Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 15, 2024 on Y&R

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Adam accepted Victor
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 15, 2024 on Y&R

Adam accepted Victor's offer to run Newman Media. Kyle asked Claire to accompany him on a business trip to Paris. Summer learned that she had no legal way of keeping Kyle from taking Harrison out of the country. Sharon experienced hallucinations of Cassie. Sharon's mood swings became more extreme.

A distraught Sharon sees Cassie
A distraught Sharon sees Cassie's ghost

A distraught Sharon sees Cassie's ghost

Monday, July 15, 2024

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by Hope Campbell

Nick ran into Mariah and Tessa at Society. He was surprised when Mariah mentioned that Sharon had missed a day at work and wasn't responding to messages. Mariah admitted she was worried about Sharon. She suggested that maybe going over memories of Cassie had hurt Sharon in ways they hadn't realized.

Nick explained that Sharon was having a hard time regulating her new mood stabilizers, and he noted that finding the right dosage could be hard. Mariah worried that Sharon's issues were more than just medication problems. She felt Sharon was overworked between her new company and Crimson Lights. Mariah wondered if Sharon was running herself into the ground as a distraction from how lonely she was.

Meanwhile, Sharon was at home, napping, but things took a disturbing turn when she had a nightmare about the night of Cassie's fatal accident years before. Sharon seemed to wake and heard Cassie's voice calling her. She turned around and saw an adolescent Cassie in front of her, but when she reached out to touch her, she woke for real and wondered what was happening to her.

Sharon was soon shocked when Nick, Mariah, and Tessa stopped by with food. She claimed she was working from home because she was feeling a tickle in her throat and had stayed home out of precaution. She swore she had sent Mariah a text, but it turned out she had only typed it and never hit send. When they asked about her medication, she once again told them that it would take a while for her system to get used to it.

Mariah and Tessa sat down to eat, and Sharon forced a smile when she realized that they'd brought Mariah and Tessa's favorite food. She realized the meal was meant for them and that they had only stopped by because they were worried about her. Nick, Mariah, and Tessa told Sharon they were concerned that she was overworked. Mariah offered to help as much as possible and wondered if Sharon was purposely trying to run herself down because she was lonely.

"How can I be lonely? I have all these busybodies here to remind me how loved I am," Sharon said while holding back tears. When Sharon went to the kitchen to get drinks, she heard Cassie's voice calling her, but when she turned around, nobody was there.

Victor was surprised to see Kyle stop by his office. He didn't want to talk about Glissade business at Newman Enterprises, but Kyle said he was there for personal reasons. "Why did you warn Claire to be careful around me?" Kyle asked. Victor explained to Kyle that Claire had led a sheltered life so far, and he worried about her getting involved with anyone. He wasn't specifically thinking about Kyle. "I simply asked her to be aware of a budding relationship with a young man," Victor said.

Kyle assured Victor that he and Claire were just friends. Victor was pleased to hear that but reiterated that Kyle had life experiences that Claire could never understand. Victor also worried about the grudge Summer held against Claire. Kyle understood that Victor was protective but once again insisted his friendship with Claire was not serious.

Victor warned Kyle that if he took advantage of Claire in any way, Victor and Kyle's business relationship would be in trouble, and he didn't want that. Kyle assured Victor he would never do anything to take advantage of Claire. He was actually inspired by her and enjoyed her company, but that was it. Victor insisted that he trusted Kyle, but he wanted to make sure both of his granddaughters weren't anywhere near the latest Newman-Abbott feud.

After Kyle left, Victor stopped by the Athletic Club for a drink, and he ran into Billy. Victor asked Billy to join him for a drink. He had a question to ask his former son-in-law. "Is it true that you helped pull Chancellor-Winters apart?" Victor asked. He then warned Billy that he wouldn't allow any harm to come to Jill or Devon due to Billy's arrogance.

Harrison was excited to see Summer in the Abbott living room when Claire brought him home from camp. When Summer asked him how camp was going, he said he had more fun with Claire than with his friends. Claire tried to get Harrison to talk about his camp activities, but he wasn't interested.

