Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 31, 2023 on Y&R

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Phyllis accepted Adam
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 31, 2023 on Y&R

Phyllis accepted Adam's job offer. Adam dug up dirt on Tucker for Phyllis. Adam appealed to Tucker to keep Phyllis out of prison. Christine implied that she would stop pursuing charges against Summer if Phyllis pleaded guilty. Ashley suggested that Billy nudge Diane into showing her true colors.

Phyllis accepts Adam
Phyllis accepts Adam's job offer and begs him to help her

Phyllis accepts Adam's job offer and begs him to help her

Monday, July 31, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

Summer drowned her sorrows while sipping white wine at the jazz lounge. A chipper Daniel joined her and prompted Summer to asked him what he was happy about. Daniel replied that he was happy about life, explaining that things were going great with Lily and Omega Sphere. Summer sarcastically asked Daniel if playing his video game might fix her life. Daniel was sympathetic about his sister's sad situation with Kyle and their mother.

Phyllis napped fitfully in a chair in her suite at the Athletic Club. After a disturbing dream involving a tense encounter with Nick, Phyllis awoke with a startle after imagining that an angry Nick had berated her for destroying relationships and ruining Summer's marriage. In the dream, Nick had offered to cover Phyllis' legal fees if she was acquitted of her crimes and agreed to leave town forever.

After Phyllis cleared her head, she went downstairs to the jazz lounge and joined Summer and Daniel. Phyllis apologized for being late. Daniel asked his mom if it was tough for her to be in the same room where she had collapsed while carrying out a ruse coordinated with Jeremy Stark. Summer recalled that it was also the same room where Phyllis had posed as a guest at her own funeral while watching her family deal with pain and grief.

Phyllis told Summer and Daniel that she had moved on and hoped her family might do so, too, adding that she could not change the past. Becoming emotional, Phyllis proclaimed that her most significant second chance centered on a new future with her children, promising she would do whatever it took to earn their forgiveness. Phyllis asked Daniel and Summer what they thought about the possibility of her working for Adam Newman. Daniel snickered. Summer looked shocked by the announcement. Summer suggested that Phyllis opt to work with anyone other than the notoriously shady Adam.

Phyllis explained that Adam would be running what had been known as McCall Unlimited, which Victor had acquired. Phyllis told her kids she would serve as the IT director, adding that she needed money to offset her legal fees and to reimburse the insurance company for the money Jeremy Stark had likely claimed and stashed somewhere. Summer and Daniel offered to help their mother financially after learning that her bank account had been depleted by half and that her assets had been frozen. Phyllis declined that offer, explaining that she yearned to become a productive citizen and keep her mind busy as her trial approached. Summer, doubtful that Adam could help Phyllis improve her reputation, offered her mom a position at Marchetti. Phyllis thanked Summer, though she declined the offer to return to Marchetti.

Phyllis seemed confident she could handle Adam, and she revealed that the two other business partners were Nick and Sharon. Phyllis cried that she was certain Nick would never forgive her for hurting Summer. Daniel reminded his mom that Nick was aware that the situation had gotten out of hand. Phyllis admitted she should not have lured Jeremy Stark to town and should have waited for Diane to show her true colors on her own. Daniel told Phyllis she should take the job. Summer agreed, noting that Victor technically owned the company. Summer assured her mom that she and Nick would eventually be friends again. Phyllis seemed relieved and thanked Summer for her support, given all that had happened.

Phyllis noted that in the long run, none of her plans would matter if Christine put her in prison for murder. Summer seemed confident that a jury would understand why her mom had acted as she had, based on the circumstances and the eyewitness testimony from Carson. Phyllis cried that Carson might not testify on her behalf, for various reasons. Daniel assured Phyllis that he and Summer would still love and support her. Summer told Phyllis that Heather knew how to handle Christine. Tearing up, Phyllis held hands with Summer and Daniel and leaned on them for strength.

After Phyllis left, Daniel and Summer expressed concern about Phyllis' statements concerning her trial. Daniel mentioned that Phyllis seemed to know for certain that Carson might not be helpful in defending her. Summer told Daniel that Carson might have agreed to speak on Phyllis' behalf in exchange for a favor he would receive in return, adding that she had no idea what the deal might entail. Daniel agreed that there was more to the story than their mom had been willing to share. Daniel and Summer were concerned that Phyllis might be considering committing perjury.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon was elated to see Aria when Mariah and Tessa stopped by. Mariah told Sharon that she and Tessa had stopped in to check on her after her ordeal with Cameron. Mariah noted that she had contacted Faith, as well. Sharon bragged that both of her daughters were warriors, recalling that Mariah had also been a victim of kidnappings. Sharon assured Mariah that she was feeling strong and looked forward to running a new company with Nick and Adam.

Mariah was taken aback and teasingly asked Sharon how the three business partners had not yet managed to kill each other. Sharon acknowledged that it would be new territory for a trio with different views, though she remained optimistic about overcoming challenges as they each utilized their own unique skills. Tessa praised Sharon, declaring her to be an inspiration for Aria.

Sharon asked Mariah if she would consider leaving Jabot to work with her. Mariah, taken aback, said she might consider the offer if she knew more about the position. Sharon asked Mariah to become the director of marketing or perhaps the vice president of marketing, stressing the need for a candidate who was vibrant, creative, and forward-thinking. Sharon praised Mariah's strong vision and her uninhibited tendency to think outside the box. Sharon recalled that Mariah understood media relations and image-building better than anyone. Tessa noted that Mariah fit the description and should consider the amazing opportunity. Mariah expressed misgivings about a power struggle at Jabot that was possibly related to Diane or perhaps Tucker and his relationship with Ashley. Tessa encouraged Mariah to make a decision based on what she most desired.

Sharon was pleased when Mariah agreed to consider the new job. Mariah told her mom that the new opportunity seemed like the perfect antidote to the horror she had been through. Sharon agreed that her venture had helped her heal and brought more excitement than she had had in a long time. After Sharon left, Mariah asked Tessa how she felt about the new position. Tessa mentioned that Adam might not create a pleasant work environment. Mariah expressed concern that Jabot might also become a stressful place to work, though she agreed that Adam was unpredictable. Tessa told Mariah to consider which company would give her the best opportunity for success and happiness.

At Society, Adam told Nick that Victor had taken total control of their emerging company and was calling all the shots. Nick said that Adam's statement did not make sense. Adam replied, "Well, he flew off to Germany today to meet with the money guys about an influx of cash, so we are to do nothing and wait for further instructions." Nick blamed Adam and his obsession with Newman Media for angering Victor. Nick acknowledged that the business opportunity for him, Sharon, and Adam was in jeopardy. Nick reminded Adam that Victor, having agreed to their terms, had given them three months of free reign to control their company, which would operate under the Newman umbrella.

Adam was unyielding about undertaking preemptive moves immediately, noting that Newman Media would soon become redundant. Nick did not believe the excuse Victor had claimed was the reason he had gone to Germany, telling Adam that their dad was actually testing him. Nick clarified, explaining that after laying down the law, Victor would slip into the shadows and wait for reactions. Nick acknowledged that they faced an impossible situation. Nick told Adam that if they followed their dad's orders, then proceeding as they had planned would make them appear disobedient, though they would appear ineffective if they did nothing at all.

Adam proposed that he, Nick, and Sharon choose the lesser of two evils, noting that losing momentum would not be the best plan for their business. Adam added, "We call Dad's bluff." Nick nodded in agreement, though he refused to proceed if Adam attempted to settle old scores by seizing Newman Media. Nick suggested that he, Adam, and Sharon let the world know that Adustus merged with Kirsten's former company would become a powerhouse.

