Numerous deaths occurred during the fourth season of The Walking Dead. The season has brought a different taste into how the world functions during a worldwide zombie apocalypse. The show significantly brings in various characters to tag alongside Rick Grimes, who is the protagonist in the series and has taken it upon himself to try and protect his family through this disaster.
Through their journey, Rick has met various characters - some good, some bad, and some extremely awful who have completely changed his thinking on how to function in this world. The seasons of The Walking Dead franchise are filled with episodes that bring together a mix of suspense, thrill, and action.
Disclaimer: This article signifies all the known deaths during the Fourth season of The Walking Dead and may contain spoilers for some. Readers are advised to read at their discretion.
Deaths in the fourth season of The Walking Dead
As mentioned above, the fourth season has seen various deaths of main characters and side characters in the show. The following table shows all the known deaths that have happened in the 4th season of The Walking Dead along with the causes.
S no | Character Name | Reason of death |
1 | Zach | Bitten by the infected and later crushed by a helicopter as the building collapses. |
2 | Clara | Commits Suicide by stabbing herself in the stomach |
3 | Violet the Pig | Dies due to the Unknown Flu |
4 | Patrick | Dies due to the Unknown Flu |
5 | Charlie | Dies due to the Unknown Flu |
6 | Greg | Gets eaten by the Walkers |
7 | Owen | Gets bitten and converted into Walker |
8 | Chloe | Gets bitten and converted into Walker |
9 | Ryan Samuels | Initially bitten on the arm and nape by a zombie, but is stabbed before turning into a Walkers |
10 | Bandit the Pig | Cut and thrown as bait for the Walker |
11 | Truffle the Pig | Cut and thrown as bait for the Walker |
12 | Porkchop, the Pig | Cut and thrown as bait for the Walker |
13 | Karen | Stabbed and Burnt to death by Carol after being influenced by Flu |
14 | David | Stabbed and Burnt to death by Carol after being influenced by Flu |
15 | Ana | Gets eaten by the Walkers |
16 | Mr. Jacobson | Dies due to the Unknown Flu |
17 | Henry | Dies due to the Unknown Flu |
18 | Noris | Gets bitten and converted into Walker |
19 | Owen's Mother | Dies after getting shot in her chest |
20 | Caleb Subramanian | Dies due to the Unknown Flu |
21 | David Chambler | Dies as a result of Lung Cancer |
22 | Caesar Martinez | He was hit in the head and thrown in the pit of walkers to feed them |
23 | Pete Dolgen | Stabbed and strangled by the Governer |
24 | Meghan Chambler | Was bit by a Walker, and later shot by the Governer before turning |
25 | Hershel Greene | Dies after getting slashed (beheaded) by the Governer before the war |
26 | Julio | Dies during the shooting war at the prison |
27 | Alisha | Dies during the shooting war at the prison |
28 | Mitch Dolgen | Killed by Daryl Dixon during the war |
29 | The Governor | Stabbed by Michonne and later shot by the hands of Lilly |
30 | Lilly Chambler | It is revealed by Tara to Glenn that she was killed after getting trapped by Walker |
31 | Lou | Killed by Rick Grimes during a fight |
32 | Mika Samuels | Killed by her delusional sister by getting stabbed |
33 | Lizzie Samuels | Killed at the hands of Carol Peletier |
34 | Joe | Killed by Rick Grimes during a fight |
35 | Tony | Killed by Michonne during a fight |
36 | Harley | Killed by Michonne during a fight |
37 | Billy | Killed by Dryal during a fight |
38 | Dan | Killed by Rick Grimes during a fight |
Summary for The Walking Dead Season 4
The 4th season of The Walking Dead shows Rick Grimes and his group having a peaceful time at the prison stay where to bring some sanity to his thoughts, Rick and his son had picked up farming as a hobby. But the fun for them doesn't last long as the group faces a new problem of a flu virus that kills the host. While Rick's group manages to quarantine the infected and keep most of the group safe after a handful passes away, it is known that The Governor is around the corner to invade the prison and kill Rick and his group to take the prison to himself.
During this war between The Governer and The Prison, we see various main and side characters die, including Hersel who was the main doctor for Rick and his group. The war ends with The Governers's death and the prison getting swamped by the walkers. This leads to Rick and his group splitting into various groups but then find their next stop to be a place called Terminus that claims itself to be a sanctuary for the deserted.
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FAQs about The Walking Dead Season 4
A. The first season of the show was released on October 31, 2010.
A. There are a total of 11 seasons of The Walking Dead.
A. While the season has had 11 seasons as of 2024, there is no info about them having a season 12 at the moment.
A. Rick Grimes has 2 sons going by the names Carl and R.J.