Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 21, 2023 on Y&R

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Victor decided to fold SNA Media into Newman Media. Summer and Kyle agreed to proceed with a divorce. Chelsea and Connor left Genoa City.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 21, 2023 on Y&R

Victor decided to fold SNA Media into Newman Media. A pediatrician confirmed that Aria had hearing loss. Summer and Kyle agreed to proceed with a divorce. Adam offered to give Billy dirt on Tucker in exchange for a favor. Chelsea and Connor left Genoa City.

Chelsea and Connor make plans to leave Genoa City
Chelsea and Connor make plans to leave Genoa City

Chelsea and Connor make plans to leave Genoa City

Monday, August 21, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

After Connor secretly called his grandmother, set off to visit her without seeking permission from his parents, and later returned home safely, Chelsea discussed her son's emotional struggles with Adam and Billy. Adam suggested that Chelsea allow Connor to decompress upstairs in Chelsea's apartment after the boy had related his feelings. Chelsea cried, "He wants to be anywhere but here."

Chelsea cried that she had worried about her mental issues having a burdensome impact on her child. Adam noted that suffering from guilt was pointless. Chelsea, facing the fact that Connor desired to live elsewhere, admitted she was hesitant to pick up and move away from Adam and the life she and Connor had built in Genoa City. Billy said, "We'll figure it out." Adam interjected, "Actually, we will figure it out, since he's our son."

Chelsea reminded Adam that Billy had been supportive to her and to Connor and was part of their lives. Adam made it clear that he and Chelsea could handle their son on their own. Chelsea admonished Adam's dismissal of her friend and explained that Billy and Connor had grown close. Adam apologized to Billy for having diminished his role in Connor and Chelsea's lives. Adam strongly advised that he and Chelsea arrange therapy sessions with a professional counselor who could guide Connor to a better place emotionally. Billy agreed. Chelsea noted that it might be difficult for Connor to undergo therapy if he was not ready. Chelsea recalled that Connor had made it clear that he no longer wanted to live in Genoa City.

Chelsea recommended removing Connor from Walnut Grove, due to bullying from fellow students, and allowing an extended visit with Anita. Adam was not in favor of allowing Anita to influence Connor because she rarely viewed the world positively. Adam proposed transferring Connor to a smaller school and allowing him to spend more time at the ranch with Adam. Chelsea suggested Adam was only considering what he wanted. Adam approved Chelsea's plan to transfer Connor to a smaller school.

Connor entered the patio where Chelsea, Adam, and Billy were talking and insisted they stop "fighting about me." Chelsea explained to Connor that their discussion had been focused on him because they wanted to choose what was best for their family. Connor repeated his plea to leave Walnut Grove, a place he said he hated, and find a new school with kids who knew nothing about him or his family. Connor cried that everyone at Walnut Grove was aware of his mom's issues, his father's battles with his family, and the revelation that he and Johnny were brothers.

Billy offered comfort when Connor cried that fellow students regarded him as a freak. Adam acknowledged that Connor had held back sharing his pain because he was aware of his parents' emotional battles. Billy assured Connor that he was a great kid with bright insight. Connor told his parents he had researched a school near his grandmother's home that was geared for children struggling with anxiety and depression. Connor seemed relieved to know that he was not the only child dealing with anxiety.

Adam reminded Connor that Genoa City offered the comfort of home and family plus opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities at the ranch. Connor begged to visit the school he had selected to see if it suited him, noting that it was not far away, so his parents could visit often. Chelsea told Connor that it would be a big decision to make. Connor cried, "I don't want to go to that bad place you were in." Adam agreed to take a look at the school.

Billy applauded Connor for having taken the initiative to research the school. Adam agreed that his actions had demonstrated Connor's maturity. Chelsea stroked her son's face and noted that he was no longer a baby.

Connor shared his feelings with his parents, explaining that he had felt confused and scared when he'd run away, and he'd feared his parents would not allow him to transfer to a different school in another town. Adam promised Connor that they would help him make the best choice that would work for them all. Adam extended his hand and said, "Deal?" Connor shook his father's hand and replied, "Yeah, deal."

Billy invited Connor to take a walk with him, so his parents could talk. After Billy and Connor left, Chelsea asked Adam if he agreed that letting Connor leave was the right thing to do. Adam nodded. Chelsea told Adam she could perform her job remotely and would do whatever was necessary to make things work. Chelsea and Adam both agreed that their son's needs came first.

During their walk in the park, Connor asked Billy if he would miss Chelsea if they moved away. Billy said he would miss Connor and his mom. Billy vowed to keep in touch through phone calls and visits. Connor smiled when Billy offered to bring Johnny for visits. Billy assured Connor that he wanted what was best for Connor, promising that everything would work out. Billy praised Connor for being brave, telling people how he felt, and sharing his emotions. Connor nodded when Billy told him he had a bright future ahead.

Chance was relaxing at Chancellor Park when he received a text message from Chelsea thanking him for helping with Connor, adding that the boy was doing fine. Sharon arrived. Chance greeted her with a kiss. Sharon was impressed to learn that Paul Williams had recommended Chance as his replacement to serve as chief of police. Chance admitted the role would be challenging and altogether different than that of being a detective working alongside a partner. Sharon offered encouragement, noting that the job would be a new path offering broader opportunities for him to make an impact in law enforcement. Chance recalled that Paul had never played games or let anything slide.

Chance changed the subject and asked Sharon about Adustus. Sharon announced that the company had been renamed SNA Media. Chance replied, "Sharon, Nick, Adam." Chance noted that the name change was a step in the right direction. Sharon told Chance that Adam had attempted to blackmail Audra Charles into convincing Nikki and Victor that SNA and Newman Media should merge.

Chance reminded Sharon that she was discussing with the next chief of police a proposed blackmail plot perpetrated by her business partner. Chance joked that he would be glad to arrest Adam, which might necessitate a company name change to "S and N." Sharon smiled and assured Chance that she and Nick had Adam under control, so no arrest would be needed. Chance gazed into Sharon's eyes and appeared completely infatuated with her.

Sharon and Chance entered Crimson Lights. Chelsea asked Sharon if they could talk for a second. After Chance left, Chelsea showed Sharon information about the school Connor had selected. Sharon said the school did great work for children and teens. Chelsea asked if the school might be a good fit for Connor. Sharon was surprised that Connor, not Dr. Malone, had suggested the school.

Chelsea explained that Connor was insistent about leaving Walnut Grove and Genoa City because he had been frightened by his emotional issues and feared ending up like her. Sharon advised Chelsea not to beat herself up and instead be thankful that Connor had recognized that he needed help and had sought a solution, thanks to good parenting. After Connor and Billy returned, Chelsea told her son that they would check out the school and find a place to live. After Connor went upstairs, Chelsea told Billy that she and Adam wanted what was best for Connor. Billy promised Chelsea they would talk often, though he admitted he would miss her.

Lily and Daniel dined at the Athletic Club while chitchatting about how a nap after a meal seemed more appealing than work. Heather entered from upstairs and saw Daniel kiss Lily. Heather hid as Lily walked by on her way out the door. After Heather approached Daniel, he told her he had left unanswered messages graciously thanking her for helping Phyllis. Heather admitted she had been avoiding Daniel. Daniel assured Heather he was no longer the same person who had broken his family's heart. Heather said she was glad that Lucy and her dad had grown close again. Heather admitted that she did not want to fall back into old patterns with Daniel.

