The Young and the Restless recap for March 27: Traci tells Jack that Alan could be Martin

The Young and the Restless
The Young and the Restless's Traci and Jack | Image: CBS

At Crimson Lights, a worried Traci informed Jack that she wasn't sure that Alan was who he claimed to be. "It's him! I thought I knew who he was!" Traci cried, telling Jack about the alerts she read and how Alan claimed it was a virus or hack. "What if they weren't a mistake? What if they were meant to go to Alan's phone? What if he was expecting them?" Traci asked.

Traci tied together the mystery texts and the ordeal Sharon and Phyllis went through. Jack didn't get it as Alan is a respected psychologist. "I don't know what to think, Jack," Traci said. She feared the kidnapper was going to target Alan. Traci was hoping that Alan would alleviate her fears. But that didn't happen. Traci said there was a reference to gas expulsion on Alan's phone and that gas was released on Sharon and Phyllis. One or two little coincidences would be one thing, but Alan's proposal came out of nowhere, and then Alan left the country. "Am I crazy, or is there something here?" Traci wondered.

Traci and Jack couldn't begin to figure out why Alan would do this. "What if the man I am in love with isn't really Alan?" Traci said. Jack said that he didn't like where this was going. Traci suggested it was Alan who died and Martin, his twin, had taken Alan's place. "It might not be real," Traci said. Jack told her she was taking a giant step. "I don't want this to be true," Traci said. "There are too many red flags."

"It could be a coincidence," Jack suggested. Traci said Alan was supposedly on business trips during the time Sharon and Phyllis were missing. Jack agreed that something seemed off.

"I opened my heart to him," Traci says of Alan, lamenting that he may not be Alan after all. "How could I have trusted him? What am I going to do?" Jack asked Traci what she wanted to do. "I want my brother to give me some advice," Traci said. Jack's first advice was for her not to go to France.

Traci told Jack that she let Alan know that she wasn't coming to Paris. She added that the real Alan told Ashley and Traci that his brother could be sociopathic when he was off his meds. Jack said whoever took Phyllis and Sharon was certainly that. Jack suggested that they lay all this out for Chance. Traci can't do this alone. Traci said they couldn't tell anyone else. He hugged her. Traci said that if she were wrong, Alan would never forgive her. Jack said he didn't think Traci was wrong.

Adam and Chelsea playfully bantered over a bag of chips. He told her if she wanted them, she had to come and get them. Chelsea and Adam kissed. She held back, noting that Connor was upstairs. She apologized for getting carried away. Adam suggested they tell Connor that things have changed between him and Chelsea — unless she was having second thoughts.

Chelsea wanted to hold off, but Adam wasn't sure why. Chelsea recounted a happy day they had with Connor until his OCD flared up. "He was in pain," Chelsea recalled. "You and I were in agony."

Chelsea said the last thing she wanted was to hurt their son. Adam noted that Connor is growing up and that they need to look at how far he's come. Chelsa agreed that therapy and school have helped. She is so proud of him. "He's the best of both of us," Adam told Chelsea. "We have to have faith that he has the tools."

Chelsea reminded Adam that there would be no going back once they told Connor the news. "We'll make it work, no matter what happens," Chelsea said.

Connor met with his parents. He was concerned something was wrong with his grandpa. Adam assured him that Victor was okay. "Sweetie, your dad and I have gotten closer," Chelsea said. Adam added, "Your mother and I have decided to become a couple again."

"You said good news — this is the best news!" Connor enthused. Connor said he realized something was going on between them for a while. "Why were you so nervous just now?" Connor wondered. "It seemed like you were scared to tell me."

Chelsea admitted she was worried about Connor's OCD. Connor said he wasn't worried about how the OCD would try to make him feel. "We're a family again," he said. "A real family."

Connor wanted to know who he could tell about Chelsea and Adam. They said anyone in the family, but Sally and Billy didn't know. "It's okay that I still care about them, right?" Connor asked about Billy and Sally. Chelsea said, of course.

"I'm just so happy we told him," Chelsea told Adam after Connor had left. "I have everything I need right here. Just the three of us together. We have a pretty amazing family." Adam and Chelsea kiss.

Diane walked up to Phyllis at the Genoa City Athletic Club. Phyllis said don't pretend to care after Diane showed concern. Diane said that whatever issues there were between them, she wouldn't want Summer to lose her mother. Diane said she wouldn't wish what happened to Phyllis on her worst enemy. "In typical Phyllis fashion, your snarky attitude has ruined my good intentions," Diane told Phyllis. "Hey, I gotta hand it to you, Phyllis. You faced death...and yet you're the same vindictive, nasty, insulting person you've always been." Phyllis called Diane back and said she was sorry.

Diane didn't believe Phyllis's apology. Phyllis said she was being genuine, just like Diane was. "What I went through was horrible, awful actually," Phyllis said. Diane said she was genuinely sorry. Phyllis claimed her ordeal changed who she was, and she wanted to have a clean slate. "With me?" Diane responded. Phyllis said with her and the entire universe.

Diane asked if Phyllis's entire personality had changed due to her ordeal. "I'm out now. I'm with my kids," Phyllis said. She added that she wanted to give Diane a pass just to prove she could.

Diane reminded Phyllis that she framed her for her death. Phyllis asked for a break, and she would give one. Diane said she'd indulge her experiment and would happily be her lab rat. Phyllis demanded to know what Diane just said and accused her of being out of her mind.

"It was just a figure of speech," Diane said, trying to calm Phyllis down. She apologized for overreacting. "I don't know what's wrong," Phyllis said. She shared that "lab rats" was the expression that her captor used. "I would never purposely trigger you like that," Diane said. She offered to call Daniel or Summer. "Please, can it just be quiet?" Phyllis begged. "Just go away, please." Diane left.

On her way out, she ran into Billy. She asked Billy to check on Phyllis as she needed help. Billy joined Phyllis at her table. She felt she could not breathe. Billy thought she might be having a panic attack. He suggested she get some fresh air. They left.

Outside, Phyllis told Billy she was determined to make it a great day. It started well with Nick and Summer and even Sharon. Phyllis said Diane showed up and sucked the Zen right out of her. Phyllis said Diane said something that triggered her about how she felt about being in the clinic. "I felt so weak," Phyllis said. "I never want to feel that weak..." Billy said Phyllis was strong and that she would bounce back in time. Billy asked how he could help.

Phyllis asked to talk about business. "We're in a great position," Billy said. Phyllis asked about the influencer she recommended. Billy said the influencer was great. Billy asked Phyllis if she knew about Aristotle Dumas. "What interest does he have in Abbott Communications?" Phyllis asked.

Billy says that Dumas wants money and was the key to Chancellor. Phyllis was confused. Billy said that Aristotle is going to help them get Chancellor back. Phyllis asked Billy if he was out of his mind.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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