At the jazz club, Jack saw Billy at the bar and started to make a quick exit, but Billy saw him and called him over. Jack didn’t want an argument but Billy just wanted to buy his brother a drink. Billy said he was drowning, but Jack disagreed. Billy said he thought he had all the answers, but he needed to stop fighting and start listening to the people he respected who had been warning him he was heading off a cliff.
Billy said he’s been in rough shape since he lost Abbott-Chancellor. He wanted to take back what Victor stole from him, and he wanted to make revenge against him a full-time job. He realized he wanted to blame Victor for taking advantage of his mom’s poor health and attacking him, and he wanted him to hurt him back.
Bill said his hatred for Victor was deeper than he thought and went back to the pain and hurt that his mom caused him. Billy wanted to hit him back and use his family to hurt him, so he had a plan to go after Adam. Billy noted that he even managed to scare off Phyllis with that one, and that was hard to do. Billy said that made him realize he was really isolated and needed to resolve his issues with Jill.
Billy told Jack that once he resolved his issues with his mom then he would look at a career move that was independent and something he loved to do. Jack was proud of his brother and knew it wasn’t an easy conclusion to come to. After almost losing Kyle to Victor, Jack knew what he was talking about but said no good could come from that kind of bloodthirsty revenge.
Billy knew that his success wouldn’t come from dragging someone else down; it had to be from building himself up. He believed he had good ideas. Jack did, too, and said he believed in him so much he’d be willing to bankroll one of Billly’s ideas.
Billy was genuinely appreciative of the offer. Jack insisted that he believed in Billy and always had. Billy assured him he would talk to him when he figured out what was next. Jack empathized with how Billy must have felt when Jill sold the company to Victor. Sally showed up and said she was trying to reach Billy. He realized his phone was dead. Sally told Billy she had a surprise for him.
Mariah and Nick brought Sharon home, and Faith ran to welcome her. Sharon was in rough shape but refused to go to the hospital until the next day. Mariah and Faith told her how scared they were for her. Faith worried that because of where Sharon had been in the sewer, somehow her kidnapping was related to Cameron, and he was back too.
Sharon said she didn’t see who kidnapped her but assured Faith that Cameron was gone forever. Nick told them that they knew who took Sharon: Jordan. Nick explained everything and revealed that Jordan escaped from prison with Ian’s help and that she told them Ian had killed Heather. Mariah was devastated to learn that Ian did everything he did because of her.
Nick assured Mariah that what Ian had done was not on her. “But he would have never come back to town if not for me. Heather would still be alive!” Mariah cried. Nick and Sharon told her she didn’t ask him to return into their lives, and Ian had a long and complicated history with all the Newmans. Mariah felt awful and said, “Mom, I’m so sorry!” as she hugged Sharon.
Sharon told Mariah she didn’t need to apologize for anything as nothing was her fault. Mariah said this was exactly what she was afraid of, Ian coming to terrorize everyone, but look what he did to the Romalottis. She understood logically, but the lengths that Ian goes to include influencing Tessa. Mariah told everyone about her fight earlier with her wife.
“The more I try to push that monster away, the more he keeps infiltrating my thoughts and my family. It’s like he’s trying to destroy my life all over again!” Mariah cried angrily. Nick, Sharon, and Faith told Mariah to go fix things with Tessa. Sharon assured her that she would be going to bed, and Faith said she would take care of Sharon. Nick told them he’d be at the main house if they needed anything. They all wanted Mariah to go fix what she could with her wife and not worry about Sharon.
Mariah went home, and Sharon told Nick and Faith she felt much better after a hot bath. Nick admitted that Jordan had been at Vic’s and thought she had probably been arrested by then. He was sure they’d find Ian soon, and they would all help Mariah with her guilt. “There is one more critical thing that we need to do,” Sharon told Nick and Faith. Sharon said they needed to tell Daniel and Lucy as soon as possible who actually killed Heather.
Nick told Sharon she needed rest and thought they should wait until morning to talk to Daniel and Lucy. Sharon told Nick how thoughts of him and wanting to get back to the kids were what kept her going. She shared that she had visions of him, and he was like her guardian angel, encouraging her to keep going. “Honestly, you saved me. You pushed me to get myself out of there,” Sharon told Nick. Nick said if he couldn’t be there physically, he was glad he was able to help her on some level. Sharon and Nick embraced.
Jack came home and found Diane looking at magazines from the 60s and 70s to get inspiration for the Jabot classics line. Jack happily updated that he and Billy had gotten along and that he had done some serious soul searching. “Thanks to Victor Newman, Billy’s life is back on the right track,” Jack said.
