Listen to the truth even when it's hard: The Best and Worst of 2014

Listen to the truth even when it
Listen to the truth even when it's hard: The Best and Worst of 2014

Favorite characters returned. Couples reunited. Never-ending storylines offered big reveals. And Victor Newman! Will the momentum from 2014 be carried into 2015? We can only hope. Welcome to the Best and the Worst in Teddi's year-end Two Scoops.

Click here to read Boone's take on 2014 in part one of The Young and the Restless: The Year-In-Review

A wise person once said that even if you are having a bad day, you could have a better day tomorrow. That remarkable young lady was, of course, Delia, and it seemed like things did take a turn for the better after the heartbreaks and disappointments from 2013. Some of our favorite characters returned to the fold, even one that had been labeled "a black sheep," and there were resolutions for some of our beloved characters, who were able to finally move on with their lives. Finally, we could be happy again, as Delia would have wanted us to be.

So, as we reflect on the year that was for The Young and the Restless, also be reminded of some more advice offered by our precious darling, "When you are scared or sad, if you remember what makes you smile, then you will smile again." Please keep Delia's words in mind as we recall some of the best and the worst of 2014.

The Worst of 2014

Billy Miller left the cast as Billy Abbott. This is, by far, the worst of 2014 for me. Billy Miller's last day as Billy Abbott was absolutely my saddest Y&R day of the entire year. Since he first joined the cast, Billy Miller put his own unique and very talented spin on the character of Billy Abbott, and he totally endeared himself to me. Mr. Miller could make me laugh one minute and have me in tears the next, and I just wished his contract issues could have been resolved to keep him on our Y&R screen. (But thanks to General Hospital, I didn't have to mourn for too long.)

The loss of my favorite couple, Victoria and Mr. Miller's Billy. Amelia Heinle and Billy Miller brought something so very special to Victoria and Billy as a couple that you could almost swear that they were, in fact, a loving pair off-screen as well. Whenever Billy would flash that charismatic smile, you could almost see Victoria melt, and isn't that what love is all about? Billy brought out fun in the very serious and sometimes boring character of Victoria, and she made him want to be a better person just for knowing her. Billy proved time and time again that he would do anything for Victoria's love, which, unfortunately, caused many of their problems. The sparks between them were almost blinding, and my screen has been that much duller since Billy has been recast (twice.)

Michael Muhney's exit as Adam Newman. As much as I couldn't stand Adam with Sharon, I really appreciated Michael Muhney's on-screen chemistry as Adam with Melissa Claire Egan's Chelsea. Chelsea was one person that Adam actually tried to help without any ulterior motives, and Chelsea saw and loved Adam for who he really was. I would have loved to see how they could heal and try to renew their marriage after the big reveal about Delia's hit-and-run. Unfortunately, Adam was supposedly killed off, and Chelsea was forced to raise Connor on her own. So much potential for a dynamic storyline was lost at that time. I just hope that Mr. Muhney's fans will accept his departure in time. At least, in their final scenes, both Michael Muhney and Billy Miller were at their best.

Biggest disappointment of 2014. Nick ended it with Sharon after learning the truth about Summer's paternity. I mean, I knew it was coming, but that didn't make it any less painful or heartbreaking. Sharon was treated like a serial killer once the truth came out, even though her actions were done while she was suffering the symptoms of her bipolar disorder. While all other characters can pretty much do anything they want (Victor! Phyllis!) and their friends will stand by them, Sharon always seems to be left without anyone by her side. This time, she did have her family, but where did her friends go? They deserted her like a sinking ship, which pretty much told her just who her true friends were. The worst was when Nick threatened to get full custody of Faith. It was all just too much.

I can't believe I'm saying this...Chloe left Genoa City! And she took her own special wacky sense of humor with her. While it's true that I still do not like Chloe and Kevin together (at all), I did always enjoy her funny one-liners. I don't think I will be missing her for too long, though, since she was obviously pregnant with either Billy's or Kevin's baby. (Or could the father be someone else? More to come, I'm sure.) When Chloe returns somewhere down the road, here's hoping that her humor returns with her. Just, please, keep her away from Kevin!

Lily's and Abby's cattiness and "brattiness." Everyone was getting so sick of their tantrums. Everyone.

No stories worthy of Lauren and Michael. Carmine (still?!) and Michael's impotency and then cancer. While the cancer storyline still has potential, couldn't the writers have thought of a more interesting twist than to just have Michael lie to Lauren about his diagnosis? What if Michael was so angry with the hand he had been dealt that he rebelled and did things so totally out-of-character that he unintentionally created havoc for his loved ones? It was nice to see Kevin advise and watch over Michael for once, but I believe they could have taken it a step further.

