Claire helped to save Nikki from a deranged Jordan. Jordan was arrested. Danny rebuffed Phyllis' advances. Heather cuddled up next to a sleeping Daniel, and Lucy snapped a photo of them together. Heather kissed Daniel. Michael and Lauren renewed their vows.

The Young and the Restless did not air
Monday, December 25, 2023
by Soap Central
Due to the Christmas holiday, The Young and the Restless did not air. This was a planned pre-emption and there were no lost episodes as a result of the programming changed.
Regular programming resumed on Tuesday, December 26, and picked up where the Friday, December 22, episode concluded.

Claire is forced to choose between Nikki and Jordan
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
by Jenny Smith
Victoria and Nick burst into the Newman ranch. Victor ordered someone over the phone to search again, since they might be running out of time. Victoria asked if her mother still wasn't home, and Victor reported that he hadn't seen Nikki since she'd left the Athletic Club the night before. Victoria surmised that Jordan had lured Nikki to wherever she was hiding. Nick protested that there was no way Nikki would take off on Christmas Eve without talking to them. Victor shared that there might be another reason keeping Nikki away, and he reluctantly revealed that she might be drinking again.
Nick scoffed at the idea that Nikki would skip Christmas to go on a bender when she hadn't had a drink in years. Victor argued that Jordan had destroyed that, but Victoria countered that her mother had been committed to her recovery and determined not to let Jordan win. Victor divulged that Nate had approached him at the club with the suspicion that Nikki was drinking again. Nick barked that it was a cheap low blow from a punk with a grudge, but Victoria was certain that Nate wouldn't lie about Nikki's sobriety to be cruel.
Victor admitted that he'd doubted Nate at first, but then he'd witnessed Nikki descend the stairs, only to disappear when she'd seen the men talking -- as if she'd been ashamed. Victor continued that Nikki hadn't been at home, and her car had been gone. Victoria became concerned that Nikki might have been in an accident if she'd been driving drunk. Victor reported that he'd called the state troopers to look out for Nikki, and he crossed the room to check the vodka bottle on the bar. He sniffed the contents and determined that it was mostly water.
Nick struggled to believe that his mother was drinking again, but Victor suspected it had been going on since they'd returned from Oregon. Victoria growled that Nikki never would have taken a drink if it hadn't been for Jordan stacking the deck against her. Victor answered a call and became irate when he learned his security team was understaffed. Victoria discovered Nikki's purse behind a couch cushion, and Victor identified it as the bag Nikki had been carrying at the club. Victoria poked around inside the purse and pulled out a flask and a piece of paper with an address in Williams Bay written on it. Cole glanced at the address and proclaimed that he'd been there.
Cole recognized the address as a rental cabin he and Eve had stayed in one summer. Victor sensed that Nikki had wanted them to find the note, and Nick worried that Jordan wanted to finish what she'd started in Oregon. Victoria argued that it could be a decoy, and Jordan really had Nikki someplace else. Victor observed that the address was in Nikki's handwriting, and he figured the police could get there faster than they could. While Nick phoned the police, Cole suggested that he and Victoria stay there.
Victoria questioned how Nikki could have allowed herself to be vulnerable enough to meet with Jordan on her own. Victor pointed out that Nikki might be trying to find Victoria's daughter. Victoria argued that Nikki didn't care about Claire, but Victor countered that Nikki knew Victoria cared. After Victor and Nick headed out, Victoria grappled with whether her mom had put herself in danger because of Victoria. Cole cautioned her against speculating, but Victoria couldn't help but think about the worst-case scenario of Nikki and Claire being completely at Jordan's mercy.
Cole considered another scenario that no one had mentioned -- Claire and Jordan might have teamed up to ambush Nikki. Victoria maintained that Claire had been a victim. Cole wanted to believe that, too, but he recognized that Claire had been a willing accomplice in Oregon and that Jordan had had a lifetime to work the kid's mind. Cole wasn't sure they could fully trust Claire after everything she'd done. Victoria stated that something had changed once she'd found out Claire was her daughter, and they had a connection. Victoria didn't believe a traumatized Claire would ever turn back to Jordan.
Cole wondered if Claire had any free will after what Jordan had done to her. Victoria contemplated whether Jordan would see Claire as an ally or a traitor who needed to be punished. Cole doubted that Nikki had gone in without a plan, and he predicted that she'd outsmart Jordan. Victoria admitted that she hadn't been able to sleep the night before, thinking about what it would have been like if she and Cole had raised Claire.
Victoria pictured knowing their daughter's favorite color and celebrating birthdays and holidays with her. Victoria imagined all the love Claire would have had if she'd been a part of their family. Cole confided that he couldn't see it, and he guessed that he was either too numb or just too scared to lose Claire all over again. Victoria mused that maybe he wouldn't have to picture it, since perhaps they would all spend the next holiday together.
Later, Victoria groaned that the waiting seemed like hours. Cole assured her that Nikki was a fighter and a survivor, and she would use her instincts to protect herself and Claire.