Nick denounced the name "Adustus," explaining that it symbolized everything that was wrong about Adam's approach, including his vendetta against Newman to punish Victoria for being Victor's chosen one. Nick suggested that they all, especially Sharon for merging her tech company, choose a name together. Nick told Adam that one way to break free of the Newman inner circle would be to embrace a new venture. Nick frowned on Adam's suggestion to rename the company Liberty or any other form of a word related to freedom.

Sharon joined Adam and Nick just as Adam admitted that the name "Adustus" had come from a dark place. Sharon reminded Adam that they all had recently experienced major shifts and should regard their business as a reinvention and a look forward to a positive future. Nick replied, "I was just telling Adam the exact same thing." Adam asked Nick and Sharon how many times they had advised him to change course in the past and if they believed he could change. Sharon put her faith in Adam to achieve redemption, coaxing him to relinquish his fear of being a lost cause. Nick told Adam he had seen glimpses of a human being inside Adam.

Adam assured Nick and Sharon that he would embrace positive energy going forward. Adam promised to set aside his battles with Victoria and to disregard Victor's tests and mind games. Adam announced that he had offered Phyllis a job as head of IT. Nick reminded Adam that Phyllis had broken Summer's heart and might likely face a lengthy prison sentence. The conversation was interrupted when Phyllis phoned Adam to accept his job offer and seek his assistance about a serious matter.

Phyllis turns to Adam for help
Phyllis turns to Adam for help

Phyllis turns to Adam for help

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At the Chancellor mansion, Abby crossed over to Ashley, who was staring out the window. Abby urged her mother to let it go, since Ashley couldn't do anything about the fact that Jack and Diane had gotten married. Ashley huffed that there was a lot she planned to do about it, but Abby didn't understand why the marriage was such a big deal to Ashley. Ashley asserted that the couple's decision to get married was a bullet aimed directly at her, but she intended to show that Jack couldn't shoot her down that easily.

Ashley contended that the war would end when someone won -- and that person would be her. Abby countered that if their family lost, they all lost. Devon piped up that he and Lily had gone through something similar, and they'd said a lot of hurtful things that had become public knowledge, but they'd eventually realized it had been a mistake to fight in the first place. Tucker argued that it wasn't a fair comparison, since the Winters siblings hadn't introduced chaos into Chancellor-Winters the way Jack had done by pushing Diane into Jabot.

Ashley griped that Diane would destroy everything the Abbotts had spent years building. Abby asked why Ashley had walked away. Ashley claimed that she hadn't been able to stay and watch Jack let Diane burn Jabot to the ground. Abby insinuated that Ashley had been no better by walking away from the family company to start a competing business with someone Jack didn't like or trust. Abby suggested Ashley stay at Jabot and fight the battle from the inside to protect their family legacy.

Abby thought it sounded like Ashley wanted Diane to take Jabot down to prove Ashley right. Ashley pointed out that even Billy had seen enough to convince him to join Ashley's side. Abby whined that she didn't want to pick, since there shouldn't be any sides. Devon declared that there was a wedding approaching, and he recommended that they put a pin in the family drama and focus on something more positive. Tucker enthusiastically suggested that they plan a wedding.

Abby presented Ashley with a notebook of ideas she'd been putting together for the wedding, and the women stepped aside. Tucker thanked Devon for changing the subject from Jack and Diane. Devon voiced concern that they'd need a referee at the wedding, but Tucker promised it would be a war-free zone. Tucker expressed appreciation for letting them have the wedding there, and Devon figured that Tucker belonged in Katherine's home as much as anyone else did. Tucker mentioned that he had another big favor to ask, and he requested that Devon do him the honor of being his best man.

Tucker recognized that it was a big ask, and he prepared for Devon to turn him down. Tucker explained that when he thought about who he'd like to have standing up for him at his wedding, there was only one answer. Tucker encouraged Devon to think about it, but Devon proclaimed that he didn't need time because he already had an answer.

Devon exclaimed that he'd be honored to be Tucker's best man, and Tucker gushed that it meant the world to him. Devon said he believed that Tucker had changed and that the love between Tucker and Ashley was the real deal. Tucker admitted that he'd been nervous to ask, but he felt that was a big step forward for them. The men embraced.

Meanwhile, Abby peppered Ashley with questions about wedding details, but Ashley seemed distracted and had no input about anything. Abby slammed the idea book closed and demanded to know if her mother cared about the wedding, since Abby was starting to get the feeling that Ashley was doing the same thing Ashley had accused Jack of -- marrying someone as a way to get back at her enemies. Ashley testily told Abby not to compare her wedding to Tucker with Jack and Diane's sham of a marriage. Abby countered that Jack and Diane seemed to be in love, and she doubted they were spending their evening thinking of ways to take Ashley down. Abby sternly stated that she'd wanted to host Ashley and Tucker's wedding, but if it was just a way to get back at Jack, she wanted no part of it. Abby huffily put away the idea book.

Tucker thanked Devon for a wonderful time, and Devon responded that it had been his pleasure. Ashley called out that she'd call Abby the next day, and Abby curtly replied, "Sure." Ashley crossed the room to hug Abby, and Ashley and Tucker left. Devon observed that things had been chilly between Abby and her mother. Abby suspected that her instincts had been wrong about Tucker, since he wasn't the one pushing the family feud -- Ashley was. Abby fretted that if Ashley pushed too far, there would be no going back.

Over the phone, Lily told Daniel that she had a surprise for him, and she implored him to hurry. He raced up the Athletic Club stairs. Daniel used a keycard to open the door to a hotel suite, and Lily yelled, "Surprise!" Daniel surveyed the room and discovered easels and drawing materials. Lily revealed that she'd wanted to help take his mind off his mom's troubles, and she knew how much he loved art. Daniel was surprised that she expected him to draw.

Lily presented Daniel with a bowl of fruit and encouraged him to create a still life drawing. Daniel called it a nice idea, but he didn't see how drawing a bowl of fruit would ease his mind. He complained that it wasn't speaking to him. Lily suggested that he draw a vase of flowers instead, but he declined. She announced that she had another idea and said she'd be back.

A short time later, Daniel munched on a piece of fruit as Lily emerged from the bathroom in a robe. She recognized that the bowl of fruit hadn't been inspiring for him, and she dropped her robe. "You can draw me instead," she purred. He jumped to his feet and swore that he couldn't ever do her justice. She urged him to try, and when he was done, she would draw him.

Daniel sketched as Lily stood naked before him. Once his drawing was complete, she admired his handiwork and remarked that he had potential. He reasoned that it had been hard to miss when he'd had such a perfect subject. They kissed, and she declared that it was his turn. She unbuttoned his shirt, and they started to head toward the bed, but she insisted on drawing him. He posed on the bed, and she scribbled on the sketchpad for a few seconds and held it up for display. Daniel joked that it was worthy of a prize. They kissed and tumbled into bed together.

Lily and Daniel kissed in bed after having sex. He instructed her not to move, since he wanted to draw her just like that. He softly thanked her, and she smiled up at him as he sketched her.

At Crimson Lights, Chance greeted Summer and remarked that they seemed to keep meeting that way. She inquired whether he'd been following her, but he swore he was just there for coffee. She groaned that it had been a long day, and he offered to listen if she wanted to talk. Summer replied that she didn't, and Chance wondered if she meant she didn't want to talk to him or that she didn't want to talk to a cop. She figured they were the same thing. He sensed something was bothering her, and he guessed it had to do with Phyllis.

Chance noted that Summer had confided in him before. Summer lamented that she didn't trust her instincts anymore, since she'd kept screwing things up. She headed to the patio, and he followed her. Chance encouraged her to tell him everything on her mind as long as it didn't involve future crimes, and he'd be there for her as a friend. He set his badge on the table and gave her his word that she could trust him.

