Martin Richardson

Martin Richardson

Martin Richardson: A Brief Biography

Actor History

Brandon Claybon

February 24, 2025 to present


United States Congressman

Resides At

Washington, D.C.

Marital Status

Married to Bradley “Smitty” Smith since at least 2015

Past Marriages
None known


Ted Richardson (father)

Nicole Dupree Richardson (mother)

Katherine “Kat” Richardson (sister)

Stan Richardson (uncle; deceased)

Ira Richardson (aunt; deceased)

Vernon Dupree (grandfather)

Anita Dupree (grandmother)

Paul Cheeks Dupree (great-grandfather)

Chelsea Hamilton (cousin)

Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne (cousin)

Andre Richardson (cousin)


Tyrell Richardson (son; adoptive)

Samantha Richardson (daughter; adoptive)

Flings and Affairs

None known

Crimes Committed

None known

Health and Vitals

Experiences nightmares [?-2025]

Brief Character History

Martin Richardson is the son of Ted Richardson and Nicole Dupree, as well as the grandson of Vernon Dupree, civil rights activist and former U.S. Senator. Martin grew up with his sister, Katherine “Kat” Richardson, and their cousin, Andre Richardson, whose parents had been killed in a plane crash. Martin admired his grandfather so much that he went into politics himself, becoming a congressman.

An openly gay man, Martin went on to marry Bradley “Smitty” Smith, and, in 2015, they adopted two children, Tyrell and Samantha. Martin professed himself as “secretive and moody” at 17 as teenager Tyrell had become, though Martin blew off Smitty's concern when the nightmares Martin had been experiencing on and off for years came back. Martin heard gunshots in his dreams, but disagreed with Smitty that he was dealing with suppressed memories.