Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R

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Victor and Nikki could not deny their attraction
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R

Jill made John an interesting offer. Ruth arranged for her and Carl to show up at Gina's while Mary was there. Megan threw Tony a welcome-home party. Cole and Ashley reunited in Madrid. Olivia distanced herself from Malcolm.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R

Monday January 25, 1999

by Soap Central

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NOTE: While Gladys cares for her great grandchildren, Sandy will be doing the updates.

RYAN comes to NEIL'S office and finds out about Malcolm's dire situation.Having called the hospital and finding that there's been no improvement,Neil feels like he needs to be with Olivia and his brother. "It doesn'tlook good," says Neil sadly. He also tells Ryan that the police think thatthe beating was associated with a robbery, but Neil has serious doubts.Ryan tells Neil to go to the hospital. He'll be glad to cover for Neilbecause family is important. VICTORIA enters Neil's office. She asks howMalcolm is and Neil brings her up to date on Malcolm's condition. Neilspeaks to Victoria in a clipped tone and declines her offer to accompany him tothe hospital. Brushing past her as he leaves, it's obvious that Victoria isdeeply hurt.

Ryan and Victoria continue to talk. Victoria doesn't understand why Neil won'tlet her get close to him. It just didn't start with Malcolm's situation --it started before that. Nothing has been the same since Eve's death. Ryanthinks that Victoria may still have feelings for Cole. At first Victoria deniesthis, but finally tells him that Cole is on his way to see Ashley in Paris.There's nothing she can do. She just wants to get her life back on track.Ryan embraces her and says she should just give it time.

PAUL and CHRIS are at Crimson Lights and Paul's cell phone rings. It's hisdetective friend, FRED CAFFEY. Fred informs Paul that Millie is in thehospital and he's going to get more information on the situation. Paulthanks him. Chris is very worried about what Alice is up to since Milliewas Chris' only connection to her. She decides she must go to Madison andassess the situation. Paul offers to go, but Chris insists that she needsto go alone. She tells Paul that if Alice gets wind of where Cassie is,then it could be a long, drawn-out court battle. Meanwhile, Cassie would beput in a foster home and Chris just can't allow that to happen. It would bea cruel punishment for a child who finally feels secure. Paul warns herthat she is not really acting as Sharon's attorney and by law, she shoulddisclose what she knows about Cassie to Alice. He asks her not to putherself in a situation that could hurt her. Chris admits that she's walkinga thin line. One wrong move and all hell could break loose.

COLE and NICK share some coffee at the tack house. Nick tells him how Gracereacted to his suggestion that she transfer. Then he shares that his fatheris unhappy with him as well. He sees Cole's bags by the door and assumesthat Cole is going to Paris. Cole can't get a flight out, so Nick suggeststhat he ask Victor if he can use the private jet. Cole is desperate andagrees to ask. Nick talks with Cole about how his father suggested that hejust whisk Sharon away. Cole tells him it might not be a bad idea for themto get away from everything that's been haunting them. Nick also agrees itmay be the answer and leaves to go see Sharon.

Victoria comes by and sees that Cole is leaving for Paris. She alludes totheir conversation last night. Cole admits that he will always look at herand tell himself that he really "knows" Victoria and that there aren't toomany people you can say that about. He tells Victoria that he's going tosurprise Ashley and Victoria tells him she hopes that he gets what he wants.Cole wishes her luck with Neil. Gently, Victoria kisses Cole on the cheek andsays good-bye. She watches him leave and complete sadness envelopes herface.