Heather announced that she would stick around town for a while. Lily had returned and watched as Daniel placed his hand on Heather's when he replied that he thought her plan was fantastic. The conversation was interrupted when Lily returned to fetch her tablet. Daniel said he would have delivered the tablet, but Lily explained that she had opted to reschedule her meeting. Daniel remembered he also had a meeting and told Heather he felt much better after they had talked things over. Heather replied that she did, too. Lily offered to have coffee with Heather and spend time catching up.

After Daniel left, Lily credited Heather for having prevented Phyllis from being jailed. Lily acknowledged that the plea deal had involved an admission of guilt in exchange for lenient punishment. Heather noted that because it involved Phyllis, the confession had been complex and passionate. While Lily blamed Phyllis for being her worst enemy, she acknowledged that Heather had played a big role in preventing Phyllis from serving time. Heather admitted it had been strange to witness Phyllis become truly vulnerable by opening her heart and pouring out her feelings. Lily replied, "And the judge bought it, obviously."

Heather explained that the judge had sympathized with what Phyllis had gone through. Heather also acknowledged Phyllis' expressions of sincere remorse. Lily asked Heather how she felt about Phyllis having hurt Summer and Daniel. Heather admitted she had been furious, given that Lucy had just gotten over constantly worrying about her dad. Heather said she hoped Phyllis' experience had truly changed her because it would benefit Daniel and Lucy.

Lily asked Heather if she would soon return to Portugal. Heather explained that her firm closed each August, so she had picked up a few pro bono cases in town, noting that Lucy's school would not resume classes for a while. Lily recalled Daniel having mentioned that Heather was in a relationship. Heather replied that it would not be a problem to spend time away from her partner. Lily admitted she was being cautious about Phyllis' change of conduct out of concern for Daniel. Heather was optimistic, citing that a changed Phyllis would be good for Daniel and for Lucy.

Lily acknowledged that Daniel would enjoy having Lucy stick around for a while. Lily recalled how Lucy had been intrigued by stories of Daniel's high-school romance with Lily when they had been young and in love. Heather told Lily she was glad Lily and Daniel had found each other again. When Lily stepped away to take a phone call, Heather sighed.

Sharon was working behind the counter when Daniel entered the coffeehouse. Daniel was making plans to enjoy outings with Lucy. After Daniel hung up, Sharon said, "Good news, huh?" Daniel announced that Lucy would be spending the remainder of her summer in Genoa City. Daniel suggested that Sharon stock up on Lucy's favorite frozen mocha drinks. Daniel, smiling, said, "Best end of summer ever."

Nick and Adam band together to confront Victor
Nick and Adam band together to confront Victor

Nick and Adam band together to confront Victor

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At the Newman ranch, Nikki returned home and greeted Victor with a kiss. She inquired about his day, and he reported that he'd had a visitor -- their new COO. Nikki was sure Nate had been very apologetic about going directly against Victor's wishes, but Victor reasoned that Nate had been trying to prevent Newman Enterprises from suffering embarrassment. Victor added that it was all Adam's fault, and while he needed to keep Adam in place for the sake of optics, he expected trouble. Nikki anticipated that Nick and Sharon would keep Adam in check, and she questioned what Victor's next move was. Victor revealed that he'd enlisted Nick's help.

At Adam's apartment, Nick complained that Adam kept putting their venture in jeopardy, but Adam maintained that merging SNA Media with Newman Media made sense. Nick cited Adam's lack of interest in the fact that Nick had been able to get every one of McCall's foreign divisions excited about the direction they were going. Adam indicated that he'd been dealing with a family matter, since Connor had been struggling. Nick said he was sorry, but he pointed out that Adam had been able to find time to dig up dirt on Tucker.

Adam didn't think Nick should be directing all his anger at Adam. Adam assumed that Nick knew that Victor had offered a great opportunity to Sally, only to leave her with nothing. Adam spat that Victor had messed with Sally the same way their father had messed with them, and he questioned why they kept putting up with it. Nick grumbled that he'd never wanted Sally to take Victor's offer, knowing Victor would mess with her head. Adam imagined that Victor had never intended to follow through.

Nick swore Sally would get through it, but Adam stressed that the point was that it had been a cold and calculating move that had meant nothing to Victor. Nick compared it to a chess move, and Adam theorized that Victor had gotten rid of an expendable piece on the board to get one step closer to his real goal -- them. Adam believed that Victor had used a woman both Adam and Nick cared about to show them he was in charge, and he wondered why Nick wasn't more "pissed off" about it.

Nick and Adam arrived at the ranch, and Victor asked if he needed to referee. Adam announced that he and Nick had agreed on something, and Nick condemned Victor for offering Sally an amazing opportunity and then pulling the rug out from under her. Nick accused Victor of not having any intention of making good on his offer, and he demanded to know if Victor had been trying to teach Sally a lesson or send her a warning. Adam guessed that Victor had done it just because he could. Victor declared that they were both presuming too much.

Victor referred to the time and effort he'd put in to make Nick and Adam work together and become part of the family he knew they could be. Victor chided his sons for only joining forces to protect Sally. Victor testily asked why they were wasting his time when he'd simply changed his mind about a design division Newman didn't need. Adam bellowed that Victor had gone too far, but Victor retorted that Adam was lucky he had a job. Victor spat that he'd reached the limit of his tolerance, and he demanded that the merger be completed by the following week, with a press party to announce the launch of SNA Media. Victor added that if they wouldn't do it, he would.

After Nick and Adam left, Nikki complained that Adam had been stirring things up, and he'd gotten Nick to join him. She warned that forcing the brothers to work together had been nothing but trouble, but Victor considered it a positive development that Nick was willing to side with Adam. Nikki cautioned that Victor could only push the men so far before things backfired. Victor pledged to "push the hell out of them" to get the best from them.

At Newman Enterprises, Victoria told Kyle that she was pleased Audra had convinced him to take the COO job at Newman Media. Victoria commended Kyle for maintaining a good relationship with Victor despite a complicated family history, and she reported that Victor was happy Kyle had accepted the position. Victoria inquired how Kyle was setting in, and he responded that it had been a learning curve. Victoria pressed to know how things were going with his boss.

Kyle rambled about transitioning into media from the fashion and beauty industry. Victoria assured him that it wasn't an interview, and he already had the job. He swore that his enthusiasm was real and that he was grateful to be free from his family's drama. Kyle praised Audra for being dialed into every facet of the company, and Victoria inquired about what it was like working with Audra. Kyle stated that Audra was smart enough not to feel threatened when someone else had a good idea.

Victoria noted that the job had been a fresh opportunity for Audra after working for Tucker and Chancellor-Winters, and she wondered if Audra had ever talked to Kyle about her work history. Kyle noted that Victoria's questions all seemed to be about Audra and not him. Victoria figured that Audra was still new to the job, and she hoped Kyle would provide an opinion or any inside information. Victoria observed that Kyle seemed very protective of Audra.

Kyle shared that Audra had told him that Newman Media had been the target of a takeover. Victoria was sure he'd heard about Adam's backdoor maneuver. Kyle sympathized with how things could get during a family battle, and he didn't want to see Audra become a casualty. Kyle asked if Victoria was aware that Adam had resorted to blackmail. Victoria revealed that Audra had been the target of that blackmail. Kyle was stunned when Victoria filled him in about how Audra had confessed to her role in the cover-up of a statutory rape scandal at McCall.

Victoria claimed that she wanted to have full confidence in Audra, and she promised not to tell Audra that she'd shared the information with Kyle. Kyle questioned why Adam still had a job, and Victoria explained that Adam's involvement was tied to the funding Victor had recently secured for SNA Media. Victoria asked how Kyle felt about merging SNA with Newman Media. Kyle predicted that it would be a disaster with Adam still involved. Victoria hoped it would only be a matter of time before Adam was gone, and she was happy to know she had an ally in Kyle. Kyle said he felt the same way, and he departed.

