Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Phyllis received a marriage proposal on New Year
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R

Nikki tried to convince Sharon to change Nick's mind about leaving town. During a blizzard, Sharon slipped, hit her head, and lost consciousness. Neil called Dru's agent and told him Dru wasn't interested in working.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, February 10, 1997

by Laura

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Victoria visits Victor just after Nick has left. They talk about the situationwith Victoria vowing to help even if Victor doesn't want her to. Later, Victoriagoes to the coffee slop looking for Tony. Of course, she finds him. Gracearrives doesn't notice them but they see her. Victoria gets Tony to dance andthey suck face. Grace can't believe them. She tells Tony if he is trying toget to her, it isn't working (oh really!). Victoria leaves, Grace protests moreto Tony about how she doesn't want him, etc.

Phyllis and Danny wonder about Chris being pregnant. Danny goes to seeChris, saying he wants her to check some contract. Chris finally tells Dannythat she isn't preggers. Danny returns to tell Phyllis, as Paul is tellingChris about his visit with Mary, who is still knitting booties. Sodisappointed about not becoming a grandmother, she even unraveles anunfinished bootie. Paul and Chris also talk about being disappointed.

Nikki plants a seed of doubt with Nick about how Sharon really feels. Nickreturns to his place to find a distracted Sharon. She finally blurts thatshe can't tell Nick how she feels right now cuz she doesn't know! Just letme get through having the baby Nick. I can't wait till then Sharon, I needto know now! (Oh yes, Nikki is at the front door listening to some of this,always the busy body!)

Sasha, flailing around in the hospital bed, covered with sweat...Phyllis,Phyllis, caught, caught. Later a nurse enters. When am I going to get outof here? At least two weeks. The nurse leaves. Sasha says, Phyllis you'regoing to pay, going to pay.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, February 11, 1997

by Soap Central

Nick asks Sharon again how she feels about moving. She says she is scared. A new baby with no family to help. Nick tells her to worry about the baby and he will take care of everything else. Nikki summons Sharon to the main house. She again paints the bleak picture of Sharon and Nick's life if they move away. Sharon you have to stop him, you can't let him dothis.......Sharon says she can't take it anymore and leaves. Meanwhile,Victoria is doing the same to Nick. Telling him that dad was crying after Nick left. How about a cooling off period until the baby is born. Let's behonest Nick, you really don't want to leave, you want to work in dad'scompany.........Victoria finally leaves, Nick flops on the couch. Sharon is on her way back through the snowy, freezing cold evening and, oh no!, she slips and falls, being knocked out apparently, snow falling on her, covering her up!

Keith calls Jill for dinner. He arrives just after Jill has been grillingRyan on his marriage. Keith and Jill swap family stories. They leave fordinner.

Chris is frantic, she can't get Valentine reservations anywhere. Paul to therescue. He's already done it at the Collonade Room, for four! Maybe Ninaand Ryan want to come with us. Oh Paul, you are so wonderful. Chris goes tosee Nina who isn't so thrilled about going. Chris tells her to wake up.Realize what you've got here! Cole doesn't love you, doesn't want you.Ryan loves you and wants you. You better get your head together before youlose everything. Later, Ryan calls Nina to tell her he is leaving theoffice, maybe we can spend some time together. Yes, that's a good idea Ryan.

Kurt telling Katherine again how he wants to earn his keep. It's thedoorbell, remember, nobody is to know I'm here. Kurt rushes down thehallway. Katherine reminds Esther not to tell about Kurt. It's Ashley at the door. Esther acts strange, making Ashley stand in the doorway for far toolong. Finally she let's her in. Katherine dismisses Esther immediately.Ashley tells the sad tale of how Kurt is gone again. Tears, hugs; yes, I'lllet you know if I hear anything. Ashley leaves. Kurt tells Katherine thankyou. Katherine can't figure out why he won't at least let Ashley know he isokay. Because she won't give me any space. Do you want me to leave?.......NO! I want you to stay, but I want to be able to help youtoo........(It's the never ending "I want to help you Kurt" saga. I say enoughalready!)

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 12, 1997

by Laura

There is still a bad, bad storm in GC. Snow and bitterly cold temps. Nikkiis searching for Sharon. She calls Victor. Grace calls looking for Sharon.Maybe at her moms? Nikki finally gets through to Doris. No, she isn't here.Just what is going on Nikki?.........After Nikki's call, both Hope andVictor are curious as to why Nikki would be calling there for Sharon. Victorleaves to go to the ranch to find out what is going on. Oh yes, this isafter he has asked Hope, the boy, and Betty to go with him on a trip toEurope......Meanwhile, Sharon continues to be covered by snow.

Phillip is in a bad mood. He knows that things are't going so well with hismom and pop. Ryan overhears the kid. After Nina gets him to bed, Ryan andNina argue about being intimate. Ryan storms out. Nina finds the valentinegift that Ryan has shoved in and out of his pocket numerous times beforeputting it in a drawer. She opens the card "to my valentine, now and always,Ryan." Tears...Ryan comes back, I'm sorry for storming out. I'm sorry tooRyan, for so many things.

Nick isn't worried about Sharon. In fact, he goes to see Cole; needs asounding board. After a limited discussion, Nick thinks he's found theanswer. Take Doris with them! Then Sharon won't have to worry any more.

Keith and Jill at Gina's. Jack and Diane at Gina's. Neither Jack nor Jillwant to go and greet the other. But with Keith's help, they are pushedtogether for a little while. Typical verbal banter with Jack and Jill(funny). Both Keith and Diane wonder about the history between these two.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R

by Laura

Today's Recap is Temporarily Unavailable

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on Y&R

Another time warp in Genoa City. It's Valentines Day for Danny and Phyllis, butstill the night before for everyone else.

Phyllis gets roses from Danny and is all excited about her gift for him.Then she thinks maybe she made a mistake. Danny sees the photos. Soprovocative. Kiss, kiss, off to the bedroom.

Malcolm visits Olivia questioning her take on Dru and Neil. Olivia tells himhow Neil is sure Dru is ready to cut back on the modeling. Malcolm says noway, it seems that Dru and Neil aren't on the same page at all. Meanwhile,Sid calls Dru questioning the call he got from Neil. Dru tells him she'llhave to get back to him, but that call wasn't on her request. She finds Neilat the office. Angry words exchanged with Dru leaving after saying to Neil,"Just where do you get off Neil Winters?!"

Victoria and Cole return to the tack room. All Victoria wants is sex. All Colewants to do is talk. You've got me on a yo-yo Victoria. I don't know what youwant. Well, sex is what she wants and he gives it to her. Cole wants totalk again after. Stop trying to get so serious Cole. Just kiss me.

Victor ends up going to the hospital, can't just stay here doing nothing.Nick finally finds out that for now it appears that Sharon and the baby arealright. Sharon hasn't come to, however. For some reason Tony shows up atthe hospital, looking for Grace. Later, in Sharon's private room, Victorenters. There is nothing you can do here dad, please leave. Josh enters,checks on Sharon. In all honesty Victor, I can feel the tension in thisroom. I think it would be best if you leave. Of course, we get the standard"I'm Victor Newman" type of answer, but Nick says, did you hear what he saiddad?!

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