Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 17, 2023 on Y&R

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After a struggle with Stark, Phyllis dragged a body out of her motel room. Diane was denied bail. Lily and Daniel kissed.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 17, 2023 on Y&R

After a vicious struggle with Stark, a blood-spattered Phyllis dragged a body out of her motel room. Michael agreed to serve as Diane's attorney. Diane was denied bail. Victor learned that Sally was pregnant with Adam's baby. Lily and Daniel kissed. Tucker agreed to sell McCall Unlimited to Victor.

After a violent struggle, Phyllis cuts Jeremy out of her life
After a violent struggle, Phyllis cuts Jeremy out of her life

After a violent struggle, Phyllis cuts Jeremy out of her life

Monday, April 17, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

Kyle paced the floors at the Abbott home as he and Jack reacted to Diane's arrest on suspicion of Phyllis' alleged death due to strychnine poisoning. Jack cried that he could not tolerate Diane being locked up for a crime he insisted his fiance had not committed. Jack assured Kyle that he would prove Diane's innocence. Jack acknowledged to Kyle that they would have little family support in their fight, especially from Summer. Kyle cried that if they were to fail in their endeavor to clear Diane's name, he doubted his marriage could survive.

Jack advised Kyle to remember that grief had colored every part of Summer's life, so she blamed Diane, Phyllis' greatest enemy. Jack advised Kyle to remain patient until they cleared Diane's name and proved to Summer that she had been mistaken. Kyle cried that only he and Jack believed Diane was innocent, so they would have to prove that the poison the police had linked to his mom had been planted. Jack agreed that Jeremy Stark had managed to smuggle evidence into their home. Kyle was not as convinced by Jack's theory, though he was certain Jeremy had somehow framed Diane.

Jack blamed himself for having first framed Jeremy for stealing Nikki's necklace. Kyle reminded Jack that Jeremy had long before planned to seek revenge against Diane for rejecting him and helping authorities send him to prison. Jack admitted he had grossly underestimated Jeremy's thirst for revenge. Jack cried that Phyllis had paid for his mistakes with her life. Kyle told Jack that they could not have known how little Jeremy valued life.

Jack vowed to mitigate his missteps going forward, knowing that Jeremy was a murderer and could kill again. Jack said he would tighten security to safeguard Harrison while they trod carefully to prove that Jeremy, not Diane, had killed Phyllis. Kyle told Jack he would ask Diane if she could determine how Jeremy might have managed to pull off his latest crime. Jack vowed to seek and hire a lawyer who could expertly defend Diane.

Chance was sitting alone in the jazz club, contemplating the evidence gathered against Diane in Phyllis' death. Summer joined Chance and admitted she could not escape the feeling that something seemed off about the night Phyllis had collapsed. Chance agreed, though he insisted that the jazz club was not the best place for Summer to be. Summer said she believed that being in the place where her mother had collapsed was penance for having treated her mom so badly toward the end of her life. Summer acknowledged that spending time at the club also brought a measure of comfort, explaining that it was the last place she had seen her mother alive.

Summer sobbed as she stood in the place where her mother had crumpled to floor, blaming herself for having harshly criticized Phyllis minutes before the awful last moment. Chance, concerned, offered to summon Kyle, Nick, or Daniel. Summer told Chance all she wanted was to know that her mom's killer would be punished. Summer expressed concern that Chance might become distracted if he chose to focus on evidence against Jeremy Stark, though she was certain the man had manipulated her mom into marriage. Summer cried, "Diane is the reason my mom is dead."

Chance, while sympathetic, informed Summer that he could not discuss the case. Chance implored Summer not to get involved like she had during the memorial service. Summer pointed to the exact spot where her mom had collapsed and cried, "It's an image that I am going to have to live with for the rest of my life." Chance offered to drive Summer home. Kyle, having arrived unnoticed, replied, "I think you've done enough for now." Summer told Kyle he did not have to track her down. Chance told Kyle it would be a good idea to take Summer home.

Kyle replied, "Look, I just came from visiting my mother in jail. She's in there alone and suffering because of you and the rest of your police force. You are falsely accusing her of a crime she never would have committed in a million years." Kyle complained that Jeremy Stark, the most obvious suspect, was free as a bird. Chance said he had evidence to prove otherwise. Kyle, insisting that Diane was not a coldblooded killer, warned Chance not to fill Summer's head with baseless theories. Kyle threatened to make Chance pay if he did not stay away from Summer.

While Sally sweetened her hot tea, Adam reminded her that after her ultrasound appointment scheduled for the next day, they would learn the sex of the baby, so she could design clothing that would make their baby look like a fashion model. Sally admitted she had not thought of the possibility and replied, "Our baby can't wear clothes off the rack, right?" Victor entered, glaring first at Sally and Adam with their heads together on one side of the room and then quietly acknowledging Nick, standing alone near the patio entrance. After Adam and Sally noticed Victor and Nick, Adam quipped, "Oh, it's a Newman family reunion. Should have called. I would have gotten the potato salad and the picnic basket ready." Nick kissed Sally's cheek, glared at Adam, and replied, "I don't know about Dad, but I'm definitely not here to see you."

Victor told Adam that he was surprised to see Adam there, especially with "that lady." Adam explained that he had insinuated himself into Sally's tea time. Sally excused herself to leave. Nick offered to drive Sally to the Athletic Club. After Sally and Nick left, Victor told Adam that both he and Nick had put on quite a display of fawning over Sally.

Victor admonished Adam when he attempted to walk away. Victor reminded Adam that Nick and Sally had vowed to stay together, so he should move on because he was wasting his time. Adam replied that he was well aware of the circumstances and asked his father what point he was trying to make. Victor replied, "My point is McCall Unlimited is waiting for you. That's a much better opportunity." Adam insisted that he was bonded to Sally for life.

Victor accused Adam of sounding like a lovestruck teenager. Adam replied that he was still in love with Sally and that she was having his baby. Victor asked Adam if Sally was creating drama, similar to the ruse she had pulled off back on Los Angeles, by claiming he was the father. Adam said the baby was his and that even Nick knew. Victor folded his arms and replied, "Man, oh man, oh man. What the hell are you two doing?" Adam informed Victor that a paternity test had proven that he, not Nick, was the father of Sally's baby.

Adam suggested that Victor consider speaking kindly about his next grandchild. Victor replied, "You are involved with a woman that is now involved with your brother. This pisses me off! You should have purpose in your life, a direction in your life, instead of pining away on a woman that is now with your brother. What the hell are you thinking?" Adam replied, "You don't get it, do you?" Adam cried that Connor and his new child, Victor's grandchild, were his purpose and his sense of direction. Adam left abruptly. Victor slumped his shoulders and sighed heavily.

In Sally's room at the Athletic Club, Sally excitedly described to Nick her encounter with Mariah, Tessa, and baby Aria, adding that even Adam had gotten caught up in fawning over the baby girl. Nick, quiet and reserved, reminded Sally that he had endured a brutal day and was too wiped out to hear about Aria. Sally embraced Nick to comfort him. Sally apologized for going on and on and said she understood how heartbreaking the memorial service had been for the family. Nick informed Sally that Diane had been arrested for killing Phyllis. Nick shook his head when he added that on top of everything, Victoria was setting herself up for a boatload of trouble and had refused to listen to reason.

Sally acknowledged that Nick was carrying a lot of weight. Sally insisted she would focus on Nick and look after him like he had been looking after her. Nick told Sally that being with her was exactly what he needed. Nick changed the subject and expressed excitement about learning whether she would have a "little scrapper or a beautiful little princess." Sally informed Nick that she had invited Adam to join them. Nick's expression changed from joy to disappointment.

Jack rushed to Society to meet with Christine, admitting he had strong-armed her assistant to find out where she was. Christine explained that they should not be speaking about the case. Jack explained that he was searching for a defense attorney, admitting that most had declined due to Diane's past. Jack pleaded with Christine to at least provide information an attorney might present to prove Diane was innocent. Christine explained that evidence would be divulged during discovery and that she was bound by law and her personal sense of ethics. Christine wished Jack luck in finding an attorney to defend Diane. After Christine left, Jack phoned Michael and pleaded with him to defend Diane.