At the Athletic Club, Nate griped that Audra didn't seem to appreciate the disaster her mess could have been. She bragged that she'd averted it when she'd told Victor about Adam's blackmail plan, and Victor had seemed to admire her loyalty. Nate muttered that it hadn't been the reaction he'd received for his role in it, but Audra swore that she'd made it clear that he'd only done it to protect her and the company. Nate pointed out that he had acted to protect her. Audra was grateful that it was over and that things had worked out. "For you. For now," Nate ominously replied.

Nate warned that Adam was still a threat, since Victor always put family first. Audra sensed that was what was really bothering Nate, but she thought it fueled his drive to prove himself as an outsider. Nate complained that he was in the position of needing to defend himself to Victor and Victoria, and he shared that he'd felt a wariness in Victoria because he hadn't let her in from the beginning about why he'd been pushing for the merger. Audra argued that the merger made sense, but Nate stressed that he'd broken Victoria's trust.

Audra asserted that Ashland had broken Victoria's trust, but Nate had acted in Victoria's best interests; she said it wasn't fair that Victoria seemed to be dumping old baggage on Nate. Audra added that Nate was ambitious, decisive, and willing to take risks if the reward was worth it, and she couldn't imagine that Victoria wanted to change such attractive qualities. Nate wondered if Audra had ever trusted anyone and been trusted in return. She replied that she didn't make a habit of it. Nate barked that the next time she needed a favor, she should look somewhere else. He stalked off.

Later, Kyle joined Audra at the club. He mentioned that Victoria had been fishing for information about Audra, and he'd called Victoria out on it. Kyle revealed that Victoria had told him all the details about how Adam had been holding the singer's scandal over Audra's head. Kyle added that Victoria had expected it to change the way he looked at Audra, and Audra asked if it had. Kyle shared that he'd let Victoria believe that she'd planted a seed of doubt to make him more watchful of Audra, but the meeting had ended with Victoria saying she was she glad she had him as an ally. His more immediate concern was that Victoria didn't completely trust Audra.

Over drinks in Audra's hotel room, Kyle reasoned that Victoria was making calculations that any executive would make when there was potential for a scandal, but she was too smart to let Audra go. Audra pointed out that Victoria already had a very attractive replacement lined up in him, but Kyle assured her things would blow over. He thought it was good for both of them that he was on good terms with Victoria, and Audra bemoaned that she no longer had Nate as an ally in the C-suite. Kyle chalked it up to Nate's nature to look out for himself. Audra asked whether Kyle was the kind of guy who only looked out for himself when the going got tough. "I will always have your back," he promised, adding that she could count on him. They kissed.

Nate stopped by Victoria's office with a single red rose, and he imagined he looked like a walking clich. He handed her the flower and apologized for creating tension between them. He added that he'd missed her, and he was encouraged when she didn't throw the rose back in his face. She balked at wasting a perfectly good clich. He wondered if they could find a way to get past it.

Nate acknowledged that it had been a mistake not to immediately tell Victoria what had been going on with Audra. Victoria explained that it had stirred up a familiar feeling, making her wonder if there were more things he wasn't telling her. He reiterated that he'd only been acting to protect her and the company. Nate contended that as genuine as his feelings for her were, he still felt like he was an outsider who was viewed with suspicion. Victoria lectured that his inability to trust her made her unsure whether she could trust him. He suggested they go away for the weekend together to find a way to get past it. She supposed it was worth a try, and they hugged.

Victoria and Nate kissed passionately. She pushed him back up against the door and reached down to lock it. She removed his jacket as they stumbled over to the couch, but his phone rang. She noticed the call was from Victor, and she encouraged Nate to take it. Victor asked if Nate had looked at the business plan as Victor had requested, and Nate reported that he had thoughts. Victor summoned Nate to the ranch, and Nate replied that he was on his way. Victoria said she didn't like it.

Victoria suspected Victor was up to something and that Nate was part of her father's plan. Nate considered it a chance to reestablish himself, but Victoria worried that Victor was pulling Nate away from her. She predicted that Victor intended to replace Adam with Nate, and while it was a smart move, she wasn't sure she liked it. Nate interpreted that to mean she forgave him, and she pulled him into another kiss.

Meanwhile, Nikki surmised that Victor planned to use Nate as a threat, but Victor clarified that Nate was insurance. Victor condemned Adam for acting recklessly by pursuing his own interests instead of focusing on the merger. Nikki expected that upsetting Adam would make him more reckless, and it would only create more chaos. Victor assured her that he knew what he was doing.

In Chancellor Park, Chloe groaned to Esther that Bella was on a kick about getting a puppy. Chloe expected all the work to fall on her shoulders, but Esther sensed that there was something more going on. Chloe revealed that she'd walked away from her partnership with Sally after Victor had made Sally an offer to run a new design division for Newman. Esther thought it sounded like a great opportunity, but Chloe considered it too good to be true. Esther was flummoxed as to why Chloe would cut off her own future just because it meant working under Victor. "Because it's Victor," Chloe replied.

Chloe suspected that Victor had an ulterior motive. Esther pointed out that Sally had just lost Victor's grandchild, and she contemplated whether the job offer had been Victor's way of acknowledging a connection without actually doing it. Sally approached and apologized for interrupting. Chloe relayed that Esther felt that Chloe had been too hasty when Sally had told her about Victor's offer. Chloe admitted she'd been wrong, and she wanted to join the new venture. Sally regretted that Chloe had been right not to trust Victor, who wasn't starting a new design division and might have never intended to. Esther asked why Victor had made Sally the offer. "Because it's Victor," Chloe repeated.

Chloe concluded that the move had been personal and deliberate. Esther proposed that the women pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get back to work. Sally lamented that Victor had already found a replacement at Chancellor-Winters. Chloe chirped that the bright side was that they'd never gotten involved with Victor, but Sally countered that the downside was that they had to start all over again.

Chloe stepped aside to answer a call from Chelsea. Sally figured that she'd put herself in that position by getting involved with not only one but two Newman men. Esther clucked that Victor hadn't had any right to treat Sally that way. Sally felt terrible that Chloe had gotten caught up in the mess. Esther insisted that being a good friend was more important than any business plan in the world. Sally thanked her.

Chloe returned and reported that Chelsea and Connor were going out of town to spend time with Anita. Sally thought it was what Connor needed. Chloe divulged that Chelsea had offered Chloe a job to be her second-in-command at Marchetti while Chelsea was working remotely. Chloe hesitated to leave Sally in the lurch again, but Sally urged her to take the position. Sally murmured that she was starting to get the feeling their company wasn't meant to be.

At Crimson Lights, Nick and Adam updated Sharon about how Victor had revoked Sally's offer. Adam mentioned that Victor had threatened to step in and do the merger himself. Nick growled that Victor had a need to remind them he was always in charge, but Adam thought there was more to it. Adam anticipated that Victor would take over SNA Media entirely to put them in their place, but Sharon protested that half the company would still be hers. Adam thought they couldn't afford to wait, so they had to take the fight to Victor.

Nick berated Adam for wanting to push things further without thinking about the consequences. Adam considered the consequences if they didn't act. Sharon supported being preemptive, given that Victor had been changing the rules on them from the beginning. She wondered if Victor almost expected them to fail so he could swoop in and save the day. Adam vowed to find a way to take back control and be free of Victor's hold on them. Nick voiced his objections and stepped out to take a break.

