Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R

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Victor and Nikki were remarried, unaware a bomb had been planted in the basement
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R

The murder charges against Fen were dismissed. Noah discovered that Courtney was an undercover cop. Colin forced Jill to marry him. Following the explosion, Billy turned up alive, while Adam was presumed dead.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R

Monday, February 3, 2014

by Anne Carpenter

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Jack rushed to the police station hoping to learn what had happened to Adam and Billy. Kevin explained that despite sending the entire force out to search, no one had yet spotted the two missing men. Jack said he couldn't begin to imagine how Chloe felt. Kevin readily agreed. Jack asked about the punishment Adam might face if convicted. Kevin rattled off a list of probable charges, which included vehicular manslaughter. Kevin said Adam would likely be imprisoned for decades. Jack expressed empathy and noted that Adam was a parent. Kevin, angered, cried that whatever punishment Adam received would never be enough.

At Billy and Victoria's, Chloe stopped by and demanded to know where Billy was. Victoria said she hadn't heard from Billy, but Chloe thought Victoria was withholding information. Victoria suggested that Chloe consult the police. Chloe shook her head and replied, "Because police would keep Billy from killing Adam, and I want a front-row seat." Victoria said that the last thing she would ever want was for Billy to shoot Adam because it would leave Johnny without a father. Chloe said that Adam deserved to die on the side of the road because there was no guarantee he'd be punished if caught. Chloe added, "Billy is getting the real justice in the only way possible."

At Adam's penthouse, Anita stopped by and asked Chelsea if she'd heard from Adam. Distraught, Chelsea said she'd hoped to find Adam at the door when Anita knocked. Chelsea admitted that part of her never wanted to see Adam again. Chelsea sobbed when she told Anita about watching Adam's confession on the video recorder. Chelsea showed the brief note Adam had left behind.

Anita read the note aloud and said, "I love you. I always will." Anita expressed pity for Adam's pain. Chelsea cried that she was in pain, and she berated herself for not seeing through Adam's faade. Chelsea added, "I thought this whole time that I was seeing the very best of Adam, but he was just covering up the very worst."

Chelsea recalled how she'd felt she could never make amends to Adam because she'd lied about him not being Connor's father. Chelsea sobbed and said she never wanted to face Adam again after what he'd done to Delia, Delia's family, and Connor. Anita replied, "You can hate what he did, but I can see in your eyes that you still love the man." Chelsea cried that because Adam had said nothing about his horrendous crime, no one in town would ever forgive him. Anita replied, "That's exactly why you have to."

Anita said that had Adam stepped forward earlier, Connor likely wouldn't have been given Delia's corneas, and Chelsea would never have known how much Adam loved her. Anita added that Adam was scared. Chelsea sobbed and said, "I love Adam, but he's in so much trouble."

One the side of the road, Nick and Paul peered in through the broken window on Adam's overturned vehicle. Nick attempted to illuminate the dark interior with a small flashlight, but he was unable to identify the injured person trapped within. Paul said that rescuers would have to rip open the vehicle to extricate the injured man. After Paul finished his statement, a cut electrical wire sparked a fire, which led to an explosion and a huge fireball. Paul and Nick ran for cover as the searing flames leapt high in the air.

The possibility of a rescue attempt was impossible by the time emergency personnel arrived. All would-be rescuers could do was restrain Nick. Horrified, Nick cried out and attempted to rescue the victim trapped inside the vehicle. Paul remembered the homeless man who'd said he'd watched one man crawl out of the vehicle and run away. Paul left to search for the witness. Nick remained at the scene. He watched helplessly as flames consumed what was left of the crumpled vehicle.

When Paul returned to the police station, he told Jack and Kevin about the explosion and the eyewitness. Paul said the witness recalled seeing one person run away from the vehicle after it crashed. Kevin, antsy for more information, asked, "That doesn't make sense! Why would someone leave a crash like that and just keep going?" Kevin had trailed behind Paul as Paul rushed out of his office. Jack, stunned, said to himself aloud that one of the two in the car had every reason to do exactly that.

After Paul ended an incoming phone call, he told Kevin and Jack that the SUV had slid on the ice into the river and was moving along with the current. Paul said he'd ordered divers to recover the body inside. The blood seemed to drain from Jack's face. Kevin's faced reddened with anger. Paul said he hoped the eyewitness would be able to help determine who'd walked away. Kevin said he hoped Billy was the survivor. Jack looked pained.

After Chloe and Nick arrived at the police station, Kevin warned Chloe that Adam might be the sole survivor. Nick told Jack that he couldn't believe that Adam had killed Delia. Paul interrupted and announced that divers had been unable to recover the body due to the frigid temperature of the river. An officer arrived and delivered a wristwatch recovered from the accident scene. Paul noted that the watch likely belonged to the man who hadn't made it out of the vehicle alive.

Jack examined the watch and said he recognized it. Kevin hugged Chloe. Nick said, "It shouldn't have ended this way." Paul replied, "It didn't have to." Paul placed the bagged watch on his desk.

Later, alone in the penthouse, Chelsea studied the words Adam had penned to her. Chelsea seemed to be searching between the lines for answers that might explain how everything had taken such a wrong turn. Chelsea jumped when she heard a knock at her door. Chelsea answered the door and found a grim-faced Jack standing before her. Jack said, "It's not easy to tell you any of this." Jack explained that police had discovered Adam's SUV. Chelsea replied, "Adam's SUV? What about Adam?" Jack hesitated.

Nick stopped by Victoria and Billy's house and told Victoria that Adam's vehicle had been found near the bottom of a cliff off the highway. Victoria was stunned when Nick added that the vehicle had exploded, and he didn't know what had happened to Billy. Victoria nervously peered out the window after Nick said that an eyewitness had seen only one person escape the inferno.

Chloe said that she hoped Adam had suffered a horrible death in the SUV. Chloe headed to the police station. Nick told Victoria to stay home while he accompanied Chloe. Worried, Victoria said, "God wouldn't be that cruel, would he? He wouldn't take Delia and then take her dad, too. Would he?"

In the woods, a man in a black coat staggered in the snow. He stretched his bloodied arm in front of himself in a failed attempt to maintain his balance. The man stumbled and collapsed in a snowbank. He remained motionless with his face buried in the snow. After a while, the man regained consciousness. He forced himself to a standing position. The man ambled through the woods in a zigzag path. He grasped leafless bushes for assistance as he pushed himself to take one step after another.

Victoria frantically typed one text message after another to Billy. She nervously waited and hoped for a reply. A knock at the door startled Victoria. She pushed herself against a table to rise to a standing position. She seemed numb as she took one step after another toward the front door.

When Victoria opened the door, she initially saw no one. Her eyes were drawn downward, and she gasped when she spotted Billy in a crawling position. Victoria grasped Billy around the waist and helped him inside. Billy's face and hands were bloody, and he cried out in pain. Victoria hovered over Billy and gently caressed his head.

In the judge's office, Lauren and Christine were present when the judge entered the room. The judge said he was ready to accept a signed document in which Fen acknowledge guilt in the death of Carmine Basco. Christine noted that Fen's attorney had not yet arrived. The judge glanced at his wristwatch and said that Mr. Baldwin had been notified of the start time. Lauren expressed her displeasure when Fen said, "I just want to get this over with. I don't need to wait for my attorney. I signed the deal. I'm guilty of murder." The judge said he had no qualms about proceeding.

