The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, January 27, 2025: Mariah discovers Tessa and Aria are missing

Sharon and Cameron say goodbye on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: JPI
Sharon and Cameron say goodbye on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: JPI

At Nate’s apartment, Amy apologized for missing dinner because she’d been worn out after their flight back from Los Angeles. Amy thanked Nate and Audra for inviting her for dessert, even though she thought they could use a break from her. Nate insisted it wasn’t true, and Audra pointed out that she’d picked up some meringue cookies that Amy loved. Amy protested that they shouldn’t have gone to the trouble, but Audra figured she would have been forced to eat them all by herself without Amy there. Nate joked that he hadn’t been able to get Audra to share with him, and he mentioned that the cookies had been all Audra’s idea.

Amy inquired whether there was any update about Damian. Nate revealed that her son was heading to Genoa City to talk further, but he wasn’t sure it was about the job offer. Nate shared that his private investigator had uncovered that Damian wasn’t as down and out as they’d thought. Nate divulged that both companies Damian was involved with were owned by the same parent company — which Denise had discovered was owned by Damian. A shocked Amy responded that she didn’t see how that could be possible.

Nate agreed it didn’t track since Damian seemed like a lost soul, barely holding down a job and place to live. Amy recalled that her son had told her how much he was struggling, and he’d begged her for money a few years earlier. Nate marveled that Damian had become a hugely successful entrepreneur. Amy pondered how Damian had become the owner of multiple large, powerful companies without her knowing.

Amy shared that Damian was extremely motivated when he put his mind to something, and she imagined he’d gotten it from Jackson. Audra told her not to sell herself short. Nate asked if Amy thought Damian was capable of building an empire. Amy supposed so, but she was surprised because Damian had lost all his drive and focus after Jackson had died, and she’d thought he’d never get it back. She questioned why Damian would hide his prosperity and success.

Nate recounted that Damian had represented himself as drifting and lost, and he wondered why Damian had agreed to talk with him further. Amy theorized that Damian suspected something, and he intended to put Nate to the test. Nate steeled himself to be honest with Damian about using the job offer as an excuse to contact him. Amy noted that Damian didn’t need the position. Nate pointed out that he’d done it all for Amy to reunite with her son.

Audra urged Amy to take the opportunity to reach out to Damian. Amy feared losing Damian again once she told him all the secrets she’d kept from him. Audra insisted that Amy wasn’t alone since she and Nate would be there for her no matter what happened. Amy expressed her gratitude to them for being a rock for her, and she resolved to prepare herself for Damian’s arrival. Nate told her Damian would be there the next day.

Amy was reluctant to face Damian that soon. Audra swore that Amy would do great. Amy wished she had Audra’s faith since she was afraid she would push him away again, and it might be her last time seeing him. Audra chirped that it could be a fresh start and the first of many visits. Nate added that there was no reason not to be hopeful, and he’d witnessed the power of positive thinking many times as a surgeon. Nate encouraged Amy to believe she could get better and have more moments with her son.

Amy recalled that Jackson had insisted that they never give up hope because they always had a choice, even in the bleakest of moments. Audra implored her to take her husband’s advice and stick around to make a full recovery. Amy wished it was possible, but she’d gotten multiple opinions, and her prognosis wasn’t good. Nate suggested that she consider it a reason to fight, and he said it would be his honor to look into her healthcare options. Amy gushed that their companionship and generosity were more than she could have expected, and she wished that Damian could join their merry trio. Nate told her to believe it was possible.

Amy prepared to leave, and Nate promised to let her know once he heard from Damian. Amy confided that she was thrilled and terrified at the same time. Audra was sure Damian would see Amy’s sincerity and how much she cared about him. Nate stressed that Amy wouldn’t have to face the next part alone, and they exchanged hugs.

After Amy departed, Nate complimented Audra’s efforts to comfort Amy. Audra thought Damian was lucky to be Amy’s son, and she wished she had family like Amy. Audra imagined Nate had been a very good doctor with his stellar pep talks and bedside manner. She wondered what he thought would happen when Damian arrived. Nate suspected Damian was in for a shock because his entire world was about to be turned upside down.

At the cottage, Sharon looked forward to sleeping in her own bed, but her mind was racing. Nick wondered if the PCP was still in her system. Sharon explained that she’d stopped drinking the bottled water once she’d realized it had been drugged, and she’d been rehydrating since she got home. Sharon recalled that she’d tried not to spiral by thinking she wouldn’t make it out of the sewer, but the fear and anxiety she’d experienced over the past few months had been overwhelming, starting with her hallucinations of Cassie. Sharon regretted that her rage over Cassie’s death had caused her to do horrible things, but Nick insisted she hadn’t been herself. Sharon contemplated how she’d ever get past it.

