Sally and Chloe met at Society to discuss her trip to Paris. Chloe wondered if Sally’s excitement was due to business or Billy. Chloe said that Billy was funny, brilliant, and slightly broken, which was absolute catnip for a certain type of woman. Sally admitted that Billy was going with her to Paris.
Sally defended Billy when Chloe said he had a horrible track record in romance. Chloe laughed when Sally claimed Billy was more responsible now professionally. Chloe wasn’t buying it. Sally wondered why everyone always dwelled on the negative when it came to Billy. Chloe admitted that Billy was a good guy.
Sally shared that losing Adam the way she did hurt so much, but she and Billy started with a friendship and built trust, and now he makes her feel desirable again. She told Chloe that she and Billy were just having fun. Chloe said Billy was the perfect person to have fun with, but he did screw up his life on a regular basis. “My point is that you are the catch here,” Chloe told her.
Chloe claimed that Sally brought stability to the relationship. She told her friend how great she was and wanted her to remember that so she wouldn’t be defined by her relationship with Billy. She also said that Billy was family, and if their relationship turned into something more, Billy would be lucky, and Chloe would be happy for them.
At Billy’s, Phyllis and Daniel arrived just after Billy hung up the phone with Jack, thanking him for the large investment deposit. Billy said he had champagne on ice and asked if they were celebrating. Daniel replied that it depended on Billy. Phyllis said they were there so Billy could do the passionate pitch for Daniel that he had done for her, but Daniel just mocked them.
Billy told Daniel that they would be building a global entity and that they would have to be all in for it to work. Phyllis was confused as to why Billy wasn’t hyping it up, but Billy told her that Daniel had been apprehensive and wanted to hear his opinion. He believed Abbott Communications was the perfect spot for Daniel’s talent. Daniel appreciated the opportunity but wasn’t sure he should be turning a new page with Billy.
Billy explained his vision and the ethical approach he wanted to take with the company. Daniel was finally able to say he was impressed and intrigued. Billy asked what Daniel wanted to do with his skill set. Daniel admitted that art took him to a dark place and that he had bad memories of it. Phyllis said they did everything for everyone, like news, entertainment, podcasts, and self-help. Billy asked Daniel what impact he wanted to make on the world because they could make that happen.
Billy shared that Jack had already deposited his investment and Phyllis pointed out that he wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t believe in their venture. Daniel asked to think about it overnight. Billy told him he could take a few days if needed, but if he decided to come on board, he had to be all in. Billy added he was going to Paris with Sally, and Phyllis was taken aback.
When she and Daniel went to leave, Phyllis hung back and asked Billy about leaving town. She scolded him that it wasn’t time to go on a vacation and a distraction. Billy pointed out that Daniel hadn’t committed, and Phyllis said she wasn’t in unless Daniel was, so he thought it was fine to leave when they hadn’t even formed yet. Phyllis warned Billy that she would be texting him about the business but Billy said to put it all in one document and he’d read it when he got back. They bickered, and then Phyllis left in frustration while Billy quipped to let the good times roll.
After Phyllis and Daniel left, Sally arrived. Billy was feeling romantic but Sally didn’t want to miss their flight. He asked if she had kept the fortune from her cookie earlier. He asked if she remembered what it said, and Sally recalled it said that she would have great success…in bed. Sally pointed out that they had been interrupted. “I can fix that,” Billy said as he kissed her.
At Nate’s, Holden tried to gaslight Amy by saying he was her son. Amy insisted she hadn’t lost her memory and had never seen the man before. Holden tried walking out, but Nate stopped him. Amy wanted to know if Damian was okay and asked Holden what he had done with her son. Holden admitted that he worked for Damian and replaced him at his request. Nate was upset he’d been duped, but Holden reminded him he had come to Damian with a fake job offer.
Amy told Holden to take her to Damian immediately, saying it was a matter of life and death. Holden balked and said he didn’t want to get involved in their family. Amy begged him to do so, saying Damian needed to know something before it was too late. Holden wanted to know what that meant.
When Amy again expressed the urgency, Holden asked how sick she was. Amy replied that she needed to see Damian immediately. Holden started to ask more questions, but Nate told him if that wasn’t enough for Holden, then there was something wrong that talking wouldn’t fix. Holden said he would try, but Damian was a stubborn man. Holden told Nate that Damian would want to know how he figured into the situation. Nate told him whatever Damian was thinking, it was bigger than that, and he would gladly explain all of it to him if Damian showed up.
Holden left and went to the park to meet with Damian. “A lot went down, and you’re not going to like any of it,” Holden began. He told him that Amy had been there, and he was ambushed. Holden admitted he had to tell them the truth. Damian was upset, but Holden told him that Amy was sick and needed to see him. Holden told Damian that his mother deserved answers, and he didn’t want to be the one to tell her no. He added that Amy and Nate had real answers for him. He asked what Damian had to lose by hearing Amy out.
Phyllis and Daniel went to Society. Phyllis was still reiterating how good Billy was at what he does and wanted Daniel to get on board. Daniel thought Billy talked a good game. Phyllis continued to try to persuade him to join her and Billy. Daniel could tell it meant a lot to his mom. “To see you shine after the hell you’ve been through? Of course it does,” Phyllis told him. She said that it meant something to her to be needed and respected for what she does, too. Daniel relented that for the first time since Heather died, things could actually work out. He agreed that maybe it was a turning point for both of them.
Once alone, Nate lamented that he didn’t think that Damian would send a proxy to meet him. Amy was astounded and hurt that her son would send someone else rather than meet with her. Nate reiterated that Holden made it clear that Damian was cautious because of him, not her.
Amy wondered if Holden would be able to convince Damian to reach out. She couldn’t believe he played games like sending a stranger. She worried that Holden wouldn’t be able to explain it to Damian in a way that would make a difference. Amy recalled how Damian was as a baby and wanted to believe he had a good, decent life but wondered how Damian felt. Nate suggested if Damian wouldn’t see her, then she could write him a letter, but she thought he’d just rip it up. Just then, Nate’s phone rang. Damian told him that he wanted to hear what Nate had to say and asked to meet.
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