Chance met Nick at Sharon’s house as he had good news. They followed cameras through Genoa City and tracked Sharon’s car, making some spots, including the Riverbank Motel parking lot. Nick thought that proved Ian’s involvement as that was where Ian was staying when he confronted him.
Chance was incredulous to learn that Ian was staying at the same motel. He said he needed hardcore proof, though they were connected. “How much more proof do you need?” Nick wondered. Chance thought that Sharon’s car being driven to the hotel after her kidnapping was amazing but said they needed evidence to link it to Ian. Nick thought they didn’t have time to review the cameras at Ian’s motel. “I’m going to corner that freak and make him talk,” he seethed.
Chance didn’t want Nick to be charged with assault, but Nick didn’t care. He suggested that since Chance was a cop, he should come with him in an official capacity to confront Ian. Chance balked. “If this is as cunning as you say he is, it would be a mistake to approach him without more evidence,” Chance said. Nick thought waiting for bulletproof evidence would be too late for Sharon. He thought they should just go tell Ian they were onto him and see how he reacted. Chance reluctantly agreed.
In the motel room, Jordan poured herself a drink and muttered how she’d been abandoned by the “black-hearted bastard,” Ian Ward. She told herself she could do this on her own and could carry it out without him. “I’m going to do what I should have done all along,” Jordan said ominously.
Claire, Victoria, and Nikki continued to discuss whether or not to kill Jordan. Victoria thought it was carrying things too far, but Claire said they’d never be rid of her otherwise. “We shouldn’t have to live in fear,” Claire said matter-of-factly. Victoria worried that Claire would become Jordan’s next victim.
“Don’t worry about me. I can’t handle my Aunt Jordan because I can understand how she operates,” Claire said happily. She told them she would use Jordan’s own tactics on her. “If we do this right, Jordan won’t even know what hit her,” Claire added. She told them to go get some rest as they’d need to be ready to take on Jordan. “This is the beginning of the end, and when it’s over, all we’ll be is relieved,” she added.
Claire told them they could regroup in the morning. “Whatever you say,” Victoria told her. Claire reminded them they couldn’t tell anyone, including Victor and Col,e that Jordan was back. Victoria said Claire had to keep her end of the deal and not go solo. Just then, Claire’s phone began to ring. She explained that she and Jordan exchanged numbers after she had time to think if she could trust her. She answered confidently and said she called much sooner than she expected.
Claire chatted with Jordan, telling her that she had taught her everything she knew, and so, of course, she had a plan to bring down the Newmans, but she suggested she wasn’t sure how much she could trust Jordan. Claire didn’t want to discuss it over the phone and asked when they could meet. Jordan was skeptical and said she wouldn’t be alone: She said she had a friend who wasn’t afraid to get their hands dirty and gave her an escape. Jordan agreed that she didn’t trust easily and said she and her friend had a lot in common. She warned Claire that it could be dangerous for someone she knew if she was tricking her.
Claire promised it wasn’t a trap, and when she saw Jordan, she knew what the Newmans deserved. “Until tonight, I thought I’d have to do this on my own. I never dreamed you’d be free to do it with me,” Claire added. Jordan told her to go to Crimson Lights and wait for instructions.
Victoria was worried after the call, but Claire was excited that Jordan was buying it. She said she could tell by the sound in Jordan’s voice that she thought she could control Claire and couldn’t wait to do it. Victoria said everything was happening too fast, and they didn’t have time to think anything through. Claire assured them she had it all figured out and said she was giving them instructions before leaving.
Alone in the living room, Victoria told her mom the plan was crazy. She wondered how they could go through with it. Victoria reminded Nikki they’d been there before with blood on their hands, and they didn’t want Claire to go through that. Victoria said regardless of what they agreed to, once they had Jordan, they would stop it before Claire murdered her. Victoria lamented that Claire had seen too much evil in her life and wondered what the long-term effect would be if she had even thought of this plan.
Victor came in and knew they were hiding something from him. He asked where Claire was, and Victoria and Nikki once again looked guilty. They claimed they had been talking about Ian. Victor assured him he would keep them safe and said Nick was working with the police to find Sharon. Victor shared that he saw the footage of Sharon being kidnapped. Nikki surprised him when she asked if the kidnapper could be a woman.
Nikki said she was just curious as she knew how Ian operated. She figured Ian could manipulate a woman just as easily as a man. Victor said the police would enhance the video to see what they could find out. Victor told them he was going to bed and went up the stairs but paused on the landing.
At Crimson Lights, Claire remembered the last time she saw Jordan in jail and told her off. She mused aloud that she would never let her aunt manipulate her again. Claire got a text instructing her to meet her at the same place they had seen each other earlier in the park.
Claire sat on a park bench and waited. Jordan showed up in disguise. She still didn’t trust Claire but said it would mean the world if she could. She and Jordan sat and drank tea on the bench and reminisced about how Jordan taught Claire how to use chemicals. She asked Claire why she never tried to help her when she drank poison at that time. Claire justified her actions and noted that now they had another chance.
Claire explained again how she was an outsider in the Newman family. She claimed it didn’t matter since she was playing the long con against them and had since the beginning, just like Jordan taught her. Claire explained that she was a legal Newman and could receive an amazing inheritance should her mother meet with an unfortunate fate. Claire smiled wickedly at Jordan.
Jordan still didn’t believe Claire, given all the horrible things she had said to her the last time they saw each other. Claire said that Victoria didn’t love her or accept her; she wanted a daughter who was just like her. Claire said she had to turn her back on Jordan so she could start her plan. “If it’s successful, our options will be wide open,” Claire said. She gushed about how they would have everything they needed to take off forever and ranted Jordan’s old words about revenge and why the Newmans deserved it. Jordan got teary-eyed listening to her. “You’d sacrifice your mother for me?” Jordan asked. Claire insisted she would never love her like a mother and said she needed Jordan back in her life.
Nick pounded on the door at the motel and demanded that Ian open it. He and Chance put on rubber gloves and broke in. They searched the room. Chance spotted Jordan’s glass and saw lipstick on it. “Pretty sure his accomplice is a woman,” Chance told Nick. Nick said all the drawers were empty and thought they were wasting their time looking for clues. “I’m going to look for Sharon,” he said, frustrated, and stormed out. Chance called in for a search warrant, but Jordan walked up behind him. Nick had left the door open, and she heard Chance’s request on the phone. She put on her glasses and ran off.
Claire came home and met Nikki and Victoria in the living room. She told them that Jordan had shown and bought it and that she wanted to team up. “How did you convince her?” Victoria asked. “I told her I was ready to kill you,” Claire divulged.
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