SHARON is fixing CASSIE'S hair before school. Cassie wonders aloud if Tonyis coming back. Sharon assures her that Tony would never lie to her.Cassie asks if Nick is coming back. Going to the door, Cassie excitedlycalls, "He's here! He's here!" Nick has driven down to see them. Cassieopens the door, jumps into his arms and holds him tightly. Sharon isunsettled by Nick's unplanned visit. Nick tells Cassie that he wants totake the family on a trip someplace warm and sunny during Cassie's winterbreak from school -- Rio de Janeiro. Sharon sends Cassie to the kitchen,but Cassie listens in anyway. Sharon admonishes Nick for "using Cassie" toget to her. Sharon isn't happy with Nick's suggestion at all. Cassie comesback into the living room and protests that Sharon was excited when Tonyasked her to go to Florida. Why isn't she happy about this vacation? Afterthe bus picks Cassie up, Nick angrily asks about Tony's invitation. Sharontells him that she just couldn't leave the kids. Nick testily remarks thatSharon would consider going with Tony, but won't even entertain the thoughtof their family taking a trip together. He wants to know if he's justwasting his time trying to earn Sharon's trust.

DIANE is in a complete snit, nearly biting MARISSA'S head off for asking asimple question about breakfast. Diane apologizes to Marissa. The phonerings and it's Jack. Diane signals to Marissa that she doesn't wish to talkto him. Marissa tells Jack that Diane's not in. They discuss Diane'sdoubts about Jack. Marissa tells Diane that she'd feel lucky if a man likeJack were to look at her the way he looks at Diane. Diane wants to talk tosomeone objective, so she calls BRAD and he comes to the apartment. Bradboosts Diane's ego and tells her that he really was an idiot for notsnagging her when he had the chance. Diane teases him and says he may stillhave a chance. Brad doesn't think so. Brad tells her that she and Jackhave a definite chemistry. Diane wants to know what Brad thinks Jack'smotive is about the Board seat at NE. Brad tells her that he doesn't thinkJack has a hidden agenda -- he just thinks that Jack is looking out for herbest interests. He's sure that Jack is just concerned about Diane's future.

JILL comes to see JACK and tells him about her plan to drive Katherine battywith her "maid from hell." Jack would prefer not to know because he thinksKatherine is a classy lady and she is a close friend. Jill poo-poos hisattitude. Jack gets Jill's perspective on women -- particularly Diane.Jill tells Jack that Diane is old news and he shouldn't give her the time ofday. She reminds him that they had a brief moment of passion. Jackcounter-reminds her that it was a total disaster. Jill is adamant that sheand Jack have something special between them and asks if he ever thinksabout what they could have. Jack relents and tells Jill that the thoughthas crossed his mind. Jack sits at his desk and Jill plants herself in aseductive position on top of his desk, facing Jack. Jack tells her thatthey should just be friends. Jill tells him not to come running back to herwhen Diane doesn't make him happy. "Is this is a one-time offer?" inquiresJack. "Well, I wouldn't say that," states Jill just before she leaves.Jack is definitely overwhelmed at his sudden draw of women -- first Phyllis,then Diane, and now Jill. He smiles, but declares that Diane is mostimportant to his plan, seeming to imply that he must choose her, even ifshe's not his first choice.

Later, while Jack is out of the office briefly, Brad comes in and settles inJack's desk chair to wait. Cole comes in looking for Jack, telling Brad hewanted to get permission to use the company jet. Brad seems reserved aboutCole going to Paris. Cole is angered and asks what Brad has against it.Brad doesn't want Cole to interrupt Ashley's business. Cole tells him thathe doesn't give a "rat's rear" what Brad thinks and demands to know whatBrad knows that Cole doesn't. Brad and Cole stare each other down.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, January 26, 1999

by Soap Central

Directed by Kathryn Foster

BRAD lies to COLE, telling him that Ashley is trying to smooth over anembezzlement problem in Paris. Cole is certain that Ashley will have timeto see him. JACK comes in and Cole asks for permission to use the NE jet.Jack calls, but find the jet is not available. Cole leaves, hoping to hearfrom his travel agent. Afterwards, Jack wants to know why Brad is sohell-bent on keeping Cole and Ashley apart. Brad shifts gears and tells himthat he met with Diane and Jack's not been straight with him. Just as theyare arguing, DIANE calls and wants to see Jack. Brad tells Jack that he'dbetter not screw things up with Diane. Jack assures Brad that Diane wantshim back.

