Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R

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Victor and Nikki could not deny their attraction
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R

Esther thought that Katherine had started drinking again. Nick interrupted the board meeting. Carl told Mary that he was no longer the man she had married. Nick tentatively moved back in with Sharon. Olivia told Malcolm that they should separate.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R

Monday, February 15, 1999

by Soap Central

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Directed by Kathryn Foster

VICTOR sits at his computer ready to work when NIKKI enters his officebecause she's edgy about the divorce proceedings today. She apologizes forinterrupting Victor and also asks if Miguel gave him Phyllis' message.Victor rises to comfort Nikki, promising her that nothing is going to gowrong. He's even called his travel agent and the two of them are going awayto someplace warm and sunny so they can be alone. Holding Nikki, Victordoes not see his computer screen, which reads, "File is already accessed.Would you like to sign in under another name?" His attention is fullyfocused on Nikki, who tells him she'll leave him to his work, and hedeclares, "Sweetheart, it will be over with. I promise you. All right?"The cursor on the screen continues to blink, unnoticed.

BRAD enters JACK'S office and finds him asleep at his desk. Brad'sexplosion wavers between anger and worry. Why didn't Jack lock his door?What if Victor had walked in and seen that Jack had accessed his personalfiles? Jack rouses and tells Brad to calm down. Brad wants to know if Jackfound anything and Jack shows Brad that there is yet another password toenter. Both wonder if Victor would use "Nicole" again and just how manytries Jack gets to enter the password before the program shuts down.Fortunately for them, Victor did not follow the instructions to use multiplepasswords and "Nicole" works a second time. They find the entirespreadsheet for the Newman-Forrester negotiations labeled by Victor as "MyDeal." Nikki, who tells them that she needed a diversion from thinkingabout the divorce proceedings, surprises them. She asks for coffee and Bradoffers to take her down to the commissary for a cup and then perhaps a walk.Nikki notices that Jack has looked at his watch three times since she camein and wonders if he's is trying to get rid of her.

PAUL and CHRISdiscuss the fact that Mary doesn't know that Carl fell inlove with the woman who nursed him back to health, even though Mary has met,and likes, Ruth. MICHAEL interrupts them with a call to request moving thedivorce proceedings back. Chris tells him no and Michael doggedly says heunderstands if Chris can't or won't give him the extra time, but she doesn'tfeel sorry for him. Before leaving to meet with John and nail down somefinal details, Chris asks Paul if he's talked to his contact in Madisonabout Millie. She's worried about the situation with Cassie. Paul tellsChris that Sharon will be all right because she has the best attorney.

After Chris leaves, Paul calls FRED and finds out that Millie was releasedfrom Liberty Hospital and was scheduled to go to Angel of Mercy NursingHome. The problem is she never made it. Fred offers to dig deeper, butPaul tells him that he'll handle it. When Paul calls Alpha MedicalTransport and talks to the attendant who picked up Millie from the hospital.He informs Paul that Alice insisted that he take Millie home, which he foundunusual for a woman in Millie's condition. According to the driver Millieis going to need full time care and Alice doesn't seem to be the type ofdaughter who can handle the situation. Paul tells LYNNE that he's worriedand must go to Madison and check things out. Lynne offers to call Chris andgive her the message.

TONY confronts NICK at Crimson Lights, telling him that Cassie may be introuble. Nick accuses Tony of trying to move in on Sharon as revenge forwhat happened with Grace. Tony tells him that Sharon is a friend and hewould never use Sharon that way, but Nick is wary. When Tony relates theentire story about Alice's search for Cassie to Nick, he tells Tony that hespoke with Sharon yesterday and she never said a word to him. Tony saysthat Nick made it hard for Sharon to ask him for anything. In fact,declares Tony, he should have steered clear of the whole situation, but he'sworried about Cassie and Sharon. Disgusted with Nick's attitude, Tonyassures him that Sharon will get through this with no thanks to Nick.

DIANE paces back and forth while telling MARISSA that she's sure Victor willhit the roof when he finds out she wants a seat on the NE Board ofDirectors, but it will be worth facing his wrath because Diane knows thatthe seat means so much to Jack. There is a knock on the door and Marissawonders who it could be. Diane smiles, runs to the door, and calls,"Darling, is that you?" Expecting to find Jack on the other side, she iscompletely thrown when she finds Victor. He's come to ask her a favor. Heknows the lawyers are together and asks Diane if she wants the divorceproceedings to go as smoothly as he does. He proposes that since he andDiane have a vested interest in this meeting, they should both attend and bethere to settle any loose ends.