Ian as a super-villain. I think this was a good opportunity that was rather wasted. Ian was supposed to be a super-villain, but most of the time, he only came off as a whiny, threatening, insignificant pest. He never really did anything, well...villainous. His bark was always worse than his bite, and his threats just never amounted to much. When it appeared that Ian was going to cause Summer to suffer from a fate worse than death, nothing much really happened. Ian was great at being a thorn in everybody's side, but it just seemed he could have done so much more.

Other wasted characters and opportunities. Gloria, Jeffrey, Courtney, Alex, Tyler, Leslie, and Leslie's doctor-husband. (I'm sorry, his name escapes me for the moment. His character was totally squandered.) Gloria and Jeffrey bring so much humor to the table, plus Gloria always causes so much turmoil in both of her sons' lives. I would love to have them on my screen more often. The rest have pretty much been just tossed to the side like yesterday's newspaper. (Wow, remember those?) I almost added Detective Harding to the list, but I think he still has potential, especially if Kevin continues on his quest to rid the world of evil. I hope to see more of that.

Storylines that could have offered good, gripping drama if they hadn't been bungled or resolved so quickly. Chloe's kidnapping of Connor is a perfect example. This could have lasted longer and could have had us glued to our seats for weeks -- but it was over almost as soon as it started. The music box mystery could have offered us fun and adventure, but the fans only wished that it would end -- fast! And are Noah and Courtney even a couple any longer? While some of these were lost chances for fresh ideas, others made you think that sometimes it's best to just cut your losses.

Christine desperately wanted to have Paul's baby. Only because her reasons were so ridiculous.

Nikki was drinking -- again! I know that Melody Thomas Scott loves playing drunk, and this would have been great if the storyline hadn't plodded along and if Nikki had had a better reason for starting again. If her excuse was the lack of Victor's support while she was going through a tough time, then that should have been made more obvious. The fans should have seen even more of her sorrow and angst for having to go it alone without the strong shoulders of her husband to lean on. Her return to drinking at the time just seemed like a ploy to bring Maureen into the picture more than anything else.

The never-ending merry-go-round of Summer's and Faith's paternity. Can we just say that Nick has finally been proven to be Summer's and Faith's biological father and leave it at that? Please.

The Best of 2014

The final riveting, emotion-packed, totally awesome scenes with Billy Miller's Billy Abbott and Michael Muhney's Adam Newman. The acting was phenomenal between these two very talented stars during the final confrontation between Billy and Adam regarding the hit-and-run tragedy that caused darling Delia's death. The fans are still feeling the loss of these two powerhouse performers, and even if there are no trophies handed to them at the next ceremony, those moments were still award-winning in every way.

The big November Sweeps reveals! Sharon finally remembered that, while she was suffering the symptoms of her bipolar disorder, she changed Summer's paternity test results. Victoria learned that Stitch did not kill his father -- Maureen did. Victoria delivered her baby, with Ben and Billy's help, in the Jabot parking garage. Phyllis discovered the "real" truth about Jack and Kelly by snooping. Now, this is the stuff that soaps are made of. Y&R had a November sweeps period that was well worth remembering and that should have repercussions for our favorite characters for months to come.

The return or makeovers of some of our most beloved -- and plot-inspiring -- characters. Phyllis woke up from her deep sleep, feistier than ever -- and with Gina Tognoni's new look. Billy remained on the scene in the form of first David Tom and then Burgess Jenkins. Kelly was recast for the better (in my opinion) by Cady McClain. Adam returned from the dead, played by Justin Hartley. Ashley came back to what may be a romantic triangle with Ben and either Victoria or Ashley's daughter, Abby. And we even got to spend time with our precious, dearly departed Delia when she visited her grieving dad, Billy. The wise Delia advised her father and the fans, "Listen to the truth...even when it's hard." And if we are smart, this is some very sound advice that we should all heed.

Mariah was the twin sister (but thankfully not a clone) of Cassie. I loved when Nick discovered that Mariah was Cassie's long los-twin and found that she was truly a member of his and Sharon's family. But I just hope that Mariah gets to stay as she is with her attitude, baggage and all. She has brought a whole lot of new life and energy to so many scenes, and I especially appreciate and enjoy her friendship with Kevin -- a guy who seriously needs a friend like her. They can identify with one another, which is what makes them fun to watch.

Sharon and Nick's bachelor/bachelorette party. Anytime the writers can come up with a storyline that involves the majority of the cast, I am all for it! I had a blast watching them all get that unique chance of working together. I am sure it was fun for them, also, since they got to act with cast members that they normally wouldn't have scenes with. The joy came through, which made for some lively entertainment. This one episode was a nice break from the usual because it highlighted character interaction, which was perfect for a soap that is character-oriented.