Meanwhile, Cole gets a call from his travel agent and they've found a seaton TransGlobal's next flight. Cole is leaving for Paris in 20 minutes.Brad has also placed an urgent call to Ashley's secretary, explaining thatshe must get this message immediately. It's critical that she calls Bradback.

GRACE comes to see MICHAEL. She tells him that she's sure that Al and Aliceare only in this deal for the money. She doesn't want Alice to get custodyof Cassie. She also unloads her angry towards the Newmans and how they'vebeen treating her. Michael gives Grace a sketch that he did of her. It'sbeautiful and Grace is amazed, but Michael changes the subject quickly.Grace tells him that he doesn't like to talk about himself. He just smilesand moves on. Michael tells her that the Newmans are a powerful family andshe can't proceed without a plan. He also assures her that she could dealthe Newmans a crushing blow, but he's only been advising her as a friend.Grace makes Michael her lawyer officially and they shake on it.

AL and ALICE are discussing Al's trip to Genoa City. Al tells Alice that hemade Grace think that they're only in it for the money. Then if somethingwere to transpire, Alice would find out where Cassie was and she couldproceed to get her back. Alice declares her love for Cassie, but Al scoffs.He tells her if it came down to the money or "the kid" he thinks she'dchoose the money. Alice doesn't deny this.

CHRIS comes to see MILLIE. She knows that Millie can't talk but she tellsMillie to blink once for yes, twice for no. Millie keeps looking at herbedside table until Chris sees the letter Millie wrote before she had thestroke. Just as Chris picks it up and starts to question Millie, Alicecomes barging in. She is very suspicious of Chris and demands to know"(pardon my French) Who the hell are you?" Chris is thrown off-guard andAlice tells her she'd better have some good answers.

RYAN and NINA meet at Crimson Lights. Nina ask Ryan if he can take Phillipto a movie he's wanted to see. Ryan asks Nina several personal questions,all about Brett. Nina asks him why he's so interested in Brett. Ryanunconvincingly tells Nina that he's concerned about how Brett and Nina'srelationship will affect Phillip. Nina tells him that Phillip likes Brettand there will be no problem. They see MEGAN in her leather jacket and shecomes to speak to her. Nina compliments her on her jacket and she tellsNina that Tony gave it to her to keep. Ryan starts to "lecture" Meg andNina tells him not to rain on Meg's parade. She likes a girl who knows herown mind and goes after it. Nina advises her to go for it. Meg thanks herand goes to get her order. Ryan continues his interrogation of Nina. Heasks if "the soccer coach" has anything to her new self-confidence. Shetells Ryan that yes, he just might.

ASHLEY meet with a painter named RAFAEL. Evidently Ashley has made a dealwith Rafael because she's brought "the money" and she expects "the package"Rafael promised. Rafael says he's changed his mind. It would be likegiving up part of himself. He's sorry. Ashley gets angry and tells himhe'll be even sorrier before she's through with him and storms away. Rafaelmurmurs, "I love you even more when you're angry with me."

Jack gets to Diane's and she tells him that she's not comfortable with hispushing her to go after a seat on the board. She thinks that he wants anally on the board. Jack defiantly says that he could care less if she votedfor every idea he brings before the board -- in fact, he'd hope she'd thinkfor herself and vote for the welfare of the company. Jack surmises thatshe's not afraid of the board seat -- she's afraid of a relationship. Jackwon't stand for a woman who doubts him -- especially one he's in love withhim. He starts to leave, but Diane calls him back. Diane tells him shejust doesn't want to be used. Jack reminds her that he was used as well,but that he's moved past that. He asks her how they can both arrive at apoint where they can trust each other again.

NICK and SHARON are still talking and Sharon tells him he's pressuring her.He begs her to go on this trip and offers separate rooms. Sharon can't letgo of her thoughts of him and Grace. Nick tells her it was entirelyphysical and there was no heart and soul in it. Sharon tells him it makesher sick to her stomach to think about it. Nick says he feels the same wayand begs her to believe that it will never happen again. He continues togrovel, asking Sharon to open the door just a little bit. He's getting theimpression that Sharon has come to the conclusion that what they shared isjust not worth fighting for. He looks defeated, and tells her that if shedoesn't want to try to is not interested in saving their marriage, maybe heshould just stop trying as well. He leaves and Sharon cries.