OLIVIA looks at MALCOLM through his hospital door and remembers her lastconversation with him. Malcolm sees her and motions for Olivia to enter.He's glad to see her and asks when they are going to "spring him from thisjoint." An unenthusiastic Olivia tells him his test results are good andthe doctor will release him tomorrow. Malcolm promises to be good and tellsher that this situation has been a misunderstanding. Olivia is angered andtells Malcolm refuses to see how much his priorities are mixed up. Malcolmwonders why Olivia can't see his point of view. Malcolm admits that he waswrong, but Olivia is just as wrong to imply that he's put Callie's needs infront of hers and Nate's. Why won't she just let it be over? Olivia hissesthat she won't even dignify that question with an answer and leaves.

NEIL finds Malcolm trying to get out of bed and makes him crawl back in.Neil is surprised that Malcolm is going home tomorrow and saddened that thesituation between Malcolm and Olivia has not improved. Just between them,Malcolm tells Neil he's worried. Neil listens as Malcolm rationalizes hisgoing to Detroit and meeting with Trey. Neil advises Malcolm to take Callieout of the picture so much. He agrees with Olivia and sees the situationfrom her point of view. The only solution is to get Callie out of Malcolm'slife as much as possible. Later, while an undisturbed Malcolm sleeps, TREYenters his room and stands by Malcolm's bed.

MILLIE sleeps in her chair while AL lounges on the couch. When ALICE comesin, she is angry because the people at Rolling Pines Nursing Home wanted ahuge bribe to keep Millie away from a telephone. Now she doesn't know whatto do because she can't handle taking caring of Millie anymore. Al suggestscalling a woman who "used to be" a nurse, a long story according to Al,because he's sure that she'd take Millie for a small fee. Alice doesn'tcare where she goes because she's worried that Millie is going to talk tosomeone. Alice paces around the living room and hears a knock at the door.Paul is on the other side.

JOHN and Chris wait while Michael pulls several stalling tactics, includingseveral calls from a temporary secretary who tells him that another of hisclients is threatening to dismiss him as a lawyer if he doesn't get in touchwith him right now. Michael theaTricially tells her not to disturb himagain. Chris and John are not buying his antics. In fact, Chris calls twoseparate memos into question because one has a date and the other does not.Michael doesn't have a chance to answer her because Victor and Diane enterthe meeting. Michael refers to them as "Mr. and Mrs. Newman" and asks howhe can help them. Victor informs him that the two of them are there to seethat matters are settled to his and Diane's satisfaction once and for all.Chris and John exchange glances and Michael stares Victor down. "Do I makemyself clear?" Victor demands.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, February 16, 1999

by Soap Central

Directed by Mike Denney

BRAD tells NIKKI that he and JACK are on a deadline for a report. Nikkitells them that she'll leave just as soon as she finishes her coffee and shesits down on Jack's couch. When she asks what they're working on, they areboth evasive and Brad tells Nikki that Jack is thinking about filing a jointtax return. Nikki immediately warns Jack to be careful of Diane becauseshe's already hurt him so much. When Nikki leaves, they hurry to thecomputer to finish their project.

MICHAEL tells VICTOR that he and DIANE must leave because this is a matterfor the lawyers to settle. Victor pushes past him and sits at the table.Michael asks Diane what she's doing here and Diane tells him that Victorinsisted that she come with him. Victor tells the lawyers that there willbe loose ends on some issues and if the two of them are there, they cansettle it on the spot. CHRIS brings up the two memos again and insists thatMichael deal with them. The dated memo mentions nothing about a seat on theBoard of Directors, yet the undated memo does. Michael waltzes around theissue and is interrupted by another phone call. Jack has called to tell himthat it's "time to go to war."

At NE, Jack hangs up the phone and looks at the spreadsheet on the computermonitor before him. Brad tells him that he hopes that they weren'tpremature in telling Michael to go for the throat. Jack assures him theyaren't and points out an item on the spreadsheet. Victor has given theForresters a $20 million dollar credit line, and that in itself would beenough to raise eyebrows on the Board. Jack adds a zero and the credit lineread "$200,000,000.00." Brad agrees with Jack that this will be thebeginning of the end for Victor. As Jack closes the file he says that it'spayback time for Victor. "This one's for you, Dad," he declares.