Sharon was sure Nick would calm down. Adam was more concerned about how anxious and depressed Connor was and how angry his son had become. Sharon advised that the worst thing would have been if Connor had isolated himself, but the boy had found the school on his own. Sharon thought Adam should feel good about it, but Adam had a fear he couldn't shake. He cited his own anger and guilt and Chelsea's emotional struggles, and he worried they'd passed those on to Connor. Sharon pointed out that Connor wanted help and that he would get it. Adam refused to let his relationship with Connor become like Adam's relationship with Victor, which only seemed to get worse.

Nick found Sally at Society and asked if she was okay. She replied that she'd been better. He informed her that he and Adam had gone to see their dad to call Victor out over what he'd done. Nick explained that Victor's move had never been about her but all about making a point to him and Adam. Nick added that it was why he hadn't wanted Sally to work with Victor.

Nick reported that Adam thought they needed to find a way to get out from under Victor's control. Sally pondered whether breaking away from Newman would only make things worse. Nick said he was trying to play peacemaker, but he didn't know how much longer he could keep it up. "Eventually, something has to give, and God help us all when it does," he declared.

Summer and Kyle agree to proceed to divorce
Summer and Kyle agree to proceed to divorce

Summer and Kyle agree to proceed to divorce

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

by Nel

Mariah, Tessa, and Aria were in the park when there was a very loud clap of thunder. They were concerned that Aria hadn't woken up. After another clap of very loud thunder, they decided to pack up and get indoors. Tessa asked how Aria could sleep through such loud thunder. Mariah gently touched Aria, and Aria woke up crying. Mariah assured Tessa the baby was fine, but Tessa asked if it was weird that the thunder hadn't fazed Aria at all. Mariah surmised that perhaps Aria's birth mom had been around constant loud noises, and Aria had gotten used to them.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon met with Esther. Sharon told Esther that she, Nick, and Adam were going to run a media company. Sharon admitted she would be very busy, and she asked if Esther would manage the coffeehouse for her because she wasn't ready to let it go. Sharon hoped it would be a good fit for Esther, but she also knew what being at Chancellor-Winters meant to Esther.

Esther told Sharon that since she'd been at Chancellor-Winters for a while, there were things she didn't like. She explained that when she'd accepted the job at Chancellor-Winters, she'd thought she would be talking to a lot of people, like employees and clients arriving for meetings. She claimed that was no longer the case, since meetings were via video conferences, text messages, and cell phones, and working from home had become the current thing. Esther admitted she wanted more human interaction.

Esther remembered how much she'd liked working at the coffeehouse previously. To Sharon's delight, Esther accepted the job. She told Sharon she should be able to start fairly soon, but she wanted to make sure Devon and Lily had someone to cover for her on the days she worked at the coffeehouse. Mariah, Tessa, and Aria arrived and greeted Esther. Esther was delighted to meet Aria, and she left. Mariah and Tessa were happy that Esther would be the new manager of the coffeehouse. Sharon said that a lot had happened there since she and Nick had bought the place, and she knew Esther would give it the care it deserved.

Tessa told Sharon that as Sharon's former barista, she would love to step in and help. Mariah said she was very excited about working with Sharon at SNA Media. Sharon told Mariah that SNA needed a very splashy launch that would require a lot of publicity because she wanted SNA to make their mark right out of the gate. Mariah assured Sharon that she had the music, fashion, and influencers ready and waiting to get to know the new SNA Media powerhouse.

There was another very loud clap of thunder. Mariah and Tessa both commented that Aria was still asleep. Sharon asked if there was a problem, but Mariah claimed she and Tessa were overreacting. Tessa explained that Aria had slept through very loud thunder. Sharon said Aria had probably been in a deep sleep. Tessa said Aria had woken up after Mariah had barely touched her. Mariah said they'd started thinking something could be wrong. Sharon asked what.

Mariah asked Sharon if it was normal that Aria didn't react to loud sounds. Tessa mentioned that she'd knocked over a container of utensils, and the noise had been loud enough for Mariah to hear upstairs. Mariah said when she'd come downstairs, Aria had still been sound asleep and hadn't reacted to the noise at all. Sharon told them that that Faith had been the same, a very deep sleeper. Sharon told them both to relax because Aria was fine. She said there was no set date for when babies were supposed to do things. Sharon said if they were that worried, they should have Aria tested.

Mariah asked Tessa if they were being ridiculous. Tessa replied that because their child didn't react to loud sounds, they were freaking out over nothing. Sharon had been on the phone, and when she joined Mariah and Tessa, she told them that Aria had an appointment with the pediatrician the following morning. While Sharon played with Aria, she suggested that Mariah and Tessa go out for a date night, but Mariah asked for a rain check. Sharon told them not to worry.

At Society, Sally gloated a little that she'd been able to distract Nick from Adam and Victor for a few minutes. She suggested she continue distracting him in her suite. Nick agreed.

Kyle and Summer bumped into each other at the door of the Athletic Club. After some small talk about Harrison, Summer told Kyle it was time for a divorce. Summer asked why he was so surprised, since he'd made it clear that was what he wanted. Kyle admitted he hadn't expected Summer to be the first one to say that.

Summer told Kyle that she'd accepted the fact that he didn't want to repair their marriage. She pointed out that he hadn't reached out to her, not even about Harrison. Summer claimed they were in limbo, and they needed to get out of it by formalizing their separation and making it permanent. Nick and Sally arrived. When Nick saw Kyle and Summer at the bar, he told Sally he would meet her upstairs. He said he wanted to make sure Summer was okay. Sally left.

Nick approached Summer and Kyle and said he was happy they were talking. Kyle told Nick they were discussing Harrison's future. Nick asked Summer for a few minutes alone with Kyle. Summer assured Nick everything was fine and that he didn't need to get involved, but Nick assured her it would be a friendly man-to-man chat. Summer left.

Nick stated that he and Kyle hadn't had a chance to talk since Kyle and Summer had split. Kyle said he'd been sorry to hear about Faith and that lunatic and about Sally losing the baby. He acknowledged that Nick had been through hell. Nick said it had been a rough couple of months for a few of them.

Nick told Kyle there was no doubt Summer had crossed the line. He said Summer knowing Phyllis was alive while Diane had been in custody for Phyllis' murder and not telling anyone had been wrong. Kyle admitted that Summer had broken his trust. He'd always believed she was the one person who would never lie to him. He said a lie didn't get much bigger than the lie that had put Diane behind bars. Kyle said his mother could be serving a life sentence if they hadn't found out the truth. Nick said Summer would never have let it get to that point, but Kyle claimed they would never know.

Nick acknowledged that Summer and Kyle's hearts were broken, but under all that hurt, there still had to be some love there. He said Kyle and Summer were great together, and he knew they could work things out. Nick said he remembered the way Kyle and Summer had looked at each other during their vow renewal. He said he'd seen the perfect family that Kyle, Summer, and Harrison had built. He commented that Kyle and Summer had been through so much, and they'd known each other for so long, that it couldn't be the end for them. Kyle stated that it was. Nick admitted Summer had made a terrible mistake, but it couldn't permanently destroy one of the most solid couples he'd ever known.

Kyle told Nick he couldn't find a way to forgive Summer, and Nick shouldn't ask him to. Nick claimed Summer deserved another chance, but Kyle said she didn't because her betrayal of him and Diane had been too enormous. He said even with the amount of time that had passed, it hurt as much at that moment as it had when he'd found out Summer had been lying to him about Phyllis. He claimed Summer was more like Phyllis than he'd ever imagined.