In the car, Victor surmised that the police would reach the address long before he and Nick did. Nick inquired whether Victor thought Claire was innocent in all of it. Victor replied that he wouldn't put anything past her. Nick sourly stated that Claire had known she was a Newman, yet it hadn't stopped her from pumping vodka into her grandmother's veins. Victor promised that Nikki would put up a "hell of a fight," but he warned that they didn't know what they'd find at the cabin. He vowed that there would be "hell to pay" if Nikki was hurt in any way.
Nikki drunkenly stumbled into a seemingly abandoned cabin. She closed the door behind her and called out for Jordan, who emerged with a gun. "Hello, Nikki. So glad you could make it," Jordan ominously greeted. Jordan peered out a dirty window and inquired whether Nikki had experienced any trouble finding the place. Nikki indicated that she'd done just as Jordan had instructed, ditching her car, hiking back up to the road, and taking a ride there in the car Jordan had hired. Nikki added that she'd been alone the whole time, and no one had followed her.
Jordan taunted that Nikki was a pathetic, sloppy drunk who'd lost her touch, since the gossip reports had once stated that Nikki had hidden it well. Jordan victoriously questioned how many years of Nikki's sobriety she'd destroyed. Nikki ordered Jordan to shut up and take her to Claire. Jordan voiced surprise that Nikki cared enough about her granddaughter to be there after what Claire had done to the Newmans. Nikki asserted that Claire had just been a victim of Jordan's sick obsession, and Claire shouldn't have to suffer because of Jordan's insanity.
Jordan imagined Nikki loved telling her she was deranged or some sort of psychopath, yet Nikki was the one falling-down drunk and running all over the countryside, looking for a girl she barely knew who'd poisoned Nikki's family. Nikki recalled that Claire had administered the antidote, turned herself in, and confessed. Jordan pointed out that Nikki hadn't provided one rational reason why she'd shown up alone and unarmed. Nikki declared that she was doing it for her daughter because she would do anything for her children. "Even die for them?" Jordan asked.
Jordan sarcastically found it touching how the Newmans all cared for one another -- at least the ones they acknowledged, unlike Claire, who'd been dismissed as if she'd never existed. Nikki chortled and blasted Jordan for not even being able to keep track of her own scam, since Jordan had already admitted she'd stolen Claire and lied to the girl her entire life. Jordan contended that she'd done it to protect Claire from the despicable Newman family. Nikki demanded that her family be kept out of it, but Jordan huffed that she was the one giving orders around there. Nikki wondered if Jordan had talked to Claire the same way, making Claire feel small and chipping away at her confidence.
Jordan realized that Nikki finally believed Claire was her grandchild, and she assumed they'd had a DNA test done. Nikki announced that the test had shown Claire was Cole and Victoria's daughter. Jordan insisted that she wasn't crazy, after all, but Nikki called her crazy as a loon. Nikki imagined Jordan had felt some love for her niece after raising her for 25 years. Nikki implored Jordan to give Claire a chance for a real life, and she pointed out that Jordan had already gotten revenge by turning Nikki back into a pathetic drunk. Nikki urged Jordan to let Claire go.
Jordan mocked Nikki for slurring and begging to make a deal in a drunken state. Jordan wished she'd thought to get it all on camera. Nikki reasoned that it wouldn't change the reality that Eve had been a failure whose life had been a mess. Nikki recalled that Eve had gotten back at her and Victor decades earlier, so Jordan didn't have to avenge her sister anymore. Nikki relayed that Cole had said Jordan and Eve had been estranged, and Jordan blamed Nikki and Victor for that.
Nikki noted that Eve had never even mentioned she'd had a sister. Jordan explained that she and Eve had had a falling-out because Jordan had told her not to get involved with a narcissistic married man, but Eve hadn't listened. Jordan speculated that Eve would still be alive if she hadn't been besotted with Victor. Nikki shared that her sister Casey had practically raised her, but Jordan warned Nikki against trying to bond with her over their sisters.
Nikki figured that the past was the past, and Jordan couldn't right any wrongs or get Eve back. Nikki cautioned that Jordan would be caught, convicted, and sent to prison to die alone if she didn't end it then. "Except watching you die will be reward enough," Jordan hissed, envisioning the Newmans grieving over Nikki's death. Jordan reminded Nikki that it was a trade -- Claire's life for Nikki's.
Nikki complained that she needed a drink, and Jordan set down a bottle of vodka in front of her. Jordan promised there was no poison or drugs in it, since there were more gratifying ways for Nikki to die. Jordan considered herself magnanimous for honoring Nikki's last request by allowing her to drink up. Nikki opened the cap and sniffed the contents before taking a drink straight from the bottle. Jordan taunted about how it tasted so good that it hurt, and she called Nikki pitiful. Nikki questioned whether Claire was even there or if it was all just a setup.
Jordan anticipated putting her niece's loyalty to the ultimate test, and she explained that Claire needed to be there to witness the grand finale of all her years of hard work. Jordan praised that it hadn't been easy to pave the way into the Newmans' inner sanctum; however, Claire had risen to the occasion, and Jordan expected Claire to do so again. Nikki inquired whether Claire had gone there willingly. Jordan snapped for Nikki to shut up, but Nikki yelled for Claire. Jordan invited Nikki to have another drink, and she stepped out. Moments later, Jordan returned with an unconscious Claire in a wheelchair.