Christine spoke in favor of a light sentence and reminded the judge that Carmine Basco has tormented the Baldwin family. The judge dismissed the claims and said he was aware of Basco's so-called bad behavior. Lauren became livid, quickly rose to her feet, and expounded on Carmine's criminal behavior. Lauren recalled that Carmine had kidnapped her and later attempted to kill her and her husband. Lauren blamed herself for Fen's desperate acts to protect his family. The judge reprimanded Lauren, but he still allowed her to make a statement on Fen's behalf.

Lauren first apologized to Fen. She told the judge that Fen was a good son. Lauren added that Fen had turned to drugs because his mother had hurt him deeply by having an affair with Carmine. Lauren pleaded with the judge to be lenient. Fenmore was given a chance to speak. Fen noted that his family had been tortured by Carmine. Fen added that Carmine had also tried to murder Lauren and Michael.

Fen said that he'd shot Carmine because Carmine had humiliated Lauren in front of everyone in town. Fen said he had known that Carmine would never stop. Fen cried that he regretted his actions. He added that he'd acted to protect his mother. The judge began to pronounce Fen's sentence. Fen appeared to steel himself to accept his fate. The judge berated Fen and said that armed savagery had no place in a civilized society.

Michael, standing before Carmine, said, "They say that dead men don't tell tales, but I'm sure you've got one hell of a story to get off your chest." Carmine tried to slam the door. Michael pushed his way into Carmine's apartment. Michael explained that missing crime-scene photos and the sudden disappearance of the acting medical examiner, a man with ties to the FBI, had led Michael to conclude that Carmine was still alive. Michael even mentioned his own role in having mistakenly believed that he'd detected no pulse when Carmine's seemingly lifeless body was found. Carmine glared at Michael.

Michael noted that the FBI had not stepped up to solve the mystery because Carmine had turned state's evidence against Richard Womack. Carmine appeared smug as Michael explained that Carmine might have gotten away with the ruse had he not sent the "creepy gifts" to Lauren. Michael added that Carmine's fingerprints were found on the jar containing bath salts sent to Lauren. Carmine stepped closer to Michael and replied, "She hasn't forgotten me, has she?" Michael said any attempts to incite anger would be futile.

Carmine explained that during his transfer to the state penitentiary, he was supposed to have faked an escape, get shot by a guard, and then be placed in the witness-protection program. Instead, Carmine said that he'd "gone rogue and crashed Lauren's award ceremony." Carmine added that Fen had retaliated for the embarrassing video incident and shot him. Carmine said after he had been shot, federal agents had whisked him away and treated his wound. Michael glared at Carmine when he boasted that he'd been given full immunity for all the crimes he'd committed involving the Baldwin family.

Michael, facing Carmine, replied, "I could kill you right now and get away with it, since conveniently, you're already dead." Michael ordered Carmine to discreetly return to town and prove that he wasn't dead. In exchange for Carmine's assistance with Fen's case, Michael promised not to tell Womack that Carmine was still alive. Michael added, "Womack has anger issues, he despises you, and his lawyer found a loophole in the case. Womack's about to be set free." Carmine turned down Michael's deal. Michael stood inches away from Carmine's face and informed him that he would help Fen.

Later, Michael suddenly burst through the door to the judge's office and announced that his son couldn't be sentenced to a crime that had never occurred. The judge wasn't pleased. Michael turned to Fen and said, "You did not murder anyone." Michael showed the judge a video recording of Carmine holding up a current newspaper and announcing that he was very much alive. Christine said, "The state vacates the conviction and drops all charges against Fenmore." Fen hugged his mother. The judge dismissed the case against Fen. Lauren cried that Michael had found the miracle Fen needed. Fen said he had his life back.

At the Genoa City Athletic Club, amid painters' drop cloths and emptied shelves, Neil praised his son for using the inheritance from Katherine to revitalize a meeting place that had become part of the fabric of Genoa City. Devon noted that the purchase and renovation of the property had barely made a dent in his fortune. Devon added that he wished he had contributed to the reward fund set up to help track down Delia's killer. Neil and Devon both said they were shocked to learn that Adam Newman was to blame. Hilary overheard the comment and noted that Jack had been devastated when he'd learned of Adam's involvement.

Neil explained that despite repeated attempts, he'd been unable to contact Jack. Hilary said she'd even reached out to Jill, but Jill hadn't responded. Devon and Neil praised Hilary for taking a heavy workload off Jack's shoulders. Neil added that he had completely forgiven Hilary for her past misdeeds. Hilary smiled.

After Neil left, Devon asked Hilary to have dinner with him. Hilary expressed concerns about Lily and the public's refusal to believe that she no longer posed a threat. Hilary added that she could really use a friend. Devon smiled.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

by Jenny Smith

At Crimson Lights, Noah remarked to Summer that Adam had been more twisted than he'd realized. Summer recalled how Adam had admonished her after the car accident she'd caused, and she regretted that Chelsea had lost the baby, but at least Summer had admitted that she had been wrong. Noah said that Summer needed to take it easy on herself, and she promised that she wouldn't overdose on pills again. She lamented that Victor had blamed her overdose on Jack, and Noah pointed out that Victor blamed Jack for everything bad in the world.

Summer said that she didn't want to be seen as a problem, and Noah assured her that he didn't think of her that way. Summer questioned who she really was, and Noah encouraged her just to be herself, but she wasn't sure that she knew how. Noah suggested that she talk to a counselor, and she mentioned that she'd met a guy in the park who'd given her his card. Noah assumed that the man was a life coach, and Summer said that she'd liked what she'd read about the man.

Summer and Noah commiserated over how difficult it would be for Jack and Victor to deal with Adam's guilt, and Noah said that his own first instinct had been to talk to Courtney about everything, but Courtney's behavior had been erratic. He wished that Courtney would be honest with him, and Summer pushed him to tell Courtney that. Courtney walked in and hesitantly greeted Summer and Noah, and she asked how Summer was doing. Courtney urged Summer to call her the next time Summer felt like taking a pill, and Summer agreed. Courtney started to walk away, but Noah invited her to stay and have coffee. Courtney said that she had somewhere to go and that she'd see him another time.

In the park, Summer agreed that Courtney's actions had been bizarre, but she knew that Noah still cared, and she encouraged him to figure out the reason why Courtney was acting funny. Summer found a penny on the ground, and she handed it to him. He said that he didn't believe in that sort of stuff, but she asked about the worst that could happen. She suggested that if she could find a new path, then he could, too, and she pressed the coin into his hand. He spotted Courtney across the park, making a seemingly shady exchange with a hooded figure.

Noah angrily approached Courtney and dared her to tell him that she wasn't doing drugs. She protested, but he refused to leave until she admitted that she was a liar. She reiterated that it wasn't what he thought, and he realized that she'd handcuffed the man she was with.

At the closed Athletic Club, Cane griped that the prices for new ventilation systems seemed inflated, but Lily was grateful that Devon had decided to renovate. Cane argued that the club would lose more money the longer it stayed closed, but Lily commented that she liked the peace and quiet. Suddenly, Charlie and Matty ran in, banging pots and pans together. Cane instructed the kids not to run, and she realized that the children sometimes drove them crazy, but she considered their family to be really lucky, especially after the news about Adam. Cane couldn't accept how Adam had taken a little girl's life and never looked back.

