The big lie exposed, abandoned babies, late dates, and swirling chaos have left Port Charles in a Valentine's Day frenzy. Let's discuss in this week's Two Scoops!
Dear readers, tell me, how late do you have to be for a date until it's okay for your husband to sleep with someone else? Sure, of course, a phone call would be in order, or a text, like "I'm running late, but I'm on my way." But even if you didn't send a text, like, say if you found out your stepson had been shot and you were at the hospital and you just forgot to text. Would it then be okay for your husband to sleep with someone else if you were late for a dinner date?
Well, no, of course not. But that was Sonny's justification for immediately jumping into bed with Nina. I had a dad who was a stickler about punctuality. He would say, "I am leaving for church at 9:35. If you are not in the car, I will leave without you." And I would still be dolling myself up at 9:36 to prepare to flirt with the boys in Baptist Sunday School, and he would drive away. After that happened once or twice, I learned the lesson. I am still fifteen minutes early for every appointment I have.
But back to GH. I must side with Carly. Sometimes she is horrible, and sometimes she deserves to be knocked down a peg or two. But this time, Carly is not the bad guy. Yes, Carly had feelings for Jason, but she didn't act on them, even when she thought Sonny was dead! Sonny jumped into bed with Nina immediately after thinking Carly wasn't going to show up. So, seriously, how firm is his commitment to their marriage? Readers, I really wish Steve Burton would just relent and get the damn vaccine. I really want Jason to come back and sleep with Carly just to watch Sonny's head explode when it happens. Steve, if you're out there, please reconsider.
While I love the soapy drama of this storyline, I find it hard to sympathize with Nina on any of her choices. She lied to a man's family and let them think he was dead for nearly a year. She let Peter August roam free to terrorize the town to protect her secret. And now, she slept with Sonny, knowing he was trying to save his marriage. And then she was so fake apologetic, "I didn't mean for that to happen." Baby, no one accidentally has sex ever. Never. It's never an accident. You went to the Haunted Star, knowing Sonny was alone and brokenhearted. You unbuttoned your clothes, you walked to the cabin on the Haunted Star, you climbed into the bed. These were not accidents. They were choices. You chose this. You did this on purpose. Own it.
This is fantastic soapy goodness, and this may play out over months. Carly may sleep with Drew. Nina may carry on her fling with Sonny. But ultimately, Carly and Sonny will reunite. Why? Can you imagine weepy, trembling Nina standing up to the Five Families or even just Ms. Wu? Nina is not designed to be a mob wife. No way, no how. Nina may love the idea of Sonny, but she is ill-equipped to live in Sonny's world. Carly is a bulldog who can take on anything. Sonny and Nina can exist long-term if Sonny gets knocked on the head again, thinks he is "Mike," and goes back to being a humble bartender. Nina is simply not cut out for organized crime. She's no mob moll. But Carly absolutely is cut out for that life, and that's how she wins Sonny back. In my humble opinion, one scary threat from Cyrus, and Nina will be running for the door.
Next up, a laugh. When Nina told Ava about sleeping with Sonny, Ava asked, "What was it like?," I wanted to say, "Don't you remember what it was like from the night you slept with him and conceived Avery?" Ava loving Carly's pain is hilarious and, frankly, deserved because Carly has been a total shrew to Ava for years. I love the way Ava relishes every detail of Nina's confessions. Maura West is a gem.
Another part of this story that made me laugh was Carly putting into her calendar "Meeting with Divorce Attorney" and apparently adding the name of said attorney. When I put things in my calendar, it says something like "Dentist" because I know who my dentist is, and I don't need to describe it to myself. So either, A) Carly did that purposely to make sure Sonny knew she was seeing a divorce attorney, or B) the writers do calendaring differently than I do. She could have just put "Attorney" in her calendar, but hey, that's just me.
I love the relationship that Sonny has with Phyllis. She's the one person in his life right now who will tell him the hard unvarnished truth and isn't afraid of him. Sonny hasn't had anyone like that in his life for a long time, and I really enjoy the scenes between Maurice Benard and Joyce Guy. Also, if you haven't seen it, go to YouTube and catch the episode of State of Mind with Joyce Guy. It's fantastic. It's nice to get to know her better and to hear her story. I always enjoy State of Mind because it gives me more time with the soap stars I love. I also always learn something about mental and emotional health that genuinely impacts me.