Soon, Summer became frustrated when Harrison only wanted to play a game with Claire. She tried putting on a fake smile and suggested Harrison get ready for dinner, so Claire got up to leave. Once Claire was gone, Harrison still couldn't stop talking about Claire. Summer finally changed the topic, asking Harrison how he felt about moving to a new home with Kyle.

Harrison didn't care, as long as he could bring all his toys with him. He would miss Jack and Diane but knew he would still get to see them. He thought of the move as a new adventure, so Summer asked if he'd want to go on an adventure with her. She was also thinking of buying a new home. Kyle walked in just as Harrison asked if she was asking if he had to choose between her new house or his dad's.

Summer told Kyle she had been thinking about moving for a while. When Harrison left the room, Kyle asked Summer what she was up to. He found it coincidental that Summer had chosen to buy a house at the same time he had. Kyle accused Summer of wanting a home so she would look better to the judge when she tried to change their custody agreement. An angry Summer refused to argue, and she left.

Victoria, Katie, and Johnny enjoyed beverages and snacks at Crimson Lights. Katie was angry when Victoria brought the topic of Claire into the conversation. Katie accused Victoria of trying too hard to get Katie to like her new sister. When Katie saw Cole arrive, she questioned why he was constantly around. She wished Claire and Cole could just hang out together and leave her family alone. Cole sat down with them as Katie expressed her frustration with everything being about Claire.

Billy overheard Katie complaining to Victoria, and he stopped by the table to see what was going on. He listened as Johnny and Katie argued over Claire. Cole told Katie he understood her feelings; things had changed, and it might take some getting used to. When Claire walked in, she surprised everyone when she asked to speak to Katie in private. After some prodding from Victoria, Katie agreed to talk to her sister.

Once alone, Claire explained to Katie that she had never had a mom before and needed some advice. She worried she was taking up too much of Victoria's time. Claire hoped Katie could reassure her that she wasn't taking advantage of their mother's generosity. Katie suggested that Claire could be taking advantage of Victoria's generosity, as Victoria would never tell Claire no.

Claire also told Katie that she worried that Victoria might be ignoring other obligations so she could pay attention to Claire. She asked Katie how she could nicely tell Victoria that it was okay to give Claire a little space. Katie suggested that Claire tell Victoria she was fine. She understood that Victoria could be a bit overbearing.

Katie then changed the subject and asked Claire what it had really been like living with Jordan. Claire told Katie that Jordan had controlled every part of her life, from what she ate and read to who she was allowed to talk to. Claire admitted that she didn't have many friends because she was afraid to trust people. Claire would have given anything to have a sister to confide in when she'd been younger.

Back at the other table, Billy asked Victoria to understand it was a big adjustment for Katie. Victoria understood that she had to give things time. Johnny was sure that Claire and Katie would return acting like best friends, and he was right. Victoria, Cole, and the kids decided to go to Society for dinner.

Nick and Victoria demand answers from Adam
Nick and Victoria demand answers from Adam

Nick and Victoria demand answers from Adam

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

by Hope Campbell

Nick ran into Victoria at Society. She lamented her kids being too busy to spend time with her, but at least Katie was finally accepting Claire. Victoria asked Nick how work was going, and Nick admitted he didn't feel there was much to do. Victor seemed to be making changes again, but Nick wasn't sure what they were.

Victoria took some digs at Adam, wondering why he was taking so long to make up his mind about the Newman Media job. Nick defended Adam, explaining that Adam had a lot to deal with regarding Connor's illness. Victoria admitted that Nick was right and that she should be a little nicer. They were glad to know Connor was doing better, but they were both worried about what Victor was up to.

Victoria informed Nick that she was going back to work at Newman Enterprises. She wanted to work at Newman Media, but Newman Enterprises was her only option. Victoria didn't want Adam to accept the Newman Media job because she knew it would hurt Nikki. Nick countered that their mother needed to take more time off work. Victoria agreed, but they both wondered what Victor was really up to. Just then, they both received texts from Victor summoning Nick and Victoria to his office because he had news to share.

