Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R

An ill Mildred told Grace that she hadn't heard a word from Alice. Victoria spied Cole with a new woman in his arms. Nina was surprised to find Tricia in her apartment, and she reached for a gun.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, September 29, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Nick comes home from work and finds Sharon and Noah up at the main house.Sharon tells him that she's made plans for another double date with Graceand Tony but Nick doesn't want to go out. He says that they have lots ofother friends that they've neglected by spending so much time with Tony andGrace, adding that if Grace won't go out with Tony without them, that's nothis problem. Sharon agrees to cancel the date. They snuggle up on the couchand look at Nick's baby pictures until Sarah/Veronica comes in with cocoaand introduces herself.

Grace comes home from work and grills Tony about his conversation withNick. He tells her that he just wants to get closer to her, and says he'smade reservations at Gina's for them. Grace refuses to go until she hearsthat Nick and Sharon will be going too. However, while she's gettingdressed to go, Sharon calls and cancels. Tony doesn't say anything about itto Grace, and they go out as planned.

Diane tells Jack that she wants to discuss something with Victor, butperhaps she should run it by him first so he can speculate on what Victor'sreaction will be. Jack is stunned when she says her biological clock iskeeping her up at night -- she wants to have Victor's baby! Jack reminds herthat Victor doesn't have a shortage of heirs, and that he's not the bestfather in the world when it comes to spending time with kids. However, hesays if things don't work out, she can come knock on his door.

Paul is in a foul mood after Phyllis leaves, and Lynne suggests he'll feelbetter after a good meal. She's pleased when he assumes that Chris isworking late with Danny and agrees to have dinner with her. As they'reabout to order in, Chris comes in with a bag of take-out dinner fromGina's. When Lynne leaves them to eat alone, Paul tells Chris about hisvisit from Phyllis. Chris freaks right out when Danny tells her thatPhyllis accused her of falling back in love with Danny. She acts alldefensive and makes him tell her how he reacted. Realizing that she'soverreacting, Chris apologizes and they make up, swearing that no oneincluding Phyllis, Michael or Danny will ever split them up.

Grace and Tony go to Gina's. Once seated, Tony admits that Nick and Sharoncanceled. Grace is furious and throws a temper tantrum, embarrassing himin front of the waiter and threatening to leave. She finally agrees tostay, but is completely rude. Tony manages to get the piano player to playUnchained Melody, and gets Grace on the dance floor, where he sings along!The entire restaurant watches in fascination as he tries to sweep Grace offof her feet. She tells him that she's completely embarrassed by the show.After dinner, however, they go back home and Grace admits that he'sstarting to grow on her.

Diane goes to Victor's office and he tells her about Nina's disappearanceand its effect on Phillip. After rambling a while about parenthood and theresponsibilities, Diane is taken aback when Victor tells her how happy itmakes him to know that they can pick up and leave town anytime they wantwithout having to worry about a child.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, September 30, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Jack goes to Victor's office to tell him about a project that he'd like toassign to Nick. After he gets Victor's blessing, the police call Victor totell him that they have a possible lead on Nina. Victor hangs up and tellsJack that the police have found a woman's body in St. Louis and she matchesNina's description. He asks for Jack's advice as whether or not to tellRyan about it.

Christine marches into Michael's office and blasts him for sending Phyllisto Paul. Michael of course doesn't have a clue as to what she's ravingabout, so she tells him in detail what happened. Michael swears hisinnocence, but riles Chris when he asks her if she is resurfacing feelingsfor Danny. She tells him off before leaving.

Tony reminds Grace that she's enjoying his company, but she is stillplaying hard to get. Cassie comes in and says that she had a bad dream thatMillie died. Convinced something is wrong, she asks if they can call her.Grace finds the number and calls. Millie is okay, and glad to hear fromCassie. However, her age is showing and she's really slowed down a lot.After talking to Cassie, Grace takes the phone. Millie tells her that Alicestill hasn't contacted her and thinks that Grace must've been a godsend."If it wasn't for you taking Cassie, I don't know what would've happened toher," Millie sighs, "How can I thank you enough." Grace assures her thatthe whole situation is no problem, and that she's happy to have Cassie withher.

