Let sleeping dogs lie

Let sleeping dogs lie
Let sleeping dogs lie

Ashley and Stitch found the chemistry for the new product -- and for each other! Phyllis returned to her home! But which home was it? Fun and frolic during the bachelor/bachelorette parties -- and a bar fight! Will Sharon successfully complete her walk down the aisle? To learn more, read this week's Two Scoops.

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you would blind yourself into believing that what you wanted most would actually happen? I know I have, and even when my sensible and logical mind would tell me that I was just deluding myself, I would still fool myself into thinking what I wanted was within my grasp. My life seems to be governed by Murphy's Law, at times, in that if something can go wrong, it will. The funny (or not-so-funny, depending on how you look at it) thing is that the law only ever seems to apply to me at times like that. Well, at least, that's where the paranoid side of my brain goes when life is at its toughest.

Sometimes I think that I could be starring in my very own sitcom. For some reason, My World and Welcome To It comes to mind. How many people actually remember that unique, classic comedy from the 70s, starring William Windom, that was based on the stories of James Thurber? Because the TV series only lasted one season, I vaguely remember that Windom's John Monroe would give his family advice on life, taken from his daydreams and fantasies. Wow, wouldn't that be a great way to escape reality? I can just picture myself in dreamland, running away from any hardships, saying, "This is my world...and welcome to it." Take that, Murphy's Law!

I think that is the place where Sharon is right now -- in a fantasy world where she believes all of her dreams will finally come true. Sharon has yearned for years to have her loving, happy family back, and she believes that nothing will stop that from taking place. At least, that is what her heart has been telling her. In a sense, this reminds me of the lyrics of "What a Fool Believes" by the Doobie Brothers (written by Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald): "What seems to be is always better than nothing." And that's because we all know, just by her rush to get married, that she is well aware that it could all come crashing down on her. Sharon's now-medicated mind realizes that the secret she harbors could destroy her future with Nick, if that secret were to ever come out.

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But, silly fool, instead of trying to learn the secret, Sharon did her best to keep it covered up, even in her own mind. Doesn't she realize by now that hidden secrets and lies always explode in a big way on soaps? It's no wonder that Sharon had a feeling, labeled by Nick as pre-wedding jitters, once she saw Phyllis' purse. We will just call the glittery gold handbag a symbol of what is surely to come. Sharon recognized the purse from the night of Phyllis' fall down the stairs, and she suspected that her huge secret was somehow tied to that night.

In the meantime, Nick had a bag thrown over his head and was abducted to who-knows-where. I wondered if his captor could be Victor using an over-the-top method to ensure that Nick and Sharon would not be married? After all, this would be the same guy who had his own daughter arrested and jailed to prevent her from marrying Billy. Actually, I really suspected that Nick's friends seized the potential groom for his bachelor party, but more on that later. (Oh, the suspense!)

However, the prenuptial activities may all be for naught, since Victor was organizing his own search to stop the wedding. Oh, that's right, he thought of another extreme way to bring the ceremony to a grinding halt. Thanks to Mariah, Victor suspected that Faith was not Nick's daughter, but I thought we had already gone through all of this. Isn't it bad enough that Summer's paternity is in question without having to mess with Faith's (again) too? Doesn't Victor care about Nick's feelings at all? Nick believes he has already lost one daughter biologically. He would be heartbroken to learn that his little girl wasn't really his. Victor is just heartless. We can only hope that Victor's search proves fruitless and that Faith remains Nick's biological daughter. Please! Seriously, enough is enough.

Phyllis was back on the scene and my, my, my, she's had quite a remarkable recovery. After being in a coma for over a year, she's walking around and talking, just like normal. And her memory must have not been too badly affected since she could not only remember where she had last lived, but she also recollected that Jack had a spare key hidden in a potted plant. If Phyllis was able to recall all of that, can Sharon's secret also still be in the recesses of her mind? Phyllis spotted Nick and Sharon's wedding invitation, so that cannot be good for Sharon. As much as I want Nick and Sharon to remarry, there are just too many indications that this will never happen. The signs are all there. I am bracing myself for the disappointment of yet another non-wedding.

