Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R

SC Desk
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R

Tony pulled away from Tricia's kiss. Billy started drinking when he assumed Mac and Raul were together. Malcolm was puzzled by Callie's reluctance to pick a wedding date. Ryan learned that Tricia had lied about seeing her therapist.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R

Monday, January 3, 2000


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Nina shows up two hours late to join Chris and Paul but can't find Tomas.Seeing how shaken up his sister is because of the latest fan letter, Nick takesVictoria and Sharon home. He then calls Paul with the news. Tomas alsoshows up late at the Colonnade Room because he had car trouble. Chrisleaves a note explaining that she went home. Tomas and Nina end upspending the evening together. Paul hears from Nick that Larry was at thecoffee house and warns him again to stay away from the ex-con. Stunned byher kiss, Tony ask Tricia if she has lost her mind. He insists that they aregoing to forget this ever happened. Back at home, Ryan announces to his wifethat they will not be going out with Megan and Tony again. Meanwhile, Tonytells Megan that he loves her more than she will ever know. Billy calls Kay'shouse but when Raul answers, he hangs up. Billy then calls his dad andexplains that he's going to crash at Kelly's place. John warns him to becareful. Billy has a beer and falls asleep on sofa. Jill advises Mackenzie that thedifference between Raul and Billy is class.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R

Tuesday, January 4, 2000

by Caryn

When they discover that she is gone, Sharon and Nick go to the main house to make sure that Vicki is o.k. They talk about the possibility of Warton being Vicki's stalker and agree that she should stay with them until the mystery is solved. Later, Nick goes to Paul's office and tells him about his suspicions while Sharon and Vicki have a heart-to-heart. Vicki admits to being scared to even leave the house, but feels that it may be her own fault that everything is happening because she put herself out there by posing in the ads. Sharon says she understands how she's feeling because she did the same thing to herself after she was raped. But, after a while, she realized it wasn't her fault and Vicki needs to do the same. When Billy appears to have a hangover, John questions him about his evening out. Billy admits that there was drinking at the party, but says he didn't take part in it until he got permission to stay over. He thought that because of that, it was o.k. John says it isn't, but drops the subject when Ashley returns home from her cruise. She tells them that she ran into Diane Jenkins while she was away, but still managed to have a great time. Billy welcomes his sister home, then leaves. Later, he meets up with Brittany at the coffee shop. He also runs into Raul, who apologies for the way he's been acting and the two decide to make up. At the Chancellor estate, Brock gives his approval of Raul, but questions Mackenzie about what's going on between her and Billy. When Jill comes in, Mackenzie seizes the opportunity to leave before she has to answer any more questions. Jill tells Brock that she wants to make a real effort to get along with Mackenzie. He's reluctant to believe it, but she says she's willing to give it a try for the sake of their relationship. Later, Jill stops by the Abbott's. She and Ashley discuss the decline in the sales at Newman Enterprises and speculate as to what's going on and why Victoria isn't in the ads anymore. When Ashley expresses concern, Jill accuses her of still harboring feelings for Victor. Ashley denies the accusation then tries to track down Brad who's in Italy with Nikki. Enjoying their last night there, he asks her to extend their trip another week. Reluctant at first, Nikki agrees but says she has to call home to check in so that they won't be worried. When she calls, she speaks with Sharon who informs her that Victor has been home since the night she left!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R

Wednesday, January 5, 2000

by Audra McKenna

Sharon is talking to Nikki on the phone telling her that Victor was home for Christmas but he left shortly after. She asks where Nikki is, but Nikki doesn't say. She asks Nikki if she wants to talk to Victoria and Nikki says no that she just called to say that she was ok.

Then we see Nikki in the hotel room in Venice (or wherever they are having their tryst). Brad walks into the room draped in nothing but a towel (a FINE figure of a man I must say!) He asks Nikki if she called home and she tells him that she talked to Sharon. She says that maybe they should head on home. She and Brad had been talking about extending their trip, so he's rather taken aback that she suddenly wants to go home. He asks her what Sharon said on the phone. She says nothing, but she feels that she should go home. He says he will make the arrangements. She thanks him. But he warns her that they are "together" now and he's not going to let her fall into her old patterns with Victor again. There's no turning back.

The Photo Studio:Callie arrives looking for Malcolm but he doesn't seem to be around. She calls Michael Baldwin to make an appointment to see him. He tells her to come by in an hour and she says she'll be there. In the background we see Malcolm come into the room (must have been in the dark room). He comes up behind Callie just as she is hanging up the phone.

Paul Williams Investigations:Paul is talking to Leo SylvEsther, Warton's parole officer. He sets a meeting with him and hangs up. He tells Nick that Leo is coming over to the office right away and Nick says that he wants to be in on the meeting. Paul tries to talk him out of it, knowing that Nick is a time bomb waiting to explode. However, Leo must have been just next door, because all of a sudden Lynn is showing him in to Paul's office for their meeting. Paul introduces Leo to Nick and then tells him about what's happening to Victoria. Nick butts in and starts mouthing off about Warton being at his coffeehouse and making threats (he's being his usual snarky little self). Paul interrupts and asks him sternly if HE can explain the situation to "Mr. SylvEsther."