Tricia drops by Nina's apartment to lend some support to Ryan in his timeof crisis. They discuss Phillip and how upset he is with the wholesituation. Neither of them know what to think when Victor drops by. Hetells Ryan how he called some friends at the cop shop, and that they havefound an unidentified woman's body in St. Louis. When he adds that theymight not know anything until the next day, Ryan says that just won't do.He staunchly decides that he's going to the airport immediately, and justprays that there's a flight to St. Louis. "I thought you feel that way,"Victor says, "So I have the Newman jet on stand-by for you. I wouldn't havetold you otherwise if I thought you'd have to wait overnight." Ryan isgrateful and races off to pack. After Victor leaves, Tricia offers to gowith him but Ryan says that given the circumstances, it's best that he goalone. Tricia asks if she can wait for him at Nina's apartment as she can'tbear to go home to all of the questions, and wants to be there for him whenhe returns. Ryan reminds her that he doesn't know how long he'll be gone,but says it's okay for her to wait there.

Phyllis comes home to find Danny going through more paperwork. She tellshim that she know that they're looking for Brian, but warns him that thelast thing Daniel needs right now is his biological father being forcedinto his life. Danny yells at her about being an awful human being andstorms out. Michael waits until Danny's on the elevator before making hispresence known in the hallway. He comes into Phyllis' apartment and chidesher about making Christine angry. When he asks if she thinks she's rightabout Chris and Danny, Phyllis suspects that he has feelings for Chris andasks for an explanation. Michael insists she reading something into nothingand they get sidetracked when he starts to undress her.

Now that Cassie feels better, Grace and Tony send her back to bed. Theydiscuss the situation and how Sharon still doesn't know Cassie's trueidentity. Tony says he feels so guilty about their secret that he wants totell Sharon. Grace says she can't stop him but warns him that she'll neverforgive him if he does. Just then, Cassie reappears, saying she can't sleepbecause of their fighting. She fears that Grace is mad at her because shewanted to talk to Millie. "I don't want you to think that I love Millie andnot you," Cassie explains, "Because I love you a lot, Grace. Please don'tlet anyone ever take me away from you!" Tony gulps loudly as Cassie's wordstug at his heartstrings..

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, October 1, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Danny shows Paul and Chris some more phone records and says he's hit paydirt. He shows them that the day before and the day of the paternity test,Phyllis called the Genoa City Hotel. They deduce that she must've had Brianfly in from New York, stay at the hotel and get his blood somehow. Chrisand Paul go to the hotel to get some information. Danny wants to join thembut they say he's not allowed. At the hotel, they have incredible luck whenthe desk clerk remembers Phyllis and that she was visiting a man stayingthere. After he checks the records, he tells them that the man's name wasBrian Hamilton.

Joani notices that Phyllis is extremely on edge and asks what's up. Phyllisexplains that Danny, Chris and Paul are doing everything they can to buryher in court. Phyllis tells her that she has a bad feeling about the wholething. She decides to call Chris and see what she's up to but Dannyanswers the phone at Legal Aid. She's even more worried when he tells herthat she's interrupting them.

Nick and Sharon cuddle up on the couch. Sharon asks Nick if he wants togive Noah a in a second child.

Katherine comes by Nikki's and shows the results of her facial rejuvenationprocedure. What a success -- she looks awesome!! Nikki introduces her toSarah/Veronica, then they discuss surprising Josh with a long weekend toParis for their first wedding anniversary. Sarah listens in, but earsreally perk up when Josh comes home from work.

Paul and Chris return from the hotel and tell Danny all that they learned.They try to piece together more of the Phyllis puzzle with their recentclues, then Danny asks about going to New York to look up Brian Hamilton.Chris calls the airport and makes reservations for two.

Neil joins Ryan on the airplane as he and Victor agreed that Ryan shouldn'tgo to St. Louis alone. Ryan bends his ear with "what-if" situations whileworrying that the Jane Doe is Nina. Neil tries to get him to thinkpositively, but he's too worried.

Meanwhile, Victor tells Diane all about the Nina situation. He tells herthat this has really hit him hard for some reason, and notes that he reallycares about his employees. He calls Tricia at Nina's apartment to see howshe's holding up. She thanks him for letting Ryan use the jet. He thencalls the jet to see how Ryan's doing and give him some encouraging words.He also tells Ryan that he checked in on Tricia for him and Ryan isgrateful but still worried.

Tony and Grace and Cassie. Cassie asks them if she can call them Mom andDad so she can be like the other kids at school. Tony and Grace are takenaback, and explain to her that since that's not who they are, it's a not agood idea to call them that. Cassie understands, but makes it clear thatshe loves them like her parents. After she goes to bed, Tony lays intoGrace. He tells her that Cassie is needing a proper mother and her real momis right across town. When he gets into it about telling Sharon, Gracebursts into tears and tells him she can't hear any more.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, October 2, 1997Erin Goldsby

Grace goes to Victor's office and shows him the report she's finallyfinished for him. She does a great job of flattering him and sucking upbefore leaving. Back at home, Tony and Cassie are playing checkers whenCassie accidentally calls him "Dad." When Grace comes home, Tony watchesher stroke Cassie's hair and remembers their conversation about tellingSharon the truth. His thoughts are interrupted when Sharon calls and askshim to come over ASAP.