Nick told Kyle that Summer had done some wild things when she'd been young, but so had Kyle. He said Summer had grown up, and she was smart, kind, and a very beautiful young woman, one Nick was extremely proud of. Nick admitted that part of that was because of Kyle: her confidence, maturity, and ability to be so good with Harrison. He said that was a result of the connection Kyle and Summer had, coupled with Kyle's love. Kyle asked if he should stay with Summer because she was more mature, but she hadn't grown up enough not to lie.

Kyle told Nick that Phyllis was incapable of change, and he felt the same way about Summer. He said Summer was the same woman who'd blackmailed him into marriage to save Lola's life. Nick insisted Summer was different. Kyle claimed that if he gave their marriage a second chance, he would always be waiting for the other shoe to drop, and eventually, it would. He said their mothers would keep fighting, so family harmony was impossible, and he didn't want that for Harrison or himself. Kyle said he didn't want to live that way, and neither did Summer. He said Summer had told him she was ready to move on with the divorce. Nick said Summer hadn't meant it because it wasn't what was in her heart.

At home, Adam looked over the new office space on his tablet. Adam declared it was a new day, and he was going to show Victor what he was made of.

In her suite, Sally received a call from Adam. Adam told Sally he was looking at SNA's new offices, and they were spectacular. Sally asked why he had called to tell her that. He said he knew she would love the view, and she needed to say yes to his job offer. Sally said she appreciated the offer, but it wasn't the best idea to work for him because of Nick and Sharon. Adam said he didn't see it that way.

Sally asked if Adam still planned on going after Newman Media. Adam claimed he'd let the merger idea go. She told Adam there was already enough conflict within the company, and she didn't want to bring more. Adam claimed that he and Nick were fine. Sally told him she wasn't up for anything other than a stable work environment. Adam claimed they would get there. He wanted them to meet and discuss it. He acknowledged that Sally didn't trust him, but she trusted Nick. He suggested she take the job for Nick's sake. She agreed to meet, but she wasn't making any promises.

When Nick arrived, Sally asked if things were any better between Summer and Kyle. Nick said Summer was talking divorce. Sally asked if Summer would give up on her marriage that easily. Nick claimed Summer hadn't meant it, and she was heartbroken. Nick claimed Kyle appeared to be set on making the split permanent.

Nick told Sally that Phyllis had put Summer in an impossible situation, and the split-up was the collateral damage. Nick said he'd wanted to take Kyle by the shoulders and shake some sense into him. He said he wanted to tell Kyle he was giving up the best thing that had ever happened to him, but it wasn't his fight, and all he wanted to do was to take Summer's pain away. A little weepy, Sally said Nick would have been the best dad to Ava.

Sally apologized because Nick had been talking about Summer, and she'd made it all about herself. Nick said sometimes that was how grief worked. He said he was proud of Sally, and she was doing great. He admitted he would have done everything to be the best dad to Ava, and maybe one day, he would have another chance. Sally asked if Nick wanted to have a child with her. Nick clarified that he wasn't proposing. Sally was relieved.

Nick told Sally he wasn't saying they should be talking about having a kid, but he also wasn't not saying that. He said when things reached the point that it was something they both wanted, he would be excited, and he knew she would be an amazing mother. They kissed.

In her suite, Summer wept. A short time later, Kyle knock on her door. He apologized for showing up without calling, but he wanted to talk to her. He agreed there was no second chance for their marriage, and he suggested they end the torture. He said there was no reason not to move forward. Summer agreed and said she would move her things out of the Abbott house as soon as she could. She said she would contact a lawyer, and she hoped they could keep things friendly for Harrison's sake. He agreed. As he was about to leave, Summer said she was really sorry about everything. Kyle said so was he, and he left.

Summer was about to take off her wedding rings when she had a number of flashbacks about recent events in her and Kyle's lives: Kyle proposing to her a second time, their lovemaking, Kyle saying he didn't know what was real with her anymore, Kyle telling her he didn't need anything from her, Kyle wishing her the best with her choices because he was doing fine with his, the time Summer told Kyle she realized there had never been any hope for them, and Kyle agreeing. Summer removed her wedding rings.

In the dining room of the club, Kyle received a text message from Audra asking if he wanted to stop by. He replied "Not tonight. Wiped out. See you in the morning."

Victor tells Adam he will fold SNA into Newman Media
Victor tells Adam he will fold SNA into Newman Media

Victor tells Adam he will fold SNA into Newman Media

Thursday, August 24, 2023

by Nel

At the jazz lounge bar, Tucker told Billy that the plan for Jabot was no longer necessary because of Jack's gift to Ashley. Billy claimed Jack's gift didn't seem like it had been enough. Tucker said Ashley had gotten her fair share, and they didn't see the point in pursuing the fight with Jack.

Billy told Tucker nothing had changed because Diane would do everything that she could to get a seat on the board, if not more, and she didn't have a clue how to run Jabot. He insisted the threat to his father's legacy still existed. Tucker remarked that Ashley had realized how futile it was to fight with Jack when he insisted on making fatal mistakes with Diane.

Billy said he didn't believe that Ashley didn't care about protecting John's legacy. Tucker said he'd realized Billy had been intrigued about running Jabot on his own and was afraid he'd missed his chance. Tucker said that he and Ashley had decided that the war with Jack wasn't worth it.

Billy reminded Tucker that Ashley had previously been determined to prove Diane would destroy Jabot if left to her own devices. He asked if Tucker was implying that Ashley no longer cared because Jack had given Ashley her portion of the company. Billy said he didn't believe it because he knew how much Jabot meant to her. He accused Tucker of trying to ice him out because Tucker didn't want him to be part of the plan. Tucker said Billy was untrustworthy because of what he was willing to do to his family. Billy said the same applied to Ashley.

Billy told Tucker he and Ashley had agreed Diane was dangerous, and Jabot was going to suffer as long as Jack continued to make boneheaded decisions. Tucker asked why Billy didn't approach Jack, but Billy claimed that was very dangerous for Jabot. Billy suggested that Tucker do everything to protect Ashley and fix things. Tucker stated that Billy had believed he would be better suited to run Jabot and have total control and autonomy. Billy said he would do whatever it took to make things balanced again. Tucker told Billy to figure out a way to dethrone Diane. Tucker left.

At the ranch, Nate told Victor he found that the early planning of SNA lacked cohesion. He said there wasn't much in the way of unity or a sense of single vision to it. Nate said there was friction between Adam and Nick over Sally, and Adam's focus was on trying to combine SNA with Newman Media. Nate said that had created conflict and instability with Sharon and Nick because they didn't share Adam's fixation. Nate asked if Victor trusted Adam to fall into line. Nate maintained that Adam's actions and attitude were detrimental to the business of SNA.

Victor asked Nate if it was because of Adam's fixation on Newman Media. Nate said he wasn't sure if Adam could ever let that go, and it was a red flag of things to come. Nate claimed it was bad for business to have Nick and Adam at odds with each other on a daily basis. Nate asked if Victor thought Adam would ever fall in line to create a successful and harmonious company and not another Newman Media fixation down the road.

Victor asked Nate about Nick. Nate stated Nick was levelheaded but preferred to play it safe, and SNA was a new company that demanded a strong leader. Victor asked what Nate would do if he was in charge of SNA to drive it to success.

Nate told Victor the problem with the new company was the overall structure. He said the merging of Kirsten-McCall had been a short-sighted merger because each entity was vastly different. He said McCall's media division was advancing quickly, but many of Kirsten's platforms were close to being obsolete. He said he would strip Sharon's company down to its essentials then fold the new company into Newman Media. Nate claimed it was good business; however, Victor might not want to give Adam that much of a win by admitting he agreed, or Victor might feel it needed more time to gain stability.