Nick advised that Sharon had to sort through it all first, and he urged her not to rush it. Sharon acknowledged that she’d been taken advantage of in the worst possible way since the laced medication had changed her worldview, but she refused to let herself off the hook. She accepted that she’d methodically covered up Heather’s death and framed an innocent man. Nick recognized that she had to process her role in everything, but it wouldn’t happen in one night.

Sharon bemoaned that her actions had made the police investigation harder, and she’d lied to Nick and her children. She questioned how her family could ever forgive her. Nick contended that they always forgave and believed in one another, and he was confident that Sharon would heal in time. Sharon struggled to imagine herself getting there, but Nick assured her she would. Sharon resolved to be accountable to the people she’d hurt, and she hoped Daniel and Lucy could forgive her one day. Nick soothed that he’d never doubted she was a strong person who would find a way forward, and they embraced.

Nick hesitantly prepared to leave, and he asked if Sharon was sure she was all right. She reminded him that Faith was there, and she was confident she’d calm down enough to sleep soon. Nick offered to stop by in the morning to check on her, and Sharon thanked him for everything. He murmured that he was glad she was doing okay, shuddering at the memory of the police discovering her car in the river and not being able to find her. His voice trailed off as he imagined what could have happened to her. Nick added that he didn’t know what he would have done, and they hugged again before he headed out.

Sharon flashed back to freeing herself from the chains in the sewer. Her vision of Cameron appeared and told her she was on the other side of it, whether she believed it or not. She figured she should have known he’d be back, and he chalked it up to the PCP. Cameron noted that she couldn’t get to sleep, and she reflected on the last time she’d been in that sewer. Cameron recognized that it had been where she’d killed him, but the good news was that she hadn’t killed Heather. Sharon had thought that would make everything better, but she wasn’t so sure.

Cameron mocked Sharon for torturing herself by wallowing in guilt and shame. Sharon couldn’t imagine earning Daniel’s forgiveness after what she’d done. Cameron encouraged her to forget about Daniel and find a way to forgive herself. Sharon voiced surprise to hear Cameron preach forgiveness. She recalled that Nick had told her she should let herself off the hook, and Cameron marveled that he and “Loverboy” actually agreed on something.

Sharon fretted that she wasn’t there yet and didn’t know if she ever would be, and she’d put Daniel and Lucy through enough. Cameron pointed out that Sharon had been under heavy drugs at the time, and there was a difference between excuses and reality. Sharon compared Daniel being with Cassie in the car during the accident to how Sharon had been with Heather in the room where Heather had died. She expected that Daniel would always associate her with Heather’s death the way she linked him to Cassie’s. Cameron considered it possible for Sharon to forgive Daniel and for Daniel to forgive her.

Sharon refused to make it about her when Daniel and Lucy were grieving. Cameron was impressed that Sharon sounded sane and rational, and he suspected it might be their “last tango” because she wouldn’t need him anymore after that night. “No offense, but I sure hope not,” she replied. Cameron assured her that no offense had been taken. He cradled her head in his hands, tenderly kissed her, called her extraordinary, and said it had been a fun ride. “So long, baby,” he cooed. “Goodbye, Cameron,” Sharon responded, and he vanished.

At the Newman ranch, Victor demanded to know exactly what had happened that night. Nikki groaned that it had been a long night, and they didn’t need to relive it. Victor spat that she’d lied to him, but Victoria informed him that she and Claire had been in on it, too. Victor surmised the women had planned to murder Jordan. Claire flatly stated that it had needed to be done.

Victor asserted that the point was that they’d gone rogue, and the cops were questioning his security team. Nikki pointed out that Victor had briefed his staff, but Victor clucked that there were holes in the story about Jordan committing suicide. He pressed for more information so he could protect his family. Victoria reasoned that Jordan was gone, and it was all anyone needed to know. Victor snapped that someone had been killed, and it looked like murder, so there would be a lot of questions. “Trust me, this ain’t over,” he warned.

Victor ordered the women to tell him when they’d found out Jordan had escaped. Claire recounted that she’d seen Jordan earlier that day and confronted her, and she insisted that it had been her idea to handle Jordan by herself. Claire reasoned that Jordan had plotted to kill the Newmans because of her, and she’d had to make things right. Victor lectured that Claire shouldn’t have tried to do it on her own. Claire shared that Victoria and Nikki had tried to talk her out of it, but she hadn’t listened. She continued that she hadn’t wanted to defy Victor, but she’d known he’d try to protect her, and she’d needed to be the one to end Jordan’s attacks against their family once and for all.