Ashley gives Cole some great ideas for the last chapter of his novel at thetack room. Their conversation drifts, and they sputter many innuendoesbefore locking lips. They're so busy kissing that neither of them seeVictoria in the window.

Danny is preparing to go with Chris to New York when Paul comes in. Heoffers to pick up Chris for him on his way to the airport, but Paul stopshim. Much to Danny's surprise, Paul tells him that he doesn't want him togo with them. He gives him plenty of reasons why he should stay behind, butDanny thinks they're just excuses. Paul admits that this case is takingover his marriage, and wants to spend some time alone with Christine. Paulgoes to the plane and meets Chris, but to his surprise, she's verydisappointed that Danny isn't coming and tries to convince him to let himcome. However, they end up going without him.

Michael takes Phyllis to Gina's for the evening. He tries to make it aromantic dinner, but Phyllis is more interested in kicking up her heels onthe dance floor and just having some fun. Michael's easily swayed and soonthey reach a compromise -- by smooching up a storm on the dance floor.

Neil and Ryan continue flying to St. Louis, speculating the entire timeabout whether or not the Jane Doe is Nina. Finally, they arrive and gostraight to the morgue. Ryan holds his breath as he goes to view the body.

Victoria goes to Victor's office and gets a warm welcome home. She tellshim all about her business trip and how well it went, then they brieflycatch up on Victor's new marriage and its affect on Nikki. When Victor asksher if she plans to stay in town for a while, he's surprised by herresponse. "I'll see how much I like being home before I make anydecisions," Victoria says, not letting on about what she saw at the ranch.

Tony arrives at Sharon's, and she quickly explains that she's been thinkingabout him and Grace and wants to help him win her heart. Pointing out thatGrace likes a man with ambition, she advises him to get a better job,something with advancement. Tony agrees, but adds that he needs to workpart-time to care for Cassie. Sharon tells him that if he had a betterpaying job, they could afford a sitter, and she'd be happy to help out inthe meantime.

Friday, October 3, 1997

Ashley and Cole discuss some more about the novel at the tack room, andthen Ashley asks about Victoria. When Cole admits that he's lonely, Ashleyempathizes.

Danny tells Gina how upset he is that Paul wouldn't let him come to NewYork. He says he can see why Paul thinks he's disrupting his marriage, butpoints out that he's doing this for his son. Gina advises him to let it goand suggests they go get a bite to eat.

Sarah/Veronica spies on Nikki and Josh as they cuddle up in the living roomand talk about their romantic getaway to Vermont that they're planning.Nikki then looks out the window, and suddenly claims a need to go to thetack room. Once there, she tells Cole that she saw a car leaving with awoman and wondered who she was. She points out that Victoria has been gonefor a while, but reminds him that she will be back soon.

Meanwhile, Josh asks Sarah about her background. She stutters and stammers,so he apologizes for being intrusive and quits questioning her.

Ashley goes home but Jack lays into her about being with Cole so much. WhenJohn comes into the room, he wants to know what they're arguing about butthey don't tell him. Jack offers to walk Ashley to her car as she leavesfrom work, but once outside, he warns her not to fall too deeply for amarried man. Later, Jack tells John all about it.

Michael and Phyllis continue their evening until Michael spots Gina andDanny walking into the restaurant. Within seconds, Gina sees them, too.

Cole is stunned when he turn around in the tack room. "Hi.....remember me?"Victoria asks softly from the doorway.

Ryan looks at the body in the morgue, and realizes that it's not Nina.Relieved, he and Neil return to the plane, where Ryan rants about Nina upand leaving and scaring them all like this.

Meanwhile, Nina comes home to find Tricia waiting for her in her apartment!She loses it, and demands to know why the silly twit is there. Tricia triesto tell her how Ryan went to St. Louis, and that she's waiting for him.Nina freaks out on her, blaming her for not leaving them alone and takingRyan from her. Tricia tries to defend herself, but then has the audacity tosay, "You know deep down in your heart that Ryan doesn't love you. I'msorry to have to say this, but he hasn't loved you for quite some timenow." Nina goes over the deep end with that comment. While screaming atTricia to shut up (but she doesn't), Nina reaches into her purse, and pullsout a gun.

by Erin Goldsby

Grace goes to Victor's office and shows him the report she's finallyfinished for him. She does a great job of flattering him and sucking upbefore leaving. Back at home, Tony and Cassie are playing checkers whenCassie accidentally calls him "Dad." When Grace comes home, Tony watchesher stroke Cassie's hair and remembers their conversation about tellingSharon the truth. His thoughts are interrupted when Sharon calls and askshim to come over ASAP.

