Sharon frames Daniel for Heather's murder; The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, October 7, 2024

Sharon plants evidence to frame Daniel | Image Source: JPI Studios
Sharon plants evidence to frame Daniel | Image Source: JPI Studios

Audra ran into Kyle at Society and guessed he was out celebrating. He proclaimed that every night was a celebration because he no longer had to work with her. Kyle reasoned that either he or she had faced being fired, and it had turned out to be her. Audra gave him kudos for stooping so low as to convince Victor that she’d been a problem, and Kyle countered that she had been. He cautioned her against playing the victim, since she’d been trying just as hard to get rid of him. Audra promised that she would double the effort next time, but Kyle crowed that there would be no next time. “I won, and you lost. Game over,” he taunted.

Audra noted that Kyle seemed pretty full of himself, and he admitted that he was happy with how things had turned out. She warned that it wasn’t over, since she wouldn’t just hand over Glissade on a plate. Audra insisted that it was hers, and she intended to keep it. Kyle reminded her that the company belonged to Victor, and Kyle was running it, so she was wasting her time. He anticipated that she’d weasel her way into another company, and it was why she’d been hanging out with Nate.

Audra called Kyle a fraud who pretended to be a high-powered businessman when he was really just Daddy and Mommy’s little boy who hadn’t gotten what he’d wanted, so he’d had to find new toys to break. She lectured that he had no idea what it was like to have to work or fight for something the way she’d done her entire life, and she refused to give up. Kyle chided her for making it personal when it was just business. Audra contended that all business was personal.

Kyle predicted that Audra would end up banging her head against a wall because she couldn’t win. Audra vowed to prove that she could not only play with the big boys but also beat them. She spat that he wouldn’t know anything about that because he’d never had to struggle in his life, whereas her life had been nothing but struggles, and she’d “be damned” if she let him take Glissade away from her. “I already have,” he smugly replied.

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Later, Audra thanked Sally for meeting her. Audra growled that she’d been about ready to murder Kyle, who had gotten her fired. Audra explained how Victor had pitted her and Kyle against one another to determine who kept the top job, and Kyle had sneaked his way into impressing Victor with a sudden new product idea. Sally sympathized that it wasn’t fair after Audra had worked hard for the position. Audra shared that her first instinct was to fight, but she was hesitant because Victor Newman was involved.

Audra opted to take time to think about her next move because she didn’t want it to blow up in her face. Sally questioned what they were supposed to do when the worst thing in the world happened, and they were stuck trying to figure out how to move forward. Audra called Sally a true friend for being there for her, but she sensed Sally wasn’t talking about Audra. Sally swore that she wasn’t there to talk about herself. Audra offered to talk about anything, since she suddenly had all the time in the world.

Sally doubted that fighting for Adam would be in her best interests. Audra contended that Adam still loved Sally, and in a perfect world, he could be the man who gave Sally what she wanted. Sally argued that it wasn’t a perfect world, and Chelsea was still around. Audra implored Sally to think about everything she and Adam had been through and lost together, and she was certain that kind of love didn’t just go away.

Sally countered that Adam’s love for Chelsea hadn’t gone away, either. Audra bet it would if Sally fought hard enough. Audra declared that it was what she intended to do with Glissade, since it was rightfully hers, and she’d earned and deserved it. “The meek really don’t inherit the earth, Sally. Not the part of it we live in, anyway. We need to take what belongs to us,” Audra proclaimed.

Kyle spotted Claire at Crimson Lights and noted that she was out pretty late. She mentioned that she had a thousand thoughts running through her head, and he hoped they were good ones. She observed that he seemed happy, and she asked if something great had happened. He boasted that she had no idea how great. Claire was floored when Kyle revealed that Audra’s firing was the reason for his good mood.

Kyle admitted that he might have stacked the deck to show their investor that Audra was a liability; however, the company was better off, and he’d get to run it. He bragged that he’d created a scenario where he’d gotten to shine, and Audra hadn’t known what had hit her. Kyle thought Claire would be happy for him. Claire confirmed she was, but she thought he seemed gleeful about it. Kyle exclaimed that it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

Claire questioned whether Audra had deserved to be fired. Claire thought Kyle’s actions had seemed sneaky and underhanded, but he defended that he’d only done to Audra what she would have done to him. He reasoned that it had been impossible for them to work together, so he’d accelerated the process of getting rid of her. Kyle refused to apologize, and he invited Claire to celebrate with him.