Michael "The Shyster" Baldwin's Office:Diane Jenkins strolls into the office. He asks her if she had a good time on the cruise and she tells him it was really very nice and that she brought him a gift. She hands him a gift-wrapped package. He tells her that she could show her gratitude and a much better way ... she says "Oh?" and he points to his lips. She gives him a small peck. She tells him that Ashley was on the cruise and wants to know if he set it up that way and that's why he bailed out at the last minute. He promises her that he did no such thing and asks how they got along. She says that they had a very interest conversation about Victor. Baldwin doesn't look too happy about that prospect.

Olivia's Office:Ashley comes to visit her old friend Olivia. Olivia tells her that she is looking positively great. Ashley tells her she just got back from a cruise that Jack had given her as a Christmas gift. Olivia says that she and Cole must have had a great time, because she looks radiant. Ashley tells her that she and Cole are getting a divorce. Olivia is stunned.

Back at the Ranch:Victoria comes downstairs and asks Sharon who called. Sharon tells her it was Nikki and Victoria asks her if she found out where she was or got a number. Sharon tells her that she tried to, but Nikki wouldn't tell her. Victoria gets really upset that Sharon didn't call her to the phone and Sharon tells her that she tried, but Nikki said no. Victoria is some po'd.

Back at Malcolm's Studio:Callie jumps when Malcolm comes up behind her. He asks who she was talking to and she says she was just checking for messages and that she brought him a latte. He says she's his sweet thang and gives her the kissy face. Neil comes in clearing his throat. He tells Malcolm that there has been a "misfire in communications" and he wants to clear it up. Callie makes her excuses and leaves. Neil tells Malcolm it's about Brash N' Sassy. He noticed that Malcolm has a "shoot" with Victoria scheduled for this afternoon and he tells Malcolm that Victoria won't be doing any more of the ads. Neil tells Malcolm about the letters and says they can't take any chances. Malcolm agrees. Malcolm then asks Neil if that's the only reason he came by. Neil says he wanted to see how he was doing. They have a little brotherly love thing going on and they are getting back on track.

Paul's Office:Leo SylvEsther says he believes that Warton has become a law-abiding citizen since his parole. Nick busts into the convo and says, "give me a break" and then goes on a tirade about how Warton threatened him at his club and that he's a snake and on and on, ad-nausium! SylvEsther says that they have no hard evidence. Nick tells him to do his job and haul him in. (would someone puleeze shut that boy up!) SylvEsther tells him that it isn't done like that, he has to have hard evidence before he can even consider picking him up. Then SylvEsther says why should he even bother to talk to Warton, that Nick is pre-judging him and he turns and walks out. Paul is just livid with Nick and tells him that he's not sure he even wants the case any more. He tells Nick that SylvEsther has been in this business since Nick was in diapers and Nick is trying to tell him his job. You might say that Paul, who is generally pretty cool, blows his lid. (you go Paul!)

The Ranch:Victoria is chewing Sharon out for not getting a number for Nikki. She thinks that Nikki is with Brad and she's afraid what will happen when Victor finds out. Sharon asks her how much she really knows and how much of this is just projection. Victoria says she just knows that Nikki is with Brad and she hopes she comes to her senses. Sharon says, what if she's wrong by assuming the worst. Victoria says they have to be realistic and this could be an enormous disaster.

Baldwin's Office:He's upset because he thinks Diane is thinking too much about Victor. She poo-poo's the idea and says she's got to go and leaves. He opens up her gift, which is a paperweight. He says, "How romantic", with a sneer on his face. He says to himself that he is competing with "Mr. Charisma" now. What's he got that I haven't and how can I get it, he says?

Olivia's Office:Olivia tells Ashley that she's really sorry about the divorce. She asks why Ashley didn't come and cry on her shoulder. Ashley says that the cruise really did wonders for her and gave her a jump-start toward a new life. Ashley asks Olivia how Christmas was and Olivia tells her about collapsing. Ashley asks her how long she was in the hospital and should she be back at work already. Olivia says she's taking it slow and she's ok. She says that she and Nate had a great Christmas. Ashley tells her she needs to slow down and lean on your friends, pointing to herself. Olivia says what about you and Cole. Then Olivia tells Ashley that she has a certain glow about her. She says "what's his name"? "You met someone!" Ashley says there is a man involved. Olivia starts quizzing her again and then her pager goes off and Ashley says, "saved by the buzzer!"

Back at Paul's:Paul tells Nick that if he is going to stay on the case, that Nick will not be part of it. He says Nick is too emotional and he blows up too quick. Nick says ok that he will stay out of it, but that Paul has to catch this guy and that he will hold Paul personally responsible for whatever happens to Victoria. Nick leaves and Lynn comes in. Paul asks if she heard it all and she says yes. Lynn says she thinks all the pieces fit together for Warton being the bad buy. Paul tells her that SylvEsther thinks Warton is clean.