At the motel where Phyllis and Jeremy were hiding out, Jeremy tightly clutched Phyllis' forearms as he threatened her. Jeremy warned, "You have no life. If you think you're going to back out on our deal, I will make that a permanent reality." Phyllis replied, "You don't scare me. You're not a killer." Jeremy, still forcefully grasping Phyllis by her arms, warned, "If my role in your fake death is revealed, I'm going back to prison." Jeremy made it clear that he would kill Phyllis if she did not comply. Phyllis managed to free herself from Jeremy's death grip and assured him she would confess for planning the scheme alone without mentioning his role. Jeremy reminded Phyllis that the hijacked ambulance, the poison, the dead body doubles, and their fake marriage were all too many holes she would be unable to convincingly explain.

Jeremy insisted that he and Phyllis would move on with his plan, whether she liked it or not. Phyllis, unyielding, replied that her strength as a mother was fiercer than any plan Jeremy had. Phyllis attempted to reason with Jeremy, explaining that she could not put her children through the anguish and torment of regret for the way they had treated her. Yelling that she would never leave her children, Phyllis began packing her belongings, including a pair of scissors, into a black backpack. Jeremy reminded Phyllis that the satisfaction of seeing Diane arrested as she faced justice was the price she would have to pay. Phyllis replied, "At what cost? Because what my kids are going through right now? It's not worth it."

Phyllis cried that she would see herself in the mirror as a reflection of Diane Jenkins, who had forced her son to believe she was dead for years. Phyllis told Jeremy she could not put her children through the same pain for even one more minute. Jeremy insisted that Phyllis' children's feelings for her had softened only because they thought she was dead. Jeremy warned that Phyllis' sudden reappearance would not be met with sunshine and roses, adding that she would face serious consequences, including imprisonment as a criminal.

Jeremy challenged Phyllis not to let Diane win, adding that there was not a way back for Phyllis. Phyllis drew a deep breath and sadly replied, "I have to stick with the plan. If I don't, I'll lose everything." Phyllis, resigned, cried that she would have to start life anew or face the alternative Jeremy had threatened to carry out. Jeremy enticed Phyllis to picture a remote island with sky-blue water, where they could sip tropical drinks while watching the sun set. Phyllis suddenly came to her senses and replied, "Sipping our drinks?"

Jeremy announced that he would accompany Phyllis to prevent her from running back home. Jeremy checked a message notification on his phone and explained to Phyllis that a buddy managing his offshore accounts had successfully transferred half of Phyllis' money to the island. Phyllis warned that because Diane had not yet been found guilty, Jeremy's scheme to take possession of the money and disappear with her would eventually lead to everything blowing up in their faces. Jeremy agreed and said he would instead stick around until after Diane had been convicted. Jeremy added that he would join Phyllis later, so together, they could explore endless possibilities as a team. Phyllis appeared to come to her senses as she considered her dire circumstances.

Jeremy pulled Phyllis close as if intimacy was foremost in his mind. Phyllis suggested they instead focus on taking Diane down. Jeremy tightened his grip on Phyllis and reminded her that doing business with him would cost her, noting that because she was his wife, she belonged to him. Phyllis bolted toward the door when Jeremy attempted to kiss her on the lips. Phyllis appeared terrified when Jeremy shoved her violently toward the middle of the room. Phyllis insisted that Jeremy could not stop her from leaving and reuniting with her kids. Jeremy, growing increasingly menacing, replied, "I will put you in a shallow grave if I have to."

Phyllis told Jeremy he was bluffing, assuring him he would not be returned to prison. Jeremy reminded Phyllis that everyone thought she was dead and would not search for her body, so killing her would be a victimless crime. Jeremy picked up the pair of scissors from Phyllis' bag. Jeremy clutched the handles of the scissors in his closed fist and warned Phyllis that she had left him no choice. Phyllis backed away, pleading with Jeremy as he chased her into the bathroom. Phyllis screamed in terror as Jeremy entered the bathroom behind Phyllis.

After Phyllis' violent scuffle with Jeremy in the motel bathroom, a motionless body wrapped in a shower curtain lay stretched out near the exit doorway. The pair of scissors Jeremy had wielded, the blades dripping with blood, were situated near the feet of the body.

Phyllis, her hand covered with blood, picked up the scissors and held them in her left hand. She clutched a bloody towel in her right hand. Phyllis, her face nearly covered by the hood of her jacket, was splattered with blood. Phyllis, breathing heavily, wiped the scissors and her hands on the towel before stashing both items into her backpack. Phyllis opened the door of room 158 and looked around to ensure no one was watching. Phyllis tightly grasped the shower curtain and tugged. The body wrapped within slid as she tugged on the curtain with all her might.

Michael makes a decision about Diane
Michael makes a decision about Diane's case

Michael makes a decision about Diane's case

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At the jail, an officer led Diane into the visiting room, where Jack was waiting. Jack gushed that Diane had no idea how good it was to see her, and he asked if there was anything he could get for her. She whimpered that they'd taken her ring, and he promised they'd get it back. Jack inquired whether she'd slept at all, and Diane groaned that she'd kept thinking about how good it would feel to take a shower, put on clean clothes, and have his arms around her. Diane added that she'd been telling herself that the police would realize they'd made a mistake and let her go. Jack warned that it was time to face some difficult truths.

Diane hoped to plead not guilty and be released on bail at her arraignment later that day, but she recognized that with her history of disappearing, she might be stuck there until her trial began. Diane lamented that she didn't even have a lawyer, and she needed a heavy hitter who wouldn't be intimidated by Christine. Jack said he intended to convince Michael to take her case, but Diane suspected that Michael only saw his best friend's nemesis when he looked at her. Diane anticipated that Lauren would never forgive Michael if he defended Diane, and she preferred to have someone she didn't know represent her because everyone except Jack and Kyle wanted her dead.

Diane wailed that everything was stacked against her, and she didn't have a "chance in hell." Jack swore that she had him, and he refused to give up until he got Michael to take her case. Jack pledged to get her through it, but Diane doubted they could have a life and future together. She recounted that they'd been proud to think they'd pulled one over on Stark, but he'd had the last laugh.

Jack vowed to prove Stark was the guilty party, but Diane cautioned that someone else always took the fall for Stark. Jack swore that there was nothing in the world he wouldn't do for her, and he wouldn't let her pay for a crime she hadn't committed. A loud buzzer sounded, and an officer declared the visit over. Jack told Diane he'd see her at her arraignment, and he encouraged her to be strong and have faith because he would spend every moment working to get her back home.

At the Abbott mansion, Kyle told Summer that he'd woken up during the wee hours of the morning and wondered where she'd been. She indicated that she'd gone to check on Harrison and ended up falling asleep after she'd crawled into bed with the boy. Kyle said she'd needed it, and Summer explained that she'd also left to avoid keeping Kyle up. He reported that he hadn't been quite asleep or awake, and he'd spent the night going down rabbit holes online.

Kyle admitted that he'd been torn between giving Summer space and checking to see if she was okay. Summer questioned how she could be okay when she kept replaying her mom's last moments, and she asked what Kyle had been researching online. Kyle shared that he'd been searching for lawyers for Diane, since they didn't know if Michael would take the case. Summer griped that it would be heartless and perverse to ask Michael to defend Diane for Phyllis' murder. Noah and Allie arrived home, and Summer raced over to hug her brother.

Summer informed Noah and Allie that Diane had been charged with murder after the police had tied Diane to the poison in Phyllis' system. A shocked Allie said she'd thought Phyllis had died in an ambulance accident, but Summer clarified that it had been premeditated murder. Kyle pointed out that there were things they didn't know, but Summer questioned why they should doubt all the evidence against Diane. Allie reasoned that Diane had been happy with Jack, Kyle, and Harrison, and she wondered if there was another option that had been overlooked. Summer contended that anyone was capable of murder under the right circumstances.

Kyle opined that the guilty party hadn't yet been arrested, and things would be less stressful once Stark was in a cell. Summer recognized that Kyle didn't want to believe his mom could be that evil, but all the evidence was pointing squarely at Diane. She said she thought it would be less painful for Kyle if he accepted it. Kyle snapped that Summer wasn't the judge and jury, but she huffed that she'd tell the court that she'd witnessed his mom threaten hers. Allie empathized that it was hard to lose a parent.