Adam and Chelsea had another video call with Connor's doctors and were pleased to learn he was still making steady process. When the call ended, Adam admitted he felt they could finally have hope again, but he did not seem happy deep down. Chelsea wondered if it was because of what had happened between them. "Baltimore was Baltimore," Adam said, and they agreed that they needed to put that one drunken night behind them and move on in their relationships. Chelsea admitted that it had been hard for her to have lunch with Sally at Society, and she had nearly blurted out the truth to alleviate her guilt.

Chelsea and Adam discussed Victor's latest offer to Adam. Chelsea felt Adam would be wise to turn his father down, and she believed running Newman Media again would be a complete disaster. Adam wasn't so sure. After all, he would have complete control, but Victor also had an ulterior motive -- he was going after an enemy who Adam wanted to protect. Chelsea warned Adam he was playing a risky game.

After leaving Adam's place, Chelsea stopped by Crimson Lights and gave Sharon an update on Connor. Chelsea told Sharon about Connor's self-harm, but since then, he had turned a corner that gave her and Adam hope. However, Chelsea knew she had to accept that OCD was going to be a part of Connor's life forever. Sharon understood, looking wistful as she said, "You try to protect your kids, but sometimes, you can't."

Victor settled into his office just in time for Adam to appear and accept his offer. "Well, I'll be damned," Victor said. He seemed surprised but was also pleased. However, Adam had a condition. He wasn't going to sling mud or hurt Jack and the Abbotts. "I'm taking this job because I can do it, and that's what I'm signing up for -- to lead Newman Media and not be a hired gun," Adam said. Victor was surprisingly fine with that.

Nick and Victoria soon arrived so Victor could tell them about everyone's new jobs. Adam stood silently as Victor explained what was happening. Victor assured Victoria and Nick that Nikki could return to Newman Media down the road. Nick and Victoria were sure there was more to Victor's motives than met the eye. As they questioned him more, Victor became angry. "I'm sick and tired of the doubts, of the bickering. We should be celebrating," Victor said.

Nick questioned Adam and said he expected Adam to step aside when Nikki returned to work. Adam asked Victor what would happen to him when that time came. Victor told Adam they would worry about that later, but Adam did not feel reassured. Outside Victor's office, Nick and Victoria confronted Adam. They wanted to know what Victor was really up to.

Kyle started his day by arguing with his parents. Diane got in a few digs about Glissade's media blitz. "You better ride that hype while you can," she said. Kyle told Diane he couldn't be more excited about it. Diane thought Kyle was more excited to get back at his parents than he was about the job. "There you go again, making my new career path all about you," Kyle said. Diane asked a pointed question: "Why are you heading up a second-rate business just to hurt your father and me?"

Kyle insisted to Jack and Diane that Glissade was just getting off the ground and had a lot of potential. Jack assured Kyle that nobody doubted his talent, but Kyle didn't think so. After all, he said, Jack had allowed Diane to fire her own son. Kyle felt he had been pushed out but was glad to prove his worth without them. Diane told Kyle he didn't need to prove his worth, but Kyle remained angry.

Jack was diplomatic as he congratulated Kyle for wanting to do things on his own terms. He even wished his son success, then Jack and Diane left for the day. Once at the office, Jack and Diane talked about Kyle. Diane hated the idea of Kyle moving, but Jack thought it was best to allow Kyle to do things on his own.

Diane was unconvinced, especially because they believed Victor was behind the Glissade takeover. Diane blamed herself because she had fired Kyle. Jack assured her that she had done what she'd had to do, and none of it was her fault. Diane said she had hoped firing Kyle would be a wake-up call, but her move had backfired. She worried that Kyle was being self-destructive. Jack thought Kyle would return to them, but Diane feared he was wrong. Jack just wanted to focus on his and Diane's relationship and not let Kyle tear them apart.

Nate and Audra had breakfast together at the Athletic Club after their night in bed. Nate was perky and told Audra how great the night before had been. He said he wanted more. Audra was ready to make it happen, but first, there were ground rules.

Victor soon arrived and congratulated Audra on getting Glissade away from Tucker. He did not let on that he was the money behind her accomplishment. Victor sajd he couldn't wait for her to take on Jabot. When he walked away, Nate thought there had been something odd about the encounter. Audra pretended everything was perfectly normal, Nate didn't buy it and felt Victor was trying to get under his skin.

