Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R

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Victor and Nikki could not deny their attraction
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R

Al made Nick an offer he hoped Nick couldn't resist. Jack and Brad debated hiring Ryan again. Diane had some architectural plans of her own when she interrupted the meeting between Ashley, Cole, and their architect. Victor and Ramona got closer. Tony and Megan were arrested.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R

Monday April 26, 1999

by Soap Central

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#6613, Directed by Sally McDonald

Ryan approached Jack and Brad about his letter of termination from Victoria. Both wanted to know what Ryan wanted them to do about it and told him that he was closely associated with people in the company, namely Neil and Jill, that did not see the takeover as a productive thing. In fact, Ryan was primarily where he was because of the generosity of Victor. Ryan told them that he had worked quite productively and had earned everything he'd been given. Disgusted, Ryan finally said that he shouldn't have to defend himself to anyone, and he'd look into the job offers he'd received in the last several months.

Jack stopped Ryan and said that he could be an asset to the company, and they decided to override Victoria's decision and keep Ryan on the job. Ryan seemed genuinely relieved and said he'd go back to his office immediately and get some work accomplished. Privately, Jack and Brad discussed Ryan's value to their plans, and Brad wondered if the display of loyalty was genuine. Jack commented that if Ryan was in secret allegiance with the Newmans, they'd find out soon enough because he intended to give Ryan just enough rope to hang himself should his loyalty be an act. He'd rue the day he double-crossed them, so Jack intended to keep an eye on Ryan personally.

Ramona offered to hike back into town and get gas for Chet. Then, she could drive Victor away from the compound so no one would know where Chet lived. Chet said he'd think about it but resented that Victor was the kind of rich, greedy man who ruined things for the rest of the world. Ramona commented that Victor was pushing all the wrong buttons with Chet. Changing the subject, Chet wished Ramona would stay longer -- or possibly not leave at all -- but he knew that would never happen because it was her nature to "come and go" as her spirit led her. Chet told her that "this time," she was going to stay a few days extra, and that was all there was to it. Ramona smiled, and they kissed.

Victor was able to get gas out of the fuel line of the truck and save it in a jar. He planned to use it in some way to alert search planes so he'd be rescued. When Chet arrived to check on him, Victor said that he'd discovered a control panel that gave electricity to a fence gate for opening and closing. He knew that Chet was keeping something from him. Chet found that humorous and told Victor to keep busy by trying to discover more about what made the place work. Victor just might decide that he liked the "natural order" of life there.

Alice and Michael met at Yves, and she told him about her visit with Cassie and how her fantasy of how it would go had been dashed by Cassie's non-response to her. She had gotten really upset and had called Sharon in from the main house because she'd thought Cassie might open up more, but in hindsight, it had been a mistake. There were times when Alice had almost blown her top, but she hadn't wanted to give the Newmans ammunition to use against her. Michael told her that she had done a good job, but it was only the first visit, and he advised her not to call Sharon the next time, no matter how bad she perceived the situation to be.

Alice begged Michael to get Cassie back for her. Michael promised to do everything in his power to do just that and said that Alice deserved a second chance. He likened Alice's position to that of a boxing champion on a hill -- because Alice was Cassie's legal mother, she stood on the top of that hill, and the Newmans had a long and difficult climb ahead of them. For the first time during the meal, Alice smiled and told Michael she liked the way he described things to her. Michael genuinely looked sorrowful at Alice's disheartening experience.

After Nick agreed for Al to stay, Al walked around the house, looking at the nice furnishings of the home, commenting that it had to be nice to have all the money a person could need. Nick told him to go if he was there to bellyache. Al finally told Nick that he would take Nick to Millie for the sum of $25,000. At first, Nick balked at the idea, but Al reminded him that Millie could push the edge of the envelope in their custody battle. Nick asked Al to let him talk it over with Sharon, but he was sure they could arrange an agreement. Nick then ordered Al out of the house, and the security guard escorted Al off the property.

