Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Victor made a fresh start with Hope and Adam
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R

Grace and Tony discovered that Sharon's daughter was living with Mildred, who promised to think about giving Cassie back to her mother. Neil and Dru agreed to work on their marriage. Noah's heart stopped.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, March 24, 1997

by Laura

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Victor offers Ryan the Brash & Sassy leadership role till Victoria returns.Ryan accepts. Later, Nikki visits Victor to tell him about how Jack wantsto offer Nicholas a position in the Dennison/Vanguard acquisition. Victorsays he already knows. It ends emotionally with Victor asking Nikki why sheever married that damn doctor.

Nick is seeking advice from Cole about the job offer in Seattle. (Wait tillyou check out Nick's hair, the bangs are all flipped up! Too funny. I don'tknow how Cole could do the scenes without cracking up!) :}

Danny tells Phyllis she was rude to their friends. She doesn't think she didanything wrong. Later, Phyllis is telling Joni how she just can't standCricket, 'that bug'. It makes me sick to be nice to her just for Danny.Meanwhile, Danny is visiting the fab three (Paul, Chris and Lynn) toapologize for Phyllis and to tell them he'll make it up to them. They tellhim not to worry, they all know how Phyllis likes to 'shoot from the hip' andnot really think before she speaks. (It looks like TPTB are going toresurrect the Phyllis get Chris story again, whatever for now, since she isMARRIED to Danny, him willingly this time.....)

Grace and Tony go back and quiz 'Mildred Johnson' (the elderly lady) againabout Alice. Mildred tells them some stuff (lies by the look of it) and theyget in their car to leave. But guess what, the school bus arrives and thelittle girl gets out and goes into the house. Millie, I'm home! Gracewonders if this could be Sharon's first baby?!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, March 25, 1997

by Soap Central

It's (re)hash day in Genoa City.

Dru and Malcolm. Olivia and Neil. Nikki and Sharon. Grace and Tony.

Later, Neil and Dru have a really good talk. He says he can see now just howimportant family is to Dru. They need to stop arguing about her career whenthey are together. They both love each other so much. Kiss, kiss.

Nina calls Flo, can you bring Phillip over? I really need to see him. Flodrags the kid over. No Mom, you don't want to see me, so I don't want to seeyou. They stay about two or three minutes and then they leave. Cole arriveslater. Nina and Cole rehash. They talk about the cabin and 'making love'(something we *never* saw or that was even inferred). Cole says Nina needsto take some responsibility for what happened. Maybe she needs to tell Ryanthe whole truth, get all the cards on the table. Should we call him Nina? soyou can start to live a normal life?

Nick is real pumped about the letter and the job in Seattle. He goes to seeSharon, who misinterprets and thinks that he has talked to Jack about the"plan" for Nick to work at Dennison/Vanguard. Sharon is gushing about howhappy she is and how happy everyone will be that they are staying in Genoa City.Nick doesn't have the heart to tell her different. (Give the guy somecredit, he really loves his wife!)

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, March 26, 1997

by Laura

Another boring, slow moving day in Genoa City.

Nick and Sharon visit Noah. He moves! while they are talking about him.

Grace and Tony see Millie again and try for more info. Millie eventuallygets them to leave telling them not to come back or it'll be the cops. Gracetalks with Cassie (the little girl) before leaving with Tony.

Ashley fills Hope in on all the Kurt stuff. Hope tells her again that shethinks Ashley is in love with Kurt. Later, in the lab, Kurt shows up andfills Ashley in on what happened in Cape Cod. It ends with them suckingface.

Cole and Nina continue to go round and round about telling Ryan the wholetruth. Nina says, maybe I just imagined the whole thing, maybe we neverreally did make love! (hey, now there's a concept!). Ryan arrives just asCole is leaving; telling Nina to think about what he said, it may be a way tosolve things. Ryan wonders what that was all about. Of course Nina can'tsay. I'm so messed up Ryan. Why would you want to be with me.......(Thiswoman needs help! Now!) Ryan goes through his mail and eventually leaves.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, March 27, 1997

by Laura

Jill gives Tricia a tour of Jabot and she even gets to meet Ryan!

Nick visits with Noah. Meanwhile, Grace and Tony are rehashing about Cassieand how Grace wants to snatch the kid. Grace calls for Nick to see how thebaby is (she thinks the baby is dead). Of course Nick tells her that Noah ishanging on. But then, the monitor goes flat-line....They work on Noah, butit looks like he is dead.

Danny asks Phyllis to go see Chris. Phyllis does and tells Chris she wantsher to do what she is going to do; discourage Danny from trying to forge arelationship between the four of them. (This new Phyllis might not be so badafter all!) After Phyllis leaves, Chris realizes her dictating recorder wason and that everything is now recorded. Phyllis, maybe you have justoutfoxed yourself. Meanwhile, Sasha has called for Phyllis. Upon learningthis, Phyllis begins a mini fit. Joni, don't you ever tell her about me andDanny being married. etc.

Oh yes, Diane and Kurt have now been added into the opening sequence.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 24, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, March 28, 1997

It's a stormy night in Genoa City.

Phyllis lies to Danny saying Chris wasn't real receptive to the friendshipoffer. Meanwhile, Chris is playing the tape for Paul who recommends savingthe evidence for the future. With Phyllis, you know you'll need it.

Grace and Tony visit Mildred again and try to convince her to let them takeCassie. (I still don't get where Grace gets off thinking that this kid canreplace Noah. In this case, Tony is right (for once). Grace tells her thewhole Sharon saga. Mildred asks for their phone number, she will think aboutit and give them her answer. (Oh yes, I've finally figured out what happenedto Hope's farm house. It is now Mildred's house! They must have transportedit from Kansas to Wisconsin. Ha Ha)

Nick tearfully tells Victor that Noah is dead. Victor leaves to tell aweaping Nikki. Nick breaks the news to Sharon who wants to flee thehospital. They drive in the storm for a while. Then Sharon decides it'stime to go back to be with Noah. When they return, they get the wonderfulnews that Noah is ALIVE! The doctors were able to bring him back and get hisheart beating again. For now he seems to be stable.

It's a stormy night in Genoa City.

Phyllis lies to Danny saying Chris wasn't real receptive to the friendshipoffer. Meanwhile, Chris is playing the tape for Paul who recommends savingthe evidence for the future. With Phyllis, you know you'll need it.

Grace and Tony visit Mildred again and try to convince her to let them takeCassie. (I still don't get where Grace gets off thinking that this kid canreplace Noah. In this case, Tony is right (for once). Grace tells her thewhole Sharon saga. Mildred asks for their phone number, she will think aboutit and give them her answer. (Oh yes, I've finally figured out what happenedto Hope's farm house. It is now Mildred's house! They must have transportedit from Kansas to Wisconsin. Ha Ha)

Nick tearfully tells Victor that Noah is dead. Victor leaves to tell aweaping Nikki. Nick breaks the news to Sharon who wants to flee thehospital. They drive in the storm for a while. Then Sharon decides it'stime to go back to be with Noah. When they return, they get the wonderfulnews that Noah is ALIVE! The doctors were able to bring him back and get hisheart beating again. For now he seems to be stable.

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