Audra reminded Nate that he had tried to ship Victor off to an institution the previous fall, and she warned him to stop looking for trouble where there wasn't any. Nate still felt like something was off because Victor's words had seemed purposeful. Nate mused about the feud between Victor and Jack and wondered if Victor could be Glissade's secret investor. Audra played dumb and brushed off his comments. Victor sat at another table, pretending to mind his own business.

Before Nate could get Audra to admit the truth, Kyle arrived. He wished them good morning, and Nate got up to leave. Kyle sat down and wondered if Audra and Nate were "a thing," but Audra wouldn't say. She said she and Kyle were business partners, and her personal life was off-limits. She didn't even want to be friends. They were colleagues, and that was that.

Kyle wanted to know where all Audra's animosity was coming from. Audra informed Kyle that she knew he had asked Victor to cut her loose from Glissade. "Are we in this together or not?" Audra asked. Kyle insisted that they were.

Kyle asks Claire to accompany him to Paris
Kyle asks Claire to accompany him to Paris

Kyle asks Claire to accompany him to Paris

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

by Tiffany M

At Chancellor Park, Faith ran into Phyllis. Phyllis mentioned that she knew about Faith's conversations with Sharon and Nick about their past, and she asked if Faith hated her. Faith denied hating Phyllis, and Faith said that Nick and Sharon had told her things that weren't so "flattering about them, either."

Phyllis said that she thought "the world" of Faith and that Sharon was "a warrior." Faith thanked Phyllis, and she said that she understood how Phyllis could fall for "lovable" Nick. Faith and Phyllis joked about Nick's lame sense of humor. Faith reported that Moses had broken up with her, and Phyllis replied that "Moses just wasn't the one for [Faith]." Faith said that it had hurt. Phyllis said that Faith was "incredible," and the "right person [would] come along."

Adam returned to his apartment and found Sally working from home. Adam told Sally that Connor had had a good report from the doctor, but Sally could tell that something was bothering Adam. Adam reported that he had taken the job with Newman Media, and it was already getting complicated.

Adam filled Sally in on the changes in leadership at Newman Enterprises, and he said that Victor had finally admitted that his plan was to "use Newman Media to go after Jack Abbott." Sally inquired if Adam was supposed to be the "pit bull," so Victor didn't "have to get his hands dirty." Adam said that he had told his father that he would not "publish any lies about Jabot."

Sally was surprised that Adam would work for Victor under those circumstances, but Adam said that his presence could be a "buffer" for Jack from Victor. Sally was skeptical. She said that Victor was using Adam, and Adam couldn't win. Adam argued that being "on the inside" would help him protect Victor from "his worst instincts." Sally reminded Adam that things had being going well with his family, and she said that Adam "keeping secrets and covering things up" for Victor would be a disaster.

Adam agreed that there wasn't a way to win with Victor, and he said that it was just the kind of "relationship" they had. Sally asked if that was "the example" that Adam wanted to show Connor. Adam clearly didn't want to do that, and Sally said that she hated it that Adam didn't have a better relationship with Victor.

Adam told Sally that Victor and Jack were always at war, and Adam could help protect Jack. Sally didn't think that Adam could "control Victor's plans," and she didn't want to see Adam hurt. Adam said that he knew what he was doing, and he mentioned that he had told Chelsea about accepting the job. Sally was concerned that Adam would be "seduced" by Victor into going down a dark road. Adam suggested that Sally didn't know him as well as she thought. Adam left.

In Chancellor Park, Chelsea ran into Adam while he was "gathering" himself on a bench. Chelsea reported that she had spoken to Sharon about Connor, and she said that it had been "encouraging." Adam said that it was good Sharon had helped Chelsea, because Adam and Chelsea could not "keep leaning on each other." Adam was beating himself up for relying too heavily on Chelsea and Sally, and he said that he needed to "put [his] head down" and get to work. Chelsea suggested that Adam might be trying to distract himself with work, to prevent him from thinking about Connor or their betrayal. Adam and Chelsea talked about therapy and avoiding going "deeper" into feelings.

Adam said that it wasn't Chelsea's job to fix him, just because she knew him so well. Chelsea pondered if it was possible to know "too much about each other." Adam suggested that knowing each other so well could be a positive, since they could "stop acting" and be themselves.