Raymond Becker's old law partner, Ann Corriner, went to see Paul while Christine was there. Ms. Corriner mistook Christine for Alice's lawyer, but Christine told her Cassie and Sharon's story and that she needed any information Ms. Corriner could give but reminded her it was not a deposition. Ms. Corriner affirmed that Cassie's adoption was legal -- she had looked over the papers herself because she thought Alice was such an abominable person. She couldn't believe that Alice was still the legal mother, but Christine explained that the biological mother had been hesitant to file papers, so they were up against a much-determined Alice, who had a cutthroat lawyer. Ms. Corriner couldn't give her any more information but agreed to testify if she were needed. Christine said she'd be in contact.

A despondent Mary was straightening the items on the mantel and sighed, "Oh Carl," when she happened across his picture. Paul stopped by to check on her and told her that she didn't have to hide from him the hurt he knew she felt. Mary admitted that she'd had a rough time since Carl had gone back to Norfolk, but he was living as "Jim Bradley." Paul asked about Charlie, and Mary admitted that Charlie had called a number of times, but she couldn't give him what he wanted or needed. Paul left, and awhile later, the doorbell rang as Mary was returning from upstairs. To her astonishment, she found Ruth standing on her doorstep and immediately asked Ruth if something had happened to Carl.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, April 27, 1999

by Sandy Rosser

#6614, Directed by Kathryn Foster

Nick and Sharon spoke privately while Cassie and Noah were with Miguel. When Nick told her what Al wanted, she was excited but questioned whether or not Nick was willing to pay Al. Nick stated that Cassie was his daughter, too. Sharon immediately brightened and couldn't wait to call Christine with their great news. Sharon didn't like having to pay Al but felt that sometimes people needed to do things that they didn't like for the greater good. Nick moved to call Christine, and relief flooded Sharon.

Christine and Paul discussed Paul's visit to Mary. Paul explained that his mother no longer saw Charlie in the same way and remarked that it would be a shame to lose what they had once shared. Christine divulged the information she had gleaned from Ann Corriner, and even though the legal documents for Cassie's adoption were in order, she wondered if there was a loophole in the underhanded way Raymond Becker had handled Alice's presentation to Social Services. Lynne interrupted with an urgent message -- Christine and Paul were needed at the Newman ranch.

Upon their arrival, Christine and Paul found a beaming Sharon and Nick, obviously happy about something. However, when Nick told them what Al had offered them in exchange for a cash payoff, Christine threw a monkey wrench into their plans when she informed them that what they were about to do was a crime. Sharon and Nick wanted to be presented to the judge as upstanding, honorable citizens, and what Nick wanted to do was considered blackmail.

Christine told Nick and Sharon that if they paid Al, she would no longer represent them, plus she'd be obligated as an officer of the court to report them. Nick spouted that Christine should get off her moral high horse, but she would not bend. Paul told them that they had hired the best attorney for the case, yet they were not taking her advice. Their hopes dashed, Sharon and Nick pleaded with Paul to keep searching for Millie, no matter what it cost.

After Paul and Christine left and Nick had had more time to think about what Christine had said, he decided that the next time Al called, he just wouldn't tell Christine. She couldn't stop him from doing something she didn't know about. Sharon asked him not to alienate Christine, but Nick declared that he was doing it for his family, and "everyone else can go to hell."

Mary invited Ruth inside. Ruth was there to talk to Mary and to thank her for allowing Carl to return home. She realized it had taken a great deal of courage and strength to let Carl go, but Mary said that she realized that her time with Carl was gone. They both agreed that if they had continued to try to stir up memories, Carl would have eventually "pretended" to remember. Mary stated that she wouldn't have wanted that. As Mary and Ruth embraced, Mary tearfully asked Ruth to take care of Carl. That solemn promise went unspoken.

Mamie relished being in the Abbott home and was touching objects that held years of priceless memories for her when Ashley finally found out that she was there. She enthusiastically embraced Mamie and told her she had to know all about what Mamie had been up to. Mamie finished up her story by telling Ashley she and Trent were still good friends, but they had been much too different. She was tired of wandering around and wanted to return home.

Even though the Abbotts had Mrs. Martinez, Mamie said she'd still like to work part-time. She liked being a guest there, and Ashley told her she was not just a guest -- Mamie was part of their family. Mamie said that she was surprised that Ashley and Diane hadn't had a catfight, living under the same roof, and Ashley admitted there had been moments. She had never liked Diane, and it had never been a secret.