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Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, January 27, 1999

by Soap Central

Directed by Sally McDonald

CHRIS successfully tucks Millie's letter into her purse without ALICE seeingher. Chris successfully lies to Alice, telling her that she's a hospitalvolunteer that works with disabled patients in accepting the changes intheir lives. Alice accepts this at first, but when Chris keeps staring atAlice, Alice asks Chris why she's really there. Chris sticks with her storyand mentions that she could even help make Millie's transition to homeeasier. Alice tells her that she doesn't have time to look after Milliebecause something important is going on in her life right now. Chris leavesand Alice sets out a picture of Cassie for Millie to look at. Alice tellsMillie to think positive thoughts when she looks at the picture -- she'sreal close to finding her.

MICHAEL advises GRACE that he will try to do everything he can for her. Hemakes her promise that if it gets tough, she must defer to him. Both sheand the Newmans both want what's best for Cassie. Michael warns that theymust play their cards close to their chests, trusting no one. Michael tellsGrace he wants her to call Al and set up a meeting between Al, Alice, andher. AL is surprised, but happy to get her call. He tells her that theywill both be there tomorrow. Michael tells Grace that he'll be with her,but Al and Alice are not to know that he's a lawyer.As far as Al and Alice will know, he's just a concerned friend. Gracekisses him on the cheek and leaves. After she's gone, Michael picks up hissketch of Grace and looks at it thoughtfully.

AL shares the news of Grace's phone call with Alice when she returns fromthe hospital. Alice has to admit that she owes Al big time. However, Allies to Alice, telling her that Grace wants to meet with only him. Alicetells him not to sign anything without her because the law is on her side.Her plan is to get Cassie back and to "make those people pay." Greedovertakes her as she begins to wonder how much they'll be able to get andeven fantasizes about how she'll spend the money.

JACK tells DIANE that no relationship can survive without trust. They mustset aside their doubts and suspicions. Diane finally admits that she hasbeen taking how Victor treated her out on Jack, and they are entirelydifferent men. Jack has been good to her, she laments, and she's willing totry if he's still willing. They kiss passionately. Diane tells him thatshe believes he's looking out for her best interests and if he thinks theBoard seat is worth holding out for, she'll do it. Obviously, this means alot to him and Jack tells her that when the time is right, he'll tell her.He wants her to trust him for now. He also tells her that the Board seat isimportant to her future as well as a constant reminder to Victor that hecan't stick it to everyone and get his way. If Victor should balk at theidea, then she shouldn't fight for it as the expense of their relationship.Diane tells Jack that they are back together and together is the way theyshould be.

MARISSA comes in from the market after Jack leaves. She asks if Diane'schipper mood has anything to do with Jack Abbott. She tells her that'sprecisely the reason. She and Jack are in love and that's all that matters.

Jack calls Michael and stops by his office. He tells him that Diane iswilling to go for the Board seat. He starts to tell Michael how to proceed,but Michael stops him and tells Jack how he plans to proceed. Michael plansto talk around the Board seat as they haggle over other parts of thesettlement. He's going to leave the Board seat until last, so that Victorand Christine will assume that the Board seat isn't an issue. Jack warnshim that anything that could hold up the proceedings will be blamed on Jack.Michael is sure that by the time they get to the Board seat, Victor will beso tired of the whole situation, he may put up a fuss initially, butultimately, he'll agree to it. Jack warns Michael that it better go downthat way or there'll be hell to pay.