Summer pointed out that Allie's loss had happened under different circumstances. Noah suddenly claimed that he'd caught a second wind, and he invited Summer to grab a bite with him. Kyle urged Summer to go, and he mentioned that he was still waiting to hear if Jack had retained Michael as Diane's attorney. Summer scowled. "Get me out of here, now!" she barked, and Noah led her out. Kyle bemoaned to Allie that the two women he loved most in the universe couldn't exist together, and he didn't know what he was supposed to do.

Kyle was adamant that Stark had concocted the whole plan to get back at Diane for causing him to serve time in federal prison. Kyle believed Stark had taken advantage of the feud between Phyllis and Diane to send Diane a message. Allie asked why Stark hadn't just killed Diane, and Kyle assumed that Stark had found it more fun to watch Diane suffer, with Phyllis becoming collateral damage. Allie found the theory feasible, but she guessed Summer wasn't buying it. Kyle thought the only way out was to prove his mother was innocent.

At Crimson Lights, Christine asked Chance to walk her through the evidence against Diane. Chance cited the toxicology report that showed poison in Phyllis' blood, the vial of strychnine in Phyllis' room, and the evidence that linked Diane to the purchase of it. He continued that there had been witnesses to Diane's threats and a long history of antagonistic behavior between the women. Christine relayed that Jack had told her Diane intended to plead not guilty and request bail, but Chance expected any judge would deny it. Chance asked who Diane had hired as her lawyer, and Christine replied that the job was still open.

Christine advised Chance to leave all avenues of the investigation open to avoid any accusations of bias. Chance noted that Jack and Kyle were convinced Stark had killed Phyllis to frame Diane, but Christine wondered what Stark's motive would have been. Chance revealed that Stark was getting half of Phyllis' estate, but Christine was skeptical that a vibrant woman like Phyllis had married a criminal who she'd had no romantic relationship with. Chance relayed Stark's claim that Phyllis had done it for protection because she'd feared Diane, but Diane had been even more scared of Stark.

Christine argued that Phyllis hadn't been afraid of anyone, and she doubted Phyllis had feared Diane and not a dangerous man like Stark. Chance recalled that Stark had been livid when he'd found out Jack and Diane had framed him for stealing Nikki's necklace, and he theorized that getting revenge had become an obsession. Chance speculated that Stark had married Phyllis for her money and then killed her to frame Diane. Chance answered a call and learned that Stark had checked out of the Grand Phoenix right after the distribution of Phyllis' assets into his account, and no one knew where he was.

Summer and Noah entered Crimson Lights, and Sharon hugged her son. Noah requested some iced coffees, and he and Summer headed to the patio. Chance approached the counter, and Sharon wished she had something to fix Summer's broken heart. Sharon called Phyllis a good mother who'd been particularly close with Summer. Chance figured that at least Summer had her brothers.

Meanwhile, Noah informed Summer that their dad had told him about the memorial service, and he was sure it would have made Phyllis proud. Summer considered it a reminder that they needed to tell the people in their lives that they loved and appreciated them while they were still there, since Phyllis hadn't known how much she'd been loved. Summer regretted that she'd never get to tell her mother that she'd forgiven Phyllis, and she'd just have to miss her mom for the rest of her life.

Noah wished he'd been at the memorial to say goodbye, and he wondered why Summer had proceeded with the service that fast. Summer vaguely stated that there had been reasons she'd needed to do it that way, and she promised they would do something special together to honor her mom's memory. Summer cried that she'd been trying to balance her grief with Kyle's refusal to acknowledge Diane's guilt. She added that there was another important step she had to take that day, and Noah surmised she meant Diane's arraignment. Summer said she was glad he was home, and she left.

Moments later, Kyle entered the coffeehouse and asked Sharon if Summer was there. Noah returned from the patio and indicated that Summer had just taken off. Kyle said he'd tried calling Summer, but she hadn't picked up. Noah said Summer had a lot on her mind, and Kyle replied that they both did. Kyle was sure they'd get through it once his mom was proven innocent. Noah warned that even if Stark turned out to be the culprit, Summer would be miles away from being okay because Diane had still been the trigger for Stark to kill Phyllis.

Chance confided to Sharon that he found it strange that Stark had disappeared when his wife's murderer hadn't gone to trial yet. Chance contemplated why Stark would risk going back to jail by violating his parole, and he imagined Stark was running to something or someone. Sharon found Chance's thought process fascinating, noting that Rey usually hadn't discussed his work with anyone.

Sharon wondered if Chance was worried that she'd serve up GCPD secrets with her croissants. Chance assured her that he trusted her, praising her for being objective and a good listener. Sharon remembered a time when most people wouldn't have thought anything decent about her. Chance inquired whether she'd been a troublemaker, and she stated that she'd become a brownie maker. He insisted that she was a lot more than that.

At Society, Nikki praised Michael for restoring her faith in attorneys by refusing to rush to Diane's rescue. Nikki haughtily stated that it had sent a message loud and clear that the best attorney in Genoa City thought Diane was guilty and wouldn't go near her. Michael lectured that the Constitution assured all citizens were innocent until proven otherwise, but Nikki retorted that the founding fathers had never met Diane. Nikki asserted that they all knew Diane was dangerous, and Phyllis had wound up dead. Michael countered that correlation didn't equate causation.

Nikki hoped she didn't need to worry about Michael's clever tone. Michael confirmed that Jack had called him to ask him to represent Diane. Nikki argued that Michael couldn't defend the woman who'd killed one of his best friends, and he also couldn't do it because he worked for Victor. Michael countered that he was free to do what he chose if it was a worthwhile case. Nikki grumbled that "worthwhile" was the operative word.

Michael questioned whether Nikki really thought Diane was a murderer. Nikki recounted that Diane had despised Phyllis for decades and that witnesses had seen Diane threaten Phyllis. Michael chided her for cherry-picking the facts to suit her narrative, but Nikki huffed that hers was the right one. Victor approached, and Nikki informed him that Michael had been about to defend the indefensible -- Diane.

Victor wondered if he hadn't been keeping Michael busy enough. Jack approached, and Michael excused himself to attend his morning meeting. Victor reminded Jack that Michael was on Victor's payroll. Michael and Jack sat down at their own table, and Jack indicated that he'd just seen Diane, who wasn't holding up well. Jack added that she still didn't have an attorney, and her future was in Michael's hands.

Michael stated that he believed Stark had framed Diane, but he still couldn't take Diane's case because Phyllis had been his best friend. Jack protested that Diane was defenseless against murder charges, but Michael expected that Phyllis' spirit would haunt him until the day he died if he helped Diane -- and Lauren would be even worse. Jack pleaded that Diane's arraignment was in one hour, and Michael was the only game in town as far as they were concerned.

Jack recognized that Diane had made mistakes, but he thought Michael had seen for himself that she'd changed. Jack contended that it made no sense for Diane to jeopardize her reunion with her family and her wedding to Jack to get back at an old foe. Jack swore that Stark was punishing Diane, and he questioned whether Michael could stand by and watch Diane take her chances with just any lawyer. Jack added that if she went to prison, the actual killer would still be on the streets, emboldened because he'd gotten away with murder. Jack insisted that Michael was the right attorney to help Diane, and they'd be lost without him.

Nikki observed that Victor was staring at Michael, and Victor confirmed that he wanted Michael to see him watching. Nikki incredulously asked if Victor really thought Michael would take Diane's case. Victor responded that Michael was a smart man who would do the right thing. Michael returned to Victor and Nikki's table, and Victor implied that he'd be inclined to fire Michael if Michael didn't do the right thing. Nikki applauded Michael for always managing to do the right thing, and Michael muttered that her faith in his decency was humbling. Michael headed out.

Outside, Jack called Kyle and reported that they were back to square one. Michael exited the restaurant and announced that he had news. Jack guessed that Michael had found a defense attorney for Diane. Michael said they needed to talk.

