Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R

Sharon was sure Nick was hiding something from her, but he denied that anything was wrong. Nina told Tricia that Ryan was a married man. The paternity results showed that Danny was Daniel's father. Victor saw Diane and Jack in a passionate embrace.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, July 21, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Victor visits Diane at her office. Oh, you are so beautiful. Diane wonderswho was left standing at the meeting with Jack and Jill. Victor says he gaveit to them with both barrels. I had to tell them that I was wrong. Diane isstunned. It is wonderful that you had a positive encounter with Jack.Victor then shows Diane some photos of some castles overseas. Ahoneymoon/wedding gift. Ohhhhhh Victor! Kiss Kiss.

Jill and Jack rehashing the meeting. Jill is happy, Jack is cynical. Itain't over till it's over, and it isn't over, not by a long shot.

Megan and Jeremy try to set Tricia up on a date with Alec. There is aconcert at the university. Alec agrees to come over. Tricia doesn't wantanything to do with a blind date. Megan and Jeremy leave. Alec stays tofinish his soda. Tricia comes back down stairs. Alec tells Tricia he knowshow she feels. He was dumped three weeks ago by his year long girlfriend.And I'm still here! You do get over it. They talk. Alec leaves.

Grace and Sharon on the phone. Sharon is so concerned about Nick. Gracedoes a good job trying to reassure Sharon about Nick. Hang up. Grace toNick. This is really bothering you isn't it? It makes me sick Grace. Can'tyou see that you can trust me? I just want to be your friend Nick. Pleasebelieve me! I do believe you Grace. I owe you a lot. We've just got to putthis behind us and get on with our lives. They shake on it.

Phyllis, Danny and Daniel return home. Phyllis tells Danny how much it hurtsfor him to believe Paul and Chris over her on this paternity issue. I don'tmean to hurt you Phyllis. It will be over once and for all with the testresults. He calls the lab; results ready later today. I've got somethingimportant to do then I'll meet you at the lab. Danny leave, Joni arrives.She asks Mrs. Romalotti about the trip and test. Phyllis flashes back toher sample switch and feels more confident again.....Paul and Chris at Gina's.In her office, Chris notices a business card from the paternity lab. Ginaadmits that Danny/Daniel took the test and tells how Danny wanted to cancel.Gina and Chris get into a heated discussion. Danny walks in when Gina issaying I hope you're wrong Chris. Chris says, but what if I'm not, what ifDanny isn't Daniel's father?!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, July 22, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Nikki tells Josh about Victor's engagement, noting that she thinks Victorhas ulterior motives regarding hurting Jack. He's surprised when she saysthat she's not thrilled about it, but surprises her more when he says hecouldn't be happier by the news.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Dr. Gallagher continues to try to pry someinformation about Josh's picture from Veronica. She doesn't divulgeanything, and after he leaves, she looks in the mirror and wonders ifshe'll even recognize herself when the bandages come off.

Victor and Diane go for dinner at Yves, and Victor suggests they have theirwedding reception there. He also tells her that he can get some time offfor an October 4th wedding. Diane says that will be fine although she'llhave to get someone to work on the new Newman HQ during that time.

Cole drops by Nina's to see how she's doing and is pleased to find out thatRyan and Phillip have moved back in. He wishes them the best of luck andsays he's sincerely happy for them. After he leaves, Phillip comes into theliving room to say good night and tells his dad how happy he is thatthey're all together again. Once alone, Ryan thinks to himself, "I'm happyto be with you too, if I could only feel something again foryour mother."

Nick's shocked when he comes home and Sharon immediately pounces on him forbeing out of the house for a few hours. She demands to know where he's beenand why he didn't call. Nick casually explains that he had a few errands torun and can't understand why she's so upset. "I was out, and now I'm back.End of subject," Nick says. "What are you hiding?" Sharon askssuspiciously. Nick tells her that he's had a long day and wasn't expectingan interrogation so if he seems perturbed, that's why. Sharon doesn't letup and soon they're having an argument. It ends when Nick tells Sharon thatshe sounds like a paranoid, insecure housewife, and she tells him he soundslike a man with something to hide. "I'm out of here," Nick says as he headsoff to his night class. "When will you be home?" Sharon barks. "When I feellike it," Nick sniffs on his way out the door.