Sally made Billy close his eyes as she brought him into his house with the lights off. She got him to pause, turned on the lights, and then told him to open his eyes. Billy couldn’t believe the makeover she had done on his place. Sally explained why she chose the colors and decorations and even included some feng shui. Billy noticed she had put out his sailboat and car, which his brother had given him. Billy loved all the photos of his family. She put them around the house and paused when he saw a picture of Delia. Billy thought it was a fresh start and the uplifting surprise he needed.
Billy and Sally walked through the house, and he loved everything she had done. They celebrated with champagne, and Billy said he had more good news. Billy told Sally it was time for him to let go of all of the anger and animosity and move forward to get his life back on track. Sally congratulated him for making a hard choice.
At the tack house, Jordan guzzled the rest of her tea and threw the mug across the room, shattering it on the floor. She said she would gladly drink more if it prevented her from being put back in prison, a psych ward, or Victor’s cage in the basement. Victor asked what she was talking about, and Claire explained that she had poisoned Jordan’s tea. Claire noted that Jordan expected them to call an ambulance. Jordan asked if Claire wanted to watch her die before her eyes. Jordan was sure that Claire wanted to save her, as she always had before.
“Was I ever cruel to you?” Jordan asked, noting how much she loved Claire and told her to remember the good times. Victoria interrupted and said she wouldn’t let Claire have the choice of killing Jordan on her conscience. Victoria said she was going to call an ambulance, but Jordan whacked her hand and sent her phone flying.
Victor and Nikki told off Jordan. “Even on your way to hell, you want to hurt as many people as you can with your sick lies,” Nikki sneered. Victoria told Jordan to shut her “filthy mouth” when she started to argue back. Jordan made her way dramatically to the couch as she gasped and sobbed, asking Claire what kind of poison she used. She wondered if it was the same as the one they’d used on the Newmans. “The slow-acting one that causes such severe pain and spasms?” Jordan asked as Victor checked his phone. Jordan asked Claire how much time she had left.
Claire told her it would be a more peaceful death than Jordan deserved as she had only used sleeping pills. She was mad that Claire hadn’t been more creative but insisted that if they called the paramedics, she would fight them. Jordan told Claire that every time she closed her eyes, Jordan would be there to remind her she was a murderer, just like her aunt. “You’re wrong. Everything I did, I did for my family. My real family. Obviously, everything I said to you earlier was a lie. I am blessed to be a Newman,” Claire told her. “You ungrateful little bitch. You disgust me!” Jordan said.
Victor wanted Jordan to tell her where Ian was, but she said it was too late. Jordan hoped that “her Ian” would destroy every one of them. Victor said they’d be together soon enough, dancing in hell. Jordan laid down on the couch, and got weaker as she asked Claire if she had sold her soul to the Newmans.
Claire told her that she was evil. “You will never be part of their world because you belong in mine. You will always miss me,” Jordan told Claire. She grabbed her hand before taking her last breath. “That’s the end,” Victor said as Victoria hugged Claire.
Victoria put a blanket over Jordan as Victor was on the phone with his security team and told them to come to the tack house. Nikki wondered what they were going to do. Victor thought they should tell the police the truth: that Jordan escaped from prison, and came to the ranch with the intent of doing damage to our family. He added that when Jordan realized she would probably go back to prison, she drank some poison. “It’s over, sweetheart, it’s finally over,” Victoria told Claire.
Nikki, Victor, Victoria, and Claire went up to the main house. In the living room, Victoria sat on the couch, holding Claire. Victor said there was something he needed to know. “What were the three of you thinking?” he asked. He and Nikki locked eyes as he wanted an answer.
Next week on The Young and the Restless
In the ranch house living room, Victoria asks Victor, “Jordan’s gone. Isn’t that all anyone needs to know?” Victor leans in to his daughter and bellows, “Trust me…this isn’t over!”
At Sharon’s, Nick rushes into Sharon’s house. Sharon is talking to Mariah, who is very upset. She’s holding a stuffed animal as Nick asks, “Are you sure Tessa and Aria are missing?” Mariah tells him, “They weren’t upstairs when I got home, and I can’t find them anywhere. Tessa isn’t answering her phone.”
Nick, Victor, and Michael are in the living room when Ian, with a gun pointed at them and grinning maniacally, calls up the stairs, “Nikki! It’s Ian! Come on down! I don’t want you to miss a moment of what’s going to happen to your family!”
Watch full episodes of The Young and the Restless weekdays on CBS or stream on Paramount Plus.

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