Mindy Chen, portrayed by Ashley Park, is a French resident who is originally from Shangai, in Emily in Paris. She is an aspiring singer and quick-witted nanny, who quickly connects with Emily after they meet in a park. Moving to Paris changed Mindy's relationship with her family, and the emotional toll of being apart is severe. Nevertheless, she has aspirations and is seeking the bravery to take center stage.
The story of Emily in Paris centers on Emily Cooper, an American who moves to Paris to provide an American viewpoint to a French marketing firm. While in Paris, she faces challenges in her romantic life, work, and friendships.
Mindy Chen’s Background in Emily in Paris
Mindy was born in Shanghai, China, to a Korean mother and a Chinese father who still live there. Mindy calls her father the Zipper King because he has made a lot of money from his business of manufacturing zippers and other fasteners. Being the only child, he hopes Mindy will work for the company and eventually take over the family business. This proposal enraged Mindy, who desired to be independent of her family business. She went to junior high school in Indianapolis, Indiana, in the United States.
Mindy took part in the televised singing competition "Chinese Popstar" while she was residing in China. Her performance was horrible though, due to stage nervousness and technical issues. She became an online meme after people discovered who her father was. She was so embarrassed that she left China right away. She decided to go to Paris to attend business school because she has always desired to live there.
To the dismay of her father, Mindy later left school. In an attempt to get her to go back to China, he cut off her financial support. Mindy, however, decided to remain in Paris and work for herself. She accepted a position as a nanny for a wealthy couple who desired Mandarin instruction for their two kids, Laurent and Sybil.
Mindy and Emily’s relationship in Emily in Paris
Emily's first friend in Paris is Mindy. Mindy can relate to Emily's feelings over the cultural change because she has lived abroad without any friends. Emily's current problems are usually the main subject of the girls' frequent meetings. They are now closest friends who wish each other well and encourage each other in their pursuits.
Who played Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris?
Actress and musician Ashley Jeein Park portrays Emily's first companion in Paris, Mindy Chen, an American nanny of Chinese-Korean descent who wants to pursue a career in singing and feels estranged from a Shanghai business mogul.
Following her 2009 graduation from Pioneer High School, she went on to the University of Michigan, where she graduated in 2013 with a BFA in musical theater from the School of Music, Theater, and Dance. She was a co-founder of the Michigan Performance Outreach Workshop (MPOW) while she was an undergraduate.
In August 2019, Park was cast opposite Lily Collins as Mindy Chen in Netflix's Emily in Paris. "La Vie en Rose" was performed by Park's character in the first season of Emily in Paris. It was the week's most downloaded TV song.
Also read: Mindy from emily in paris
FAQs about Mindy in Emily in Paris
Yes, Ashley Park, who portrayed Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris is a singer with a great musical theatre background.
Yes, Mindy Chen is of Chinese nationality in Emily in Paris.
Yes, Lily Collins (Emily) and Ashley Park (Mindy) are real life friends.