The Scoop: Young and Restless previews, teasers, and spoilers for the Week of April 10, 2017

SC Desk
A sneak peek at some of the action that will take place on  during the week of April 10, 2017. Be sure to tune in to  every weekday to see how everything plays out.
A sneak peek at some of the action that will take place on during the week of April 10, 2017. Be sure to tune in to every weekday to see how everything plays out.

Tables have turned: Victor gets caught

A sneak peek at some of the action that will take place on during the week of April 10, 2017. Be sure to tune in to every weekday to see how everything plays out.

Nick is shocked to discover Victor helped Chloe escape

Chelsea is devastated by Chloe's betrayal and realizes how nave she has been

Chelsea takes steps to track Chloe down

Chelsea decides to go to GC Buzz and tell the truth about Chloe

Michael and Gloria want Kevin to accept that Chloe was responsible for Adam's death

Kevin is concerned for Chloe's well-being, knowing she is in danger because she is on the run

Kevin knows Chloe is not well and needs help

Scott suspects Lauren is trying set him up with Phyllis

After drinking too much scotch, sparks fly, and Scott and Phyllis share a kiss

Sharon opens up to Scott about her past

Sharon's loyalty is put to the test

Nikki is not happy when she discovers Victor's alliance with Chloe

Nikki warns Nick and Victoria there is trouble ahead

Hilary takes the lead at GC Buzz

Mariah and Hilary have a heated confrontation

Hilary shows Jordan a promotional poster of herself

Reed has a secret admirer

Reed shows off his birthday present to Zoey

Jack warns Ashley not to cross the line with Ravi

Billy hopes to convince Victoria to let her guard down and forgive him

Victoria crosses the line and angers Billy

Jordan suspects that Cane has been unfaithful

Cane's plan backfires when he tries to cover his tracks

Neil moves forward with a power play

Mariah is thrilled with her job

Casting scoops

Alec Mapa has been cast to play Anthony. No airdate has been provided yet. For more on this story, click here.

Ben Hermes reprises his role as Benjamin Hochman, the businessman who Gloria scared away from investing in Lauren's company, on April 17.

Beth Maitland returns for a visit in mid-April.

David Faustino returns as Howard Green, the former sleazy producer of GC Buzz. For more on this story, click here.

Erika Girardi reprises her role as Farrah Dubose this month. For more on this story, click here.

Marla Adams reprises her role as Dina Mergeron, the long-lost Abbott family matriarch. For more on this story, click here.

Eric SJ Blain won a nationwide casting call and will appear on The Young and the Restless. For more information, click here.

Down the road previews

A secret falls into the wrong hands

Bella's paternity is questioned again

Victor has to cover his tracks

Nikki receives a surprise

Billy makes a confession

Reed has a secret admirer who continues to admire

Phyllis faces reality

Cane has doubts about Juliet's loyalty

Ashley goes to New York City to visit Traci

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Edited by SC Desk