Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R

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Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R

Ryan was out on bond, but he was warned not to see Nina. He didn't believe that Nina couldn't remember the shooting, so he visited her anyway and insisted that she try to remember.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, October 20, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Victor visited Ashley in the lab and caught her off guard when he asked her to talk to Victoria and find out what was happening in her marriage. She nearly passed out when Victor said he suspected another woman in Cole's life and wondered who she was. Ashley somewhat agreed to talk to Victoria but made it clear she didn't want to. As Victor was about to leave, Cole called and asked if he could stop by, so Ashley told him to.

Dru and Neil anticipated what the doctor would say until she walked in and broke the bad news. She said that it was a miracle that Dru had ever gotten pregnant with Lily; she said that she didn't think it was possible she'd ever conceive again. Dru gulped loudly as Neil stood there, stunned. The doctor offered to leave them alone so they could talk, but once alone, Neil just grumbled that he wanted to go home. They left.

Michael and Phyllis went for dinner while discussing the whole paternity case. Christine and Danny walked into the restaurant, and Danny spotted them right away. He wanted to leave, but Christine said they should stay and see if they could find out anything. Michael and Phyllis went to the table for some snide remarks, all of them trying to get under the others' skin. Later, Michael and Christine were sure they knew what the others were up to.

John Silva explained the next steps to Ryan. Ryan wanted to talk to Nina personally, but John told him to stay away from her, as it could be misconstrued as a threatening visit.

Nina visited with Flo and Phillip then asked her son to wait outside while she talked to Flo. Once alone, Nina shared her fears that she might say something incriminating about Ryan and cried about not being able to remember.

Nick quizzed Victoria some more about her relationship with Cole, but she just wanted him to butt out. She reminded him how he felt about everyone else's concern when he and Sharon had had problems, but he reminded her that Cole was the one who had helped straighten everything out. He offered to talk to Cole, but Victoria said she wanted to keep it between the two of them. Nick wondered if Victoria had met a guy while she had been away, and her evasive answers made him quite suspicious. However, she never really answered the question and kicked him out of her office.

Cole went to the lab as planned, and Ashley told him about her visit from Victor -- and his request. Cole told her that they needed to do some serious soul-searching and make some decisions about the future. They chatted about how attracted they were to one another for a while longer then they kissed.

Once at home, Neil and Dru discussed what the doctor had said. When Olivia took Lily home, Neil hid his tears. He encouraged Dru to tell her sister about it, but Olivia didn't really want to hear about it. After she left, Neil hugged his girls and said how much he loved them.

Nina was speechless when she awakened and saw Ryan standing in her hospital room doorway, jaw sticking out and glaring at her. "I know you say you don't remember anything," he said through gritted teeth, "but I can't help wonder if you're telling the truth."

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, October 21, 1997

by Soap Central

Malcolm visited Neil and Dru, asking to hear the good word. He was supportive of his brother when he was told of Dru's inability to become pregnant. Doctors didn't know everything, and they weren't always right, he told Neil.

Neil saw how downcast Dru was and told her not to blame herself. He reminded her of their many blessings and told her that they were a team.

Jill questioned Megan about the Tricia's whereabouts. She told Megan that she understood her wanting to protect Tricia's privacy, but about this problem, she had to confide in someone. When Megan wouldn't admit knowing where her sister was, Jill urged her to talk to her. There had been a new development in the case that Tricia might not know about: Ryan had been released on bail.

Ryan tried to convince Nina that she had to remember what happened the night she had been shot. Nina insisted that she couldn't remember, so Ryan began to tell her what had happened. "You were pointing the gun at your head and threatening to kill yourself," he told her. "No!" Nina insisted, "I would never try to end my life!" Ryan insisted that she'd tried. "You were under a lot of stress and weren't yourself," he told her.

Ryan described how he'd tried to stop her, the struggle to take the gun away, and the accidental shooting. "Now I have been arrested for attempted murder," he told her. Nina was emotionally upset, and Ryan was yelling at her that she had to remember. An orderly entered the room and demanded to know what was going on. He told Ryan that he wasn't supposed to be in the room. When he asked Ryan to leave, Ryan refused and began yelling that he had to talk to his wife. He had to make her understand what she was doing to him.

