Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R

SC Desk
Tony crashed Nick and Sharon
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R

Tony crashed Nick and Sharon's party and introduced himself as Grace's boyfriend. Jill canceled her holiday plans with John Silva to spend time with Billy. Phyllis tried to seduce Danny with a dance. Nina suffered from severe depression. Kurt decided to stay and watch over Hope.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R

Monday, December 23, 1996

by Soap Central

Ashley arrives at Victors home with a Christmas gift for him. She asks Victor if he had spoken with Kurt.He tells her that he did what she asked him to do.

At the Newman ranch the party is going strong. Grace gives Sharon a present and she tells her that she hasone for her husband as well. She spots Nick. Victoria spots Grace. Victoria is talking with Neil and Olivia. Dru ishome with Lily. Malcolm arrives. Everyone is having a good time. Tony shows up looking through the window.He says to himself "how did you fall into such a rich crowd Gracie."

Ryan and Nina are arguing about the business trip. Nina is crying. Nina tells Ryan that the only reason that heis being sent is to keep him away from Victoria. Ryan tells her that he asked Mr. Newman about that and hesaid that wasn't the reason. "You think he'd admit that to you!" she yells. She realized that she hurt him withthat statement and apologizes to him. "Your not even interested in saving this marriage!"

Phyllis is wrapping A present singing Christmas carols out of tune when her phone rings. Its Tim. He asks herhow its going. She tells him that she and Danny are living together. He tells her to be happy and a MerryChristmas to her. He hangs up and takes the picture he has of them and puts it away.

Danny stops to see his sister. He invites her to a Christmas dinner party that he decided he should have at hishouse with Phyllis. She excepts.

Tony walks right into the house as if he belonged there. He looks for Grace, she is still with Nick. (Victoria is stillwatching every move that Grace makes) Neil spots him and introduces himself. He tells Tony that he looks alittle lost. He tells him that this is the first time he has been here. Neil points out Sharon and Nick. He issurprised that Sharon is pregnant.

Phyllis stops by to visit Gina. She asks her if she can give her any clue as to Danny's feelings about her. Theonly thing Gina tells her is that Danny wants to take things slow. Not to rush things, see how it goes.

Danny invites Chris, Paul and Lynne to the dinner party. They talk about his life. She asks him if he is planningto try to build a life together with her. He tells her that she has changed. Things were good.

Nina tells Ryan that a trip won't save their marriage. That taking a trip will not solve their problems.She is to messed up to go anywhere. He tells her that he has to go. He goes to pack.

Danny stops by Legal Aide to invite Chris to his dinner party. She excepts. She asks Danny if he is planning onbuilding a life with her. "Possibly" he tells her. She asks if Phyllis has tried to climb in bed with him yet. He tellsher "amazingly no." He tells her that she has changed. They have a lot to build on though. She wishes himgood luck.

Tony walks over to grace. She is shocked that he followed her there. Nick remembers him. He tells Nick thathe is not just a friend of hers that he is her boyfriend. Grace looks as though she would like to climb under arock. Nick introduces everyone to Tony and announces that he is Grace's boyfriend.

Ryan comes out with his bag and tells Nina that this is not the way he had expected to leave. He tells her thatthis is probably a relief to her. She cries. She tells him that " I am too messed up to think about anyone butmyself right now and if that is being selfish, I'm sorry!" "It is selfish!" he yells at her.

Nick tells Victoria that her theory about Grace having a crush on him is way off base since she has a boyfriend.Meanwhile Grace is telling Tony to leave. That he had no right to introduce himself as her boyfriend. He goes toget something to eat. Victoria approaches him and asks him who he is. He asks her who she is , she tells him "Iam Victoria Newman, I live at this Ranch. So you and Grace are a hot item, funny she's never mentioned you tome before." "She never mentioned you to me either." he replies. He tells her that their personal lives arepersonal. " It must be nice being rich" he says. "It's better than being poor" she answers. "What are you doinghere?" she asks him. "Are you saying that I don't belong here?" he asks. "I didn't say that, but your not on myguest list" she tells him. "I am here with Grace" he said."Funny I didn't see you arrive together." With that she turns and leaves.

Sharon approaches Grace and asks her about Tony. She feels a little put out that Grace never mentioned himto her being that they are best friends. She apologizes and tells her that there is a reason that they broke up,and he is apart of her past . She asks Sharon not to get personal with him about herself . She assures herthat she won't.