Cane proposed that he and Lily discuss details for the Delia Project fundraiser, and Lily said that she needed to make calls to get costumes for the children. Cane said that it was all the twins had talked about, and he thought the event would be fun. Lily grumbled that it was inappropriate to use a fairytale theme for a girl who had been hit by a car, but Cane reminded her that the board had loved the idea. Lily half-heartedly agreed to make the best of it, and Cane suggested that she look at it as a chance for people to honor a little girl. Lily complained that Adam had set up the foundation after he had been responsible for killing Delia, and Cane asked if Lily wanted to call the event off.

Lily decided that they should host the benefit, but Cane pointed out that it was her chance to get out of working with Hilary. Lily insisted that it was all about helping children, and Cane acknowledged that was what the foundation's mission statement said, but Adam had only funded it to relieve his guilt. Lily suggested that they turn the tragedy into something inspirational, and Devon arrived and announced that Billy had taken off with Adam. Cane wondered if they should put the event on hold, and Devon thought that they should let Delia's parents make the call. Cane suspected that the benefit was the last thing on Billy and Chloe's minds.

At the police station, Chloe sobbed in Kevin's arms, and she asked to see the evidence from the crash to convince herself it had been real. Paul handed her an evidence bag containing a watch, and he explained that it had been the only thing that had survived the crash. Paul added that Jack had identified the watch as Adam's and that, barring a miracle, Adam was dead.

Chloe reflected back on what she'd thought she'd do when the police had found the driver. She had imagined that there would be a trial, and she had pictured sitting in front of a jury and pleading for them to sentence the driver to death. She realized that what had actually happened had been better because there had been a strong chance that Adam had suffered. Kevin asked if there had been any word on Billy, and Paul replied that his team was still searching.

Chloe thanked Kevin for cracking the case, and he replied that he hadn't done much, but she said that false modesty wasn't like him. He conceded that nothing had mattered more to him than getting justice, but Chloe scowled at the thought of Adam holding Connor while looking into Delia's eyes. Chloe remarked that Connor was an innocent child, just like Delia had been, and Adam had been about to take Connor to Paris with Chelsea's blessing. Kevin suspected that Chelsea was "going through hell," and Chloe hoped so, because Chloe was, too, and she couldn't get out.

Victoria helped a cold and battered Billy inside, and he croaked Adam's name. She asked if Adam had hurt him, and she mentioned that she knew Adam had been responsible for Delia's death. She surmised that Billy had gone after Adam, and she realized that a shivering Billy was in shock. Victoria repeatedly called Billy's name, but he just silently stared at her. Later, Billy awakened on the couch, and Paul put the EMTs on standby over the phone.

Billy murmured that Adam had hit Delia, and Paul revealed that he knew that Billy had gone after Adam with a gun. Paul said that Billy was the only person who could give him some answers about what had happened, and a dazed Billy recalled that he'd gone to see Adam, but his voice drifted off. Paul ordered Billy to look at him and tell him what had happened. Billy revealed that he'd made Adam drive the SUV at gunpoint, and Paul offered to wait until Billy had a lawyer present, but Billy replied that he didn't care.

Billy said that Adam had confessed that he'd hit Delia, but Adam hadn't realized it at the time. Billy disclosed that he'd taken Adam to the spot where Delia had died, and he'd wanted to shoot Adam, but he hadn't been able to do it. Billy continued that he and Adam had returned to the car, and Billy had wanted Adam to understand what he'd taken away. Victoria suggested that they resume questioning later, but Billy admitted that he'd told Adam that Billy would make sure that Adam never saw Connor again.

Paul asked about Adam's reaction to Billy's threat, and Billy replied that Adam had devised a plan to get the gun away by saying things to rattle Billy. Billy recounted that Adam had taunted that Billy had left Delia alone, and he claimed that he wasn't sure what had happened next, but he flashed back to the gun going off just before the crash. Victoria tried to end the interrogation, but Paul pushed Billy to remember, and he asked what Billy wasn't telling him. Billy vaguely stated that the car had skidded and that Adam had been driving. Paul stressed the urgency of getting some answers, but Billy simply said that it had been icy and that everything had gone dark.

Paul inquired what had happened when Billy had woken up, and Billy recalled that he'd crawled out through the back of the car. Paul asked about Adam, and Billy replied that he hadn't thought that Adam had been in the car, but he couldn't remember if he'd looked inside. Billy recounted that he'd focused on getting home, and Paul questioned how Billy had made it back in his condition. Billy claimed that he'd flagged down a truck on the main road and convinced the driver to drop him off at home rather than at the hospital. Victoria proclaimed that Billy was done answering questions, but Billy inquired whether Adam was at the hospital or in jail.

Victoria tended to Billy's injuries, and Paul revealed that the police hadn't found Adam yet, though teams were searching. Billy jumped up to go back out and keep Adam from getting away, but Paul informed him that Adam had been in the car when it had exploded, and the odds were overwhelming that Adam hadn't made it. Paul added that Adam might have even been dead before the car had blown up, and Billy asked if he was under arrest.

Victoria protested that there was no reason for Paul to arrest Billy, but Paul rattled off a list of possible charges. Billy acknowledged that there were plenty of reasons to haul him in, and Paul mentioned that Billy had left the scene of an accident. Victoria hissed that leaving the scene had been Adam's crime, not Billy's, and she pleaded with Paul not to take Billy away from his wife and son. Paul said that he had no intention of filing any charges against Billy -- at least not yet.

After Paul left, Victoria insisted upon taking Billy to the emergency room, but he was adamant that he'd be fine. She wanted to hear it from a doctor, and she whimpered that she didn't want Billy to collapse on her. Victoria began to crumble as she admitted that she had been really afraid when she'd found the gun box. Billy assured her that it was over, and he held her as she broke down.

At the crash site, Victor surveyed the scene and flashed back to spending time with a young Adam. Victor had offered to teach Adam to play soccer, and he'd taught Adam how to defend himself while boxing. Victor became emotional as he recalled promising that he'd always take care of Adam and Hope.

At the penthouse, Chelsea begged Jack to tell her what had happened to Adam. Jack revealed that the police had found Adam's SUV in a ravine by the river, and there had been a crash. A panicked Chelsea demanded to know whether her husband was alive or dead. Jack hesitated to give Chelsea an answer, and he divulged that there had been an explosion after the crash. Jack continued that witnesses had seen someone inside the vehicle, and Chelsea noted that it could have been Billy.

Jack said that no one knew who had or hadn't gotten out of the car, but a witness had seen a man walking away from the crash. From the doorway, Victor declared that they knew exactly who had died in the explosion, but Jack argued that there had been no official identification. Victor said that he'd known for certain when he'd seen the wreck, and Jack urged him to show Chelsea some compassion. Victor countered that it wasn't compassionate to fill her with false hopes, and he'd seen for himself that it had been nearly impossible for anyone to have survived the explosion. Victor explained that there had been one man in the car just before the explosion and that Jack had identified a watch found near the wreck as Adam's.

Victor tried to track down Paul over the phone, and Jack checked his phone and had nothing to report. Chelsea realized that if Jack believed Adam was fine then Jack would be with Victoria out of concern for Billy. Jack insisted that he'd just wanted Chelsea to know where things stood, and there had been no sign of either man. Victor reiterated that one man had walked away from the wreck, and the other had been in the car when it had exploded and sunk into the river. Victor said that divers would go in to retrieve the wreckage in the morning, and Chelsea anxiously tried to convince herself that there was still hope.

Jack answered a call from Victoria, who reported that Billy had made it home. Chelsea looked numb as she realized what it meant, and Jack said that he would be right over, but Victoria requested some space. Jack asked Victoria to tell Billy that he loved him, and Jack expressed relief that Billy was all right. Chelsea shakily stated that she happy for Jack, Victoria, and Johnny, but she broke down in sobs as Jack held her.