Nate said eventually Victor would fold SNA into Newman Media to create a powerhouse. Nick arrived, and Victor said Nate was just leaving. Victor told Nick that he'd asked for Nate's opinion on SNA's business plan. Nick asked if Victor was thinking about replacing Adam with Nate. Nick stated that he refused to work with Nate if that was the case.

At Society, Victoria congratulated Ashley, and she said she'd heard that Ashley and Tucker were starting a new company and that Ashley was leaving Jabot. She said she was surprised Ashley had pushed her family away to reconcile with Tucker. Victoria asked if Ashley was going to turn her back on her father's legacy and head for a cosmetics war or if that was the first step in an attempt to take Jabot away from Jack. Ashley stated that she and Jack had mutually agreed to part ways, and she maintained that her priorities had shifted.

Victoria told Ashley she had a similar business rivalry within her own family because Adam was targeting Newman Media, and she knew the chaos and instability that could cause.

Ashley asked why Victoria was asking about Jabot and her family. Victoria claimed she was worried about how the situation would affect Billy, since he was finally in a good place. She said she didn't think Billy deserved to be put in the middle of some corporate or family war. Ashley said Billy was exactly where he wanted to be. Ashley admitted Billy was in a good place, and he would handle himself at whatever challenges might pop up because of Diane and her position of power. Victoria asked how Jack would handle Ashley leaving Jabot and becoming the competition.

Ashley informed Victoria that Jack's only focus was Diane, and it was untenable for her to stay, since Diane had a senior role at Jabot. She said she couldn't watch Diane harm the company. Victoria claimed Ashley wouldn't walk away and allow Diane to damage what John had built. Ashley said she'd tried to get through to Jack, but he wouldn't hear it, so she had to let go.

Victoria claimed nothing Ashley said rang true. She asked why Ashley had mentioned challenges on the horizon that Billy would survive. Annoyed, Ashley noted how protective Victoria was of Billy, and she asked why Victoria was asking about Billy. Victoria said that she and Billy had both moved on, and their focus was on their kids. Victoria asked if Billy was involved in something that had to do with Ashley's departure from Jabot. Ashley laughed and reminded Victoria that she'd just said she'd let Billy go, and they'd both moved on. Victoria said they shared kids, and they cared about each other. Ashley assured her everyone was okay. Ashley left.

Tucker accosted Adam as Adam was about to leave the Athletic Club. Tucker said he was astonished that Adam's ego would be out in public after his most recent epic failure. He said Audra had foiled Adam's blackmail attempt, and he'd been busted by big daddy. Adam asked if Tucker should get back to celebrating how he'd fooled Ashley into thinking he'd changed. Adam said he still had the incriminating emails that he could let slip just to wipe Tucker's smile off his face. Tucker didn't think Adam would be that foolish because negative press wouldn't be good for the company Adam owned, and Nick and Sharon wouldn't be happy.

Adam told Tucker the company would survive, but Tucker wouldn't. Adam said that would be worth the risk. Billy arrived and asked what was going on. Adam claimed Tucker was giving him a hard time about the way he chose to run Tucker's company. Tucker left.

Billy told Adam he was sorry about all the stuff going on with Connor. He said he was glad Connor was getting help, but he could only imagine how difficult it had to be for Adam. Billy said he would contact Chelsea the next day.

Adam accused Billy of only being half sincere and said that Billy's real goal was to get information on Tucker. Billy claimed he had no idea what Adam was talking about. He said he and Tucker didn't like each other, and he wasn't working with Tucker. Adam said he suspected that Billy disliked Diane, and it didn't sit well with Billy that Jack had married her. Billy stated Jack knew how the family felt about Diane, but he'd chosen not to listen. Billy claimed it wasn't worth the fight.

Adam asked if Jack planned to replace Billy as co-CEO. Billy said no, but Adam guessed it had probably crossed Jack's mind -- Jack and Diane Abbott, side by side, running Jabot. Adam said that would be a slap in the face for Billy. Billy said that Adam saw a world filled with deception, and that was how he saw everyone.

Adam said he knew Billy was fishing for information on Tucker. Billy asked why that mattered to Adam. Adam claimed he had damaging information on Tucker that would knock Tucker down a few notches, and he might be willing to sell it to someone if they would do him a favor. Billy doubted the information could be that damning. Adam said if Billy wanted to have that conversation again, Billy knew where to find him. Adam left.

In his suite at the club, Tucker sent a text message to Audra: "Adam still a wild card. I want him dealt with." Ashley walked in and told him she'd had a weird conversation with Victoria, and it had her thinking about their future. She said she knew she was doing the right thing stepping away from Jabot, but she'd spent months trying to protect her father's company from Diane -- and that was her family.

Ashley told Tucker if she walked away from that battle, she would leave Billy alone to push Diane to the point where the company collapsed. She asked if that seemed ruthless and like Diane had beaten her. She said she couldn't let Diane win. Exasperated, Tucker stated that Diane wouldn't win, nor would she need Ashley or Billy's help to lose. Ashley reminded him how important her father's legacy was to her. Tucker said they'd agreed not to fight a useless, unwinnable war and that she didn't need Jabot or Jack.

Ashley told Tucker she was walking away from her family, but Tucker shouted that he was her family, too. He said her obsession with Jack, Diane, and Jabot had gotten in their way. He said that a few days earlier, she'd wanted to walk away. Tucker acknowledged how difficult the situation was for her. He said he wished she could focus on them and let everything else take care of itself.

Nate walked into Victoria's office in time to hear her leave a message for Billy, asking to meet the next morning to discuss his family. Nate asked if everything was all right. She said there seemed to be some trouble brewing at Jabot, and Billy might get caught in the middle. Nate asked if Victoria would worry about him that way if they ever broke up. Annoyed, she said it was hardly the same thing. Nate apologized and said he didn't mean to upset her, especially since she'd agreed to trust him again.

Victoria apologized for snapping at Nate. She explained that she'd had an odd encounter with Ashley. She said it had been a long day, and she wanted to go home and take a long, hot bath. Nate invited her to have dinner with him beforehand. Victoria asked if his good mood had anything to do with his meeting with Victor. Nate wasn't sure whether it had been the best or the worst meeting because he couldn't figure out what Victor was up to.

Nate told Victoria he'd given Victor his assessment of SNA, and Victor had seemed very interested in his opinion. Victor had asked how he would handle things if he'd been in charge. She said Victor wouldn't have asked unless he was entertaining that idea or had some other angle. She said Victor definitely had a plan that involved Nate, one that might take him away from working at Newman Enterprises, which she wouldn't condone.

Nate asked if Victoria thought Victor wanted to put him in charge of SNA. Victoria told him not to dream so big. She said Victor might want to replace Adam with Nate, and that would put Nate on an equal level with Nick and Sharon. Nate said he had the feeling Victor believed SNA needed a strong leader. Victoria said it was unlikely Victor would offer it to Nate. Nate asked if she would try to block the move if Victor offered him the sole position. Victoria said she might think Nate was trying to play her for a promotion.

At the ranch, Victor told Nick no one was leaving; he'd only wanted another perspective. Nick asked why Victor had asked Nate, since his view on SNA was irrelevant. Victor claimed Nate had made some good points. He said Nate believed Kirsten Incorporated would be obsolete in ten years.

Nick informed Victor that he and Sharon had talked about that at great length. He said it was a nonissue because they were prepared to update anything that was antiquated. Nick asked why Victor had gone to Nate about the business plan rather than him or Sharon. Victor said that Nick's animosity toward Nate was clouding his judgment. Nick claimed Victor had something else at play. He asked if it was Adam or if Victor was questioning Nick or Sharon's work. Victor admitted that he agreed with Nate's assessment; it had been spot-on.

