The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, February 3, 2025: Damian isn't who he appears to be

Damian and Holden on The Young and the Restless | Image: CBS
Damian and Holden on The Young and the Restless | Image: CBS

At Society, Daniel told Phyllis and Summer he needed to talk to make sure he wasn’t going crazy. He revealed that Sharon had been completely exonerated. “Oh, my God, what?!” Phyllis shrieked. Phyllis spat that Sharon would have another corpse on her hands because the only way Sharon was getting away with it was over Phyllis’ dead body. Phyllis insisted on getting justice.

Daniel recounted that Michael had told him that morning that Ian had confessed to Heather’s murder, and he ordered his mother to sit down and listen. Daniel explained that Ian had confessed before he’d died after being shot in a struggle with Victor. Summer confirmed it was true since she’d visited her grandfather in the hospital that morning, and Nick had told her Victor had saved the entire family’s lives. Phyllis considered the timing of Ian’s confession to be very convenient, and she thought it sounded like a ploy of Michael’s to get Sharon off on murder charges.

Phyllis asked if there was a recording of the confession. Daniel indicated that Nick and Michael had heard Ian admit it, but Phyllis argued that they’d been Sharon’s protectors and enablers. Phyllis pointed out that even if Ian had killed Heather, Sharon had still framed Daniel for murder, and Sharon would have to answer for that. Daniel relayed that the D.A. wasn’t pursuing any charges, and he thought maybe Sharon had suffered enough. Phyllis was appalled, and Summer reminded Phyllis that she’d promised to drop it.

Phyllis clarified that she’d agreed to leave it up to the authorities to handle, but they weren’t handling it. Daniel contended that they’d gotten justice for Heather, and it was time to move on. Daniel added that he knew his mother was trying to protect him, but he felt like he had to start the grieving process all over again, and he didn’t want to be stuck thinking about why a sick man had taken Heather’s life for no reason. Summer sympathized that it would never make sense, but she thought they needed to stop putting their energy into being angry and put it toward being there for Daniel.

Phyllis promised she would honor Daniel’s wishes and let the matter go, and she looked forward to collaborating on a future business venture with Daniel. Daniel anticipated he could get on board, but they needed a plan and funding. Billy overheard and announced that it was a good thing he had both. Daniel grumbled that he’d heard Billy’s pitch, and he doubted anything Billy had to say would change his mind. Summer took it as her cue to leave.

After Summer departed, Billy sat down, but Daniel reiterated that he wasn’t interested in being caught in the crossfire in a war with Victor. Billy recounted that too many people he cared about had told him he'd been going down the wrong path, and he’d started trusting them. Billy proclaimed that he had the funding to start something exciting and new, and he wanted both Phyllis and Daniel to join him. Daniel surmised that it was too good to be true, but Phyllis contemplated what corner of the universe they would conquer first.

Billy bragged that Phyllis and Daniel would both be able to say they’d witnessed the birth of the next great media empire. Billy envisioned taking everything he’d learned and building something epic. Daniel pointed out that Billy’s new company would be in direct competition with Newman Media, and he didn’t want to be cannon fodder in a war. Billy swore it wasn’t about taking something back or away from someone else but building something he could be proud of, and he needed their talent, energy, and belief they could make it happen together. Phyllis declared she was in, and she wanted to do it with Daniel.

Daniel asked how Billy planned on getting funding for his epic empire. Phyllis and Daniel were stunned when Billy revealed Jack was backing him. Billy imagined it wouldn’t take long to repay his brother’s faith with a fantastic return on his investment. Daniel requested time to discuss the opportunity further with Phyllis. Billy reiterated that he thought the three of them could build something real and powerful, and he agreed to wait for their call. After Billy stepped away, Daniel conceded that Billy had great ideas, and Jack’s blessing carried weight. Daniel balked because of Billy’s history of being destined to fail, no matter how promising the prospect.

In the Abbott dining room, Jack wished Kyle a good morning and observed his son’s solemn expression. Jack asked if everything was all right, since he’d heard things had been tense at Jabot with the release of the spring line. Kyle shared that Claire had told him that Jordan had escaped from prison and had been working with Ian. Kyle continued that Jordan had ended up poisoning herself, and Ian had held the Newmans at gunpoint with a plan to kill the whole family, but Victor had stopped him by taking a bullet for Nikki. Jack worriedly asked if Nikki was okay.

Later, Kyle told Diane about Jordan’s escape and subsequent death. He remembered the night at Society when Claire had had an uneasy feeling when a strange woman had passed by, and he pondered whether Jordan had been around much longer than anyone had realized. Kyle was in awe of Claire’s bravery, noting that Claire had been alone when she’d convinced Jordan she was on her aunt’s side. Kyle hoped Claire hadn’t been scarred by watching Jordan take her own life.

Diane sensed something had changed, and she guessed from the look on Kyle’s face that he and Claire were getting very close. Kyle was surprised by the intensity of his feelings for Claire, and he felt mad at himself for not being there to protect her from Jordan. Kyle suspected Diane thought he was falling for Claire. Diane worried he was getting into trouble.