Jordan insisted that Claire was fine and just sedated. Jordan chuckled at what a pair a hammered Nikki and a sedated Claire made. Jordan encouraged Nikki to savor her last drink, since it was time for things to end. Jordan pointed her gun at Nikki, who drank until she finished the bottle and set it on the table. Claire moaned as she stirred, and Jordan crouched down next to her. Nikki grabbed the bottle and bashed Jordan over the head with it.
Nikki attempted to get Claire to stand so they could get out of there, but Claire weakly replied that she couldn't feel her legs. Nikki instructed Claire to put her arms around Nikki, and Nikki would help. Jordan shrieked as she lunged at Nikki, and they tussled on the floor. Jordan growled that Nikki couldn't do anything right, since Nikki couldn't even die the way she was supposed to. Jordan admonished Nikki for always trying to be the hero and making everything about herself.
Nikki grasped a glass ashtray that had fallen to the floor and clobbered Jordan in the head again. Nikki managed to break free, but Jordan chased after her and pinned her up against the wall. "Let her go!" Claire suddenly bellowed, and the women looked over to find Claire holding the gun. Jordan warned that Claire had better choose wisely about which one of them she was going to save because it would change Claire's life forever. Claire commanded Jordan to get away from Nikki.
Jordan let go of Nikki and ordered Claire to put the gun down, noting that Claire had been sedated and wasn't thinking clearly. Jordan lectured that Claire had let the Newmans mess with her mind, but Jordan wasn't her enemy. "Yes, she is, Claire!" Nikki cried, adding that Jordan didn't "give a damn" about Claire. Jordan stressed that she and Claire were family, and she'd been with Claire since Claire had been a baby. Claire ranted that Jordan had abandoned her at the lake house, saving herself while leaving Claire for the police. Jordan swore that she'd never abandon Claire.
Jordan claimed that she'd hidden in the house so she could get Claire out of the psychiatric unit where the Newmans had left her. Jordan urged Claire to point the gun at Nikki, since Nikki was nothing to Claire and never would be. Claire protested that Jordan didn't know that, but Jordan snarled that Claire was in for a bitter disappointment if she expected the Newmans to make her part of their lives. Nikki contended that Jordan had lied to Claire her entire life, and Jordan would say anything to get Claire to doubt herself.
Jordan raged that Nikki and Victor had ruined Eve, and if the Newmans had their way, they'd keep Claire locked up in a padded room for who knew how long. Jordan implored Claire to put down the gun so they could walk away together. Nikki recounted that Victoria had been devastated when she'd been told her baby had died, but Jordan snapped that Claire owed "those people" nothing after they'd thrown her away. Claire wailed that it was a lie, since Jordan had stolen her, and the Newmans would have loved Claire.
Jordan questioned whether the Newmans had told Claire they loved her. Nikki reasoned that it would take time to undo the evil Jordan had done, but the love would be there. Claire sobbed that her family would have loved her and raised her, and she would have been a good, smart girl with friends and people who cared about her -- not the hate and distrust she'd had with Jordan. Claire accused her aunt of wanting her to be just like Jordan, and she tearfully declared that Jordan didn't deserve to live.
Nikki advised Claire to let her aunt face the consequences the right way and not throw her life away for Jordan. There were police sirens in the distance, and Jordan accused Nikki of tricking them instead of being there to save Claire. Nikki revealed that her plan had been to make sure Claire was safe and then watch Jordan go to prison. Claire spat that prison was too good for Jordan, and she expected Jordan to plead insanity and later escape from the hospital. Claire refused to let Jordan hurt anyone else ever again.
Jordan dared Claire to pull the trigger -- unless Claire didn't have the courage. Claire hesitated, and Jordan compared it to how weak Claire had been when she'd helped the Newmans escape. Nikki hurled herself into Jordan, who crashed into a bookshelf and fell to the floor, unconscious. Nikki pleaded with Claire to give her the gun, noting the police were on their way. Nikki soothed that Jordan would never control Claire again, and Claire's hands went limp. Nikki set aside the gun and pulled a sobbing Claire into her arms.
Later, the police led Jordan away in handcuffs. Jordan turned to glare at Claire from the doorway. "You broke my heart," Jordan spat. "You broke my entire life," Claire shot back. Nikki ordered the cops to get Jordan out of their sight.
Nikki fetched Claire some water to help flush out whatever drugs were in her system. Victor raced in, and he and Nikki embraced. Nick followed, and Victor stared wordlessly at Claire. Nikki apologized for worrying them, and she said she'd explain later because she wanted to go home.
Victor asked if Claire was okay, and she nodded. Nick coolly inquired whether they were taking Claire with them. "We most certainly are," Nikki proclaimed, adding that she might not be there if it hadn't been for Claire. Victor remarked that they owed Claire a debt of gratitude. Claire wondered what would happen to Jordan. Nikki responded that she didn't know, but she promised that she, Victoria, and Cole would never let Jordan hurt Claire again. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for everything," Claire blurted out as Nikki consoled her.

Tucker tells Phyllis it is time to kiss Genoa City goodbye
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
by Nel
In the Athletic Club dining room, Danny asked if everything was okay with Phyllis. Phyllis said it wasn't, and she needed to speak with Danny alone and in private.