Summer confessed that she thought her mom wasn't being honest with her and Daniel. Summer continued that she didn't know what Phyllis was hiding, but she sensed that it was even bigger than the charges her mom was facing. Summer bemoaned that she'd tried talking to her mother, but Phyllis hadn't wanted to drag her children into her problems. Summer thought that Phyllis' apologies might be genuine, but Phyllis still hadn't answered the question of what was really going on. Summer worried that Christine would look at her as an accessory, leaving Summer stuck between a rock and a hard place -- the latter of which looked a lot like prison.

Chance offered to try to convince Christine to leave Summer alone by appealing to the D.A.'s sense of fairness, since everyone agreed that Summer had been through more than enough. Chance contemplated what witnesses Christine could even call to testify against Summer, and Summer replied that Kyle would be all too willing to do it. Chance thought doubt could be cast on Kyle's word, since he was mad about what his mother had been through. Summer wished Chance was the D.A., and she thanked him for talking her off the ledge. She acknowledged that she still wasn't out of the woods, and there was no telling how far Kyle would go to make her pay.

Chance considered it human nature to act impulsively when in the middle of a conflict, and he thought people would be heartless if they didn't understand that Summer had just been trying to protect her mother. Summer wanted to believe that what she'd done could be forgiven or at least understood. She reasoned that Kyle had also crossed the line, and she questioned whether he deserved to be forgiven, too. She ranted about how easily he'd moved on with Audra. Chance commented that he wasn't the right guy to ask about forgiving a spouse.

Summer apologized for not thinking about Chance's history with Abby. Chance reasoned that their marriage had been dying, and he knew they hadn't been meant to go the distance. Summer murmured that she'd really thought she and Kyle would make it, but maybe there was a limit to how much a couple could handle before there was no fixing things again. She wished she was where Chance was, and she inquired how he'd reached the point of acceptance and forgiveness. He recounted that it had taken time, distance, and work. He advised that no one thing could fix her life, but no one thing could break it, either.

Summer called Chance a very wise man, and he wondered if she was making fun of him. She wished she had his sense of calm and clarity, since she was all out of solutions. Summer explained that she'd thought once her mom was home, she and Kyle would have a chance to heal, but it wasn't how things had turned out. Summer didn't know how to accept it and move on. Chance urged her to take it one day or even one hour at a time, and she would get there. Summer fretted that there were a million things in her head, and she couldn't focus on any of them. Chance suggested that she let Phyllis deal with her own life, while Summer focused on hers.

Summer resolved to set stronger boundaries with her mom in an attempt to live a normal life, but she anticipated that it wouldn't be easy. Summer accepted that Phyllis would never change, so Summer had to be the one to find a better way. Chance was sure Summer would figure it out, and he pledged to be there to listen. She thanked him and recognized that she'd needed to get it all out. He pointed out that she hadn't admitted to anything that had sounded like a future crime. She inquired whether she'd been talking to a friend or a cop. Chance confirmed that it had been a friend-to-friend conversation.

Phyllis stopped by Adam's hotel suite, bearing a cactus as a gift. He reluctantly invited her in, and he noted that she already had the job if she wanted it and that she wasn't the housewarming gift type. He asked to what he owed the pleasure, and she told him to think of the gift as a symbol of their future collaboration -- something prickly that never died, just like him. Phyllis cited his bitter resentment toward certain members of his family, particularly Nick. She wondered what Nick's reaction had been when Adam had told him that she might be working with them.

Adam admitted that Nick and Sharon hadn't been happy that Adam had offered Phyllis a job, and Phyllis assumed it was a dead issue. Adam explained that their reaction had been more about him not running the idea by them, but Nick and Sharon had gotten on board after they'd thought about it. Adam added that he'd needed to do a song and dance about how Phyllis' skills and experience would be of value to the company, but it had sealed the deal when he'd stressed that she needed to turn her life around for Summer and Daniel.

Phyllis swore that she wanted the arrangement to work with as little chaos and drama as possible, since she'd had enough of that to last a lifetime. Adam cautioned that he couldn't guarantee peace and serenity, and Phyllis promised to do her best to keep the waters calm. Adam ordered her to get to the point, since she'd told him over the phone that she had conditions for taking the job. Phyllis requested that Adam find something to take Tucker down.

Adam praised Phyllis for being in a class by herself when laying waste to her enemies. He advised her against taking any action because she had to act like a model citizen until her trial was over. Phyllis insisted that it was about necessity and not just vengeance. Adam pressed her to tell him what she wanted, but she requested that he trust that she knew what she was doing with no questions asked. He stated that he'd normally give her the benefit of the doubt and say yes, but he couldn't in that case. He explained that he was under a microscope with his family, and he needed his new company to work, so he couldn't get into shady dealings with his chief technical officer.

Phyllis found Adam's response unexpected and disappointing, and she questioned when he'd started marching to his family's tune. As he handed her a beer, Adam defended that he was looking out for his future. He continued that he was free and clear of any obstacles, and he intended to keep it that way -- especially when the problem wasn't his. Phyllis recalled that he usually stirred the pot even when he was on good terms with his family, but Adam asserted that people could change. She wondered what his game was, but he reminded her that she was the one asking for a favor.

Phyllis pleaded that all she'd asked was for Adam to trust her, but he argued that it was a big ask those days. Adam implored her to tell him why she needed to take down Tucker and why it had to happen right then. Phyllis balked at divulging information Adam could potentially hold over her head. He invited her to find someone else to dismantle Tucker. Adam wondered why she'd asked for his help when she had the resources to get it done on her own. She stressed that she needed to keep her nose clean, and he assumed she needed someone else to do the dirty work and take the risk.

Phyllis clarified that she just needed dirt on Tucker, and she imagined there had to be something from when Tucker had run McCall Unlimited. She imagined that Adam had done a deep dive into the company's history, but he reported that there hadn't been much there other than poor management. He inquired how damaging she needed the information to be. Phyllis swore that she wasn't trying to destroy Tucker -- she just needed the means to do it. Adam compared it to a sword hanging over one's head, and he surmised that what Tucker had on her was life or death.

Phyllis offered to work for Adam for free for six months if he agreed to help her, but he thought she was desperate for money. She clarified that she was desperate to stay out of prison. Adam suddenly realized what Tucker had on her. Adam noted that he'd always considered it too coincidental that the EMT had popped out of nowhere to "save [her] ass." Adam theorized that the guy was lying, and Tucker had paid him off. Adam added that if that was true, it changed everything.

Adam suspected that Tucker literally had Phyllis' freedom in his hands. "Yes," Phyllis affirmed, adding that it would be bad for Adam if she went to prison, since she couldn't work for him, and he knew there was no one better. Adam admired her ability to keep playing poker, even after she'd revealed she had a lousy hand. He agreed to think about helping her. "Don't think too long," she warned, and she walked out.

Billy informs Jack about Ashley
Billy informs Jack about Ashley's plan to save Jabot

Billy informs Jack about Ashley's plan to save Jabot

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

by Nel

At Crimson Lights, Chance arrived with a picnic basket. He invited Sharon for a breakfast picnic at the park and said that seeing her was the best part of his day. Sharon told him she had a meeting with Adam, but she invited Chance to meet her for lunch instead. He agreed, he kissed Sharon, and she left.

Moments later, Summer arrived and commented on such an elaborate picnic basket for one. Chance explained that it was supposed to have been for two, but that hadn't worked out. He invited Summer to join him. Summer agreed. He told her to grab a coffee and follow him.