A distraught Chelsea told herself that it wasn't happening, but Connor cried, and she ran upstairs to hold her son. Victor got up to make a drink, and Jack passed, but Victor pointed out that he hadn't offered Jack one. Victor expected Jack to accuse him again of holding Adam's crime over his head, but Jack cut Victor off and sincerely said that he was sorry for Victor's loss.

Later, Chelsea carried Connor downstairs, and she noticed that Jack had left. Victor said that Jack hadn't wanted to intrude on family, and she replied that Victor wasn't her family. Victor conceded that he and Chelsea didn't like one another, but he was Connor's grandfather, and he reasoned that she needed someone to be there with her. She wailed that she and Adam had never even gotten a wedding night, and she pondered whether she could have forgiven Adam if he'd told her the truth. Victor said that he'd asked himself the same question, and Chelsea sadly stated that they would never find out, since Adam had left them alone. Victor promised that Chelsea and Connor would never be alone.

Victor remarked that he and Chelsea had a complicated history, but he wouldn't abandon her in her time of need. He insisted that Chelsea and Connor were Newmans and always would be, and he stroked the baby's cheek. Victor mused that he could hardly wait to teach Connor how to ride, and Chelsea sadly smiled.

Kevin and Chloe returned to the Chancellor mansion, and Esther rambled that she had been shocked that Adam had been the driver. Esther thought that they could put the tragedy behind them and move on, and she urged Chloe to find meaning to life and to smile again. Esther begged Chloe to let her help, and Chloe asked why knowing the truth didn't take the pain away. Lily, Devon, and Cane dropped by, and they reported that they'd heard on the radio that Adam was suspected to be dead. Kevin confirmed that there was no way anyone could have survived the explosion, but he mentioned that Victoria had called to report that Billy was safe at home.

Esther commented that things had worked out the way they were supposed to, but Chloe disagreed. Lily realized that it wasn't the right time for them to be there, and Chloe asked what Lily was talking about. Devon asked if Chloe wanted to go ahead with the Delia Project benefit, and Chloe barked that it had been paid for with blood money. Chloe snarled that she wouldn't have her daughter's memory honored by the man who had killed Delia. Esther declared that since Katherine wasn't there, it was up to her to throw Cane, Lily, and Devon out.

Devon proposed that they eliminate all traces of Adam from the foundation, and Chloe countered that it would be impossible, since Adam had created the organization to ease his conscience. Devon offered to return Adam's contribution and double the money himself. Jack entered, and Devon explained that they could set new goals and even change the foundation's name. Devon decreed that it was too important to abandon and that there were kids who needed it, and Chloe agreed that it was what Delia would have wanted. Jack thought that Billy would approve, and Esther remarked that John and Katherine had been looking out for Billy.

Esther asked if there was anything she could do to help, and Lily promised that they'd find a way for Esther to pitch in. Esther thought that Jill would want to be part of the new foundation, too, and Jack mentioned that he hadn't been able to get in touch with Jill. Esther said that Jill hadn't answered any of her calls, either, and Cane wondered where Jill could be.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

by Boone

At the Chancellor mansion, Esther, Jack, Lily, Cane, and Devon wondered why Jill was not responding to their messages and were beginning to get worried when Jill walked in on the arm of her new husband, Colin Atkinson. No one was thrilled. Cane and Lily were most displeased. Jack asked where Jill had been. Jill asked about Billy, but Jack said it could wait. Cane wanted to know why Jill had returned with "the bastard." Colin deferred to Jill to explain the events that had led to their marriage.

As what actually happened played out in flashbacks, Jill put a different spin on those same events. As Jill said that they just happened to run into each other, in flashback Jill was chloroformed as she left the mansion with the music box. Jill said that she had been delighted to see Colin again, but actually she had been very angry with him when he walked into the room where she was handcuffed to a bed.

Jill said that she knew that Colin had had some problems with the law. Jack called Colin a criminal, which started a verbal battle between Jack and Colin. Cane wanted to hear more from Jill, who said that she had not forgotten the horrible things that Colin had done, but in spite of that, many old feeling had returned to her. Privately Jill recalled her anger at Colin when he untied her from the bed. As Jill described their idyllic encounter, she remembered her anger and Colin's offer to release her if she would marry him.

Lily said that she did not believe Jill's story that Jill and Colin had fallen in love. Jill said that she knew that it seemed impossible, but it had happened. Lily pointed out that Colin had tried to kidnap her children and kill all of them. Jack, still incredulous, said that he was leaving. He told Jill to be alone when she made a visit to Billy in the hospital.

Colin assured Cane and Lily that he had reformed and meant them no harm. Jill said that she had needed to marry Colin because she loved him, but her secret thoughts told another tale as Jill remembered saying no to Colin's proposal and saying that she would rather stick needles in her eyes. In the memory, Jill had asked why Colin wanted to marry her. He had finally admitted that he needed to stay in the country. She had told him he was crazy and had thrown champagne.

To Lily, Jill said that Jill and Colin showed their love in their own unique way. As Jill related how she had fallen in love, she remembered pounding on a door and yelling for Colin. She explained to Cane that the reason she had not responded to their messages was because she had been so happy. Jill recalled that Colin had refused to let her return to Billy until she agreed to marry him.

Colin had shown Jill a prenuptial agreement that guaranteed Colin 50% of Jill's assets. Jill had laughed at him and said that despite owning half of Fenmore's and inheriting Katherine's mansion, she was not allowed to sell anything and she was dead broke. Colin had replied that the fact that Jill had no money proved that he loved her.

When Colin had insisted that the price of getting back to Genoa City was for Jill to sign the document and marry him, Jill had agreed and signed. Esther, Devon, Cane, and Lily did not believe Jill and Colin's tale of love, but they had no option but to accept it.

After Devon, Cane, and Lily left, Colin asked Esther to prepare a room. Alone, he told Jill that he could not wait to consummate the marriage. Colin left the room, and Jill was frustrated as she stared at Katherine's picture on the mantel. A bag containing the music box fell off a small table and started playing. Jill was holding it when Colin returned and said that the matrimonial bed was ready. Jill stood, handed him the box, and said that their marriage was worth as much as the hunk of junk that Katherine had left her. Jill left the room while Colin stared greedily at the music box.

Nick dropped by to check on Nikki and Victor and to see how they were handling Adam's death. Nikki said ruefully that Victor was telling Victoria and that Victor rarely shared his upsets with her. Nick said that it did not matter how strong Victor appeared. Nick knew for a fact that losing a child had a very serious effect on a person. Nikki said Victor had had a complicated relationship with Adam but had loved him.

As Nick and Nikki talked, Nikki became more upset and almost fainted. Nick said that he would not leave until Nikki told Nick what was wrong. Nikki admitted that Ian Ward was in town. Nick started ranting that it was Dylan's fault, but Nikki begged Nick not to blame Dylan. She said that the fault was hers because she had started the search for her child. Nick got angrier when he found out that Ian had visited Nikki at home.

Nick was even more upset to find out that Nikki had not told Victor about Ian. Nick demanded Ian's address, but Nikki could not supply it. Nick called to beef up security around Nikki. After Nick left, Jack stormed into Nikki's parlor, railing about Victor and blaming Victor for Adam's death. Jack said that all Adam had wanted was Victor's love. Nikki defended Victor. She told Jack that Victor did care but had not had the same upbringing as Jack.

