Bradley “Smitty” Smith

Bradley “Smitty” Smith

Bradley “Smitty” Smith: A Brief Biography

Actor History

Mike Manning

February 25, 2025 to present



Formerly a political reporter

Resides At

Washington, D.C.

Marital Status

Married to Martin Richardson since at least 2015

Past Marriages
None known


None known


Tyrell Richardson (son; adoptive)

Samantha Richardson (daughter; adoptive)

Flings and Affairs


Crimes Committed

None known

Health and Vitals


Brief Character History

Bradley “Smitty” Smith is openly gay and married to congressman Martin Richardson. Smitty gave up his career as a political reporter to become a househusband and raise Tyrell and Samantha Richardson, children whom Smitty had adopted with Martin in 2015. Smitty became concerned when the nightmares Martin had experienced on and off for years began coming back, suggesting that Martin was dealing with a suppressed memory, but got nowhere trying to convince Martin of it.