Nick told Victor that Nate played the game well, but he warned Victor not to fall for Nate's business savvy, because he would stab any one of them in the back, including Victoria, to get ahead.

Sharon arrived, and Adam was right behind her. They both asked what was going on. Nick said he had no idea, but he suspected it had something to do with Nate. Victor told them he had some new thoughts and some changes to the new company.

Victor told everyone he wanted to go with Adam's plan to fold SNA into Newman Media. Adam said it was never that simple with Victor. Adam said after the hell Victor had rained down on him, he didn't believe Victor had just changed his mind on Adam's say-so. He wanted to know what had really changed Victor's mind.

Billy arrived at the Abbott home and told Jack he'd run into Tucker. He said it seemed Tucker and Ashley's surrender was real, and they were giving up the fight. Billy said he believed Tucker wanted to move on, but he didn't buy that Ashley did because the family company was too important to her.

Jack told Billy he wondered if that was another diversion to put them at ease before the next onslaught. Billy agreed it felt like something else was coming. Billy said he also picked up on some conflict between Adam and Tucker. Billy said Adam had admitted he had damaging information on Tucker that Tucker wanted to keep secret. He said Adam wanted to trade that information for something.

Jack asked Billy what Adam had wanted. Billy replied that he didn't know, and he assumed Adam was playing games. Billy said he was concerned that the door had been slammed shut for him to find out any information from Ashley and Tucker. Billy said the moment Jack had given Ashley her part of the company, it had thrown the game off-kilter. Jack claimed it might have put the brakes on everything. He said that was what Ashley had wanted, and since she had it, they could end that messy war. Billy reluctantly agreed. Jack asked why Billy didn't seem pleased that they wouldn't have that battle to fight anymore.

Adam tells Nick and Sharon he will head up Newman Media
Adam tells Nick and Sharon he will head up Newman Media

Adam tells Nick and Sharon he will head up Newman Media

Friday, August 25, 2023

by Nel

Mariah and Tessa were in the park, discussing Aria, when Elena stopped by. They Informed Elena that they'd taken Aria to the pediatrician, who had told them Aria might have a severe hearing loss, but she couldn't treat Aria any further to diagnose a possible cause. Mariah said it could be conductive hearing loss, a problem with her outer ear, or sensorineural loss, which could be permanent.

Elena asked Mariah if they'd made an appointment with a hearing specialist. Mariah confirmed that they had. Elena informed them the specialist would give them specific information and let them know what they were dealing with. She warned them not to think about the worst-case scenario because Aria's diagnosis could be on a very broad spectrum. She said there was a chance it was curable. Mariah said whatever they had to do, they would do for their daughter.

Elena told Mariah and Tessa that she'd finished an extra shift, and she was on her way home. She said she'd gotten involved with some new research, and she didn't mind working the extra shifts. Mariah said she and Tessa were concerned that Elena was piling on work as a way of dealing with what had happened with Nate. Elena claimed work was the one thing that hadn't disappointed her.

Elena told Mariah and Tessa she was grateful to have them as friends. She admitted she'd been a bit of a mess after the breakup, but she was better. She said she loved the work she was doing. She said it fulfilled her, and she didn't need a partner to do that. She assured them she'd released all the hurt and anger she'd been carrying around. Elena left.

At Crimson Lights, Esther told Sharon she was excited about being the new manager of the coffeehouse. Chloe was a little concerned that it might be too much for Esther, but Esther said the job was perfect for her. Nick arrived and asked to speak with Sharon.

On the patio, Sharon told Nick that Adam had warned them that Victor had his own plans for their company. Nick asked how Sharon felt about things. Sharon said she'd kept Kirsten Limited because she wanted it to have a good impact, but when Victor was through gutting it, there wouldn't be much left, and it would be a tough battle to fight Victor on it. Sharon said Victor's wording was that he was folding SNA into Newman Media, and that meant Newman Media would swallow them up.

Nick told Sharon he felt it was a plan to make Newman Media a bigger and more formidable division, but he wondered what would be next. Nick asked if they would find themselves in a position where they would be answering to Adam. Sharon said it was her company that Victor was cutting down to the bone. She said Victor had only kept Adam on because of the optics. Finances had been secured because of Adam's involvement, and a change would heighten risk before a merger took place, which would be a bad look.

Nick told Sharon that one minute, Victor was furious with Adam, and the next, he was handing Adam another golden opportunity Adam hadn't earned. Sharon said they needed to see the details of Victor's plans for the rollout. Nick claimed Adam had visions of the big chair dancing in his head, and it would fuel Adam's worst instincts. Sharon and Nick left to meet with Adam.

At the ranch, Victor told Nikki that he'd decided to go ahead with merging SNA and Newman Media. Nikki asked why Victor would give in after Adam had blackmailed Audra for the same result. Victor said it was the right time to merge the two companies. Nikki claimed Adam knew Victor was up to something.

Nikki asked Victor what had made him change his mind. Victor claimed it had been his plan from the start to create a powerful media company. Nikki asked how Nate fit into it. Victor said Nate's analysis of McCall and Kirsten had reenforced his doubts about the two companies. He said he'd realized the company Nick, Adam, and Sharon had started needed reinforcement. He said he didn't want to delay that merger any longer. Nikki asked who would run it. Victor replied, "A lawyer."

Nikki asked Victor to reconsider pushing his sons too hard. She said Nick was keeping his eye on Adam, but there had to be a limit. She understood he was setting the company up for success, but he was adding a wild card into the mix. She said she believed Nate was too ambitious for his and Victoria's own good. Nikki asked what Victoria had to say about the merger. Victor said he was waiting for her to return his call, but she was in Los Angeles in an emergency meeting. Nikki asked him to allow Victoria to weigh in, but Victor insisted he was moving forward immediately. He said when Victoria returned, there would be a new dynamic at Newman Media.

At Society, Adam asked Nate why he'd met with Victor the previous evening. Nate said he was COO, and Victor had wanted to talk about business. Adam wanted specifics, but Nate said his conversations with Victor were private. Adam stated that Victor had done a complete turnaround after Nate had left, and he'd announced that he wanted to merge SNA with Newman Media.

Adam asked how Nate figured into the merger. Adam said Nick had warned him that Nate couldn't be trusted. Nate noted that they hadn't put together a solid business plan for the company they'd created. Nate explained that Victor had wanted Nate's input into how things were progressing at SNA. Nate stated that as COO of Newman Enterprises, it was his business to know where things stood. Nate said he'd told Victor that folding SNA into Newman Media was a smart move.

Nate admitted Adam had been right, but his tactics were as dirty as they got. He said Adam was willing to risk burning everything down just to get what he wanted. He said Victor should have cut Adam loose, but instead, he was giving Newman Media, combined with SNA, to Adam on a silver platter. Nate asked if Adam could just take the win or if he would always find a reason to create another enemy.

Adam claimed Nate was the one making enemies because he'd disregarded the rules of the game. Nate retorted that Adam had tried to muscle his way into controlling Newman Media. Adam claimed there was something going on. Nate said Adam was getting what he wanted, and he asked if Adam was that arrogant that he would only be satisfied if he'd gotten Newman Media on his terms. Adam received a text message from Nick: "Meet at your place. Important." Adam said there was something going on, and he would find out what it was.

After Adam left, Nate left a voicemail message for someone. He told them Victor was merging SNA with Newman Media, after all. He asked if they'd known it was coming.