Side note, it was funny to me that Carly was moaning to Sam about finding Sonny in bed with Nina because Sonny also cheated on Carly with Sam. Sam should have said, "Hey! Remember that time you walked in on Sonny and me? That was hilarious. You were SO mad."
Meanwhile, it appears the writers are testing out the pairing of Carly and Drew. That coupling might be fun for a while, too. But I love Nu-Drew (Cameron Mathison) so much, and I desperately want him to find true love, not just a casual fling.
I believe Drew was about to tell Sam he wanted to be a family with her and Scout and Danny, but before he got that out, Sam blurted out that she loved Dante. Oh, my, that was painful to watch. I think of poor tortured Drew carving Scout's name into his prison cell wall, and it's too much to bear to think he can't be with her full-time. But now that Dante and Sam have declared their love, isn't it time for Lulu to come out of her coma?
Okay, readers, hear me out. Like you, I hate Peter. Like you, I have wanted him dead for months, but possibly unlike you, I found myself feeling sorry for Peter this week. The scenes between Kirsten Storms and Wes Ramsey this week were so emotionally charged and painful to watch. The two of them were so phenomenal -- so intense and passionate! Maxie worked every angle and emotion to convince Peter to leave Louise behind. She sacrificed herself for her baby.
Maxie must know those super spies Anna and Robert and half of Port Charles are looking for her. She must trust that Louise will be safer with any random fire department employee than with Peter. (I like the name "Bailey" better, to be honest, much like I preferred Jonah to Wiley, but, whatever.) But her tearful and soulful pleas to Peter, playing on his love for her to save her baby, worked. And therein lies my sympathy for poor, troubled Peter.
Indeed, Peter is a psychopath. He's a killer. He is evil to his core. But he is still desperate to be loved. His all-encompassing love for Maxie and the hope of being with her caused him to relinquish the baby Peter has been searching for for months. It just got to me a little. I remember good Peter. When Peter first came on the scene, I was actively rooting for Maxie to love him.
I am still a sucker who believes true love can change a person. Even though Peter was raised by Faison and was the offspring of two lunatic criminals, he could still be saved by love. Clearly, I was wrong, but I still feel sad for the heart of this broken, insane man. When I saw vulnerable Peter poke his head out of evil Peter's body, I thought, "Oh, yeah, I remember that Peter. I love him."
For months, that's the Peter that Maxie saw, and that's the Peter that Maxie truly loved. She couldn't hear nor believe any of the things people told her about Peter because she only saw gentle and loving Peter and not psychotic monster Peter. Bravo to Kirsten Storms for her spectacular work this week. Special shout-out to Max Updates GH, who said Maxie was his favorite actress but then added that he had other favorites, too, because he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I love that kid so much.
In other fantastic scenes this week, Amanda Setton knocked it out of the park in every scene. I'm not shocked. Since I first saw her in One Life to Live years ago, I've felt she has been an incredible actor. But the scene that moved me to tears was Brook Lynn's scene with Ned. Brook Lynn has disappointed her daddy so many times over the years. When the truth about "Bailey" came out, she braced herself for his judgment and rejection.
Instead, Ned, played by the phenomenal Wally Kurth, expressed his disappointment in not having a granddaughter. Still, he stunned BLQ by telling her he was proud of her, which made me cry. She was not expecting that reaction. I was expecting it, but I cried, anyway. While Ned has a lot of Edward in him, as he pointed out a while back, he also has a lot of his Grandma Lila in him. When Ned found out the truth, I trusted that he would applaud Brook Lynn's selflessness of raising and caring for this child for nearly a year. I loved these tender father/daughter scenes. I hope this will change the dynamic between Ned and Brook Lynn for good, that her dad will see she is capable of being unselfish, and that he will nurture that side of her to become the woman we all know she can become.
And I hope that the future comes with Chase. Sidetrack for a curiosity break: why do both boys in this family go by their last names? Harrison Chase and Hamilton Finn go by Chase and Finn. Why? I need answers. Chase (the oh-so-lovable Josh Swickard) and Brook Lynn have been dancing around one another for a while now. Since the secret of "Bailey" has come out, there is no reason for caution. They can fall into bed together as fast as a man whose wife is late for a dinner date!
