Victoria and Nick met at Society to discuss some business matters. She referred to how much work had slipped through the cracks with Ian targeting them and Victor being shot. Nick remarked that life and work didn’t stop because of a few catastrophes. Victoria said it was a good thing they were good at what they did, and they fist-bumped. Nick commented that they’d dodged a lot of bullets, but Victoria lamented that they hadn’t all dodged them.
Nick recognized his bad choice of words, and he was grateful that their dad had many years left with them. “Unless he doesn’t,” Victoria replied, adding that Victor had seemed uncharacteristically morose about the future when she’d checked on him earlier. Nick surmised that their father was taking stock of his life after being in a situation where he could have died but didn’t. Victoria confided that hearing Victor talk about death and dying had been unnerving, and she’d never be ready for the day they lost their parents.
Nick advised that it wasn’t anything they could control, and they had to make every moment count while their parents were still there. Victoria indicated that Victor had said something similar about always holding family close. Nick assured her that their old man had survived more close calls than almost anyone who’d ever lived, and Victor always triumphed and bounced back stronger than before. Nick was certain that time would be no different.
Victoria asked how Faith was holding up. Nick confided that his daughter had been struggling, but she was tough and resilient, and he was proud of her. Nick also lauded Sharon for getting through things that would have broken most people, and he hoped her recovery was genuine. Victoria predicted that their entire family would have the time and space to get back to normal with Ian and Jordan gone. Victoria commended Nick for being such a supportive ex-husband. Nick hoped Ian and Jordan were “rotting in hell” for what they’d put everyone through. Victoria had no doubt they were.
At Crimson Lights, Kyle recalled that Summer had told him that Harrison had had fun with his class painting project. Harrison exclaimed that it had made it especially fun because his mom had been there. Summer agreed that it had been the best part of her day – except for the snacks. They laughed, and Harrison announced that his next project was to make a diorama about a typical day at home. Harrison requested his parents’ help, and Summer suggested they have dinner at the Abbott home that night before getting started. Kyle balked, but Harrison begged him to say yes.
Kyle declared that he couldn’t think of a better way to spend the evening, and Harrison cheered. Harrison anticipated his friends would make dioramas of them playing video games or with toys, but he intended to show his class what an awesome family he had by depicting all of them sitting around the dining table. Harrison proclaimed that it was his favorite part of the day when they all ate together. Kyle thought Jack would be thrilled to hear it.
Harrison continued that he liked it best when his mom joined them, and he planned to put his parents on either side of him in his diorama. Summer loved the idea, but she reminded the tot that it was supposed to depict a typical day, and she usually wasn’t there. Harrison brightly noted that she’d be with them that night, and he proposed that she join them more often. Harrison asked if they wanted him to do something different with his project, but Kyle assured him that he didn’t need to change a thing.
Harrison envisioned putting Mrs. Martinez in the diorama – along with a puppy. Kyle pointed out that they didn’t have a puppy. “Not yet,” Harrison hopefully replied, and he asked if he could get Mrs. Martinez a surprise from the bakery case. Kyle handed him some money, and Harrison ran up to the counter. Summer apologized if suggesting dinner had infringed on Kyle’s plans for the evening. Kyle shared that he was supposed to have dinner with Claire and Victor, which was probably why he hadn’t hated the idea of canceling.
Summer was surprised that Victor had agreed to have dinner with Kyle. Kyle revealed that Claire wanted to get them together to show Victor that Kyle was a good guy. Summer was taken aback that Kyle and Claire’s relationship had gotten to the point where they needed Victor’s blessing. Kyle wasn’t sure it was possible, but Summer noted he was willing to try for Claire. Summer recalled that she and Kyle hadn’t needed to go to extremes to win Victor’s approval because Victor had been supportive of them from the beginning.
Summer surmised things were getting serious if Claire was willing to go to those lengths. Kyle confirmed that he and Claire were very happy, and he questioned whether that would be a problem. Summer assured Kyle that if he was happy, she was happy for him. She added that Claire was a better choice than Audra. Kyle gushed that Claire was open, honest, and passionate, and he thought she was the most incredible woman he’d ever been with.
Kyle quickly added that it wasn’t a dig at Summer, but it had been a while since he’d been excited about the future. Harrison returned with a chocolate chocolate-chip cupcake with white chocolate frosting, and Summer cited it as Harrison’s favorite treat. Harrison chalked it up to Mrs. Martinez having good taste, but Summer guessed he was hoping the housekeeper would share the cupcake with him. She called him an adorable little sneak, and they laughed.
Summer planned to make a quick stop before meeting Kyle and Harrison at the house later. She leaned over to hug Harrison, who pulled Kyle into a group embrace. Harrison squealed that he was excited to complete the project together, and they were the best mom and dad ever.