Diane feverishly worked on blueprint plans for something she refused to divulge to even Marissa. Jack stopped by unannounced and passionately greeted his fiance. He tried his best to convince Diane that the penthouse was the best place for her office, but Diane was bound and determined to make her office in the space over the garage. She asked if Ashley had put him up to that, and he told her that it was strictly an independent idea with no input from anyone. Jack told Diane that she was stubborn, but she preferred to think of herself as determined.

At the Abbott mansion, Ashley was on the phone with their architect's secretary, who assured her that he was on his way. Cole entered, and Ashley shared the news with him. He remarked that she was wasting no time, and Ashley confirmed that she wanted to get the project started before Diane had time to get her idea off the ground. In fact, she'd like to strangle Diane. Cole stated that he had overheard Jack and Diane talking, and the project seemed to be a sore point between them.

William, the architect, arrived, and both Ashley and Cole were impressed with the initial sketches. Jack and Diane entered, and Diane greeted William, stating that they were longtime friends. When she saw what Ashley and Cole were viewing, she told William that she hated to take business away from him, but she already had the plans drawn up. Ashley and Cole were absolutely stunned.

Victor dragged an empty barrel across the yard and gathered sticks and dry brush to fill it. He vowed that the next time the search planes flew overhead, they would see a blazing fire, and he'd be rescued. He saw Chet and Ramona approaching from a distance and ducked into the shed. Chet was going to the top of the canyon to work on one of the windmills because he had noticed a difference in the power surges. He suggested that Ramona go with him, but she needed to attend to her herbs and roots. Chet warned her not to be taken in by Victor's charms. She assured him she could handle Victor.

Once Chet left, Victor emerged from the shed and asked Ramona about the herbs she was drying. She was impressed with Victor's knowledge of ancient herbal remedies but told him that Chet had warned her not to be disarmed by him. She asked about the splint and gently took it off to check Victor's leg. She told him he'd been on his leg far too much because there were abrasions that could easily get infected. She concocted a powerful remedy called "pamillo," and Victor again impressed Ramona by comparing it to the Asian herbal antibiotic "yara."

When Ramona had ground the pamillo into a paste, she spread it on gauze and applied it to Victor's open sores. Its sting was powerful, and Victor used deep breathing to control his pain level. She applied it twice more, each time paining Victor as much as the first. Victor reminded himself that he had to find a way to persuade Ramona to help him get out of the compound.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, April 28, 1999

by Soap Central

Ramona had mixed up a paste to put on Victor's leg. Victor said that if she hadn't been there, he would have had a very badly infected leg. He asked if she was a curandera. She was surprised that he knew about that, but she answered that she was and so was her grandfather. Her grandfather had taught her that and many other things. "I'll tell you about it one of these days," she told Victor in an off-handed manner. Victor said that he wouldn't be there that long. Ramona told him that he just might learn something there in the desert.

Victor said that if she would help him to get out of there, he would buy her as many plants and herbs as she wanted. Ramona said that she would not help him because it would mean suicide for him in his condition. He wanted her to at least call his family and let them know that he was okay. Suddenly, they heard a plane overhead, and Victor got busy setting the signal fire. Ramona looked at him sadly and told him that that wouldn't do any good. She said that the canyon was too narrow.

Victor was sure that the fire would be seen, but he was soon disappointed when the plane flew away. Ramona said that she had told him so; Chet had chosen that canyon because it was so narrow. Victor said that if Chet had only taken him up to the ridge, the search planes would have seen the fire, and he would be rescued. Ramona told him that Chet valued his privacy, but Victor said that it had nothing to do with privacy; Chet had an agenda where Victor was concerned, and Chet was never going to let Victor go. Ramona said that she didn't believe that. She said that Chet had things to finish. Victor said that he realized that if he wanted to get out of there, he had to go through Chet, and he would do it.