Poor Phyllis! How heartbreaking and confusing that must have been for her to find her picture tossed aside and put away in a drawer. And how traumatic it must have been for Jack to see Phyllis' picture back on the fireplace mantel. Jack must have thought that his house had been taken over by some sort of ghost or spirit, which certainly wasn't impossible, since John has been known to lurk around. Jack wouldn't think it was John, though. Jack yelled out Phyllis' name, but he believed that the not-so-spiritual Mrs. Martinez had placed the picture back on the mantel.

Won't Summer be thrilled to have her mother back? Of course, Summer's world will be turned upside down again if Sharon did switch the paternity test results, but maybe she is getting used to that by now. Austin will be by her side this time, though -- unless Kevin was right in thinking that Mariah was after Summer's man. I wouldn't put anything past Mariah, but she claimed that she would never go after a married guy. I love the interaction between Mariah and Kevin. They are fun to watch and make really good friends, plus they each need somebody right now.

Good for Billy for telling his new ex-wife that his relationship with Chelsea was no business of Victoria's. It almost seemed that Victoria's taboo on future play dates between Johnny and Connor was an attempt to prevent any more playing around between Billy and Chelsea too. Boy, Chelsea had better correct that biting habit of Connor's immediately, though, unless she wants to face more serious consequences later. She took the biting seriously, which was a good start to handling it. Chelsea needs to let Connor know that biting someone else is not a funny game and that it has to stop. Neither of my sons were ever biters, and I was so grateful for that.

Ashley was indeed back, and she was taking the town by storm. After demanding to her brother that she be reinstated as co-CEO of Jabot, Ashley met with Abby and her new employee, Stitch, to work out the formula of their remarkable, innovative product. And talk about chemistry -- there certainly was enough of that between Ashley and Stitch. I am so glad that Ashley finally called out Abby on her bad behavior toward Stitch. If any other employee constantly sniped at a fellow coworker like Abby did, he or she would, at the very least, be written up. Abby's behavior has not been professional in any shape or form, and Ashley did right to put a stop to it.

At one time, Abby and Lily seemed to be competing for the brattiest, most immature female in Genoa City. But at least Lily had a reason for her surliness, since she remembered that Hilary had once tried to mess with her family. Abby has constantly been calling Stitch a murderer for quite some time, and I doubt if she has ever asked him about the entire circumstances of that fateful night. If she knew all the facts, maybe she wouldn't be so judgmental.

And speaking of his dad's murder, I will take a stab that the story dear Ben told about what happened to his father that night may not be totally true. In fact, I believe that he is covering up for either his mother or his sister, who actually did the deed and killed his father. Fan Jeanna agreed:

    I just hope also that the Kelly/Ben story gets moving more now that their Mom is in town. LOVE seeing Meredith Baxter in the role. It could be that Kelly and her mother actually killed the dad, or maybe Ben and Mom caught Dad in the act of molesting Kelly and did it together -- and he just took the blame. Another theory I have is that Maureen did kill the Dad, but guilted Ben into taking the rap (why, I'm not sure). She may not be the wonderful mother she is trying to appear to be.

You know that something bad happened that night to have resulted in their dad's murder. If Stitch covered for his mother or sister or if he did stop his dad from molesting Kelly, it would certainly redeem him in the eyes of the community and of the fans. Stitch could return to being the hero that he started out as. (Oh, and by the way, I really like Meredith Baxter as Maureen also. She plays very well against Melody Thomas Scott's Nikki.)

So, while Ashley and Stitch attempted to do business (or the pretense of doing business anyway) at "someplace inspirational," Nick's bachelor party was indeed heating up. Yes, I was correct in guessing that Nick's abduction was at the hands of his friends and family, where the Jabot delivery van, which reeked of perfume, carried him to an unknown outdoor site furnished with beer and soda. They all toasted each other, as Nick reminisced about the first time he met the love of his life, Sharon. Nick, who recalled that he had been "a serious slice of beefcake" at the time, had dazzled Sharon with his smile and had swept her off her feet. (Note to self: Don't ever ask Kevin to write an uplifting speech about marriage. His was downright depressing!) The guys were having so much fun that they decided to move their party elsewhere -- to a place that was not so much inspiring as stimulating.