Nikki insisted that Victor loved his family just as much as Jack did but could not see how his decisions affected the future. Jack did not care. Jack said that he would not let Victor destroy Connor also. Nikki said that Connor was Victor's grandson. Jack replied that blood was not always what mattered most.

At her apartment, Avery became very agitated about her broken oven, but Dylan finally got her to admit that what was really bothering her was Adam's death. Avery was convinced that she could have prevented the tragedy if she had watched the video that Adam had entrusted to her instead of putting it away as Adam had asked. Dylan assured Avery that she could not have known what was on the video, and Adam's death was not her fault.

Avery feared that no one would mourn Adam, and she worried about Connor's fate. Dylan remarked on the irony that at one time Connor had had two fathers. He told Avery that she was a very kind person.

Nick knocked on the door and asked to see Dylan. Nick said that Nikki was in a bad way because of Ian Ward, whom Dylan had caused to arrive in Genoa City. Dylan said that Nick looked like he wanted to punch Dylan, but Nick said that he only wanted to locate Ian. Nick said that he wanted a truce so that Nick and Dylan could protect Nikki from Ian. Dylan was surprised but agreed. They shook hands, and each promised to notify the other if either located Ian.

Ian Ward went to the Genoa City Athletic Club. Despite the ongoing renovation project, Ian used his charm to persuade an employee to give him one of the remaining rooms.

Summer went to see Sharon, who was mulling the news about Adam. Summer wanted to talk about her modeling career. Sharon thought that Summer meant fallout and bad PR from her drug overdose, but Summer wanted life advice. Summer said that she would normally go to her mother, but she felt that since Phyllis was not available, she could go to Sharon with important decisions like her future.

Sharon told Summer that Summer could talk to Sharon about anything. Summer said that she was not sure that she wanted to continue modeling but that she did not want to disappoint her father. Sharon said that Nick would understand, but Summer said that she meant Jack. Sharon said that both Jack and Nick wanted Summer to do what was best for Summer and would support anything that Summer chose to do. Sharon added, "Follow your heart, and you can't go wrong." Sharon was stunned when Summer replied that Phyllis had always said that to her.

Summer said that she felt much better, and she was sure that whatever she chose would make Phyllis proud. Summer thanked Sharon and asked if she could continue to ask advice from Sharon. Sharon was touched. Summer left Sharon's place and went to the Athletic Club, where she ran into Ian Ward and began a conversation. Ian used his charm, and Summer warmed to him.

Sharon went out, and when she returned home, a silent Cassie was waiting. Sharon told Cassie that she could not be there because Sharon was taking her meds and seeing her psychiatrist. When Sharon reached out to touch the silent Cassie, Sharon was shocked to feel her and ran upstairs. Later, when Sharon returned to the room, Cassie was gone, but Sharon kept repeating to herself that she had felt Cassie.

Noah was shocked when he saw Courtney make a drug arrest in Chancellor Park. Courtney admitted that she was a cop working undercover and had been all along. Courtney insisted that she loved Noah, and although she was as old as Noah, had attended police academy, and had only been pretending to be a teen when she had attended classes with Summer, Courtney was the same person that Noah had fallen in love with.

Noah replied that Courtney was not the same, young, honest friend of his sister that he had fallen in love with because Courtney had deceived him and lied to him. Noah said that Courtney was a stranger to him and walked away.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R

Thursday, February 6, 2014

by Jenny Smith

At the Chancellor mansion, Colin listened to the music box, and Cane entered. Cane said that there was something he'd forgotten to say the night before, and he punched Colin in the gut. Colin grumbled that it was no way for Cane to treat his father, but Cane barked that Colin had tried to have him killed, and he ordered Colin to drop the act. Cane accused Colin of telling a bogus story about how Colin and Jill had happened to find one another, but Colin stood behind his claims. Cane declared that he didn't believe a word of it, and he demanded to know why Colin was really there.

Colin claimed that he wanted to make amends with his family, but Cane huffed that Colin had never done anything for anyone else. Colin asserted that prison had changed him, but Cane didn't believe it, and he again pressed to know why Colin was there. Colin maintained that he'd returned for his family and a better life, but Cane surmised that it had to do with money. Colin pointed out that Cane was no longer CEO of Chancellor Industries and that his own marriage to Jill wouldn't pad his bank account. As Colin fondly touched the music box, he inquired what his motive could possibly be.

Cane suspected that Colin was up to something, and he warned Colin to stay away from his family and his new life. Colin wondered if Cane was starting a new business, but Cane spat that there were no deep pockets for Colin to stick his hands in, and he revealed that he and Lily were managing the Athletic Club for Devon. Colin called it a departure for all of them, and Cane concluded that Colin was targeting Devon. Colin said that it was sad that he couldn't have a conversation with his son without Cane suspecting the worst, and he pledged to prove that the love of a good woman had changed him.

At the Athletic Club, Neil shook hands with David Tutera, who asked where the bride was. Neil assumed that Leslie was on her way, and he commented that she wouldn't miss their wedding planning meeting for the world. David couldn't wait to get started, and he said that his schedule was packed, so he needed to dive right in. David rattled off a long list of all the decisions Neil and Leslie had to make to create their wedding story. David asked if any of the samples in his books struck a chord with Neil, and Neil pointed out some colors and flowers that he preferred, but he worried that Leslie might not like them.

David suggested that they start with a theme, and Neil mentioned that he'd once owned a jazz club. David thought a jazz theme would help add personality to the wedding, and he wanted to run with it, but Neil said that he needed to consult with Leslie. David asked if the couple had figured out whether they wanted a large or small wedding, and Neil replied that they hadn't. David wondered how long the engagement would be, and he scornfully mentioned the year 2020. Neil sent a text message to Leslie.

David made color recommendations, but Neil said that he needed to get Leslie's approval before moving forward. David said that he had to leave, and he told Neil to keep the swatches and pictures to look over with Leslie. After David departed, Neil called Leslie and left a message, saying she'd missed their appointment, and he worriedly hoped that she was okay. Cane walked in, and the men commiserated over both having rotten days.

Cane lamented that he'd tried to get answers from Colin, but he was sure that whatever was about to go down wouldn't be good. Neil questioned why Jill would get involved with Colin again, and Cane thought that there was more to the story. Cane said that Colin knew about Devon's inheritance, but he didn't understand how Jill fit into Colin's plans. Neil couldn't fathom the reason Jill had married Colin, but he thought that she had better wake up.

At the hospital, Stitch asked Victoria how Billy was doing, and she replied that Billy was recovering from scratches and bruises. Stitch wanted to know if Billy had found any peace by knowing who had been responsible for Delia's death, but Victoria reported that she and Billy hadn't had any time to talk. She said that knowing the truth was better, but finding out that her brother had been the driver had been difficult for Billy. Stitch asked how it had affected her.

Victoria insisted that she was okay, and Stitch asked if she'd slept. She divulged that she'd watched Billy all night, and Stitch acknowledged that there would be rough days ahead, maneuvering through the fallout. He added that she couldn't take care of Billy unless she took care of herself, and he instructed her to eat and rest, or he'd make her call him "Stitch" again. She promised "Ben" that she'd follow his orders, and she headed back to Billy's room.

Billy woke up and saw Jill at his bedside, and she said that she hadn't wanted to wake him, but she was thrilled to see him in one piece. He commented that it was what it had taken to get her back from wherever she'd been, but she downplayed her trip and questioned how he was doing. Billy flatly replied that he was awesome, and she fretted over his concussion and bruised ribs, but he insisted that he was fine. She said that she'd been terrified when she'd heard the news, and he could have been in far worse physical shape, but she was more worried about his heart and head.

