The Young and the Restless Recap for Friday, November 22, 2024: Chance questions Phyllis, and Adam sees Billy and Sally kissing

Sally and Billy level up their relationship | Image source: JPI
Sally and Billy level up their relationship | Image source: JPI

Phyllis woke up in the hospital, disoriented. Summer and Lucy excitedly talked to her, trying to explain where she was and why. Lucy panicked that Phyllis didn’t remember anything, including them. Elena asked them to step out with Daniel so that she could check on Phyllis.

Lucy was upset because Phyllis looked so scared. Elena came into the hallway and said that Phyllis would be okay. She explained that confusion was to be expected with a head trauma, but it would subside. She told Lucy, Daniel, and Summer they could see Phyllis but to keep the information light and give her time.

Back in Phyllis’ room, her family reassured her she would be okay. Phyllis started to recall things from the car accident, like the fire and high-beam headlights. She could vaguely remember Nick’s voice. Summer explained that she had been run off the road but that Nick saved her. Summer less enthusiastically added that Chance was also there and helped.

Phyllis could tell they weren’t telling her something. Summer shared that Daniel had been exonerated and was cleared of all charges. Daniel told his mom that she had been right about Sharon. “You wanted to force her to confess, and you got your wish,” Daniel added. Chance interrupted and said that Elena allowed him to come in.

Phyllis asked if Chance was there for a big dose of “I told you so.” “I’m not sure if you heard, but I was at the crash site,” Chance told Phyllis. He announced he was there in an official capacity and wanted to ask her some questions about the events leading up to the accident.

Summer thought Chance could wait, noting that Sharon already confessed. Daniel thought Phyllis should speak for herself. Summer wanted to wait for Elena’s opinion, but Chance repeated that he already had Elena’s permission and said he would respect Phyllis’ recovery. “You just have all the answers, don’t you,” Summer snapped. “Not all of them. That’s why I’m here,” Chance retorted. Daniel took Lucy to get something to eat, and Summer reluctantly told her mom she would wait outside.

Once alone, Phyllis asked Chance what the sentence was for someone who committed pre-meditated murder, dumped the body in a river, and framed an innocent man. Chance told Phyllis that Sharon was on bail and working on the next steps with her lawyer. Phyllis wondered which attorney was insane enough to take Sharon’s case. “Michael Baldwin,” Chance told her. Phyllis was in shock, and her vitals immediately skyrocketed on the heart monitor. “My Michael?” she cried.

While the machine beeped and Phyllis was in obvious distress, Chance continued. Phyllis started yelling at Chance, who kept dismissing her feelings and ignoring her questions to ask his own. “I told everyone, and no one believed me, including you. Instead, you arrested my son when he was grieving, and you didn’t care. You arrested him anyway!” Phyllis hollered.

Chance shrugged Phyllis’ outburst off and claimed there was no evidence for her theory about Sharon. “There was evidence all over the place!” she hollered. She told him that Sharon ran her off the road and tried to kill her, too.

Chance calmly told Phyllis that Sharon had no recollection of the accident, so he didn’t have a clear view of the events. Phyllis was infuriated and yelled at him some more. “She was in my room looking for fake evidence, and you didn’t arrest her, but you gave me a hard time, and if you did, I wouldn’t be here right now! Do you feel good about that? Do you feel responsible at all?” Phyllis hollered angrily.

Chance ignored Phyllis again and repeated his question. “What do you remember about the events leading up to your accident?” Chance asked. Phyllis’ vitals continued to bounce around. Phyllis told him her memory was vague. “But I will remember, and when I do remember, if it was Sharon, I will nail that bitche’s ass to the wall myself,” Phyllis fumed.

Phyllis felt that even if they didn't know for sure who the driver was, it was most likely Sharon. "At this point, it could have been anyone," Chance told her. He said he needed to find the facts first. "Or maybe it was your ex-girlfriend who was trying to set me up," Phyllis said. She noted that Chance was biased. Phyllis paused and then looked around.

Phyllis asked for her phone and wanted to show Chance the text messages she had from Sharon that night, claiming she wanted to meet. "Where's my phone? That's the proof! She texted me that she wanted to meet me. Oh my god, she set me up," Phyllis realized. Nick approached the room in time to hear Phyllis say, "She was trying to lure me onto the road so that I would plow into a tree. She did this. Oh my god ... Sharon tried to kill me."

At the ranch house, Victor summoned Adam and Nick for a meeting. He began by demanding to know why Sharon was on bail and if she was a threat. Nick insisted she was not, and Victor wondered how he could say that. He reminded Nick that Sharon confessed and was the one who burned down the original ranch house. Victor asked Adam for his opinion instead.

“Is that why Adam is here, to give his expert opinion on Sharon?” Nick snapped. Victor said that Adam and Sharon had a connection that Nick never had with her. Nick fumed that year ago, Adam convinced Sharon that he needed her help. “That’s not a connection. It’s manipulation,” Nick argued.