Chris tells Paul about the invitation to the dinner party. She tells him about Danny and Phyllis's livingarrangements. He tells her that he thinks it is strange, interesting. He tells her that he will go.

Tony and Grace are talking. He gives her the same old lines, and she seams to be falling under his spell. Hekisses her and she lets him. She pulls back and asks him to give her some peace. Please leave. He kissesher again. She Gives him this, what am I going to do with you look.

Ryan hands Nina a bag and asks her to deliver it to Philip. He tells her that he will stop at Flo's house to saygoodbye to Philip. He hands her a Christmas present and tells her that this is not how he expected to give it to her. He walks out the door leaving Nina in tears.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R

Tuesday, December 24, 1996

by Soap Central

A really boring day in GC (even though we are seeing this almost everyday). Nickand Sharon getting mushy after their wonderful party. Victoria and Colediscussing Tony and what a clod he is and they getting mushy. Grace tellingTony *again* to get lost and how she can't believe he crashed the party andsaid he was her boyfriend. He questions her on cutting Sharon, her best,pregnant, friend out of the photo she used to carry of Nick, then he leaves.

A wonderful party at the Romalotti place. They all have great toasts to makewith the eggnog and are in awe of the food that Danny fixed (with Phyllishelping me, I couldn't have done it without her, spews Danny). Lynn kissesPaul under the mistletoe as they are leaving and Danny does the same toPhyllis as they are saying their goodbyes to their guests. Later, Danny putsLD to bed and he and Phyllis share a nice kiss after Phyllis gushes to Dannyon how this was the best Christmas she has ever had in her life, all becauseof him.

Meanwhile, Chris and Paul can't believe the changes in Phyllis and Danny. Doyou think it will last? asks Paul. It's their life and we have ours, saysChris. They get mushy on the sofa. Chris enters later in a new nighty justfor Paul and they continue to make out on the sofa.

Christmas at the Hastings apartment isn't as jolly. Nate is so depressed.Wonders if Daddy celebrates Christmas in heaven. The tears are rolling forOlivia (here we go again) as they try to comfort and cheer up Nate. Ofcourse Malcolm, Dru, Neil and Lily are all there too.

Jill is heartbroken seeing Billy's reaction to her leaving for Christmas.She tells John S. upon his arrival that she just can't go. He is sounderstanding, maybe next time. He leaves. Jill calls Billy and John A.back downstairs and tells Billy she changed her mind. He is so happy, heloves her so much. I love you too, you are the most important person in theworld to me Billy. Hugs, tears; it looks like John A. is also pleased.

Victor goes to see Kurt, looking for an answer to his offer. Kurt is unsure.How do you know you can trust me? Katherine said...........Here is myaddress, upon your release, come by and give me your answer.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R

Christmas Wednesday, December 25, 1996

by Soap Central

Nick and Sharon are sitting in front of their tree, next to a roaringfire. They talk about the incredible gift a new born baby is. The birth ofa baby that changed mankind. They also talk about their own personalmiracle.

Nikki looks around her living room reflecting on Christmas pasts. When Nickand Victoria were small children waiting for their father to come home. Shehears their voices all full of holiday cheer and fun. She hears Victor tellher merry Christmas. Josh walks into the room and he tells her MerryChristmas but all she hears is Victors voice. He calls out to her. Heapologizes for startling her and asks her if she was thinking about Victor.She tells him "no, don't be silly. I was thinking about or first Christmastogether and how perfect it is going to be." He tells her that it is okayfor her to think about Victor. That it must be hard that he is not going tobe there like he usually is. She tells him that she plans on making theirfirst holiday together memorable. Victor comes downstairs and calls out forHope. She doesn't answer. He looks around and calls out for her again. Heopens the front door to get the paper. He realizes that Hope's cane isgone. He sits down to read the paper when Hope walks in. He tells her thathe was just starting to get worried about her and asks where she had been.She tells him that she went to an early church service. That she spent hertime with Cliff. she asks if he can understand that. He say's yes he can..

Paul is under his tree trying to sneak a peak at his Christmas presents.Chris catches him red handed and tells him he must wait until after theycome home from Mary's house. He tells his wife that this is the happiestChristmas's he has ever had. She agrees with him, she too feels that way.They kiss. She tell him that it must be pretty difficult for Nina today.Here she is so happy and she knows that Nina is just sitting at thatapartment all alone. She asks if Paul would mind having her meet him overat Mary's so she can check up on her.