Hurray! Chloe and Kevin finally split up! I am just not a Chloe and Kevin fan. Sorry! Kevin has always been one of my favorite characters, and I think Chloe just sucks all the life, humor, and personality out of him. (Which is rather ironic, since I do take such great pleasure in Chloe's humorous one-liners.) Since Kevin has been sharing scenes with Mariah, I have witnessed the Kevin that I had once knew and loved. Welcome back!

The Young and the Restless actors and show dominated at the 2014 Daytime Emmy Awards ceremony. The Young and the Restless won for Outstanding Daytime Drama Series and Outstanding Writing Team. Billy Miller won as Outstanding Lead Actor as Billy Abbott. Amelia Heinle won as Outstanding Lead Actress as Victoria Newman Abbott. Hunter King won Outstanding Younger Actress as Summer Newman/Abbott. Shoot, we'll even take Eileen Davidson's win as Kristen Dimera on Days of our Lives, since Ms. Davidson is back on Y&R as Ashley. What a great year for awards for our favorite soap and actors!

Doug Davidson and Amelia Heinle knock it out of the park -- again! Doug Davidson gave a truly heartfelt performance when he mistook Dylan for Ricky, as Paul lay on his hospital bed, recovering from his liver transplant surgery. As Paul cried out again in anguish about having to shoot his son, I thought that it could very well be Mr. Davidson's next submission for the Daytimes Emmys. And Amelia Heinle showed a genuine concern and fear as a very pregnant Victoria, who was locked in a janitorial closet, when it appeared that she would have to give birth alone. Ms. Heinle was a champion last year, and I wouldn't be surprised to see her repeat at the next awards.

The chemistry and humor between Jill's Jess Walton and Colin's Tristan Rogers. While the music box mystery may not have been a hit with the fans, the on-screen chemistry between Ms. Walton's Jill and Mr. Roger's Colin was a treasure to behold. Let us hope that the writers can find a way to capitalize on this by creating an inventive way to exploit these characters' many assets. Please let these two sparkle and shine!

The Winters finally have a storyline that is not boring. While I am not crazy about Devon and Hilary cheating on Neil behind his back and while he is blind, at least it's not a complete snooze fest. It's actually what soaps are made of, and it's this type of storyline that tends to get a reaction (and many comments) from the fans.

Even after the other youngsters were SORAS'd, Reed was and still is being played by Max Page. Hurray!

Victor Newman continued on his quest to get revenge on Jack, anytime and anyway he could see fit. I know that some fans may tire of the never-ending battle between Victor and Jack, but these constant vendettas have been a key element to Y&R's ongoing success as the number one soap throughout the years. May the ongoing feud and Y&R last forever!

Billy and Chelsea. That would be Burgess Jenkins' Billy, of course. I would much rather see his version of Billy with Chelsea than with Victoria. I like their on-screen chemistry together, and it will only get that much better when Justin Hartley's Adam turns this dynamic duo into an oddly shaped triangle.

Finally, some good possibilities for future enthralling drama. Nick, Sage, Adam, Sharon, Chelsea, Billy, Victor, and anyone else who may be included in this storyline. Shoot, numerous potential storylines could be developed out of Adam's return as Gabriel. Also, Phyllis' determination to have her life with Jack, despite knowing of his past love for Kelly. I can wait to see more!

2014 Y&R Outstanding and Memorable Moments (Good & Bad)

Phyllis awakens from her coma. It was pretty dramatic to watch Phyllis' eyes suddenly spring open.

Phyllis made her grand entrance at Nick and Sharon's wedding. Are you kidding? Her entrance was grander than the actual ceremony!

An electrical spark knocked Neil off his feet and into a world of blindness. A blinding flash sent Neil flying into the air, unconscious -- and then blind!

Sharon remembered the truth about Summer's paternity and Phyllis' tumble down the stairs. Those were several tense moments as Sharon's memory returned in flashes and she related what had happened that fateful night.

Chloe returned to Genoa City...but not necessarily alone. To see Chloe walk through the park, cradling her obviously pregnant belly, was shocking while, at the same time, not totally unexpected.

Michael learned he had cancer. While the reveal was intense, I still feel that more could have been done with the announcement and the entire storyline.

The father of Victoria's baby girl was Billy. Dramatically announced -- in true soap fashion. And her name is Katherine Rose Abbott-Newman. It's a little hoity-toity but what a grand name for such a small tot.

Nick's foot was caught in a bear trap. Only because he somewhat deserved it after refusing to take any responsibility for his part in the failures with his past loves.

Kelly slapped Phyllis. A smack that could be heard around the world!

Dylan proposed to Avery. Okay, this was several moments, but the proposal was both funny and sweet.

Jack slapped Adam once he learned his identity. Let's face it...Adam had it coming.