As the orderly tried to physically remove Ryan from the room, Ryan pushed him against the bedside table, and there was a lot of noise. Another orderly entered, and the two tried to pull him from the room. Ryan was screaming out to Nina that he needed her help. "I would never hurt you," he screamed. Nina relented and told the men to leave him; she would be okay, she told them.

Tricia returned home, and Megan told her that Ryan was free on bond.

After talking with Sarah, Josh told Nikki that she seemed familiar to him.

In New York, Phyllis visited Brian's home. She was pretending to be a travel agent that Brian had contacted about a trip for himself and his wife. She was talking with the wife when Brian arrived home. She had a "vacation" video that she wanted to play for them. The wife was all excited, but Brian was sweating. He managed to get around the showing of the video. His wife left for the bank, leaving Phyllis and Brian alone.

A nervous Brian was once again threatened that he had to keep his mouth shut about knowing Phyllis. Once she had made her point, Phyllis left. Just as she was getting in one elevator, Christine and Paul stepped out of another. They rang the doorbell, and Brian, thinking it was Phyllis returning, angrily opened the door. When he saw it is Christine and Paul, he told them to get lost and slammed the door in their faces.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, October 22, 1997

by Soap Central

As Ryan was pulled from the hospital room, Nina told the orderlies that he could stay. Ryan returned to her bedside and began to patiently explain the situation once again. Nina continued to deny trying to kill herself, but as Ryan pushed, she had a flashback of herself holding the gun to her head. Eventually, Nina fully remembered all that had happened. She began to cry and apologized to Ryan for what she had almost done to him and their son.

Tricia was trying to reach Ryan. She called Flo. Not knowing who she was, Flo told her that she didn't know where he could be unless he was at the office. Next, Tricia called John Silva's office. John told her that it was Victor who had posted bond for Ryan. She thanked him and tried to assure him that she was not "the other woman." John didn't know where Ryan was but said that if he were Ryan, the place he would want to be would be with Nina. However, John told Tricia that he had warned Ryan not to go there.

After many tries, Danny finally reached Peter by phone. Danny told Peter that he was going over; he had to talk with him. Peter didn't want Danny to go there but agreed to wait there for him.

Back in Genoa City, Phyllis and Michael were kissing when Daniel walked in. He wanted to know why she was kissing Michael. Phyllis explained that they were just friends.

Paul told Brian that they weren't leaving until they could talk with him. Finally, Brian let them in but only gave them five minutes to have their say. Paul and Christine explained to Brian that Phyllis had drugged him so that she could draw some of his blood without his knowledge. Brian didn't believe them at first but finally admitted that he couldn't remember much about that day. He also remembered having a mark on his arm, which had gotten red. Phyllis had told him that it had been an insect bite. It finally dawned on him that if he had been drugged, then he hadn't had sex with Phyllis.

Ashley visited the tack room. She and Cole discussed his relationship with Victoria. Ashley told him that he had to decide what he really wanted. Victoria called to make a dinner date with her husband. Once she had completed the call, she picked up a pair of binoculars and spied on the couple in the tack room. Ashley wished Cole well on his date with Victoria. After they shared another kiss, she left.

Ryan was holding and comforting a sobbing Nina when Tricia opened the door and stepped inside.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, October 23, 1997

by Soap Central

Stunned and outraged that Phyllis had lied to him, Brian admitted his involvement with Phyllis. He told Paul and Christine that she had threatened his wife with a videotape of their sexual encounter, but he wondered how she could have a videotape if he had been out cold. He then realized that there was more to it; he wondered what Paul and Christine knew that he didn't. He then put it all together and realized that if Phyllis had needed his blood,it was because the baby wasn't Danny's but his. He was so angry at Phyllis that he agreed to testify on Danny's behalf.

Danny arrived at Peter's apartment. He began questioning Peter about his relationship with Sasha. Peter was surprised to learn that Sasha was dead but denied knowing anything about a manuscript. He also made a point to Danny that no matter what had happened between him and Sasha, he still considered Phyllis his friend.

Danny was ready to leave when Peter's friend, Sylvia, arrived. She was happy to meet Danny and was very talkative, but Peter rushed Danny out of the apartment. After Danny left, Peter tried to tell Sylvia about Sasha's death, but the jealous Sylvia cut him off. She had heard enough of his past life that day.

Back in the hotel, Paul received a call from Lynn. There was trouble back home, and he had to leave right away. Christine decided she had to stay and try to deal with the man at the DMS Lab. Danny arrived, and Paul did his best to get Danny to take the same plane as he was taking back to Genoa City. When Danny decided to stay, Paul was not happy but left anyway.