Another part of the "Bailey"/Louise/Peter storyline that has delighted me is that it has involved Mac, Felicia, Robert, Anna, Laura, Kevin, and other GH royalty. I am thrilled that the legacy characters are getting airtime and actual storylines. Seeing Felicia cry over Mac's shooting and those old clips of the young versions of them really hit me. I love flashbacks on soaps more than life. I wish they used more of them. Bring on the nostalgia, GH.
Okay, readers, I have two theories about Liz and all the odd happenings. Theory #1: Liz's crazy ex-mother-in-law Heather Weber has escaped the loony bin for the 8,000th time. She is tormenting Liz because she is upset Liz is moving on with Finn and not mourning her son Franco. Or Theory #2: After all the trauma Liz has experienced in her life, she has finally snapped and has developed DID (dissociative identity disorder) and has multiple personalities. Liz's evil side is ripping up her dress. I can't decide. What are your theories? Do either of mine ring true to you? Either way, it means more screen time for Rebecca Herbst, which is always good news to me.
There is a rumor that Jordan Ashford is returning soon, and I wonder what that will mean for the budding romance between Curtis and Portia? Will Curtis see Jordan and drop Portia like a hot potato, or is their marriage really over? To be honest, I am rooting for Curtis and Jordan. I still care about their relationship, but it's not that I don't like Portia. I love her as a doctor, and I love her as Trina's mom; I just prefer Curtis with Jordan. What do you think? Which coupling do you prefer? Maybe Jordan can get the dirt on Curtis' long-lost dad suddenly showing up after all these years.
Readers, when I caught my first glimpse of new Charlotte this week, I thought, "Who's that girl?" because, since Charlotte was recast, we have barely seen her. But then it dawned on me. I miss Scarlett Fernandez, but I think the recast of Amelie McClain is doing a fantastic job of making the role her own. When Charlotte was kidnapped and then found this week, her reunion with "Papa" was sweet. Of course, James Patrick Stuart has chemistry with everyone, but seeing the connection between him and his new TV daughter was a delight.
I was thrilled that Brook Lynn went to see Valentin in the hospital to finally tell him what she should have told him months ago. When they reminisced about their little faux family, it choked me up a little. For a bit, I thought Valentin and Brook Lynn were going to fall for each other, but, of course, the writers had a better pairing in mind with Valentin and Anna.
I am not afraid to say it. Valentin is my favorite. I don't like it when he doesn't have the upper hand, and I am worried about him trusting Victor when we all know Victor is the one who kidnapped him and left him drugged in a Dumpster. Valentin is suspicious of how Victor found Charlotte, and I hope he keeps his guard up and starts taking Yuri with him when he goes out.
Dr. Terry apparently has a date with Chet, which is fantastic. Still, I had entirely forgotten that Chet existed because I don't think we have seen him since Nathan died. I am anxious to see how the date turns out. Or was that a fake-out, he just happened to have a teal shirt on, and he's not really her date at all? But seriously, which dating app doesn't have profile pics? I mean, I don't know, as I have been married since the '80s, so maybe that's a thing. You'll have to educate me.
What will happen tomorrow, dear readers? Will the fire department call Anna, the former WSB agent, again when the next baby is dropped off in the rejected baby slot? Will Esme be hailed as a hero for rescuing the knocked-out pizza delivery boy? Will Trina ever realize she was drugged at the cabin, or will she just avoid hot toddies for the rest of her life? Will Taggert let Jordan move in with him when she comes to town to return the favor of when she was hiding him when he was supposed to be dead? Will Carly ever, ever be late for a date with Sonny again?
Will Valentin ask Brook Lynn to really have his baby because Charlotte wants a baby sister again? Will Valentine's Day part two end up with any happy couples? Will Peter take Maxie to hide out in Beechers Corners? Will Spinelli find Maxie with the microchip he probably slipped in her purse? Will Austin be forgiven when Maxie cools down? Will Victor's dreamy accent keep making me forget he's a villain?
Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows.Tamilu
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