Ashley calls the hospital looking for Kurt. She just missed him he checkedout already. John walks in and tells his daughter Merry Christmas. Jackwalks into the room with a very sad Merry Christmas. Ashley tells her dadthat she thinks she knows why he is in a bad mood and that she is going todo something about it.

Hope asks Victor about their schedule for the day. He tells her that he iswaiting for the boy to get up. She thanks Victor for being here for them.Victor Jr. comes into the room, excited to see if Santa Claus had comethe night before. Victor asks him to close his eyes. He turns off thelights and turns on the tree lights. He tells Victor Jr. that he can openup his eye's. He tells hope that the tree is so beautiful. "I wish youcould see the tree, Mommy," She tells him that she can tell the tree isbeautiful by the tone in his voice. Victor takes him to the tree.

Nick and Sharon talk about the reconciliation between Victoria and Cole.Sharon asks if he would like to stop and see them before they go to themain house for the day. He thinks its a good idea. They get their coats on.Nick stops and looks at the tree. He tells Sharon that it would be aperfect day if his dad was going to be there. Sharon comforts Nick.

Cole and Victoria are still in bed. Cole hands Victoria a present. Its abeautiful diamond necklace. He tells her its a new beginning, a newcommitment. She is about to show her appreciation to him when Sharon andNick show up knocking at their door.

Victor wonders if this Kurt fellow really is a man of his word since he hasyet to show up. Victor jr. is playing with his toys when he tells Victorthat his that "daddy is in heaven with God taking care of him" like he is takingcare of them. The phone rings . It is Ashley, she tells him that Kurt wasreleased from the hospital and she wants to know if he heard from him yet?He tells her know but he will keep her informed.

Ashley gets off the phone and tells Jack that he has a really good scroogeact going on. She asks him if he had seen Diane, and didn't he invite herover? He tells her to back off. Ash tries to continue the conversation buthe doesn't want to hear it. Jill and Billy walk in with an armful of giftsand put them under the Christmas tree. Jack ignores Ashley and watchesthem.

Nick tells them that he will be sure to call them next time they come over.Victoria shows them the necklace. She gets everyone hot chocolate and they toast to a Merry Christmas. Meanwhile up at the main house Doris thanksNikki for including them in their family celebration. Nikki reminds her thatshe is family and once that baby is born the tie will be a lotstronger. Nick and Sharon arrive and Nikki asks where Cole and Victoriaare. Nick tells her that they shouldn't be rushed today. he gives her asheepish grin.

Ashley phones Katherine to wish her a Merry Christmas. She also wants toknow if she has heard from Kurt. Katherine tells her that wherever he isshe prays that he is all right. She blesses Kurt wherever he may be.

Chris arrives at Nina's. Nina reluctantly answers the door. She is a mess.Still in her robe her hair mussed and she looks like she has beencrying all night. She asks her if she would like to come to Mary's with her. She tells her know that she is miserable, Philip is at grandma's and heis miserable too. She doesn't want to go anywhere or see anyone. She asksNina what she can do to help? Nina tells her to go have a Merry Christmas."Besides I have no one to blame but myself" she tells her.

Ashley calls again to see if Victor has heard from Kurt. She tells him thatshe is afraid that they have lost him that she wants to help him so much.Hope tells him that she wasn't thrilled about this stranger coming to staywith her anyway. He tells her that it looks like she won't have to worryabout it anyway. It seems that this fellow was not a man of his wordanyway. He asks her if she would mind if he goes out to the ranch. Hehasn't told them that he is going out of town and he would like to wishthem a Merry Christmas. She tells him that he should go spend some timewith his other family.

Mary is upset that Chris isn't there yet. Its a family day she tellsPaul. The phone rings and it is Chris. She asks Chris "where are you, we'vebeen expecting you." She tells a distant Mary that she won't be making it.a friend needs her fight now. She tells Chris that her husband needs hernow. doesn't he count? She tells her that she thinks her timing is verypoor. She asks to speak with Paul. She hands him the phone, Paul gives hera do you mind look when she doesn't walk away. when she tells him that she

Jack walks up to Ashley and apologizes for blowing her off and he is readyto hear what she wanted to say to him. She tells him that she is going torespect his relationship with Diane. He is stunned. The doorbell rings andDiane is let in. Ashley called her and asked her to come celebrate theholidays with them. That put a smile on Jacks face. The Abbotts have a goodtime with Billy. John tells her that he is glad that she stayed home. Billyis glad too. Jack asks Diane if she is having a good time? Ashley makes acomment and they all make an excuse to leave the room. Jack and Diane kissunder the mistletoe.