Later, after Victor left, Nikki called Victoria and said she'd be back at the office soon. "Captivating, simply captivating," cooed a male voice behind her. Nikki turned around and greeted Milton. She asked how things had been in accounting, and he joked that everything added up. Nikki inquired about his wife, and Milton reported that they'd divorced. Nikki expressed her condolences, but he figured that it was a chance for him and Nikki. Nikki flatly told him that it wasn't going to happen.

Nikki cautioned Milton against talking like that anymore, and he imagined Victor would squash him like a bug. Nikki gently explained that some people were uncomfortable with direct propositions, even if they were made in jest. She compared it to when he'd wanted her to live with him on a tropical island, and she hoped he saw how wrong that had been. Milton proposed that they buy matching motorcycles and travel across the country, playing guitars by the campfire while looking up at the stars. Nikki curtly informed him that she didn't play guitar, and she walked out. "Nikki Newman, you are a golden goddess," Milton mused.

Diane was surprised to see Michael in the visitors' room at the jail. He confirmed that he was there to see a client -- her. She gasped in relief and thanked him, but he told her not to celebrate yet. He recalled that he'd just lost his best friend a few days earlier, and both he and his wife would miss Phyllis forever. Michael explained that Diane deserved a vigorous defense, and he'd give her one. He worried that they had a lot of work to do in very little time, and he demanded that she always tell the truth. She gave him her word and expressed her gratitude toward him for giving her a fighting chance to go home.

After the arraignment, Jack, Kyle, and Michael convened at the Abbott mansion. Michael stressed that they'd discussed the possibility bail would be denied, but Jack argued that Diane was a danger to no one. Michael said the judge had considered Diane to be a flight risk, and they knew bail had been a long shot. Kyle asked how they could appeal, but Michael opted to focus on building a strong defense. Jack volunteered to hire his own people to do whatever was necessary to clear Diane's name.

Summer visited Diane at the jail, and Diane noted that Summer hadn't been at the arraignment. Summer supposed she was exactly where her mom would want her to be, and Diane said she was glad Summer was there. "Really?" Summer incredulously asked. Summer clarified that she wasn't there for herself but for Diane. Summer imagined that Diane was terrified, not knowing what would happen next, so Summer was there to tell her what would happen.

Summer predicted that after being found guilty of killing Phyllis, Diane would spend days imagining the family celebrations she'd missed, the wedding she'd never get to plan, and the pictures she wouldn't be in. Summer told Diane not to worry about Kyle, who'd lived most of his life without his mother. Summer anticipated that they would all be fine and move on, whereas Diane would be stuck behind four gray walls, tortured by thoughts of a world that didn't want her. Summer spat that Diane would get exactly what she deserved for ripping Phyllis out of all their lives. Summer sauntered out, leaving Diane speechless.

Tucker offers to sell McCall Unlimited to Victor
Tucker offers to sell McCall Unlimited to Victor

Tucker offers to sell McCall Unlimited to Victor

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

by Nel

In Tucker's suite, Ashley asked Tucker to tell her about Devon agreeing to buy McCall. Tucker said Devon had decided to return to Chancellor-Winters rather than take over McCall. Ashley was disappointed. Ashley asked why they were drinking Champagne. Tucker said he hoped they could toast to themselves. He said he hadn't given up on becoming the man Ashley wanted and deserved. Tucker admitted Devon's rejection had hurt. He said it had been his dream to have his son take over his company and continue his legacy, but he was happy about the strong bond between Devon and Lily.

Ashley noted that Tucker was upbeat and magnanimous about the whole situation. Tucker said he partially credited himself for Devon and Lily's happiness. He said he'd laid out the possibility that Devon might sever ties with Chancellor-Winters, and he'd wanted to believe it had inspired Lily to make peace. He said he was proud he'd done Devon a service.

Ashley reminded Tucker he hadn't kept his promise to her. Tucker claimed he'd tried to prove he could be a better man and father to Devon. He said he'd planned to hand over his company to Devon, and he'd offered to stay on as an advisor so they could rebuild the business together; however, the way things had turned out would be best for Devon and Lily. Tucker said he couldn't force Devon to do something he didn't want to, because that would put his wants ahead of Devon's. He said Devon didn't trust him, but he hoped Ashley did.

Ashley told Tucker she didn't know how to answer that. Tucker shouted for her not to use Devon to put up her walls and retreat. He said he'd opened his heart to her, he wanted to marry her and be the husband he should have been the first time, but Ashley wouldn't let herself believe that. She said perhaps it was easy for him to let go of the past and move on, but it wasn't that easy for her. She reminded Tucker that he'd done some "really crappy and despicable things" to her, and he would always have a roving eye, because that was who he was.

Tucker claimed that was no longer true, but Ashley claimed he loved the game. She said he'd literally dropped out of the blue; he'd hidden his life with Diane and his lies about Audra. She said she'd known there was something going on between him and Audra. Tucker maintained that he'd tried every conceivable way to show her he'd changed. He claimed she had to know his love for her was real. Ashley told him she couldn't tell him what he wanted to hear. Tucker growled that she could, but she'd chosen not to. Ashley reminded him she hadn't made any promises.

Tucker told Ashley he'd failed at every turn, and he'd been an absolute fool where Ashley was concerned. He lamented that his son wanted nothing to do with him, and the woman he loved didn't return his love. He accused Ashley of playing games and never having any genuine feelings for him. He claimed she'd enjoyed torturing and manipulating him. Ashley denied it, but Tucker yelled it was true. He claimed she loved seeing him tie himself in knots for her amusement. He said he was done.

Tucker told Ashley he was going to sell his company and leave town. Ashley asked if he was threatening her. Tucker denied any threat but asked how she could be so cold. He shouted that she'd pushed him over the brink and gotten some sick satisfaction out of it. He called her a sadist. Ashley thanked him for the drink and told him to do whatever he needed to. She left.

At Newman, Victoria looked over at her desk and recalled that she and Nate had been ready to make love on her desk. Audra broke Victoria's reverie when she entered. Victoria told Audra that she and Nate had gone over the Lansing report, and they'd decided to buy the company. Victoria reminded Audra she didn't need to be in attendance whenever Victoria had a meeting with Nate. Audra understood and stated she just wanted to stay on top of things, like Victoria did. Victoria commented that Audra had made that abundantly clear by going above and beyond.

Audra assured Victoria she was a team player. Victoria said she was happy to hear that, but she respected loyalty more. Audra claimed she planned to emulate Nate and work hard to satisfy Victoria, and there was no doubt where Nate's loyalty lay.

At Society, Elena asked Nate why Nick had claimed that Nate was consumed with power. Nate said Nick had never been happy that Nate had been hired to run Newman Media. Elena asked if it had been because Victoria had gotten rid of Sally against Nick's wishes. Nate said that was part of it, but Nick also felt Nate had sold out his family for a better job at Newman.

Elena said she understood why Nick felt that way about Nate. Nate stated that Elena had felt the same way. Nate said he'd told Nick he would try his best to gain Nick's trust. He claimed Nick's emotions were running high because of Phyllis' death, and it hadn't sat well with Nick that Victoria looped Nate in more than Nick liked. Elena asked if Nate being an asset to Victoria had caused problems between Victoria and Nick. Nate claimed he couldn't do anything about it because he had to take his cues from his boss.

Elena asked about Nate's dynamic with Victoria. She said Victoria had a deep need for power, and Nate needed to prove himself to her. Nate claimed it was only because he wanted to be good at his job. She said it didn't make her feel any better about what was going on at the office after seeing Nick confront Nate. Nate said he loved his job and the opportunities it presented, but he wasn't obsessed with power. He said he was trying to do what he could to grow Newman Media and to show he deserved to be in the CEO seat.

Nate told Elena he'd realized he'd been a bit of a workaholic recently, and lines had gotten blurred between their careers and their relationship. He said Elena was his top priority and the reason he'd taken the day off. He said he'd wanted to make things right between them and find a way to balance their jobs and their relationship. He admitted he'd been slacking, and he promised things would be better.

Mariah arrived at Crimson Lights and told Sharon she'd been at the office because Diane couldn't handle her own PR crisis while under arrest. Sharon said Jack would appreciate Mariah stepping up, but it was okay to put herself and her family first in the first few days with her precious baby. Abby arrived and said she agreed with Sharon. Mariah asked how Abby was doing since the divorce had been finalized. Abby admitted she was okay. She told Mariah that Devon had asked her to move in with him, and after some thought, she and Dominic had moved into Devon's penthouse the previous day.