Nikki was really down when Victoria entered. Victoria noticed how depressed her mother was and tried to cheer her up. Nikki said that it was only because she hadn't been sleeping; she was planning on trying to get a little nap. Victoria was looking for the paper so that she could see the weather conditions in New Mexico. They were surprised at the variation between the daytime and nighttime temperatures.

While looking over Victoria's shoulder, Nikki saw a report of another small plane crash where no one had survived. She was sure that was Victor's fate also. Victoria calmed her mother down by reminding her that there had been footprints showing that Victor was alive and had walked away from the crash. After Victoria left the room, Nikki lay down and took a nap. She dreamed that Victor walked in and kissed her on the lips, awakening her. She was relieved to see him, but before she could do anything, he turned into a man who was cut and bleeding. She cried out that he was hurt, but he said that it was only her fear that she was seeing.

In Nikki's vision, Victor told her that he was fine, and he would be back to her before long. She only had to believe. He begged her to have faith, and when she did believe him, he returned to the man he had been before. She reached out to touch him, and her hand passed through his image. When Nikki awakened, Victoria was back in the room. She told Victoria that Victor was fine; he had appeared to her in a dream because it was the only way he had to communicate with her. But it was a sign that he was alive and would be returning home.

Jack was just as surprised as Cole, Ashley, and William when Diane laid out her plans for the office space. William wondered what that small space was, and she said that it was Cole's office. Cole and Ashley were outraged. She said that she needed space for her drafting tables, but all Cole needed was a desk and a bookcase. An argument ensued with Jack caught in the middle. Ashley apologized to William and saw him out, saying that she would call him at a better time.

After William left, Ashley blew her top at Diane, saying that it was her house, and Diane was only a guest. Ashley asked how Diane dared to design the office space at all but said that to give Cole a broom closet while Diane had the Taj Mahal -- that was just unthinkable. Cole pulled Ashley out of the room before she could say anything further, but before he left, he asked Jack how it felt acting like a politician. When they were alone, Jack tried to chastise Diane for rubbing Ashley the wrong way. He even said that she was a little selfish in taking all the space.

Jack reminded Diane that he needed Ashley on his side. Diane wondered if he was just interested in her for her vote instead of for love. Jack looked irritated at being asked that question yet again. After Diane left, Jack made a call to his father. He had a favor to ask. It might sound strange, but he really needed his dad's help.

Ashley tried to defend Jack. Perhaps he was fence-sitting because he really loved Diane and was afraid that the would lose her again. Cole was sure that Jack was lying. He likened him to a fighter hanging on but knowing that he was about to lose. He said that Jack was desperate, so he was doing desperate things.

Tony had gotten tired of driving, so he pulled over to a rest stop and took a nap. When he awakened, he and Megan talked about their dream of driving all over the country. They planned their trip, including what they would be driving. Megan started with a convertible but determined it should be an RV. They could sleep where they wanted and cook for themselves.

Tony and Megan's daydreaming was interrupted by a call from Joe, telling them to get back to Genoa City right away. Tony didn't think their being late would be a problem, but Joe told him to mind his own business and stay out of Joe's. He wanted that car back in Genoa City by the next day, or the deal would be canceled. Megan and Tony started up the car and drove off.

Nina looked up and saw Tricia in Crimson Lights. She ignored her, but Tricia spied Nina and walked over and joined her. She told Nina that she had heard from Megan, who had said that everything was fine. Nina was surprised because Megan hadn't sounded that way when Nina had talked to her. Tricia told Nina in no uncertain terms to stay out of her family business. Nina said that she was only trying to help; she remembered when she had been rebelling the same way that Megan was doing at that moment.

Tricia told Nina not to compare herself with Tricia's sister because there was no comparison. Nina was shocked and asked if she was hearing a trace of "class" division in that statement. Tricia accused Nina of enjoying herself, since she had some dirt on Tricia's family. Nina said that Tricia was really paranoid. She cared about Megan and was only trying to help. She called Tricia a snob and a control freak; she advised her to get a life of her own before she sank in quicksand.

Tricia says that was strange advice to get from Nina. Nina agreed; she said that was why she knew that Tricia was headed for trouble with her attitude. Tricia said that there was no reasoning with her, so she was leaving. She got up with her to-go coffee and sashayed out of the coffeehouse with her head held high. A little later, Ryan walked in, looking for his wife. Nina told him that they'd had an argument. Ryan said that that was all he needed at a time like that.