KATHERINE visits NIKKI at the ranch and they discuss Jill interviewing for amaid. Katherine tells her that Jill can't cook and wouldn't know a washingmachine from an ironing board. Just as Katherine is leaving, BRAD shows up,telling Nikki that he's here for a meeting with Victor. Nikki tells himthat Victor is out of town, but invites him in to chat. Brad has broughtNikki a belated Christmas gift. Nikki figures out that Brad knew thatVictor was out of town. Brad confesses this is true. Nikki opens thegift -- a beautiful Italian figurine. Brad tells her that he was thinkingabout her even when he was halfway around the world. Nikki blushes. Bradtells her he's seeing someone special, but he won't tell her who she is. Heeven tells her not to try to guess, because she wouldn't in a million years.Brad bids Nikki farewell and leaves her intrigued.

JILL and SHIRLEY, the actress/maid, discuss how Jill wants to handle this.Jill tells Shirley that she's re-thought her strategy. Instead of outrightdriving Katherine bonkers, she wants Shirley to "kill her with kindness" anddo subtle things to drive Katherine crazy. She also tells Shirley that her"kindness" is limited only to Katherine. She can treat Esther like dirt.Esther returns from shopping and is not amused to find a second maid in thehouse. After Jill introduces them she leaves. Shirley bluntly tells Estherto stay out of her way and she'll stay out of hers. Katherine comes homeand Esther begins to whine. Shirley tells Katherine that even though shewas hired by Jill, she'll be glad to attend to Katherine as well. Esthertells Shirley that's her job. Katherine announces that she has a headache.Shirley pours a glass of water and she and Esther both try to serve it toher. Shirley lets go of the glass and Katherine is soaked. It looks as ifEsther poured the water on Katherine. They both apologize profusely, butKatherine just wants a towel. Jill comes in after the fact and smiles withfiendish glee.

Back at Newman Enterprises, Brad checks on the progress of a report thatGrace is finishing. She gets defensive, saying she thought she had untilthe end of the day. Brad tells her to calm down -- there's no reason toworry. Grace says that she's okay until the Newmans find a way to fire herwithout a lawsuit. She shares with Brad that she may have figured out a wayto secure herself at NE. After Brad goes into his office, Grace thinks toherself that Cassie must stay safe but she will make the Newmans pay.

Chris slips back into Millie's room after she's sure that Alice is gone.Using the blink system (one for yes, two for no), Chris finds that althoughAlice doesn't know where Cassie is, she does know Sharon is the birthmother. She takes some comfort when she finds out that Alice doesn't knowSharon's married name. Millie is crying pitifully. Before she leaves,Chris promises to keep Cassie safe and wipes the tears from Millie's palecheeks. Out in the hospital corridor, Chris calls Sharon. LISA answers andtells Chris that Sharon's not home. Chris doesn't leave a message,preferring to tell Sharon what she's found face-to-face.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, January 28, 1999

by Sandy Rosser

Today's episode was directed by Heather H. Hill

NICK is staring out of the bay window. NIKKI comes down, surprised to findhim there. She wants to know how things are with Sharon. Nick tells herthat he doesn't think that Sharon will ever forgive him. Nikki tells himthat Sharon needs time. CASSIE bounds into the main house. She saw Nick'scar and she wants to know if he'll talk to Sharon about their vacation.Nick tells her that they won't be going. Cassie asks Nick what he did tomake her mom so mad. Nick looks at Nikki. Sensing that it's a grown-uptopic, Cassie says she'd better leave. Nick tells Nikki that he's going toask for a transfer. Nikki nearly explodes. Nick and Sharon can't possiblywork on their marriage if Nick goes away, she explains. Nick tells her thathe must leave before he hurts Cassie and Noah anymore than he already has.Nick is firm -- he and Sharon either have to decide to stay together andwork it out or they need to go their separate ways. Nikki looks at Nick indisbelief.