At Crimson Lights, Heather excitedly talked with Daniel and Lucy about going to Portugal to visit Paul. Lucy asked if she could get out of the trip. Lucy said that she had finally started to fit in in Genoa City, and she protested that no one would remember her if she was gone all summer. Lucy said that she could stay home with her father, since he didn't "want to go to Portugal, either."

Heather asked why Daniel hadn't been honest with her, and Daniel said that timing "wasn't great" with his job search. Heather said that she would go by herself, and she left to call Paul. Lucy apologized for spilling the beans on Daniel. Daniel talked with Lucy about how frustrating the job hunt had been for him and Heather. Daniel insisted that Lucy not worry about her parents, and Lucy wondered if they should go with Heather, even though they didn't want to.

Faith entered the coffeehouse, and Lucy approached her and said that they could "hang out all summer," since Lucy wasn't going to Portugal, after all. Faith was a bit taken aback, and Lucy suggested they hang out that night. Faith said that they would need to hang out another time, since she had plans to go to a party at the Athletic Club pool. Lucy asked if she could tag along.

Heather returned to the table, and she told Daniel that Paul had indicated that they should wait to visit, since it was "unbearably hot" in Portugal. Heather admitted that "in the future," she would like Daniel and Lucy to be more honest. Heather asked where Lucy had gone off to, and Daniel replied that she was "with her new best friend."

At Society, Kyle was on the phone, adding himself to the trip to Paris with Audra. Summer overheard, and she declared, "You really have lost your mind, haven't you?" Kyle was annoyed, and he threatened Summer not to "take advantage" of his trip to make a play for custody. Kyle and Summer argued over who was "being overdramatic" and who was being uncivil. Kyle suggested that he could take Harrison with him to "see Paris for the first time." Taunting Summer, Kyle said that it would be "one big, happy group" with Audra and Claire along.

Summer accused Kyle of punishing her by threatening to play "happy family in Paris with Harrison and Claire." Kyle called Summer paranoid about Claire and asked why he shouldn't be able to travel with his son. Summer reminded Kyle that Harrison called her "Mommy" and cried out for her when he was sick or scared. Summer asked why Kyle was being cruel, but he argued that Summer was the person "taking legal action."

As Summer and Kyle got more heated, Phyllis walked in. Kyle stormed out, and Phyllis told her daughter, "This has to stop." Phyllis warned that fighting in public could cause trouble with Summer's custody battle. Summer, exasperated, argued that Kyle had become cruel, and Phyllis continued to try to calm Summer down. Phyllis suggested that it could be possible for Kyle and Summer to find "common ground," the way Phyllis and Nick had done after their marriages to each other.

Summer said that the difference between the two situations was that Kyle kept insinuating that Summer was not Harrison's "real mom." Phyllis said that Kyle's behavior was "horrible," and she'd like to "get in his face." Summer shared how Kyle had just taunted her by saying that he would take Claire to Paris with him. Phyllis assured Summer that Claire would not replace Summer in Harrison's life. Summer said that Audra was the real problem, since Kyle was going to go to Paris with her.

Phyllis reiterated that Claire wasn't a threat, but she conceded that Audra was "vicious" and shouldn't be near Harrison or Summer. Phyllis asked how they could "get rid of" Audra.

Sally met Audra at the Athletic Club for breakfast, and Sally immediately noted that Audra was glowing. Audra said, "It meant nothing," and she laughed. Audra didn't give any other details, and she asked how Sally was doing.

Sally recounted her argument with Adam, and she told Audra that Adam was going back to Newman Media. After Audra promised she would keep things to herself, Sally admitted that Victor wanted to "use Newman Media to take down Jabot." Audra admitted that the situation sounded like it could get "very ugly," and she vowed to support Sally.

Audra and Sally discussed Audra's upcoming business trip to Paris. Audra hoped that the trip would be less stressful than her last trip to Paris, and Sally asked if Audra had heard from Tucker. Audra said that she hadn't heard from Tucker, and she wistfully said that she "almost [felt] bad for him." Audra said that she had "fresher problems," since Kyle would be joining her in Paris. Sally asked what Kyle had to do with Glissade.