Grace is furious when Tony tells her that he took Cassie to the ranch. Sheaccuses him of trying to ruin everything for her. "Because Sharon is hermother or because you have something going on with Nick?" Tony asks. Gracerealizes that he suggested to Sharon to call Grace while Nick was there andaccuses him of wanting Sharon to find out that he was there. Tony blastsher right back and starts grilling her about Nick's visit. When Grace can'tstand the heat, she says she's going to spend time with Cassie in the otherroom but Tony stops her. "I don't care what you say, I know there'ssomething going on with you and Nick," he growls, "You're story keepschanging and one of these days I'm going to find out the truth!"

Danny explains to Chris, Paul and Gina that the results will be readyanytime. Gina suggests that he just phone the lab, but he tells them thathe wants to go there in person to ensure there's no screw-ups. "You meanyou think Phyllis might be up to something?" Chris asks quickly. "Yeah,think about it," Paul adds, "She could've concocted just about anything tointervene with the results." Before they get into it, Phyllis marches in.She tells them in a confident voice that they should kill two birds withone stone and bring Paul and Chris with them to the lab. Danny thinks it'stoo personal of a moment to share, but Phyllis points out that her personallife has been raked over the coals for years by these two, and there's noneed to keep it to themselves now. Chris and Paul agree to go, of course.Once at the lab, Phyllis continues her tirade about how confident she isand tells the others to lighten up. "Despite what you think, I've nevertried to stonewall these tests," she says, "I just didn't think a paternitytest was necessary, but I can see that I was wrong." No one responds as thenurse announces that the results are ready....

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, July 23, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

At the lab, Phyllis continues to taunt Christine and Paul with herconfidence about the test results. Danny reads the report and announces,"It says what I would've known if I'd listened to my heart -- Daniel is myson!" He and Phyllis embrace as Chris and Paul go into shock. Phyllis rubsit in Chris' face that she was wrong to suspect her, but says that she'swilling to put the whole experience behind them and start fresh. She evensuggests that they all go back to the Romalotti apartment to celebrate withDaniel. Danny encourages them to come too, but Chris and Paul decline theoffer so Danny and Phyllis go home alone.

Sharon seeks Cole's advice about Nick's behaviour, explaining the fightthey'd had and why. She insists that something is going on with Nick, andis sure something has happened, yet is also sure that her husband wouldnever be unfaithful. "I just can't figure out what happened, he won't openup to me," she says. Cole suggests that she's just imagining a problem, butSharon tells him how defensive Nick was before he went out again. Coletells her that he can't offer any help as he has no idea what Nick'sproblem is, but advises her to give it time. "One thing I can tell youthought is to never doubt how much Nick loves you," Cole says, "That I knowfor sure." "I've never doubted my husband's love," Sharon says staunchly,"Why would you say that?!"

Nick doesn't go to night class after all, and goes to the Crimson Lightsinstead. Grace is working and he tells her about the fight he and Sharonhad, adding that he can't seem to stop himself from behaving defensively.Although he knows that he agreed to forget what happened, he says that hecan't. Grace tells him not to tell Sharon about their mistake, as it wouldonly hurt her and there's no need for that. Nick thanks her for listening,noting that it's nice to have her to talk to like this. Grace tells himthat that's what friends are for, and promises to always be there for him.

Tricia recalls the fabulous memory she has of the day she cooked Ryanbreakfast. Overcome with emotion, she calls him on his cell phone, but toher surprise Nina answers! She doesn't say anything, but Nina tells her sheknows who she is and why she's calling. "Ryan's not here and even if hewas, he wouldn't want to talk to you," Nina snaps, "He's come home to meand our son, don't ever call him again!" Tricia bursts into tears when Ninaslams down the phone.

