Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R

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Victor and Nikki could not deny their attraction
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R

Nick's gift to Sharon was the picture Cassie had drawn of her family; Nick had gotten it framed. Nick and Sharon kissed on New Year's Eve. Jack and Brad disagreed about the Forrester deal.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R

Monday December 28, 1998

by Soap Central

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MIGUEL still has dinner on hold while Neil stands at the window staring down toward the tack house wondering why Vicki and Cole haven't returned. Nick returns from Sharon's and tells his dad that she won't be there for dinner. Neil tries to cheer him up but he is wondering if it is too late. At the tack house, Vicki and Cole share their grief over Eve's death. Seeing the ornament and learning that Cole bought it months ago, Vicki says that she didn't know that he felt that deeply about the baby all that time. He tells her that the baby will always be a part of their lives. She admits that with everyone else, she can put on a brave front but with Cole, she is able to share her most innermost feelings. At the cottage, Cassie is thrilled that Nick framed her picture. Sharon asks if she wants to put it in her room but Cassie says that she wants it to stay in the living room where they can see it and remember that they are a family. Finding one last gift under the tree, Cassie asks if she can open it. Sharon tells her that she can. Cassie says that it is from Nick. Opening it, she is delighted to find a book. "He remembered!" she exclaims. Sharon mentions that the book is too young for her; it is more appropriate for Noah. "That is the idea," Cassie says. "I told Nick to buy it so I could read it to Noah." She wants to read it to him now, but Sharon reminds her that Noah is asleep.

Back at the ranch, Vicki and Cole finally arrive, explaining that Neil had a little accident on the way and they had to patch him up. Cole has a small bandage on his nose. As they are ready to go in to dinner, Nick says that he isn't in the mood for dinner. He leaves the house while everyone else sits down at the table. Victor says grace, reminding them that there are many people who are less fortunate than they are. He is thankful for the food, his family and friends and to be surrounded by those he loves. He gives Nikki and Vicki a kiss.

MARY, CHARLIE, CHRIS and PAUL are preparing for Christmas dinner. Charlie has a toast to the present---his wife to be---and to the past---to the memory of a man who was dear to them all, Paul's dad, Mary's husband and his best friend. Paul seems distracted so when Mary and Chris go in to the kitchen, Charlie tells him that he would never try to take Carl's place. Paul says that he knows that and he realizes that they should just look to the future. As they sit at the table Charlie notices a new Christmas card and asks about it. Getting the card, Mary says that it is from her daughter, Patty. Every year she sends a card form somewhere but there is never a return address. This is the one sadness of her life, that she hasn't had any contact with her daughter all these years. She just couldn't handle it when her father disappeared.

AT THE NORFOLK AIRPORT, Jim arrives home and remembers the vision he had in GC. Ruth is there to pick him up but instead of going straight home, they have a cup of coffee and talk. He tells her that he walked all the streets of Genoa City without remembering anything. He then tells her the experience he had in the church. Ruth suggests that instead of having a memory, he was remembering what someone told him. He says that he needs to find out one way or the other. While flying home, he made a decision. He is going back to Genoa City to see if he can figure this out. Ruth tells him that if he goes back, she is going with him. Her life is with him and his life is back here with her and it always will be so.

MICHAEL and GRACE are having dinner at Gina's. Grace has been telling Michael about a "friend of a friend" who took and adopted baby and returned it to her birth mother. She is hoping that Michael will tell her that this friend did the right thing, but Michael says that if this friend didn't have the adoptive mother's permission to take the child, then her friend could go to jail for life---kidnapping is a crime. Grace is frightened until he laughs and tells her that he is only teasing. However, he does tell her that if the adoptive mother knocks on her door asking where her child is, then she could be in trouble if she doesn't come clean with the woman. "Even if my friend took the child with all good intentions?" Grace asks. Michael reminds her that the road to you-know-where is also paved with good intentions, as is the road to jail.

