Sharon puts her plan in action; The Young and the Restless Recap for Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sharon and Cameron make poisonous plans on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Sharon and Cameron make poisonous plans on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI

Sharon awoke from a bad dream in her motel room because someone was knocking on her door. She turned on the lights, as the knocking was relentless. Sharon noted that it couldn’t be Cameron, as he wasn’t real, but she knew the knocking was. Sharon opened the door and saw Daniel chanting Cassie’s name. Daniel fell toward Sharon, and she stumbled backward. As they landed on the bed, she realized that Daniel was bleeding at the back of his head.

Sharon gasped and sat up in the dark hotel room. She turned on the light and saw Cameron smiling at her. She asked him if he'd given her that nightmare to amuse himself. “If I did, that means you gave it to yourself,” Cameron said. Sharon told Cameron that Daniel had been bleeding in her nightmare. “Only you can make your dreams come true,” Cameron said. Cameron reminded Sharon that they had a plan, and she needed to make things right by finally getting justice for Cassie.

Sharon returned from the bathroom and saw a white paper bag on the bed. She didn’t remember what it was or where it had come from. Sharon didn’t even remember checking into the motel. She took a small bottle from the bag and asked what it was. Cameron said, “A dose of that, and there’s no coming back.” Sharon wondered if she had bought poison for herself.

Cameron told Sharon that it would destroy her kids and Nick if she hurt herself. “What you’re pushing me to do that’s not cruel? What will it do to Heather, Lucy, Summer, and Phyllis?” Sharon asked. Sharon and Cameron laughed as they noted that she really didn’t care about Phyllis. “She wouldn’t even know it was you who did it,” Cameron reminded Sharon. Cameron said that the world had been out of balance since Cassie had died, and it was up to Sharon to fix that.

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Cameron told Sharon to go on autopilot again and that he would take care of it. Sharon worried that Daniel wasn’t a monster like Cameron, and he maybe didn’t deserve to be hurt. Cameron told Sharon that Daniel was responsible for everything. He asked if she was going to fail Cassie again or get justice for Cassie's death.

Adam walked by Faith at the park and overheard her leaving a voice message for Sharon. When he saw her sit on the bench and burst into tears, Adam asked Faith if she was okay. At first, Faith didn’t want to talk, but she ended up asking what Adam knew about her mom’s bipolar disorder. Faith said she had triggered Sharon’s memories of Cassie and felt horrible.

Adam said that Faith should not blame herself. Faith admitted that Sharon was missing, and Faith feared her mom was in trouble. Adam said he wished he could do something to help, but Faith should trust her dad. “If anyone can find her, it’s Nick,” Adam said.

Heather told Daniel that she still thought they should move away from Genoa City and wished they already had, but she respected Daniel and Lucy’s opinions to stay. Heather said she supported the decision and their family. Daniel hoped Heather wouldn’t feel resentful for staying. Heather assured him that she would not. Heather said Sharon was a concern, and she didn’t like how much guilt and shame Sharon piled on Daniel.

Heather apologized for her argument with Daniel the day before. She said she had hit Daniel below the belt by saying he always ran from his problems. Daniel admitted that she was right. He recalled how they had broken up when his art career had ended, and he'd felt he had failed Heather and Lucy. “I took my frustrations out on you and gave you no choice but to leave,” Daniel said. Daniel added that he was grateful that Heather was willing to give Genoa City another chance. They both noted that they had meetings for new job opportunities. “Maybe our luck is turning around,” Heather said.

Daniel told Heather about his conversation with Sharon. He said Sharon had apologized to him for how she had been treating their family. Heather wished Sharon had apologized to Lucy, as well. Daniel said Sharon was still trying to deal with her feelings. Heather thought Sharon’s erratic behavior and anger were more than a little scary.

At Society, Mariah talked with Tessa and Nick about her trip to Madison. She told them about her phone calls with Sharon. Nick said Sharon wasn’t thinking straight, but Mariah pointed out that her mom was thinking clearly enough to figure out what they had been planning. Nick regretted trying to lure Sharon home, and he knew that was what had made her run. Nick shared that he had talked to Sharon’s doctor, who was extremely protective of Sharon’s privacy. Nick had told the doctor they were concerned he wasn’t getting the whole story or the truth from Sharon. The doctor advised Nick that if it ever got to the point that Sharon was a danger to herself or anyone else, they should call the police.

Mariah recalled how Sharon had complained that she didn’t want everyone watching her every move. Mariah said Sharon had told Mariah not to track her down and to give her space. Mariah said everything they were doing seemed to be making it worse, and she suggested that Sharon knew what she was doing. Nick disagreed. He said he would rather have Sharon mad at him for the rest of his life than risk losing her. Nick said the first time that Sharon had been diagnosed, he'd missed all the signs, and he wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

Nick spotted Daniel across the restaurant, and Nick and Mariah questioned Daniel about what Sharon had told him. Daniel realized they didn’t know where Sharon was, and they worried about her. Nick asked if Sharon had mentioned anything about a trip, but Daniel told them Sharon had seemed more concerned about knowing if he, Heather, and Lucy would leave town. Daniel asked that they let him know when they heard from Sharon.

Sharon picked the lock at the Romalottis' apartment and let herself in. She put on black gloves before going to Daniel and Heather’s liquor cabinet. She pulled out a bottle of whiskey and held it up as Cameron read the label. Cameron noted it was ironic that the whiskey had been bottled when Cassie had still been alive. “No reason to hold back. Let’s do what we came to do,” Cameron said as Sharon pulled out the bottle of poison.

The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on CBS.

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Edited by Lisa