Kyle protested that he’d thought Diane approved of Claire. Diane confirmed that Claire seemed wonderful, but she didn’t trust Victor. Kyle accepted that Claire loved her grandfather, but he stressed that Victor had nothing to do with their relationship. Diane reminded Kyle that the Abbotts had just done battle with Victor, and she didn’t see Victor being warm and fuzzy about Kyle being involved with someone in the Newman family. Kyle retorted that he couldn’t care less about Victor’s feelings. Diane warned that Victor would do everything in his power to keep Kyle and Claire apart. “Let him try,” Kyle dared.

Nikki, Victoria, Nick, and Adam fawned over Victor as they escorted him home from the hospital. Victor demanded that his family stop hovering as if he were an invalid. Nikki predicted that she and the kids would dote on Victor, and he would protest, but he would humor them and let them take care of him. Victor pointed out that it hadn’t been the first time he’d been shot, and Adam remarked that it was just another day in the life of Victor Newman. Victor wondered if they’d handled the situation so it didn’t “come back and bite [them] in the ass.”

Nick assured Victor that they’d dealt with Chance, and Adam recounted that they’d said Ian had confessed to murdering Heather. Nikki didn’t remember hearing a confession, and Nick reasoned that Ian wasn’t around to contradict the story. Nikki lectured that falsifying a confession could cause problems later. Nick cited what Sharon had recalled while under hypnosis and what Jordan had told them. Adam figured that they all knew Ian had done it, so it didn’t make sense for there to be a full police investigation. Nick urged everyone to stick to the story that Ian had confessed, and the case would be closed.

Victor recognized that things could have gone a different way, and he was proud of how his family had handled the situation. Jack arrived at the ranch and said he’d just heard what had happened. He thanked God Nikki was okay. “What the hell are you doing here?” Victor barked. Jack mentioned that Kyle had told him about the horrible ordeal, but he hadn’t known Victor had been released from the hospital.

Jack inquired about Sharon and Daniel, and Nick responded that they were both pretty raw, but their healing could begin since Ian had confessed to murdering Heather. Jack asked how Jordan had escaped from prison again. Victoria expressed relief that Jordan was dead, and she praised Kyle for being supportive of Claire. Jack hoped Victor wasn’t in too much pain. “As if you gave a damn,” Victor snarled.

Jack supposed he shouldn’t be surprised that Victor would take personal offense because Jack had checked on the Newman family. Victor accused Jack of being there to see Nikki. Jack defended that Nikki was his friend, and he’d felt compelled to make sure everyone was okay after he’d heard she and her family had been held at gunpoint. Nikki assured Jack she was all right, and knowing Ian and Jordan were dead gave them peace. Jack pressed to know how Jordan had escaped unnoticed, but Victor told him to worry about his own nonsense.

Jack muttered that Victor was still himself even after being shot, and he offered to show himself out. Victor ordered Jack to tell Kyle to stay away from Claire. Jack argued that their children were adults who had deep feelings for one another, and Victor couldn’t change that. “I do whatever the hell I want to do!” Victor growled. After Jack left, Victoria asked why Victor had a problem with Kyle and Claire. Victor bellowed that he didn’t like it.

Victoria argued that what mattered was how Claire felt. Victor couldn’t believe that Victoria and Cole approved of Claire getting involved with Kyle, given Kyle’s history with women. Nick sensed that Summer’s name was about to be mentioned, and he invited Victoria to leave with him. Victor thanked his children for being there, and Adam thanked him for not getting himself killed. Victoria hugged Victor, and he chalked his bad mood up to being in a lot of pain. After the siblings left, Nikki scolded Victor for still being opposed to Kyle and Claire being together.

Nikki recognized that Victor’s ultimatum was more about Jack than about Claire. Victor griped that he couldn’t stand it when people he hated went anywhere near his family. Nikki recalled a time when Victor had been fond of Kyle. Victor stressed that he’d liked the child Kyle had been and not the man Kyle had become.

Victor asserted that Kyle was an Abbott, and he couldn’t stand the family. Victor pledged to eventually make sure Claire felt the same way. He gazed adoringly at Nikki and mused that he was happy nothing had happened to her. “Only because of you,” she replied. Victor swore that he didn’t know what he’d do without her. Nikki assured him he’d never have to find out, and they embraced.

Jack arrived home as Kyle headed to the office. Diane asked where Jack had run off to, and she hid her dismay when he said he’d gone to check on Nikki. Diane mentioned that she’d warned Kyle that Victor might try interfering with his relationship with Claire. Jack confirmed her timing had been perfect since Victor had made it clear he intended to do just that.

Diane was shocked to learn that Victor had demanded that Kyle stay away from Claire, and she wondered why Jack hadn’t told Kyle. Jack refused to allow Victor to have influence over Kyle. Diane clucked that it would be better if Kyle knew Victor was determined to destroy his relationship. Jack vowed to make “damn sure” Victor didn’t go after Kyle again.