Michael proceeds with renewed vigor after his talk with Jack. He statesthat his client wants the seat on the NE Board of Directors as part of the deal or there will be no deal. Victor explodes, telling Diane he can'tbelieve that she would be led by such a devious human being as Michael.After several other insults, Michael rises and tells Victor that he andDiane don't have to stand for this kind of treatment and the meeting isover. As the muscles work in Victor's jaw, he thinks of Nikki, afraid thatsomething would stop today's proceedings. He calls Michael back to thetable and Chris asks if he wants to talk to her and JOHN for a moment.Victor informs Chris that won't be necessary. Turning to Diane, he looks ather angrily and tells her that she can have the Board seat as long as shesigns he agreement right here and now. Michael smiles wickedly.

SHARON calls NICK'S office but he's not in. Just then, there's a knock onthe door and Sharon finds Nick on the doorstep. He comes in and asks Sharonwhy he had to learn about Cassie's situation from Tony. Sharon tells Nickthat when she tried to talk to him, he was so abrasive she couldn't bring itup. When Sharon tells him the whole story, Nick wants to know how much of athreat to Cassie Alice is. Sharon tells him that Alice doesn't know whereCassie is yet, but she is actively looking and if Alice comes to her door,Sharon will have to let Cassie go with her because the law states that Aliceis Cassie's legal mother. Chris wants Sharon to file for custody of Cassie,but that would alert Alice to Cassie's whereabouts and Sharon doesn't knowif she can do that. Nick asks what he can do to help. Sharon reluctantlytells him that the appearance of a loving, two-parent home would go a longway with the court, but she has to be sure that Nick can control his temperbecause she can't allow him to wake the children up in the middle of thenight. When Nick asks what this means for their marriage, Sharon can't givehim answer. "Would you consider doing it?" she asks.

When ALICE opens the door, PAUL tells her that he is "Rick" from patientservices at Angels of Mercy Nursing Home. Alice tells Paul that Millie isno longer there and their services are no longer needed. Paul pushes hisway into the house and Alice angrily objects. He tells her that Angels ofMercy contracted for Millie's care and he must know where she is before hecan close the case file. Alice tells him that she will report him to hissupervisor and even threatens to call the police. She picks up the phoneand Paul stands his ground, telling her to call the police but Alice doesn'tfollow through. AL comes in and Alice brings him up to speed on who Paul isand why he's there, adding that Paul even searched the entire house lookingfor Millie. Al asks for identification. Paul won't show him any and Alorders him out. Seeing that Al is going to cause problems, Paul tells Alicethat he likes his job and if they tell him that Millie is safe and caredfor, then he'll take their word. Outside the house, Paul looks worried butrealizes that he has no choice but to leave.

TREY rouses a sleeping MALCOLM who orders Trey to get out of his room. Treytells Malcolm that he's not being very hospitable since Trey came all theway from Detroit to wish Malcolm well. He adds that Callie let him know shethinks he's responsible for Malcolm's beating but assures Malcolm that hehad nothing to do with it. Malcolm doesn't buy Trey's story and asks whyhe's really there. Trey asks why Malcolm is so concerned with Callie andasks what Malcolm's wife has to say about his involvement. Malcolm wants toknow the whole story between Trey and Callie but Trey tells him that he'sonly a manager. Malcolm tells him to find another singer to groom and againtells Trey to leave. When Trey agrees to be straight with him about CALLIE,she interrupts them, enraged that Trey is there. She picks up the phone tocall security, but Malcolm stops her. Trey takes an envelope from his coatand from the envelope he takes a piece of paper and asks Callie if sherecognizes it. When Callie identifies it as her contract, Trey rips it toshreds and leaves. Callie runs after him and thanks him. Trey tells herthat there is another contract that he will never let her out of -- theirmarriage. Callie is his wife, Trey declares, and she took a vow that heintends to hold her to. Callie tells him it's been over for a long time butit makes no difference to Trey, who turns and leaves Callie alone in thehospital corridor. When Callie enters Malcolm's room, he ironicallycongratulates her on being a free woman.