At the Ranch, Nick is quite. he is looking at the tree. Nikki walks up tohim and tells him that she misses his fathers being with them too. Cole andVictoria show up all full of Christmas cheer. Nick and Sharon share aknowing look. Victor shows up and everyone is so happy he could stop by.Now it feels like Christmas. Nikki's eyes fill with tears.

Chris tells Paul that she just can't leave Nina it the condition she is inand she's not up to going there. She tells him that she wanted to be withhim . Paul tells her not to worry about it and that she will be missed.Paul hangs up and tells Mary that Chris won't be making it. Mary blows acork. She says " Your going to allow this? How can a women abandon herhusband and her family on Christmas day. Paul tells her " because you don'tknow the problem and if you keep it up I'll go over to Nina's myself."Lynne reassures Mary that it must be important for Chris to stay away.

Betty walks up to hope and asks her if she is okay "It's like your waitingfor someone." She tells him about the man that Victor wants to keep an eyeon. "Like I am a Baby or something." She tells Betty. The door rings and itis Kurt. Betty tells him that Victor is not home. He introduces himselfto Hope, and asks her if she would mind if he waited. She tells him to doas he likes.

Nikki tells Victor that she is glad that he came. he tells his family abouthis trip and that he is leaving in a few hours. He will be gone about aweek. They begin talking about the birth of a child, their grandchild thenof Jesus. Victor tells them that he prayed today. That the togetherness andhappiness that he sees in the family today will only be strengthen by thebirth of Sharon and Nick's child. Victor tells them allBless us all and before I forget A MERRY CHRISTMAS TOEVERYONE................

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R

Thursday, December 26, 1996

by Soap Central

Another weird GC time warp today. Chris is still at Nina's all wearing thesame clothes as yesterday. Kurt is just arriving at the Newman penthouse andVictor isn't there, like yesterday. But Victoria and Jill are at Jabot. Dru isat the studio and Neil seeing Olivia at the hospital for some medication!

Anyway, Kurt gets the cool reception from Hope. Victor arrives. Kurt tellshim that he will stay. Victor tells Hope goodbye. Kurt checks out his roomand talks some to Hope and tells her to remember that anything he says to herwill be the truth because there is nothing more important to him than trust.

Sid tells Dru about a shoot in Tahiti the second week in January. Tells herthat Neil and the kid can come too. Dru confesses about not telling Neilabout signing. Sid agrees to keep a low profile on the shoot. Later,Malcolm and Dru discuss the shoot and about how Dru has got to tell Neil.

Meanwhile, Neil is telling Olivia how he is going to tell Dru *again* not tomodel anymore, and will tell her this on a trip to Hawaii, the second week inJanuary. Olivia isn't too sure that the trip will smooth things with Dru.She wants to work....etc. Later, Olivia summons Dru, asking her what shesees for the new year. She doesn't tell Dru about Neil's plans, but Drusenses something, tells her not to worry and leaves.

Jill tells Victoria about how Ryan is in the Far East. Victoria can't believe thather father has interfered in her life. Victoria realizes that things aren'tgoing so well for Ryan and Nina if Nina stayed in GC. Jill points out thatnow Ryan might be open for Victoria.

Nina is a total basket case. Unresponsive, goes wacko at the mention ofRyans name. Paul comes and tries to help. Chris and Paul discuss Nina overand over and over .......He leaves. Cole shows up on the request of Flo, whovisited him earlier at the tack house.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 23, 1996 on Y&R

Friday, December 27, 1996

Nina is in the outer stratousphere (wacko, wacko, wacko). Cole tries to gether to talk. She tells him to leave. He realizes he is late and cancels hisdinner plans with Victoria, telling her something very important is up, he'llexplain later at home. Cole finally gets Nina to respond. Nina asks Christo give them some time; Chris runs to the store for dinner fixins. Ninagushes to Cole, she is so glad he has come back. She loves him so much,don't ever leave me again Cole. Hugs, Cole's look says that he realizes Ninais *really* bad off, delusional even.

Victoria tells Nikki about how Nina didn't go with Ryan to the Far East. Nikkitells her to let it go. Don't look for trouble where it doesn't exist. Coleis committed to you. Don't worry about Nina. (Of course, this all happensbefore Cole calls and breaks their date.)