Adam infuriated Nick by telling him that Sharon had a darkness in her that Nick never wanted to see. “That's why she accepted me and why I loved her,” Adam concluded. Nick snapped that Sharon was nothing like Adam. Nick told Adam to stop speaking about Sharon. “She’s an incredible person with a huge heart, but it’s led her to some pretty dark places,” Adam added. Nick told Adam to stop projecting and keep his darkness to himself. Nick added that if Sharon did anything, it was because she was confused, not because of darkness.

Victor asked if Nick was saying Sharon was coerced into a confession. Nick explained that whatever Sharon did was a result of her illness and her medications. “What kind of medicine makes someone homicidal?” Adam asked. Nick said he wasn’t defending anything Sharon did or didn’t do, but other issues were at play.

Nick told Victor and Adam about Sharon’s blackouts the night of the murder and the car crash. Victor thought they were conveniently timed. “The Sharon we know and some of us still care about is not dangerous or vengeful,” Nick insisted, but Adam disagreed. “Nick, I think you’ve seen it, but you don’t want to, so you explain it away like you’re doing right now,” Adam told him. Adam added that there was a reason that Sharon always came to him when things got dark, like the night of the ranch fire.

Adam wondered what would happen to Sharon next, but Victor said it was in the hands of the law. Victor said the second reason he called his sons to a meeting was to tell them that he had taken control of Chancellor Industries. Adam noted what a sore loser Billy was being. Nick thought Nikki must have conflicted feelings because of Victoria.

Victor announced that Nikki would be in charge of Chancellor and told Adam to start spreading the news through Newman Media. “New leadership for a new era,” Adam agreed. Adam said he was happy to announce that Billy’s soul-crushing loss would be the Newman family’s gain. “Anyone who comes after us is going to pay,” Victor warned.

Nick stepped outside to take a call from Summer, who told him that Phyllis was awake. She credited her dad with saving Phyllis. “I’m on my way,” Nick told her. He went back inside and told Victor and Adam he had to go and why. Victor told Nick to give Phyllis his best wishes for her recovery.

After Nick left, Victor and Adam discussed Sharon. Victor was concerned that she would pull Nick back into her orbit. Adam knew that it didn’t matter that Nick and Sharon weren’t married, as Nick would always be her hero and take her side. “Even if she did it, she’s not responsible for her actions,” Adam noted. Victor recalled that Adam used to be the same where Sharon was concerned. “I’m past feeling like I have to save her,” Adam told his dad. Victor said Nick needed their support.

At the Athletic Club bar, Sally suggested that they go upstairs and see where things go. Upstairs, things went all the way. Afterward, Billy and Sally lay in the bed, cuddling and talking about what had just happened and how they felt about it. Sally said she felt like she was trapped in a cell, but the door had been open. She just needed to decide to walk through it. She added she’d been stuck in her head and her emotions, and now she felt free.

Billy was happy to hear that and agreed. Sally added that she found Billy attractive and hoped they would wind up there. They kissed for a while and agreed that if they had taken this step sooner, it would have felt like revenge sex. Sally noted they weren’t cheating, but it was more than wanting to settle a score. She wanted to prove to herself that she could move on. Billy admitted that deep down, he knew that it would make Adam’s head explode if he knew they were together, but he consciously knew he wanted to be with Sally. Eventually, they got out of bed and decided to go for dinner together.

Victor and Adam went to the Athletic Club for dinner. Victor told Adam that he washed his hands of Glissade as it was no longer a priority. He claimed that Chancellor was a more important prize, and he didn’t want to deal with a cosmetics company anymore. Adam asked if Victor had also given up on getting revenge on Jack. Victor didn't answer, as he had a phone call. While Adam was waiting, he saw Billy and Sally come down the stairs and kiss in the lobby.

Next week on The Young and the Restless

As the Abbotts gather for Thanksgiving, Ashley, Traci, and Alan enter their living room in disbelief. "What is she doing here? Do you want me to throw her out?" Ashley asks. Traci adds she would be happy to help, but Jack, who is standing next to Diane by the door, tells them it won't be necessary. He throws his arm around his wife and says, "Diane is not going anywhere."

At Nate's, Amy Lewis tells him that she is worried that her staying with Nate is putting added pressure on him. "No, no, it hasn't affected my thinking or my decision," Nate assures her. "Have you reached one? Are you willing to meet your brother?" Amy asks.

For Thanksgiving, Nikki and Victor stand together in the living room of the ranch house in front of Victoria, Cole, Claire, Nick, Adam, and Chelsea. "To share this day with you, the family that we love so deeply, we couldn't be more grateful for our blessings," Nikki tells everyone.

Watch full episodes of The Young and the Restless weekdays on CBS or stream on Paramount Plus.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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