Traci surprised Diane and Jack at the Genoa City Athletic Club with news that she and Alan were getting married. She wanted to borrow the company jet so they could wed in Paris. Traci picked up on Jack’s apprehension. Traci said Paris was the most romantic city in the world. “Who wouldn’t want to get married in Paris?” Diane asked. Jack felt it was being rushed. Traci says Alan is so eager to sweep her away. It’s impulsive, Jack says. After all, Alan just proposed a few hours ago.
Traci told Jack and Diane that Alan had to run off; he’d been dealing with security issues. Jack was curious, so Traci gently told Jack he was being a little dramatic. Jack noted that he’d never seen Traci this happy. “Why the sudden concern?” Traci wondered. She told Jack that Alan did not steal her heart – she gave it to him. Jack feared Traci would get married to Alan without her family. Traci says no, that won’t happen. Alan had no family and he wanted all the Abbotts present. Traci hoped that Jack would walk her down the aisle.
Diane said that Traci probably didn't want to talk about her ex-husbands after Jack brought up their late father, John, walking her down the aisle at other weddings. Traci said Jack reminded her of John. Kyle then showed up and Diane wondered if Phyllis faked her own kidnapping in light of the fact that she had done that once before. Kyle informed them that Phyllis and Sharon were fine following their ordeal. Ironically, Traci said she hoped that they catch whoever was responsible (not knowing Alan was behind the kidnapping).
Traci described what little she knew about the alerts and the breaches that Alan had been getting. She mentioned a clinic. “That’s some coincidence,” Kyle said, sharing that Summer said something about Phyllis and Sharon being held at a clinic.
The idea of Alan being connected to the clinic was dismissed and more talk of the wedding continued. Maybe Harrison could be the ring bearer? Diane mentioned redecorating to the Newman clan, but Jack had cold feet about changes. The festive dinner is interrupted by Alan calling. Kyle noted how Traci had given her heart to the family. Diane said they’ll have to share that heart with Alan. Traci told them that Alan called from the airport. He was going to Paris alone and Traci would join him in a few days. Traci says Alan needs time and he’s preparing a surprise. “Well, this fellow is full of surprises, isn’t he?” Jack asked.
At Crimson Lights, Sharon brought Nick a scone and Yorkshire tea on the house but promised her that it wasn't a bribe. It was a hint. Nick wondered if Sharon wanted Nick to join her and Faith to see Noah in Europe. Nick said it was never a good time to be away from Newman Enterprises. Sharon playfully said they have wi-fi in Europe. Nick stressed that Sharon needs time with Noah. He recapped Sharon and Phyllis being kidnapped by a psycho. Besides, Faith needed her mom. Sharon said what kept her going was her kids needing her. Nick told Sharon she had been so strong, she needed to let her kids be there for her. She needed time to heal and promised to keep an eye on things till she got back.
Sharon told Nick he may know her better than she knew herself. “It won’t be the same without you there, though,” Sharon lamented about going abroad without Nick. “After all I’ve gone through it would mean so much to me…” Nick asked Sharon to be honest with him and wondered if she ever thought about them. “You and me?” Sharon wondered.
Nick said he knew he could be clueless sometimes, but he felt there was something there. “Have I gotten lonely sometimes? Sure,” Sharon said. “Do I miss what we had – when it was good, of course.”
Sharon, in turn, asked Nick if he’d ever thought about her again. “Of course, I’ve thought about it,” Nick admitted. But he said he knew he’d hurt her. She knew she’d hurt him, too. Sharon said she can easily forgive Nick as he’s forgiven her for things. “You are my best friend,” Sharon confessed.
Nick said he liked where he and Sharon were at the moment. He'd always be there for her no matter what. That was never going to change.
Sharon admitted that she missed Noah and was looking forward to spending time with him. Nick shrugged off his not going by joking he’d be this helicopter dad, complaining about the rain. But he agreed to give it some more thought.
Summer also showed up at Crimson Lights and was glad she ran into Nick. She was worried about Phyllis because the whole kidnapping ordeal hit her hard. Sharon suggested Phyllis might need to see a doctor. Summer asked Nick to go with her to check on Phyllis. Nick told Sharon he promised to think about what they talked about. Sharon said if there’s anything she can do, let her know.
At the ranch, Adam was talking to his editor, telling him to make a story about Billy’s new media company an opinion piece opposite the editorial page since they didn't have multiple sources to go with what Adam believed to be true. He was surprised when Chelsea appeared. Chelsea took Adam’s coat and turned on some romantic music. She was there for payback – Adam thought she meant something bad by that. She had also cooked something for him. Chelsea said the meal Adam made for her was one of the best meals of her life.
Over a glass of wine, Chelsea told Adam it was never too late. Adam said he saw a couple in their 80s and they were holding hands. Chelsea theorized they met when they were young and are living happily ever after. Adam offered that it could have been a couple that had problems but they finally got it right. Chelsea told Adam she’s very comfortable where they are.
Chelsea removed lids from her and Adam’s dinners. “This almost looks too beautiful to eat,” Adam said as he dug into quiche Lorraine. “Romance requires mystery,” Chelsea responded after Adam told her she had to share how she made this.
Adam said this was one of the best meals he’d ever had. He said Connor was at the main house with Johnny and they’d be gaming all night. Adam asked why it went from being easy to hard to talk to Chelsea. “Maybe we’re nervous?” Chelsea asked.
“We don’t have to be perfect, we can be messy,” Adam told Chelsea. Next, Chelsea unveiled a chocolate cake for Adam. She wanted to try again. She fed him a piece of cake on a fork. “This is….the best cake that I have ever had,” Adam said.
Adam announced that the dinner was perfectly okay as she wiped frosting off his face. “Thank you so much. That’s very kind of you,” he said. Then, he playfully put frosting on her nose. Adam told Chelsea to just go with her instincts. He went in for a kiss and Chelsea responded. The action shifted to the bedroom where Chelsea said she was ready to make some happy memories.
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