At Crimson Lights, Christine told Lauren and Michael she was bouncing back from her breakup with Paul with the help of a dear friend. She admitted that she and Danny had been spending time together. Michael said he was glad to see Christine smiling after everything she'd been through.
Daniel wandered in. Lauren asked how he'd enjoyed Christmas in his new home and said he must be thrilled to have Lucy with him. Daniel admitted it had been the best Christmas, and he loved having Lucy with him. Christine suggested they call Danny and invite him to join them. Daniel said Danny was with Phyllis because she'd wanted a private conversation with him.
Michael asked Daniel if they should be worried because there had been times when Phyllis had had an ulterior motive. Daniel confessed that Phyllis might be trying to rekindle her feelings for Danny. He said it felt like Phyllis was turning it into a weird competition between her and Christine.
Daniel told Lauren that Phyllis hadn't been interested in Danny for as long as he could remember. Lauren admitted that Phyllis had always had a soft spot for Danny, but the timing was suspect. Christine said Phyllis would do anything to undercut Christine's happiness. She stated Phyllis was making a move on Danny as they spoke.
Michael and Lauren were conflicted because Christine and Phyllis were their dear friends, and they both deserved to be happy, since they'd both had so much heartache recently. Michael said Phyllis was an exciting and beautiful free spirit, and he wouldn't be surprised if Danny felt a pull toward her. Daniel said Danny knew it would be a mistake of epic proportions, and it would end poorly for him. Daniel asked Michael and Lauren to talk Phyllis out of it. Daniel left.
At the Abbott home, Diane read an article to Kyle from her tablet: "Tucker McCall has been caught red-handed, knee-deep in a shameful cover-up of exploitations."
Kyle read an item to Diane from his phone: "Although this incident may have happened years ago, there is no statute of limitations on deplorable behavior. Wrong is wrong forever, especially when it comes to the statutory rape of minors." Kyle said it was time to tick Tucker off for good. Diane asked what would happen if their plan wasn't strong enough to stop Tucker for good.
Kyle told Diane the plan was in play, and Jack was on board. Diane said Tucker never surrendered, and they needed to be ready when he attacked again. Kyle said they had Tucker on the ropes, and they needed to tread carefully. Diane said she was sure they'd already crushed any chance that his French perfume company would launch successfully because of how badly Tucker had managed McCall Unlimited. Diane gloated that the Glissade board would lose complete faith in Tucker.
Kyle told Diane that Tucker wouldn't let some board of directors put him down for good. He said Tucker would try to find investors or fund the company with his own money if he had to. Diane said that was why they had to give Tucker one of their supposedly stolen Jabot products to launch. Kyle said he didn't believe Tucker could come back from the complete destruction of his credibility. Diane stated they could crush Tucker's business, but he would still continue to go after them; when that happened, they needed to keep fighting. Kyle assured her they would take Tucker down hard. Kyle left.
Ashley entered, and Diane asked if she'd seen the headlines about Tucker. Ashley said she had and added that she hadn't heard from Tucker since he'd confronted her and Jack. Ashley asked how effective the press release had been. Diane said the story was very damaging and shameful. She claimed Tucker couldn't survive it. Ashley told Diane that Tucker might become so angry that he would strike back even harder. Diane stated that Jack and Kyle were ready to do battle. She asked if Ashley had any regrets over the situation, and if she had to do it all over again, whether she would do anything differently.
Ashley said she and Diane had done a good job being civil to one another, but she wouldn't be confiding anything to Diane. Diane said she and Jack had a lot of battle scars from the past, but what they had was very precious. She admitted it would break her if she lost it. Ashley claimed that was where they differed; she wasn't weak or vulnerable like Diane. She said she only cared that they'd beaten Tucker at his own game. She said he wouldn't be coming after Jabot anymore, and she would be rid of him. Ashley left.
Tucker arrived at Chancellor-Winters. He told Devon he wanted to discuss the scandal and the cover-up at McCall. He said it had been blown out of proportion. He said that what the guy had done had been horrifying, but in the end, the musician hadn't gotten away with it because he'd been arrested and was serving time.
Devon asked Tucker about his team knowing about it yet allowing him to continue his tour prior to his arrest. Devon asked Tucker how many of the hundreds of girls who'd thrown themselves at that guy had been underage. Tucker stated he didn't condone his team's decision or their actions, but Devon pointed out that Tucker hadn't exposed his team, either. Tucker admitted he hadn't, but he acknowledged his serious lapse in judgment and guaranteed that nothing like that would ever happen again.
Devon said Tucker couldn't guarantee that. Devon said the more he learned about the cover-up, the more he regretted allowing Tucker time with Dominic at Christmas. Tucker said he was an entirely different person in his personal life than he was in his corporate life. He said Dominic and Devon were family, and he loved them. He said something that had happened years earlier didn't change that, but Devon claimed things could change very quickly.
Devon told Tucker that family was about trust, and Tucker had proven he couldn't be trusted. He insisted that Tucker wouldn't be able to negotiate his way out of it. Tucker asked if Devon was going to shut him out because of a mistake he'd made years before. Devon clarified it wasn't just about one thing Tucker had done. He said Tucker lied constantly, and he'd always tried to make people believe he was a changed man when he was the same self-serving person he'd always been.
