A week of classic The Young and the Restless episodes headlined by the Newman family. Episodes included a paternity bombshell, a tragic death, and a father/son reunion that didn't go so well.

Victor schools Nick on the importance of the Newman legacy
Monday, July 27, 2020
by Soap Central
The Young and the Restless resumed production earlier this month for the first time since the show was forced to halt production in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. Until those new episodes are able to be broadcast, the CBS soap continues to air classic episodes devoted to iconic characters or episodes curated to fit a special theme. This week focused on memorable moments from perhaps the biggest name in Genoa City: Newman. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired August 30, 1994. In the episode, Victor schooled Nick on the importance of the Newman legacy.
After Nick's encounter with Matt, he went home and asked Victor to help him practice boxing. Victor excitedly replied, "Oh! I see. The young man would like to know how to box. Well, I'll be damned. Good for you." Victor and Nick both donned boxing gloves. Victor gave tips to Nick as the father and son sparred. Victor instructed Nick to keep his right hand up by his chin to defend himself against an opponent's jab.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

Abby tells Victor that he is her father
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
by Soap Central
The Young and the Restless resumed production earlier this month for the first time since the show was forced to halt production in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. Until those new episodes are able to be broadcast, the CBS soap continues to air classic episodes devoted to iconic characters or episodes curated to fit a special theme. This week focused on memorable moments from perhaps the biggest name in Genoa City: Newman. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired April 2, 2004. In the episode, Nikki and Ashley struggled with the secret of Abby's paternity.
Victor explained that he was a friend of Abby's mommy, and her mommy was very special to him, so any child of hers was special, as well. Victor mentioned that he'd once had a little girl, but she was all grown up and not around much anymore, and it made him sad because he'd once had her all to himself. "Mommy says you're my father," Abby announced. "No, she didn't say that," a confused Victor gently replied. "I saw her on TV. She says you're my daddy," Abby insisted.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

The Newman Family is devastated by Cassie's death (2005)
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
by Soap Central
The Young and the Restless resumed production earlier this month for the first time since the show was forced to halt production in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. Until those new episodes are able to be broadcast, the CBS soap continues to air classic episodes devoted to iconic characters or episodes curated to fit a special theme. This week focused on memorable moments from perhaps the biggest name in Genoa City: Newman. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired May 24, 2005. In the episode, the Newman family was devastated by Cassie's death.
Outside Cassie's room, Olivia told Victor the doctors had arrived. However, Cassie's temperature was spiking at 105 degrees, and the infection was raging through Cassie's brain. Victor asked if anything could be done, but Olivia said that Cassie wasn't responding to any of the antibiotics. She said Cassie's condition was grave, and she didn't know how much longer Cassie had. She suggested that it was time for everyone to give Sharon and Nick some private time with Cassie. Victor wiped his tears before he returned to Cassie's room. He whispered something into Nikki's ear. Victoria, Noah, and Doris left after kissing Cassie on the forehead. Victor kissed Cassie on the forehead and told her to sleep well and to get some rest. He walked over to Nick and gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder. Nikki also kissed Cassie and told her that God was watching over her and that Cassie would always be her shining star. Cassie told Nikki and Victor that she loved them. Victor told Cassie to get some rest. He hugged Sharon, and he and Nikki left.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

J.T. and Victoria's wedding day arrives (2008)
Thursday, July 30, 2020
by Soap Central
The Young and the Restless resumed production earlier this month for the first time since the show was forced to halt production in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. Until those new episodes are able to be broadcast, the CBS soap continues to air classic episodes devoted to iconic characters or episodes curated to fit a special theme. This week focused on memorable moments from perhaps the biggest name in Genoa City: Newman. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired February 7, 2008. In the episode, Victoria and J.T. prepared for their wedding day -- and Victor received some very sad news.
In Victoria's room, J.T. told Victoria he couldn't wait to see Reed in a tuxedo. J.T. gave Victoria a silver charm bracelet with three charms that represented something special in their lives. The house represented their first home, the booties were for Reed, and the doves represented their wedding day. When Nikki returned, J.T. kissed Victoria and gave Nikki a peck on the cheek and he left. Victoria showed off her bracelet, and Nikki said that one day that bracelet would be full of charms. Victoria embraced her mother.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

Victor reunites with his estranged father, Albert Miller (2003)
Friday, July 31, 2020
by Soap Central
The Young and the Restless resumed production earlier this month for the first time since the show was forced to halt production in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. Until those new episodes are able to be broadcast, the CBS soap continues to air classic episodes devoted to iconic characters or episodes curated to fit a special theme. This week focused on memorable moments from perhaps the biggest name in Genoa City: Newman. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired November 21, 2003. In the episode, Victor reunited with his estranged father, Albert Miller.
Albert Miller finally admitted his identity and that he did have a son named Christian. But he'd never been a family man. He made no apologies for his past. Victor said that he supposed he should thank him. Because of his father's abandonment and cruelty to his wife, son, and unborn son, Victor had fought for everything he had, and he was successful beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Albert taunted him for possibly thinking that the two of them could have some warm and fuzzy reconciliation before he died. He asked Nick if he'd come because he was anxious to meet his grandfather. Nick said that Albert should leave him out of it; this was between Albert and Victor. Albert asked Victor if he wanted a check. For a million? Two million? What would it take to make him leave? Victor raged at his father for the past, expressing all the anger he'd ever felt for him. He'd come because he believed in the importance of family. Albert suggested that family was overrated and he suspected that Nick agreed with him. Victor said that all his wealth meant nothing without his family. He'd come to say goodbye, and now he and Nick were leaving. Albert's face was trembling as they walked out. Once outside the room, Victor sank to a chair and buried his head in his hands, in tears. Then he thanked Nick for being there. Nick gently suggested that they go home, and put his arm around his father's shoulders as they left the hospice.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

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