Emily in Paris is a hit Netflix rom-com series that first aired on October 2, 2020. The show stars Lily J. Collins as the main lead, currently has 4 seasons and has been renewed for the 5th season. The show revolves around Emily Cooper’s personal and professional life in Paris as a marketing executive. The show is popular among young audiences due to Emily’s dramatic dating life, the diverse side characters, and trendy fashion.
In addition to the main cast, the show also features many guest stars, which includes Yassin Chekkouh. Let’s take a look at the character Yassin Chekkouh plays in the show and his career.
Yassin Chekkouh in Emily In Paris
Yassin Chekkouh plays the role of Dominique in the show. He appears in Season 4, episode 6, titled ‘Last Christmas.’ Dominique plays the role of a charming man from Barcelona. Julien referred to him as a ‘stocking stuffer’ in front of Emily. Dominique visits him for Christmas as he visits his family in Paris every year for Christmas. Julien takes him to the orphan Christmas party hosted by Mindy.
Mindy refers to Dominique as Julien’s Christmas boyfriend as they enter the party. Julien tells Mindy not to call him his boyfriend, as he is unsure about being in the relationship. On the other hand, Dominique told him that he is moving to Paris and wants to give their relationship a chance. Julien thought things were moving quickly between them when Dominique asked him to go to mass.
Mindy advises Julien to talk to him before he becomes someone else’s boyfriend, as there are plenty of guys who would gladly take him off his hands. Later, Julien and Dominique were seen enjoying the party together.
Who is Yassin Chekkouh?
Yassin Chekkouh is a French actor who was born in 1993 in Stains, France. He is also a sports coach, activist, and model who spreads awareness about HIV and gay rights. His parents are Algerian and moved to France when they were 18. He has worked with many French productions as a model and actor.
He has worked as a model for many brands like Dolce & Gabbana, Jean Paul Gaultier, Avellano, etc. He has been a part of many music videos like +1 by Martin Solveig Feat. Sam White and I'm Not Here to Make Friends by Sam Smith. In 2022, he was part of Drag Race France Season 1 and was also seen in Season 2 in 2023. He has been part of some acting projects which include Knife + Heart (2018), La Maison des Pauvres Garçons (2023), and Emily in Paris (2024).
Also read about: Cast of Emily in Paris
FAQs about Emily In Paris
A. Yassin Chekkouh plays the role of Dominique in Emily In Paris.
A. Julien is the love interest of Dominique in Emily In Paris.
A. Yes, there will be a 5th season of Emily In Paris.