Shouting, Tucker told Devon all he'd done since his return to town had been to try to prove he wasn't that same self-serving person he'd been. Devon broke it down for Tucker. He said Tucker had tried to take over Chancellor-Winters, then Jabot; when that had fallen through, he'd rushed into a marriage with Ashley that hadn't lasted past the honeymoon, he'd threatened the Abbotts, and he'd lied to Devon about Mamie. Tucker claimed Devon had grossly misinterpreted his intentions, but Devon stated that Tucker had grossly misinterpreted Devon's intelligence because he believed Devon would buy whatever Tucker was selling.
Devon said it was exhausting trying to figure out what Tucker would do next. Devon said going forward, they wouldn't have any further contact. Tucker said he realized Devon was angry, and he hoped they could talk once Devon cooled down. Devon said no because he would always feel that way, just like Tucker would always be the person he was, and Devon was beyond trying to believe that Tucker wasn't. Tucker left.
In her suite, Audra listened to a podcast on her computer. Clarence said he would be talking about Tucker McCall, of "the now defunct McCall Unlimited," and how their hot rising star had been using his concert tour to have sex with underage girls. He said the worst part was that McCall Unlimited had known all about it, and they'd decided to keep it quiet until after they'd made grand theft dough off a child molester. He said some of the victims wanted a class action suit, but he asked who they would sue, since Tucker McCall hadn't been the only cover-up culprit. Audra was mortified.
When Kyle arrived, Audra tried to slam the door in his face, but Kyle said they needed to talk. Audra cried that her life was hanging in the balance because she had no idea what the fallout meant for her. She said the internet trolls were focused on Tucker, but she'd received a link to a gossip blog that had insinuated that when all the facts were exposed, more heads would roll. She said the emails were behind the story; eventually, some reporter would do some digging, and she would be exposed and forever connected to that nightmare.
Kyle reminded Audra that he'd warned her not to hitch her wagon so close to Tucker's. She asked why he hadn't warned her that his family was about to blow up her entire life. He replied that he hadn't known Jack was about to play that card. She claimed Jack wouldn't keep Kyle in the dark unless Jack knew Kyle had been colluding with her and Tucker. Kyle replied that Jack didn't know about that. He said Jack and Billy had planned that privately, and they'd left him out in the cold. She doubted that Jack would leave Kyle out completely.
Kyle told Audra it was another sign that Jack didn't think he was worthy to be let in on the upper-level corporate strategy at Jabot. He said that was why he was sticking with her and Tucker. He asked if Tucker had a plan. Audra claimed Kyle wasn't there because he was concerned about her but rather to pump her for more information. She accused him of gaslighting her. She told him to leave.
Kyle told Audra that Jack had clued him in, but he hadn't told her because Tucker might have tried to stop it or gone to Jack and exposed that he and Audra were working together. He said their plan would have been blown. Audra accused Kyle of stringing her along so she would reveal Tucker's plans. Kyle accused her of having an agenda of her own. He said she'd been seducing him into revealing all of Jabot's secrets. He said they'd been using each other.
Kyle told Audra that if he'd gotten in the way of her precious plan, she would have thrown him under the bus. She claimed Kyle would have allowed his family to trash her reputation. She claimed they were both looking out for number one. He smiled and said someone finally got one over on her. He said Tucker wasn't the only one she could consider her equal any longer, since they both wanted the same thing. He said she'd noticed he had a lot more to offer, and if she was smart, she would stick with him, especially if things weren't over yet. There was a knock on the door. Tucker was at the door.
Kyle asked Audra if she was going to rat him out or if she would play both sides of the war so they would both come out on top, no matter which way things went. Audra let Tucker in. Tucker sarcastically addressed Kyle as their man on the inside who would have warned them if he'd known some damaging information was about to be released. Kyle stated he'd had no idea that Jack had planned to make that play. He said he was pissed that his family had made the move without telling him.
Kyle told Tucker that his plan to get the co-CEO seat might have gone up in smoke, so instead of wasting time, he asked if they could talk about a counterattack. He said he had Jabot's new fragrance for the 2025 launch, and he'd come through for Tucker. Tucker said he hadn't decided what he was going to do yet. He said the fallout might not be as bad as Jack had hoped, but he asked Kyle to send him the information on that fragrance. Kyle suggested that Tucker decide what he wanted to do, then Kyle would decide whether he still wanted to share what Tucker wanted. Kyle left Tucker stunned. Audra asked if Tucker was ready to fight or if he would keep stalling. She asked if Jack and Ashley would end up on the winning side.
In Daniel's apartment, Phyllis removed her shoes. Danny asked Phyllis to tell him what was on her mind. Phyllis kissed him passionately.
Danny asked what Phyllis was doing. Phyllis replied that she was doing what he'd wanted her to do. She said there was something different and unexpected between them -- it was like all their history had melted away, and it was just them. Danny admitted there was a change in their dynamic, but it was because they were getting along, as parents and as friends. He said he understood how it would seem like something more because of their complicated and sometimes ugly past. Phyllis asked if he was claiming it was just friendship.