In the meantime, Sharon was surprised by Victoria, Abby, and Summer, who carted her off to her own bachelorette party. When rain threatened to drench the festivities, Sharon suggested a bar that she and Nick had frequented when they first dated. Her choice of place ended up being the same place where Ashley and Stitch made goo-goo eyes at each other, which made for some crazy and awkward moments, especially since Tyler was also there. Mariah really loves pushing people's buttons, so she had no problem at all in flirting outrageously with Tyler to get Abby's ire up. Strangely enough, once Abby got drunk, she was rude first to Kelly, then to Sharon. I guess they got to be Abby's scapegoats once she took a break from insulting Stitch and Mariah. Nikki was, of course, drinking on the sly, and she added to the insults. Thankfully, the men arrived, so you'd think things would have improved, right? Wrong.

A man punched Michael because the former district attorney had once put him in jail. The obnoxious man later called Neil a blind guy, so Neil socked him. No, it was not a pretty sight. Fur flew; Lily battered the bartender, Richie, with her purse; and Sharon rode the punching man like a bucking bronco. Nick looked really turned on by Sharon's ride. All in all, it was just your typical bachelor/bachelorette party, complete with a male stripper. Sure, they all ended up in jail, but they had enjoyed every minute of it. The jailhouse scenes were the best I've seen in a long time. Jack declared that Sharon was the defining love of Nick's life, while Kevin and Summer compared the couple to unicorns, who were mythical yet real and beautiful. Everyone cheered and applauded unicorns as they were released, thanks to Billy's bail payment. Truly, it was all so much fun to watch.

You have to wonder why they don't film more episodes like this. Well, okay, it probably is more expensive and complicated to film scenes with the majority of the cast, but it sure is worth the rewards of excellent storytelling. And most of the cast were in those scenes, especially for the bar fight and the jail clips -- Jack, Kelly, Neil, Devon, Lily, Cane, Kevin, Michael, Tyler, Abby, Ashley, Stitch, Victoria, Nikki, Sharon, Nick, Noah, Mariah, Austin, and Summer. Even Harding and Courtney got a couple of cameo appearances during the jail sequences. I am sure that it is easier and more efficient to film with just two to four or five actors, but this sure was enjoyable to watch. Too bad we couldn't see this type of interaction more often among all or most of the cast members.

The sad thing is that with all of the talk of a couple's powerful and everlasting love, you know that the end will probably be coming soon for Nick and Sharon. Wouldn't it be nice, though, if Nick were to remember that Sharon's bad actions had taken place while she was suffering from the symptoms of her illness so that he could then forgive her? Go unicorns! But Phyllis looked to be on her way to destroying whatever happiness this couple could share. After she found Sharon's spare key under a rock, Phyllis entered Sharon's home. Seriously, Jack and Sharon really need to find new and more creative hiding places for their spare keys. Phyllis started to write a message to Nick then saw Sharon's traffic violation and also a picture of Nick, Sharon, and Faith on the fireplace mantel.

The look Phyllis gave the picture has me questioning just how much she actually remembers. After all, she was married to Jack for quite a while, so maybe she considered Jack's house her home because of the marriage. So, why would she stare at Nick and Sharon's picture, and why start the note to Nick? Maybe Phyllis' memory doesn't reach all the way up to when she and Jack got engaged, which would mean that she wouldn't remember her tumble down the stairs or the reason for it, so there would be no question in Phyllis' mind that Summer was Nick's daughter. I have a feeling that Sharon's going to wish that this sleeping dog had stayed asleep.

But no, Phyllis remembered Jack putting the ring on her finger in the hospital, so her vendetta with Sharon must live on. Phyllis probably wasn't too happy with Jack, either, since he moved on without her after declaring that he would always wait for her. It was rather hysterical that Phyllis rehashed everything upstairs while Kelly "persuaded" Jack to attend the wedding downstairs. And Jack should be alarmed that Phyllis was pawning the very ring that he had given her in the hospital! Be afraid, Jack, be very afraid.