Billy admitted that he was still stunned that Adam had lied to everyone, but Adam hadn't been the only one to blame. Jill swore that Delia's death hadn't been Billy's fault, and she asked what had happened during Billy's confrontation with Adam. Billy looked uneasy, and Jill understood that Billy didn't want to talk about Adam, but she felt like Billy was her little boy again whenever he was hurt. Billy regretted that he was always in trouble, but Jill replied that she loved him and that she wanted to take away his pain and suffering.

Jill cried that she was grateful that Victoria and the Abbotts had stood by Billy when Jill hadn't been there. Billy inquired about where Jill had been, but she hesitated to answer, and he realized that she wouldn't tell him. Jill assured him that there was nothing she wouldn't do to help him, and she flashed back to telling a teenage Billy that she'd wished she'd been a better mother. Billy swore that Jill had done her best.

Kelly ran into Stitch, and she asked how Billy was doing. Stitch reported that Billy would be fine but that he needed rest, and she was relieved. Meanwhile, Jill left to give Victoria and Billy some time alone together. In the corridor, Leslie asked Jill about Billy, and Jill divulged that Billy was doing better than expected. Leslie reported that she'd done some research after her last conversation with Jill, and Jill asked how soon she could get her husband deported.

Leslie said that she'd looked into Colin's legal issues, and she apologized when her phone rang. Leslie ignored the call, and she disclosed that Colin had pulled a judicial miracle by legally getting out of Australian prison and having his name removed from the no-fly list. Jill asked how she could force him to go back to Australia, and Leslie explained that it would be complicated to have Colin deported, since he'd married an American citizen. Leslie recommended that Jill divorce Colin, but Jill said that she could have the marriage annulled, since they hadn't yet consummated it this time around.

Victoria called to a dozing Billy, who heard a gunshot in his head. She offered to get him some food or medication, but he snapped that he hadn't heard anything from the cops about Adam. Victoria replied that she didn't think they'd found Adam yet, and Billy demanded to know why Adam's body hadn't turned up. Victoria helped Billy ease back into bed, and he apologized for yelling at her. Billy thought that they should have already heard about what had happened to Adam, and Victoria stepped out to get the latest news about the search.

Stitch wondered why Kelly was sticking around, and she sarcastically stated that she had a habit of wandering hospital halls. She said that she wanted to visit Billy, and Stitch informed her that Billy was with his wife. Kelly was determined to see for herself that Billy was all right, and she turned and faced Victoria. Victoria apologized for not calling Kelly back to let her know that Billy had made it home safely, and Kelly said that she was glad that Billy would be okay. Victoria suggested that Kelly visit Billy while Victoria made a call.

Kelly entered Billy's room, and Victoria told Stitch that she was happy that Kelly had stopped by. Victoria remarked that it had seemed weird that Kelly had suddenly pulled out of her friendship with Billy because Victoria had thought that Kelly and Billy had made a strong connection. Victoria excused herself to check in with the police regarding Adam.

Billy was surprised to see Kelly, and she said that Victoria had sent her in. Billy swore that he was fine, but Kelly noted that he didn't look fine. Kelly acknowledged that their friendship had been strained after they'd had sex, but she had never stopped caring about him. Kelly said that at least Billy would no longer have to wonder what had happened to Delia, but Billy countered that the truth had been worse than he'd expected.

Billy admitted that he still felt empty, even though he'd thought that things would be different after he'd forced Adam to confess in the spot where Delia had died. Kelly assured Billy that he'd find closure, and she believed that every parent who'd lost a child would find closure at some point. He said that some people might not understand why he'd handled things the way he had, but Kelly replied that she did. Billy recognized that she could relate, and Stitch peered in as she started to reach for Billy's hand, but she quickly stopped herself.

Victoria returned to Billy's room, and Kelly said that she had to leave, but she would be thinking about both of them. Kelly departed, and Victoria remarked that it had been nice of Kelly to stop by. Kelly looked forlornly through the window as Victoria tended to Billy. Stitch approached Kelly and accused her of sleeping with Billy.

Billy asked what Victoria had found out, and she said that Paul had sent the divers out again, but they hadn't found anything yet. Victoria contemplated the possibility that Adam was still alive, but Billy flatly declared that Adam wasn't. Victoria asked how he knew.

Jill returned to the mansion and relayed that she'd seen Billy. Cane asked to speak to Jill in private, but Jill maintained that she'd already told Cane everything. Cane questioned what Colin had over her, but she insisted that there was nothing. Jill said that she appreciated Cane stopping by, but she didn't want to argue, and she needed to speak with Colin alone. Cane asked why she was shutting him out, but Jill simply stated that she wasn't. Cane conceded that Jill might have invited Colin back, but he was adamant that Colin stay away from his family, and he stalked out.

Colin praised Jill for handling the situation beautifully, and he hoped that they could celebrate their wedding that night. Jill ranted that she detested the charade, and he flippantly remarked that her attitude would pass. She said that he was crazy if he thought that she would sleep with him, but he contended that the spark between them was undeniable. Jill demanded an annulment, and she pointed out that he had gotten into the country, so he didn't need her anymore. Colin replied that Jill needed him.

Jill reminded Colin that he'd sworn that he'd had something critically important that only he could help her with, and he'd agreed to tell her about it when they'd returned to Genoa City. She griped that it was the only reason she'd kept her mouth shut about their forced marriage, and he revealed that he had a tasty tidbit of information about the significance of the music box. He recounted that he'd followed the story of Katherine's will and how Jill had been trying to get rid of the box, but it was a good thing she hadn't. She asked what he could possibly know, and he claimed that he'd learned from Katherine that the trinket was valuable.

Jill said that Katherine had hated Colin, and she doubted that Katherine had told him anything. Jill questioned why Colin hadn't just stolen the music box, but Colin said that there was a mystery surrounding the box that they needed to unlock together. Jill preferred to figure it out on her own, and Colin asked how that had been working for her so far. He contemplated why Katherine had left the music box to Jill, and he thought that Jill would always wonder unless he helped her find the answer. She refused his help, and he cautioned that without his assistance, she would never know what Katherine had thought Jill deserved.

Jill wondered where she and Colin would start if she accepted his help, and Colin suggested that she stop talking about an annulment. She promised not to end the marriage if he told her what Katherine had said, and he proposed that they discuss it over a romantic dinner that night.

At Crimson Lights, Tyler approached Abby from behind and kissed her neck. He said that he'd thought she might cancel because of everything going on with her family, but she replied that Billy was in good hands, and there was something she had to do. Abby announced that she had a surprise for Tyler, and he amorously inquired if she was wearing it. She divulged that Mariah was joining them for coffee.

Tyler pointed out that Abby had merely left a message for Mariah, and he noted that Mariah hadn't contacted him to set up a meeting. Abby revealed that she'd memorized Mariah's number, and she'd called again and told Mariah to meet them there, although she'd never actually spoken to Mariah. Abby said that she'd dared Mariah to show up and to face Abby, and she was itching to see if the women had anything else in common besides Tyler. Abby thought it would be a chance to prove that Mariah was only part of Tyler's past, and she wondered why Tyler didn't look happy. He thought it was a very bad idea, and he moved to leave, but Abby grabbed his hand and protested.