Danny told Phyllis they couldn't simply erase their rough history. Phyllis claimed all that history had melted away, and it was just them. Danny said he saw that Phyllis had changed. Phyllis claimed Danny had helped her do that, he and his music inspired her, and she loved the way he looked at her.
Danny told Phyllis that wasn't where he was at, and whatever was going on between them wouldn't end up the way she was hoping. She said there was something between them, and Danny knew it. She said she knew he wanted it, and she asked what he had to lose. She kissed him again, and Danny responded to the kiss.
Danny suddenly broke away. He told Phyllis that he and Christine had a definite connection. Phyllis claimed it would never work because Christine was ice cold. She said Danny would wind up going back and forth, trying to rekindle some old romance and fix problems they'd had previously, and that wouldn't work.
Phyllis told Danny that with her, it was new and exciting, but she wouldn't get into a competition with Christine. Danny told her they had to forget the kisses had happened. He said he was proud of Phyllis. Phyllis agreed to forget about the kisses. There was a knock at the door, Phyllis threw her arms around Danny's neck, and she whispered that he didn't know what he was missing. Danny opened the door for Christine.
Phyllis greeted Christine while she was putting on her shoes. Christine asked what Phyllis was doing there. Phyllis claimed she'd had a chat with Danny about old times. Danny admitted they'd had a much-needed talk, and he hoped it had cleared things up for Phyllis. Phyllis smiled and said it had, and in a sexy voice, she said she hoped it had cleared things up for him.
After Phyllis left, Christine asked why Phyllis had seemed so pleased with herself. Danny claimed that had been Phyllis trying to save face. Danny admitted that Phyllis had wanted to pursue a relationship. Christine said Phyllis was making a move on Danny to undermine Christine. She said it was always a competition with Phyllis, and she always had to one-up her enemies because she couldn't stand anyone being happy, especially Christine.
Christine asked Danny if there was a possibility that he wanted to pursue a relationship with Phyllis again. Danny claimed there was too much bad history to ever fall into that trap again. Christine reminded him they also had history. Danny claimed theirs hadn't been all bad. Danny stated that Phyllis wasn't an issue. He asked Christine not to make it one. He said he and Christine were on an amazing track, and he didn't want it to get messed up, because that was exactly what Phyllis wanted. They kissed passionately.
Phyllis entered the jazz lounge, and she joined Tucker at the bar. Tucker commented that it had to mean something if they kept running into each other. Phyllis claimed it meant the town wasn't big enough for both of them. Tucker admitted that Genoa City had become too suffocating for him, and it was time to kiss it goodbye. When Ashley arrived, she stopped and stared at Tucker's back.

As the New Year approached, Lauren and Michael renewed their vows
Thursday, December 28, 2023
by Nel
Society was decorated with flowers. Kevin, Chloe, and Gloria were putting the finishing touches on the decorations for Michael and Lauren' vow renewal ceremony.
At Daniel's, Christine and Danny kissed passionately. Danny and Christine both said how incredibly happy they were to be spending New Year's Eve together. Christine thanked Danny for helping her get to a really good place. She confessed that she hadn't been able to see past the sadness of her marriage ending, and she had never expected to reconnect with Danny. She said he'd given her a sense of peace and hope she'd never thought she would have again, and things felt right for the first time in a long time.
Danny cupped Christine's face and said they'd come a long way, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held. They kissed again and didn't hear Daniel come in. With a cheeky grin, Daniel offered to give them some space. Danny said he and Christine were on their way to dinner, but they'd gotten a little sidetracked. They invited Daniel to join them, but he claimed he had big plans for the evening: a video chat with Lily, enjoying some romcom, and completely pigging out on junk food. Daniel was over the moon when Heather and Lucy arrived for romcom and junk food.
After Daniel, Heather, and Lucy had watched one movie, Lucy suggested they watch another. Heather said Daniel always fell asleep before the first movie was over. Daniel denied it and said he was going to pick the second movie, and he added that they had some ringing in to do later. He said they would watch his favorite Christmas movie, Die Hard. Heather protested that it wasn't a Christmas movie, but Lucy agreed with Daniel.
Lucy asked Daniel about Lily. Daniel said Mattie had been through a lot of trauma after losing her mentor. He said she would be withdrawing from school for the rest of the semester, and Lily would be staying with Mattie. He said Lily hoped to get professional help for Mattie, and she wouldn't leave Mattie until then. Daniel said he was going to move his schedule around so he could spend the following weekend with them and maybe stay a little longer. Heather didn't look happy.
When the movie Die Hard was over, Heather saw that Lucy and Danny had fallen asleep. She made herself comfortable on Daniel's chest and fell asleep. Lucy woke up and saw Heather asleep in Daniel's arms. She smiled, covered them with a blanket, took a photo of them, and went to bed. A short time later, Daniel and Heather woke up, and Heather kissed Daniel.
In the jazz lounge, Tucker told Phyllis that Genoa City was becoming too suffocating for him, and it might be time to kiss it goodbye. Ashley approached and said when things became difficult, Tucker ran. Ashley asked about Dominic, who loved Tucker. Tucker said it was hard to stay in a place where he was disliked by everyone. Ashley asked to speak to Tucker alone. Phyllis wished them a happy New Year, and she left.