Ryan finds Neil working late as well in his office and goes in for a chat.Neil tells him that he's heard rumours that he and Nina separated and thathe's seeing someone new. Ryan explains that he and Nina are trying to workthings out but he doesn't think they'll ever get back on track. Neilconfides that he's felt that way about Dru before, but given time it allworked out. "Are your doubts because of this new girl?" Neil wonders. Ryanadmits that he has a good time with Tricia and she helps him forget abouthis problems, but insists that he ended things with her. Neil advises himto give his marriage his all and not to let a pretty face mislead him.

Danny and Phyllis come home to find Joani reading a story to Daniel.Knowing they just came from the lab, she makes a quick exit to give thefamily some time alone. Danny plays with Daniel all evening until he goesto bed. Alone with Phyllis, Danny tells her that when he read the resultshe realized two things -- 1) he was incredibly relieved and 2) he was sorryhe ever doubted her. Phyllis tells him that it's behind them now so there'sno need to apologize or explain himself. They embrace then Phyllis asks himto make love to her.

Chris and Paul go home feeling quite numb. They rehash the whole Sashastory, and why they believed the test results would be different. "We hadsuspicions based on circumstantial evidence," Paul reminds her, "The realproof was at the lab tonight. We have no choice but to accept it." Chrisknows he's right, but isn't ready to give in. Paul suggests that they goaway for a long weekend to get their minds off everything and relax. Hegoes to make reservations but Chris stops him and says, "If Phyllis couldchange one test, who's to say she couldn't change another?" Paul lets outan exasperated sigh and tells her to just let it go.

Dru thinks about Neil telling her how much he wants a second child andshudders. She goes to his office as they have plans for a late dinner. Shetries to look calm as he tells her how lucky they are to have such a greatmarriage. "We have love, honesty and trust," he carries on as Dru gulps,"What would a marriage be without that?!"

Alec drops by Tricia's to see if she's doing any better. He tells her thatRyan is a fool to let her go and says she shouldn't be sulking at home. Hesuggests that they go out, but Tricia says she's not in the mood. Alectells her that he'll call her tomorrow and the day after that, and continueto call her until she accepts his offer. "You and I should get to know eachother better," he says, "And I'm going to make sure that we do!"

The technicians at the lab review Danny's chart and see something theydidn't notice before. "We'll have to call him, he'll want to know aboutthis," they decide, "But it's too late tonight, we'll call him first thingin the morning."

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, July 24, 1997Erin Goldsby

Victor asks Jill if Nick has contacted her at all about a possiblyreturning to Newman Enterprises. Jill tells him that she hasn't heard fromhim. Victor explains that Nick will be graduating soon, and he hopes thathe'll return to the family business as he'd like Victoria and Nick to runit one day. He adds that under the circumstances, he can't ask Jack anyfavours, but wonders if Jill would mind checking in on Nick and seeing whathis plans are. Jill tells him she'll handle it discreetly, then asks ifthey can discuss the men's line. Victor tells her that he'd rather surpriseDiane for lunch, but asks her to come back in the afternoon to go over theline.

Meanwhile, Nick goes to Jack's office and tells him that he's graduating ina few weeks and is thinking of coming back to Newman Enterprises. He addsthat he and Victor are getting along much better now and thinks they bothlearned something from their big blow up. Jack doesn't encourage him, whichprompts Nick to ask his advice on the matter. He's somewhat surprised whenJack rants and raves about Victor being an arrogant egomaniac, and notesthat he wouldn't advise anyone to work for the man. Lightening up a little,Jack tells him to just do what he wants, but don't expect Victor to change.