Claire arrived at the ranch and gently scolded Victor for working when he was supposed to be taking it easy. She mentioned that Victoria had told her he was doing well, but she’d wanted to make sure for herself. Victor admitted that he was sometimes uncomfortable, but he expected to be back at the heavy bag in no time. Claire requested a favor, and she asked if he was free for dinner that night. He enthused that he’d love to have dinner with her, but she clarified that it would be with her and Kyle. Victor huffed that it was a different story.
Claire expected Victor to suddenly remember a prior engagement or make another excuse for not being able to make it. He chuckled and explained that accepting the invitation would mean he condoned the relationship, but he didn’t. Victor felt justified, and Claire countered that she also felt justified in her position. He recognized that she was a Newman, and she was stubborn like her grandfather.
Victor lectured that Kyle was no good for Claire, and he believed she was in love and couldn’t see beyond the romance. Claire reprimanded him for being condescending, but Victor stressed that he knew who Kyle was. Claire wanted them to have dinner together so Victor could see the man she knew and how good Kyle was for her. Wincing in pain, Victor disagreed and admitted that his wound still hurt sometimes. He asserted that Kyle was Jack’s offspring, and Claire suspected Victor’s opposition was about Jack.
Claire acknowledged that Victor and Jack had a history, but she felt it was time to let the past go. Victor reminded her that Kyle had just recently left his family to work for Victor, stabbing the Abbotts in the back and stealing from them. They bantered about Victor’s role in escalating the conflict. Claire recounted the wonderful stories Jack had shared about John and how family meals together had meant everything, noting that it was a view about family that Victor and Jack had in common.
Victor conceded that he’d respected John, who’d started his company from nothing, whereas Jack and Kyle had inherited everything and were weak. Claire recognized that Kyle had made mistakes, but he’d taken responsibility and found his way back to his family. Victor chided Kyle for not being able to hack it on the outside, and he was puzzled about why Kyle would have dinner with him. Claire revealed that Kyle wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but he was willing to put his personal feelings aside for her, and he wanted Victor to accept him as the man Claire was involved with and not just see him as Jack’s son.
Victor wished that Claire would regain her senses. Claire guessed he was doing the same thing he’d done to her mother when Victoria had gotten involved with someone he hadn’t approved of. Victor recalled that Victoria had married Billy and Ashland, and both men had broken her heart. Victor didn’t want Kyle to break Claire’s. Claire accepted it was a possibility, but she pushed Victor to let her live her life.
Victor swore that he wanted what was best for Claire because he loved her, and Claire responded that she loved him for it. Claire stepped aside to take a call, and she informed Kyle she was with her grandfather. Kyle hoped she hadn’t proposed dinner yet because Harrison was excited about a project for school, so he and Summer were going to help him with it that evening. Claire mentioned that the dinner had been a hard sell on her side, but she wasn’t giving up.
After Claire hung up, Victor guessed she’d been speaking with Kyle. She announced that Victor was off the hook for the night, and Victor inquired about Kyle’s excuse. Claire reported that Kyle was spending the evening with Harrison and Summer. Victor nodded knowingly. Claire thought Victor would approve of Kyle putting family first. Victor was afraid that Kyle would always put Summer first. Claire reasoned that the two shared a child, but Victor warned that Kyle and Summer also shared a decades-long attempt at repairing their relationship.
Victor added that it was just the beginning of the world opening up to Claire, and he wondered what she saw in Kyle. Claire described Kyle as kind, protective, patient, and loving – the kind of man who made her feel safe, and exactly the kind of man she thought her grandfather should be thrilled she’d found. Victor told her not to say later that he didn’t warn her, since Kyle was who he was and wouldn’t change. Summer stopped by to check on Victor, and she hoped Claire wasn’t upset that Summer had disrupted her plans that night.
Claire insisted that all that mattered was Harrison’s project. Claire kissed Victor goodbye and repeated that she wasn’t giving up. After Claire left, Summer asked what the exchange had been about, but Victor said it was nothing for her to be concerned with. Summer was more concerned about him after an insane man had tried to kill their family. Victor was glad she hadn’t been there, and Summer asked him to promise never to do anything like that again. Victor vowed to always do everything he could if it meant saving his family. Victor mentioned Kyle and Summer helping Harrison with a project, and he was happy to hear the boy was excited about it.
Kyle and Harrison returned home after buying supplies for the project. Harrison prepared to find the perfect shoebox for his diorama, but Kyle suggested they wait for his mom. Harrison headed to the kitchen to give Mrs. Martinez her cupcake, but he stopped and asked if Kyle was happy or mad that Summer would be there that night. Kyle insisted he was happy, but Harrison remembered a time when his parents fought all the time. Harrison observed that they didn’t fight anymore, and he wondered if they just pretended to be nice to one another when they were around him.
