The Young and the Restless Recap for Wednesday, January 15, 2025: Claire and Jordan reunite

Claire and Jordan on The Young and the Restless | Image: JPI
Claire and Jordan on The Young and the Restless | Image: JPI

At Society, Adam sat at the bar and ordered a scotch as he spotted Sally coming in. He invited her to join but noticed she hesitated. He asked if she’d ever get to the point of not wanting to turn away when she saw him, and she said she honestly didn’t know.

Sally said seeing Adam was complicated and a lot to deal with. Adam wanted to fix that, but Sally told him they could only wait and see if it got fixed. Adam said he knew he hurt her and screwed up. Sally insisted it wasn’t a complete mistake as he and Chelsea had history, love, and a child. Adam said he and Sally did as well, and he thought about Ava every day. Sally agreed but said that she and Adam were done, and he and Chelsea had another chance.

Adam told Sally that he was just sounding guilty, he wasn’t making a play for her. He added that he had a bad habit of holding on too long and had accepted that it was over between them. Adam told Sally she deserved to get what she wanted in life. Adam explained that he and Chelsea were co-parenting well, and he was moving into the other ranch house, and he asked Chelsea to move in as well.

Sally was fine with it and reiterated her theory that they were meant to be together. Adam tried to ask about Sally and Billy, but she didn’t want to talk about it. However, she let it slip that he had his obsessions, and Adam wanted details. Adam guessed that Billy wanted revenge on him and Victor for taking Chancellor. “He’s the epitome of a sore loser,” Adam said. Claire snapped that when Adam acted like that, she didn’t want to be in the same room as him. “You caused so much damage, then you get annoyed at the fallout,” Sally said. Adam wanted to know more about the fallout and asked what Billy had planned. Sally sighed in disgust.

Chelsea bumped into Billy at Crimson Lights. He told her he considered her advice to let go of the Victor and Chancellor revenge plot. He said it was probably the right thing, but he couldn’t follow it. Chelsea tried to reason with him, but Billy was determined to regain his power. Chelsea complimented him for being able to make a decision and stick with it. Billy told her to tell her what she had on her mind.

Chelsea admitted she was invited to move to the ranch, and Billy grimaced. He said he could understand the situation and thought she should do it. He appreciated her telling him herself so he didn’t have to hear about it from Adam. Billy warned her that Adam would manipulate her before she unpacked her bags, so to be careful.

Chelsea assured Billy it wasn’t about romance, and she and Adam were done. “But the three of us, for Connor’s sake, that makes sense, and I’ll do anything for him,” Chelsea explained. She said she knew what mattered, and she could handle it. Billy told her that sometimes he thought that part of her wanted her family with Adam and Connor, but she just didn’t see it yet. Chelsea thought he was too kind to her after how she hurt him. Billy said they’d moved on, but Chelsea said she would never forgive herself. She thanked him for listening and for being him. “Don’t forget who Adam is. Don’t let him to tell you what you think. Be careful,” Billy said softly.

After Chelsea left, Sally came in. Billy greeted her with a kiss and a long hug. Sally told Billy about her conversation with Adam and how he wanted to know about them. Sally admitted she mistakenly dropped her guard and how Adam started speculating about Billy’s plans for revenge. Sally said that Adam was on high alert and would probably confront him, and she apologized for slipping up.

Billy told Sally he wasn’t upset, but she asked him not to pretend he was okay if he wasn’t. Billy told her that she would never have to second-guess what he said, and he would always tell her the truth as a rule. “And if Adam thinks I’m coming after him and his pops then let him sweat. Won’t be as fun if it’s easy,” Billy told her. Sally said it might be better if she didn’t know his plan. The only thing Billy would tell her was that the path to victory with the big man was through his family.

Chelsea joined Adam at Society and said that Connor was having a good time at the ranch with Katie and Johnny, and it was good for him there. Adam asked if they were setting up a room for her at the ranch and Chelsea said yes, Connor would have both his parents at his new home. She made it clear she was coming as a mom only, and it had nothing to do with reuniting. Adam told her he knew how she felt and not to worry. “This really is great, though. This is going to be great for all of us,” Adam said happily.