Joani reports for work in the morning and can see that Phyllis had a goodnight. She tells Joani how she "pushed the blonde bug into the dirt withher heel" and says the look on her face was priceless when she found outthe results of the paternity test. Joani is shocked to learn that Paul andChris went to the lab with them but Phyllis laughs when she tells her thatshe invited them back to celebrate but they wouldn't come. "Those two haveno class," she sniffs. Joani offers to take Daniel out for the day soPhyllis decides to go shopping and buy a new negligee to surprise Dannywith. Before leaving she pops another fertility pill. She's on her way outthe door when the phone rings, but she decides to let the machine get it.Too bad she didn't wait around -- it was the lab calling for Danny.

Danny shows up at Christine's office to tell her that he really does wantto let bygones be bygones. "I don't have time for this," Chris pouts."Don't have time?!" Danny asks, "You're in denial! Admit it, you werewrong!" He goes on about how Sasha was a sick woman who lied to her, andit's time to admit defeat. Christine blasts him right back, noting that shecan't forget how Phyllis ruined their marriage and isn't easily convincedto forgive and forget all that's happened, no matter what that test says.Angrily, she leaves, snidely wishing Danny good luck in his marriage. Dannysticks around long enough to calm down then reviews his paternity testresults again (for some reason, he walking around with the folder in hishand). Anyhow, something odd catches his eye and he calls the lab. Theytell him they've been trying to reach him as there's a problem with histest and suggest that he come right over.

Jack goes to Diane's office to thank her for calling him to warn him aboutVictor's wrath but assures her the meeting went fine. They get talkingabout her engagement and Jack warns her again that one day Victor will kickher to the curb as he chases after someone new. "It always happens likethat with him -- always," Jack insists. Diane starts to cry and apologizesfor how she handled their breakup. "No matter how hard I try, I can't getyou out of my mind," Jack says. Passionately, they embrace and kiss.Neither of them notice Victor come in and see them, then quietly slip backout. Later, Diane's secretary tells her that Victor came and went whileJack was there, and Diane gets a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Phyllis goes to Christine's office and finds her putting her photo in herdesk. She tells her that she wants to put their animosity in the past butChristine tells her she knows she's just there to gloat. Phyllis tells herthat it was a nice try, but her marriage is stronger than ever now thanksto her attempts at sabotaging it. They banter back and forth until Phyllisadmits she is there to gloat. "I suggest you leave," Christine growls,"Before this conversation turns ugly." Phyllis is impressed at this littleoutburst, but notes a threat coming from St. Christine is most unfitting.Chris tells her in no uncertain terms that as of this moment, she and Dannyare out of her life. Triumphantly, Phyllis leaves.

Jill returns to Victor's office as arranged, but is surprised to find himin an ornery mood. She figures out that his meeting with Diane didn't go towell, and leaves him alone at his request. Later, Jill meets with Jack andmentions in passing about Victor's mood. She explains that Victor went toDiane's office and when he returned he was very upset. Jack clues into whathappened, and gets quite a grin on his face, noting it's a good day afterall.

Danny arrives at the lab and the tech takes him into a private meetingroom. Danny shows him his report, noting it says page one of four. The techsays that's why they called, and pulls out a four page report. ApparentlyDanny returned to the lab the morning after the family went together, andgave two more samples of blood, but didn't tell Phyllis! The tech handsover the whole report and sadly sums it up for him. "According to the totalthree samples of blood we had from you, it is medically impossible forDaniel to be your son," he says. Danny is outraged and demands anexplanation. The tech explains that the first blood sample given was notfrom him, and the other two proved the paternity. He adds that after theynoticed the discrepancy, they reran the tests, and he's sure the resultsare correct. "Phyllis was here that night," Danny realizes, "There's myanswer." He begins to shake and cry as it hits him that Daniel is not hisson.

Friday, July 25, 1997

Cole tells Nick about Sharon's visit, noting that he's going to have tocome up with a good excuse to explain where he was the night before. Headds that Grace is up to no good, and warns Nick against trusting her, eventhough she's kept their secret so far. Cole suggests that he should just gohome and tell Sharon and truth.