Victoria arrived at the tack room, dressed in an evening gown. Cole was surprised, since he was planning on wearing his jeans and pullover. After discussing their options, they decided to have steak at the tack house. Small talk ensued, and Victoria hinted that it might be fun to hop in bed together. However, Cole let her know that he wasn't interested. Victoria asked what had happened while she'd been gone. Cole admitted that he had begun looking elsewhere. He told her about Ashley but told her that they had only started out as friends. Victoria guessed that it had gone past that, and Cole did not deny it.

Victoria left. She went to see her brother, but he wasn't in. Sharon was open to conversation, and Victoria complained that her "date" with Cole hadn't been what she'd expected.

Back in New York, Christine told Danny all that they had learned from Brian. Danny was shocked to realize that if Phyllis would drug Brian, she had probably also drugged him years before. He hadn't even had sex with Phyllis. He embraced Christine, and the two kissed.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, October 24, 1997

by Soap Central

Cassie joined Grace on the couch. The two snuggled up together, and Cassie told Grace that she loved her. She slipped and called Grace "mommy." After the "peanut" went to bed, Tony tried to talk with Grace about the growing relationship that she had with Cassie. He wondered what his part was in the relationship. He warned Grace that he couldn't and wouldn't wait around for her to make up her mind. He then grabbed his jacket and told Grace that he was going out for a while.

Sharon and Victoria chatted. Victoria told her that she had enjoyed her trip and had found it exciting meeting new people. She compared herself to Cole, who was satisfied to sit at home, immersed in his "made-up" people. She wondered if a marriage made up of such different people could survive. Sharon listened, and when Victoria was ready to leave, she told Victoria that she could talk with her anytime.

Phyllis arrived home and invited Michael over. As they were kissing, she told him that Daniel was with Joanie for the night. She then excused herself to "put on something more appropriate." When she returned, she was dressed in leather shorts, a leather bra, and leather boots. She was carrying a whip and handcuffs.

When he saw Phyllis, Michael almost choked on his drink. Phyllis told him that she wanted information, and when she wanted something, she got it. They began playing around, and Phyllis took the upper hand by handcuffing Michael's hands together. She pushed him down on the couch.

Danny was thrilled to hear that Brian had agreed to testify on his behalf. He then began to relate all that had happened when he'd first met Phyllis. He had never remembered sleeping with Phyllis, and he believed that he never had. "She drugged me and made me think we slept together," he told Christine. He was angry and distressed to know that everything that he and Christine had had -- all his hopes and dreams -- had been destroyed by a dishonest, scheming woman.

Both Danny and Christine were in tears as he admitted to her and to himself that Phyllis had set him up the same way she had set up Brian. They embraced and kissed. Christine then told him that she couldn't take any more that night. She had to think about all that he had said. Danny left, and Christine slowly put in a call to Genoa City.

Diane was in her husband's office. Since he wasn't in, she left a note. As she was leaving, Nikki walked in. Diane told her that Victor wasn't in, but Nikki didn't make a move to leave. She walked around the office as if she had every right to be there. She questioned Diane about her marriage.

Diane became defensive, and Nikki suggested that she was hiding something. Nikki warned her about Victor's late hours and frequent absences form home, but Diane wasn't bothered by the warning. Nikki tried to find out if Diane and Victor had talked about having children, but Diane didn't bite. Diane left, and Nikki made herself at home.

Victoria was having a drink at Gina's. She was looking blue and lonely. Tony arrived and ordered a drink at the bar. Victoria recognized his voice and asked him to join her. They told each other how much they had missed seeing each other. They continued with small talk while ordering another round of drinks.

Victor was surprised to find Nikki waiting for him in his office. She said that she wanted to talk about something. She wondered what kind of plans he and Diane had, but Victor didn't divulge any information. Nikki suggested that Victor see about getting a vasectomy. Victor was speechless. His jaw dropped open, and he stared at Nikki. He then wondered why she would offer such personal advice. He told her that neither he nor Diane was interested in having a child. Nikki said that if he believed that, he didn't know his wife.

When Paul answered the phone, Christine told him that she had decided to go to Atlanta after all. Paul picked up on her bad vibes, but Christine would not admit that there was anything wrong. Paul hung up the phone with a thoughtful look on his face.

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