VICTORIA calls Neil's office and leaves a message for him. She stares outthe window and reminisces about a conversation that she and Neil had at oneof their late night dinners at Yves.They were discussing how much they had grown to cherish one another'scompany; that their timing was perfect for each other. RYAN interrupts herthoughts and she tells Ryan that she's decided to ask Neil to give theirrelationship another chance. Ryan asks if that's really what she wants oris it just the fact that Cole is with Ashley again. He implores her to takestock of her life and ask herself if she truly wants Neil or if she justcan't bear not being in a relationship. Ryan's advice to Victoria is to bealone for awhile and get herself together.

NEIL comes to OLIVIA'S office on Malcolm's behalf but Olivia wants nothingto do with Malcolm's explanations. Neil says that Malcolm has this "LoneRanger" attitude and would have put himself on the line for any friend.Olivia firmly tells Neil that Malcolm's attitude bothers her greatly. Neilsuggests that she and Malcolm work it out while he recuperates at home butOlivia asks Neil if Malcolm can stay with him for awhile when he's released.She needs to sort through some feelings and she doesn't want Nate to witnessany friction between the two of them. Neil is reluctant but they don't getto finish their conversation because Victoria comes in asking to speak withNeil privately.

Nikki waits by the windows in Victor's office. Victor enters and slams thedoor behind him, leading Nikki to believe that something went awry with thedivorce. Victor tells her that his anger stems from those circumstances butthat the papers are settled, signed, and will be filed in court next week.Nikki is ecstatic and Victor tells her that they can now leave on their tripfor the islands. As she leaves he tells her to buy a bikini and Nikkiseductively tells him that perhaps they'll find a beach where she won't haveto wear one. Victor sends her to prepare for their trip and picks up thephone.

Jack and Bradare talking about their latest strategic move when Michaelenters Jack's office. He tells them that Victor moaned and complained, butin the end he signed the papers. The phone rings and it's Victor demandingto see Jack immediately.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 17, 1999

by Sandy Rosser

#6562Directed by Heather H. Hill

JACK slams his phone down and announces to MICHAEL and BRAD that VICTOR hassummoned him in his usual totalitarian way. Brad tells Jack to be cautiousand Jack tells him he always is with the "Black Knight." After Jack leaves,Michael says that he's glad he's not in Jack's shoes because he saw Victor'sinitial explosion about the Board seat.

With no secretary to stop her, PHYLLIS wanders into Victor's office. Victorfinds her there and instructs her never to enter his office like this again.Phyllis wants to know why he never called her back and he curtly tells herthat her services are no longer needed. Neither of them knows that Jack hasarrived and is listening outside Victor's office door. When Victorsummarily dismisses her, Jack ducks into the room behind Connie's desk andwaits for Phyllis to clear the hallway. Jack is furious with Phyllis, butmust take care of the matter at hand. He knocks on Victor's door andenters. Victor tells him that a settlement has been reached which includeda seat on the Board of Directors at NE. Jack feigns disbelief when Victortells him he agreed to it just to get the whole matter resolved. "Did youknow about this?" Victor inquires. Jack lies and tells Victor he knew ithad been on the table at one time or another, but he swears that he knewnothing about it before now and he had nothing to do with it. He strokesVictor's ego by telling him he admires what Victor did for Nikki's sake. Heshould be making Nikki happy just as soon as he possibly can. Victor tellsJack that he imagines that Nikki isn't the only happy woman and tells Jackthat he and Diane can move on with their plans. Victor informs Jack thatnow that the divorce is behind him, he will be more involved at the company.Jack tells him that he and Brad are on top of everything, so Victor needn'thurry. Victor says he knows that they are and as Jack leaves, Victor sitsat his desk, contemplating the conversation he just had with his most hatedenemy.

DIANE comes to see Jack but finds Brad conducting business in Jack's office.When Brad tells her that Jack is with Victor, she gets worried because sheknows how mad Victor was about the seat on the Board. She still doesn'tunderstand why Jack felt it necessary for her to fight for that Board seat,but it doesn't matter because she has it now. In fact, she's going to TheLodge to have a drink to celebrate and asks Brad to pass along the messageto Jack.