ESTHER, JILL, and SHIRLEY are arguing over the water incident. Estherleaves to make KATHERINE tea. Jill asks Shirley to look at the label on"Katherine's favorite suit." It reads "Dry Clean Only." Jill tells Shirleyto take care of it and Shirley leaves. Esther comes back, she asks wherethe suit is and Jill tells her that Shirley took it to the laundry room.Esther's eyes widen and she looks sick. Katherine comes back into the roomand tells Jill that Shirley is an imbecile. Katherine wants her gone. Jillsays that since Esther won't lift a finger to help her (to which Estherreplies, "You got that right.") Shirley stays because this is her house too.When Katherine sees that Shirley has washed her beautiful, one-of-a-kind,Forrester Creations original, Katherine cries out in horror. Katherineboldly tells Jill that this is HER house and the fact that she has to shareit with Jill is the biggest injustice she's ever known. She takes herruined suit and throws it at Jill, telling her that since she ruined it, she canwear it. Katherine and Esther stalk out of the living room. Shirley wantsto know how she did and what her next scene is. Jill tells her that shewants Shirley to know that this is not fun and games. It's her job to runKatherine out of the house.

Katherine and Esther are in the living room alone. Katherine is livid. Hernerves are so shot that she can't even hold a teacup. She tells Esther thatJill has taken so much from her and now she's trying to steal the rest. Inhot anger, Katherine vows to a non-present Jill, "I want to tell yousomething, you bitch. You are never going to get away with it."Unbeknownst to Katherine, Jill has been eavesdropping on the staircase.When she hears Katherine's words, she leans against the wall, assessing whatshe needs to do next.

CHRIS calls PAUL from the hospital in Madison and tells him what she learnedfrom Millie. Paul suggests that they use FRED CAFFEY as a contact. Paul isgetting family movies ready to take over to Carl's hotel room. He hopes tojog some memories. Chris wishes him luck and tells him she loves him.After they hang up, Mary comes into the living room and wonders why Paul isgoing through the old 8mm movies. Paul tells her he's taking them to putthem on videotape to make them easier to watch. Then Mary hounds him aboutnot putting any effort into finding Ruth. Paul tells her he'll get to itsoon.

Later, when CHARLIE comes over, Mary shares her confusion at Paul'sattitude. She thinks she should try to find Ruth herself. Charlie saysthat being an old detective himself, he thinks that together they can do it.Charlie calls every hotel and motel in the phone book, but find no oneregistered under Perkins. Mary suddenly remembers the Highway Motor Inn andCharlie tells her that he didn't call there. She calls the motel and findsthat there is a Perkins party registered. Mary is quite pleased with herdetective skills.

At the motel, RUTH calls and gets several flight times for return trips toNorfolk. CARL asks her if she's going home, and she tells him that she'snot going without him. She whines that Paul and Chris keep chipping away athis memory. What will happen if they succeed? Carl tells her he's come toofar to turn back now. Frustrated, Ruth tells Carl that he's fighting forhis past and she's fighting for their future -- if they even have one now.Paul arrives and sets up the film projector. Ruth asks Carl not to watchthe movies, but Carl tells her that he has to. In the darkened motel room,the film rolls and Carl watches films of Paul's fifth birthday party and hisfirst little league game. Carl wonders why he's wearing a uniform himself.Paul tells him that he was the coach of his team. Carl continues to watchand comments on what a fine athlete Paul was. Paul says owes it all toCarl. He remembers throwing a baseball through a window once. He thoughtCarl would be so angry with him so he tried to retrieve it. Carl stoppedhim from reaching in the broken window to keep Paul from cutting hispitching arm. Carl reached in himself and cut his wrist. Paul shows himthe place on his arm and Carl comments that he always wondered how he gotthat scar. Paul asks if the scar or the movies triggered anything. Carlsays nothing. Ruth waits breathlessly for his answer.

While Chris is still with Millie, Millie has the horrible memory of Aliceand Al's New Year's Eve visit when Alice told her that Grace is going tohelp her find Cassie. Chris assures her that she's going to get better.Her testimony is important and will make a big difference because she wasthere when Alice left Cassie as a baby. Fred comes in and meets Millie,assuring her that they'll get along just fine. He'll come every other dayto check on her and they'll use the blink system. Before she leaves, Chrispromises to do everything within her power to keep Cassie safe. When Millieis alone, she looks upward, as if she's praying for help.