Audra told Sally the full story about her partnerships with Victor and Kyle. Audra complained about Kyle going to Paris. Sally classified the situation as "messy," and she asked if Audra was afraid of getting "caught in the crossfire" between Victor, Kyle, and Jack. Audra replied that people had always "underestimated" her, and she was certain that she would end up "on top."

When Kyle returned to the Abbott mansion, he inquired if Claire had a valid passport. Kyle asked Claire if she would like to go to Paris with him and Harrison.

Nick and Phyllis disagree on how Summer should handle Kyle
Nick and Phyllis disagree on how Summer should handle Kyle

Nick and Phyllis disagree on how Summer should handle Kyle

Thursday, July 18, 2024

by Tiffany M

Victoria, Nikki, and Nick were chatting at Crimson Lights about Adam taking over Newman Media. Nick told Nikki that it wasn't "worth it" to fight Victor for Newman Media. Nikki and Victoria commiserated on their disdain for "that snake in the grass," Adam. Nikki wanted to change the subject, so Victoria inquired about how rehab was going. Nikki said that with her family's "love and support," she would continue to get better.

Nick excused himself to go to a meeting. Victoria shared that she was not excited about returning to Newman, but she didn't want the family fighting to affect Nikki's "rehabilitation." Nikki was sorry to hear that Victoria had made the choice to return for Nikki's sake, but Victoria said that she "would do anything" for her mom.

At Society, Phyllis and Summer continued to discuss Kyle's bad behavior and their worries about Audra. Summer complained about Kyle's taunts, and Phyllis said that Kyle was "not Audra's endgame." As Summer grew angrier, Phyllis cautioned her daughter to "chill out" and let Kyle make the dumb mistakes. Phyllis advised Summer to focus on fixing things for Harrison, while Kyle concerned himself with "jumping in bed with Audra." Phyllis suggested that Audra was trying to get close to Kyle again because of the Abbott name. Phyllis said that Audra was trying to repair her reputation as "Tucker McCall's sleazeball wing woman."

Phyllis said that Audra was a "danger" to Harrison, and Summer needed to get rid of Audra to protect him. Nick approached and asked what was "going on." When Summer explained her concerns about the Paris trip, Nick suggested that she might be "misreading the situation." Nick tried to calm things down and warned Summer that Harrison would feel bad if he was "caught" between his parents. Phyllis disagreed, and she said that Summer was right to retain a lawyer to get ready to "hash it out in court." Nick didn't understand Phyllis' change in attitude, and Phyllis explained that she was very fearful that Audra would help Kyle try to cut Summer "out of Harrison's life."

Summer told Nick that she didn't want to fight for custody, but she didn't feel she had a choice with Audra in the picture. Nick reminded Summer that Kyle was a good father, but Phyllis said that if Summer wanted to "fight this," her parents would support her. Summer said that she was going to the office to call her lawyer. After Summer left, Nick chastised Phyllis for supporting a "custody battle."

Phyllis and Nick argued about whether Audra would be in Harrison's life. Phyllis brought up Audra's past with Noah, but Nick said that that had nothing to do with the situation. Nick reiterated that the best thing they could do was "deescalate the situation" before it got worse. Phyllis rolled her eyes. Phyllis defended herself, saying she had been advising Summer to "let go of her resentment" for Claire and to stop "fighting in public" with Kyle. Phyllis sought Nick's praise, and he said that she was exhibiting signs of "maturity." Nick received a text canceling his business lunch, and he asked Phyllis to have lunch with him.

At the Abbott mansion, Claire was shocked when Kyle asked her to accompany him to Paris. Harrison entered, and Kyle told his son that they would be going to Paris. Harrison was excited, and he left to taste-test snickerdoodles. Claire told Kyle that she wasn't sure going to Paris was a "good idea." Claire asked if Summer was "on board" with the plan. Kyle tried to evade Claire's questions, but he finally admitted that Summer hadn't been thrilled with the idea. Claire said that Kyle would have to go without her.