NATE is trying to stay awake, but his yawns give him away. Olivia sends him to bed after he tells them it was the best Christmas ever. Malcolm and Olivia sit cozily on the couch and remember the day. She asks if he thinks that Callie is gone for good. He says that he thinks that they will never see that girl again. He tells her that now they can get on with their lives. He remembers another present and gets it from under the tree. It is very small and when she opens it, Olivia finds a gold camera charm for her favorite bracelet. He says that this will remind her of her sexy husband.

AFTER DINNER, Neil asks what took so long at the tack house and Vicki tells him about the ornament that Cole had bought for the baby. Neil is sorry for her pain. He says that it is time for him to go home. He tells her to take care of herself. She sees him to the door and they kiss goodnight.

SHARON sends Cassie to bed, promising to go and tuck her in soon. As she walks around the living room, she looks at the picture that Cassie has drawn and at the photograph of her and Nick. She goes to the phone and calls the main house. Nikki answers the phone and tells Sharon that Nick was feeling low and went for a walk. Sharon says that she only wanted to thank him for the Christmas presents. After hanging up, Nikki says that it is a shame that the first time Sharon reaches out to Nick, he is no where around. Victor says that at least she called. Nikki tells him that she has been thinking of what he said at dinner about their blessings. She is so thankful for life with him and if there was hope for them, then there is hope for anyone.

WHEN CALLIE RETURNS TO GINA'S, Gina is excited to see her. She is also very proud of her. She tells Callie that since she left the contract on the counter, she took a peek. This is a chance of a lifetime, opening for Aretha Franklin, and she just hopes that when she is a big star, she hopes Callie will remember "all us little people." When Gina is called to sing, Callie says that the reality is that she isn't going anywhere.

Gina sings "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" and the audience listens appreciatively. While she is singing, Michael casually puts his arm around Grace. She notices but doesn't say anything. Afterward, Callie tells her how beautiful the song was. She asks if she can hang around for a while. When Gina says she can, she says that a part of her feels at home here in Genoa City.

ALICE and AL stop by the hospital to see Millie. Al grumbles because the party is already starting and he doesn't want to be here. A nurse asks Alice to sign some insurance papers. While she does, Al tries without success to pick up the nurse. Once the nurse has left their room, Alice takes great joy in telling her mother that she has met someone who will help her find Cassie, Grace Turner. She sees that Millie reacts to the name and goes on to say that Cassie is her daughter and she is going to get her back and this Grace Turner will lead her to Cassie. Al asks Alice not to yell at her mother like that; he even calls her a vegetable. With only one more snipe---I wish you could talk so I could pry the truth out of you---Alice leaves with Al.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R

Tuesday, December 29, 1998

by Soap Central

COLE is working when Nick stops by. Nick says that it was a weirdChristmas; he was surprised that Vicki brought Cole up to the ranch housefor dinner. He says that he felt something between the two of them andwonders if something is going on. Cole tells him that his sister could seethat he was having a hard time letting go and invited---no, insisted---thathe have dinner with them. That is all that it was, he says. He tells Nickthat they missed him at dinner. Nick says that he just had to get out ofthere so he went for a walk for a couple of hours. Cole says that Nick hasto work to get his marriage back on track. Nick isn't so sure that there isanything he can do. He made a special gift for her but she didn't even openit. He feels like he has to walk around on eggshells. Cole tells him notto be so hard on himself; he messed up, yes, but he is trying to clean itup. Welcome to the human race, he says.

AT THE RANCH, Vicki is looking at a picture of Cole and herself. Sheremembers the kiss that they shared on Christmas Eve. I have to move onwith my life, she tells herself. She picks up the phone and calls Neil.She asks him to come out to the ranch because there is something she wantsto discuss with him. He asks her what it is about but she wants to waituntil he is there so that they can talk about it face to face. Neil looksworried when he hangs up the phone.