NEIL goes to the hospital and meets OLIVIA. There has been no change inMALCOLM'S condition. Olivia holds onto the hope that Malcolm did make itthrough the night. He asks if Nate knows and Olivia tells him that shecan't tell him. He's already lost one father and she doesn't think thatNate could handle seeing Malcolm hooked up to all the machines.

GINA and CALLIE talk about Malcolm. Callie feels like she needs to be atthe hospital. Gina stops her from going, telling her that's the last placeshe needs to be. Neil comes in to update Callie about Malcolm's condition.He explains that there's not much they can do until he regainsconsciousness. Callie wants to see Malcolm. Neil tells her to think ofsomeone other than herself. Malcolm needs his wife right now, not his oldgirlfriend.

The NEUROLOGIST is talking to Olivia when the nurse calls both of them in.Malcolm seems to be rousing and Olivia talks to him frantically. He slipsback into unconsciousness. The doctor no sooner gets the words, "That's agood sign" out of his mouth before Malcolm starts convulsing. Olivia ishysterical.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 25, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, January 29, 1999

by Soap Central

Directed by Mike Denney

NIKKI is seething because VICTOR is late coming home. In fact, she doesn'teven know where he is. When MIGUEL asks about dinner, Nikki angrily saysthat Victor can eat it cold for all she cares. However her angry demeanormelts when she sees Victor come through the door. He explains that he'sbeen to Los Angeles to talk to Brooke Logan and he's made a deal with heragainst Jack's wishes. Nikki comments that Jabot is Jack's baby and he'llbe mad. Victor tells her that he has to show that man who's still incharge. He also is sure that the settlement will be over soon. Nikki iseager. Victor says that he wants to make love to his beautiful wife. Hegathers her in his arms and takes her upstairs.

At Gina's, NEIL reinforces that CALLIE should stay away from the hospital.Callie says he can't keep her from the man she loves. Neil grabs her armsto stop her from going. While he argues with Callie, Neil's cell phonerings and it's OLIVIA. MALCOLM has had seizures and Neil must come rightaway. Neil rushes out of Gina's. Gina tells Callie to stay put, but Callierushes out to the hospital too.

MEGAN is getting great compliments on her leather jacket at Crimson Lights.She asks JAY if Tony's back. He hasn't seen him for days. She rationalizesthat if he had returned he'd have called. She orders some hot and spicynachos and Jay comments on her new image. She finds a table and waits forher order. TRICIA comes in complaining about Ryan being Phillip'sbabysitter. She has some packages with her and tells Meg that she has togo home and set the scene so that she and Ryan can make their own littleboy. Meg asks what if it's a girl. Tricia says unenthusiastically that agirl would be fine, but it's obvious she wants a boy to "replace" Phillip.She then gives Tricia the third degree about her leather jacket. She thinksMeg is making a huge mistake by investing her time in Tony. Meg tells herto mind her own business and Tricia leaves for her "romantic evening." Megponders just what will happen when Tony returns.

When the DESK CLERK won't give MARY any other information, Mary gives herthis "good Samaritan" story and the clerk gives in. The clerk wants to knowif she should ring the room and Mary hesitates. She then says no and hangsup. CHARLIE asks why she didn't talk to Ruth. Mary explains that thiswoman needs more than a voice over the phone -- she needs a face-to-facevisit. Charlie says that Ruth and her husband may not like unexpectedvisitors. Mary tells him if that's the case, she'll just leave.

DIANE and MICHAEL are having dinner and discussing strategy for thesettlement. Diane announces that she and Jack are back together. She alsotells him that she's willing to go for the Board seat as long as it doesn'tdrag out the proceedings. Michael tells her they'll start high and letVictor's lawyers chisel them down. Then just as it looks like everything iswrapped up, they'll hit them with the Board seat. It will be the dealbreaker. By this time Victor should be so tired of haggling that he justmay give in. After all, Michael says, Victor has been pressured from all directions, especiallyfrom Nikki and work.