Kyle tried to persuade Claire not to worry about Summer, but Claire reminded him that Summer was her cousin, and Claire wanted to cultivate a good relationship with Summer. Kyle finally admitted that Claire's concerns were "valid," but he continued to try to persuade her for Harrison's sake. Claire asked if Kyle had thought about inviting Summer along instead. Kyle said that inviting Summer would be a "disaster." Kyle said that what mattered was how much Harrison adored Claire. Kyle said that Summer was always trying to "battle," and he wanted to get Harrison away from the "toxicity."

Claire joined Nikki and Victoria at Crimson Lights. Nikki had to run an errand, but she assured Victoria that they could handle the new "wrinkle" they had encountered, and she left. Claire inquired about what Nikki had meant. Victoria reported that she was going back to Newman Enterprises, and Claire expressed her joy for her mother. Victoria said that she had wanted to spend as much time as possible with Claire. Victoria noticed that Claire seemed off, and Claire recounted Kyle's invitation to Paris. Victoria thought the trip was a "wonderful" idea.

Adam arrived at Newman Media and found Victor waiting for him. Adam said that he'd like to "get up to speed" on what Nikki had worked on at the company. Victor said that Nikki had done a great job, and he urged Adam to take the company to "new heights." Adam cautioned that if what Victor wanted was a "secret attack dog," they needed to end the plan before it started. Victor said that he would not be micromanaging Adam, but Adam was nervous that Victor would "cut [him] loose" after he had served Victor's purpose. Adam said that he needed time to make an "aggressive" plan for the company. Victor replied, "With one caveat."

Victor declared that he wanted Newman Media to "use all of its platforms [to] create a buzz about Glissade." Adam assumed Victor wanted to publicize Glissade compared to the "crusty old...dinosaur" that was Jabot, and Adam re-verified that Victor was not demanding negative press for Jack specifically. Victor told Adam to "banish" any negative thoughts about returning to Newman Media, and Victor left.

Adam was surprised when Sally stopped by. Sally apologized for their earlier fight, but Adam conceded that what Sally had said about returning to Newman Media had been correct. Sally praised Adam for trying to do his best, and she remembered that the last time she had been in the office, Adam had ended their relationship. Sally gave Adam a "Happy New Year" sign as a gift, to remind him of the time they had celebrated New Year's Eve in the summer.

Sally and Adam agreed that they were sorry they had fought. Adam said that he needed Sally to trust him, and Sally said that she would not "keep quiet" if she had issues with his choices. Adam scoffed at the idea that he could stop Sally from "speaking [her] mind." Adam promised he would make Sally proud, and she replied that she had "every faith" in him. As they began to kiss, Nikki arrived and sarcastically said that she was glad Newman Media was "in such capable hands."

Sally excused herself, and Nikki asked if Adam was "pleased" with himself. Nikki smugly demanded to know what Adam's "take" was on the decisions Victor had been making.

Adam said that it had not been his idea to return to Newman Media and that Victor had insisted. Nikki accused Adam of knowing more about Victor's plan than he was letting on. Nikki said that she would eventually be returning to her job, and Adam would be expected to "graciously get the hell out" of her office. Adam said that Nikki needed to help him figure out what Victor's plans would be for Adam if Nikki returned. Nikki asked if Adam was threatening her, but he insisted that they should work together to benefit each other.

Nick and Phyllis have an odd encounter with Sharon
Nick and Phyllis have an odd encounter with Sharon

Nick and Phyllis have an odd encounter with Sharon

Friday, July 19, 2024

by Tiffany M

At Crimson Lights, Claire confided in Victoria about being invited to go to Paris with Harrison and Kyle. Claire confessed that she worried Summer would be upset about the trip. Claire told Victoria about a possible custody battle, and Claire said that she didn't want to "make any waves." Claire said that Kyle was just wanting to take his son on a trip, and Victoria sensed Claire's admiration for Kyle. Claire said that she liked Kyle, and he was smart and funny. Victoria asked if Claire had feelings for Kyle.

Claire denied that things were anything other than professional between her and Kyle, and Victoria was apologetic for butting in. Claire understood that Victoria was just trying to "look out" for her daughter, and Victoria said that she didn't want Claire to "make the same mistakes" that Victoria had when she'd been young. Claire was embarrassed, and she said that she wasn't sure about her feelings for Kyle because she had never had a "romantic relationship" before. Claire said that she had "less experience than Katie" with romance.