Ashley said she didn't care what Tucker did or where he went, but Devon and Dominic might. Tucker claimed Ashley had blown up any relationship he'd had with Devon the minute she'd decided to destroy his reputation. Ashley asked if Tucker ever took responsibility for the things he did, because he'd brought that on himself. She said he'd left her no choice, since he had Jabot in his crosshairs, but she maintained there was hope for him, Devon, and Dominic.
Tucker said Ashley talked a big game about being concerned about his relationship with Devon, but she'd dropped a bomb that had destroyed his relationship with Devon. He asked why she thought she could talk him into staying in that "damn town." Ashley stated that nothing he did had anything to do with her.
Ashley told Tucker she understood Devon wanted nothing to do with him, but he needed to fight for the people he loved -- unless being a father and grandfather meant nothing to him. Tucker shouted that being a father and grandfather meant everything to him, but Ashley had taken a match to that right after breaking his heart. Seeing his anger, Ashley asked if he was going to smash another glass or toss another chair like he had in Paris. She said when he'd stormed out of that restaurant in Paris, she'd sworn she would never let him frighten her like that again.
Tucker said he would never want Ashley to be frightened. Ashley claimed he'd been fine with it in Paris. He said he'd never been violent with her. She asked if throwing a chair and smashing a wine glass in a restaurant wasn't violent. Tucker asked what she was talking about. He admitted he'd made a scene and tipped over a wine glass accidentally, and he might have pushed aside a chair as he'd left. Ashley was gobsmacked.
Tucker asked if it was another one of Ashley's games, spreading lies that he was violent. Ashley maintained that everything she'd said about him was true, and he was pissed off because he couldn't put his spin on it the way he always did. Tucker stated they were done and told her to run along to the family that meant "so damn much" to her. As Tucker walked away, he heard Ashley ask if he was accusing her of being delusional.
At the Athletic Club, Lauren asked Michael why they hadn't thought of renewing their vows on New Year's Eve before. He said he couldn't think of a more perfect way to ring in the New Year. They kissed. Michael toasted Lauren by saying she dazzled him more with every passing year. They saw Phyllis arrive. Lauren reminded Michael that Daniel had wanted them to talk to Phyllis. Michael invited Phyllis to join them.
Lauren asked if Phyllis was ready to ring in the New Year, but Phyllis replied she wasn't doing the New Year thing. She said she was going to go to sleep, and when she woke up, she hoped 2024 was going to be a better year than 2023 had been for her. Michael acknowledged she'd had a disastrous year, but he insisted that was no reason not to raise a glass to better days ahead.
Phyllis told Michael and Lauren that she would continue her efforts to change for the better, but sometimes the universe just kicked her in the teeth. Michael said Daniel had mentioned that he'd spoken to Danny, and they were concerned. Phyllis told them they needed to be concerned about Danny. Michael guessed her mood indicated the talk with Danny hadn't turned out well.
Phyllis asked Michael why Danny couldn't see that Christine wasn't right for him. She said it was embarrassing how Christine had knocked on Danny's door and looked at him with those puppy dog eyes; she said it was truly pathetic. Lauren asked if Phyllis wanted Danny for herself. Phyllis claimed that she and Danny were just co-parents and friends. Michael asked if Phyllis was falling into that awful habit of being competitive with Christine. Annoyed, Phyllis claimed she wasn't competitive with Christine, and she asked why people always thought "big bad Phyllis" was after "scrawny Christine."
Phyllis told Michael that perhaps Danny was experiencing those feelings only because they were familiar. She said Christine had jumped from one not-even-done marriage to an ex. Michael said that if the flame still burned, there could be some real emotion between Danny and Christine. Phyllis adamantly claimed that there was no flame or any real emotion, only familiarity -- nothing romantic, and nothing like what Danny could have.
Lauren asked why Phyllis was pursuing it. Phyllis claimed the only relationship she would pursue was with the father of her child. She claimed she and Danny had become quite close. She said he'd been loving and supportive, and he'd given her a boost. She claimed she was merely returning a favor. Michael, glancing toward the bar, asked if she was saving Danny from himself. Phyllis turned and saw Danny and Christine. Phyllis said, "Or something much worse."
At the bar, Danny suggested that he and Christine go somewhere else, but Christine refused. Danny and Christine approached the Baldwins' table and wished everyone a happy New Year. Lauren said she admired Christine's bracelet. Christine said it was a Christmas present from Danny. She said Danny had gotten her a similar one on their honeymoon, but she'd lost it; Danny had remembered how much she'd loved it and he'd gotten her the new one. Christine asked if Michael and Lauren had any special plans to ring in the New Year.
Lauren told Christine that she and Michael were going to renew their vows at the stroke of midnight. Christine commented that that was a fantastic idea. Phyllis said they hadn't mentioned it. Lauren said the conversation had been all about Phyllis, but they wanted her to join them. Phyllis said she would like to, but she had a date. Christine asked with whom. Phyllis saw Tucker and said he was her date. Everyone was flabbergasted.
Phyllis called to Tucker, and he joined the group. Phyllis asked if they were still on for later. It took Tucker a split second to catch on, but he said that nothing had changed on his end. He asked if he was picking her up, but Phyllis replied that she would come to him. Tucker said he was really looking forward to it. He kissed her, and he left.
