Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Phyllis received a marriage proposal on New Year
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R

Kurt agreed to stay with Katherine. Jack and Diane became engaged. Neil and Olivia continued to see each other. Jack offered Nick a position at his new company. Dru returned home to a cool reception from Neil.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, February 3, 1997

by Laura

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Cole ends up punching Tony who acts like the true neanderthol man that he is.Grace shows up wondering what happened. She still wonders what his angleis. Tony says Victoria wants him, always coming to the coffe slop looking forhim. Meanwhile, Victoria pours herself and Cole a drink. She confesses herfeelings about feeling like an old married woman. Cole says he has got to domore for her, make her life fun. I love you so much Victoria. Kiss, kiss.

Ashley talks some more to Mrs. Miller, wondering where Kirt is. Meanwhile,Kirt is showing up at the Chancellor mansion. He wants to stay and sortthings out but only if they don't tell *anybody* that he is there. Of courseKirt, we'll help you in any way that we can.

Jack, Jill and Keith talk about the future. Jack tries to talk to Victor, hehas little time for him. Jack and Jill go to see Nick. He is reluctant todiscuss working at all. Jack convinces Nick to at least think about it andtalk to Sharon about it. Meanwhile, Sharon is visiting Doris, who questionsSharon on her *real* feelings about being an ordinary person without theNewman money. Later, Sharon is confronted by Nikki with the same stuff and alsoquestions Sharon as to why she let Nick make this decision in the firstplace. Nikki also questions Jack and his motives after Jack's visit withNick.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, February 4, 1997

by Soap Central

Nikki whines to Victor about their family being torn apart. She then callsSharon to tell her again that she is the only one who can convince Nicholasto stay. Jack calls Nick to see if he has discussed the proposition withSharon. Nick hangs up and tells Sharon how Jack has asked him to work on theDennison deal. Nick tells Sharon that he just can't. He can't work for hisfather who doesn't respect him. Sharon finally says that she is going totell Nick exactly what she thinks about the whole situation. Meanwhile,Nikki has called Doris to the ranch to discuss their children. She convincesthat they should Doris to confront Sharon together.

Jill has a brief, but funny visit with Jack, questioning why Victor is sodead set against the Dennison deal. Jack has special plans for himself andDiane at Ginas. John A. shows up, however, and Diane insists that he jointhem. Later, champagne is served and, what's this? there is something in myglass. It's a ring! Yes, Diane, I love you, would you marry me?

Malcolm goes to see Sid just as Neil is calling, bellowing to Sid about howhe wants his wife home, etc. Sid tells Malcolm that he and Dru had bettermake their careers the most important thing in their lives if they reallywant careers. Later, Dru finally calls Neil who is having dinner (again)with Olivia. She lies and says she is being called for work, but that shemisses Lily and loves him. Previously, all during dinner at Olivia's, Neilcontinues to whine about Dru and how he doesn't know how much longer he cantake it, etc..

Victoria and Cole in bed. Victoria replays the kiss, kiss scene in her mind as sheslips out of bed. She says that this just ins't the life for her or him.She is so sorry. Cole awakens, tells Victoria how great she was. Tells herhow he thinks things are on the right track once again. Victoria finally blurtsthat she is sorry. It's not you Cole, it's me, it's me. Embrace.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 5, 1997

by Laura

Diane says yes.

Victor gives Ryan a big raise and then fires personal questions at him. Ryanassures Victor that he has no desire for any involvement with Victoria, althoughshe is not happy with that. Later, Ryan runs into Victoria. He wonders if theycan go back and just be friends. Victoria tells him that he still wants her.He tells her that he wants Nina. He leaves, Victoria says to herself that hewill regret treating her like this. She goes to the coffee slop and admitsto Tony that she came looking for him.

Sharon questions Nick on whether there might be another way to deal withVictor. Nick says no, we have to go. Sharon is summoned by Nikki who iswaiting with Doris. They give it to her with both barrels, how importantfamily is, how hard it will be, etc.. Sharon finally says she just can'thandle all the pressure, you're tearing me apart!

Neil and Olivia have dinner *again* and talk more aboud Dru and her modeling.Olivia finally admits to Neil that she agrees with him. You need to betreated better Neil. Meanwhile, Dru and Malcolm are flying back to GC. Theyalso discuss Neil and how Dru just needs to work on smoothing things over,putting modeling on the back burner. Dru isn't so sure.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, February 7, 1997

by Laura

Neil and Olivia share a tender moment, only to be interrupted by Dru on thephone. I'm on my way home baby. I can't wait to see you. I love you. Neilis less than enthusiastic. Olivia leaves. Later, Malcolm arrives to a lessthan welcome Olivia and Dru rushes in calling for Neil who is lurking in theliving room.

Victoria kisses Tony at the coffee slop. They dance, she wants to go to hisplace. She wants him to be the aggressor. They suck face with Jay lookingon.

Hope tells Victor she is concerned about Ashley and her feelings for Kurt.Ashley arrives. She tells about her pointless trip to Cape Cod. Victortells her it is time to let go. She reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile, Kurt istalking with Katherine about things. How do you go on? Maybe you shouldseek help from God. And he does.

Grace offers to move with Sharon and Nick to help them take care of the baby.Nick doesn't know what to think about the offer.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 1997 on Y&R

Jack tries to convince Nick to stay and work on the Dennison/Vanguard deal.Nick says sounds good, but no thanks. I've already sent out resumes. We'releaving as soon as the baby is born. Victoria visits Nick later and tells himhow stupid he is being. How he knew what he was doing was wrong. Get overit. But if you can't, at least tell Dad that you are sending out stuff so hewon't hear it from someone else.......Well, it's too late, while Victor isworking late at the office, he gets a call from a business associate askingfor a recommendation on Nick. Victor tells the guy to call in in a few days.Nick does go to see Victor and tell him. Victor stands looking out thewindow the whole time. Nick can't believe that Victor won't even look athim.

Jack returns home, is happy to see Ashley. He tells her about his proposalto Diane, wondering what Ashley's reaction will be. Diane arrives, champagneflows and the toasts begin, from everyone including Jill and Ashley. Later,Jack and Diane suck face on the sofa.

Kirt talks some more with Katherine. He tells her he wants to earn his keep.She says it's not necessary, but at least let's not have you as a handymanagain. What were you before? Of course, Kirt doesn't answer. Sorry Kirt,how about handling some of my small household accounts. Okay, but I'll stillkeep an eye on things around here that might need attention. Katherineleaves, Kirt picks up the Bible that he dropped on the floor earlier thatKatherine had to pick up.

Olivia continues to be negative regarding Dru and Neil's chances of workingthings out. Malcolm can't figure her out. Nate is happy Malcolm is back,now, because Neil was over just about every night, he has two buds to playwith. Meanwhile, Dru is mostly getting a cool reception from Neil. Shetells him again just how important her career is to her, but also just howmuch she missed him and Lily. He finally thaws a little and they beginsucking face.

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