When Jack returns, Brad asks if he's there to clean out his desk and Jacktells him that for now, he's still on the payroll. He tells Brad about hismeeting with Victor and they decide that they must now move quickly, sinceVictor has made it clear he's coming back to the helm. Jack decides thatthey need to meet with all the key people again and use the "smoking gun" inVictor's computer to bring him down. One little digit, Jack gloats, andsuddenly $20 million worth of credit become $200 million -- andmisallocation of funds will not be taken lightly. They know Victoria willnot be in their corner, but they don't know about Neil or Jill. It'simperative that Jack and Brad find out where those two stand without tippingtheir hands. Jack assures Brad that Ashley will vote with them, althoughBrad tells Jack that she has a mind of her own. They expect Victor to go toLos Angeles and meet with Forrester again, so they must plan their meetingwithin that time frame. Brad tells Jack to go and keep Diane happy while heworks on a timetable for the upcoming events.

NICK is astounded that Chris thinks he should move back in despite his andSharon's marital problems. Sharon assures him that it's because they needto keep up appearances for the court's sake. Nick feels that Sharon'shesitating to heed Chris' advice because she doesn't want Nick to move backin. Sharon tells him that she just wants to keep Alice away from Cassie.Nick agrees with Chris and tells Sharon that she should fight for Cassielegally, but Sharon is so afraid of losing her daughter. If it would help,Nick offers, he'll bring in his father's lawyers but Sharon feels morecomfortable with Chris. Sharon mentions that there is another option andNick tries to get her to promise that she won't just take the children andrun away. She asks Nick when he'll be leaving town and if he'll call her tosay good-bye before he goes. Hopeful, Nick says that he doesn't know whenhe's leaving yet, but he'll call if Sharon wants him to. Sharon tells himthat he's got to say good-bye to the kids and Nick realizes that the call isnot for Sharon's sake personally.

NEIL tells VICTORIA that he and OLIVIA need to talk but Olivia's beepersends her off to attend to a patient. Victoria cuts to the chase and tellsNeil that she wants to move in with him. Like Ryan, Neil asks if she's seenCole recently. Victoria tells him that Cole is with Ashley in Europe havinga wonderful time and they should be having a wonderful time as well. Neilneeds a woman, Victoria says. Neil disappoints her when he tells her thatMalcolm will be moving in with him because of his and Olivia's problems.Victoria sees that even if Olivia and Malcolm's marriage were perfect, Neilwould still find an excuse for her not to move in. She tells him that theywere so happy before Eve's death but that everything changed for her afterthat. She removes her engagement ring and Neil accepts it when she hands itback to him. He kisses her on the forehead and they embrace. "I'll alwayscare for you," Neil says softly as Victoria cries in his arms.

While ASHLEY is waiting for COLE in the restaurant of the hotel, RAFAELarrives and tells her about the tour that he took Cole on. He suggests thathe keep Cole busy so that when that "American work ethic" kicks in and Colewill realize that he needs to go home. Then he can get to know hishalf-sister better, Rafael suggests. Ashley tells him that they mustreplace the reproduction Lady Huddleston has with the original painting thatRafael has suddenly attached great sentiment to. He finds it amusing whenAshley tells Rafael he's thrown a "monkey wrench" into their plans. Colejoins them, attired in the fashion of Madrid, and tells Ashley that he'sgoing to call Miguel and have his research disk for his book sent to him.He left it in the tack room and he doesn't want to leave her so soon. He'sdecided to work in Madrid. Ashley says that she just doesn't want to seehim in trouble with Steve. Cole isn't worried about that. When Cole leavesto call Miguel, Ashley tells Rafael there's more to this than saving hergood name and her friendship with Lady Huddleston; she doesn't want any sortof scandal because it would kill her father to have this all over thetabloids and newspapers. Rafael reminds her that John is the man she"calls" her father. Ashley threatens Rafael -- if he values his life, he'llmake sure there is no scandal.

Running a bit late, MEG meets TONY at Crimson Lights for breakfast. Shetells him that she wouldn't have been late if she'd stayed the night withhim and Tony tells her she's living dangerously. She says that he neverknows what tonight may hold but is disappointed when Tony tells her he hasplans. Explaining that he has to work all night on an important customer'scar, Tony realizes that Meg thought he might have had a date with someoneelse. Meg wondered if he was seeing Sharon and he tells Meg that Sharon isa friend in trouble. He did do as she suggested and talked to Nick to gethim involved. Tony's entire demeanor changes and Meg turns to see GRACE asshe gets coffee and sits in a booth. When Meg asks if Tony is all right, hetells her he was testing the waters to see if he felt anything for Grace,but all he feels is pity.