Ryan jumped all over Nina for having had words with his wife but Nina said that she hadn't been about to sit there and have insults thrown at her and not respond. Ryan told her that he had been fired -- and by Victoria, of all people. Nina still thought that there was something wrong. Ryan said that he was only thinking about the company and not who was running it. She asked him what would happen when Victor returned. He said that when Victor returned, he would handle it, but Nina said that when Victor was back, "all hell will break loose."

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, April 29, 1999

by Sandy Rosser

While waiting for the social worker to show up, Nick took a packet out of his jacket and told Sharon that it was the $25,000 that Al wanted. She reminded him of what Christine had had to say about that, but Nick was more concerned with keeping Cassie than with Christine's ethics. Meanwhile, Christine and Paul got together and talked about Al's proposition. Christine was worried that Michael Baldwin was behind it; it would be just like him to trick Nick and Sharon into doing something foolish to hurt their case. Paul got a worried look on his face as if he agreed with her. Suddenly, he thought that he had an idea how to do it without it being unethical.

Sharon was worried about meeting the social worker, but Nick told her that they would be fine. She wondered if he would be able to see that they weren't really reconciled. Nick said that it would be easy for him to pretend that everything was okay; he then asked her if she could at least concentrate on remembering how it had been. The social worker arrived, and they talked. Sharon wondered what he had thought after his visit with Cassie, and he said that she had impressed him a lot.

Nick and Sharon wanted to know how the social worker had reacted after talking to Alice, and he set them straight right off the bat. He hadn't seen Alice yet, but even if he had, he would no more tell them what had happened than tell her what was happening with Nick and Sharon. Nick said that he wouldn't mind him telling her what he thought of them, but the social worker said that he was a neutral party. The judge was depending on his report, but there were a lot of things other than his report to consider and factor in. The social worker especially wanted to know how Nick was handling Cassie living with them.

Nick was honest and said that he'd had a problem with it at first, but once he had gotten to know Cassie, he had fallen in love with her. She was a great kid, and he could not imagine not having her in their lives. The social worker then wanted to know about their marriage. They admitted that they had been having problems but said they were back together. The social worker questioned the timing on that, and Nick admitted that once the custody issue had arisen, they had begun talking about what was best for Cassie. Once they had begun talking, they had just naturally begun to work things out.

After the social worker left, Sharon made something for Nick to eat. The two were very close but not quite close enough. Sharon reluctantly said goodnight and walked up the stairs. Nick watched her leave with a longing look.

Katherine and Mac sorted out the latest grocery donations to the shelter, and they lamented the small amount. The director of the shelter said that it seemed that the donations got smaller and smaller every week. She wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to keep the shelter going. Birdie happened along and picked up a large jar of pickles. It slipped right out of her hands and crashed to the floor. As Birdie apologized and bent down to clean it up, the director told her not to cut herself.

The shelter director bent down to help and looked strangely at Birdie. She accused Birdie of drinking and reminded her that that was against the rules. Birdie at first denied drinking but finally admitted that she'd had a tiny nip. "That is against the rules, and I will not have it," she answered. Birdie wondered how she was ever going to get her child back if she kept drinking. The director said that if Birdie was ever caught again, she would have to leave the shelter for good.

As Birdie and the shelter director left and Katherine and Mac began to clean up the mess, Katherine related to Mac how alcohol had ruined her life and body. She told Mac exactly down to the hour how long she had been sober. Mac was surprised that she remembered how long it had been since her last drink. Katherine said that a person never got rid of the desire for the drink, and remembering how long they had been sober was all that kept them sober.

Jill wandered around the mansion, not knowing what to do with herself. She found a picture of Katherine and Phillip and put a vase of flowers in front of it. She then saw a picture of Nina and Phillip. She went to the phone and made a call to Nina, who was in Crystal Lights, waiting for Bret to deliver Phillip. Jill wanted to talk face-to-face with her.