However, life goes on, even after drunken, brawling bachelor parties, and Kevin contemplated having a drink to recover in time for the wedding, since he was Mariah's date. Mariah was quick to point out that it would not be a "date-date" and said that she only invited Kevin because he looked like he would own a suit. I think the writers are trying to soften Mariah up in the eyes of the fans because, for the first time, we heard that she blamed herself for being the loser that she was and that she was trying not to be that person anymore. We also almost had an indication of that when Mariah stuck up for Sharon at the party when Abby was so rude to her. I really want Mariah to be likable, but I wouldn't want her to lose her edge. Her candid behavior has been refreshing. I hope the writers don't turn Mariah into another Cassie. That would be a mistake.

With the aid of black coffee and aspirin, Nick and Sharon prepared for Faith's birthday party. How nice...while they were getting ready to celebrate the life of their little girl, Victor was trying to prove that Nick really had nothing to do with creating that life. What a loving, doting grandfather. Victor (and Nikki) did give Faith a fancy new bicycle, so I guess that makes up for it. Not the least bit hypocritical at all. I enjoyed it when Summer and Noah expressed to Austin their joy of receiving Newman-sized gifts every year that eventually would come with strings attached. Such is the Newman life. Faith's special present was for her mommy and daddy to finally "get hitched." Okay, those might have been Nick's words, but wouldn't it have been cute if Faith had said it that way?

While Michael nurse a black eye, he and Lauren were surprised by a visit from Hunter...I mean, Fen, since his school conference had been cancelled. Seriously, I like the new look. Fen pretty much looks like Hunter now without the glasses, if you haven't seen Under the Dome. Later, Michael finally had a doctor's appointment for an exam, which was required before he could get any more of his little magic pills. Really? The doctor prescribed the original pills for Michael without even checking first to see if he was taking any other medication? That doctor should be stripped of his license!

Michael was desperate to pump up his sexual activities, but that's just playing Russian roulette with his life. Then the physician told Michael that he was sound medically but later called to rush the results for Michael's remaining lab results. So, he pretty much lied to Michael? Is that even ethical? If there's even a hint or suspicion of a problem, the doctor should be upfront about it. A patient has a right to know all of the facts about his health. Michael could be doing something to further complicate his condition, if there is a problem.

I am sure that Paul would rather have arrested a bunch of party animals than to have had to put his own son in jail for the murder of someone who probably wasn't even dead. I still believe that Ian set the whole thing up for Dylan to take the fall, maybe even going so far as to plant the red quarry mud on Dylan's boots. And then there's the testimony of the unreliable, faulty witness, Jeffrey, who probably had downed "a drink of two or seven" during the races. Ah-ha! Paul agreed with me and believed Ian was alive and was framing Dylan. Great minds do think alike.

Paul's scheme to prove that Ian's death was a hoax was to have Nikki place a personal newspaper ad to lure Ian out of hiding. Paul stressed that Nikki would be involved in name only, and Nikki agreed to the idea. She just wanted Ian to suffer. I must say that I liked Nikki's softer look in pink. But anyway, thank goodness Nikki was not to be anywhere in the vicinity because the way she keeps chugging the drinks, she would probably have blown the whole sting operation anyway. Lemonade with vodka. I can't say that I have ever tried that.

Apparently, Avery was also involved in the plan, but will she be distracted now that her ex-hubby, Joe, has hit town, eyeballing the local real estate? Joe claimed to Avery that he had been to blame for their marriage breaking up and that he just wanted her to be happy, even if it was with Dylan. Joe couldn't meet him because Dylan was tied up -- in jail! But later, Joe saw in the newspaper that Dylan had been arrested. How did Avery think she could keep that secret? I guess she hoped Joe would quickly slip back out of town. But the other ladies in town sure didn't, since both Mariah and Lauren had practically drooled all over themselves, panting over him. We do like that eye candy!

The alarm went off on Sharon's very special day; love was in the air, and Faith was thrilled that her parents were getting married. Sharon exclaimed that Faith had the best daddy in the world, and Mariah hinted that a girl could be lied to all her life, as she had been. Later at the church, a clean-shaven, tie-less Nick warned Mariah not to ruin her mother's special day. White and lavender flowers adorned the church, and everyone was dressed in their best attire. Nick kept stating that he wasn't the least bit nervous, but he probably should have been. After all, his dear old dad was still trying to find a way to stop the wedding (as Nick himself noted), and Victor was on the right track.