Audra dropped off coffee at Nate’s apartment, but a confused Nate thought she was planning to meet Amy for coffee. Audra explained that she was, but she’d picked up some vanilla lattes with oat milk for Nate and Damian. She continued that she’d read about siblings who’d been separated as kids but often grew up to like the same things. There was a knock at the door, and Nate invited Damian in. Nate introduced Damian to Audra. With a glint in his eye, Damian inquired whether he and Audra would be working closely together.

Nate and Audra explained that their relationship was personal. Nate offered Damian the vanilla latte with oat milk, but Damian said he preferred tea. Audra kissed Nate goodbye and exchanged pleasantries with Damian before heading out. Damian prepared to hear more details about Nate’s job offer, but Nate blurted out that there was something Damian needed to know first.

Nate admitted he hadn’t been completely honest about his motivation for seeking out Damian in Los Angeles. Damian wasn’t surprised since it didn’t add up that a bigshot in the Midwest had flown out to L.A. to offer someone he didn’t know a position at his company. Nate divulged that he’d been in touch with Amy, who had reached out to him to track Damian down. Damian wondered why his mother had turned to Nate. Nate insisted that it didn’t matter because there was something important Amy needed to tell Damian. Damian demanded to know what it was all about.

Nate opted to let Amy fill Damian in, but Damian had no interest in seeing her. Damian mentioned that he and his mother had had a falling out, and he was better off without her in his life. Nate encouraged Damian to hear Amy out, and Damian questioned the urgency. Nate said he wasn’t at liberty to say more, and he said he understood family could be hard. Damian huffed that he’d chosen to walk away, and he wondered why a stranger like Nate was trying to pull him back in. Nate promised Damian wouldn’t regret talking to Amy. Damian snapped that the only thing he regretted was Nate wasting his time, and he stalked out.

At Crimson Lights, Audra suggested she and Amy talk about something other than Nate and Damian’s meeting to keep Amy’s mind off her son. Amy prompted Audra to talk about her family, but Audra claimed there wasn’t much to tell. Amy clucked that Audra’s face told her otherwise, and she guessed Audra’s family had hurt her. Amy swore that Audra’s secret was safe with her since Amy was nearing the end of her life. Amy advised that she didn’t regret the things she’d said, but she did regret not saying the things she hadn’t said. Audra confided that she’d been keeping a lot inside, and she conceded that it might be good for her to open up to someone.

Audra revealed that her father had been a drinker, and her mom had shut down as a way of numbing her pain. Audra bemoaned that she needed her mother, and she hadn’t been able to understand why her mom had kept pushing her away. She groused that the only time she’d been able to get her mother’s attention was to fight with her. Amy soothed that children needed love, but sometimes, that love wasn’t easy to give when people felt life had broken them.

Amy mused that Audra reminded her of Damian, who was tough and strong but scared, too. Audra stated that she wasn’t scared of anything. Amy noted that Audra was fearless except for one thing – letting someone in to see who she really was because she was afraid they wouldn’t like it. Amy cited the cracks in Audra’s armor that Nate had made, and she believed Nate couldn’t have made them unless Audra had allowed him in. Audra thought Amy was nothing like her mother since it was very clear Amy loved her son. Amy wasn’t sure Damian knew it, but she was sure Audra deserved love.

Amy applauded Audra for surviving her childhood and growing into an amazing woman. Audra recounted that she’d left home when she’d been young, and she’d learned early on that the only person she could rely on was herself. Amy thought Audra should be proud of what she’d accomplished, and she believed Nate was, too. Audra considered herself lucky to have Nate in her life. Amy hoped Damian felt the same way when he learned Nate was his brother.

Nate joined Audra and Amy at the coffeehouse. He shared that his meeting with Damian had been awkward and a little strange, and he hadn’t been able to say much after he’d shared that he’d reached out on Amy’s behalf. Nate gently broke the news that Damian wasn’t open to seeing Amy. Audra asked what about the encounter had been strange. Nate couldn’t put his finger on it, but he had a feeling they were missing something big.

Nate second-guessed his decision to approach Damian with a job offer instead of telling him the truth from the beginning. Nate confirmed that he hadn’t told Damian about Amy’s condition or that they were brothers, and he doubted he’d ever get the chance. Amy groaned that her son might disappear and that she’d never see him again.

In Chancellor Park, Damian told another man that, as suspected, there had been no job, and Nate had revealed that Amy wanted to talk. “She wants to reconnect with you, Damian,” the man who’s been posing as Damian said. The real Damian wondered why Amy had asked Nate to track him down instead of using a private investigator, but he refused to talk to his mother to get answers.

Damian took a sip from his coffee cup. The impostor, Holden, asked what he was drinking, and Damian said it was a vanilla latte with oat milk. Holden found it funny that Nate had seemed to know how Damian liked his coffee. Damian didn’t like anyone knowing more about him than he knew about them, and he intended to find out what kind of game Nate was playing. Damian instructed Holden to keep pretending to be Damian.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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