Michael comes into Crimson Lights to meet Grace. He compliments her andtells her that the coffeehouse makes him feel like a kid again, but Grace isin no mood for chitchat. She is worried about Alice getting custody ofCassie and Michael tells Grace he's working very hard to see that it doesn'thappen. First they have to meet with her and find out if all she reallywants is money. If there is even the slightest hint that Alice wants Cassieback, then they will tell her that the deal is off and she can just findCassie on her own. Grace just wants the Newmans to sweat blood for howthey've treated her since the Denver incident. Michael gently takes Graceby the hand and promises to take care of everything. Grace and Michaelhappen to see Tony and Michael releases Grace's hand. He tells her themeeting is over and he'll talk to her later. Grace sits and ponders whatlies ahead.

Meg insists that Tony is just dying to go over and talk to Grace but heassures her that he has no need to talk to Grace when he's got her. Megtells him that's the nicest thing he's ever said to her and they share anintimate little kiss, which Grace just happens to see. Grace shakes herhead, feeling more alone now than ever.

Phyllis is drinking alone at the bar when Diane runs into her. She offersto buy Phyllis a glass of the finest champagne to celebrate her settlementwith Victor. Phyllis says she'll stick with "the hard stuff" and continuesto drown her woes with alcohol. She mentions that in a short while Dianewill be a very rich woman and Diane tells her that's part of the settlement.Phyllis gives her a hollow congratulation. Diane tells Phyllis she'swaiting for Jack to join her but while she's waiting, she's going to "powderher nose." When Jack shows up, Diane is not back from the ladies' room.Jack asks if Phyllis has seen her and Phyllis tells him that Diane justleft. She takes his hand and assures him that she is available for him.Phyllis has missed Jack and she knows he's missed her as well. Jack looksat her with disdain.

Brad is still working out of Jack's office when Victor arrives. He tellsVictor that Jack is out of the office in a meeting, but Victor hasn't cometo see Jack -- he's come to see Brad.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, February 18, 1999

by Sandy Rosser

Directed by Kathryn Foster

JILL discusses her failed efforts to ruffle KATHERINE'S feathers withSHIRLEY just before Katherine joins them in the living room. Jill mentionsto Katherine that they should fix the cracks around the pool before theyfill it for the season. Katherine informs Jill there are only two cracksand feels that the moss growing out of them looks distinguished. Not to bedeterred, Jill says that she'll have them fixed herself and bill Katherinefor half. Before going to breakfast, Katherine tells her she hopes Jill hasa good collection agency. Again, Jill is amazed at Katherine's fortitude.Shortly, ESTHER comes in and admonishes Jill and Shirley for leaving a dirtybreakfast room. When asked if she can load a dishwasher, Shirley infuriatesEsther by answering, "No." Almost issuing an invitation to disaster, Estherpicks up the duster and tells Shirley to dust everything in the living roomexcept Katherine's desk because there are many valuable items there. Jillinstructs Shirley to do as Esther suggested and Shirley deliberately knocksoff a Greek vase that was given to Katherine by Phillip. Upon surveying thedamage, Katherine holds her temper and tells Esther not to worry because shestill has the sweet words and the memory of Phillip giving the vase to her.When Katherine leaves to run errands, Esther furiously tells the cohortsthat she hopes they're pleased with themselves and stalks off in a huff.Shirley can't understand why Katherine and Jill are fighting over a house somany years after the man they both loved died. Jill tells her that all thelove she had for Phillip has now been transformed into hate. It's much toolate to forgive and Jill refuses to surrender what she fought so hard to winafter all these years.

PHYLLIS seductively greets JACK when he walks into the bar at The Lodge buthe tells her that he's meeting DIANE. Saying that Diane just left, Phyllisgoes on to embellish on how much she's missed him and she wants to hear himsay that he's missed her as well. As Diane is returning from the ladies'room, she hears Jack viciously explaining to Phyllis how very little shemeans to him. A Diane smile as Jack rips out Phyllis' heart and steals herdignity by telling her that she means nothing to him. Pouring salt inPhyllis' open wound, Diane suggests that Phyllis join them in toastingDiane's divorce settlement with Victor. Telling them they both can go tohell, Phyllis rushes out of the bar. When Diane and Jack sit together, shebluntly asks when the two of them are getting married. Jack reminds herthat they live in a state with a six-month waiting period and so Dianeproposes to set their wedding six months from the very date of the courthearing and Jack agrees.