Claire said that she felt "safe" with Kyle, and she didn't get "nervous" around him. Claire classified her relationship with Kyle as friendship because "attraction is supposed to be butterflies." Victoria said that that was just "in the movies," and there were "no rules." Claire couldn't quantify the feelings she'd had when she had looked into Kyle's eyes. Victoria suggested that it sounded like Claire had been felling "a lot more than friendship."

Claire said that Kyle was her boss, and she didn't want to act on anything she had been feeling. Victoria said that if that was the case, Claire should go to Paris. Claire and Victoria talked a bit more about living and learning, and Victoria left. Claire called Kyle and told him that she was ready to use her passport.

Nick and Phyllis were having lunch at Society when Sharon entered. Phyllis promised not to "start anything," but she asked Nick if he'd noticed Sharon acting odd lately. Sharon greeted Nick and Phyllis, and she went to grab her takeout. Phyllis asked Nick what was "going on with Sharon."

Nick conceded that he was worried about Sharon's recent behavior. Phyllis recounted that she had been at Crimson Lights recently, and Sharon had "lost her mind" when Phyllis had complained about something being wrong with her drink. Phyllis said that she had chalked it up to the "tension" that had always been between her and Sharon. Nick suggested that it was "more than that," and he told Phyllis about Sharon's recent medication changes.

Phyllis could tell that Nick was ready to "save" Sharon, and Phyllis told him that Sharon didn't need Nick "to rescue her." Nick suggested that they invite Sharon to join them so he could see if Sharon was okay. After Nick invited her, Sharon joined their table. Sharon found it interesting how much time Nick and Phyllis had been "spending together." Nick told Sharon that there was nothing romantic going on between him and Phyllis. Phyllis mentioned that she had recently spoken with Faith. Sharon became immediately irate, and she said that Phyllis had had no right to have a conversation with Faith.

Phyllis said that she hadn't meant any harm, and Sharon said that, "going forward," she'd rather Phyllis not give advice to Faith. Phyllis said that she heard Sharon "loud and clear." Sharon went to pick up her food, and she left. Nick speculated that Sharon had been so reactionary because of the medication, but Phyllis wasn't so sure.

In Chancellor Park, Chelsea thought to herself about the "accident" with Adam in Baltimore. As Chelsea agonized over the "overwhelming feeling of guilt and shame," Billy arrived. Chelsea readied herself to tell Billy the truth, but Billy interrupted to tell Chelsea how wonderful she was. Chelsea lost her nerve, and she told Billy that she was "all over the place." Billy wanted to help Chelsea through her issues. Chelsea said that she had tried to be calmer, but she confessed that she felt like she had been "on a roller coaster." Billy suggested that he had not been there for Chelsea enough due to the company split at Chancellor. Chelsea adamantly denied that Billy had been anything other than her "rock."

Chelsea said that she was "weak" and that it had been "tearing [her] up inside." Chelsea smiled, and she tried to blow off how she had been acting. Chelsea insisted that she just needed to "focus" on the progress Connor had been making. Chelsea suddenly realized she needed to get to a meeting.

Summer and Chance ate lunch at the Athletic Club, and Chance told Summer that the Chancellor split was "now official." Chance worried that the move was a disaster, and he said that Jill had told him it had been a mistake to give Billy power. Summer suggested that Lily could control Billy, but Chance wasn't convinced. Chance confessed that he'd been wondering if he should "jump ship from the company that [had his] name on it."

Chance said that he had decided he couldn't "walk away" yet. Chance said that the things that had been happening at Chancellor represented everything he had hated about working in corporate America. Summer replied that it was "100 percent" Billy's fault, and she said that Jill was correct to regret giving power to Billy. Summer kept looking at her phone, and she told Chance that she was waiting on a call from her attorney. Summer filled Chance in on Kyle's upcoming trip to Paris. Chance wanted to distract Summer from her troubles, and he suggested they go "enjoy the sunshine."

Chance and Summer were strolling in Chancellor Park, and Summer received a text from the lawyer that said that Summer wouldn't be able to "stop Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris."

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Edited by SC Desk