In the park, Claire was stunned to see her aunt. Jordan credited Claire’s instincts and said that she trained her well. Claire was speechless and noted she had called the prison to ensure Jordan was still in it. “Well, that shows you what they don’t know. You wouldn’t come to me, so I came to you. Surprise!” Jordan told her. Jordan admitted she had been around and keeping an eye on her.

Claire asked if Jordan had escaped for her. When she confirmed she had, Claire told Jordan that she always knew what to say and do to get what she wanted and could always see right through people. “That almost sounds like a compliment,” Jordan said. “I think it maybe it was,” Claire told her. Jordan told Claire to be careful and warned that her grandparents thought they were the sharpest tools in the shed. Claire agreed and said with a tinge of bitterness that Victor and Nikki were used to being special and being the best at everything. “They can’t truly see anyone else,” Claire added.

Jordan asked if there was trouble in paradise. Claire softly admitted she felt lost there. “Sometimes I’ll be in a room with the Newmans, and it’s like I’m watching from a distance,” Claire said. She told her aunt that the Newmans do horrible things and use their power and money to manipulate them to get whatever they want. Claire told Jordan she hadn’t listened to her and was now alone more than ever.

Jordan said she didn’t look lost with her new family, job, and clothes. Jordan said she was just playing along looking happy like Jordan taught her. Claire complained that the Newmans got bored of their mansion, so they built another one and compared it to her and Jordan’s real life. Jordan told Claire they were no longer a team and reminded her of what she had said to her the last time they had spoken.

Claire said at that moment, she had just found out how the parents that Jordan had said didn’t want her were actually kind and patient. “My entire life up until that point was a lie,” Claire told her. She said that now she knows that they manipulate and backstab. “It’s toxic and oppressive. I’ve seen who they really are. Maybe you were protecting me all along,” Claire admitted.

“So you see it now? You see who the Newmans really are?” Jordan asked. Claire said she could. She said that deep down, she knew Jordan was right. “I kept hoping you were feeling remorse and fury and vengeance and wanting our life back together,” Jordan said. She added that she realized that Claire had never once called or written and would still be rotting in that cell if not for some ingenuity. “No one’s smarter than you, Aunt Jordan,” Claire told her. She said there were so many rules and tests, and if you weren't in the inner Newman circle, they’d burn you to the ground.

Claire pointed out that she followed her alone to talk to her and wasn’t running away. She said she didn’t call the police or Victor so he could have her hunted down. “He’s a sick bastard!” Jordan fumed. “He is. I didn’t want to admit it at first. But I can’t pretend with you. You’re the only person I should have trusted. I know you can’t see it yet, but you can trust me, too,” Claire added.

“Aunt Jordan, I’m not trying to trap you. Why would I come here alone?” Claire asked. When she saw her aunt, she realized she had been waiting for that. She asked what Jordan meant when she said she came back for her. Claire wondered if it was because she wanted their lives back or if she was there to get revenge on her. “All up to you, precious,” Jordan replied.

Claire said that all she knew was she couldn’t trust the Newmans. “Well, there’s always the Abbotts,” Jordan said. Claire smiled and said that Kyle was the only one she could be herself around, and he already knew the Newmans were far from perfect. Jordan thought it sounded like love, but Claire didn’t think it was possible. “The Abbotts are still in a completely different world than me,” Claire noted. She wondered if she wasn’t a Newman, could she be an Abbott? Jordan asked about Victoria and her nephew, Cole, and wanted to know how Claire didn’t fit in with them.

Claire said that Victoria and Cole were never part of her childhood memories. She said Victoria knew her other kids in a way she would never have with Victoria but had with Jordan. She explained that Jordan really knew her, and when she went to Victoria with concerns, she said “something stupid like, ‘Claire, you’re a Newman. It’s in your blood.’” Jordan wept as Claire told her that it didn’t matter who she was or what she thought. “It doesn’t make any sense,” Claire confided. “You’re having an existential crisis, aren’t you?” Jordan asked hopefully. Claire wiped her tears and said she never let herself think these things, let alone say them out loud. “I don’t think I can pretend anymore. I don’t think I can hold on much longer,” Claire told Jordan tearfully. Jordan held out her arms, and Claire ran into them, and they hugged as Jordan cried tears of joy.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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