Kyle swore he and Summer got along great, and he referred to letting her finish his cookie at the coffeehouse earlier. Kyle asserted that he wouldn’t just let anyone do that. Harrison loved that they could all be together again like the old times, when it had been the three of them for everything.
Meanwhile, Nick and Victoria hugged goodbye at Society as Claire joined them. Nick asked if Claire was okay, and she replied that she was good. After he headed out, Victoria realized things weren’t good with Claire. Claire asked how to win a fight with Victor Newman, and she revealed her crazy idea to have a peacemaking dinner to make Victor see what a great guy Kyle was. Victoria wasn’t surprised that it hadn’t gone over well.
Victoria wasn’t sure if there was a way to fix it because Victor always thought he was right. Victoria advised Claire to be prepared for Victor to protect her from anyone who he thought wasn’t good enough, and Claire imagined that was everyone. Claire refused to let Victor interfere in her relationship with Kyle, and she was determined to convince Victor and any other doubters that Kyle was the perfect man for her. Victoria wished her luck.
Later, Nick considered it to be his lucky day when he found his dad and “Supergirl” at the ranch together. Victor relayed that he’d just been telling Summer how important it was for Harrison to feel the love and connection between his parents. Victor referred to how Chelsea had moved in with Adam for Connor’s sake, and Summer hoped her grandfather wasn’t implying that she move back into the Abbott house. Victor swore he wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Summer contended that she and Kyle had found a great balance with spending time with Harrison, and she didn’t want to keep her excited little boy waiting. After Summer departed, Nick incredulously asked if Victor had just encouraged Summer to get back together with Kyle.
At the old Newman ranch, Adam sternly called out for Connor. Chelsea appeared and asked if something was wrong. Adam informed her that their son had polished off Adam’s favorite chips, and Chelsea voiced surprise he had a favorite chip. Adam intended to have a talk about boundaries, since jalapeno lime chips were sacred. Chelsea interrupted Adam’s rant about the eaten chips and confessed that he had the wrong culprit. “You?” a stunned Adam asked.
Chelsea apologized, and Adam figured they had some kinks to iron out about their living situation. “Welcome to the neighborhood!” Sharon chirped as she waltzed in. Sharon inquired whether she was interrupting. Adam insisted she wasn’t, but Chelsea asked if Sharon had a key. Sharon scoffed at the thought of Victor giving her one, and she explained that Connor had let her in on his way out. Sharon observed that the boy seemed thrilled with his new home, and she hoped Adam and Chelsea were both getting settled in, too.
Sharon apologized if it was awkward that she’d just stopped by, but she was determined to find a sense of normalcy in life again. Sharon handed Chelsea a gift bag containing a quilted throw for the chilly country nights. Sharon questioned whether she should have gotten one or two, and Adam told her one was just fine. Chelsea quickly added that she and Adam wouldn’t be sharing it because they weren’t a couple, and she was only there for Connor. Sharon pointed out that Adam and Chelsea had found their way back to one another before.
Chelsea was adamant that history wouldn’t repeat itself, and she shared that she had her own wing. Adam said he was happy to see Sharon looking strong after her ordeal. Sharon confirmed that she was focused on getting healthy again. Chelsea empathized with what it was like to reenter life after coping with mental health issues, and she urged Sharon to be kind to herself. Adam pointed out that Sharon had been a victim as much as anyone.
Sharon acknowledged that she needed to make amends, but she’d found balance with her medication, and therapy was helping. Chelsea encouraged her to keep doing the work. Sharon accepted that it wouldn’t be easy, but her family had been extremely supportive — especially Nick. Sharon raved about how Nick had believed in her when she hadn’t believed in herself and how his encouragement and support had meant everything.
Sharon stopped herself from carrying on and told Adam and Chelsea she’d be on the other side of the property if they needed anything. After Sharon left, Chelsea fretted that Sharon hadn’t seemed to buy what Chelsea had said about her and Adam not being back together as a couple. Adam recalled that Chelsea had pushed pretty hard to make it clear, and he imagined it would be tiring having to tell people they were living separate lives under the same roof. Chelsea doubted it would be tiring because it was the way things were.
Chelsea admired the throw blanket, and Adam suggested she take it for her room. She opted to keep it in the family room, and he cautioned that he didn’t want to find it covered in crumbs from another bag of stolen chips. She swore it wouldn’t happen, and he supposed they could share a bag. Chelsea preferred to get her own.
Adam noticed that the way Sharon had been talking about Nick had seemed familiar, and she’d practically been glowing when she’d told them how Nick had stood by her. Adam sensed that Sharon was developing real feelings for Nick again.
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