Sally surprised Adam with a visit. She told him she'd given a lot of thought to Adam's job offer, but before she gave him her answer, she needed to discuss it with Nick. Adam explained that Victor was folding SNA into Newman Media, but he didn't trust Victor's motives. He said he was cautiously optimistic only because Sally would be a part of it.

Adam told Sally he was finally going to get control of the company that he and Sally had built together. It would feel "so good" to sit in that chair again, and he intended to have Sally beside him. Sally said she had assumed that Adam, Nick, and Sharon would run the company together. Adam claimed that would never work, and Victor knew that. He told Sally that Victor wasn't calling it a merger but was instead folding SNA into Newman Media to make Newman Media a powerhouse. He said there had to be one vision and one leader, the guy who'd built the company from the ground up. Adam claimed it was his company that should never have been taken from him in the first place.

Nick and Sharon arrived, and when Nick saw Sally, he asked what was going on. Sally explained that Adam had offered her a job at their new company, and she'd needed to discuss a few things with him before she told Nick about it. Nick accused Adam of another unilateral decision. Sharon asked what job Adam had offered her. Sally said they hadn't talked specifics, which was the reason she hadn't mentioned it until she knew what she was getting into. Nick stated she would be an incredible hire, but it should have been run by his partners first. Nick said Adam wasn't in charge. Sally said it was time to leave because they had things to discuss.

At the door, Sally told Nick that Adam had informed her Victor was on board for merging the companies, and everything was on hold. Nick said he wished she'd run it by him first, but he was sure she hadn't wanted him to influence her decision. She said she'd told Adam she'd wanted to run it by Nick first, and she would consider what it would mean and not mean for her and Adam. Nick said Adam would say what he thought she wanted to hear. They kissed, and Sally left.

Adam said he assumed Nick and Sharon wanted to talk about how things would work. Adam stated that it would be only natural that he took charge of Newman Media. Nick asked why Adam was the natural choice to run things on his own. Nick said the plan was to merge the two companies. Sharon reminded Adam that she still owned Kirsten Incorporated. Adam reminded her that she'd already agreed to a merger, and he was giving them a vision for success. Nick said that with Adam in charge, he and Sharon would be answering to Adam.

Sharon said that Adam acted like he was owed the position because he'd been pushed out of Newman Media in the past. Sharon said it was about a lot more than Adam's hurt feelings and him needing to make a point. Adam claimed he was being logical, but Nick said Adam was incapable of logic because his ego was taking up too much space.

Adam claimed Victor would streamline Kirsten more than they already had, and it would be a fraction of the original company. Sharon said nothing had been decided, and she told Adam not to underestimate her resolve. Adam claimed Sharon wanted to hang on to the company to do good, and as a bigger company, she would be able to do more good. He asked if it mattered what her title was. Nick said yes because it gave her the power to make good decisions and to stop people from making bad ones. Adam said it wasn't a merger. He said Newman Media was taking over SNA, and there was no one who knew Newman Media better than he did.

Sharon asked Adam about all that talk of collaboration and "needing this to work." Nick claimed it was all talk when it came to their partnership because Adam's plan had been to regain Newman Media and drag their company along for the ride. Sharon said that Adam had told them that their partnership was all he had left. Adam said she'd heard Nick -- he only said what people wanted to hear. Sharon said no one gave their partnership "a chance in hell of working out," but it could work if they stuck to the original plan as co-CEO's. She said it didn't matter if it was called SNA or Newman Media.

Nick said Sharon was right; he needed to work with them. Adam asked why they would even want to, since he'd been a constant source of aggravation. Nick told him to let go of the past and stop feeling like he had something to prove and to let go of his ridiculous need to be in charge. Nick asked if Adam had learned anything from his blackmail plan. Nick told Adam to get his ambition in check, or he would destroy everything they had accomplished.

At the Athletic Club, Nate told Audra that Victor had decided to fold SNA into Newman Media, and Newman Media would be an exponentially bigger company. Audra stated she would no longer be running it. Nate said she'd exceeded all expectations, and the numbers spoke for themselves. She said Nick, Sharon, and Adam wouldn't be discussing what a great job she'd done but would instead be jockeying for positions for themselves. She said it galled her that Adam had tried to blackmail her to try to force that merger. Nate reminded her that Adam had risked endangering the company.

Audra told Nate that Victor had been furious -- not just about the coercion but also that Adam had gone directly against him -- yet Victor was giving Adam what he'd wanted. Nate said it was a mistake thinking she knew what Victor was thinking or how things would end. Audra asked if she was going to be demoted or fired. Nate promised he wouldn't let that happen. She said she was up against Adam, but Nate said Adam's actions hadn't inspired confidence. She claimed Victor had an uncanny knack when it came to his kids, and it was clear he wanted the whole group working at the business.

Nate told Audra they had no idea what Victor had planned for anyone, and it was possible she would stay where she was. Audra asked if Nate thought Victor would keep her on as CEO of his shiny new media empire. Nate reiterated that it was a mistake to predict what Victor planned to do. He told her to stay the course, but Audra refused to wait around and hope for the best. She said Adam knew exactly how far he could push. She said she liked her job and the lifestyle it afforded her, and she was going to fight for it. Audra left.

At the ranch, Audra told Nikki and Victor she'd heard a rumor about SNA and Newman Media. Victor stated nothing had been determined yet. Audra said Newman Media's profits had been up 17% the last quarter. Audra said she'd been an effective leader, and she would continue to deliver results, no matter what Victor decided. Nikki asked how she'd found out about the merger. Audra stated that Adam had confronted Nate. She said Adam believed Nate was orchestrating a power play with Victor, and Nate had told her out of courtesy. Audra asked if she was going to be out of a job.

Victor claimed it was brazen of Audra to make demands. She said that hadn't been her intention, but she only wanted to know where she stood. Victor said he was impressed with how she'd managed as CEO of Newman Media, and she'd brought a lot of innovation to it; he wouldn't be a good businessman if he terminated her. He said that no matter how things shook out, she would have a position at Newman. Audra vowed she would give everything to the job. Audra thanked them for their time, and she left.

Nikki told Victor that Audra was as driven and ambitious as Nate. Victor agreed and added that he liked that. Nikki said he would like it until it became a problem. He said Audra had proven herself to be very useful to the company, and she had withstood Adam's threats. Nikki reminded him that Audra had turned to Victor only when she'd run out of options. Victor said he admired her, and perhaps she was the one he should be mentoring. Nikki claimed he would never be able to really trust Audra or Nate because they didn't need mentoring, but rather a short leash.

At Society, Chloe asked if Sally had gotten the job at SNA. Sally claimed it wasn't a specific job. Chloe admitted she felt guilty for taking the job as Chelsea's number two while Chelsea was away with Connor. Sally said she'd told Chloe to take the job, and she was happy for Chloe. Sally said Nick hadn't been thrilled that she hadn't told him about Adam's offer. Sally admitted the whole thing was complicated -- maybe more complicated than she was ready for.

Mariah, Tessa, and Aria entered the coffeehouse and asked Esther if Sharon was around, but Esther told her Sharon had left for a meeting about her company. Tessa asked if Esther had started working. Esther shouted that she was official manager of Crimson Lights. Aria began to cry. Mariah and Tessa were thrilled.

Audra returned to the club and joined Nate at the bar. She told him she'd gone to see Victor and asked him what the merger meant for her. She said he was impressed with the work she'd been doing, and there would be a spot for her at Newman, no matter how things worked out. She said it hadn't been exactly what she'd wanted to hear. Nate said he was even more impressed with her because she had that something extra. Elena walked in and saw Nate talking to Audra.

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