Kurt recites bible verses with Hope. She tells him that he is the GoodSamaritan. He says he doesn't see himself that way and goes to get somefresh air. Ashley stops by for a visit. She still doesn't know that Kurtshowed up at Victors, as her and her father rehashed earlier. Ashley istelling Hope that she will help her in any way she can while Victor is goneand Hope is alone. Hope says we are not alone, just as Kurt is walking inthe door. Ashley is stunned, (and happy too by the looks of it).

Dru at home looking over the Tahiti brochure, so happy. Neil arrives withhis Hawaii brochure, telling Dru he has the solution to all their problems,the trip to Hawaii. She tells him that her surprise conflicts with his, hesays we look them over and pick the best one. She says, we can't cancel theTahiti trip cuz I'll be working *some* of the time. Neil gets really mad,tells her he thought she had this modeling stuff out of her system. Neiltells her he won't go to be a tag-along and storms out.

Nick finds Sharon laying on the floor on pillows. What are you doing? I'mpracticing for child birth classes. What is that? Sharon continues toexplain to Nick how he is going to be her coach. He doesn't know anythingabout anything when it comes to this stuff. But says if it is what Sharonwants, he'll do it. (Kinda cute scenes here, for Nick and Sharon that is.)

Phyllis sends LD off with Joni for the evening. Tonite is the night Joni,I'm not holding back any more. Later, the neighbor drops off somemisdelivered mail and in it is a card from Sasha. Nothing threatening, justcatch-up stuff, telling about her and Peter's upcoming nuptuals. Phyllisbegins to get all worked up but stops herself. She gets into this skin tightdress and comes on to Danny as soon as he arrives. He submits for a whilethen goes to shower. Later, Phyllis does this Arabian like scarf/belly danceending up across Dannys lap. He tells her just how incredible she is, but nothanks. Phyllis, kind of pouting, goes to go to her room; Danny stops herand they begin to suck face.

Nina is in the outer stratousphere (wacko, wacko, wacko). Cole tries to gether to talk. She tells him to leave. He realizes he is late and cancels hisdinner plans with Victoria, telling her something very important is up, he'llexplain later at home. Cole finally gets Nina to respond. Nina asks Christo give them some time; Chris runs to the store for dinner fixins. Ninagushes to Cole, she is so glad he has come back. She loves him so much,don't ever leave me again Cole. Hugs, Cole's look says that he realizes Ninais *really* bad off, delusional even.

Victoria tells Nikki about how Nina didn't go with Ryan to the Far East. Nikkitells her to let it go. Don't look for trouble where it doesn't exist. Coleis committed to you. Don't worry about Nina. (Of course, this all happensbefore Cole calls and breaks their date.)

Kurt recites bible verses with Hope. She tells him that he is the GoodSamaritan. He says he doesn't see himself that way and goes to get somefresh air. Ashley stops by for a visit. She still doesn't know that Kurtshowed up at Victors, as her and her father rehashed earlier. Ashley istelling Hope that she will help her in any way she can while Victor is goneand Hope is alone. Hope says we are not alone, just as Kurt is walking inthe door. Ashley is stunned, (and happy too by the looks of it).

Dru at home looking over the Tahiti brochure, so happy. Neil arrives withhis Hawaii brochure, telling Dru he has the solution to all their problems,the trip to Hawaii. She tells him that her surprise conflicts with his, hesays we look them over and pick the best one. She says, we can't cancel theTahiti trip cuz I'll be working *some* of the time. Neil gets really mad,tells her he thought she had this modeling stuff out of her system. Neiltells her he won't go to be a tag-along and storms out.

Nick finds Sharon laying on the floor on pillows. What are you doing? I'mpracticing for child birth classes. What is that? Sharon continues toexplain to Nick how he is going to be her coach. He doesn't know anythingabout anything when it comes to this stuff. But says if it is what Sharonwants, he'll do it. (Kinda cute scenes here, for Nick and Sharon that is.)

Phyllis sends LD off with Joni for the evening. Tonite is the night Joni,I'm not holding back any more. Later, the neighbor drops off somemisdelivered mail and in it is a card from Sasha. Nothing threatening, justcatch-up stuff, telling about her and Peter's upcoming nuptuals. Phyllisbegins to get all worked up but stops herself. She gets into this skin tightdress and comes on to Danny as soon as he arrives. He submits for a whilethen goes to shower. Later, Phyllis does this Arabian like scarf/belly danceending up across Dannys lap. He tells her just how incredible she is, but nothanks. Phyllis, kind of pouting, goes to go to her room; Danny stops herand they begin to suck face.

Edited by SC Desk
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