At the jazz lounge, Kyle asked if Claire was upset with him. Claire recognized his need to prove himself, but she urged him to consider whether it was for himself or for someone else and why it was so important. Kyle responded that it was for everyone who’d ever doubted he had what it took to play in the big leagues and win. Claire asked if Audra was one of those people. Kyle recounted that Audra had thought she was better and smarter than him, she’d ended up unemployed, and he took satisfaction in it. Claire asked if it had to do with his romantic history with Audra.

Kyle called what he’d had with Audra a fling that had been over for a long time. Claire clarified that she hadn’t asked out of jealousy, and Kyle assured her that she had no reason to be jealous. Claire explained that she loved seeing him excited about work, but she’d been raised by someone who could only be happy if someone else was miserable—and the way he’d talked had triggered her. Claire continued that she knew he had a heart and a conscience, but she saw a red flag when someone celebrated another person’s misfortune because it would only end up destroying them in the end. Kyle promised it had been a one-time-only deal that he’d felt he needed to do for his and Harrison’s future.

At Crimson Lights, Nick was shocked when Phyllis and Summer informed him that Heather had died from blunt-force trauma. Summer revealed that the police were still investigating, but Heather had either fallen or been pushed. Phyllis pointed out the possibility that someone had hit Heather and watched her die, and she shuddered at the thought of Daniel and Lucy knowing someone was out there who’d deliberately done that to Heather.

Nick urged Phyllis and Summer not to get ahead of themselves or the police, since they didn’t know if foul play had been involved, and speculating about how Heather had died could make the situation worse. Phyllis expected that Daniel and Lucy would hear the facts about how it had happened, and Nick encouraged her to be sensitive and there for them while they took time to process and grieve. Summer pondered whether she should go back over to be with Daniel that night or to give him space. Phyllis suggested that they start putting together a memorial service, and Summer volunteered to help.

Nick told Phyllis and Summer not to go overboard, and he recommended that they offer to help but allow Daniel and Lucy to decide what was best for themselves. Phyllis worried that the situation might push Daniel back to the black hole where they’d almost lost him. Summer asserted that Daniel was a different person, and he knew he had to keep it together for himself and for Lucy. Summer agreed that they should let Daniel take the lead.

Summer wondered why Heather had suddenly decided she’d needed time away. Phyllis didn’t buy the story because Heather had been a direct person who would have said something if she’d had a problem rather than sneaking out. Summer pondered how Heather had ended up at the river, which wasn’t in the best neighborhood. Nick suggested they stay out of it and let the police figure things out.

Phyllis said she was glad Chance was back on the police force. Nick asked if Summer was happy about it. Summer conceded that she’d been nervous when Chance had floated the idea, but it was what he loved and missed. Summer knew Chance would do everything he could for Daniel and Lucy, and she was grateful for that. Phyllis felt like she should be with Daniel, since her son was hurting, and she was hurting for him.

At the cottage, Faith sent a text message to ask where Sharon was. Meanwhile, in her car outside Daniel’s apartment building, Sharon asked herself what she was doing because she couldn’t pull it off. Her phone chimed, but she ignored Faith’s message and focused on devising a plan. Sharon wondered where “Cameron” was, and she condemned him for abandoning her after he’d gotten her into that mess. She panicked that everyone would find out she’d killed Heather, and she’d lose her freedom, her family, and Nick. Sharon asked Cameron what she should do, but he was nowhere to be found.

Sharon willed herself to calm down, like Cameron was always telling her to do. She swore that she wouldn’t let them lock her up for the rest of her life; she didn’t need Cameron because it was her life, and she was going to fix things, once and for all. Sharon contemplated how to get Daniel and Lucy out of their apartment. Moments later, a distraught Daniel was taken aback when he received a message from Heather’s phone.

Lucy emerged from her room and complained that she couldn’t sleep. Daniel replied that he couldn’t, either. He imagined things would be rough for both of them, but he promised they would get through it. He added that her mom would have wanted them to be strong and brave and to lean on one another when they got sad. Lucy whimpered that she’d be sad forever.