Abby asked why Tyler was reluctant to meet with Mariah, and Tyler grumbled that it wasn't a good idea for Abby to be in the same room with his ex, especially since something might be wrong with Mariah if she had been following them around. Abby argued that they were in a public place, but Tyler worried that there could be an ugly situation with witnesses. Abby thanked him for being protective, but she remained committed to telling Mariah that she was through with the nasty stunts. Tyler was concerned that the pranks could escalate, but Abby insisted that presenting a united front would defuse Mariah. He agreed to show Mariah that there was no way she could break them up.

Abby said that she and Tyler could resume their search for the perfect home once the "Mariah nonsense" was over, and Leslie approached their table. Leslie mentioned that she'd crossed paths with Jill earlier, and she hoped that Billy would be home soon. Tyler got up to fetch Leslie some coffee, and Leslie jokingly asked what Abby had done to her brother. Leslie plopped down and commented that it was nice to stop running.

Leslie thanked Tyler for the coffee, and she caught him glancing at his watch. Leslie thought it was obvious that something was going on, and Abby wondered where Mariah was. Leslie was shocked that Tyler would meet with his ex-fiance, and she suddenly realized that she'd blown Neil off. Leslie hurriedly gathered her things and ran out. Leslie rushed into the Athletic Club and asked Cane if Neil was there. Cane reported that Neil had just left and that Neil hadn't been in a good mood.

Tyler determined that Mariah wasn't going to show up, and he asked if Abby was disappointed. Abby admitted that she was annoyed because she'd wanted to make Mariah face reality. Tyler suspected that Abby had put the fear of God in Mariah, and he surmised that Mariah probably wasn't even in town anymore. Abby left for work, and Tyler stepped out to the patio and called Mariah. He expressed relief that Mariah hadn't shown up, but he needed to see her. They arranged to meet at her hotel.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 3, 2014 on Y&R

Friday, February 7, 2014

by Jenny Smith

Leslie found Neil in the park, and she asked how long he'd been in the freezing cold. He replied that he'd had to clear his mind, since David Tutera hadn't been thrilled with him. Neil remarked that he wasn't good at picking wedding themes or getting his fiance to show up on time, and Leslie apologized for not being there. Neil recounted that he'd made a lot of excuses for her, and she said that the meeting had slipped her mind. Neil demanded to know how she could forget about their wedding.

Leslie explained that her ringer had been off at the hospital when she'd met with Jill, and then she'd run into Tyler and Abby. Leslie regretted that she'd blown it, and Neil deadpanned that he'd had to make some choices without her there, like circus performers and a gaudy color scheme for the reception, but Leslie refused to laugh. She said that he could hold her accountable for screwing up, but he thought that her absence hadn't just been about Jill and Tyler. Neil concluded that Leslie didn't really want to marry him.

Leslie reminded Neil that her childhood had taught her that marriage was something to suffer through to survive, but Neil argued that they weren't her parents. Leslie remarked that Neil had been married more than once, and she had never wanted to be married. Leslie questioned why marriage had to be the answer, and she referred to the old days when marriage had simply served to determine property rights. Neil contended that people had fought to get married and that it meant something, and Leslie conceded that it did to some people. He realized that it had no significance to her, and he thought that it meant that she didn't love him enough, but she yelled for him to stop telling her how she felt and to listen to her.

Leslie said that Neil couldn't see inside her heart, but she swore that she loved him. She explained that she'd accepted his proposal because she loved him, and she'd loved him enough to pretend to care about dresses and color schemes. She continued that if he really loved her, then he needed to see who she was -- someone who had literally believed that marriage was a death sentence. Leslie disclosed that she'd seen countless couples turn on one another for ugly reasons, and she'd heard women gush about their big day, but it was only one day. She contended that marriage was every day afterward, and she wanted her days and nights to be with him.

Leslie declared that she wanted whatever insane, over-the-top honeymoon Neil had brainstormed, as long as it was just the two of them. She promised that she was entirely with him and for him, and he became misty-eyed. Leslie asked if Neil knew how much she loved him, and he softly kissed her through his tears and said that he really loved her, too.

Jack couldn't focus at work, and he threw a file across his office. Hilary picked it up, and she told him that he was entitled to take the day off. He contemplated what he might throw at home, and she recognized that there was a lot of glass at the mansion. He bitterly stated that Adam had killed Jack's niece, and Hilary sympathized that Jack had looked at Adam as a son. Jack told her that Adam had asked him to look after Connor, and he couldn't believe that Adam had watched him sign the guardianship papers without saying a word about Delia.

Jack recalled that he'd sensed that something had been off with Adam, and he snarled that Victor had been holding the truth over Adam's head, while Billy had sunk further into despair. Jack lamented that he'd loved Adam like a son, and Hilary reasoned that Jack had known what it was like to have a wonderful father, so Jack had wanted Adam to know that feeling, too. Jack spat that Adam had lied, but Hilary countered that it didn't mean that Adam hadn't loved him back. Jack worried about how Adam's actions would affect Chelsea's life, and Hilary anticipated that Jack would help Chelsea and Connor put their lives back together, just like Jack had done for Hilary.

At the ranch, Nikki assured Victor that he'd repeatedly tried to reach out to Adam, and she suspected that it hurt his heart to know that Adam might still be alive if Victor had told the police about Adam's role in Delia's accident. Victor pledged to do anything to protect his family, and Nikki noted that Victor had tried to protect Adam from himself, just like she'd tried to protect Victor, even when he wouldn't let her. She reported that Nick had been there earlier, but she hadn't told him that Victor had known that Adam had been the driver. Nikki promised that she wouldn't tell Nick or Victoria, but she warned that Jack knew, and Jack had every reason to tell the whole world.

Victor figured that Jack would do anything to do damage to Victor, especially after Victor had filed the report about the presence of drugs at Jabot's photo shoot. Victor said that his only concern was his family's stability, and Nikki said that it made her shake inside to wonder what Victor was going to do, but she couldn't worry about it because she had a doctor's appointment. She informed Victor that it was just a routine follow-up, and she promised to provide a full report, since she knew what it felt like not to get the whole truth from the person she'd pledged her life to.

Sharon stopped by the penthouse and expressed her condolences to Chelsea. Chelsea wondered if Sharon was there to gloat, but Sharon asserted that despite the history between her and Chelsea, they were the only two people who would mourn Adam. Chelsea mentioned Victor, and Sharon opined that Victor would mourn the person he'd wanted Adam to be, but Victor hadn't really known Adam. Chelsea pointed out that she also hadn't known him, since he'd been able to keep such a huge secret from her. Sharon conceded that Adam could be selfish and cruel, but she believed that he hadn't been a bad man and that Delia's death had been an accident.

Chelsea fretted that Connor would find out that his father had killed a little girl, but Sharon urged her not to think that far ahead. Sharon suggested that they figure out a way to say goodbye, but Chelsea insisted that Adam was still alive. Chelsea explained that she had dozed off the night before and had seen Adam, and Sharon understood that people's minds could make something seem real if they wanted it badly enough. Sharon divulged that she'd had realistic visions of Cassie, but they had just been a trick that her brain had played on her. Sharon wanted to focus on what they knew, and she said that there was no way Adam could have survived.

Sharon admitted that she'd once believed that she was the only person who'd really known or loved Adam, but she knew that he had been truly happy with Chelsea, and nothing would ever change that. The doorbell rang, and Connor's cries sounded over the baby monitor. Sharon offered to check on the baby, and she went upstairs, while Chelsea invited Victor in. Victor noted that Chelsea had been crying, and she replied that she hadn't stopped. Victor asked if she and Connor needed anything, but she nervously told him that it wasn't a good time.