MALCOLM walks into a deserted Gina's calling out for someone, anyone. Hesays that he is looking for Nate's gloves. When he gets no answer, hebegins to look around himself. He is behind the bar when Callie comes intothe room. When he tells her what he is looking for, she goes to a specialplace and gets them for him. He asks her about the gig and she tells himthat she isn't starting rehearsals for a few days; she came back to get herstuff. He says that that sounds like the old Callie, a girl who only thinksabout herself. When she looks puzzled, he says that she is the kind whowould leave all the people who tried to help her without a thank you or agoodbye. Callie says that she though he would like it if she justdisappeared and she sure wouldn't want to upset the "good lady doctor."Malcolm tells her not to blame Olivia for anything; Olivia gave her morespace than she deserved. She is sorry for saying it. Anyway, she didn'tsay goodbye because she didn't know how. He asks if Trey is out of thepicture and she assures him that he is; everyone is happy. She says thatshe means it when she says that she is sorry for causing him any hassles."No hard feelings?" she asks with a small kiss.

JIM is in disguise as he and Ruth sit in a dinner in Genoa City. He tellsRuth that he doesn't want to stir things up; he is only there to see forhimself if the thing that happened to him was a memory coming back or not.Ruth says that he has done a complete 180 since the beginning. At first,she says, he didn't want anything to do with finding out about his past.Now he seems to want to find out all that he can. He tries to explain thathe needs to put this behind him so that they can get back to what they had.When the waitress comes by, he asks her if there is a park nearby, a placewith trees and a baseball diamond. She says that there is a park about amile to the east but she doesn't know what is there. They decide to take awalk to the park and check it out.

NEIL stops by the Winter's apartment to see Olivia and Nate. Nate isappreciative for all the gifts that he got for Christmas. When he leavesfor his room, Neil asks where Malcolm is. Not with Callie! Olivia sayssmugly. She has left town for good. Neil tells Olivia that he is on hisway to see Victoria and he is worried about what she wants to talk to himabout. He relates the Christmas dinner from the night before. He feelsthat he is losing Vicki. He doesn't feel comfortable in her company anymore. He says that he feels like a leaf blowing in the wind with nocontrol. She encourages him to go easy on Vicki and take it slowly. Hesays that when he left the ranch the night before, he just couldn't bringhimself to go home where he would see the new carpeting and wallpaper thathe had installed for Vicki so he just drove for hours.

LYNN stops by Chris and Paul's apartment to thank them for their Christmasgifts and finds the couple still in their robes. She tells Paul not to gettoo comfortable; remember the date. Paul looks puzzled and she reminds himthat today is the date for his annual shopping spree with Mary. Paul doubtsthat she will want to go shopping today; she has so much on her mind withthe engagement. They make a bet. Just then the phone rings and it is Marywondering if he is going to take all day; she is eager to get out to thestores. When Paul leaves, Lynn says that she doesn't want to pry but sheknows that Chris and Paul have been going through something heavy lately.Chris assures her that she thinks that the worse is behind them now. Lynnsays that she really hopes so and she means that.

DORIS stops by to see Sharon. She wants to hear every detail of theirChristmas. She asks if Nick came over at all. Sharon says that he stoppedby to leave some presents. She shows the picture that Nick had framed forher. Doris loves the picture and the idea of framing it but she especiallyloves the note that came with it. Sharon tells her to stop pressuring her;she is aware of how her mother feels about the situation. She says that shecannot think of Nick without seeing him with Grace. Doris says she willnever be able to get over that if she doesn't start trying. She encouragesSharon to call Nick again.

VICKI wonders where Neil is and what is taking him so long. When she callshis number, all she gets is the answering machine. Nick walks in the frontdoor and Vicki's face lights up but it is only Nick coming back from thetack house. He says that he has felt something between her and Cole. Shetells him that the two of them shared a loss but now they are moving on withtheir lives. She tells her that she is going to move in with Neil today.As she goes up to pack, he says that when she is finished, he will bring herbags down. Before she goes, she tells him that Sharon called for him lastnight while he was out. Sitting alone, he is suddenly transformed by joythat Sharon called. He wonders if he should call her, but decides to wait.He doesn't want to pressure her. But as he sits there he can't resist thetemptation. He picks up the phone and calls. He thanks her for calling theprevious night and asks how their Christmas was. She tells him that thekids loved their presents. He says that he has a couple more that he wouldlike to drop by. She says that what the kids need now isn't more presents.However, she says that Cassie wants to thank him for the presents that theygot. He wants to come right now, but she says that Cassie isn't home.She says that he can drop by this evening if he wants to.