NIKKI bursts into the main house and delivers the good news of the signing ofthe divorce settlement to VICTORIA. Showing Victoria her conquests from anafternoon of shopping, she also tells her daughter that Victor has planned aromantic getaway for the two of them. Victoria is so inspired that shetells her mother that she may go someplace warm as well.

Later, a befuddled Katherine arrives at the ranch and MIGUEL wonders ifsomething is wrong. Katherine tells him that she needs to see Nikki and isrelieved to find that she's home. Nikki is bubbling with the excitement ofthe divorce settlement and her romantic holiday so Katherine masks her worryand disorientation from Nikki. She tells Nikki she only stopped by to tellher that she was following Nikki's advice and has taken stock of herpriorities. Katherine only wanted to show her good friend that she's doingjust fine now. Nikki's not so sure, but Katherine won't be the one to rainon Nikki's parade. Telling Nikki that she'll go and allow Nikki to getready for the trip, Katherine leaves the ranch with a false smile. However,as soon as the door shuts behind her, she looks like a lost little girl.

VICTOR surprises BRAD while he's still in Jack's office. It seems ominousas Victor closes the door behind him but all he wants is a report on Jack.Brad informs Victor that he and Jack are working closely together so he'dknow if Jack were up to something. Victor says that he's signed asettlement with Diane and now intends to take Nikki on a holiday for about aweek to ten days. Brad is surprised that it's not going to be a longertrip, given the turmoil Victor has been through with the divorce. Victortells him that there will be time for an extended vacation later because hewants to come back to NE and implement some changes -- changes that willmake Brad, but not Jack, a happy man.

Later, Victor is basking in the happiness of the moment when Nikki asks ifhe thinks now is a good time to be leaving. After all, Nikki says, she'sworried about the children. Victor tells her that Nicholas has practicallypushed them out of his life, asking for no interference, and Victoria seemsto be doing much better. Nikki shares her concern about Katherine andVictor is touched that Nikki would think of others in their greatest momentof joy. Whatever concerns Nikki has are pushed to the back of her mind asshe and Victor are caught up in the excitement of their impending excursion.

COLE calls the ranch and speaks to Victoria, telling her the trip is goingwell. He wants to write while he waits for Ashley to finish her businessand needs a disk from the tack room. Victoria tells him that instead ofbothering Miguel, she'll be glad to courier the disk to him. She takes downthe pertinent information and after hanging up the phone, tells herself thather idea to join Cole in Spain now seems to be a bust.

While visiting NE later with intentions to see Jack, Victoria overhears Bradtalking to ASHLEY, who has called from Europe to ask Brad to retrieve somestock certificates from her private safe in the lab and send them to herbroker. Brad immediately wants to know what's going on, as does a veryinterested Victoria.

Ashley has decided to buy the painting back from Lady Huddleston for $10million dollars and expects RAFAEL to give her the original. Rafael asksher if she really expects him to give her the original "La Senora" when hewas willing to risk his own freedom to keep it. Ashley tells him she willnot allow him to play Russian Roulette with John Abbott's life. It wouldkill him if the tabloids got wind of what had happened and made theconnection between Ashley and Rafael. She tells him that in every way, Johnis her father and she will not hurt him. Cole joins them, his phone callcompleted, and asks Rafael to keep him entertained until the disk arrives ifhe doesn't mind. Cole wants to see Rafael's studio and leaves to call thema cab. Ashley warns Rafael not to allow Cole to see the painting and hepromises he will not.

At Rafael's studio, Rafael enters first, takes down "La Senora" from thewall, and covers it with a cloth. Bringing Cole in, Rafael shows Cole hisunfinished landscape and tells him it exists only in his mind. Cole issurprised because he pictured Rafael as an abstract artist and is quiteimpressed with Rafael's technique. The phone rings and ties up Rafael forseveral minutes in which Cole uncovers "La Senora." Rafael sees Colelooking at the painting when he finishes his phone call but says nothing.

Alone at the estate, Katherine looks at the broken vase and remembersPhillip's words when he gave it to her. Driven to the point of distraction,she begins hearing Phillip's voice every time she picks up an object that hegave her. She looks at herself in the mirror above the liquor decanters andpours herself a glass, making herself believe that alcohol is the only loyalfriend she's ever had. The light catches the glistening, dangerous liquidin the glass and Katherine laughs through her tears, amused with it."Hello, friend," she fairly giggles as she contemplates a drink.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 15, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, February 19

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Edited by SC Desk