Daniel was sure that Heather would have wanted them to be happy again, and he believed Heather would be with them every step of the way in their hearts. Lucy noticed that he kept glancing over at his phone, and she asked if he’d heard from someone about her mom. Daniel reluctantly revealed that he’d received a message from Heather’s phone. Lucy squealed that she’d known it had been a mistake, and her mom was alive.

Daniel gently explained that someone had found Heather’s phone and wanted to return it. He wished more than anything that the message could have been from Heather; however, he’d seen Heather’s body, and there had been no mistake. Daniel intended to get the phone, since it might have a clue to tell them what had happened. Lucy insisted on going with him, and Daniel eventually caved in to her pleas.

In her car, Sharon read Daniel’s request to pick up the phone as soon as possible that night. Sharon wrote back to propose they meet. Shortly thereafter, Sharon watched Daniel and Lucy drive off. Sharon entered the Romalottis’ home and stashed the bloody rags in a credenza. She then placed Heather’s phone next to them before she slipped out.

Sharon returned home, and Faith expressed relief because she’d been looking all over for her mom. Faith questioned where Sharon had gone, since it was later than Sharon usually went out. Sharon apologetically claimed that she’d gone out for a drive, and she hadn’t meant to scare Faith. Faith lectured that Sharon could have at least left a note or answered Faith’s text messages. Faith added that Lucy’s mom had just died after going out alone at night.

Sharon said she was sorry if she’d scared Faith, but she was home and safe. Faith inquired whether the drive had helped. Sharon reported that it had given her some time to reflect on things, and she resolved not to dwell on the past anymore and to instead count her blessings—and Faith was one of them. Faith apologized if her hovering was annoying, but Sharon swore Faith was anything but annoying. Sharon was certain that Faith would see things would get better, since Sharon believed she’d turned a corner that night.

Faith sent a text message to let Mariah know Sharon was okay. Sharon said she felt bad that her children didn’t trust her to leave the house. Faith stressed that they’d been scared after what had happened to Heather. An emotional Sharon reasoned that they had to be grateful for every moment they had together, since it could all be taken away. Faith considered reaching out to Lucy in case the teen wanted to talk to someone. Sharon urged Faith to give it some time.

Faith said she was exhausted and prepared to go up to bed. She warned Sharon not to sneak out again, and Sharon swore she was staying put. They hugged goodnight and exchanged words of love. After Faith headed upstairs, Cameron appeared. “Oh, now you show up!” Sharon scolded. Cameron clucked that she couldn’t get rid of him that easily.

Sharon blasted Cameron for leaving her alone at Daniel’s apartment, but he applauded her for figuring things out herself and doing a great job. Cameron stated that all she had to do was alert the police that there was evidence to be found in Daniel’s apartment, and Daniel would be arrested for Heather’s murder. Cameron added that Sharon would then finally get the justice she deserved.

Daniel and Lucy entered the Athletic Club, and she asked if he saw anyone with the phone. Daniel pointed out that they didn’t know who they were looking for, but they were half an hour early. They headed to the bar to join Chance, who extended his condolences and called Heather a terrific lady. Chance added that he was glad he’d run into them, since he was back at the GCPD, and he’d gotten Heather’s case. “Her case?” Lucy asked as her face turned ashen. Daniel incredulously inquired whether Chance was saying it was a police investigation.

Chance confirmed there was an official investigation. Daniel asked to talk to Chance in private, and he prompted Lucy to check to see if Summer was upstairs. After Lucy walked away, Daniel bemoaned that he was trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was never going to see Heather again, and he wanted to know why and how her death had happened. Chance pledged to do whatever he could to get answers, since he’d cared about her, too.

Daniel recalled that Heather had always referred to Chance as one of the good guys. Chance shared that he’d asked for the case because it was personal for him. Daniel showed him the text message he’d received from Heather’s phone. Daniel suspected that whoever had found Heather’s phone knew or had seen something. He realized the person was supposed to have met him there 15 minutes earlier, and he guessed that Chance thought the person wasn’t going to show up.

Chance instructed Daniel to send a message to convey the importance of getting the phone back and to offer a reward. Chance asked if Heather’s phone had been password-protected, and Daniel confirmed it had been. Chance wondered how someone had been able to get into the phone if they’d simply found it abandoned.

Later, Phyllis and Summer entered the club and saw Daniel and Chance huddled together at the bar. The women approached, and Phyllis asked what was happening. Daniel announced that they might have a lead.

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Edited by Lisa