On The Young and the Restless, it would appear as if Alan Laurent is the man behind the kidnapping of Sharon and Phyllis, but fans suspect it could be Alan's evil brother Martin.

This question on The Young and the Restless, is which brother is the one we see on screen with Traci (Beth Maitland) and the one we saw overseeing the imprisonment of Sharon (Sharon Case) and Phyllis (Michelle Stafford) at the abandoned asylum. To help us in the search for answers, it’s time for a recap of the night that Alan and Martin struggled with each other before going over a balcony, and one was thought to be dead.
The Young and the Restless: The Night Of The Mystery

Tucker (William Russ) arrived at Alan's (Christopher Cousins) place, immediately questioning Traci about Ashley (Eileen Davidson). "What are you doing here? Are you and Ashley staying with him?" He was concerned, as Ashley hadn't sounded okay during their earlier call. Traci was evasive, refusing to discuss Ashley's situation. Tucker insisted he wouldn't disregard Ashley's privacy lightly, but he'd heard fear in her voice. Traci eventually let him in. He pressed her about Ashley's whereabouts and why Alan had acted like a stranger earlier. "Are you certain Alan can be trusted?" he asked, voicing his concern. (Fans of The Young and the Restless already dont trust the guy).
In Alan's living room, Traci claimed she and Ashley had complete faith in Alan, but Tucker noticed her unease. She said it was a private family matter, and while she believed Alan's intentions were good, Tucker's presence wasn't needed. Tucker offered his help if Ashley needed anything, but Traci dismissed him, stating it wasn't his place. They debated whether Tucker had followed her to Paris, but he maintained his concern stemmed from Ashley's frightened voice. Traci assured him Ashley was in good hands. She explained Alan was helping Ashley retrieve traumatic memories and needed more time. Tucker questioned the timing of Alan's reappearance, suspecting an ulterior motive. Traci insisted she had called Alan for help and that Ashley would eventually be better. Tucker remained unconvinced, sensing Traci was hiding something. He reasoned that she'd be more forthcoming about Ashley and Alan's location if everything were above board. He couldn't understand Alan's act of pretending not to know him. "Whatever he’s setting me up for, why play it this way?" He suspected Alan's work with Ashley wasn't as it seemed.

Meanwhile, Alan had regained consciousness in a closet and struggled to sit up. In the living room, Traci defended Alan's work and offered excuses for his initial behavior towards Tucker. Tucker suggested Alan simply disliked him. Traci asked if he had come to Paris with Audra, but Tucker said they had hit a snag. He sought straight answers from Traci, but she insisted Ashley should decide what to share. Tucker argued that his concern for Ashley made it his business. He explained that his worry for Ashley was one reason he wasn't with Audra. He kept returning despite being "kicked around" by the Abbotts because he cared. Traci said it was late, and he should leave, but Tucker decided to stay and look around. Traci asked him again to leave.
Martin (Christopher Cousins) was dragging Ashley elsewhere in the house, who was starting to regain consciousness. Alan, still in the closet, managed to free himself from his gag. Traci once again asked Tucker to leave. Tucker said he wanted to believe Alan was legitimate, but he needed to see for himself to be at ease. He questioned Traci's late-night presence and guessed Ashley wasn't at her apartment. He pointed out the three coffee cups on the tray, raising further suspicion. "Three cups, Traci. Three cups."
And Then There Was One

In another part of the house, Ashley remembered her conversation with Martin before he attacked her. She groaned, and Martin warned her to be quiet. She screamed, and Traci and Tucker heard it. Traci yelled, "Upstairs!" Upstairs, Martin angrily told Ashley that he was the one who had "cured" her, not Alan. When Ashley said he needed help, he raged at her. Tucker arrived and caught Ashley as Martin threw her across the room. Traci gasped as Alan appeared, calling out to Martin. Martin warned Alan not to approach him. Alan tried to reason with him, but Martin claimed he wasn't broken and was just as sane as Alan. He attacked Alan, and they both ended up on the terrace, falling over the balcony. Ashley screamed, and she and Traci ran after them while Tucker looked over the railing before following. This is where The Young and the Restless leaves us with questions.
Downstairs, Traci tried to stop Ashley as she rushed outside. Tucker helped Alan back inside, saying an ambulance was on the way. Ashley and Traci returned, and Alan said an ambulance wouldn't help Martin. He believed Martin had saved his life by breaking his fall. Ashley, scared, asked Tucker why he was there. Tucker explained his distrust of Alan, referring to an earlier encounter with Alan's twin brother. He wanted an explanation, but Alan wanted him to leave. Traci also urged him to go. Alan asked Tucker to leave Ashley alone. Tucker relented, telling Traci he'd stay in Paris for a few more days if Ashley needed anything.
Tucker remained after Ashley ran out again. He helped Alan inside and reiterated that an ambulance was coming. Alan said it was too late for Martin and repeated his belief that Martin had saved his life. Ashley again asked why Tucker was there. Tucker restated his distrust of Alan. Alan wanted Tucker to leave, but Tucker refused until Alan asked him to leave Ashley alone. Tucker told Traci he'd be in Paris for a few more days if Ashley needed anything.
And so there we have it, a recap of the night The Young and the Restless left us still wondering which of the two brothers we are watching. Is one of them really dead? Or are we destined to have a reunion and one last battle between good and evil? Stay tuned, soap fans. This storyline needs to conclude quickly. And please let Traci have a happy ending. Did I miss anything? Comment below or visit the Soap Central Message Boards.
Watch full episodes of The Young and the Restless on CBS or stream on Paramount Plus.

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