Victor insisted that Chelsea and Connor needed a safe haven, and he suggested that they stay at the ranch. Sharon returned and proclaimed that the ranch was the last place Adam would have wanted his wife and child to be. Victor asserted that Chelsea needed protection from the press and outsiders, and he offered to take care of Connor's medical needs. Sharon chided Victor for suddenly treating Chelsea like family, but Victor argued that no one could take care of Chelsea and Connor as well as he could. Victor pressed Chelsea to think about things on their way to the ranch, and Jack entered and demanded to know if Chelsea had lost her mind. Jack declared that there was no way Victor was going anywhere with Connor.

Jack insisted that Victor wasn't the right person to trust, and Victor questioned whether there had been trust when Jack had sent Adam to prison or when Sharon had made Adam an accessory to arson. Victor pledged to focus on Chelsea and Connor's future, and Sharon advised Chelsea to listen to Jack. Sharon left, and Jack referred to the legal documents Adam had requested to ensure that Victor had no access to Connor. Chelsea realized that Adam had predicted what would happen, and Jack maintained that he would be honored to protect her and Connor.

Jack asserted that Chelsea and Connor were innocent, but Victor wasn't, and he begged Chelsea not to let Victor into her life. Victor huffed that the situation was about a little boy who had lost his father, and he accused Jack of making it about their own feud. Jack told Chelsea that she had the power to make Victor back off and that Victor had no choice but to respect her decision. Jack wanted to leave to check on Billy, and Chelsea assured Jack that Adam had truly loved him.

After Jack left, Chelsea said that Adam would have hated that Victor was there and that she'd let Victor get close to Connor. Victor pointed out that Adam was gone and that Connor needed to be cared for and loved. Chelsea swore that Connor would always have her, and she was sure that once her head cleared, she wouldn't need Victor's help anymore. Victor repeated that he was Chelsea's family, and he wanted to protect her and Connor.

Chelsea asked how things would work if she and Connor lived in the same house as Victor and Nikki, and Victor suggested that he have another house built next to the stables. Victor proposed that Connor could learn to ride and have the best of everything, and Chelsea realized that Connor would turn into a Newman. Victor declared that Connor was already a Newman, and Victor wouldn't turn his back on the woman Adam had loved and the son they had created. She gazed down at her wedding ring. Meanwhile, a man's bloody hand, adorned with a wedding band, twitched in the snow.

At Jabot, Hilary informed Sharon that Jack was at the hospital and might not be back for a while, and Sharon said that she was happy that Hilary was there. Hilary called herself "a mean bitch who destroyed lives," and Sharon joked that she was one, too, when she wasn't a basket case with no hold on reality. The women laughed, and Sharon started to leave. Sharon saw a stone-faced Cassie waiting in the elevator, and she froze as the doors closed between them.

At the hospital, Victoria wondered why Billy had seemed adamant that Adam wasn't alive. She called Adam "Satan's understudy," and she figured that if anyone could have walked away, it would have been Adam. Billy swore that Adam hadn't, and he reasoned that Adam's SUV had turned into a fireball and that witnesses had seen a body in the car. Billy stated that it was a fact that Adam was gone, but Victoria thought that there was more to it, and she implored Billy to tell her the rest.

Victoria assured Billy that they'd proven that their relationship was unbreakable, and she said that he could tell her anything. A police officer entered and announced that Paul needed Billy to identify some evidence, and he presented Billy with a bag that contained a gun. Billy said that he couldn't positively identify the gun for certain, but it was probably his if it had been found at the crash site. The officer reported that the gun had been discharged once, and Billy suggested that it might have gone off when the car had driven off the cliff.

The officer commented that he had a daughter who was Delia's age, so he was glad that Adam couldn't hurt anyone else. The cop departed, and Billy told Victoria that while he'd felt alone, he was seeing things more clearly, and he was aware of how many people were trying to help him. She asked if he was ready to talk, since she had been waiting since he'd shown up at their doorstep. She said that she'd taken a step back until he was ready, but she thought it was time he talked to her about his gun.

Victoria said that she'd had no idea that there had been a gun in the house, and she questioned how long it had been there. She recalled that she and Billy had lost one another many times before, but they'd always found their way back. Victoria understood that Billy would always grieve Delia, but she hadn't seen the rage in him. He revealed that he'd had the gun since he'd gone to Myanmar, and she asked him for the rest of the truth.

Victoria realized that Billy had known that Adam had been the driver when Billy had returned home, but Billy hadn't said anything. Victoria recalled that Chelsea had stopped by before heading to Paris, and she theorized that Billy had bided his time until he could access the gun. Victoria pledged her love to Billy, and she pleaded with him to tell her what had happened. Billy stammered that Victoria knew everything and that there was nothing more to tell.

Victoria said that she'd had to ask, and she assured Billy again that he'd always have her, no matter what. Jack entered, and Victoria said that she would be right outside. Once alone with Billy, Jack remarked that John had been watching out for Billy, and Billy was grateful that he was still alive.

Stitch pointed out that Kelly hadn't denied sleeping with Billy, and she told Stitch not to act like he knew her. Stitch realized that he was right, and he recalled the tension between Billy and Kelly when Victoria had invited them to dinner, but Kelly argued that the issue had been between her and Stitch. Stitch said that he'd seen Kelly gazing through the window at Billy and Victoria, and she suggested that he get back to his life and tend to his patients. Stitch barked that Kelly couldn't blow him off because he knew too much.

Kelly condemned Stitch for being self-righteous, but he swore that he wasn't judging her. Kelly mentioned the kind of loss that she and Billy had both suffered, and Stitch understood that their grief had pushed them together. Kelly admitted that she and Billy had been missing their kids and hadn't been thinking, but they'd only spent one night together. Stitch recognized that she had only been trying to dull the pain of losing Sam, and she called herself an idiot for confessing to Stitch. She clarified that as far as the rest of the world knew, Stitch was nothing to her. Stitch ordered Kelly to leave Billy alone and to not make things worse than they already were.

Kelly scoffed at the idea that Stitch would preach to her about morality, and he said that he wasn't talking about the past. He sympathized that she was still grieving, and he insisted that he wasn't the enemy. Kelly retorted that she wasn't the reason his wife wanted nothing to do with him, and she taunted that Stitch had blown up his own marriage. Stitch countered that Billy couldn't make things better for Kelly, and he advised her not to take "that guy" to bed again just to erase the pain. They were both startled when they saw Nikki watching them.

Nikki greeted Stitch and said that she'd just told Dr. Costner that the hospital was lucky to have Stitch on board. Nikki said that it was nice to see Kelly, and she mentioned the shocking news about Adam. Kelly pointedly stated that it was awful that Adam had kept a secret while he'd gone on with his life, and Nikki credited Kelly with keeping the Delia Project on track. Kelly replied that she would do whatever she could. Later, Nikki returned home and practically collapsed into a chair.

Stitch approached Victoria and commented that Billy was looking better, but Victoria lamented that she could still feel the ache in Billy's heart over Delia. Stitch optimistically stated that Billy would be released soon and could focus on Victoria and Johnny, and she wanted Billy to invest time in the foundation, too. Stitch thought it would be good for Billy and Victoria to work on something together, and she hoped that Billy wouldn't think that the organization was tainted because of Adam's involvement. Victoria planned to call Kelly for advice, but Stitch cautioned that there was something that Victoria needed to know.

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