CALLIE is wiping the glasses when Gina walks in. She tries to tell her tolet the hired help do it, but Callie says that she needed something to do.Gina goes on and on about Callie's big break, even wishing that she had hasthat kind of break when she was young. She wouldn't be here slinging pastaif she had had a break! Callie says that her band is in California for agig right now so she won't be able to rehearse with them for a while. Shewonders if she can wait tables until then. Gina says that she could get anadvance but she doesn't want people to know that she is broke; it isn't goodfor the image. Gina wants to front her some cash, but Callie says that shewould rather work for the money. Anyway, she likes it here and maybe Ginawould let her sing once in a while. Gina nods okay then asks if Trey willcome and bust her place up. Callie says that things are cool with Trey.

MALCOLM arrives home and wants Nate and Olivia to join him outside making asnowman. Olivia sends Nate out but says she wants to talk to Malcolm first.She tells him that she wants to apologize for the way she handled the Calliesituation. She was jealous and he was only trying to help a friend.Malcolm says that she has nothing to be sorry for.

NEIL finally arrives at the ranch. When Vicki starts to talk to him aboutleaving the ranch, he tells her that he doesn't want to pressure her in anyway. If she isn't ready, he will understand. She says that she wasplanning on moving after the New Year but she was wondering why she shouldwait. How does today sound? She asks him. His mouth drops. You're ready?He asks.

JIM and RUTH arrive back at the caf. He tells the waitress that the parkwasn't the one he was thinking about. She says that there are severalplaces in the vicinity that could be the place he is looking for. Jimdecides that he wants to get out of there. They stand up to pay their bill.Just then, while Jim's back is turned, Mary and Paul enter with their armsfull of packages. It is crowded and they are glad to get the booth that Jimand Ruth have just vacated.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R

Wednesday, December 30, 1998

by Soap Central

Vicki and Neil have their first fight when she says that she is ready to move in with him and he tells her that he doesn't think that she is. He says that he has talked with Olivia and she has told him that it takes someone a long time to get over the death of a child. He wants to give her a few more days but she says that she is ready today. He asks what a few more days are going to matter? He only wants to wait until after the New Year.

Vicki went and had a little talk with Olivia about telling Neil how she, Victoria, feels. She tells her that she should have talked to her instead of Neal. She could have told her that she was fine. When Olivia says that she doesn't want to get into the middle of this, Vicki tells her that she has already put herself in the middle. She then wonders if Olivia has some personal reason for keeping Vicki from moving in withNeil. Before Olivia can answer, she gets a page, which she says that she has to take. As she is leaving, she tells Vicki that she should go to Neil and be completely honest with him. "And while you are at it," she adds, "be honest with yourself."

Malcolm tries to tell Neil that he should not have refused to let Vicki move in. He says that she is a free spirit and is probably smothering out at the ranch with someone waiting on her hand and foot. Neil says if he had wanted Malcolm's advice, he would have asked for it.

Tony goes to see Sharon and asks if she is weakening as far as Nick is concerned. He doesn't want her to forget what Nick and Grace did to them. He says that he is afraid that she is weakening. He is especially worried when Nick calls and she tells him he can come over anytime this evening that is convenient to him. She tells Tony that Nick is fond of the kids and they miss him. Tony says that Nick is just using the kids to soften her up.

Jim watches Paul and Mary and has another memory. As he watches the grown Paul and his mother talk in the diner, he suddenly sees himself as a young man, Mary and a very young Paul. He shivers as the memory becomes real to him. Ruth is worried about him and asks if he had another memory. They watch as Mary and Paul leaves the diner. Jim decides that he will not leave GC even though Ruth tries her best to get him to leave. He says that he will understand if she doesn't feel comfortable staying but he has to see this to the finish.

Alice and Al are still bickering. For a new boyfriend, she sure lets him talk badly to her and she sure isn't very loving. She calls Grace and asks if she knew Millie, her mother. Grace denies it but she is frightened and Alice senses it. Grace wonders what she has gotten herself into.