Grace drops by Sharon's and finds her fretting about her fight with Nick.She laughs at her, claiming that all couples fight. Sharon explains how badtheirs was, ticked that Grace is downplaying it without knowing thedetails. When Sharon notes how odd Nick's been lately, Grace snickers thathe hasn't been acting weird at all. "How would you know?!" Sharon snaps.She notes that Nick is HER husband, and if she says he's acting odd, he is.Grace apologizes, and says she butted in where she shouldn't have, but wasonly trying to help. Grace advises her to trust Nick and give him somespace, and maybe he'll tell her one day on his own.

Josh has a patient cancel so he makes it home for lunch with Nikki. Whilethey're talking, Nikki asks about his marriage to Veronica so Josh tellsher about the day that the cops came to his door and told him that they'dfound her body in a lake.

Meanwhile in the hospital, Dr. Gallagher still tries to get someinformation from Veronica. She admits that she's had prescribed drugsbefore but won't say where. She also tells him that she was married oncebut she wants her husband back now, although he doesn't know that sincethey haven't seen each other in years.

Jack tells Ashley about his experience with Diane earlier, and she warnshim not to get burned twice by her. She also warns him not to butt headswith Victor over Diane because she's not worth it. However, Jack tells hernot to bother trying to get him to back off.

Over in Victor's office, Diane gets the cold shoulder. She tries to makeconversation, but Victor keeps shrugging her off until he finally admits hesaw her kissing Jack. She tries to explain herself, claiming it meantnothing. Victor barely responds, then leaves for a meeting.

Grace goes home feeling quite smug that things are certainly going her waynow. Tony overhears her talking to herself and lectures her again about herhangup with Nick. He warns her not to underestimate Sharon, too.

Nick comes home with all intentions of telling Sharon the truth about hismistake with Grace. However, she insists on taking the blame for theirfight and tells him that there's no need for him to tell her where he was.Nick tries a few more times to come clean, but Sharon keeps stopping him,so he gives up.

Phyllis is preening in the mirror over her new negligee after shopping. Shenotices there's a message on the machine, and hears the one from the lab.She just brushes it off, however, as she assumes it has to do with thebill, since they've already got the results. Danny comes in and she cantell that something's wrong. "I know the truth," Danny growls, "I knowDaniel is not my son." Phyllis does try to lie at first, but soon realizesthe game is over. She admits that she tried to alter the test, but claimsthat Danny is Daniel's father in every way that counts. Danny, however,doesn't want to hear it. He asks her not to lie anymore, and demands thatshe tell him if she really changed the tests back in New York a couple ofyears ago. Quietly, Phyllis says yes she did. Danny freaks! He grabs her bythe arms as he screams at her that he could kill her right now with hisbare hands. He yells that she ruined his life, destroyed his marriage toChris, and swears that he hates her for it all. Before he goes to far,Joani comes in the front door with Daniel. Danny tries to keep hiscomposure as he explains to Daniel that he has to go away and won't be hometo tuck him in that night. He hugs him tightly and sobs as he tells himthat he loves him before leavings. After Danny storms out the front door,Phyllis grabs Daniel tearfully and swears to him that his daddy will beback one day...

by Erin Goldsby

Victor asks Jill if Nick has contacted her at all about a possiblyreturning to Newman Enterprises. Jill tells him that she hasn't heard fromhim. Victor explains that Nick will be graduating soon, and he hopes thathe'll return to the family business as he'd like Victoria and Nick to runit one day. He adds that under the circumstances, he can't ask Jack anyfavours, but wonders if Jill would mind checking in on Nick and seeing whathis plans are. Jill tells him she'll handle it discreetly, then asks ifthey can discuss the men's line. Victor tells her that he'd rather surpriseDiane for lunch, but asks her to come back in the afternoon to go over theline.