At home, Jack asked Diane if the courthouse wedding was okay, because they could do something bigger later, but Diane claimed the service had been perfect. She agreed they could have a big celebration later with friends and family. She was glad they hadn't waited to make things official. Jack claimed he would never let Diane go.

Billy arrived a little later and congratulated Jack and Diane. He told Jack that he thought he'd made some progress with Ashley. He said he believed she'd bought into their performance. He said Ashley was convinced that he was furious at Jack for rushing into marriage with Diane. He said it had been a step in the right direction of getting Ashley to trust him, but they needed to escalate it. Jack told Billy to do whatever it took to become their co-conspirator with their plot.

In a suite at the Athletic Club, Ashley and Tucker got dressed. Ashley said she was done trying to protect Jack because he was too far gone. Tucker was delighted. He asked if she was willing to let Jack and Diane implode on their own while she and Tucker focused on their own life. She claimed Diane would screw up because she didn't know what she was doing, then she and Tucker would swoop in and scoop up Jabot's best assets, fold them into their own growing empire, and save Jabot. Ashley agreed they couldn't save Jack.

At the Chancellor mansion, Devon stared at Katherine's portrait. He remembered a conversation he and Katherine had had about Tucker. Katherine asked what Devon's response had been to Tucker's offer. Devon said he'd declined the offer. He said he'd told Tucker that Tucker couldn't buy his affection by creating some dazzling job for him. Devon said Tucker wanted him to be happy; however, Tucker lied easily, and Devon figured Tucker was trying to use him for something. Katherine stated that was a possibility. Devon asked why Katherine had given Tucker more than one chance.

Katherine told Devon she wanted to believe that Tucker was sincere in his wish to make amends. Devon asked how she knew Tucker was being sincere. She said she didn't, but she liked to believe he was capable of change. Devon admitted he'd said something brutal to Tucker, and Tucker hadn't seemed to be faking that he'd been hurt by it. Katherine claimed the only way they would know what was in Tucker's heart was to give him a chance to prove himself. Katherine said Tucker was family, and one always backed up one's family, no matter how much disappointment they caused.

At Jabot, Summer congratulated Jack and Diane on their marriage. She informed Jack that she'd brought Chelsea on as creative director. Jack called Chelsea an excellent hire. He said Chelsea had had a unique perspective on her "Chelsea by Jabot" designs. He said he had every faith in Summer's vision for Marchetti, and he couldn't wait to see what Summer and Chelsea would accomplish together.

Summer told Jack she'd just visited with Harrison, who'd told her Kyle was on a trip. Diane said she was surprised Kyle hadn't told Summer. She said Kyle was in New York on business. Summer asked if he was with Audra. Jack confirmed he was, since Audra was his boss. Summer told Jack and Diane that Kyle had admitted that he and Audra were sleeping together. She said Kyle had ditched Jabot and her, and he had everything he wanted. Summer left.

Diane asked Jack what Kyle was thinking. She said he had to know he was causing more problems for himself with Summer. Jack didn't think Kyle was doing much thinking. He said he'd watched Kyle and Summer overcome many things, and he'd believed they would eventually overcome the situation they were in. He said even if Kyle could forgive Summer, they probably wouldn't be able to salvage their relationship.

Diane told Jack that Kyle was making an utter mess of his life, and she wished they could do something to help. Jack said only Kyle could fix things, and the dalliance with Audra was Kyle's way of staying numb and not thinking about things for as long as he possibly could.

Diane told Jack it wasn't an ideal way to start their marriage, worrying about Kyle and watching their backs with Ashley. Jack claimed their marriage was the one thing that was going right, and it gave him the confidence that they could solve anything, personally or professionally, together.

Billy sat on a park bench and recalled a recent talk he'd had with Jack about Ashley and Tucker. Jack told Billy he didn't like putting Billy in an untenable situation. Jack said he admired how Billy had turned his life around, but disrupting a company and pretending to fail could stigmatize him in the business world. Billy stated he wasn't worried about his reputation or what the public thought about him, especially when it came to protecting their family and their father's legacy. Jack said John would have been very proud of Billy for stepping up. Billy said he was doing what was necessary to make sure things didn't get out of hand. Jack told Billy that once they started, there was no turning back.

Billy called the Athletic Club and asked if Ashley was there. He was told she was in the dining room. Billy ended the call.

Elsewhere in the park, Summer told Chance that Audra and Kyle were on a trip together. Chance said it sounded like normal Newman Media business, but Summer said they both knew Kyle was sleeping with Audra. She couldn't pretend it was a casual thing anymore because they were together at work and after work, just like she and Kyle had once been. She didn't know why she even cared because Kyle had dropped her like she was nothing to him. She asked why she couldn't let it go and when she would get to a better place, like Chance.

Chance told Summer there wasn't a timetable for grief; she was grieving the end of her marriage, and it stung. Chance said he'd dreamed that he, Abby, and Dominic would do all kinds of things together, like vacations, anniversaries, celebrations, and growing old together, but none of that would happen. He said he'd had to grieve the future he'd imagined before he'd been able to move on. He said Summer would get there.

Summer told Chance she'd lost Kyle previously, but this time felt different. She said every time she'd inched closer to letting it go... Chance interrupted and said it slipped away. Summer agreed. Chance said closure wasn't a thing because every time she saw Kyle, everything would come rushing back, but it hurt less each time. He said he couldn't avoid seeing Abby, and they were co-parenting, so he saw Abby often. He said Summer would be seeing Kyle if she continued seeing Harrison. Summer insisted she wouldn't give up seeing Harrison.

Chance asked Summer what would happen if Kyle showed up in that moment and said he'd forgiven her. After a long pause, Summer said she didn't think they could get back to where they'd been because too much had changed. Chance said that was a good start, accepting the reality of the situation. Chance and Summer began talking about their respective childhoods, and Sharon arrived.

Sharon told Chance she'd felt bad about turning him down for a picnic, so she'd pushed the meeting back, but she noted that Summer had taken her place. Summer said Chance had made that beautiful picnic basket for Sharon, and Sharon should enjoy it. Sharon asked Summer to stay, but Summer said she had to get to work. She thanked Chance, and she left, appearing a bit upset. Sharon asked how Summer was doing. Chance said Summer was a strong woman and would be all right.

Sharon told Chance that Summer needed a friend, and it was nice that he could be there for her. Chance said he was really happy Sharon had been able to join him for the picnic. He said he knew how much pressure there was in getting the company up and running. Sharon said that seeing him was the best part of her day, too. She said her life had moved in ways she'd never anticipated, and she couldn't let business get in the way of what mattered most. They kissed.

In the dining room at the Athletic Club, Tucker asked if Ashley thought Billy's disillusionment with Jack might be useful to them. Ashley said Billy was furious with Jack, but she wasn't convinced it had been enough to betray Jack. She said Billy and Jack had gone head to head about various issues over the years. She asked if they should lead Billy along and see where it went. Tucker asked if Billy was still the "look out for number one guy."

Ashley told Tucker she'd noticed that Billy had been in a different head space recently. She said it would be great and helpful if Billy was on their side. Tucker suggested they begin their grand persuasion. Billy arrived, and Ashley asked him to join them. Billy asked if they didn't like what Mrs. Martinez had made for breakfast. Ashley said they'd needed a break from the newlyweds. Tucker said he had a meeting with Devon, and he left.

Ashley asked Billy how he was doing, and she assumed Billy hadn't reached out to Jack. Billy confirmed he'd avoided Jack and Diane at all costs. Ashley admitted she couldn't think about anything else. She said something had to be done quickly. She confirmed she would continue with her legal action to get her assets out of Jabot. Ashley reminded Billy that Diane would be gunning for his job. Billy said he'd thought about that, and he'd wondered why Diane would stop at the chief talent officer's position when she could have the co-CEO position.