Danny and Christine left to get a drink. Lauren asked what was wrong with Phyllis. Michael asked Phyllis if she was going to spend New Year's Eve with "that lowlife" instead of attending her best friends' vow renewal. Lauren asked if Phyllis had orchestrated that whole scene to make Danny jealous.
Phyllis told Lauren it was real. She said Tucker had a business proposal, and she was going to hear him out. Lauren told her to do that during business hours. Michael suggested she tell Tucker there wasn't "a chance in hell" she would ever work with him. Phyllis admitted Michael was right. Phyllis said she would try to make it to their vow renewal. Michael and Lauren got up to leave, and Michael told Phyllis they expected to see her at the vow renewal.
Ashley walked into her home and called out to Jack and Traci, but no one responded. While pouring a drink, she received a text message from Jack: "Just arrived at the jazz lounge to ring in the new year if you want to join." She suddenly had a flashback to the night in Paris when she and Tucker had argued. Tucker downed his wine, threw his glass on the table, where it shattered, and said, "Goodbye, Ashley," as he forcefully pushed his chair over and screamed for her to "go to hell." He left.
At the Athletic Club, Phyllis sat at the bar, and she sent Tucker a text message: "Thanks for playing along. No obligation attached."
In his suite, Tucker poured himself a drink, and he recalled the night of his argument with Ashley in Paris. He finished his wine, and he accidentally knocked his glass over. He calmly said, "Goodbye, Ashley," moved a chair out of his way, told Ashley to "go to hell," and left.
Tucker received Phyllis' text message, and he replied, "We can still have that drink if you want."
Michael and Lauren entered Society, and they commented that everything was gorgeous. Gloria said she was very happy for both of them. She asked who would have thought they would have lasted that long. She said Michael was lucky to have Lauren. Michael agreed, and he kissed Lauren. Kevin said it was time for some bubbly. He said the bottle he was holding had arrived from Scotty. Lauren said Fenn and Trey couldn't be there, but they sent their love.
Kevin said he was off to find some music, Gloria said she would help, and Chloe went to get the bride's bouquet. Michael asked if Lauren was ready, and she replied that she was.
The officiant began by stating that Lauren and Michael were there to reaffirm their commitment to each other.
Lauren said the last time they'd stood there, she'd said she loved him "today...tomorrow, and forever." She said they'd made those vows without knowing what the future held, but they'd known they had each other. She said back then, he'd been something of a bad boy, but she'd known he had a magnificent heart that beat for everyone he loved. She said she'd watched him put everything on the line for his family, his friends, and her. She admired his strength and his capacity for forgiveness. She said there had been days she hadn't thought they would have the happily ever after they'd promised each other, but they had. She said he'd never given up, and he'd hadn't let her give up.
Lauren said honesty was impossible, trust was hard, and love wasn't a magic wand, but it was the miracle that made honesty possible and trust a reality. She said Michael had taught her that. She said they'd loved and they'd lost, they'd cried and laughed until their sides ached, they'd tangoed, and they'd raised two extraordinary sons. She asked if Michael remembered when she'd told him she was pregnant with Fenn; he'd been worried that he wouldn't be a good father. She said he'd been exactly what Fenn had needed, and they had both loved him "so much." "You are the love of my life, and happily ever after starts every morning that I get to wake up with you. So, I will tell you again, I love you today. I love you tomorrow and forever," Lauren vowed.
Michael claimed that was a hard act to follow, but he would follow Lauren anywhere. He said he'd once told her that he hadn't had as much faith in goodness as Lauren had. He still doubted a great deal of what went on in the universe, the goodness of it, but one thing he'd never doubted was their love for each other "Even on our darkest days, there was always love. We tested the hell out of it, but it just made us stronger. It made me love you more. I am in awe of your honesty and your courage and your ability to see hope on every horizon," Michael said. He said it was because of Lauren and her faith in them that they were standing there in that moment, because she'd taken a chance on a man who was too much at war with the world, and she'd shown him the kind of love he'd never thought he would have or deserve. She'd given him a family, a safe space, laughter, all the joy of her -- of them -- and it lit up every day of his life.
Phyllis arrived during Michael's vows.
The officiant said the rings were a symbol of their recommitment to their vows and their love. As Michael and Lauren kissed, Kevin looked at his watch and realized that the New Year was fast approaching. He started the countdown at ten, and everyone else joined in with just a few seconds to go. The wedding guests threw confetti into the air, and it rained down on the newly remarried couple.

2003 FLASHBACK: Kevin, in a rage, sets Gina's Place on fire
Friday, December 29, 2023
by Soap Central
Due to the extended New Year's holiday, The Young and the Restless opted to rebroadcast a classic episode instead of a new episode.
The episode, which originally aired October 13, 2003, was a hot one -- literally. Victor received a painful reminder of his past, Nikki and Sharon fought for the spotlight, and Kevin set fire to Gina Roma's restaurant after locking Colleen Carlton inside a walk-in freezer. You can read a full recap of the episode here.
Regular Y&R programming resumed on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, and picked up where the Thursday, December 28, 2023, episode concluded.

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