Abby noticed that Sharon didn't seem surprised. Sharon stammered that Chance had mentioned it. Abby said she was happy Chance had someone to talk to. Mariah said she hadn't realized they'd been so serious, and she admitted that it did seem a little fast. Abby agreed but said it felt right. Abby said she'd spoken to Chance before making the move, and he hadn't objected. Abby acknowledged it couldn't have been easy for him, but he'd handled things civilly. Mariah said she was sure Chance would continue to do what was best for Dominic.

Mariah shared a couple of photos of Aria with Sharon and Abby, when she suddenly realized she'd become one of those people who wouldn't stop gushing over their child. Mariah received a call and stepped away to take it.

Sharon said she wanted to talk to Abby. Abby said she was sure Chance had confided in Sharon and that Sharon had gotten an earful about her. Sharon assured Abby she wasn't judging. Sharon said she wanted to throw Mariah and Tessa a surprise baby shower. Abby loved the idea, and she said they could have it at Society.

When Elena entered, Mariah informed her she'd missed seeing a barrage of baby photos, and Mariah left. Sharon said they were throwing a surprise baby shower for Mariah and Tessa at Society the following day. Elena said she would be there. Sharon said Mariah and Tessa were happier than ever. Elena stated that was the way it should be. Sharon noticed Elena's expression, and she asked if everything was all right. Elena said she was fine and took her coffee to the patio.

Back at Newman, Victoria told Audra that good work spoke for itself, and the rewards followed without any pushing. Audra claimed she wanted to be honest about her intentions.

Nate arrived. He told Victoria he'd decided to come in and take care of a few things. Audra said Victoria had filled her in on the Lansing deal. Nate agreed it should be a good acquisition for Newman. Audra asked if Nate had had a chance to look at the audio book app she'd sent him. She said she'd wanted to follow up with him the previous evening, but she hadn't been able to locate him. Nate claimed he'd been tackling other things. Audra said that of course, he and Victoria had been green-lighting the Lansing deal. Nate claimed he would have time later to discuss it with her. Audra left.

Victoria asked if Nate had wanted to take the day off because of what had happened between them the previous day. Nate admitted he'd needed time to consider the situation. He stated that they'd made a mistake. Victoria said maybe Nate felt that way, but she didn't. Nate said he was in a committed relationship he valued deeply. He didn't want to be the guy who would betray the person he loved because he'd lost control. Victoria asked if he felt that it had been more than that.

Nate said Victoria was an incredible woman, and he wasn't denying the connection between them, but it was about right and wrong. He said he and Victoria had acted impulsively without thinking about the repercussions. The fact that Nick had almost walked in on them had proven they hadn't been thinking straight. She said Nick wouldn't be an issue. Nate told her that Nick had tracked him down the previous evening and had shared a litany of accusations. Nate said it wouldn't be the last he would hear from Nick.

Angry, Victoria informed Nate she'd told Nick it wasn't any of his business. Nate said Nick had accused him of having an agenda. Victoria said she'd thought she'd shut Nick down. Nate said Elena had shown up, and he couldn't afford a repeat performance. Victoria asked if Nick had said anything to Elena about her. He said Nick hadn't. Victoria promised she would make sure that wouldn't happen again. Nate said they needed to move on and forget that anything between them had ever happened. She asked if he believed that was possible.

Victoria told Nate that what had been happening between them had been for a reason. She said he knew that was true, even if he wasn't ready to admit it. She said those feelings wouldn't go away, even if they ignored them. Nate disagreed and said it had to end there. She said she respected his decision, even though she knew he would eventually change his mind. Nate stated he wouldn't, but he hoped it wouldn't affect their working relationship. She told him not to worry because she knew how to keep her business and personal life separate. Nate suggested they get back to business.

Hoping the knock in his door was Ashley, Tucker was disappointed to see Audra. He rudely asked what she wanted. Audra said she'd wanted to get back to him about locating J.T. Hellstrom. She said she didn't want to be indebted to Tucker when she had other options at her disposal.

Audra noted that Tucker was in a mood, and she guessed that his latest attempt to woo Ashley had crashed and burned. She reminded Tucker he was kidding himself when it came to that woman. He said Audra was right; she was smart, he was stupid, and he showed her where the door was. Audra left.

Abby and Ashley met outside Society. Ashley said she could use a bit of mother-daughter time. When they entered, they saw Victor. Victor asked them to sit down because they needed to discuss something as a family. He said he was sure that Ashley was as interested in Abby's new living arrangement as he was. Abby said it was new, but she had no regrets. She said she and Dominic were making themselves at home at Devon's. Ashley hoped it would work out the way Abby wanted it to.

Victor said that Devon seemed to be in a better place since Abby and Dominic were living with him. He also commented that Devon was back at Chancellor-Winters. Ashley said Tucker had informed her that Devon wasn't interested in pursuing McCall Unlimited.

After Victor left, Abby asked what Victor had been talking about when he'd mentioned Ashley, Devon, Tucker, and the McCall thing. She asked if there was something she should be worried about. Ashley explained that she'd wanted Devon to buy McCall so that he could mend his relationship with Tucker; however, she understood why Devon wanted to stay with Chancellor-Winters. Abby said Devon didn't fully trust Tucker, and Abby agreed with Devon.

Audra entered the coffeehouse through the patio doors and saw that Elena was deep in thought. Audra said hi. Elena invited Audra to join her. Elena asked if Audra had seen Nick the previous day. Audra replied that she'd run into him briefly at the office. Elena asked if Nick had mentioned being frustrated with Newman or Nate. Audra said no and asked why Elena was asking.

Elena told Audra that when she'd arrived at Society, Nate and Nick had been having an intense conversation. She said Nate had mentioned that Nick didn't like that Victoria relied on Nate so much. Elena said during her and Nate's conversation, Nate had been very loving and reassuring; it wasn't that she hadn't believed him but more that work had gotten in the way of their relationship. She said Nate had assured her she wouldn't have to worry about Victoria, and as much as she wanted that to be the case, Elena wasn't sure it was.

Audra told Elena that Nate and Victoria's dynamic in the office was still very intense. She said Victoria was used to getting what she wanted, and the sooner she set her sights on something else, the better it would be for everyone. Elena said that by something else, Audra meant J.T. Elena agreed that she had to track him down. Audra offered to take over the search for J.T. -- not only for Elena, but also because it would be a major win for Newman Media. Elena agreed. Audra promised she wouldn't let Elena down.

After Elena left for work, Audra called someone and said she needed them to track down J.T. Hellstrom.

Victor arrived at Tucker's suite and asked what their meeting was about. Tucker said Victoria no longer wanted McCall for Newman Enterprises, but he assumed Victor was still interested. Victor said he was, and he wanted the company for Adam. Tucker said he just wanted to sell his company and get out of that godforsaken town. Victor asked if Tucker would leave town permanently if Victor threw in a few more bucks. Tucker asked Victor to give him a reasonable offer, and he would have the paperwork drawn up immediately. Victor said it was a deal. They shook hands.

Victor accuses Nick of thwarting Adam at every turn
Victor accuses Nick of thwarting Adam at every turn

Victor accuses Nick of thwarting Adam at every turn

Thursday, April 20, 2023

by Nel

At Chancellor-Winters, Esther greeted Devon warmly and said Mrs. C. would be very happy because family had meant everything to her. Lily arrived and agreed that nothing was more important. She said Devon was exactly where he belonged.

In Lily's office, Lily confirmed with Devon that they agreed to head up their own divisions and the autonomy within them. Devon said they would be open to each other's advice as well as Jill's. Devon agreed to boundaries on a professional level, but he didn't want them to stop talking and sharing on a personal level. Lily agreed and said that in the past, she'd felt beholden to Jill, but she promised Devon if she felt what he said was correct, she would definitely have his back. She said it had been a rough couple of months, and she suggested they get to work.

Devon told Lily he was sorry he hadn't been there to support her through those rough times, and he wished things had played out differently. Lily said she was glad he was back and that they were okay again. Devon agreed. He said he'd noticed that Daniel had stepped in and been a big support for her. Devon said he was grateful for that.