Finally back from Sweden, Victor demanded to know where Phyllis was, but we already knew the answer to that. Phyllis was dressing and accessorizing herself for the wedding with the items she had purchased from the money she received from Jack's ring that she pawned. Phyllis was determined to attend the glamorous affair, and she would let nothing stop her...well, except maybe a policeman at her door.

Sharon's prenuptial activities for good luck included receiving Nick's great-grandmother's broach from Nikki and Victoria as something old, a shiny penny from Faith as something new, Phyllis' lovely earrings ironically borrowed from Summer, and an anklet with blue stones from Mariah. At least Nick got farther with Sharon at this wedding, since his bride actually showed up. But Avery did show up at the wedding, also, and saved the day for Nick by bringing him a tie. Finally, the moment had arrived, and Sharon looked gorgeous as she started down the aisle. While it's true that she was able to make it all the way down the aisle to Nick, will the entire ceremony get to take place? Seriously, we should all be biting our nails!

Two weeks ago, I tweeted the question, "Who would be the biggest obstacle to Nick and Sharon remarrying: Mariah, Phyllis, Victor, or Sharon?" From the indication of the "next on The Young and the Restless" previews, I may not have been too far off with suggesting that Sharon might be the one to prevent the marriage from happening. With tears running down her cheeks, Sharon stated that there was something else that she needed to say first. But maybe those were tears of joy and she wanted to express her love and devotion for Nick. We will just have to wait until next week, and I really hope that the wedding takes place. I hope that Victor's plane is grounded in Georgia and that the cop hauls Phyllis off to jail (for whatever reason). Then we would just have Mariah to deal with.

To me, Mariah really wants to embrace her newly found family, but she doesn't want to admit that she does. Sure, she threatened to tell Sharon her theory about Faith and Victor stopped her, but I'm not sure she would have done it anyway. And you know that Victor wanted that privilege all for himself. I would love for Sharon and Nick to remarry and for the marriage to stick. Marriage takes work, anyway, and especially a lot of love, understanding, and patience. Being a Newman only brings with it an extra burden. When the truth comes out, hopefully Nick will understand and forgive Sharon, if she did indeed change the test results, and that Sharon will forgive herself.

Other notable (or humorous) items that happened during the week:

This exchange between Mariah and Kevin contained some of the funniest lines this week. Kevin remarked, "So, if you're asking me to marry you, while I'm flattered, I would rather be torn limb to limb by a pack of wild lions," to which Mariah replied, "And I would rather light myself on fire than to tie myself to you for the rest of my life, so we're good." They are so cute together! Plus, it's nice to see Mariah actually like someone.

Nick and Sharon had some humor of their own as they discussed who Victor could sit next to at the wedding reception to keep him in line. After Nick suggested Sharon's mother, they both decided on Segundo, who would then earn a special doggie meal. Wow, when was the last time we saw that pooch? It's nice to hear that he's still around. Segundo must take after his master if he is able to keep Victor in line.

No matter how you look at it, if Austin gets a cameraman job at Jabot, it will partially be because he has the right connections. Sometimes it takes knowing the right person, and there's nothing wrong with that. After all, you have to start somewhere.

I had to admire the Blatz beer item at the bar. Advertising pieces sell well at auctions because many people search for all types of bar collectables. That would be one to add to any advertisement collection.

The banter between Kevin and Lauren was also cute. When Kevin posed and then stressed that he was showing his "good place face," Lauren noted from his expression that she only saw his "demented place face." Funny!

When meeting with Michael and Lauren, Gloria said that Jeffrey wouldn't be there because he claimed that he had to see a man about a dog. Don't let it be one of those sleeping dogs, Jeffrey. Its bite can be worse than its bark.

Welcome back to soaps, Billy Miller! It's great to see you as Jason on General Hospital, even if you are all bandaged up. Here's hoping for some fast healing. (I still really miss you as Billy Abbott though.)

Until next time, please stay tuned.

READ MORE OF THIS WEEK'S TWO SCOOPSThe Bold and the Beautiful | Days of our Lives | General Hospital |

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