Nina tried to say that she was meeting someone, and it wasn't a good time, but Jill said she would be right there. When Jill arrived, Nina was still alone. Jill invited Nina and Phillip to dinner at the mansion that night. Nina said that she had plans with Brent, so Jill invited him also. Nina agreed on two conditions: it was Ryan's time with Phillip, so he had to agree, and Jill had to behave herself.

Back at the mansion, Jill called Shirley and told her the plans. Shirley said she didn't do dinner, but Jill persuaded her to go into the kitchen and see what was in the refrigerator. A little while later, Shirley entered the living room with a stalk of celery, saying that was all that was in the refrigerator. Jill was about to panic when Nina called and said that they would be there in an hour.

Ryan arrived at the coffee shop prior to Phillip. When Nina explained the invitation from Jill, he said that there was no problem. He would just take Phillip another day.

Malcolm had packed his bags to move out when Olivia arrived. They had words, which was really only a rehash of what they had said to each other before. When Nate got home, he was excited to see his dad didn't have to work late that night. He threw himself into Malcolm's arms. When he saw the suitcases, he wondered what was going on. Malcolm had to explain to the boy that Malcolm and Olivia had been having some problems, and Malcolm was moving out.

Nate's joy turned to disappointment. He asked Malcolm to tuck him in and read him a story before he left. Olivia was left all alone in the living room with her misery. Later, when Malcolm returned to say that Nate had finally gone to sleep, he told Olivia that she was so confused that she didn't know what she was doing. She said that it was he that was walking out. He said that he was leaving the house because she had walked out on the marriage.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 26, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, April 30, 1999

by Sandy Rosser

Malcolm met his brother for a drink. Neil asked why Malcolm had a long face, and Malcolm said that he had just left his wife. Neil was surprised that it had reached that point but tried to talk Malcolm into going home and working everything out. Malcolm went on to explain what the problem was, and he was unnerved when he found out that Neil had known all along. He thought that that said a lot about his marriage when his wife would trust his brother but not her husband.

Neil told Malcolm to look at it from Olivia's point of view. He did, but in doing so, he ran himself down. Neil told him that that wasn't the way Olivia looked at him, but he couldn't change Malcolm's mind. Malcolm expressed anger that his brother had known what should have been between Malcolm and Olivia alone. He then said that it looked like the only person who had been straight with him through all of it was Callie. He got up and left Neil sitting alone.

Callie went to Crimson Lights and was delighted to run into Paul. He invited her to sit and have coffee with him. He wanted to know all about her career and Milwaukee. She filled him in on her new manager and how good he was for her. She assured him that all of her problems with Trey were over, and Paul was happy for her. He asked why she was in Genoa City if she had her career back on track.

Callie gave Paul a snappy answer, and Paul took offense. She apologized and said that he wasn't the first to ask her that question, and she was getting tired of having to answer it. He told her that he liked her, and it had nothing to do with her. He just reminded her that he wouldn't want to see anything happen to Malcolm and Olivia's marriage. Callie said that if there was anything wrong there, it wasn't because of her. Paul was glad to hear that, and he left.

As Callie sat there alone, she remembered the time when Trey had torn up her contract. But she also remembered that he had told her that they had another contract, and he would never tear that one up.

Brett stopped by with Phillip, and Nina gave him the "good" news about the change in plans. Phillip was sorry about missing his evening with Ryan, but Ryan promised that they could have another night -- perhaps even the following night, he promised. Nina, Brett, and Phillip left to join Jill.

Ryan was still sitting at the table when Tricia walked into Crimson Lights. She mentioned that it was to have been his night with Phillip. He explained the situation, and Tricia made a disparaging remark about Nina expecting everyone to just change their plans to accommodate her. When Ryan said that wasn't what had happened, she said that she didn't want to talk about Nina; she was too worried about her sister. Ryan asked asked why she disliked Tony so much, and she said that he was trouble just waiting to happen. Ryan said that Megan had a good head on her shoulders. He thought that she should give her sister more credit.

Tony and Megan couldn't believe that they had actually made it back to Genoa City by the deadline. Tony said that he was black and blue from pinching himself to keep awake, but they had made it. Joe walked out and paid Tony for a job well done. Megan wondered why he was doing that when he was running a garage. Joe said that "these days, a man has to do whatever it takes to survive."