Ashley told Billy that when Diane became co-CEO, King Jack and Queen Diane would reign over their father's company and their father's home, and Jack would allow it to happen. Billy asked how they could talk sense into Jack. Ashley didn't think that was possible. She said Jack would be out to spite her -- and possibly Billy after what had happened the previous night. Billy asked what that meant for Jabot. Ashley claimed that unless Jack saw Diane for who she really was, Jabot was destined to fail, their father's global company would crash and burn, and they wouldn't have anything to leave to their children and grandchildren.

Billy told Ashley he hated what Jack was doing, and he wasn't a Diane fan, either, but he wasn't about to give up on Jabot. He asked if she had any plans on how to save themselves before things got out of hand. She said she had an idea, but she wasn't sure how Billy would feel about it.

Ashley told Billy he was in the perfect position to expose Diane because she couldn't be trusted. Ashley said since Diane was ensconced in the executive suite, it would only be a matter of time before she showed her true colors. She said with a bit of prodding by Billy, Diane would mess everything up because she didn't know what she was doing. Ashley said that in Diane's mad quest for power, ultimately, everyone would see how she was hurting their father's company. She said Billy could fix everything.

Ashley told Billy that she hadn't handled things well because she'd been angry, and resentment had gotten the best of her. Ashley said all she wanted Billy to do was to keep giving Diane a gentle nudge until Diane showed her true agenda; the company would falter and become weakened, then they would move in and acquire Jabot, and she and Billy would save their father's company. She said it was for the good of Jabot and their father's legacy. She said Billy could be the hero of the family. Billy said he had to think about it.

Tucker arrived at the Chancellor home, and he told Devon he was honored that Devon had agreed to be his best man. Devon said he and Abby were very happy for Tucker and Ashley, but Abby wasn't too thrilled with Ashley. Devon said it appeared Ashley wanted to tear down Jabot because of how much she hated Diane, and she didn't care who she hurt in the process. Tucker explained that wasn't true because Ashley was concerned that Jack and Diane would do irreparable harm to the company and to themselves. He hoped he'd dissuaded Ashley from pursuing any more aggressive plans and convinced her to concentrate on the wedding instead.

Tucker told Devon the feud with Jack was breaking Ashley's heart. Devon confessed that he and Abby thought that Tucker had been pushing Ashley to go to war with Jack. Tucker said he understood, given his past. Devon said Abby had believed Ashley was behind going after Jack and the company. Tucker said Abby shouldn't worry because there was nothing nefarious about Ashley's intentions. He said Ashley didn't trust Diane, and neither did he.

Tucker said Ashley wanted to save Jack and preserve the legacy of Jabot. Devon claimed Ashley needed to make that clear to Abby. He said he didn't think Ashley realized how a sibling battle could have consequences.

At Jabot, Jack asked if Diane felt any better about finding a new director of marketing. Diane admitted she did, but not so much about Kyle making a mess of his life. Summer returned to give Jack a hard copy of the press release about Chelsea. He asked if Summer was all right. Summer replied that she wasn't, but she would be. She said she was beginning to accept that it was over for her and Kyle, and there was no going back to what they'd had. She said if Kyle could move on, so could she. Summer left.

Jack and Diane were about to leave when Billy arrived. He said Ashley had asked him to join her in her version of his and Jack's plan. Ashley wanted him to be the Trojan horse at Jabot and push Diane to become greedy and controlling so Jack would see Diane for who she was. The master plan was to allow Diane to damage Jabot by her bad decisions and ambitions. His part was to allow it to happen and let Jabot fall -- not far enough to harm its reputation, but enough for Tucker and Ashley to come in and take the assets and employees into their new company, take control, and swallow up Jabot.

Billy told Jack it was Ashley's plan to protect John's legacy, and it was quite a power play. Diane stated it was all about her. She said Ashley had hated her from the first day she'd stepped into that building decades earlier. Diane said it was a good thing Ashley and Tucker trusted Billy enough to include him in their plan, and they needed to figure out how to use that to their advantage.

Tucker returned to the Athletic Club and joined Ashley. He asked what Billy had had to say. She said Billy hadn't agreed to help them, but he'd seemed to be leaning that way. She said if Billy joined them, they could actually save Jabot -- and maybe even Jack. Tucker said he was mostly interested in what they were creating together, and Ashley had to make things right with Abby. He said what Tucker and Ashley were planning could come between Ashley and Abby, and they needed to prevent that from happening.

Adam provides Phyllis with information against Tucker
Adam provides Phyllis with information against Tucker

Adam provides Phyllis with information against Tucker

Thursday, August 3, 2023

by Nel

At Crimson Lights, Sally told Chloe about Victor's contract job offer to head up a new design division at Newman Enterprises. Chloe asked if Sally thought it was a good idea to take a job from Victor, but a bad idea for Nick to back them, no strings attached.

Sally told Chloe that her relationship with Nick was too important to risk by having money involved. Chloe said they would be working directly under Victor, and Victoria would love to see Sally go down in flames. Chloe asked if Sally really wanted to throw away their job at Chancellor-Winters. Sally pointed out that it was freelance work.

Chloe told Sally it was solid and aboveboard. She said they liked Lily and Devon, who could be trusted. Chloe claimed it was a recipe for disaster to work for Victor. Sally said freelance work meant they had to worry about chasing their next assignment. Chloe argued that once they proved themselves, the assignments would be chasing them. Sally countered that Victor was offering a full-time, guaranteed contract heading up a whole new design division with very attractive terms.

Chloe told Sally they'd made a commitment to Chancellor-Winters and vice versa. Chloe claimed it wasn't about making a great career choice, but rather, it was about Sally impressing Nick's family to show them they'd misjudged her. Sally agreed that was part of it, but it was also a great career move for both of them. Chloe insisted Victor wanted to control Sally because she was a part of Nick's life, which also meant Victor would control her, too. Chloe told Sally she didn't want to wait for Victor to get pissed off and grind her into the ground. Sally said she believed they could make it work with a huge win for everyone. Chloe told Sally to count her out. Chloe left.

At Newman, Nate told Nikki she'd done brilliant work on a report. He said he'd sat in on that meeting with the two guys who'd swaggered in, and when they'd seen two women, they'd thought they could talk the women into buying whatever they had to sell. He said Nikki had had them eating out of her hands within five minutes, and they had begged her to do business with them. He said it was an honor working with Nikki because he could learn so much.

Nikki told Nate that gushing wasn't a good look on him, and it made her suspicious. Nate apologized and said he hadn't meant to offend her. Nikki said she wasn't offended, but she wasn't a pushover, either. She said she'd been up-front that she would give him the benefit of the doubt, something Victor hadn't been willing to do.

Nikki said Nate hadn't given them any reason to doubt him, but she trusted Nick's instincts, and they were telling him that Nate had a hidden agenda. She said if that turned out to be true, Nate should consider himself forewarned because it would never happen. Nikki said Newman Enterprises had survived more dangerous threats than any self-serving game plan Nate could come up with. She said the house always won. Nikki suggested they meet later at the Athletic Club, and he could tell her how he saw his future at Newman.

In Phyllis' suite at the Athletic Club, Adam asked Phyllis if Tucker was holding the EMT guy, Carson, over her head. Phyllis said he was, and she said she had to beat the charges against her. Adam said he didn't believe that scumbag Tucker would get in the way of Phyllis working for Adam's company.

Adam told Phyllis he would help her and her lawyer get leverage to keep Phyllis out of prison. He said he'd found something that had been buried in some paperwork in Tucker's old company. Phyllis almost collapsed with relief. Adam said if Phyllis put the information to good use, Tucker's hold over Phyllis would be seriously compromised. Adam assured her the information was very big and intimidating, even though Tucker had been out of commission at the time. He said it had been Tucker's company's involvement, and he would still be held accountable.