Ashley gives Cole some great ideas for the last chapter of his novel at thetack room. Their conversation drifts, and they sputter many innuendoesbefore locking lips. They're so busy kissing that neither of them seeVictoria in the window.

Danny is preparing to go with Chris to New York when Paul comes in. Heoffers to pick up Chris for him on his way to the airport, but Paul stopshim. Much to Danny's surprise, Paul tells him that he doesn't want him togo with them. He gives him plenty of reasons why he should stay behind, butDanny thinks they're just excuses. Paul admits that this case is takingover his marriage, and wants to spend some time alone with Christine. Paulgoes to the plane and meets Chris, but to his surprise, she's verydisappointed that Danny isn't coming and tries to convince him to let himcome. However, they end up going without him.

Michael takes Phyllis to Gina's for the evening. He tries to make it aromantic dinner, but Phyllis is more interested in kicking up her heels onthe dance floor and just having some fun. Michael's easily swayed and soonthey reach a compromise -- by smooching up a storm on the dance floor.

Neil and Ryan continue flying to St. Louis, speculating the entire timeabout whether or not the Jane Doe is Nina. Finally, they arrive and gostraight to the morgue. Ryan holds his breath as he goes to view the body.

Victoria goes to Victor's office and gets a warm welcome home. She tellshim all about her business trip and how well it went, then they brieflycatch up on Victor's new marriage and its affect on Nikki. When Victor asksher if she plans to stay in town for a while, he's surprised by herresponse. "I'll see how much I like being home before I make anydecisions," Victoria says, not letting on about what she saw at the ranch.

Tony arrives at Sharon's, and she quickly explains that she's been thinkingabout him and Grace and wants to help him win her heart. Pointing out thatGrace likes a man with ambition, she advises him to get a better job,something with advancement. Tony agrees, but adds that he needs to workpart-time to care for Cassie. Sharon tells him that if he had a betterpaying job, they could afford a sitter, and she'd be happy to help out inthe meantime.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 29, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, October 3, 1997

Ashley and Cole discuss some more about the novel at the tack room, andthen Ashley asks about Victoria. When Cole admits that he's lonely, Ashleyempathizes.

Danny tells Gina how upset he is that Paul wouldn't let him come to NewYork. He says he can see why Paul thinks he's disrupting his marriage, butpoints out that he's doing this for his son. Gina advises him to let it goand suggests they go get a bite to eat.

Sarah/Veronica spies on Nikki and Josh as they cuddle up in the living roomand talk about their romantic getaway to Vermont that they're planning.Nikki then looks out the window, and suddenly claims a need to go to thetack room. Once there, she tells Cole that she saw a car leaving with awoman and wondered who she was. She points out that Victoria has been gonefor a while, but reminds him that she will be back soon.

Meanwhile, Josh asks Sarah about her background. She stutters and stammers,so he apologizes for being intrusive and quits questioning her.

Ashley goes home but Jack lays into her about being with Cole so much. WhenJohn comes into the room, he wants to know what they're arguing about butthey don't tell him. Jack offers to walk Ashley to her car as she leavesfrom work, but once outside, he warns her not to fall too deeply for amarried man. Later, Jack tells John all about it.

Michael and Phyllis continue their evening until Michael spots Gina andDanny walking into the restaurant. Within seconds, Gina sees them, too.

Cole is stunned when he turn around in the tack room. "Hi.....remember me?"Victoria asks softly from the doorway.

Ryan looks at the body in the morgue, and realizes that it's not Nina.Relieved, he and Neil return to the plane, where Ryan rants about Nina upand leaving and scaring them all like this.

Meanwhile, Nina comes home to find Tricia waiting for her in her apartment!She loses it, and demands to know why the silly twit is there. Tricia triesto tell her how Ryan went to St. Louis, and that she's waiting for him.Nina freaks out on her, blaming her for not leaving them alone and takingRyan from her. Tricia tries to defend herself, but then has the audacity tosay, "You know deep down in your heart that Ryan doesn't love you. I'msorry to have to say this, but he hasn't loved you for quite some timenow." Nina goes over the deep end with that comment. While screaming atTricia to shut up (but she doesn't), Nina reaches into her purse, and pullsout a gun.

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