he had been working with Ronan, Ronan still had not explained why he had disappeared without a word after the liver transplant. Although Heather had hoped to get back together with Chance and told him that she still loved him, Chance said that it wasn't a good idea and that it was over. Heather was at the Athletic Club bar when Adam sat down beside her, proceeded to get her drunk, and took her up to his room. Adam had arranged for Ricky to take photos of Adam kissing his drunken sister for Avery to use to get Sharon off with a mistrial. But Heather turned Adam down, so he took another room and left her in his room to sleep it off.

Ricky was hoping to use the photos to get a sensational story to work for Restless Style, but he got to know Heather better and realized that she had grown up without their father too, and was quite psychologically damaged from her abusive stepfather. So Ricky declined to sell the photos to Phyllis, and only gave them to Avery as a last resort to save Sharon.

Meanwhile, Phyllis spotted a memory chip in the evidence dredged from the creek for the Diane Jenkins case on Ronan's desk, and they played it. Just as Avery was about to expose Heather to get the mistrial, Ronan and Phyllis burst into the courtroom, and were allowed to present their evidence. After hearing the audio of Sharon trying to save Skye, the judge left it up to the D.A.'s office. Heather dropped the charges against Sharon, and Sharon was given time served for the escape and set free. Sharon thanked Ronan, but Phyllis made sure that Sharon knew it was Phyllis who had found the chip, twice, and had saved her.

Although they ended up not having to use the photos, Phyllis stole them from the courtroom and put them up online with a sensational story about the A.D.A. fraternizing with a witness. Heather was fired as A.D.A. as a result. Ricky filed a lawsuit against Phyllis and Restless Style for using work without payment with Avery representing him, and Avery filed a criminal complaint for theft of evidence from an attorney in court. With her career ruined, Paul said goodbye to Heather, who left for New York City to stay with her mother, April, then Paul tore into Ricky for humiliating his sister.

In June 2012, after D.A. Walsh quit to enter politics, Michael Baldwin was convinced to become the interim D.A. His first act was to request the return of Heather as an assistant D.A. Heather returned and took the job, then kicked her brother Ricky out of her apartment and moved back in. After hearing that Heather had originally taken that apartment as a safe house from someone who tried to kill her, Ricky returned and planted something wrapped as a gift and a camera to watch her open it. Then Ricky taunted Paul with the fact that he had left Heather a gift, and led him to believe that it was a bomb. Paul went to rescue Heather, but found it was just a music box. But Ricky turned out to be a killer, several times over, and Paul had to shoot and kill him when he discovered Ricky about to kill Eden. Afterward, Paul and Heather cried and hugged. Heather warned Paul that he could not leave, but later Paul slipped away, ended up at the sanitarium in Los Angles to see Isabella, and told her what had happened to their son. But Isabella sat with her back to Paul, brushing her hair and humming, and did not respond to Paul.

Due to the conflict of interest with Heather and Michael, Ronan took over as the lead investigator for the DA's office on the case. The police were skeptical of Paul's story since no knife was found, and Eden had suffered a head injury so had been unconscious at the time, and later could not even remember why she had been in Ricky's apartment or why she had texted Kevin. The gun was found to be unregistered with serial numbers filed off, so Lauren had to admit to Michael that the gun had been hers and that Paul had taken it away from her. Paul turned himself in, Avery became his attorney, Heather had to be removed from the case, and Paul told his story. Ronan let them know that due to the lack of corroborating evidence, it appeared to be premeditated murder. Ronan arranged for Nina to fly in from Los Angeles to visit Paul. When Daisy's wallet and cell phone were found to have been dumped by Ricky, Daniel was excluded as a person of interest in her disappearance, and Heather apologized to Daniel, assuring him that he never believed he had been guilty of getting rid of Daisy.

Paul was released to attend Ricky's funeral. His brother Father Todd was in Africa so could not attend. Paul told Ricky's grandparents in California, who were outraged, and would not attend. Mary was not mentioned. At the graveside service Paul reminisced Nina and Heather about a father's day card Ricky had made and sent when he had been seven or eight, of a boy looking up at his father with a smile. Ricky had written about his life, sports, and said he loved him and hoped they would see each other, but how the next year Ricky's card had sent just a happy fathers day card and only signed his name – a big clue that he should have seem more of him. Unseen by Paul, a crucifix was dropped on Ricky's grave. After the funeral, Paul was arrested by Ronan for first degree murder.

Heather found herself being drawn again to Daniel Romalotti, but both tried to avoid getting involved since Daniel's mother Phyllis had recently been arrested for running down Heather's father Paul and Christine Blair with a rental car 20 years ago. But they succumbed to their passion and ended up making love at Daniel's loft, and it wasn't long before they had fallen in love. But then Daniel received word that Daisy had been found alive, but she disappeared again and Daniel filed for divorce.

The judge was taken ill as Phyllis' trial began, and he was replaced. After looking over the case file, the new judge dismissed the case, citing the fact that Christine was not a Federal agent at the time; therefore the statute of limitations had run out, and Phyllis was set free. Daniel and Heather celebrated, realizing that they were finally free to be in love and share it with everyone.

As Paul's chances of being cleared looked more bleak, Heather asked Michael for a leave of absence to work on Paul's case, saying that she could not choose helping her boss over saving her dad, and left with Christine to follow up on some leads about Ricky in California. Christine returned with the video of Ricky killing his former girlfriend Rachel, and she mentioned that Heather had stayed in Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with Daniel and his daughter Lucy.

By January, Daniel returned with Lucy, but only to pack up their belongings and say goodbye. While in Chicago Daniel had been offered an art showing in Savannah, GA, and he and Heather had decided to move there for the duration. A couple years later, Daniel accepted a grant to join the most renowned artist colony in Europe, and they moved there.

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