Adam told Phyllis that the PR department for one of Tucker's recording labels had withheld information that a major artist had assaulted some underaged girls while he'd been on tour. The artist had been arrested, but only after the tour because they'd wanted to skirt any legal action until the tour had ended. Adam said Tucker had found out after the fact, and he'd had his team work very hard to bury the whole thing. Phyllis asked how Adam found out about it.

Adam told Phyllis he had all of McCall's business paperwork, and he'd come across two emails from Audra Charles. Audra had written that PR needed to be terminated with benefits to keep them quiet, and the singer problem would be remedied, hands clean. Adam said Tucker had had everything shredded so there wouldn't be any red flags in the paperwork. Phyllis stated that Tucker and Audra had covered up statutory rape.

Phyllis asked if Adam had the emails to prove it. Adam said he did. Phyllis was awestruck because Adam could have used it as leverage for himself, but he'd chosen to give it to her. Adam said he could use the Audra Charles connection himself when the time was right, and he could use the information to protect Phyllis from jail time as leverage, as well. He said he wanted the best of the best for his new company, and that meant he wanted Phyllis.

At the Athletic Club, Nate said he appreciated that Nikki had invited him to lunch. He said Victoria would also appreciate it and Nikki's gesture for them to get to know each other better. Nikki told Nate to stop blowing more smoke. She asked how Nate saw things playing out for him at Newman. He said he wanted to run Newman, side by side with Victoria.

Nate told Nikki that in the short time he'd been at Newman, he'd grown to admire and love what Newman represented. He hated that Nick didn't trust him and that people thought he'd had a hand in Nick leaving the company, even though Nick had landed on his feet, working with Sharon and Adam. He said Victoria had supported and trusted him every step of the way rather than siding with Nick. He said that had encouraged him, and it was a big part of why he believed he could be a huge success at Newman.

Nikki asked if Nate was in love with Victoria. Nate admitted he wasn't, but he was involved with and attracted to her. He said their relationship wasn't ready for love, and he had no idea if that was in the cards for them. Nikki asked what would happen to his dream if he and Victoria broke up. She said that question made it difficult for her to understand Nate's true intentions. Nate claimed Nikki had walked him into that one.

Nate told Nikki that he and Victoria had a rare understanding and chemistry built on a strong foundation of friendship. He said he'd seen her resilience in the wake of Locke's betrayal. He said neither of them was focused on romance or in a hurry to categorize or label what they had. He said down the line, he could see himself falling in love with Victoria if they kept seeing each other romantically. He said he had a strong sense that Victoria felt the same about him.

Elena sat at a table within earshot of Nate and Nikki. She'd heard Nikki say that Nate was a man with brains, a tremendous ego, and great ambition -- but a poor track record when it came to relationships. Nikki said he could make a fortune from Newman Enterprises, but he'd put himself into a situation of being constantly scrutinized. She said Victoria prided herself on her independence, yet she was extremely protective. Nikki warned that if he brought Victoria more pain and anxiety than happiness, he'd be gone within minutes, and all his ego and ambition would have gotten him nowhere. Elena smiled.

When Nikki stepped away to take a call, Nate approached Elena and said it was good to see her, but she ignored him. He asked how she was. She told him to stop with the good guy act or trying to be civil with her because she wasn't going to reciprocate. Nate apologized and said he only wanted them to coexist peacefully. Elena said she'd heard he wanted to fall in love with Victoria, and hopefully Nikki hadn't fallen for that.

Elena told Nate that perhaps she should have a chat with Nikki and fill her in on Nate's definition of love, like a little manipulation mixed with an unwavering commitment to trick women into falling for him. She said the games Nate kept playing would eventually backfire on him and burn him, and she just might be the person to light that fire. Elena warned him to stay away from her, and she left.

Nikki asked Nate if Elena was another ex who'd been reduced to a pile of rubble in his wake. She asked if Victoria had to look forward to that after everything she'd been through.

At the park, Sally told Adam that Chloe had refused to consider Victor's offer to start their own design division. She said Chloe had walked out on her because she was convinced Victor had an ulterior motive. Adam claimed Victor always had ulterior motives about any of his new endeavors. He said anyone close to the Newman circle was fair game. Sally asked if Adam thought she should take the job.

Adam replied that it was great to see Sally get some of her fire back, but he wasn't objective where Victor was concerned. He said it was possible Victor saw her talent and potential. He said starting up a division under the Newman umbrella would be a formidable asset to her rsum, and he thought it was a good deal. He asked if Nick had doubts. She said Nick thought she should be careful. She said she hadn't discussed it with him because he was overseas. Adam said Nick was meeting with the McCall divisions to get them excited about the changes. He said it was "a hell of a time" for her to be alone.

Sally said that it had been good for her having Nick gone. She admitted she missed him a lot, and she'd depended on him. She said it was nice to be reminded that she could get through the day on her own and heal a little every day. She asked if Adam had found a way to heal. He asked if she was sure she wanted to talk about it. Sally said she did, but Adam claimed it wasn't that easy for him.

Sally told Adam it was raw and painful, and it hurt in places she hadn't known existed; however, she'd had two choices: she could wallow in bed in the darkness, or she could move on from the tragedy she couldn't do a thing about. She said work had allowed her to focus on something she could control. She asked if it was the same for him. Adam said work was a distraction for a bit, but at home at the end of the day, he felt empty. She said he had to figure out ways to fill that emptiness.

Sally told Adam she'd gone through every closet in her room, gathered her maternity clothes and the baby things, and donated them. She said it had felt satisfying knowing someone could use them. She said as much as the loss hurt, it was part of her reality -- and part of his. Adam claimed it wasn't a good time for him to talk about it.

Adam told Sally it made him happy that she'd started to heal, and he was thankful that she'd been able to raise herself to that emotional level. He said he wasn't there yet, and that was his reality. Sally said he knew where to find her if and when he was ready to talk about it.

At Society, when Phyllis bumped in Christine, she said she didn't want to keep Christine. Christine snarked that it was nice to see Phyllis in her short-lived freedom. Christine informed Phyllis that her trial date had been set. Phyllis suggested that Christine not get too gleeful. She said she knew Christine's dream was to see her fry, but she had everything she needed to beat the charges and become a free woman.

Christine said Phyllis had an amazing sense of self-preservation and that Phyllis believed that if she said something over and over, it would come to fruition. Christine reminded Phyllis that her fate was in the hands of a jury, and they would have to wait and see who the jury believed. Christine said it was unforgiveable how Phyllis had been so selfish as to pull Summer into her situation and make Summer susceptible to criminal charges.

Phyllis told Christine to do whatever she needed to Phyllis, but she'd wasn't to pull Summer into it. Phyllis said they had a long history of hatred for each other. Christine claimed Summer had aided and abetted a wanted fugitive; that had been a felony, and Christine was the D.A. Christine claimed it had nothing to do with their past history but everything to do with Christine's sworn obligation to prosecute criminals.

Phyllis reminded Christine that Summer had been grieving the loss of a mother she'd thought was dead. Phyllis called it a very complicated situation. Christine agreed. Phyllis admitted the whole scenario had been her fault, and she'd put Summer into an insane situation. She admitted Summer had made mistakes and bad judgment calls, all to protect her innocent mother. She asked what Christine would do in a similar situation. Phyllis said it wouldn't be justice to send Summer to prison.

Christine suggested they make a deal because they both knew Phyllis wasn't innocent. She suggested that Phyllis drop her not guilty plea and avoid a trial. Phyllis would own up to what she'd done, accept her sentence, and waive her appeals, and Christine might be persuaded not to pursue charges against Summer. Tucker arrived and greeted them. Christine told Phyllis to talk to Heather and have Heather get back to her by the end of the week.