Devon asked Lily how Daniel was doing after Phyllis' passing. Lily said Daniel was struggling, and it would get worse before it got better. She said she was worried about him.

Later, Esther told Devon that when Mrs. C. had discovered that Devon was her grandson, it had rocked her world. She said Devon had had a lot going on at the time, and he hadn't been interested in letting Mrs. C. into his life. Esther said Mrs. C. had been determined to communicate with him.

Esther told Devon that Mrs. C. had figured out exactly what she'd needed to do. Devon recalled that she'd learned sign language so she'd be able to talk to him. He said it had blown him away. Esther said Mrs. C. had gone the extra mile because that was what families did, like he and Lily had done by setting aside their differences to make Chancellor-Winters whole again. She said Mrs. C. and Neil were looking down and smiling. Devon hugged Esther.

At Crimson Lights, Daniel said Portugal was a long way away, and he appreciated that Lucy had made the trip. Lucy said she had needed to come because she'd loved Phyllis, and she knew Daniel had needed her. She said nothing was more important than that. Daniel said it had really helped having her at the memorial service.

Lucy said Daniel seemed uncomfortable. She asked if she needed to stay longer to make sure he was okay. Daniel admitted he was having a tough time, but she had to return to Portugal. He said Phyllis had been a phone call away, no matter where he'd been, but she wasn't anymore. He said he was trying to work his way through a world that Phyllis wasn't in, but he would get through it. He said growing up, he'd seen other kids lose their parents, but for him, he'd believed that would be decades away. He said he'd had a lot of years left with Phyllis, but those years were gone.

Lucy told Daniel she hadn't given much thought to him or Heather not being in her world anymore. She asked how he would handle it. He said he would be okay. Lucy stated that sometimes he didn't take care of himself. Daniel promised he would "this time" because he refused to spiral into that dark place again. He said he had Lucy's bracelet as a reminder that he had a terrific daughter who loved him and who needed him to be okay for her. Lucy said they both knew he needed more than just her in his life.

Daniel told Lucy she didn't need to worry about him, but Lucy said he needed people around him that he could trust and depend on -- friends, like Lily. Daniel asked if Lucy was trying to play matchmaker, because she wasn't being very subtle. Lucy claimed subtlety was for cowards. She said he and Lily were great together. Daniel asked if it was okay that he and Lily were great friends.

Lucy reminded Daniel that he and Lily had once been more. Daniel said things were different after people grew up because friends moved away or drifted apart. He said sometimes it wasn't worth trying to force a relationship when it wasn't there, since one ran the risk of losing that person forever. Lucy said she understood if that was the real reason he was holding back, but he didn't have to fall in love with Lily or anyone else. She said since he and Heather weren't together anymore, and Phyllis was gone, she hated the thought of him being alone.

Daniel assured Lucy he wasn't alone. He said he had other friends besides Lily, and he had acquaintances. Lucy asked him not to lock out people he was close to and who were already there for him. She claimed he would blow things up with Lily by not appreciating what was right in front of him. Daniel asked when Lucy had become so wise. She said she probably got it from Grandpa. Daniel said they should get to the airport, but Lucy said she wouldn't mind another day with him. He said Heather would kill him.

At the counter, Sharon was putting the finishing touches on a baby gift when Adam arrived. Sharon told him the gift was for Mariah and Tessa's surprise baby shower. She said it had been a long journey for them, and it was time to soak up the joy. Adam reminded her that Aria was Sharon's first grandchild and another reason to celebrate. Adam said he had some very exciting baby news of his own.

Adam told Sharon that he and Sally would find out the gender of their baby later. He said he would be meeting Nick and Sally there prior to the ultrasound. Sharon commented that the three of them were a very modern family, and she was excited for him. Sharon asked if there was any residual resentment. Adam said not on his part, and Nick was being open-minded. He admitted it wasn't ideal, but they were all doing the best they could.

Adam told Sharon children were something to be grateful for, and no matter the circumstances of their birth, they deserved to enter the world with a clean slate and receive unconditional love. Sharon said she was really proud of Adam. She said it was a delicate situation, and he was handling it with grace. She stated that he was making the right decisions for the right reasons. He said he hadn't been given a choice. Sharon asked if he'd given up his feelings for Sally. He admitted he still loved Sally and wished they could be a family, but those feelings were separate from the baby.

At Newman, Victor told Nikki that Sally was pregnant with Adam's child while she was having an affair with Nick. Victor noticed that Nikki didn't seem surprised. He asked if she'd known about it. Nikki said Summer had apprised her about Sally's pregnancy in confidence. She said she'd known Victor wouldn't take the news well. Victor claimed it was an outrage.

Nikki told Victor the first trimester of a pregnancy was stressful enough without Victor on Sally's case. Victor asked if she was defending Sally. Nikki said she was merely protecting Sally's child because that child would be a Newman. Victor claimed that Spectra woman couldn't be trusted, yet there she was, reeling in both his sons to tie herself closer to their family. He asked why he would ever approve of that, and he demanded to know why it had been kept from him.

In her suite, Sally asked if Nick was upset about Adam joining them for the ultrasound. She said she understood if Nick thought Adam was playing an angle, but she promised him that wasn't the case. Nick assured her that he was okay with Adam's presence at the appointment.

Nick told Sally that Adam was the father of the baby, and no one was pretending that wasn't happening. Nick reminded her that he would follow her lead where the baby was concerned; he knew he would have to share the child with Adam, but he would not share Sally. Nick told Sally he had to go to the office and see Victoria, and he would meet Sally and Adam at the coffeehouse later. Nick left.

Back at Newman, Nikki told Victor it was about letting things play out on their own. She claimed Nick would realize Sally was completely wrong for him, and it would be his decision to break up with her. Nikki insisted that if they interfered, it could blow up in their faces. Victor asked what would happen if that never happened and Sally carried on her charade indefinitely.

Standing in the doorway, Nick asked Victor what charade that would be. Shouting, Victor asked "what the hell" was the matter with Nick, carrying on with a woman who was pregnant with his brother's child. He asked if Nick was mad or just doing it to torment Adam.

Nick reminded Victor that his personal life was none of Victor's concern. Yelling, Victor said it was his concern because that woman was playing the odds with both his sons, and it was embarrassing. He said she couldn't hold on to Adam, so she latched on to Nick while making fun of both of them. Nick said Victor had no idea what he was talking about. Victor asked if Nick didn't realize what it looked like to everyone.

Victor said it was bad enough that Nick and Victoria had done everything in their power to keep Adam out of the family business, but Nick was showing callous disregard for Adam. Nick said he'd had nothing to do with blocking the acquisition of McCall. He said he was okay with them buying it so Adam could run it on his own. Nick said he wasn't doing anything to prevent Adam from raising his child, and neither was Sally. Victor claimed Nick was standing in their way of raising that child as a family. Nikki asked if Victor was okay with Adam being involved with a chaotic and destructive person such as Sally. Victor said he didn't approve of any of that nonsense.

Victor told Nick to bow out for everyone's sake, especially his own. Nick said Victor was conveniently forgetting that Adam was a grown man who made his own choices and would have to live with the repercussions. He said Adam had pushed Sally away long before anyone had known about the pregnancy, he'd blown up his own family multiple times, and he wasn't some hapless victim that Nick needed to coddle because there was a baby on the way.

Victor asked if Nick planned to raise that child and marry Sally, because that was nuts. He said that choice should be Adam's, not Nick's. Nick said that he, Adam, and Sally were managing the situation just fine, and they didn't need Victor's interference. Nikki stated that she and Victor had strong opinions where Sally was concerned. Nick said, "no offense," and he asked Nikki to butt out. Victor shouted that he was offended by the lack of respect Nick showed him and Adam. Nick asked when he'd done that.

Victor said the previous day in the caf. He said Nick had seen Sally and Adam flirting with each other, and Nick had inserted himself between them to show his dominance. Nick said that wasn't what had happened, and he'd been justified in doing that. Victor claimed that was one way Nick had tried to thwart Adam. Victor said he'd been trying for years to integrate Adam into the family, but Nick and Victoria had done nothing but throw obstacles in his path. He said he was sick and tired of Nick's lack of loyalty to him and Adam.