Olivia's Office:Olivia's doctor pages her and wants to see her. Ashley leaves and Olivia goes to her doc's office. He gives her the reports on her test results. She is upset and says she thought this was over with. Her doctor says that the positive trends haven't continued and the profile indicates that she's taken a step back and that her condition is now borderline. She tells him not to gloss over it. He wishes he had better news. She says she can be rational when she is telling her patients news of this kind, but she's having trouble when it is her.

The Photo Studio:Neil tells Malcolm that Olivia is moving on with her life. Malcolm says that he's wanted to tell Olivia about his engagement to Callie, but he didn't think the time was right. Neil say that he thinks she could handle it now and Malcolm says that he's going to bite the bullet and go and tell her.

Paul Williams:Paul goes to Warton's workplace to talk to him. Warton says he smells cop. Paul tells him he's a P.I. hired by Nick Newman. He says Nick thinks that he's been harassing his sister and Paul just wants to hear his side of the story. Warton says he's got nothing to gain by telling him and Paul says he's got nothing to lose either. He straight out asks Warton if he's been writing letters to Victoria.

From God knows Where:Victor calls the Ranch and Sharon answers the phone. He asks if Nikki is there and Sharon tells him that she hasn't returned yet. She asks if he wants to speak to Victoria and he says yes. Victoria gets on the phone and blasts at him, "Where are you? When will you be home? How long is this going on?" He says he is still away on business and he will be coming home soon. Victoria snidely says, "for good?" He asks where Nikki is. Victoria says she can't tell him that. He asks if she's been in touch and Victoria says yes. He gets mad and demands to know where she is and Victoria says she can't say. Victor tells her to stop playing mind games with him. She yells at him that when he gets home, he can discuss this with Nikki. She says she's not about to get in the middle of this mess. She hangs up ......... and the credits roll.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R

Thursday, January 6, 2000

by Caryn

Victor calls Christine at work from New Mexico. He would like her to look over some documents for a deal he is working on. He faxes them over and then asks her to come there to discuss it with him. She agrees to fly out on the Newman jet and meet with him that afternoon. Before she leaves, she is visited by Nina who wants to discuss her evening with Tomas. Nina tells her friend that she had a great time, but wants to take things slowly so that she can be sure about her feelings. Later, she meets up with Tomas at the coffee shop. He asks if she wants to talk about what's going on between them. Nina says she doesn't want it to look like she's pursuing him and he says it doesn't. The two agree to have lunch together at her place. Back in New Mexico, Romana considers telling Victor how she feels about him. She's affraid that it would be too hard for him to leave his family in Genoa City behind. Still, she decides that it would be better to know and get on with her life either way. Later, Jack pays her a surprise visit. Malcolm goes to see Olivia and tells her that he and Callie are getting married. He says that they will always share a bond because of Nate. As he talks about their son's future, she hides that fact that she fears she won't be around to see it because of her illness. In the meantime, Michael tells Callie that he has come up with a plan for her to receive a divorce from Trey. He tells her about the "File and Publish" plan that would involve her putting an ad in the classifieds trying to find him. If he doesn't respond in three weeks time, she can divorce him without his written consent. She agrees, provided the ad goes in a Detroit newspaper...not one in Genoa City. Michael agrees and tells her that if all goes as planned, she'll be free to marry Malcolm sometime over the summer. An elated Callie later tells her surprised fiancé that she is ready to set a date. Sharon and Victoria tell Nick that both Victor and Nikki called while he was gone. He says that he hopes his mother returns before Victor does. Sharon and Nick end up telling Victoria about their suspicions that Warton is her stalker. Nick explains that there is no's just a hunch on his part. As he is discussing it with his sister, Paul phones and tells him about his meeting with Warton. He says he's still not convinced that this is their guy. Warton admitted to hating Nick and being jealous of the fact that he gets whatever he wants, but, he says, he did not send the letters to Victoria. He threw Paul out, but not before slipping that he knows Victoria's name. Later, Warton pulls out a magazine ad with a picture of Victoria in it from his locker.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 3, 2000 on Y&R

Friday, January 7, 2000

by Soap Central

Chris meets Victor in Albuquerque to help him with somepapers. She questions why he couldn't have done this inGenoa City and then realizes it has something to do withRamona. Jack tries to explain to Ramona that Victor is adangerous person and wonders just how involved she iswith him. Ramona doesn't want to believe anything badabout Victor. Tony tells Sharon about Tricia kissing him atthe Colonnade Room. He doesn't know how to handle thesituation. Tony makes a decision to ask Megan to marryhim. Ryan lets Tricia know that the doctor's office told himthat she is the one who has been canceling theappointments. He wants her to see a therapist, but sherefuses. A frustrated Ryan goes to Nina's place to discusshis situation. He bursts in on Tomas and Nina talking. Jillcalls Billy at the coffeehouse to invite Billy to dinner. Billysees this as an opportunity to see Mac. However, when hearrives at the Chancellor estate, Mac gives him a bad timefor treating Raul poorly. Malcolm wants to discuss weddingplans with Callie, but she is reluctant to do so.

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