Victoria admitted that what Claire had said wasn’t true, since Victoria and Nikki had known Jordan had escaped, and they had been aware of Claire’s plan. Nikki added that she and Victoria had agreed to help and keep it from Victor. Victor guessed Claire had been trying to protect her mom and grandmother. Claire confirmed that she’d convinced the women that Jordan had to die, and she took sole responsibility for trying to deceive Victor.

Victor asked how Claire had planned to cover up her actions. She figured that the world thought her aunt was in prison, so no one would have known Jordan was dead. Victor informed them that the cops knew the woman in the cell wasn’t Jordan, so there was already a hole in their story. Victor wondered how they’d intended to dispose of the body, and Claire conceded that she hadn’t gotten that far. Victor said he understood why Claire had wanted to get rid of Jordan, but he warned that Claire had taken an enormous risk by getting in over her head.

Victoria explained that she’d hoped Claire wouldn’t go through with it, and they could have called Victor and the police once they’d had Jordan trapped. Claire contended that she would have gone through with it, and the only thing that had stopped her was finding out Jordan had Sharon. Claire recalled that she hadn’t been able to let Jordan die with that knowledge, and her hesitation to let Jordan drink the drugged tea had tipped Jordan off. Claire groaned that she’d never expected Jordan to take the poison to get out of trouble again, and Victor remarked that they’d gotten lucky.

Nick entered the house and reported that Sharon was shaken up, but she would be all right. Nick assumed Jordan was in custody. Nikki crowed that no one ever needed to worry about Jordan again because she was dead. Nick was stunned to learn that Jordan had poisoned herself in front of the Newmans, but he was thankful she was out of their lives.

Victor received an update from his security team and relayed that Jordan’s body was on the way to the morgue. Victoria exclaimed that it was over, but Victor reiterated that there would be a lot of questions. Nick inquired whether Jordan had provided any information about Ian. Nikki revealed that Ian had allegedly killed Heather, but they had no proof. Victor vowed to find Ian and deal with him.

Nikki invited Victoria and Claire to take guest rooms upstairs that night. The doorbell rang, and Nick let Chance in. Chance was glad to see the Newmans were still awake, and he informed them the abandoned pickup truck was being dusted for prints. Chance continued that he was aware Jordan had died that night and that Victor’s team had called it in. Chance demanded to know “what the hell” had happened. Victor claimed that Jordan had snuck onto the grounds and broken into the tack house, intending to kill Claire and Victoria.

Victoria added that they’d discovered Jordan there and been about to contact the police when Jordan had refused to go back to prison. Claire divulged that Jordan had poisoned herself. Victor fibbed that Jordan had had a vial containing a lethal substance that she’d taken when she’d panicked about going back to prison. Nikki lamented that Jordan had died right in front of them. Chance asked if the vial was in the house, and Victor told him the cops had confiscated it along with the body. Chance insisted on examining the scene, and Victor and Nick led him out. Victoria hoped the ordeal was over. “It just has to be,” Nikki prayed.

Claire asked if Victoria honestly thought Claire wouldn’t have been able to go through with killing Jordan. Victoria admitted she’d hoped that would be the case, although she understood Claire’s motivation. Nikki lectured that taking someone’s life was irreversible, and she hadn’t wanted Claire to have to live with the guilt. Claire swore that she would have done it to protect her family, and she would have lived with the consequences. Victoria inquired whether Claire regretted that Jordan had died of her own volition, but Claire didn’t know. Nikki stressed that the important thing was that Claire hadn’t needed to make the choice since Jordan had sealed her own fate that night, and she was out of Claire’s life forever.

At the tack house, Chance asked if Victor and Nick had witnessed Jordan’s death. Victor indicated that Nick hadn’t been there, and Chance inquired whether Jordan had tried to escape. Victor maintained that she’d realized there had been no way out, so she’d poisoned herself to avoid going back to prison. Victor informed Chance that Jordan had admitted that Ian helped her escape from prison, and the two had worked together ever since. Victor continued that Jordan had talked about Ian killing Heather in a warped scheme to get close to Mariah.

Chance asked if Jordan had mentioned where Ian was. Victor was sure Ian wasn’t far since Ian wouldn’t stop until he hurt Victor’s family. Victor pledged to do whatever it took to find Ian, and he suggested they make Jordan’s death public to lure Ian out. Chance opted to wait until the investigation was finished, but Victor snarled that the man was a menace who needed to feel the walls closing in. Chance cautioned that they didn’t know how Ian would react, and the news of Jordan’s death might set him off. Nick was sure Mariah was Ian’s ultimate goal, and he stressed the need to protect Mariah, Tessa, and Aria.

Meanwhile, Sharon tossed and turned on the couch. She sat up as a tearful Mariah burst in. Mariah cried that she’d gone home, and there had been no sign of Tessa or Aria anywhere. Mariah panicked that her wife and baby girl were missing.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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