Nick said since Victoria wasn't around, he was out of there. At the door, Nick told Victor to leave Sally alone because she didn't deserve it, and he left.

Nikki told Victor he had to find a way to accept the situation. Victor claimed it could be the destruction of their family. Nikki admitted she didn't like Sally, either, but if they were going to prevail, they had to approach things strategically. She said those three were a powder keg, and she had no idea how they would set it off. However, if Victor continued to criticize, he would become the common enemy, and it would be the three of them against Victor. He said he didn't "give a damn." Nikki stated that she and Victor had to let them figure it out without any input because if they banded together, they could block access to the child.

Nikki told Victor that no matter how they felt about Sally, her baby was going to be Victor's grandchild, and she knew it would kill him not to be part of its life. She hugged Victor.

At the coffeehouse, Sharon said she'd seen Adam with Connor, and he was a wonderful father. She was sure when the baby arrived, Adam would be just as great to him or her. He said it was Sally's first child, and she had no idea what to expect. He said his focus was on Sally, helping her prepare for the first few weeks, and accepting whatever place he had in that until the birth, then from that point, he would be a 50/50 parent. He said the baby would receive all the love he had to give. Sharon asked what he was hoping for, a girl or boy. Sally arrived. Sharon left Adam. Sally commented that they'd both beaten Nick there.

Sally asked Adam where Nick could be. Adam assured Sally that Nick would be there shortly. Sally said when she'd last seen Nick, he'd been on his way to Newman. She suggested that perhaps he'd gotten caught up in something. Adam said they could meet Nick at the doctor's office, but they wouldn't start without him. He suggested that Sally relax and think positive thoughts, and everything would work out the way it was meant to.

Adam told Sally if she drank any more of that tea, they would have to name their son Earl Grey. Sally said if it were their daughter, she'd be Chamomile. She suggested Adam pick a girl's name, since he didn't like Chamomile. Adam said he would rather not because they should name their little one together. Sally said Newman would be part of their name. Adam said that came with its own history.

Sally said she'd overheard the tail end of Adam's conversation with Sharon, and she wondered if he had a preference. He said he didn't, but if they had a daughter, he imagined she would be as smart as her mother. He said he would be heavily outnumbered. He said that he or she would be welcomed into the world with boundless love. Sally admitted she'd panicked when she hadn't been sure who the father of the baby was. Sally told Adam that she needn't have worried because whether the father was him or Nick, the child was destined to be loved.

Sally announced to Adam that they had to go, since Nick wasn't there. At that moment, Nick walked in, and he told Adam they would meet him at the appointment.

In his suite, Daniel had been deep in thought when Lily arrived. When Lily saw his expression, she hugged him. She asked if he and Lucy had had breakfast before he'd taken her to the airport. He said they had, but he hated to see Lucy go. He said he'd never felt so alone without Lucy and Danny; it was scary, but he'd promised Lucy he would take care of himself, so he would have to fight his way through it.

Lily told Daniel that Lucy had sent her a text message from the plane. Daniel said that was embarrassing. Lily asked why. He said his kid shouldn't have to look out for him. Lily said it was called love, and Lucy wanted him to know he was loved and not alone. Lily kissed him and repeated that he wasn't alone. They kissed again.

Loved ones hold a surprise baby shower for Mariah and Tessa
Loved ones hold a surprise baby shower for Mariah and Tessa

Loved ones hold a surprise baby shower for Mariah and Tessa

Friday, April 21, 2023

by Nel

At Jabot, Kyle told Billy that Diane had been charged with Phyllis' murder, and Summer believed Diane had done it. Kyle maintained Diane hadn't done it, and until Diane was proven innocent, his life was hanging by a thread, as was his marriage. Kyle said he'd needed a distraction and decided to do some work.

Billy asked Kyle about the Marchetti budget from the last quarter. Kyle explained that operating expenses had risen because the head count had increased after they'd acquired the textile factories from Newman. He said Billy should have noticed those costs had been offset by the contractor fees and the other benefits of bringing manufacturing in-house.

Billy told Kyle that historically, deals between Jabot and Newman hadn't worked out well for Jabot. Kyle said he'd made that deal with Victor, which had led to Adam's departure and Billy's return. Billy said he wouldn't put it past Victor to force a couple of troubled companies on Jabot. Kyle said targeting those factories had been his idea, not Victor's, and he'd known exactly what he'd been doing. Kyle said the numbers were high, as expected, and everything was going according to plan.

Billy told Kyle he had an idea about how to bring Jabot and Marchetti together. He suggested they integrate Jabot and Marchetti's ad campaigns. Kyle vetoed the idea. Billy said they should market the Jabot and Marchetti brands "as a single fashion and beauty entity." He said Tessa had been a knockout as a spokesmodel for Marchetti, and she could work for both brands.

Kyle told Billy that Jabot offered a wide range of lines at various price points, each designed to appeal to a different demographic, and something different for everyone. He said in contrast, Marchetti was exclusively a luxury brand. He said the customers paid a premium for their quality and exclusivity. He said linking Jabot and Marchetti would dilute the brand's reputation.

Billy suggested that they tailor the ad campaign to emphasize the connection between Jabot's and Marchetti's top end products. He claimed it was aspirational, it would bring more customers to Marchetti, and it would work better for both brands. Billy said if the corporate synergy had been the reason Jabot had acquired the fashion brand, then his idea did exactly that.

Sarcastically, Kyle stated that Billy had been there a couple of hours, and he believed he had the expertise to upend their entire advertising strategy. Billy said it wasn't his first day at Jabot. Kyle asked how many times he'd been CEO and co-CEO. Kyle noted that his mother and Jack had both fired Billy. Billy claimed he'd learned from his mistakes, and he brought his experience from Chancellor-Winters and their merger. He said he knew how to bring two companies together. He said under the current configuration, Jabot wasn't maximizing its potential with Marchetti under its umbrella.

Kyle told Billy that their strategy of keeping Marchetti and Jabot separate had proven successful, and he saw no reason to change course. Billy claimed sometimes they had to think outside the box. Kyle asked if the Jabot boutiques were another of Billy's failures. Kyle said sometimes outside the box was outside the box.

Billy said the idea involved Marchetti and Jabot, and Kyle couldn't unilaterally veto it. Kyle said that by the same token, Billy couldn't unilaterally implement it -- it was Jack's call. As Kyle was about to leave, he thanked Billy because he knew Billy had tried to distract him with stupid business ideas. Billy smiled.

A short time later, Chelsea arrived with takeout. Billy invited her to join him. He told Chelsea he'd gotten into an argument, but he'd handled it peacefully. He admitted he was enjoying the work, and he believed he could make a difference at Jabot.

Billy asked how Chelsea's game was progressing. She said she loved creating a community. She said she'd never been so excited about a project, but they were on hold because Daniel was still grieving Phyllis' death. Chelsea admitted she felt a little impatient, and she wished things would move faster, but there was no reason to freak out over a bump in the road. Billy said he was in awe of how strong she'd become. Chelsea commented that she and Billy had helped each other through some rough times, and they were finally getting their lives together.

Mariah, Tessa, and Aria entered Society and were overwhelmed by the surprise baby shower. Mariah said she was grateful and floored everyone had gathered together for them. Sharon said there was nothing happier than a brand-new baby. Everyone toasted the new moms.

Sharon said it meant "so much" to her that Aria was her first grandchild. She said that years earlier, she'd been one of the moms who'd had to make the difficult choice of adoption. She was moved that Mariah and Tessa had connected with Delphine, Aria's birth mother. Sharon said they'd created a bond that honored their journey together. She said she was happy their dreams of a happy family were complete, and she was honored to have the three of them in her life. They toasted to family.

Abby said she hadn't been a mom very long, but she'd learned that their child would remind them every day what was important; there would be good and bad days, and days when they would feel overwhelmed. She said that was okay because it was all part of being a mom.

Mariah thanked everyone and told them how grateful she and Tessa were with everyone's love and support for Aria. She said that love had begun with everyone supporting them through their entire journey of setbacks, obstacles, ultrasound pictures, and finally bringing Aria home. She said she and Tessa wanted to give Aria everything she deserved.