Tony and Megan headed out to his apartment to get some rest. Not long after they left, another man walked in, and Joe exchanged a packet of cash for the keys to the car. The man wanted to know when they could do it again, but Joe said that his man probably wouldn't agree to do it again, at least for a long time. "Then you do it," the man suggested.

Joe said he was the head of "this thing." He didn't put himself in the firing line. The man reminded Joe that he was in it, and the job had to be done one way or the other. He left. Joe kissed the envelope with the money, grabbed his whiskey bottle, and settled back for a night of celebration.

Nick stood outside Sharon's door but hesitated before going in. He wondered if he was reading her right that night. He didn't want to go in and be wrong. It could push her further away from him. In the bedroom, Sharon stood by the door and wondered if Nick was on the other side. She reached for the doorknob to open it and see but hesitated. When she did open the door, Nick had gone back to the living room couch.

Sharon walked to the doorway of the living room and watched as he began to undress. She went back to her bedroom, changed into a nightie, and lay down on the bed. Nick returned to the doorway and slowly opened the door. He saw his wife lying on the bed with her back to him. He thought about how much he needed her and how he had done everything he could to make things right. Slowly, he backed out of the room.

Sharon thought she heard something and turned to find the door closed as she had left it. Getting up, she went to the door, thinking about how much she needed Nick. In the living room, Nick wrote a note and said that he had to get out of there -- he couldn't stand it any longer. Sharon reentered the living room and called out to Nick. When she got no answer, she went to the couch. She found it empty, as well as the room. Her eyes fell on the letter on the desk. Opening it, she read that Nick had left for New Mexico to join in the search for his father.

Jill was frantic when time was running out and there was nothing in the house to eat. Shirley said that there were some steaks, but they were frozen. She wondered why they couldn't call for take-out as they had been doing every night. Jill said that it was her family that would be there, and she wanted the house to have the smells of home. Jill begged Shirley to do something, and out of loyalty to Jill, Shirley left for the kitchen.

Esther returned, and Jill told her that Nina and Phillip were having dinner there, and there wasn't anything to fix. She asked Esther for help. Esther told her to get Shirley to do it, but Jill said that Shirley wasn't that much help; she didn't know what to do in the kitchen. Esther agreed for Phillip's sake. Just then, Shirley walked back out and announced that in defrosting the steaks in the microwave, they had turned gray and "sorta cooked a little." Esther said that she could cut them up and make stir-fry. Jill almost hugged her in her gratitude.

Before long, Nina and company arrived. Jill made a big production of welcoming them and giving Phillip a big hug. She told him that the pool was filled and warmed, so he could go for a swim. He said that he didn't have a suit with him, but Jill said that she had a suit and towels on her bed. She sent them up for them while she made drinks for Nina and Brett.

Alone for a change, Katherine went to the pay phone and made a call. Later, Mac found her dressed in some of the shelter's best clothing. She said that she was going out for a while, and Mac teased her about going to see a man. Katherine said that she was but not like Mac was imagining. She wished she had on some makeup, and Mac helped her to apply some understated color to her face. She then did a little work on Katherine's hair.

Katherine went to her Chinchilla coat, took out her rings, and placed them on her fingers. She put a scarf over her head and headed out. Later she was sitting in a small restaurant when a man joined her, saying that he had almost stopped in to see her just recently. Katherine called him Sam and told him that she was going to help him to "feel good" about himself; all he had to do was make a deal with her.

In Tony's room, Tony and Megan talked about sex again. She wondered if it bothered him that she wanted to wait, and he admitted that it did. However, he added that he admired her for waiting. He said that it would be worth it, and he also wanted to take things slowly. It was the first time he had ever felt that way about anyone, and he just wanted to savor it for as long as he could. He confessed that he loved her.

As Tony and Megan were kissing, there was a loud knock at the door. A loud voice called out that it was the police. "Open up!" the voice said. "We have an arrest warrant for Tony Viscardi and Megan Dennison."

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Edited by SC Desk