CARL, unfortunately, doesn't have any memories of the things Paul showed himin the home movies. Paul says, "Not yet." Ruth angrily asks if Paulexpects Carl to stay in "this God-forsaken town." Then she tells Paul he'sselfish. Paul tells her that Carl is his father and Carl owes it to him totry and recall his former life. Ruth then issues Carl an ultimatum and asksif they have a future together. Carl tells her that it's not all black andwhite. Ruth thinks it is. She tells him he has a choice -- stay here andbe brainwashed by strangers or leave it and let it go. Carl says that Paulis his son and he can't just leave it now. Ruth then tells them she thinksit's time that Mary knows. Paul adamantly disagrees. His mother thinksCarl is dead. Ruth argues that this is tearing her soul out. Carlapologizes, but he doesn't know what else to do. Ruth tells Paul if he's sodetermined to take "Jim" away from her they should lay all their cards onthe table. Just then Mary knocks on the door, calling out for Ruth. Paulmotions for Ruth to remain silent. Mary continues to knock.

RYAN comes to pick up PHILLIP. He mentions that it feels odd for him to bebabysitting for NINA while she's out on a date. Nina admits it does seemstrange. Phillip runs out and gives Ryan a long, loving hug. He's reallyexcited about the movie. The doorbell rings and Ryan is thrown. Heexpected to be gone before Nina's date came. BRETT comes in and complimentsNina. Phillip gives Brett a hug, too. Ryan nonchalantly begins to givethem a subtle third degree about their date. Nina teases and asks if he'dlike to be their chaperone. Brett asks if Ryan is going to give them acurfew. Ryan assured her that it's just in case he needs to find her incase of an emergency. Nina tells him they'll be at Gina's. Phillip andRyan leave. Brett tells Nina he's curious about the situation between herand Ryan. Nina tells him that Ryan is happily married to "Miss Teen USA"and she's happily divorced. She assures Brett he has nothing to worryabout. Brett and Nina show signs of good chemistry, even though both are alittle on the shy side at this point.

JACK and BRAD prepare for their meeting. DANE MICHAELS arrives and Jackintroduces him to Brad. Dane tells them everyone is present and ready toget started. Jack introduces Brad to TED PHELPS and CYNTHIA ADAMS. Jackannounces that Olsen, one of the big clients that NE lost when Victor'sscandal first hit the air, has signed a contract to come back to NE. Thegroup finds this amazing, but Dane owes it all to the brilliance of Jack andBrad. In fact, he suggests that NE doesn't even need Victor. Cynthia ishesitant. She can't imagine NE without Victor at the helm. Brad warns themnot to get ahead of themselves. Dane believes that their top talent andclients like having the company run by Brad and Jack. After all, this is apublicly-owned company. Jack tells the group that they need more goodquarterly reports under their belt before they discuss something like this.Ted can't believe that Dane is suggesting ousting Victor. Dane informseveryone that he, himself, is a maverick -- like Victor once was. He askswhat they think of Brad and Jack running the company permanently and Victortaking an early retirement. Brad and Jack exchange glances.

Olivia tells Malcolm's doctor that she remembers a similar case where the patientdied after convulsing. An EEG and MRI are ordered for Malcolm. Neilarrives and Olivia explains what happened. She tells him that there aremany variables that will determine Malcolm's survival and she's worried.She says that the MRI is a good test and that it will show them just howmuch brain damage Malcolm's suffered. Callie watches from the corner of thehallway. A nurse comes to tell Olivia that the tests are finished. Calliefollows Neil and Olivia into the room. Olivia sees Callie and startsyelling at her. Neil tells Callie to leave, but she says she can't go andpushes past both of them to stand at the end of Malcolm's bed. SuddenlyMalcolm's eyes open and Olivia stands beside him talking to him in a franticvoice, afraid he'll lose consciousness again. The nurse informs them thathis vital signs are stable. Malcolm looks at Olivia as if he doesn'trecognize her. Then he sees Callie at the end of the bed. Looking straightat Callie, Malcolm asks, "How ya doing, baby?" Olivia is crushed.

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Edited by SC Desk