Meanwhile, Nick goes to Jack's office and tells him that he's graduating ina few weeks and is thinking of coming back to Newman Enterprises. He addsthat he and Victor are getting along much better now and thinks they bothlearned something from their big blow up. Jack doesn't encourage him, whichprompts Nick to ask his advice on the matter. He's somewhat surprised whenJack rants and raves about Victor being an arrogant egomaniac, and notesthat he wouldn't advise anyone to work for the man. Lightening up a little,Jack tells him to just do what he wants, but don't expect Victor to change.

Joani reports for work in the morning and can see that Phyllis had a goodnight. She tells Joani how she "pushed the blonde bug into the dirt withher heel" and says the look on her face was priceless when she found outthe results of the paternity test. Joani is shocked to learn that Paul andChris went to the lab with them but Phyllis laughs when she tells her thatshe invited them back to celebrate but they wouldn't come. "Those two haveno class," she sniffs. Joani offers to take Daniel out for the day soPhyllis decides to go shopping and buy a new negligee to surprise Dannywith. Before leaving she pops another fertility pill. She's on her way outthe door when the phone rings, but she decides to let the machine get it.Too bad she didn't wait around -- it was the lab calling for Danny.

Danny shows up at Christine's office to tell her that he really does wantto let bygones be bygones. "I don't have time for this," Chris pouts."Don't have time?!" Danny asks, "You're in denial! Admit it, you werewrong!" He goes on about how Sasha was a sick woman who lied to her, andit's time to admit defeat. Christine blasts him right back, noting that shecan't forget how Phyllis ruined their marriage and isn't easily convincedto forgive and forget all that's happened, no matter what that test says.Angrily, she leaves, snidely wishing Danny good luck in his marriage. Dannysticks around long enough to calm down then reviews his paternity testresults again (for some reason, he walking around with the folder in hishand). Anyhow, something odd catches his eye and he calls the lab. Theytell him they've been trying to reach him as there's a problem with histest and suggest that he come right over.

Jack goes to Diane's office to thank her for calling him to warn him aboutVictor's wrath but assures her the meeting went fine. They get talkingabout her engagement and Jack warns her again that one day Victor will kickher to the curb as he chases after someone new. "It always happens likethat with him -- always," Jack insists. Diane starts to cry and apologizesfor how she handled their breakup. "No matter how hard I try, I can't getyou out of my mind," Jack says. Passionately, they embrace and kiss.Neither of them notice Victor come in and see them, then quietly slip backout. Later, Diane's secretary tells her that Victor came and went whileJack was there, and Diane gets a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Phyllis goes to Christine's office and finds her putting her photo in herdesk. She tells her that she wants to put their animosity in the past butChristine tells her she knows she's just there to gloat. Phyllis tells herthat it was a nice try, but her marriage is stronger than ever now thanksto her attempts at sabotaging it. They banter back and forth until Phyllisadmits she is there to gloat. "I suggest you leave," Christine growls,"Before this conversation turns ugly." Phyllis is impressed at this littleoutburst, but notes a threat coming from St. Christine is most unfitting.Chris tells her in no uncertain terms that as of this moment, she and Dannyare out of her life. Triumphantly, Phyllis leaves.

Jill returns to Victor's office as arranged, but is surprised to find himin an ornery mood. She figures out that his meeting with Diane didn't go towell, and leaves him alone at his request. Later, Jill meets with Jack andmentions in passing about Victor's mood. She explains that Victor went toDiane's office and when he returned he was very upset. Jack clues into whathappened, and gets quite a grin on his face, noting it's a good day afterall.