After Christine left, Tucker asked what Phyllis wanted to see him about. He asked if it was about her missing star witness. Phyllis claimed he wouldn't be missing for long. Tucker said that Carson would remain missing for as long as he said, unless she had a counteroffer. Phyllis admitted she had a counteroffer. Tucker suggested they pretend that he accepted Phyllis counteroffer, and he asked what would happen then. Phyllis said since Carson was the only witness who could exonerate her, she would have Carson put into protective custody of her choosing. Tucker asked in exchange for what.

Phyllis told Tucker she would keep her mouth shut about a certain record label that had decided to protect his star recording artist in his very lucrative tour by covering up his statutory rape of several underaged girls. Tucker claimed he didn't know what she was talking about. Phyllis stated there were certain emails from Audra Charles to Tucker McCall, "Singer problem remedied, hands clean." Tucker appeared stunned.

Nikki and Nate returned to the office. Nikki hoped lunch hadn't been too painful for him. Nate claimed he was happy Nikki had forced his hand. He said clarifying where he stood with Victoria had helped him clarify it for himself. Nikki said his run-in with Elena hadn't been confidence inducing. He said that had nothing to do with him and Victoria. He said what he and Victoria were building was much deeper, and there was no comparison. Nikki said actions spoke louder than words. Nate agreed.

Nikki told Nate that Victoria had been through more in her life than anyone would ever know. She said Victoria deserved a solid, transparent, and loving relationship. She said if Nate was the man who could give Katie, Johnny, and Victoria someone they could count on for the long haul, then he was looking at his new best friend. Nate admitted that was the plan. Nikki warned him that if Victoria turned out to be the next Amanda or Elena, he was looking at his worst nightmare.

On the patio at Crimson Lights, Sally sent Nick a text message: "Miss you. Please hurry back."

Sharon suggests Phyllis take accountability for her actions
Sharon suggests Phyllis take accountability for her actions

Sharon suggests Phyllis take accountability for her actions

Friday, August 4, 2023

by Nel

At the Chancellor home, Devon told Lily the Chancellor house felt like home. He said it made sense that Tucker and Ashley planned to have their wedding there because it had been Tucker's mother's house. He said Abby's mother and his father were getting married, and that wedding wouldn't happen at the Abbotts'. Devon said everyone would be on their best behavior in Katherine's home. He stated there were concerns because he knew how much Ashley hated Diane, as well as Jack's intense dislike of Tucker, and he thought Ashley wanted to blow up Jabot to make a point.

Devon told Lily that Abby had believed Tucker had been forcing the issue at Jabot, but she'd realized it was solely Ashley's doing. He said Tucker had been doing his best to keep the peace and support Ashley. He commented that Tucker was trying to be a different person since he'd fallen in love. Devon said Tucker had asked Devon to be his best man. Devon said Abby had been greatly affected by the situation because it was her family, and she was stuck in the middle. He said if things escalated and Abby got stuck in the fallout, he wouldn't forgive any of them.

Devon asked Lily how things were going with her and Daniel. She said things were easy with Daniel because there were no games, and if Daniel was going through something, he would let her in. Lily commented that Devon and Abby had come a long way. Devon claimed simplicity and happiness were all they'd needed.

At the Athletic Club, Ashley apologized to Abby for the previous evening, and she said it was time to end the feud that had spiraled out of control; she wanted peace. Suspicious, Abby asked what was really going on. Ashley said the feud had taken a toll and was unfair to the people she loved most, namely Abby, and it was time to let it go. Abby asked if Ashley could accept that Diane was part of Jabot and of Jack's life. Ashley claimed she was going to focus on her future because she had big plans. Ashley promised her intentions were genuine.

Abby asked if Ashley's change of heart was part of her strategy, because the previous evening, Ashley had been adamant about her opposition to Jack and Diane. Abby claimed it was hard for her to believe Ashley would just drop the anger and bitterness. Ashley replied it was incredibly hurtful that she'd tainted Abby's opinion of her. She said she was moving on. Ashley stated everything she'd done had been for the good of their family and to protect her father's company. She said she wanted to fix her relationship with Jack, but that would take time.

Ashley said Abby was the most important person to her, and she never wanted to lose Abby's trust. She vowed she was done with the pointless battles. Ashley stated she was taking her portion of the company, forever parting ways with Jabot, and moving on with her life. Ashley said she was committed to mending things with the family.

Abby told Ashley their family meant everything to her, and it hurt to see the bitterness between everyone. Ashley said it had never been her intention to tear the family apart. Abby said she needed the family in one piece, and if Ashley wanted the wedding to be meaningful, she had to make peace with Jack. Ashley wanted her wedding to be a celebration of love, and she would try to mend things with Jack, so the family could be there for each other.

Ashley told Abby that Jack had to have the desire to make peace, too. Abby said she was sure Jack wanted the same thing. Ashley said that as much as she hated Diane, Jack probably hated Tucker even more. She asked Abby to reach out to Jack and see if she could bring them together, because she wanted Jack at her wedding. Abby agreed to try.

At Adam's, Sharon told Adam she'd been looking for office space. She said Victor had offered to make space at Newman Tower, but she felt they needed to have their own dedicated space. Adam agreed. Sharon said she'd looked at places on the other side of town. Adam replied it was her decision.

Sharon noticed that Adam seemed out of it. Adam claimed he was dealing with some personal stuff, but he was fine and wanted to keep things strictly business. Sharon remarked that if he was distracted, he needed to talk about it so he could focus on business. He promised he could compartmentalize.

Sharon told Adam there was a lot at stake, including some significant financial investments; they needed to be transparent and deal with issues head-on. She said they were embarking on the same venture, and she needed to know he was fully present. She suggested they talk about what was bothering him.

Adam told Sharon that Sally looked at him with pity if he even hinted that he cared about her. He knew he had to let it go, but that felt like a mistake. He claimed Sally brought out the best in him. Sharon stated that Adam saw himself as dark and broken, but he was a better man than he'd been previously. Sharon said Sally hadn't had anything to do with that.

Sharon told Adam that Sally was with Nick, and with his support, she was recovering. She said there was also support for Adam if he wanted it, but holding on to a love that had no chance would only hurt him more. Adam claimed he and Sally belonged together. He said what they had shared had been real and powerful, and the only reason she was with Nick was because he was a safer choice, not because they were in love. Sharon said he didn't get to decide what was inside Sally or Nick's hearts.

Adam said the whole town knew Sharon was Nick's one true love, and if she would embrace that, everything would fall into place. Sharon asked how they were all supposed to work together if that was the way he saw her and Nick.

Sharon told Adam that the company meant a lot to her, and she wanted to create something extraordinary with him and Nick. She said maybe they should reconsider things. She said they'd all been through hell, but she and Nick were ready to move forward. She asked if Adam was. He said he believed in Sharon's vision and what she wanted to accomplish. He said he didn't want to destroy the partnership.

Sharon told Adam to rid himself of his delusions. She admitted that she and Nick had a special bond because of their history and their children, but it didn't involve a romantic future. Adam said Nick wasn't done with Sharon. He said he'd seen it the night Sally had lost the baby. He said Nick's first instinct had been to protect Sharon and Faith from Kirsten. Sharon said Nick had been concerned about Faith, and he'd had no idea about Sally's situation. Adam shouted that Nick would always love Sharon.

Sharon said Adam had crossed the line. She said she refused to be manipulated and become a wedge between Nick and Sally. He apologized. She said he was entitled to his feelings, but if those feelings impacted their partnership, that would become a problem.