Some of the Funniest Lines from the Past Year

When Adam left to buy some Champagne, he jumped into his black Range Rover SUV and found Victor in the passenger seat. Adam asked, "Need a ride, Miss Daisy?" I love that movie! Let's see -- Adam as Hoke and Victor as Miss Daisy. Uhhh...I don't think so.

Chloe was on a roll the week of Connor's baptism. First, she related to Chelsea, "Every time you get all mushy about Adam, a unicorn loses its horn." Later, at the christening, after Adam and Chelsea announced to Jack that they would marry, Chloe replied, "So, do I speak now or do I wait for the ceremony?" As obnoxious as she can be, Chloe does have great one-liners!

That Victor is a funny guy. At the hospital, when Sharon told Nick that she was leaving, Victor observed, "I'm sure he'll manage to struggle along without you." Why, dear Vic could almost do stand-up!

When Adam saw Anita smothering Chelsea at the wedding, he said to Chelsea, "Paris is looking better and better and better, isn't it?" I am going to miss the humor of Michael Muhney's Adam.

After Dylan wondered why he had waited so long to reunite with Avery, he asked, "Why didn't you tell me I was stupid?" Avery joked, "I did. I tried many times in many ways but no matter how I phrased it, you just weren't bright enough to understand." That was cute!

After Colin bartered with her to remain married in exchange for solving the riddle of the music box, Jill expressed, "Ahh...marriage by blackmail. It's just a childhood dream come true."

Lauren cleverly remarked to Michael, "Well, you know, I've been held hostage so many times, it's just so old hat." Ain't that the truth?!

Victor was very creative with his phrasing (again) when he referred to Ian as "the soon-to-be worthless maggot at the bottom of my shoe." Ha, good one, Victor!

Chloe pointed out to Michael that if it weren't for Kevin, she would be "locked up in a psych ward, trying to convince patients to have their highlights done." Chloe is just so colorful!

After a nervous, klutzy Avery practically destroyed her kitchen, Dylan offered her these words for her show, "So remember what they say, 'Break a....' Never mind. Don't break anything." Very wise advice. Don't jinx it!

I thought the title of Avery's cooking show, You're Being Served, was very creative. That, of course, references the fact that she is both a chef and an attorney.

Paul said to Ian, "You know, if I were to arrest everyone who couldn't stand the sight of you, county jail would be full." I know that similar lines have been stated in the past, but they are funny every time.

Billy told Jack that the only thing he had going on was "the continuing saga of my crappy life." Hey, that would be a great title for a reality show!

After going on a date to view an Italian movie, Jack asked Kelly, "Why can't one character be forthright and honest?" You know, soap fans ask that question all the time.

As Avery found out, even "haters" can have some pretty funny negative comments. "Don't quit you day job, you worthless sack of flour." Hysterical!

Harding's description of Kevin was hysterical: "Caucasian male, brown hair, beady eyes that are usually puffy from crying about his wife being shipped out." Funny stuff!

Upon Kevin's quest to defeat the evil forces (Harding) at the Genoa City Police Department, he declared, "Find a place to dispose of the body where the vultures can pluck out the dark, bristly stubble on his chin, follicle by follicle." That was hilarious! I am glad to have the funny Kevin back again. (Even if he meant to be serious.)

Mariah's mom showed a flash of humor in her line to Nick about being "born with a silver sippy cup in your mouth." The legacy of the Newman family must be known all over the world.

I laughed when Billy called Victor "the CEO of doom and gloom." A perfect description of the mustached one.

Kevin remarked, "So, if you're asking me to marry you, while I'm flattered, I would rather be torn limb to limb by a pack of wild lions," to which Mariah replied, "And I would rather light myself on fire than to tie myself to you for the rest of my life, so we're good." They are so cute together! Plus, it's nice to see Mariah actually like someone.

The banter between Kevin and Lauren was also cute. When Kevin posed and then stressed that he was showing his "good place face," Lauren noted from his expression that she only saw his "demented place face." Funny!

After Phyllis noted that Billy was "as evasive and slippery as ever," he observed that she was "as paranoid and suspicious as ever." In both cases, I'd say that's pretty accurate.

Kevin had yet another colorful quip when he stated that he would get out of Lauren's "very well-groomed hair."

I do like Summer's new, darker hair color. It suits her well even if Mariah claimed that upon learning that love was a lie, Summer would crumple into "little dry specks of hairspray."

That's it from me for this year. Have a happy holiday season, and please remember the advice from dear Delia, who always seemed much older than her very young years, that if you are mad at someone, don't stay that way because you would be wasting time when you could be happy instead. That is so true!

Click here to read Boone's take on 2014 in part one of our Year-In-Review

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