Danny arrives at the lab and the tech takes him into a private meetingroom. Danny shows him his report, noting it says page one of four. The techsays that's why they called, and pulls out a four page report. ApparentlyDanny returned to the lab the morning after the family went together, andgave two more samples of blood, but didn't tell Phyllis! The tech handsover the whole report and sadly sums it up for him. "According to the totalthree samples of blood we had from you, it is medically impossible forDaniel to be your son," he says. Danny is outraged and demands anexplanation. The tech explains that the first blood sample given was notfrom him, and the other two proved the paternity. He adds that after theynoticed the discrepancy, they reran the tests, and he's sure the resultsare correct. "Phyllis was here that night," Danny realizes, "There's myanswer." He begins to shake and cry as it hits him that Daniel is not hisson.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 21, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, July 25, 1997

Cole tells Nick about Sharon's visit, noting that he's going to have tocome up with a good excuse to explain where he was the night before. Headds that Grace is up to no good, and warns Nick against trusting her, eventhough she's kept their secret so far. Cole suggests that he should just gohome and tell Sharon and truth.

Grace drops by Sharon's and finds her fretting about her fight with Nick.She laughs at her, claiming that all couples fight. Sharon explains how badtheirs was, ticked that Grace is downplaying it without knowing thedetails. When Sharon notes how odd Nick's been lately, Grace snickers thathe hasn't been acting weird at all. "How would you know?!" Sharon snaps.She notes that Nick is HER husband, and if she says he's acting odd, he is.Grace apologizes, and says she butted in where she shouldn't have, but wasonly trying to help. Grace advises her to trust Nick and give him somespace, and maybe he'll tell her one day on his own.

Josh has a patient cancel so he makes it home for lunch with Nikki. Whilethey're talking, Nikki asks about his marriage to Veronica so Josh tellsher about the day that the cops came to his door and told him that they'dfound her body in a lake.

Meanwhile in the hospital, Dr. Gallagher still tries to get someinformation from Veronica. She admits that she's had prescribed drugsbefore but won't say where. She also tells him that she was married oncebut she wants her husband back now, although he doesn't know that sincethey haven't seen each other in years.

Jack tells Ashley about his experience with Diane earlier, and she warnshim not to get burned twice by her. She also warns him not to butt headswith Victor over Diane because she's not worth it. However, Jack tells hernot to bother trying to get him to back off.

Over in Victor's office, Diane gets the cold shoulder. She tries to makeconversation, but Victor keeps shrugging her off until he finally admits hesaw her kissing Jack. She tries to explain herself, claiming it meantnothing. Victor barely responds, then leaves for a meeting.

Grace goes home feeling quite smug that things are certainly going her waynow. Tony overhears her talking to herself and lectures her again about herhangup with Nick. He warns her not to underestimate Sharon, too.

Nick comes home with all intentions of telling Sharon the truth about hismistake with Grace. However, she insists on taking the blame for theirfight and tells him that there's no need for him to tell her where he was.Nick tries a few more times to come clean, but Sharon keeps stopping him,so he gives up.

Phyllis is preening in the mirror over her new negligee after shopping. Shenotices there's a message on the machine, and hears the one from the lab.She just brushes it off, however, as she assumes it has to do with thebill, since they've already got the results. Danny comes in and she cantell that something's wrong. "I know the truth," Danny growls, "I knowDaniel is not my son." Phyllis does try to lie at first, but soon realizesthe game is over. She admits that she tried to alter the test, but claimsthat Danny is Daniel's father in every way that counts. Danny, however,doesn't want to hear it. He asks her not to lie anymore, and demands thatshe tell him if she really changed the tests back in New York a couple ofyears ago. Quietly, Phyllis says yes she did. Danny freaks! He grabs her bythe arms as he screams at her that he could kill her right now with hisbare hands. He yells that she ruined his life, destroyed his marriage toChris, and swears that he hates her for it all. Before he goes to far,Joani comes in the front door with Daniel. Danny tries to keep hiscomposure as he explains to Daniel that he has to go away and won't be hometo tuck him in that night. He hugs him tightly and sobs as he tells himthat he loves him before leavings. After Danny storms out the front door,Phyllis grabs Daniel tearfully and swears to him that his daddy will beback one day...

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