Earlier, Grace is on her way to the research department when she runs into Nick in the corridor. He shows his ass. He demands that she go the long way to research instead of taking the shorter route that brings her by his office. He then demands that she go into his office and call Tony. She refuses and tells him off.

Cassie is glad to see Tony but he notices that she isn't very happy. She wants him to see the new colt but she doesn't feel like taking him so Sharon takes him to the stables. She sits down with Lisa to play checkers and tells Lisa all about her grandma Millie. When Lisa goes to check on Noah, Cassie goes to the phone and dials Millie's number. Alice answers and hears her daughter ask for Millie.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R

Thursday, December 31, 1998

by Soap Central

It is very festive at Crimson Lights where Megan is having coffee andlooking around hoping that a certain someone will drop by. Tricia surprisesher by stopping by saying that she knew she could find her here. Tricia isall dressed up in her red evening gown and shows it off to Megan. She saysthat she and Ryan are going to the Colonnade Room to see in the New Year andasks if Megan would like to join them. Megan says that she doesn't want tobe a "third wheel" and Crimson Lights is more her style. After making surethat this is how Megan wants it, Tricia rushes off to meet Ryan. Triciahasn't been gone long when Megan receives a kiss on the back of her neck.Turning she is delighted to see Tony. She asks if he has plans and he saysthat he doesn't much make plans anymore. She tells him that she knows ofseveral parties around town if he would like to attend one of them. Or, shetells him, we can go to the Colonnade Room and party with Ryan and Tricia.Tony declines. Megan says that she feels like having fun and it looks likehe is not in the mood for that. So she is going somewhere else. Oh, and bythe way, happy New Year! She leaves Tony sitting there with his mouth open.

Katherine is adding the finishing touches as she dresses for a festiveevening. Esther says that she has champagne on ice and ready for thecelebration. They both hope that their evening won't be spoiled by theirhouse guest. Just then, the doorbell rings and before Esther can get there,Jill walks in. She just loves the sound of the bell! Katherine complainsthat Jill has disappeared with out a word and now she just shows up withoutwarning. It would be nice if she let someone know her comings and goings.Jill informs Katherine that the judge gave her half of the house but he didnot make Katherine her baby sitter. She then explains that she was in NewYork with John and Billy. She wonders how they are celebrating the eveningjust as Victor and Nikki arrive. Jill makes it clear from the start thatthey plan on spending the evening with Katherine and Jill definitely is notwelcome. Jill says that that is too bad because this is her home also.Victor calls her aside and quietly explains that he and Nikki haven't beenable to spend much time with Katherine lately and he would appreciate it ifshe would give them some time alone; he is asking for a personal favor, hetells her. Jill suddenly remembers that she has a prior engagement andleaves the room. The evening has been spoiled for Kay and she urges Nikkiand Victor to go out and have fun. Nikki insists that they are stayingthere with her no matter what she says. Victor says that he has a betteridea; they will all go out to the Colonnade Room and enjoy the festivities.Kay is reluctant but Nikki drags her upstairs to change into formal dress.

Jack is alone in the Abbott mansion, looking through an old photo album. Hesurmises that a lot of things changed over the past year. As he looks at apicture of John, he tells him that by the end of the New Year, he will beable to give his father's company back to him. Before long, Brad drops byand asks him how the business trip to LA turned out. Jack tells him whatForrester wanted of them and Brad seems excited. Jack tells him that he isn't too sure about this deal. When asked why, he tells Brad that theyhandled their latest press conference with the class of a Las Vegasextravaganza complete with showgirls wearing nothing but dental floss. Braddoesn't see anything wrong with this but Jack says that they have to besqueaky clean where the company is concerned, especially since sexualindiscretions is what got Victor thrown out. Brad reminds him thatForrester is an established company with an unquestionable reputation. Jacksays that they do have today but what about tomorrow? This Brooke's Bedroomcould backfire and ruin all the credibility that Forresters has earned overthe years. Brad doesn't understand Jack being so conservative but Jacktells him that the plan is right on track.

