Stories Taxonomy Pages

Before we continue

Please note that Sportskeeda's editorial team reserves the right to publish or reject any story.

→ Here are some guidelines which may help you to successfully get your first story published.

Do's Don'ts
Pick unique titles and story ideas. If you submit a story on a topic that has already been published, your chances of getting published would reduce drastically.
Do not post news Stories, as those are done in-house. If you have an exclusive news piece to share, please contact the specific sport's content head.
Always be original. If any part of your story is plagiarized, you will be permanently banned from the website.
Do not use misleading titles / click-baiting titles.
If you wish to coordinate with the team to double check for any title you can email the respective teams.
For at [email protected]
Avoid any sort of fraudulent ways of generating views.
Do not submit any press release or promotional story. For all queries on such PR/marketing content, please reach out to our sales team through the 'Contact us' page.

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