At Society, Phyllis asked Tucker why he remained silent about the information she had on McCall Unlimited. Tucker claimed scandals came and went, and it was all part of the game. Phyllis informed him that she had evidence to back her up. He asked if she would be okay if he called her bluff. Phyllis asked if he would be okay if she went public with the cover-up.

Phyllis told Tucker she wanted to make sure he was aware of the terms. She said she needed Carson immediately. Tucker said he had an idea of what Phyllis had alluded to, but it had nothing to do with him because he had been out of commission by then and had sold the company. He said if anyone took a hit and public scandal, it would be Newman Enterprises.

Phyllis reminded Tucker that at the time of the incident, he'd been captain of the ship, and the buck stopped with him. She said there had been certain emails that had fallen through the cracks and exposed his involvement; the issues with the singer were resolved, but Tucker's hands were definitely not clean. She asked if he wanted that to hang over his head as he moved forward. He told her to do what she needed to. Phyllis claimed he'd underestimated her, and she didn't want things to get ugly.

Tucker asked what Phyllis and the D.A. had been talking about earlier. He claimed Phyllis thought she had it all figured out, but he wasn't the one in danger. Phyllis said Christine had told her the trial date had been set, and that meant it was crunch time for him. Tucker claimed only one of them might wind up in a cell. Phyllis asked him what Ashley would think about the information. Phyllis stated Tucker was liable. Tucker said the leverage Phyllis thought she had meant nothing to him. He said their deal was off. Phyllis said Ashley would drop him like a hot rock, personally and professionally, when she heard about the cover-up.

Daniel had been standing in the doorway, and when he saw Phyllis, he moved out of sight.

Phyllis told Tucker to not force her hand and to respect their deal because she could impact his life. Tucker claimed she couldn't touch him. After Tucker left, Daniel joined Phyllis and asked why she'd been talking to Tucker. Phyllis claimed they had bigger problems because Christine had accused Summer of aiding and abetting, and Christine wanted to prosecute her and Summer. Daniel said he'd known that would happen; Phyllis had put herself at risk, and she'd dragged Summer into it. Phyllis claimed she was trying to protect them.

Daniel accused Phyllis of never knowing when to quit. Phyllis claimed he didn't understand the complexity of the situation. She said Christine had made her an offer; if Phyllis pleaded guilty, she would leave Summer alone. Daniel told her to take the offer, but Phyllis said that didn't fix everything. Daniel said Christine had given Phyllis an opportunity to show she would take responsibility for her actions.

Phyllis told Daniel she didn't want him or Summer to suffer because of her mistakes. She said it wasn't as easy as being guilty or innocent. Daniel asked if Phyllis wanted to see Summer arrested for something Phyllis had done. Phyllis said there had to be another way. Daniel shouted there was no other way. He begged Phyllis to do the right thing.

Phyllis told Daniel the only reason Christine had offered a deal was because she was trying to avoid going to trial. Daniel said it didn't matter if it meant Summer wouldn't be arrested. He asked why she wouldn't accept that she'd been caught and that it was time to take responsibility. She said Christine was afraid because Heather had built a very strong defense.

Phyllis told Daniel that Heather was hellbent on keeping her out of jail. She said she could protect Summer, and she could walk out a free woman at the same time. Daniel bet Tucker was involved somehow. He asked if Phyllis was ready to gamble on Summer's future and freedom. He claimed the situation kept spiraling more and more out of control because Phyllis hadn't learned from the past.

Phyllis told Daniel she understood she'd done horrible things in her past, but she'd always tried to protect her kids. Daniel said she might have killed Stark in self-defense, but she'd committed countless other crimes, including, faking her own death, all of her own accord. He told Phyllis to do the right thing, "take the damn deal," and face the consequences. Daniel left.

When Tucker arrived at Adam's, Sharon left. Adam guessed Tucker had spoken to Phyllis. Tucker said she claimed to have some information found in an old email file. He said if exposed, the information could potentially cause him a bit of trouble. Adam admitted he had an email or two, maybe more. Tucker asked why Adam wanted to help Phyllis. Adam said his reasons had nothing to do with Tucker. Adam asked what Tucker wanted. Tucker said he had a proposition, a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Tucker told Adam he could make things happen, and he asked Adam what Adam was after. Adam said he wanted to keep Phyllis out of prison. He assured Tucker he hadn't heard the name of the singer that Tucker was so worried about. Tucker asked why Adam didn't believe Phyllis deserved what was coming to her. Adam claimed he had his reasons, and he told Tucker to release Carson to Phyllis, then they would be even. He told Tucker to think about it and get back to him soon.

In the park, Daniel told Lily the D.A. had offered Phyllis a deal: plead guilty, and Summer wouldn't face charges. He said he didn't know whether Phyllis would take it because she always worked on some angle to manipulate the situation and come out on top. He claimed it was always about Phyllis, with no regard for the consequences to the people she claimed to love. He remarked how Phyllis constantly talked about wanting to protect her kids and how much she loved them. He said Summer's life was hanging by a thread, but Phyllis claimed she needed time to think. Lily suggested maybe Phyllis would make the right choice, but Daniel said that was a big maybe.

Lily said she knew Daniel would protect Summer. He said Summer deserved better because she'd lost so much already. He said he wouldn't let Phyllis' actions dictate Summer's future. He said he needed to protect his sister, even if it meant standing up to his mother. Daniel said his mother could be incredibly selfish at the worst possible times. Lily said Phyllis disregarded all the potential consequences involved. Daniel said he couldn't sit back and watch Summer suffer because of Phyllis' choices. Lily said all they could do was ensure Summer's safety and her well-being.

At Society, Sharon joined Phyllis, and she commented that they might be working together, pending the outcome of Phyllis' trial. Phyllis claimed that no one believed she would beat the charges. Sharon said they all hoped for the best, but Phyllis had a history of getting herself involved in some uncomfortable situations -- and getting herself out of them. Sharon suspected Phyllis had something up her sleeve.

Phyllis told Sharon she always did. Sharon told Phyllis it was time Phyllis faced the consequences for everything she'd done to the people in her past because her actions had finally caught up with her. Sharon said it was time for Phyllis to take a hard look at herself and see where she'd wound up.

Phyllis accused Sharon of being judgmental. Sharon claimed Phyllis was getting tense because she knew the right thing to do was to be accountable, but that went against every fiber of Phyllis' being. Sharon said Phyllis was in conflict with herself. Phyllis suggested that Sharon take a look at herself because she was stuck between Nick and Adam once again.

Sharon told Phyllis that she, Nick, and Adam had something serious and potentially wonderful in motion, and they wouldn't allow Phyllis to disrupt it. Sharon said if Phyllis wanted to be part of it, she would have to face the charges and play by the rules. Adam arrived and asked what was going on. Phyllis said she and Sharon had been discussing the importance of playing by the rules. Adam claimed they all had a past and had all made mistakes, but they could make things work.

At home, Abby told Devon that Ashley wanted to make peace with Jack, and she wanted Abby's trust. Abby said she wanted the wedding to go off without a hitch, and that meant everyone had to come together. She said Jack had to set aside his anger for Tucker for a day. Devon asked if she thought Jack would come around. Abby replied that she wouldn't stop until he did, and she would do whatever it took to make sure the wedding didn't go down in flames.

At home, Ashley told Tucker she believed she'd been able to smooth things over with Abby, and she admitted she'd lied to Abby by omission. She said with Billy involved, she wasn't in a fight anymore. Tucker asked if they could trust Billy. Ashley said they all wanted to protect the company. Tucker said Phyllis had become a liability, and they couldn't trust her; however, it was nothing he couldn't handle.

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Edited by SC Desk