Right after Brad leaves, Jack answers the door to find a glamorous Jillstanding there. She wants to know if he is planning on celebrating theincoming New Year. She says that as usual they are all dressed up and haveno where to go. He pours her a brandy and asks how her trip to New Yorkwas. She says that she had a wonderful time. Billy is thriving in that newschool and he is growing and changing so much. He asks how her visit withhis father went and Jill tells him that he won't believe this, but there aretimes when she doesn't just miss Billy; she misses John also. As they talk,Jill tells him that she knows that something is going on and he is up tosomething. Getting up, she tells him that she will pour them one more glassof truth serum and he will tell her all about it. He looks at her with avery contemplative look.

Paul and Christine arrive at the Colonnade Room and are seated as Jacquecompliments Chris on her beautiful gown. When Chris tells him that it isthanks to her husband, he compliments Paul on his taste and he doesn't justmean in gowns. Across the room, Ryan and Tricia are being seated at theirtable. She is so happy to be out tonight; her only regret is that Megan isn't with them; she is sure that her sister is headed for trouble with thatTony Viscardi. Ryan says that they are so blessed. His New Year'sresolution is to be thankful for his blessings. She says that she has onebut it is a secret for now. Victor, Nikki and Katherine are also seated ata table. Victor takes Katherine out on the dance floor and tries to cheerher up but she is too depressed. She says that the judge drew a line downthe middle of her and gave half of her life away.

At the Newman ranch, Sharon and Tony return just in time to hang up thephone just as Cassie is asking Alice to put Millie on the phone. Sharonexplains to Cassie that it isn't fair to call Millie since hearing from herwill only make her miss Cassie more. Cassie understands but says that shemisses Millie. After Cassie leaves the room Sharon wonders who she wastalking to. She is worried and says that she doesn't want to open any doorsince she may not be prepared for what is on the other side. Tony tells herthat she has nothing to worry about.

After Tony leaves, Nick walks into what seems like an empty house. As hecalls out for someone, Cassie rushes out and jumps into his arms. He tellsher that he has missed her. She says that she wants an extra hug and hesays he is happy to give it to her. Just then Sharon comes in and watches.The three of them are talking when Cassie goes to check on Noah. Shereturns to tell Sharon that Noah is awake. Sharon brings him out and letshis dad hold and talk to him. While they are visiting, he tells Cassie thatthere is one more present for her and he left it by the door. She brings itover and compliments the wrapping. Nick tells her to just rip into it. Shehas a time opening it but it was worth it. She is thrilled to find a charmbracelet with a heart on it. She tells Nick how happy she is and gives hima kiss. He says that the good thing about it is that every year he can giveher a new charm. Cassie goes over to the light to look at the braceletbetter. Nick says that Noah appears to want his mommy. When she comes totake him, he looks at Sharon and says that he wants Noah's mommy also. WhenSharon doesn't seem to object, he tells her how much he loves her and thefamily. He leans in and kisses her and she kisses him back. Cassie iswatching and smiling. "Happy New Year!" she says.

Tony walks into the Colonnade Room and asks to be taken to the McNeil table.The maitre d politely tells him that he would love to show him to theMcNeil table but he isn't dressed properly. He says that their dressstandards require a coat and tie. He even offers to provide a coat and tiebut Tony says that he doesn't wear ties. The maitre d shrugs. Across theroom, Ryan and Tricia notice Tony. Megan turns and looks across the room.She gets up and walks over to Tony and asks what he is doing there. He saysthat he forgot to wish her a Happy New Year. He grabs her and kisses her.Megan responds eagerly while Tricia glares daggers across the room.

Back in Madison, Alice is sure that it was Cassie calling for Millie but Alcould care less and tells her she's looking for a needle in a haystack. Shewishes that she had caller ID; then she would know just where her Cassie wascalling from. Just then, there is a knock at the door. Alice goes to thedoor and when she opens it she says, "I don't believe it!" Standing thereis Grace. "May I come in?" Grace asks.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 28, 1998 on Y&R

Friday, January 1, 1998

by Soap Central

Due to the New Year's holiday, The Young and the Restless did not air today. The show will resume on Monday where Thursday's show concluded.

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