Tessa commented that Sharon had mentioned the different ways to be a family. She said she hadn't had much luck with her biological family, except her sister, Crystal. She said she'd spent years on her own, and she'd never trusted or tried to connect with anyone until she'd moved to Genoa City and met her wife and everyone else. She said that she and Mariah had dreamed about a baby for quite some time, and she couldn't think of a better way to celebrate that than with their family.

When Kyle arrived and saw the celebration, Abby said she'd wanted to invite him, but under the circumstances, she'd felt it would have been inappropriate. Mariah hugged Kyle and said she was sorry about Diane, and she knew he was "going through hell."

Mariah told Kyle she was there if he or Summer needed anything. Mariah said Summer was lucky to have Kyle to lean on. Kyle said Summer needed space to grieve, but something seemed off. He said he'd tried to talk to her, but she believed his mom had killed hers. He said he had to prove Diane innocent because if he didn't, he didn't know how his marriage would survive. Mariah said Summer was tough, she loved Kyle, and they would get through it. They hugged, and Kyle left.

At the jail, Jack asked Diane how she was. She replied that she was okay. He asked how she could be when she was locked up, and he added that the press was having a field day with wild speculation. Jack swore he would use every connection he had to get her out. Diane told him she didn't want him to return. Jack stated he wouldn't abandon her.

Jack said he wouldn't allow Diane to push away the people who loved her. Diane said she could be there a very long time, but Jack refused to hear that. He claimed she was innocent, and he and Kyle would help Michael prove it. Diane said there was a lot of evidence against her. Jack maintained it was evidence planted by a criminal. He said they would prove Stark had framed Diane and murdered Phyllis.

Diane shouted at Jack that she wasn't getting out anytime soon. She reminded him she'd been denied bail, a murder trial took a long time to prepare, and it would be ages before her court date. Jack said no matter how long it took, he would be by her side, as would Kyle. Diane said she loved Jack for wanting to rescue her, but the only way she would be able to survive would be to keep her head down and forget about life outside of prison. She said seeing Jack was only a reminder of everything she'd lost. Jack assured her she hadn't lost him. He said he loved her; Diane said she loved him, but they needed to do things her way. She said if he loved her, he had to stay away.

Jack told Diane it was too soon to make big decisions. Diane claimed she was dealing with the situation a little more realistically than Jack. He asked if she wanted to cut everyone out of her life, which sounded fine that day. Diane interrupted and asked if the next day the sun would shine and things would be different.

Diane told Jack that after faking her death, she'd gone on the run, and the only way she'd been able to survive had been by shutting down and clearing her mind of any thoughts of her old life. She said if she'd allowed herself to remember or to feel anything, it would have destroyed her. Diane stated that, as before, she was facing the real possibility of spending the rest of her life away from everyone and everything she cared about.

Diane told Jack she wouldn't do that because she loved him too much to put him and Kyle through what was ahead. She claimed it was what she needed to do to survive.

Diane told Jack there was a very good chance she would be found guilty of murder, and she would be moved to a prison, "God knows where." She said not seeing each other would make it easier for him to move on. Jack asked if she thought he could forget about her after everything they'd been through finding their way back to each other. Diane claimed it was for the best. Angry and shouting, Jack said he couldn't do that, and he claimed she was being selfish. Diane said she wasn't being selfish but was thinking about him and Kyle.

Jack reminded Diane that Kyle had spent most of his life thinking she was dead. He asked Diane if she could put him through that kind of pain again. Diane rationalized that if Kyle spent any time with her, it would be that much harder for him when she was moved to a maximum-security facility. She said Kyle had to adjust to the idea that she wouldn't be around. Jack asked how Harrison was supposed to understand why his DeeDee had suddenly disappeared. Diane said she was going back to her cell, and she left. In a fit of anger, Jack threw one of the chairs.

At Crimson Lights, Chance told Christine he didn't think Diane had acted alone. He said she might have been the one who'd poisoned Phyllis, but he thought Stark had been in on the murder with Diane. He said Stark had transferred all the money he'd gotten from Phyllis out of her account, checked out of the Grand Phoenix, and vanished into thin air.

Christine told Chance she was willing to consider that Diane and Stark had been co-conspirators, but she needed more than Chance's gut feelings to press charges against Stark. Chance said their only link to Stark was Diane, and they needed to put pressure on her and find out what she knew. Christine commented that Diane had been locked up since before Stark had disappeared. She said all phone calls, visits, and letters had been monitored, and there was no way Stark and Diane had been in contact.

Chance speculated to Christine that perhaps Stark and Diane had planned to split the inheritance, Stark had made his escape, and he and Diane would meet up later. He said if that had been the case, Diane would know exactly where Stark was hiding. Michael walked in and asked what he'd missed. Chance asked how Diane was faring in prison.

Chance asked Michael if Diane had been in contact with anyone on the outside. Michael said he would never violate attorney-client privilege; however, if it was a preview of something they would be presenting at his client's trial, he would appreciate the heads-up. He said, "Not that there should even be a trial.:

Christine told Michael she agreed, and Diane could save everyone "so much trouble" if she pleaded guilty. She asked if Michael and his client were ready to consider that. Michael insisted his client wouldn't plead guilty to a murder she hadn't committed. Christine said that, as Diane's attorney, he was duty bound to advise Diane it was highly unlikely she would beat the charges, given the weight of the evidence against her.

Michael informed Christine that she was forgetting two critical factors: Diane had a brilliant attorney, and she was innocent. Christine said on the off chance she was guilty, perhaps she would cooperate with law enforcement. Christine said she would consider recommending that the judge impose a shorter sentence. Michael said he wasn't interested. Christine asked if that was true even if it meant the difference between Diane having the freedom to see her grandchild again or spending the rest of her life in prison.

Chance told Michael they were looking for information about Stark and his connection to Diane. He believed there was more to that story than they'd been told. Michael claimed Diane had wished that Stark had never arrived in town, and there was no current connection between them. Michael asked if Christine had seen Stark's rap sheet. He said it was obvious Stark had murdered Phyllis on his own and then framed Diane. He said Diane was another one of Stark's victims.

Christine said Michael was welcome to make that defense and try to convince a jury, based on the fact that Diane had had the means, motive, and opportunity to kill Phyllis. Michael said he preferred to think that Diane helping put Stark behind bars for money laundering would go a long way to persuade the jurors Stark had been after revenge. He said they were going to trial, and Christine would lose because the D.A. and the Genoa City Police Department had fallen for obviously planted evidence. He told Christine to stop pushing Diane to confess to a murder she hadn't committed and to "investigate the damn crime." Chance told them to duke it out, and he left.

Michael asked what had happened to the kind, compassionate Christine who'd been a champion of the underdog. Christine said she represented the people of Genoa City, which meant ensuring that wealthy, well-connected murderers didn't go free on ridiculous plea deals. Michael said that returning to the D.A.'s office had brought out her "judgy, self-righteous streak." Christine reminded him that he'd had a moral compass when he'd been a D.A. She said helping Victor with some shady deals was one thing, but representing a killer like Diane was another.

Michel reminded Christine that every person accused of a crime was entitled to a vigorous defense. Christine said especially when he would be well paid for it. Before she left, she told Michael that her door was always open whenever Diane was ready to confess. Jack stormed in and told Michael they needed to get Diane another bail hearing immediately.

Christine said she'd warned Jack that the judge would see Diane as a flight risk, and she wouldn't grant bail. Michael claimed the judge had made that decision based on Christine's argument at the arraignment. Christine said she stood by it, and they all knew Diane's history. Jack shouted that it was ancient history. Jack maintained that Diane was innocent and didn't belong behind bars.

Jack asked Michael if they could get to the judge and convince her to grant Diane bail. Michael said he would do his best; however, the facts hadn't changed, and it was highly unlikely the judge would change her decision. Jack told Michael to talk to the judge and tell her he would personally pay Diane's bail, wear an ankle monitor, and pay an officer to guard her. He demanded that Michael get something done because Diane had to come home.

In the meantime, Chance returned to the jazz lounge and began to look around.

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Edited by SC Desk