The thrill is gone

The thrill is gone
The thrill is gone

Chelsea bid a tearful farewell to Nick and the thrill of their relationship. Devon told Hilary that he was not thrilled with her apology and then kissed another woman. Let's discuss other thrilling developments in this week's Two Scoops.

Poor Nick. No matter how hard he tries to be sensitive and understanding, he just can't catch a break in his love life. He rides in on his big white horse, saves the damsel, protects her, trusts her, and loves her unconditionally, but before you can say, "What a guy," said damsel cuts his heart out with a rusty spoon. At least Chelsea did have enough of a heart to not take Christian, as she'd originally intended, but with both Sharon and Phyllis knowing the truth about Christian's paternity, I'm pretty sure that Nick will also know very soon, since neither of those ladies can keep a secret unless it's theirs.

Chelsea's motives for bolting seem murky to me. I can understand that she was insecure, but I don't understand acting on it, especially when you throw away more than you gain. Even the $250,000 that Chelsea grifted was a drop in the bucket compared to what Adam left her and to what Nick still has, even after giving away $500 million. Even if Victor hadn't taken Chelsea's secret stash and given it back to Lauren, it was hardly enough to start over and live at the same level of comfort that Chelsea enjoyed with Nick.

Even without Nick, Chelsea's business and career were thriving and sure to gain millions for her as the years passed, so why throw it all away for a paltry $250,000? It's not like she can move to another town and start Chelsea 3.0. With Victor hot on her trail, Chelsea and Connor will always be on the run and will never have a lifestyle like the one they had in Genoa City unless Chelsea meets another "white knight," and this time one who doesn't ask any uncomfortable questions like Nick did.

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Chelsea did explain her insecurity in the letter she left for Nick, but it does not clarify her lack of common sense or her lack of respect for the dollars and cents income provided by Nick's resources, Adam's legacy, and Chelsea's booming business. "It's only a soap," is a feeble explanation for the departure of what has been a strong, honest character that we are left to remember as weak, shallow, and self-serving.

The only saving grace for me in this situation would be for Sharon and Nick to get back together and raise Christian. Sharon originally keeping the truth of Christian's paternity to herself is no worse than Chelsea keeping it. Though, once Christian's paternity is known, I'm not sure who would get custody. Nick is the legal father according to the birth certificate, I believe, but since Adam is the biological father, Victor might be the most eligible custodian. What a mess and another heartbreak for Nick.

Also departing Genoa City is Noah, another male character who rushes in to save damsels who can save themselves. Maybe Mumbai will give Noah a chance to grow up and have a birthday or two, since he hasn't had one in Genoa City since he turned 24, five years ago. Talk about stunted growth! Gone and probably forgotten for as long as it takes Tessa and Mariah to get over feeling guilty and work their way back to each other, which I have no doubt that they will do because the thrill definitely isn't gone between Tessa and Mariah yet.

Devon told Hilary that the thrill is gone between them, but I think that the gentleman "doth protest too much." I still expect that Devon will somehow end up being the father of Hilary's child. Hilary has just about everyone mad at her -- now that her part in Juliet's false claim of sexual harassment has been exposed -- but I have no doubt that Hilary will manage to wriggle out from under that scandal just like she has from so many others. I do wish Hilary had been thorough enough to destroy that thumb drive. I liked that she and Lily had declared a truce. Now I expect open warfare again because Lily will definitely want revenge for the destruction that Hilary caused Lily's family.

Who do you think is more insecure, Victoria or J.T.? Both seem unusually sensitive, don't you think? J.T. was jealous of Billy on Valentine's Day, and Victoria didn't trust J.T. when he was late for lunch. That does not bode well for their relationship. Insecurity, trust issues, arguments, liquor, and make-up sex are not the recipe for a stable, long-lasting relationship. However, that might not be necessary, if, as I suspect, J.T. expires unexpectedly from a heart-related problem.

In the meanwhile, Victoria will go ballistic when she finds out that J.T., with the bad heart, is working undercover for Paul and Christine to bring Victor down. Who knew that folks could work undercover without police academy training or a physical exam? I also wonder when Christine and Paul got so vindictive about Victor that they were willing to use any means necessary to bring him down. It was one thing when they thought that Victor was part of the sex trafficking ring, but he wasn't, so what is driving this vendetta? Weren't they all friends, sort of, at one time?

It's an understatement to say that Victoria is not thrilled to have Ashley working at Newman. In fact Victoria is so upset that she is willing to connive with Jack to get Ashley to go back to Jabot. Ashley's defection from the company that her father built does seem a little over the top, but Jack hurt her very badly, and I can understand why she would want to take him down a peg or two. I think it will be harder to dislodge Ashley than Victoria thinks it will, especially now that Abby is headed home with her own reasons to want to keep mommy Ashley on board at Newman.

I can't say I'm crazy about Victor and Nikki's "open marriage," though Nikki and Victor seem happy enough. I guess I'm old-fashioned, but not only do I not approve of adultery, I'm also appalled that Arturo is young enough to be Nikki's grandson. Yuck! I feel the same way about her having sex with him as I do of a 60-something man having sex with a 20-something woman. I'm probably in the minority here, and I'm okay with that. On this particular issue, I have not changed with the times!

I did enjoy the retrospective of Chelsea's life with Nick during Friday's episode. I always love those vintage clips that showcase the soap's history while bidding an exiting character a fond farewell. I'm sad that Chelsea is leaving, but I wish her portrayer, Melissa Claire Egan, the best of luck on her continuing journey as an actor. She had great chemistry with all her leading men, but none more that Justin Hartley as Adam. Maybe she can be his next love interest, if there is one, on his nighttime gig!

One last thing: What is it with Phyllis and Nick? She has proven to be quite the proprietary busybody where he is concerned. Two -- or was it three -- years ago, she spoiled his wedding to Sharon, and now she has ruined his marriage to Chelsea. I'm not saying that Phyllis wasn't justified, just that she seems to go out of her way to protect Nick from what she considers predatory females. She's as much of a white knight for Nick as he is for others. Maybe they should get back together and save each other from all that saving!

My cat, "Pretty Kitty," just pranced across the keyboard and started typing. Strangely, some of it makes sense. It appears to be code for, "Quit working, get out the cat teaser, and play with me -- or suffer the consequences." Excuse me -- got to go -- I much prefer doing my master's bidding to the "consequences!"

Thanks again for letting me share my thoughts with you. As always, fellow fans, I welcome feedback about this column in the section provided below. I enjoy all your comments, even when you don't agree with me. Please return in two weeks for another edition of Two Scoops.

READ MORE OF THIS WEEK'S TWO SCOOPSThe Bold and the Beautiful | Days of our Lives | General Hospital |

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